Events Details under FFP
1 IARIBio-fertilizers Application for Improved Soil and Crop Health• Participatory technology application of Azotobactor in wheat and Rhizobium culture in moong • Establishment of Azolla unit for culturing Azolla for regular use by farmers. • Provide plant nutrients at very low cost. • Biological Nitrogen made available to plants. • Replace chemical nitrogen and phosphorus by 25%. • Solubilise phosphate and sulphate and increase uptake efficiency of plants. • Enhance plant growth by release of vitamins, auxins and harmones. • 10-30% crop yield increases with their use. • Improve physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. • Have no harmful effect on soil fertility and plant growth. • Required in small quantity. • Provide residual effects for subsequent crops. • Hasten seed germination, flowering and maturity in crops. • Pollution free and eco-friendly. • Helps in recycling/decomposition of organic waste. • Provide protection against drought and some soil borne diseasesFarmerHaryana, Palwal, Amarpur400
2 IARIValue Addition of Fruits & Vegetables• Emphasizing importance of fruits & vegetables in diet • Processing of seasonal fruits & vegetables • Participatory technology application of post-harvest and processing technology • Nutritional security and capacity building of Women Farmers’FarmerHaryana, Palwal, Katesra070
3 IARIValue Addition to Lemon and Products (Squash, Juice, Pickles and Chutney)• Participatory technology application of food processing using lemon. • To generate awareness among women about nutritive value of citrus fruits. • To impart skill among farm women in preparation of value added products of lemon.Farm WomenHaryana, Palwal, Katesra035
4 IARIDrudgery reduction through Agricultural Implements• Demonstration on Safety-device for chaff cutter to prevent occupational health hazards • To reduce drudgery of farm women with assessment and demonstration of ergonomically sound agricultural equipments • Creating awareness through mass Campaign on drudgery reduction and Stubble burning for increasing efficiency of human health and environmentFarm WomenHaryana, Palwal, Katesra3020
5 IARIFeeding management and dosing of dairy animals to improve productivity and fertility under field condition• Economic ration formulation with green fodder, dry fodder and compound feed for dairy animals • Supplementation of mineral mixture @2% and salt @1% in compound feed to fulfil requirement, improve productivity and for prevention of metabolic diseases • Feeding management and handling of lactating animals for clean milk production • Sensitization -cum-awareness camp about mineral mixture supplementation to dairy animals for improving productivity and post partum fertility • To make them aware on negative impact of parasitism, prevention and control of parasitic infestation under field condition.FarmerHaryana, Palwal, Dadhota1500
6 IARIMobilization of Small Farmer’s for Group Actions• To motivate farmers to farm farmer clubs so that they get organised and benefit from collective strength. • Farmers need to be organised as they are not organised to reap benefits of government schemes. NABARD has been specially assigned the task of forming farmer clubs leading to farmer club clusters and farmer producer organisations. • Farmers get exploited at two ends: first while buying retail inputs for farming as they buy at higher prices fixed by sellers; while selling wholesale their agricultural produce at lower prices fixed by the buyers the wholesale merchants. This can be corrected through farmer's organisations. • Training farmers through simulation exercises was done to stimulate their interest in organising themselves. Their personal strengths were identified and their achievement motivation was enhanced. Farmers showed interest in coming together and in forming farmer clubs.FarmerHaryana, Palwal, Dadhota500
7 IARIImportant cultural operations carry out during winter season in fruit crops• To provide training to the farmers about technical aspects grape growing and diversification in horticultureFarmerHaryana, Palwal, Amarpur500
8 IARISuccessful cultivation of Papaya• To introduce Papaya cultivation as an income generating enterprise among farmers • To train and provide nursery saplings to farmers for Papaya cultivation FarmerHaryana, Palwal, Katesra500
9 IARIField DayThe field day at paddy seed production plot was organised to demonstrate paddy seed production as a viable and profitable enterprise to young farmers.FarmerDadhota, Palwal, Haryana200
10 IARIPusa Krishi Vigyan Mela 2019Objectives: The objectives of Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela are: 1. To show case latest farm innovations developed by agricultural scientists of IARI through Exhibition and field demonstrations. 2. To organise KrishiVichar Goshthi for farmers so that their questions are amounted by agriculture scientists and specialists.FarmerIARI, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-121500
11 IARIFinalizing data for carrying out impact assessment of FFP projectsTo explore my dada collection, data analysis and data interpretation skill OthersICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal (Haryana)1280
12 IARIField Day (Paddy)To demonstrate latest improved agriculture technologies to farmers for enhancing productivity and profits. FarmerKatesra Village of Palwal district (Haryana) 250
13 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteCrop health camp Today FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organised crop health camp at Naglan roran FFP adopted village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-IIWBR and ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures and visit the farmer's wheat crop field. major activities: 1. Lectures on crop protection 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (anionic mineral mixture and dewormers) 3. Visit of wheat varieties DBW-222, HI-1620 and HD-3237 demonstration at farmers field FarmerNaglan Roran , Karnal Haryana 480
14 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal health camp Today FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Chand Samand FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s field.FarmerChand Samand Village10050
15 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Garhi Gujran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. FarmerGarhi Gujran392
16 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampFFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organised Animal health camp at Samora FFP adopted village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given various lectures regarding Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animal etc.hilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment, other activities were also included in this health camp.FarmerSamora204
17 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampFFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Kamalpur Roran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities were included in this camp like Lectures on Animal Health Issues, Endo and Ectoparasite control, Estrus Synchronization, Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers), Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment etc.FarmerKamalpur Roran460
18 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampFFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Kamalpur Roran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Thilorissis vaccination of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment etc.FarmerKamalpur Roran90
19 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampFFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Shergarh FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. Scientists from ICAR-IIWBR and ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures and visit the farmer's wheat crop field. major activities were Endo and Ectoparasite control, Distribution of input (anionic mineral mixture and dewormers etc FarmerShergarh352
20 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampFFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organised Animal health camp at Chand Samand FFP adopted village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal have given various lectures regarding Animal related issues like health Management of Animal, breeding, feeding etc. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment, other activities were also included in this health camp. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers).FarmerChand Samand451
21 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Dabkoli Khurd FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment.5. Estrus treatment( given medicines )FarmerDabkoli Khurd5214
22 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Chand Samand FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment.5. Estrus treatment( given medicines )FarmerChand Samand7728
23 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Fruit Plants cropping systemTraining on cum lecture on methods of Fruit Plants Varieties Mango (Amerpali), Guava(A.S),Lemon (K.K) and Papaya Pusa Nanha) was organized to provide Fruit Plants.FarmerKarnal420
24 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Vegetable based cropping systemTraining cum lecture on methods of Vegetable Seedlings of Cucumber (RIYA) and Bottle guard (MAHY-8) in summer season technology was organized to provide Seedlings.FarmerKarnal240
25 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Day at Chand Samand VillageToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Chand Samand FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health.FarmerChand Samand Village18020
26 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteWorld Milk Day World Milk day: Problems and solutions of Gaushalas and Dairy BusinessFarmerNDRI Karnal29555
27 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteWebinar on National Milk DayWebinar on National Milk Day: sustainable development in Dairy Sector:Clean Milk ProductionFarmerNDRI Karnal40050
28 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Helath CampFFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Chand Samand Village FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. Scientists from ICAR-IIWBR and ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures and visit the farmer's wheat crop field. major activities were Endo and Ectoparasite control, Distribution of input (anionic mineral mixture and dewormers etc)FarmerChand Samand430
29 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Samora FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s field.FarmerSamora394
30 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Garhi Gujran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s field.FarmerGarhi Gujran5512
31 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Kamalpur RoranFFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s field.FarmerKamalpur Roran484
32 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Dabkoli Khurd FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s field.FarmerDabkoli Khurd409
33 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Churni Jagir FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s fieldFarmerChurni Jagir485
34 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health & Fertility CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Nagla Roran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers)FarmerNagla Roran446
35 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health & Fertility CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Dabkoli Khurd FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers)FarmerDabkoli Khurd2416
36 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health & Fertility CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Garhi Gujran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers)FarmerGarhi Gujran469
37 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health & Fertility CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Kamalpur Roran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers)FarmerKamalpur Roran3714
38 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health & Fertility CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Chand Samand FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) FarmerChand Samand3311
39 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health & Fertility CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Churni Jagir FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of AnimalsFarmerChurni Jagir303
40 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB-1692) technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB- 1692) technology was organized to provide paddy seeds.FarmerIARI RS, Karnal800
41 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB-1692) technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB- 1692) technology was organized to provide paddy seeds.FarmerIARI RS, Karnal750
42 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB-1692) technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB- 1692) technology was organized to provide paddy seeds.FarmerIARI RS, Karnal450
43 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Mustard (PM-32 & Pusa Tarak) was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Mustard (PM-32 & Pusa Tarak) technology was organized to provide Mustard seeds.FarmerIARI RS, Karnal480
44 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on Green Fodder Intervention (Oats( Kent Variety) Mustard (Chinese cabbage) & Fodder Kits was organizedTraining cum lecture on Green Fodder Intervention (Oats( Kent Variety) Mustard (Chinese cabbage) & Fodder Kits was organized to introduce cultivable perennial grasses along with seasonal fodder crop.FarmerFFP Villages438
45 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on Green Fodder Intervention (Oats( Kent Variety) Mustard (Chinese cabbage) & Fodder Kits was organizedTraining cum lecture on Green Fodder Intervention (Oats( Kent Variety) Mustard (Chinese cabbage) & Fodder Kits was organized to introduce cultivable perennial grasses along with seasonal fodder cropFarmerFFP Villages335
46 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Chand Samand FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s field.FarmerChand Samand202
47 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health Campoday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Nagla Roran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s fieldFarmerNagla Roran325
48 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on bypass fat supplementationTraining on bypass fat supplementation so that the farmers get able to provide proper nutrition to their milching animals.FarmerExhibition Unit, NDRI, Karnal240
49 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteGrowing Dhaincha for soil health & fodder availability, Training cum input supply ProgrammeTo sensitize the farmers towards less availability of leguminous fodder in summer season and low organic carbon in soil.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL250
50 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Rumen Protected amino acidTo train farmers regarding supplementation of milch animals with rumen protected amino acid to improve milk production and reproductive healthFarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL220
51 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on balanced feedingTo train the farmers regarding balanced feeding so that he can enable the animal to perform optimally and remain healthy as imbalanced feeding results in: Low milk production, poor growth and reproduction.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL220
52 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Commercial Dairy FarmingTo introduce new technologies on commercial dairy farming and to increase the confidence of farmers regarding dairy entrepreneurship.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL460
53 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteRound the year green fodder production, Training cum input supply ProgrammeTo continue cultivable perennial grasses along with seasonal fodder crop.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL1000
54 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteGrowing Dhaincha for soil health & fodder availability, Training cum input supply ProgrammeTo sensitize the farmers towards less availability of leguminous fodder in summer season and low organic carbon in soil.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL220
55 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteIPM in paddy Training cum input supply ProgrammeTo decrease the cost of production by the use of IPM as per the recommendation of package and practices.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL780
56 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteIWM in wheat Training cum input supply ProgrammeWeed is a serious problem in wheat in the project area. The reasons are non-judicious use of herbicides in indiscriminate doses without use of proper schedule. So, Sensitization of farmers towards problem of weeds especially phalaris minor in wheat. Demonstration of skill use of herbicides. Sowing of crop under critical guidance.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL1000
57 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteIntegrated Nutrient ManagementSensitization of farmers towards problem of imbalance nutrient management in wheat Farmers were motivated to use organic manure and bio fertilizers at their own. Helped them in procurement of bio fertilizer.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL1000
58 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Bypass fat SupplementationTraining on bypass fat supplementation so that the farmers get able to provide proper nutrition to their milching animals.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL180
59 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Rumen Protected amino acidTo train farmers regarding supplementation of milch animals with rumen protected amino acid to improve milk production and reproductive healthFarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL220
60 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on mineral mixture supplementationTo train farmers regarding the use of mineral mixture supplementation so that milk yield can be increased, reproductive health of milch animals can be improved, growth rate of calves can be enhanced and to avoid the occurance of metabolic diseasesFarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL340
61 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on balanced feedingTo train the farmers regarding balanced feeding so that he can enable the animal to perform optimally and remain healthy as imbalanced feeding results in: Low milk production, poor growth and reproduction.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL250
62 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB- 1509, PB-1121 and PB 1718) technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB- 1509, PB-1121 and PB 1718) technology was organized to provide paddy seeds.FarmerKarnal2250
63 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteIPM in paddy Training cum input supply ProgrammeTo decrease the cost of production by the use of IPM as per the recommendation of package and practices.FarmerKarnal780
64 ICAR National Dairy Research Instituterowing Dhaincha for soil health & fodder availability, Training cum input supply ProgrammeTo sensitize the farmers towards less availability of leguminous fodder in summer season and low organic carbon in soil.FarmerKarnal250
65 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteRound the year green fodder production, Training cum input supply ProgrammeTo continue cultivable perennial grasses along with seasonal fodder crop.FarmerKarnal1000
66 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteRound the year green fodder production, Training cum input supply Programme.To introduce cultivable perennial grasses along with seasonal fodder crop.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL500
67 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Value Addition in Milk for Rural womenTo increase profit through value added dairy products.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL500
68 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteIPM in Paddy Training cum Input Supply ProgrammeTo decrease the cost of production by the use of IPM as per the recommendation of package and practices.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL500
69 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Technologies for reducing the impact of negative energy balance on dairy cows and buffaloes during transitionTo train farmers regarding Technologies for reducing the impact of negative energy balance on dairy cows and buffaloes during transition to improve milk production and reproductive healthFarmerKarnal260
70 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Supplementing rumen protected amino acids for improved production in lactating animals.To train farmers regarding supplementation of milch animals with rumen protected amino acid to improve milk production and reproductive healthFarmerKarnal220
71 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Control of ecto & endo parasitic infestation among dairy animalsTo provide solutions to these problems campaigns were organized in each selected village and Farm families from all the five villages were covered in these campaigns for spray and deworming. Simultaneously all these animals were given dewormer for Endo- Parasitic control at regular intervals.FarmerKarnal11350
72 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on mineral mixture supplementationo train farmers regarding the use of mineral mixture supplementation so that milk yield can be increased, reproductive health of milch animals can be improved, growth rate of calves can be enhanced and to avoid the occurance of metabolic diseasesFarmerKarnal3430
73 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Varietal trial of wheatTraining was organized for farmer regarding in the cultivation practices of this variety of wheat HD-3226 and DBW-187 (Karan Vandana) these varieties.FarmerKarnal700
74 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo evaluate the adoption and impact of advanced wheat production practices among farmers, introduced through ICAR-NDRI's research and extension programs. The visit aims to monitor the effectiveness of agronomic interventions, assess crop health and yield outcomes, and identify challenges faced by farmers in implementing these practices, to guide future improvements and enhance sustainable wheat production in the region.FarmerDabkoli Khurd, ChandSamand, Nagla Rodan and Samora280
75 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Maize technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Maize (J-1006) technology was organized to provide maize seeds.FarmerICAR-NDRI, KARNAL303
76 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo equip farmers in Karnal with essential skills in quality seed selection and natural farming practices. The training focuses on sustainable techniques like organic inputs and soil health management to enhance crop yield, reduce dependency on chemicals, and promote eco-friendly farming.FarmerChandsamand. Kamalpur Roran, Nagla Roran and Samora350
77 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Kamalpur FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. FarmerKamalpur Roran5514
78 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.FarmerSamora, Kamalpur Roran and Nagla Roran400
79 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInvitation of farmer for National Dairy MelaTo educate and empower farmers by showcasing the latest advancements in dairy farming, innovative technologies, and best practices. The mela aims to promote knowledge exchange, encourage the adoption of scientific dairy practices, and support sustainable dairy development.FarmerGarhi Gujran, ChandSamand, Nagla Rodan and Samora500
80 ICAR National Dairy Research InstitutePaddy cultivation training and demonstrationTo provide farmers with practical knowledge and skills in advanced paddy cultivation techniques, including improved seed varieties, soil management, and pest control, through hands-on demonstrations and training sessions aimed at increasing crop yield and sustainability.FarmerICAR-IARI, RS, KARNAL1730
81 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField data collectionTo systematically gather accurate and relevant data from the field to analyze agricultural practices, assess crop performance, and identify key factors affecting productivity and sustainability.FarmerChandsamand, Nagla Roran and Samora500
82 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampTheileriosis vaccinationFarmerGarhi Gujran 200
83 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampA Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal gave lectures on animal-related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: Lectures on Animal Health Issues Endo and Ectoparasite control & Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers)FarmerChandsamand and Nagla Roran 5920
84 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit To assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating the adoption of recommended practices related to maize cultivation, identifying challenges faced by farmers, and gathering feedback to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability of maize farming initiatives.FarmerGarhi Gujran and Samora250
85 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteKVK foundation day The KVK Foundation Day was celebrated to honor the achievements of KVKs in advancing agricultural development, promote knowledge sharing among stakeholders, recognize the contributions of staff and farmers, strengthen partnerships, and inspire future agricultural innovations and initiatives.FarmerKVK, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal220
86 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.FarmerChandsamand350
87 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit on 16,18 and 24 August 2023To assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.FarmerChandsamand. Kamalpur Roran, Nagla Roran and Samora920
88 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampFFP team Organized Animal Health Camp at Chandsamand FFP adopted village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. FarmerChandsamand480
89 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.Farmer Kamalpur Roran and Samora200
90 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.FarmerChandsamand. Kamalpur Roran and Nagla Roran 370
91 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit and Farmer Scientist Interaction The field monitoring visit and farmer-scientist interaction were to assess the effectiveness of implemented agricultural practices and technologies in the field. This involved evaluating the adoption of recommended practices by farmers, identifying any challenges they faced, and gathering feedback to refine and improve the program. The interaction between farmers and scientists aimed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, address practical issues, and strengthen collaboration, ultimately enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability.FarmerNagla Roran, Samora, Kamalpur Roran10035
92 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit & Animal Health CampThe field monitoring visit and animal health camp in the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) was to assess the implementation and impact of livestock management practices and technologies. The field visit aimed to evaluate the adoption of recommended practices among farmers, identify challenges, and gather feedback for program improvement. Concurrently, the animal health camp focused on providing veterinary care, disseminating information on disease prevention, and promoting best practices in livestock management. Together, these activities sought to enhance livestock health, improve productivity, and support sustainable farming practices in the community. FarmerChandsamand8063
93 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.FarmerChandsamand100
94 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit and Demonstration of Wheat and Mustard on 20 & 23 October 2023To evaluate and promote the adoption of newly developed wheat and mustard varieties among farmers in the FFP adopted village, enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability. The initiative aims to demonstrate the performance, yield potential, and resilience of these varieties under local agro-climatic conditions, thereby encouraging farmers to adopt improved agricultural practices for better income and food security.FarmerChandsamand. Kamalpur Roran, Nagla Roran, Churni jagir, Dabkoli khurd, Garhi Gujran and Samora760
95 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteFarmer Scientist InteractionThe interaction between farmers and scientists aimed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, address practical issues, and strengthen collaboration, ultimately enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability.FarmerCSSRI and KVK , Karnal500
96 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal demonstration of Wheat technology was organizedThe initiative aims to demonstrate the performance, yield potential, and resilience of these varieties under local agro-climatic conditions, thereby encouraging farmers to adopt improved agricultural practices for better income and food security.FarmerATIC, NDRI Karnal500
97 ICAR National Dairy Research InstitutePM Kisan Samman Nidhi ProgrammeThe objective is to utilize this financial support to strengthen farmers' capacity to invest in improved agricultural practices, inputs, and technologies demonstrated under the FFP. By aligning the direct income support from PM-Kisan with the hands-on learning and resources provided through FFP, the aim is to enhance the overall agricultural productivity, economic stability, and welfare of small and marginal farmers in the project villages.FarmerKVK, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal120
98 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAwareness and training program on warehousing for farmerTo raise awareness and provide comprehensive training to farmers on warehousing and post-harvest management, conducted by KVK-NDRI. The goal is to educate farmers on the importance of proper storage techniques, warehouse receipt systems, and reducing post-harvest losses to enhance the quality, marketability, and profitability of their produce. The initiative aims to empower farmers with knowledge and skills to effectively utilize warehousing facilities, access credit against stored produce, and make informed decisions that contribute to better price realization and overall income stability.FarmerKVK, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal80
99 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit & Animal Health CampThe field monitoring visit and animal health camp in the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) was to assess the implementation and impact of livestock management practices and technologies. The field visit aimed to evaluate the adoption of recommended practices among farmers, identify challenges, and gather feedback for program improvement. Concurrently, the animal health camp focused on providing veterinary care, disseminating information on disease prevention, and promoting best practices in livestock management. Together, these activities sought to enhance livestock health, improve productivity, and support sustainable farming practices in the community.FarmerChandsamand. Kamalpur Roran, Nagla Roran and Samora653
100 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit & Animal Health Camp A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal gave lectures on animal-related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: Lectures on Animal Health Issues Endo and Ectoparasite control.FarmerDabkoli Khurd3916
101 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health Camp ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp in the FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A team of scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal gave lectures on animal-related issues like breeding, feeding, and health management of animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Demonstration of input (mineral mixture )FarmerKamalpur Roran, Nagla Roran and Samora6720
102 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health Camp ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp in the FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. FFP team of ICAR-NDRI Karnal gave lectures on animal-related issues like breeding, feeding, and health management of animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Demonstration of input (mineral mixture )FarmerGarhi Gujran 360
103 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAgri Expo Mela farmer visit to the Centre of Excellence for Vegetable and Protected Cultivation (CEV) Gharunda, aimed at enhancing farmers' knowledge of advanced vegetable cultivation techniques, including polyhouse and other protected cultivation methods. The visit intends to demonstrate the benefits of controlled environment agriculture, such as improved yield, quality, and resource efficiency, by providing hands-on exposure to state-of-the-art technologies and practices. The goal is to motivate farmers to adopt these innovative approaches to boost their productivity, reduce dependency on external climatic conditions, and increase their overall profitability.FarmerCentre of Excellence Gharaunda150
104 ICAR National Dairy Research InstitutePM Kisan Samman Nidhi ProgrammeTo integrate the benefits of the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi Programme within the FFP (Farmer FIRST Programme) project by ensuring that all eligible farmers in the adopted villages receive timely and direct financial assistance.FarmerKVK, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal150
105 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit To equip farmers in Karnal with essential skills in quality seed selection and natural farming practices. The training focuses on sustainable techniques like organic inputs and soil health management to enhance crop yield, reduce dependency on chemicals, and promote eco-friendly farming.FarmerDabkoli Khurd, ChandSamand, Nagla Rodan and Garhi Gujran280
106 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo conduct a field monitoring visit focused on the newly introduced paddy demonstration, with the aim of assessing the implementation and effectiveness of the intervention. The visit seeks to evaluate the growth, yield potential, and overall performance of the new paddy variety under local conditions, ensuring adherence to recommended agronomic practices. Additionally, the objective is to gather feedback from farmers, identify challenges, and provide on-site guidance to optimize outcomes, thereby supporting the successful adoption of the new paddy variety and enhancing overall agricultural productivity in the region.FarmerChandsamand160
107 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField visit at Dabkoli KhurdTo systematically collect and compile a comprehensive list of farmers for the purpose of effectively targeting and implementing agricultural interventions, programs, or support services. This objective aims to ensure that the right beneficiaries are identified and reached, enabling tailored assistance and resources to be provided, enhancing the impact of agricultural initiatives, and improving the overall productivity and welfare of the farming community.FarmerDabkoli Khurd250
108 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of paddy technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB- 1847) technology was organized to provide paddy seeds.FarmerICAR-IARI, Regional station , Karnal340
109 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.FarmerSamora, Garhi Gujran and Kamalpur Roran280
110 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.FarmerChandsamand and Nagla Roran 730
111 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitA field monitoring visit for paddy demonstration is to assess crop performance, identify challenges, provide technical support, and ensure adherence to recommended practices. The visit involves evaluating crop health, collecting data on key parameters, and gathering feedback from farmers to improve the demonstration's effectiveness. It aims to address any issues in real-time and document successes and learnings that can be shared with other farmers to promote better paddy cultivation techniques.FarmerSamora, Churni jagir, Kamalpur Roran and Garhi Gujran1070
112 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of paddy technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy technology was organized to provide paddy seeds.FarmerICAR-NDRI, KARNAL220
113 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of paddy technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB-1885,1692) technology was organizedFarmerChandsamand, Kamalpur Roran, Samora and Nagla Roran490
114 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of paddy technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB-1885 &1692) technology was organizedFarmerNagla Roran110
115 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Dabkoli Khurd FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s field.FarmerDabkoli Khurd400
116 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitThe field visit regarding the paddy demonstration is to assess the effectiveness of the demonstrated paddy varieties and cultivation practices in the local farming context. This visit aims to observe the growth, yield performance, and adaptability of the new paddy varieties under real-field conditions. It also provides an opportunity to engage with farmers, gather their feedback, and address any challenges they face in implementing the recommended practices. Ultimately, the visit seeks to ensure that the demonstrated techniques align with the farmers' needs, enhancing productivity and sustainability in paddy cultivation. FarmerDabkoli Khurd, ChandSamand, Nagla Rodan and Samora790
117 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of paddy technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy technology was organized to provide paddy seeds.FarmerICAR-IARI, RS, KARNAL120
118 ICAR National Dairy Research InstitutePM Kisan Samman Nidhi ProgrammePM Kisan Samman Nidhi Programme at the village Kisan Sangosthi is to inform and educate farmers about the scheme, ensuring they understand the benefits of receiving ₹6,000 per year in direct income support. The event aims to facilitate their enrollment, address queries, and encourage the use of funds to enhance agricultural productivity and financial stability.FarmerDabkoli Khurd, ChandSamand, Nagla Rodan and Samora430
119 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health Camp on 10,12,16,19,23,25 and 26 July 2024FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Kamalpur Roran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers)FarmerChandsamand, Dabkoli khurd, Nagla Roran, Kamalpur Roran, Garhi Gujran, Samora and Churni Jagir21620
120 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteProgramme on "109 Biofortified and climate adapte varieties" developed by ICAR dedicated to nation by Honorable Prime MinisterThe "109 Biofortified and Climate-Adaptive Varieties" program by ICAR aims to enhance nutritional security, climate resilience, and agricultural productivity by developing nutrient-rich and climate-resistant crop varieties. These varieties help combat malnutrition, improve yields, and support sustainable farming with reduced inputs, ultimately boosting farmers' livelihoods and contributing to food security. The initiative was dedicated to the nation by the Honorable Prime Minister to promote a resilient and sustainable agricultural sector in India.FarmerKVK, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal90
121 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitThe field visit regarding the paddy demonstration is to assess the effectiveness of the demonstrated paddy varieties and cultivation practices in the local farming context. This visit aims to observe the growth, yield performance, and adaptability of the new paddy varieties under real-field conditions. It also provides an opportunity to engage with farmers, gather their feedback, and address any challenges they face in implementing the recommended practices. Ultimately, the visit seeks to ensure that the demonstrated techniques align with the farmers' needs, enhancing productivity and sustainability in paddy cultivation.FarmerSamora, Garhi gujran, Kamalpur Roran and Nagla roran300
122 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField visit by PMC Member of FFP The field visit by PMC (Programme Management Committee) members in the Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP) is to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the program at the grassroots level. This visit aims to assess the impact of the interventions, including the adoption of new technologies, distribution of agricultural inputs, and overall progress towards enhancing farmers' livelihoods. It also provides an opportunity for direct interaction with farmers to gather feedback, identify challenges, and ensure that the program's goals of increasing productivity, income, and resilience among farmers are being effectively met. Additionally, the visit helps in making informed decisions for future improvements and scaling up successful practices within the program.FarmerSamora, Kamalpur Roran and Nagla Roran440
123 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Mustard (Radhika) variety was organizedA training-cum-lecture on varietal trials for the mustard variety "Radhika" was organized to equip participants with knowledge of its traits, trial methods, and best cultivation practices, fostering scientific evaluation and wider adoption.FarmerKVK, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal340
124 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Wheat (DBW-371 DBW-372) technology was organized by IIWBRThe initiative aims to demonstrate the performance, yield potential, and resilience of these varieties under local agro-climatic conditions, thereby encouraging farmers to adopt improved agricultural practices for better income and food security.FarmerICAR-IIWBR, Karnal2510
125 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on Intervention of Palak, Fenugreek and Pea technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on Vegetable Intervention of Palak , Fenugreek and Pea was organizedFarmerICAR-NDRI, KARNAL30
126 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit-Cum-Farmers Interaction Meet by Dr. Suddhasuchi DasField visit, inspection and MonitoringFarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur, Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur2912
127 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit-Cum-Farmers Interaction Meet by Dr. Mitalli Ghosh Roy & Dr, A. T. Kumar, ICAR-IKMA, New DelhiField visit, inspection and Monitoring & Awareness about Farmers FIRST ProjectFarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur, Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur181
128 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Village Seminar of FET Scientist Probationers on the finding of FFP adopted village SatyabhamapurField inspection and brief account of the farmers field and conditions were gathered and further action plan was generated. FarmerSatyabhamapur5115
129 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Village Meeting - cum- Awareness ProgrammeAwareness about Farmers FIRST Project.FarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur,Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur2515
130 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training -cum-seed Distribution ProgrammeHigh yielding quality seeds were provided as an intervention, and training was conducted about the same. FarmerLaxminarayanpur4350
131 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit and Monitoring ProgrammeField visit, inspection and Monitoring FarmerSatyabhamapur and Ganeshswarpur200
132 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit and Monitoring Programme Field visit, inspection and MonitoringFarmerBiswanathpur and Satyabhamapur220
133 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit and Monitoring ProgrammeField visit, inspection and MonitoringFarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur,Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur200
134 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit and Monitoring ProgrammeField visit, inspection and MonitoringFarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur,Ganeswarpur200
135 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit and Monitoring ProgrammeField visit, inspection and Monitoring FarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur,Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur200
136 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on backyard poultry production for women farmersPoultry can act as an additional income for the target group and it can supplement the nutritional needs of the family.Farm WomenSatyabhamapur1630
137 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on Duck farmingDuckery can act as an additional income for the target group and it can supplement the nutritional needs of the family.Farm WomenSatyabhamapur1783
138 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Progress Review And Future Action Plan Meetings of all Project PersonnelTo discuss the future action plan of the project, considering the prevalent problems of the targeted villages.OthersICAR NRRI93
139 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on power tillerKnowledge gain on usage of machinery "Power Tiller"FarmerBiswanathpur 135
140 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on power operated Rice TransplanterKnowledge gain on usage of machinery "power operated Rice Transplanter"FarmerSatyabhamapur182
141 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training -cum-Demonstration Programme on Mushroom CultivationMushroom cultivation can act as an additional income for the target group and it can supplement the nutritional needs of the family.FarmerSatyabhamapur7530
142 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Crop CuttingEstimation of the crop yield of the respective farmers.FarmerSatyabhamapur200
143 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on vermicompostImproving the yield of crops by use of vermicompost.FarmerSatyabhamapur and Laxminarayanpur205
144 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute VermiCompost Pit VisitInspection and whereabouts of the vermicompost pitFarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur,Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur2312
145 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Visit for vermicompost,green gram,mushroom,Backyard poultry and duckeryField visit, inspection and MonitoringFarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur,Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur3014
146 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Farmers meeting for discussion about the Horticultural crops(Mango and Banana)To discuss about the condition of horticultural crops in the selected cluster.FarmerSatyabhamapur 423
147 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training cum Demonstration on Drumstick and PapayaTo impart knowledge about proper package and practices of drumstick and papaya.FarmerSatyabhamapur 280
148 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on Raising Mat Type Rice NurseryImparting the knowledge and method demonstration of raising mat type nursery bed for rice.FarmerBiswanathpur 180
149 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on backyard poultry and Duck Farming for Rural Livelihood and Nutritional SecurityTo ensure Livelihood and nutritional security of the farmers by Interventions in poultry and duckeryFarmerSatyabhamapur 1961
150 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on power transplanterKnowledge gain on usage of machinery "Power transplanter" FarmerBiswanathpur 450
151 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on Paddy straw mushroom cultivation as an enterpriseTo Generate an additional income and meet the nutritional needs of the farmers by imparting training on mushrooms.FarmerSatyabhamapur 3887
152 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Rashtriya Mahila Kishan DiwasTo acknowledge the roles & significant contributions of Indian farm women in national development on Rashtriya Mahila Kishan Diwas (15th October, 2018).Farm WomenICAR NRRI10105
153 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute "Kishan Gosthi" cum Agricultural Exhibition during "60th Foundation Day of Orissa Krushak Samaj" and celibreting "World Food Day"Kishan Gosthi Cum Agricultural Exhibition during 60th Foundation Day of Orissa Krushak Samaj & World Food Day Celebration at Bhubaneswar on 25th Oct, 2018FarmerOrissa Krushak Samaj240
154 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on Quality Rice seed production technology and post harvest management practicesImparting knowledge about quality seed production , package and practices of riceFarmerSatyabhamapur8715
155 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on profitable farming of oyster mushroomEnsuring additional benefits to the farmers by imparting training on oyster mushroomFarmerSatyabhamapur3094
156 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit and interaction meet by the nodal officer,FFP,ICAR-ATARI,KolkataField inspection and to know about the whereabouts of the problems that are faced by the farmers and further improvements.FarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur,Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur4012
157 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on Freshwater aquaculture for enhancing farmers incomeDiversification of farm enterprise through aquaculture and ensuring profit to farmers.FarmerSatyabhamapur361
158 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Institute advisory Committee meeting of the farmer FIRST programme(EAP 228)Discussion of whereabouts of FFP and neccesary improvements to be doneOthersICAR NRRI387
159 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Meeting on impact assessment of farmer FIRST programme under ICAR-ATARI Kolkata and ICAR-ATARI-HyderabadTo know about the social impacts of the work done under FFP in the recent past.Othersconference hall ICAR NRRI Cuttack252
160 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Farmers training programme on scientific crop management practices for commercial vegetable productionImparting knowledge about package and practises and discussion of problems with the farmers.FarmerSatyabhamapur 967
161 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on Raising Mat Type NurseryImparting skill of raising a mat type nurseyFarmerLaxminarayanpur330
162 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on 8 row power TransplanterKnowledge gain on usage of machinery "8 row power transplanter" FarmerLaxminarayanpur201
163 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Crop CuttingEstimation of the crop yield of the given variety in field conditions.FarmerBiswanathpur 100
164 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on ReaperKnowledge gain on usage of machinery "Reaper"FarmerSatyabhamapur202
165 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration of Paddy seederKnowledge gain on usage of machinery "paddy seeder"FarmerGaneswarpur180
166 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Skill training programme on paddy straw mushroom cultivation for ensuring family nutrition and incomenutritional security and income generation of farmersFarmerSatyabhamapur 7130
167 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on Integrated disease and pest management in Kharif riceIntegrated disease pest managementFarmerSatyabhamapur9215
168 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Skill Development programme on Protected Cultivation in HorticultureTraining and skill development of farmers about the protected cultivation in horticulture.FarmerSatyabhamapur 8015
169 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Crop Cutting Experiments & Rice Field Day Estimation of the crop yield of the respective farmersFarmerSatyabhamapur101
170 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Celebration of Kisan Diwas (Farmers day) during Swachhta PakhwadaFarmers Day Celebration FarmerLaxminarayanpur2930
171 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training Programme on Use of Improved Technologies in Horticultural crops for Enhancing farm Productivity & ProfitabilityAwareness and knowledge gain about the Improved high yielding VegetablesFarmerBiswanathpur6114
172 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Crop Cutting Experiments & Rice Field Day ; Demonstrations of High Yielding Rice Varieties during KharifEstimation of area & Production of Rice under different crop cuttingFarmerSatyabhamapur140
173 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Crop Cutting Experiments & Rice Field Day ; Demonstrations of High Yielding Rice Varieties during KharifEstimation of the crop yield of the given variety in field conditions.FarmerGaneswarpur93
174 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute 4th World Pulses dayPulses to Empower Youth in Achieving Sustainable Agrifood SystemFarmerICAR-NRRI, Cuttack308
175 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit, Monitoring On-site documentation & farmers' interaction meet by FFP team, ICAR-NAARM, HyderabadImprove farmers access to and use of agricultural knowledge, technologies, marketing systems & infrastructure.FarmerSatyabhamapur, Cuttack, Odisha6128
176 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training Programme On Deficiency Syndromes in Animal & Birds : Prevention & MedicationPrevention & MedicationFarmerSatyabhamapur, Cuttack, Odisha6638
177 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Distribution of paddy seedsDistribution of Paddy seeds to the adopted farmers of 4 villages i.e. Satyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, LaxminarayanpurFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur300
178 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration of Trichoderma VirideDemonstration of Trichoderma VirideFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur400
179 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration of Trichoderma Viride and Field VisitDemonstration of Trichoderma Viride and Field Visit to Farmers field for obseravtionFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur300
180 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up Field visit Follow Up Visit to a Farmers FieldFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur150
181 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training cum Demonstration on NRRI Light Trap for Rice Insect Pest ManagementTraining cum Demonstration on NRRI Light Trap for Rice Insect Pest ManagementFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur410
182 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Skill Training on Integrated Crop Management Techniques In Kharif RiceSkill Training on Integrated Crop Management Techniques In Kharif RiceFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur2063
183 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Skill Training on Integrated Pest Management in RiceSkill Training was imparted to adopted farmers of clusters villages on Integrated Pest Management in RiceFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur5130
184 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Campaign on Nutri-Garden and Tree Plantation on the Occasion of International Year of Millets 2023Campaign on Nutri-Garden and Tree Plantation on the Occasion of International Year of Millets 2023 FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur1555
185 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up visit & Field Activity DocumentationFollow up visit & Field Activity Documentation OF Plant crop and Light trap.FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur250
186 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up & field visitVaccination were given to the poultry chicksFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur250
187 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Vaccination of poultry chicksin order to vaccine the poultry chicksFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur220
188 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration under distribution of backyard poultryBack yard poultry breed i.e kadaknath were distributed among the adopted farmersFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur140
189 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit and Farmers Interaction by Dr. V.V Sadamate Hon'ble Member,RAC IndiaDr. V.V Sadamate visited the fields of farmers and interacted with farmers, discussed about their problems and added some suggestions for better results.FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur6550
190 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration of Paddy Seedi) Distribution of High yielding paddy seed varieties i.e. CR Dhan 307 (Maudamani), CR Dhan 409 (Pradhan Dhan), Swarna Sub-1 & Hybrid Seed i.e. Rajlaxmi to the specifically selected farmers under FFP (EAP-228) at four adopted villages of Salipur, Cuttack for Demonstration. ii) About 10nos. of soil samples collected for soil testing from farmers' fields.FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur182
191 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Village Meeting & Field VisitVisited four adopted villages of Salipur, Cuttack to select farmers/farm women who are interested in making poultry farming as enterprises.FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur105
192 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up visit & Field Activity Documentationi) Distribution of Trichoderma Viridi culture to 15nos. of specifically selected farmers underFFP (EAP-228) at four adopted villages of Salipur, Cuttack for demonstration on Seed Treatment with Trichoderma Viridi. ii) Mushroom farming unit of Mr. Ranjan ku. Behera, Biswanathpur was consciously monitoring & made a mushroom farming short film. iii) Papaya garden of Mr. Paramananda Patra of Biswanathpur was visited. After systematecally observed his papaya garden, Project team suggested the farmer for immediate weeding & cleaning of the garden for better growth of crop & fruits. FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur155
193 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Farmers Interaction MeetInteraction with about 15 farmers of four adopted villages to start up new commercial mushroom production unit ; and the observed five newly built mushroom farming structure unitsFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur123
194 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up Field visit i) After systematic monitoring all the rice fields and nursery conditions, some differences were observed between seedlings treated with Trichoderma Viridi & non-treated Trichoderma Viridi tseedlings are easily observed because of their better root growth & shoot growth. ii) CR Dhan 409 (Pradhan Dhan) transplanting of Mr. Siba Narayan Samal of Satyabhamapur & Mr. Gobinda Sethi of Laxminarayanpur were observed & some photographs collected. FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur200
195 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Focussed Group DiscussionFocussed group discussion (FGD) with above 30 farmers in four villages. Systematically observed and accurately recorded the field conditions for selection of farmers/farmwomen for high yield paddy seeds i.e CR Dhan 307 (Maudamani), CR Dhan 409 (Pradhan Dhan), Swarna sub-1 and Hybrid seeds of Rajlaxmi seed for FLD (Front Line Demonstration)FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur300
196 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Scientist - Farmer Interaction Meeti) Consciously observed, recorded and analyzed field conditions by Dr. B. S. Satpathy, Scientist & Co-PI. FFP (EAP-228); application of green manuring by Dhaincha was suggested by him to the farmers. ii) Approximately 10nos of soil samples collected for Soil testing from farmers fields.FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur200
197 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training cum Demonstration of Paddy straw Mushroom CultivationTraining cum demonstration were imparted to the beneficiaries farmers and farm women for growing paddy straw mushroom cultivationFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur93
198 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training cum demonstration on pond base fresh aquacultureTraining cum demonstration on intensive aquaculture undertaken predominantly in ponds to raise and breed aquatic animal i.e. fish FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur183
199 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up & field visitFollow up & field visit for 3rd phase of Tricho cards & Bracon cards installed in the Rice FieldFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur280
200 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training cum Demonstration of Backyard Poultry FarmingTraining programme has been imparted to the adopted farmers of the villages as backyard or homestead poultry farming is mostly common among the rural and landless families as it is a lucrative source of supplementary income.FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur177
201 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up Field visitInstallation of Tricho cards and bracon cards in the Rice fieldsFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur250
202 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up visit Follow up and visit for poultry chicks conditionsFarm WomenSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur220
203 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up visit Follow up visit for the poultry chicks breed i.e., BanarajaFarm WomenSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur030
204 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up visit Follow up visit for the poultry birds FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur024
205 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training cum Demonstration on Paddy straw Mushroom for ensuring nutrition and incomeScientist imparted training on paddy straw mushroom for ensuring nutritional benefits and incomeFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur3750
206 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on " Improved Vegetable production Technology"Scientist imparted training on Improved vegetable production technologiesFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur406
207 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on production management of livestock & poultryTraining programme imparted on production management of livestock & poultryFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur3628
208 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training cum Demonstration on bee keeping for entrepreneurship developmentTraining imparted on bee keeping foe entrepreneurship developmentFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur222
209 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionAwareness programme on Direct Seeded Rice 2019-20Awareness programme on Direct Seeded Rice was organized at Pindarkom village in which 18 women farmers participated.Farm WomenJharkhand, Ranchi, Pindarkom018
210 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionAwareness programme on DSR 2019-20Awareness programme on DSR was helt at Tetri village in which 22 farmers participatedFarmerJharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Tetri814
211 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionKharif awareness programme, TetriParticipatory planning for different activities to be undertaken in the Tetri village during kharif season of 2018-19 under the FFP project FarmerState- Jharkhand, District- Ranchi, Village -Tetri1828
212 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionKharif awareness programme, Pindarkom Participatory planning for different activities to be undertaken in the Pindarkom village during kharif season of 2018-19 under the FFP projectFarmerState- Jharkhand, District- Ranchi, Village- Pindarkom720
213 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionRabi awareness campaign, TetriParticipatory planning for different activities to be undertaken in the Tetri village during Rabiseason of 2018-19 under the FFP projectFarmerState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Tetri2133
214 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionRabi awareness campaign, MaltiParticipatory planning for different activities to be undertaken in the Malti village during Rabiseason of 2018-19 under the FFP projectFarmerState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Malti625
215 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionTraining programme on oyster mushroom cultivationTo train the farmers on technique of oyster mushroom cultivationFarm WomenState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Plandu222
216 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionTraining on oyster mushroom cultivationTo train the farmers on technique of oyster mushroom cultivationFarmerState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Plandu527
217 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionTraining on oyster mushroom cultivation and spawn productionTo train the farmers on technique of oyster mushroom cultivationFarmerState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Plandu525
218 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionKisan Diwas cum Mushroom DayTo train the farmers on technique of oyster mushroom cultivationFarmerState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Kutiyatu62166
219 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionTraining programme on Improved cultivation practices for doubling farmers incomeTo provide training of improved agricultural practices for doubling incomeFarmerState Jharkhand, Distrct Ranchi, Village Plandu 2139
220 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionAnimal health camp,PidarkomTo demonstrate the technologies on control of ecto and endo parasite in animals and use location specific mineral mixture FarmerState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Pindarkom3173
221 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionAnimal health camp, MaltiTo demonstrate the technologies on control of ecto and endo parasite in animals and use location specific mineral mixtureFarmerState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Malti68101
222 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionReview Meeting of Farmers FIRST Programme, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, MeghalayaReviewing the progress of activities done during 2018-19 General UsersICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya125
223 ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region‘Animal Health Camp’ organized under Farmer’s FIRST projectTo aware farmers regarding importance of deworming and vaccination in livestock and poultry to prevent them from various parasitic, bacterial and viral diseases. To made aware of vaccination in pigs and poultry against various viral diseases viz. Swine Fever, Ranikhet disease, Fowl pox, Marek’s disease etc. among farmers. To treat livestock and poultry with suitable veterinary medicines such as anthelmintics, vitamins and mineral supplements, antidiarrhoeal, antibiotics, acaricides, topical cream etc FarmerNongagang village, RiBhoi, Meghalaya 1419
224 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionBeekeepers exposed to scientific beekeeping techniquesTraditionally farmers are adopting local techniques of rearing bees, which are less economical and non-scientific. Considering the problems faced by the farmers in the region, day long training cum demonstration programme was aimed to deliver and demonstrate scientific techniques of beekeeping.FarmerLalumpam village, Ri-Bhoi District, Meghalaya162
225 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionDemonstration cum Input distribution on ‘Cultivation of Cole Crops’To disseminate technical know-how and Hand on experience among farmers on various aspects of nursery raising and package of practices of Cole Crops cultivation. FarmerMeghalaya, Ri-Bhoi, Umtham228
226 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionTwo - day poultry vaccination programme organized under Farmers’ FIRST ProjectThe objective of the programme was to vaccinate poultry birds distributed under the Farmers FIRST Project.FarmerMeghalaya, Ri-Bhoi District, Marngar55
227 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionField visit programme under Farmers FIRST Project on 18.10.2019Field visit programme under Farmers FIRST Project on 18.10.2019 in the presence of Dr. B.S. Hansra, member of PIM, Farmers FIRST Programme (FFP), ICAR, New Delhi along with Dr. A.K. Singha, Member Secretary ofZPMC of FFP under Zone-VII FarmerMeghalaya, Ri-Bhoi District, Marngar villages102
228 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionDr. V.K. Mishra, Director, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya visited Purangang village, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya To interacted with the farmers of the ten adopted villages viz. Borgang, Purangang, Lalumpam, Borkhatsari, Nalapara, Umtham, Nongagang, Sarikhusi, Mawtnum and Mawphrew under the Farmer’s First Programme (FFP). Dr. V.K. Mishra, Director, ICAR RC NEH, Umiam inaugurated a new Custom Hiring Centre at Purangang village for the benefit of farmers. He also visited Integrated Farming System (IFS) model established in the Nalapara village under FFP. Dr. A. K. Singha, Principal Scientist and Coordinator FFP, ICAR-ATARI (Zone-VII) also participated in the programme. Detail discussions and interaction with farmers on how to use rice fallow after Kharif season, increase production and productivity of crops, double crops in a year, doubling farmer’s income etc was also held. Inputs such as oyster mushroom spawn, fish fingerlings, Megha Maize variety etc were also distributed among the farmers.FarmerPurangang village, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi District, Meghalaya2717
229 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionTraining cum fish seed distribution programme on ‘Scientific Fish Farming’ Ms. N. Peetambari Devi, Scientist (Fisheries Resource Management) gave them a brief lecture on Scientific Fish Farming as well as made them understand the importance of composite fish farming where the fish with different food habitats are cultured together. The importance of integrated farming system was also explained to the farmers. They were also made aware of the economical benefits of fish farming considering the high demand of table sized fish in the local market. FarmerSarikhusi village, Marngar Cluster, Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya 132
230 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionWomen Leadership in Agriculture: Entreprenuership, Equity and Empowerment (3 E's). The theme is in line with that proposed by the United Nations: " Women Leadership in Agriculture, Achieving an Equal Future in Covid-19 World".The theme emphasizes on economic empowerment of women as one of the important factors to provide gender equity in the society.Farm WomenICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya030
231 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionTraining on Mushroom spawn production for women empowermentTo promote mushroom entrepreneurs through enhancing their technical skillsFarm WomenICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya010
232 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionDistribution of poultry To promote backyard poultry farmingFarmerLalumpam & Mawtnum, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi District1714
233 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionDistribution of ducklingsTo promote Integrated farming systemFarmerJoigang, Marngar, Ri-Bhoi District50
234 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionDistribution of mushroom spawnTo promote mushroom productionFarmerMarngar, Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya21
235 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionDistribution of poultry birdsTo promote backyard poultry farmingFarmerMarngar, Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya11
236 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionPromotion of scientific beekeepingTo promote scientific beekeepingFarmerMarngar, Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya40
237 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionPromotion of backyard poultry farmingPromote backyard poultry farming to uplift livelihood of farmersFarmerMarngar, Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya42
238 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionDistribution of mushroom spawnTo promote mushroom cultivationFarmerMarngar, Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya31
239 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionPromotion of second crop cultivation in rice fallowPromotion of second crop cultivation in rice fallowFarmerSarikuchi village148
240 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionSandalwood Farming and Management of its Health Indian sandalwood (Santalum album L.) which is acknowledged as "Royal Tree" in Indian subcontinent is associated with Indian culture and heritage. india was contributing 85% of world's trade of sandalwood but it has been reduced to a negligible level in recent years and it is in the IUCN's 'vulnerable list of tree species. consequently due to the changes in the policy of sandalwood in states and central governments the cultivaion of sandalwood is gaining momentum.FarmerOnline Training31
241 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionMushroom DayMushroom as Immunity BoosterFarmerICAR RC NEH, Umiam613
242 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionFarm tools distribution programmeThe main objective of this visit was distributing some farm tools, identifying the beneficiaries for rabi maize cultivation and Jalkund construction.FarmerMawtnum and Mawphrew, Ri-Bhoi District812
243 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionTraining Programme on “Sustainable Fish Farming” in collaboration with Department of Fisheries, DAFS, under Farmers’ FIRST ProjectThe prime objective of this capacity building programme was to enhance the knowledge on scientific fish farming and educate the participants for the betterment of their livelihoods.Mr. Chikkathimme Gowda H.R., Scientist (Agril. Economics), Division of Technology Assessment and Capacity Building (DTAC) and Co-PI of the project welcomed all participants and gave a brief introduction about the training. The Inaugural Session was graced by the Chief Guest Dr. S.K. Das, Head, Division of Animal & Fisheries Sciences. Dr. N. Uttam Singh, Senior Scientist (DTAC) & PI of FFP, Dr. Kamni P. Biam, Scientist (DTAC) & Co-PI, and Dr. Pampi Paul, Scientist (DTAC) & Co-PI were present.FarmerICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya105
244 ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region Training Programme on “Avenues and strategies for entrepreneurship development through modern agricultural enterprises” under Farmers’ FIRST Project The objective of the programme was to sensitize the participants about various agricultural enterprises which can be taken up as an entrepreneurial activity in improving their livelihoods.During the inaugural programme, Mr. Kamni P. Biam., Scientist (Agril. Extension), Division of Technology Assessment and Capacity Building (DTAC) and Coordinator cum Co-PI of the project welcomed all participants and gave a brief introduction about the training. Dr. N. Uttam Singh, Senior Scientist (DTAC) & PI of FFP, Dr. Chikkathimme Gowda H.R., Scientist (DTAC) & Co-PI, Dr. Pampi Paul, Scientist (DTAC) & Co-PI and Dr. Tasvina R. Borah, Scientist (DSC) & Co-PI were present during the programme.FarmerICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam132
245 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInput distribution programme Mushroom cultivation is very popular amongst the farmers especially after paddy harvest. Most of the seasonal mushroom growers actively engage in oyster mushroom cultivation with the available fresh paddy straw. This pave the way for subsidiary earning for the farmers. However, with the onset of the season for oyster mushroom cultivation the gap for demand and supply of spawn increases. Some growers don’t get the mushroom spawn in time while others are unable to get quality spawn.The programme was led by Scientists and Co-PIs of the project Dr. Tasvina R. Borah, Dr. Pampi Paul and assisted by project staff Astha Barman and Lapynbiang KhongrymmaiFarmerMarngar, Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya41
246 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionFarmers interaction programmeThe objective of the programme was to sensitize the farmers about rabi maize cultivation and jalkund. FarmerLalumpam village, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi District612
247 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionDemonstratio and distribution of paddy thresherThe main objective of the programme was to familiarize the farmers with handling and operation of paddy thresherFarmerLalumpam village, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi District123
248 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionFarmer Field SchoolTo develop entrepreneurs among the farmers particulalry unemployed youths and farm women based on the locally available resourcesUnemployed YouthMeghalaya, Ri Bhoi District, Marngar cluster 812
249 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionMushroom spawn production for entrepreneurship developmentTo impart theoretical and practical knowledge on standard as well as low cost methods of mushroom spawn productionFarmerICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam20
250 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionFarmers' Day CelebrationTo refresh farmers on the nature of Farmers' FIRST Project and to have a face to face interaction between farmers and scientists.FarmerPurangang village, Marngar Ri-Bhoi District1316
251 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInput distribution programme for establishment of mushroom spawn production unitto enable trainees to establish their own spawn production unit at village level to overcome the problem of spawn unavailability for mushroom growersFarmerPurangang village, Marngar Ri-Bhoi District20
252 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionTraining programme on repair and maintenance of farm machineriesto provide hands-on training to participants on repair and maintenance of different important parts of mini tractor, power tiller, power weeder, brush cutter, etc.FarmerAgricultural Research Workshop, ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam90
253 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionFarmers’ FIRST Programme (FFP) Takes Off in Mawsiatkhnam VillageLaunching of Farmers First Programme and inauguration of custom hiring centerFarmerMawsiatkhnam Village, East Khasi Hill District, Meghalaya3840
254 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland Agriculdemonstration of Pigeonpea variety PRG-176 sowing with nine row planterPRG 176, pigeon pea variety was demonstrated sowing with nine row planter in farmers fields in adopted villages namely Gangupally, Rakamcharla and Pudugurthy in Pudur mandal, Vikarabad district villages, The soil type was red soil and farmer was small farmer . Nine row planter had ridger facility which facilitates a conservation furrow for conservation of run off water.FarmerVikarabad district, pudur mandal, Gangupally village and Rakamcharla village2010
255 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculFarmer Scientist interaction Organizing farmer -scientist interaction facilitates two way exchange of information,technologies between farmer and scientist which enhances knowledge and skill component of both farmer and researcher. It educates farmers and as well gives feedback to researcher. Frontline extension like farmer first project facilitate flow of first hand information to farmer and provides scope for technology refinement and assessment at researcher level.FarmerGangupally village, Pudur mandal, Vikarabad district20050
256 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculWorld soil day World soil day celebrated every year 5th December, 2019. The objective of celebrating world soil day is to mainly to bring awareness on need for soil conservation, prevention of soil erosion and management of fertile soil..FarmerPudugurthy village, Pudur mandal, Vikarabad district 20050
257 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculDemonstration of conservation furrow in pigeonpea cropConservation conserves rainwater and runoff. Conservation furrow ensures adequate soil moisture for crop during dryspell . The crop wilts when dryspell period extended beyond 10 days. FarmerGangiupally village, Pudur mandal, Vikarabad district 104
258 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculDemonstration of control of fruit fly in mango orchard Mango orchards are predominant in one of the Farmers FIRST project adopted villages, Gangupally of Pudur mandal . In summer season fruit fly attack was severe causing damage to mangoes. FarmerGangupally, Pudur district, Vikarabad district 5050
259 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculCelebration of Swachhatha PakhwadaIn Gangupally village of Pudur mandal , Vikarabad of Telangana State celebrated Swachhatha day with Co PI Dr. AGK reddy ,B Sanjeev Reddy , Dr P K Pankaj aj and Director Dr K Sammi Reddy. Around 200 farmers participated in the programme. Other dignitaries like M.R.O., V.R.O., Head master of school, sarpanch, AEO and farmer group president have also graced the occasion. Plantation and disinfection of potential insect breeding sites were also carried out in the village. Director, CRIDA and other dignitaries emphasized the importance of cleanliness and the means to maintain health in the rural environment. Disinfecting tools like brooms and chemicals like phenol and hand wash were given to the villagers with proper instructions of using it. School going children were also present in the programme. Director Spread the message of Gandhiji by taking oath and also spraying disinfectants in village open drain and planting seedlings for green for purity of air and building greenery. FarmerTelangana State, Vikarabad district,Gangupally Village15050
260 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculFarmers of Adopted villages of Farmer FIRST Project visit SEED MELA 2019 organised by PJTSAU. HyderabadOn 24th May 2019 farmers of Farmers FIRST project villages - Devanoniguda, Rakamcharla and Gangupally of Pudur mandal, Vikarabad district visited ‘Seed Mela’ organised by Prof. JayaShanker State Telangana Agricultural University, Hyderabad. Research organisations affiliated to ICAR, Universities, and Ministries participated in the programme. Seeds of crops relevant to dryland areas suitable for Telangana region were displayed for sale. Seeds of Sorghum, maize, redgram, oilseeds, millets; poultry species including Kadaknath, sheeps, Kadaknath were also kept for sale. 40 farmers from FFP villages participated and purchased maize and redgram in small quantities. Dr G.Nirmala, Principal Scientist & PI and Dr Anshida Beevi, Scientist, CO - PI accompanied farmers to the Mela.Farmer PJTSAU, Hyderabad400
261 ICAR CAZRIExposure Visit to "Kisan Mela cum Agri Innovation Day - 2018”To inculcate knowledge to the farmers by seeing live demonstrations, crop cafeteria, charts, posters and various visuals exhibited at CAZRI in a sequence revolving around a central theme.FarmerICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur1000
262 ICAR CAZRIFarmers Scientist InterfaceICAR-CAZRI organised a Farmer-Scientist Interface under Farmer FIRST Project with an objective to imbibe scientific dairy farming and exchange views and experiences directly with farmers on different problems faced by them in the field of animal husbandry.FarmerPopawas, Popawas Panchayat715
263 ICAR CAZRIAnimal Health CampTo gain an understanding of the general livestock health status, management practices and prevalent diseases/problems in the area so that livestock related interventions could be taken up systematically.FarmerPopawas Panchayat, Jodhpur district, Rajasthan6214
264 ICAR CAZRIExposure Visit to Kisan Mela – 2017 cum Agri Innovation Day” To inculcate knowledge to the farmers by seeing live demonstrations, crop cafeteria, charts, posters and various visuals exhibited at CAZRI in a sequence revolving around a central theme.FarmerICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur800
265 ICAR CAZRIExposure Visit cum Farmers Scientist InteractionThis programme was arranged to give the first -hand look to the selected partner farmers in seed production (cumin & mustard), fodder production of perennial grasses, utilization of solar energy and establishment of orchard and dairy demonstration unit.FarmerICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur1440
266 ICAR CAZRIInauguration cum Awareness workshop of FFPTo create awareness among farmers about the Farmers FIRST Project and to emphasize the farmers the importance of diversification and to integrate agriculture, horticulture with animal husbandry to minimize risk in arid lands.FarmerPopawas Panchayat, Jodhpur district, Rajasthan26035
267 ICAR CAZRINational Worshop on Let’s Listen to Farmers: Farmers’s Feedback on Doubling Farmers Income by 2022Firstly, Farmers were invited to NAARM, to present their view about how to double the farm income in different agro-climatic regions before the the senior members of the ICAR including the MOS of Agriculture.FarmerICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad30
268 ICAR CAZRINational Seminar on Farmers FIRST for conserving soil and natural resources in Western Rajasthan (FFCSWR - 2018)To provide an effective platform for innovative and forward farmers to represent farming communities of their respective areas and share their experiences, constraints, and expectations from researchers and policy makers to minimize land degradation, reclamation and productive utilization of degraded lands, utilization of land and water resources in strategic and multiple ways to enhance productivity while maintaining conserving natural resources.FarmerAnand Agricultural University (AAU) Anand50
269 ICAR CAZRIExposure Visit to Kisan Mela – 2019 cum Agri Innovation Day”To inculcate knowledge to the farmers by seeing live demonstrations, crop cafeteria, charts, posters and various visuals exhibited at CAZRI in a sequence revolving around a central theme.FarmerCAZRI, Jodhpur1500
270 ICAR CAZRITwo days Mushroom cultivation training To inculcate skill development for the partner farmers FarmerPopawas Panchayat, Jodhpur district, Rajasthan310
271 ICAR CAZRIScientific cultivation of Kharif Crops 2019To bring Knowledge, skill, attitude and action changes to the farmers.FarmerPopawas Panchayat, Jodhpur district, Rajasthan1500
272 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture launching of Bhargabi Fish Farmers Producers CompanyLaunching of Bhargabi Fish Farmers Producers Company Limited having CIN- U01100OR2019PTC030755 and Farmer-Scientist Interface to promote the registered FPOFarmerNARODA, BALIPATNA, KHORDHA, ODISHA6090
273 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture Swachhata Pakhwada Celebration Exhibition on improved agricultural practices organised at NarodaFarmerNARODA, BALIPATNA, KHORDHA, ODISHA6043
274 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureCelebration of Kisan Diwas Celebration of kisan Diwas and Swachhata PakhwadaFarmerNARODA, BALIPATNA, KHORDHA, ODISHA6946
275 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureDr. K S Das, Principal Scientist, ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata visits ICAR-CIFA’s Farmer FIRST project sitesField visit and assessment of technological adoption of the farmersFarmerDorbanga, Balipatna, Khordha300
276 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureExposure VisitExposure visit FarmerICAR-NRRI, Cuttack; IIHR-CHES and ICAR-CTCRI regional centre, Bhubaneswar 270
277 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureVisit to ICAR-CIFA's Farmer FIRST project sites by Dr. V P Chahal, ADG (Agri. Extension), ICAR, New Delhi Visit of Dr. V P Chahal, ADG (Agri. Extension), ICAR, New Delhi FarmerJagannathpur, Balianta, Khordha3020
278 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureVisit to ICAR-NAARM to attend the national workshop on “Let's listen to farmers: A workshop on farmers' feedback on doubling farm income by 2022” To attend the national workshop on “Let's listen to farmers: A workshop on farmers' feedback on doubling farm income by 2022” FarmerICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad 50
279 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureGram Sabha meetingSelection of beneficiaries for Integrated Nutrient Management in PaddyFarmerJagannathpur, Balianta, Khordha238
280 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureKisan Mela To showacase the advanced technologies to the farmersFarmerParichala, Gobindapur, Begunia, Khordha325163
281 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureDemonstration of improved variety of cauliflower var. FujiyamaTo educate the farmers about the advantages of raising off season cauliflower, a field day was organised. The farmers visited the demonstration plots and interacted with the beneficiary farmers.FarmerJagannathpur, Balianta, Khordha185
282 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFARMER-SCIENTIST INTERFACEDr. B. C. Sabat, Director, MGICC, New Delhi visited the demonstration plots of Farmer FIRST Project, ICAR-CIFA along with Dr. B. Behera, Prof & Head, Agronomy, OUAT. A field day was organised to provide advanced technological knowledge to the fish farmers. Sampling was done to check the health status of the fingerlings. FarmerJagannathpur, Balianta, Khordha2312
283 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInstitute Advisory Committee and Site Plan Monitoring Group Meeting A meeting of Institute Advisory Committee and Site Plan Monitoring Group of Farmer FIRST Project held at ICAR-CIFA, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar on 28 October 2017. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss about the progress of the interventions in the 4 adopted villages and to prepare the action plan for Rabi season 2017-18. The meeting was chaired by Dr. K.N. Mohanta, HoD, FNPD, CIFA. Scientists of ICAR-CIFA, Project team, Scientists of KVK, Khordha, representative of beneficiaries from 4 villages, representative from panchayat and representative from line departments participated in the meeting. Seven farmers who attended this meeting were presented with Leaf Colour Chart. It is a technology developed by NRRI, Cuttack which helps in efficient management of Nitrogen in paddy. It was suggested that after harvesting of paddy soil testing will be done and accordingly soil health cards will be issued to selected beneficiaries. New technology interventions for Rabi season were discussed.OthersICAR-CIFA, kausalyaganga,Bhubaneswar182
284 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureField day on carp seed rearing held in Balipatna blockA field day on carp seed rearing was planned to organise at Giringo village in the fish based integrated farm of Sri Gadadhar Pradhan who has shifted from carp culture to carp seed rearing, following ICAR-CIFA package of practices. It was planned to give the basic ideas about fish farming and to demonstrate them the fish seed rearing.FarmerGiringo , Balipatna block, Khordha, Odisha120
285 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureWorkshop cum farmers-scientists interfaceThe workshop was organised to educate the farmers regarding the advanced technologies and to solve the queries of the beneficiary farmers related to agriculture and allied sector technologies. FarmerSiddhakutila, Balipatna, Khordha6630
286 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmers-scientists interfaceCelebration of world fishery dayFarmerNaroda, Balipatna, Khordha9327
287 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInauguration of One Stop-Aqua Shop at Village NarodaThe One-Stop Aqua Shop in Naroda, Balipatna, provides farmers with essential resources, including fish fingerlings, feed, and medicines. Additionally, it supports local fish selling activities, helping to streamline the supply chain and enhance market access for farmers.FarmerNaroda, Balipatna, Khordha10025
288 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface In this programme the farmers were made aware and encouraged to practice organic fish farming and natural farming in agricultureFarmerVillage: Barijanga, Block: Balianta, District: Khordha11040
289 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface Inauguration of Aqua ChaupalFarmerVillage: Sarakana, Block: Balianta, District: Khordha9535
290 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist InterfaceTo conduct farmer- scientist interface at village AloiFarmerVillage: Aloi, Block: Balipatna, District: Khordha9060
291 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureTraining programmesTo train the farmers on paddy staw mushroom bed preparation and Jivamrut and Panchagavya preparationFarmerDistrict- Khordha200300
292 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface To conduct farmer-scientist interfaceFarmerVillage: Purohitpur, Block: Balipatna, District: Khordha8025
293 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface To conduct farmer-scientist interface FarmerVillage: Sarakana, Block: Balianta, District: Khordha3515
294 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface To conduct farmer scientist interface programmeFarmerVillage: Anthuari, Block: Balianta, District: Khordha605
295 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface To conduct farmer scientist programmeFarmerVillage: Siddha Kutila, Block: Balianta, District: Khordha4060
296 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface In this programme the farmers were made aware and encouraged to practice organic fish farming and natural farming in agriculture.Self Help GroupVillage: Taraboi, Block: Balipatna, District: Khordha35115
297 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureMonitoring field visitMonitoring field visit by Dr. K. S. Das, FFP Nodal Officer ATARI Kolkata to ICAR-CIFA, FFP adopted villages FarmerVillage: Purohitpur, Block: Balipatna, District: Khordha, Village: Barijanga, Block: Balipatna, District: Khordha8020
298 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface and Kisan Saman DiwasIn this programme the farmers were made aware and encouraged to practice organic fish farming and natural farming in agricultureFarm WomenVillage: Barijanga, Block: Balianta, District: Khordha40110
299 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface In this programme the farmers were made aware and encouraged to practice organic fish farming and natural farming in agricultureSelf Help GroupVillage: Turintira, Block: Balipatna, District: Khordha30120
300 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureExposure visit to Nimpith KVKICAR-CIFA organized an exposure visit for 6 farmers under this programme to Ramkrishna Ashram KVK, Nimpth, West Bengal from 26 to 29th February, 2024. The purpose of this visit was to facilitate cross-learning among farmers. Nimpith KVK is known as one of the best and award-winning KVKs in India, showcasing various units viz., apiculture, vermi-compost, ornamental fish, Indian Major Carps (IMC), horticulture, and more. During the visit, farmers had the opportunity to learn from the expertise of RAKVK's scientists who provided valuable insights into different units.FarmerRamkrishna Ashram Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nimpith, South 24 pargana, West Bengal60
301 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureNational Fish Farmers Day 2024To interact with the farmers and discuss about their problems. Team of scientists also encouraged the farmers and farm women for practicing organic and integrated farming. FarmerICAR-CIFA, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar146
302 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFelicitation of Progressive Fish Farmer's award for National Fish Farmers Day 2024To felicitate the fish farmers for their success in Integrated Fish Farming.FarmerICAR-CIFA Hq. Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar15050
303 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInnovative Farmer Award 2021-22 Felicitate the progressive farmers for outstanding performance and significant innovations in farming systemsFarmerICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad15050
304 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureKisan Samman DiwasICAR-CIFA celebrated Kisan Samman Diwas on 23th December 2023 at Turintira village, Block- Balipatna, where around 100 beneficiaries participated along with the team of scientists from ICAR-CIFA and KVK, Khordha. The two progressive farm women and three SHG were: Sasmita Swain (Village: Taraboi), Sumita Sahu (Village: Bagalpur), Maa Tarini SHG (Village: Aloi), Kala Kanhu SHG (Village: Dorobanga), Surabhi SHG (Village: Aitalanga). There was interaction between the farmers and the team of scientists from ICAR-CIFA and KVK, Khordha. The scientists tried to address the problems being faced by the farmers. Self Help GroupVillage: Turintira, Block: Balipatna, District: Khordha16102
305 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist InterfaceIn this programme the farmers were made aware and encouraged to practice organic fish farming and natural farming in agricultureFarmerVillage: Sarakana, Block: Balianta, District: Khordha8822
306 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Mega Finale of "Kalpa Quiz"Coconut Technology Dissemination Awareness CompetitionGeneral UsersPuthuppally Service Cooperative Bank No. 1900 Ltd, Auditorium, Devikulangara11362
307 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Millet harvest fest organised by CPCRI, Kayamkulam held1. Inauguration of millet harvest by Hon'ble Agriculture Minister of Kerala Shri P. Prasad 2. Creating awareness about millets among public 3. Exhibition of value added products from little millet, proso millet, finger millet and sorghumGeneral UsersKerala, Alappuzha, Devikulangara143179
308 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Seminar on millets and field visit of Demo plots in Devikulangara, Alappuzha district1. Visit of demoplots by KMML Managing Director for understanding 2. To facilitate exchange of information in millet cultivation and experience sharing by farmers. 3. Harvesting little milletGeneral UsersKerala, Alappuzha, Devikulangara2158
309 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute WORLD COCONUT DAYTo honour best coconut farmers and celebrate world coconut day with agriculture exhibition launched in association with value chain support from Odanadu Farmer Producer Company FarmerPATHIYOOR PANCHAYATH, ALAPPUZHA DISTRICT1917
310 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute FFP farmer Shri Gopalakrishna Pillai recognized as innovative farmer on 45th foundation day, NAARMThe 45th foundation day of NAARM, Hyderabad was celebrated on 1/09/2020 virtually. The chief guest of the program was Dr. R S Paroda, former secretary DARE and DG, ICAR and chairman (TAAS). During the occasion 11 innovative farmers were felicitated from each ATARI zoneGeneral Users ONLINE PLATFORM3832
311 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Training programme on business plan preparation for Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) To know principles of business plan and preparation details,case study on business plan in related to coconut.Others ONLINE PLATFORM104
312 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute “Grow bag vegetable cultivation by individuals and farmers group”Online entrepreneurship development series for rural youthsUnemployed YouthICAR- CPCRI, ONLINE PLATFORM14066
313 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Market outlet for the famers in linkage with Odanadu Farmer Producing Company LTD & Launching of kalpavardhini facilitated by ICAR- CPCRIBringing market to farm gate through FFP- FPO The Farmer FIRST programme of ICAR -CPCRI is in progress in participatory mode since November 2016 in Pathiyoor panchayath among 1000 farm families. Various varieties of Sesamum, Finger millet, Ginger, Turmeric, Tubers, Poultry breeds and other technologies were evaluated and prioritized based on the results of farmer participatory experimentation. The output and the outcome resulted in increased production, conversion of 370 ha of fallow land and increase in income of participating farmers and farm women. The increase in production of crops, egg, coconut products warranted procurement, marketing facilities and demand for basic inputs like planting materials, bio inputs are also on the high. Hence under the Farmer FIRST Programme, group discussions were organized and it was decided to initiate a market outlet for the famers in linkage with Odanadu Farmer Producing Company LTD was formed and being facilitated by ICAR- CPCRI.FarmerKerala, Alappuzha, Pathiyoor107
314 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Fourth Institute Advisory Committee (IAC) meetingTo present the action taken report of last IAC. To inform the activities/ interventions done during 2020-21. To propose the next year action plan and invite suggestions of the IAC membersOthersConference hall of ICAR CPCRI RS Kayamkulam1812
315 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Online training on Household waste management using Black soldier fly (BSF) biopod technology.Waste management in households and IFS units utilizing scientific optionsFarmerICAR- CPCRI, ONLINE PLATFORM2921
316 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Online training on Bush pepper cultivationEntrepreneurship development series for rural youthsUnemployed YouthICAR- CPCRI, ONLINE PLATFORM4456
317 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Online entrepreneurship training program- Coconut oil based soap makingEntrepreneurship development series for rural youthsUnemployed YouthICAR- CPCRI, ONLINE PLATFORM2327
318 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Inauguration of coconut care & cover programmeRejuvenation, Refinement and ensuring timely and scientific plant protection in coconut palmsFarmerICAR- CPCRI, R S, Kayamkulam6689
319 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute WORLD FISHERIES DAY CELEBRATION AND FELICITATION OF MODEL FISH FARMERSOrganized to felicitate model fish farmers under Natural Resource Management module of FFP and give scientific training on pond fish farmingFarmer ‘Murni fish farm’, ward 16, Pathiyoor, Kerala, Alappuzha3012
320 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Felicitation of model IFS farmers under Integrated Farming System module of FFP and farmer interactive sessionFelicitate model IFS farmerGeneral UsersWARD 15, PATHIYOOR1923
321 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Integrated root (wilt) disease management technologiesSoil testing campaign for soil test based nutrition (SBTN) management ,Integrated management of root (wilt) disease affected coconut – SBTN + organics 25-30 Kg /palm/year + MgSo4 (500g/palm/year) + Dolomite (1 Kg/palm/year)+ basin management with 100 g cowpea sown and incorporated with initiation of flowering , pilot level adoption/demonstration of customized nutrient mixtures (including micro nutrients) Kalpavardhini for 9650 bearing coconut palms-500 g/palm/year in 2 split dose, Kalpaposhak for coconut seedlings-100 g/seedling/year in 2 split dose,area wide approach of plat protection of coconut in a contiguous area and completed 9300 palms with farmers shareFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala25648
322 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Inauguaration of 'Participatory coconut seedling/ hybrid production'To raise better quality seed production FarmerDevikulangara Panchayat , Alappuzha25118
323 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Inauguration of Millet CultivationTo popularize the use of small millets in diet thus providing food/livelihood security to households and distribute quality seeds of small millets for future cultivationFarm WomenWard 13,Pathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala134
324 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute National Workshop on ‘Science History of India'learning about science mixed with history.General UsersICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam, Alappuzha, Kerala8359
326 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Millet sowing inauguration at ward 9, Oachira Panchayathto attain food security and nutritional security through the cultivation of millets- 'Super foods'Self Help GroupOachira panchayth722
327 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Institute Advisory Committee (IAC) meeting of Farmers FIRST ProgrammeIntegrating various Departments and agencies for doubling farmer’s income and developing viable and diversified models. Ward-based problem prioritization workshops, sensitization campaign on tuber and spices cultivation, value addition programme in coconut, strengthening sesame and njavara rice cultivation etc. All stakeholders provided valuable inputs towards fine-tuning the programmes in making farming holistic and sustainable in the backdrop of limiting resources and climate change.OthersICAR CPCRI,RS,Kayamkulam89
328 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Pest and disease management of coconutEnable farmers to solve field problems , identification of pests and diseases, observations for crop changesFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala1610
329 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Practical training on mushroom cultivationTo improve the socio economic status and solve the employment problems of rural economy by generating the income and job opportunities thus to promote self employment.FarmerKerala, Alappuzha, Devikulangara76
330 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Farmer FIRST program World Soil Day CelebrationAn exhortation for protecting the fertile top soil from degradation and the importance of community based balanced nutrient management for sustainable farm production and improving income. To distribute a ‘customized soil test based nutrition guide’ to farmers and the STBN guide will be utilized for the women farmer group cultivation process and the convergence programmes with MGNREGS creating wider outreach of the soil test based nutrition management messages across the society.Farmer Kerala, Alappuzha, Pathiyoor Grama Panchayath,5012
331 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Entrepreneurship development on coconut diversificationEntrepreneurship development on coconut diversification for doubling farmers incomeFarmerICAR- CPCRI, ONLINE PLATFORM2611
332 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization and need analysisFarmerRamapuram North,Pathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala3456
333 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmer Evoor south,Alappuzha,Kerala712
334 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerNSS Karayoga Mandhiram,Pathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala1835
335 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoorkala,Alappuzha,Kerala1421
336 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerMattom school,Pathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala2253
337 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoorkala,Alappuzha,Kerala1049
338 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerCheriya Pathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala4360
339 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala4249
340 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerAmbalathveedu junction,pathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala2844
341 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerkuttikulangara,Alappuzha,Kerala6833
342 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala1416
343 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala2331
344 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala2042
345 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala3343
346 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala1840
347 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala2723
348 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala1119
349 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala2617
350 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala3833
351 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Inauguration of 'Kalpakam Kera Probio Unit' in Pathiyoor FFP area, Alappuzha, Kerala 1. To organize 'farmers Meet' of the FFP participants 2. To conduct direct appraisal and feedback of FFP interventions from the participant farmers and other stakeholders 3. To inaugurate the science based enterprise of rural youth ' Kera probio" unit in FFP for decentralized productionGeneral UsersPublic Health Centre Hall, Pathiyoor, Alappuzha district, Kerala49156
352 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Good agriculture practices among livestock farmers 1.To elicit interest and awareness in GAP of livestock management 2.To obtain farmers needs and feed back on use of cowmatsFarmerGovernment veterinary hospital, Pathiyoor,Alappuzha District,Kerala285
353 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Scientific management of coconut for improving coconut palm health and income 1. To facilitate recent technologies in coconut production and protection to participant farmers of five wards 2. Enable experience sharing among and between farmers 3. To prepare farm plans for resource assessment and problem elicitation 4. To plan various activities to be implemented in model/demonstration plotsFarmerKerala, Alappuzha, Pathiyoor3812
354 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Kissan Mela of Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP), Inauguration of Poultry Clusters, Chick production Units, Kera probio, Sesamum Cultivation1. To motivate farmers and peoples representatives for up scaling the success stories 2.To launch and submit the FFP interventions to the farming community of Pathiyoor and to involve the peoples representatives regarding the participatory interventions and the impact of the integrated activities 3. To coordinate and improve collaboration of linkage and converging agencies 4. To organize an exhibition of the activities and the farm produces out of the interventions in six modules 5. to facilitate the exchange of information and sharing experiences General UsersWard 19, Ramapuram, Pathiyoor, Alapuzha district114237
355 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Interactive session on fish farming1. To impart knowledge and skills on pond preparation and fish culture 2. To evolve a location specific water conservation model with community participation 3. To increase fresh water fish production and improve the diet diversity and income FarmerFFP Pathiyoor Panchayath,Ward 6 Primary Health Centre (PHC), Alappuzha, Kerala3814
356 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Launching Panchayath wide fish culture in homestead ponds1. To evolve a participatory Panchayath level model of fish culture in all suitable homestead ponds 2. To improve knowledge and skill on scientific fish culture in integrated farming system 3. To improve income from small and marginal holdingsFarmerWard 12 Pathiyoor Panchayath (Mr Reji's plot)4613
357 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Training program on inter cropping of maize and sunflower in coconut garden1. To impart skill and knowledge on maize and sunflower as an inter crop in coconut gardens 2. To sensitize them on participatory experimentation of the new crops in the coconut gardenFarmerPrimary Health Center Hall, Pathiyoor, Alappuzha District526
358 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Training on scientific management of pond fish culture as an IFS component1. To impart knowledge and skill on pond fish culture 2. To sharpen the farmer innovation based fish culture for improving the income FarmerAratukulangara Govt. LP school, Pathiyoor, Alappuzha District259
359 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Kisan Mela and launching of new interventions of Farmer FIRST Program of ICAR CPCRITo organise Kisan Mela for showcasing the success of FFP To launch the innovative components of Pathiyoor local Egg brand for egg self sufficiency , Second unit of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) production, Floriculture units, Launching ' Kalpakam Kera Probio' a bio input for coconut and intercrops produced in FFP by rural youth, Vermicompost and cowdung produces launching and sesamum program of fallow free and value additionFarmerPathiyoor Panchayath, Alappuzha District, Kerala128384
360 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Third Institute Advisory Committee (IAC) meetingTo present the action taken report of last IAC To inform the activities/ interventions done during 2018-19 To propose the next year action plan and invite suggestions of the IAC membersOthersICAR CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam, Alappuzha, Kerala1014
361 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYTraining on minimal processing and of packaging of fruits and vegetables 1.To train farmers in the area of minimal processing of fruits and vegetables 2. To sensitize farmers about safe handling of fruits and vegetables 3. To familiarize farmers with different packaging materials FarmerPHPTC, Ludhiana120
362 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYExposure Visit of farmers from Nawanshahr1. To familiarize farmers with opportunities available in the area of processing and value additionFarmerICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana300
363 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYTraining on Honey processing and pulse processing1. To conduct a Hands-on training on honey filtration and packaging for farmers 2. To train farmers in the area of pulse processing, it's packaging and marketingFarmerICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana180
364 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYTraining on processing of pulses1. To train farmers in the area of pulse processing, packaging, and marketingFarmerICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana80
365 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYDemonstration of the pulse processing unit and honey processing unit for the farmers in the village1. To provide the know-how of the pulse processing and honey processing 2. To conduct a Hands-on training on honey filtration and packaging for farmers 2. To train farmers in the area of pulse processing, it's packaging and marketingFarmerICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana, PAU ludhiana150
366 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYIdentification of beneficiaries for APC module 1. For identification of beneficiaries for APC moduleFarmerBalachour, Nawanshahr121
367 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYConducting PRAFor conducting the PRA of villageFarmerMAhaloan, Nawanshahr180
368 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYTraining programme on honey processing 1.To demonstrate the scientific processing practices to farmers 2.To conduct a Hands on training on honey filtration and packaging for farmers FarmerProcessing and Food Engineering Department, PAU, Ludhiana.100
369 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYMeeting of Project Team with Deputy Director Trainee, KVK, NawansharTo discuss about the scope of the project in the selected district and for organizing a farmer scientist interface meetingOthersICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana61
370 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYFarmer Scientist Interface MeetingFor identification of beneficiaries and potential entrepreneurs for implementing the modules a meeting farmer scientist interface meet was held at KVK NawanshahrFarmerKVK, Langroya,Nawanshahr120
371 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYMonitoring of the established pulse processing unit and honey processing unitTo monitor the progress and to give technical know-how about pulse processingFarmerNurpur and Mahalon100
372 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYIdentification of beneficiaries for Jaggery processing moduleIdentification of beneficiaries for Jaggery processing moduleFarmerRahon and Mahaloan50
373 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYFarmers meetingTo collect information about the vegetable status in the area and exploring the possibility of establishing farm-fresh produce processing and packaging module FarmerMeerpur Jattan walan 250
374 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYProject Monitoring Committee visitTo monitor the progress of the project modulesFarmerNurpur, Nawanshahr, Balachour120
375 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYImplementation of Jaggery processing moduleTo identify sugar cane growing belt and farmers about implementation of Jaggery processing module.FarmerDudhala, Rahon and Wajidpur 150
376 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYTechnical advice1. To give a solution to the problem (Recovery of Dhal) to the farmers 2. To observe the progress of the modulesFarmerNurpur and Mahalon80
377 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYTechnical Guidance related to pulse milling for the farmersTo provide detailed about machine operation and pretreatment of different pulses with oil and moistureFarmerNurpur50
378 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYDemonstration of the pulse processing unit and honey processing unit1. Demonstration of the pulse processing unit and honey processing unit for the farmers in the village. 2. to note the progress of already established unitsFarmerNurpur and Mahalon140
379 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYCollection of basic data from villagesfor collecting the information from farmers about the implementation of agro-processing modules in the village FarmerNurpur and Balta80
380 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYTraining on pulse processing1.To train farmers in the area of pulse processing FarmerICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana100
381 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYMonitoring of the established pulse processing unit and honey processing unit1. To note the progress of already established pulse processing unit and honey processing unitsFarmerNurpur and Mahalon80
382 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYFront line DemonstrationDemonstration of the honey processing unit FarmerMahaloan, Nawanshahr120
383 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYFront line DemonstrationDemonstration of the honey filtration cum processing unit, moisture reduction unit and bottling unit FarmerMahalon and Bhartha Khurd Nawanshahr, Punjab 90
384 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYProject Monitoring Committee visitTo monitor the progress of the project modulesFarmerSBS Nagar, Punjab150
385 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYFarmers awareness programmeTo make awareness about pulse milling project and entrepreneurial opportunities in agro-processingFarmerICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana150
386 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYTraining on Agro processingTo deliver the hands on training on the processing of agricultural products to the farmer at ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana.FarmerICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana120
387 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYMilling of spices under agro-processing moduleTo give the hands-on training on pulverizer for spices grindingFarmerICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana40
388 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYHoney Farmers meetingTo collect honey production information finding out the problems faced by the farmers in honey processing and marketing.FarmerRahon, SBS Nagar, Punjab120
389 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYInstallation of Chemical free jaggery unitTo establish chemical free jaggery unit by Operator (Sonu) that came to Ludhiana from Kailash Engineers, Gujarat.FarmerUppal Farm, Rahon, SBS Nagar, Punjab50
390 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYMonitoring work of jaggery processing plantTo check the complete working of jaggery plantFarmerUppal Farm, Rahon, SBS Nagar, Punjab40
391 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYVisit of Uttam seva, Haryana to jaggery processing plant4 Members from Uttam seva, Sirsa, Haryana, came to ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana to visit chemical free jaggery processing plant at RAhon, PunjabOthersUppal Farm, Rahon, SBS Nagar, Punjab31
392 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYMonitoring work under different modulesTo check working and output of different machines installed under honey processing, agro processing modules.FarmerSBS Nagar, Punjab120
393 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYIdentification of beneficiaries for Agro processing moduleTo check the output of established Mini Dal mill and Identification of beneficiaries for Agro processing moduleFarmerSBS Nagar, Punjab60
394 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYShifting of Honey Processing unitTo Shift honey processing unit to Rahon, Nawanshahr, PunjabFarmerRahon, SBS Nagar, Punjab80
395 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYVisit of FarmersVisit of associated farmers of sugarcane to the established jaggery processing plant.FarmerUppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr, Punjab80
396 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYMonitoring the honey processing plant and Agro-processing centers.To monitor the progress of established honey processing plant and Agro-processing centers.FarmerBalachour and Rahon, Nawanshahr, Punjab40
397 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYMonitoring the jaggery processing and Honey Processing plantTo monitor the working of established jaggery processing plant and Honey processing unitFarmerRahon, Nawanshahr, Punjab40
398 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYVisit of honey bee farmsTo visit honey bee farms and to provide technical advice to Agro processing farmers FarmerRahon, Nawanshahr, Punjab50
399 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYConducting PRATo Conduct PRA of sugarcane and pulse growing farmers in Rahon and Balachour area.FarmerBalachour and Rahon, Nawanshahr, Punjab150
400 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYVisit of farmerVisit of farmer to the established chemical free jaggery production plantFarmerUppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr10
401 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYVisit of farmerVisit of farmer to the established chemical free jaggery production plantFarmerUppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr10
402 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYVisit of farmerVisit of two processors from Sukhvinder Agro Foods, Vill. Sodhiwala, Sidwan Bet, Jagraon to ICAR-CIPHET, LudhianaFarmerAgro-processing center, ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana20
403 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYFarmer survey and data collectionFor the survey and data collection of the farmers doing processing of agricultural products in Rahon and Balachour.FarmerRahon and Balachour, Nawanshhar120
404 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYMonitoring of established modulesTo monitor the progress of honey processing, jaggery production and agro processing modules established in the farmers field.FarmerRahon and Balachour,Nawanshahr70
405 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYGroup meeting with farmers at KVK, Langroya and monitoring of jaggery production plant1. Meeting with farmers at KVK, Nawanshahr for the identification of beneficiaries under Horticultural crop process module. 2. To provide technical guidance regarding FSSAI registration, packaging of processed solid and granular jaggery and to monitor the progress of jaggery production at Uppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr. FarmerKVK, Langroya and Uppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr250
406 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYFarmer survey and data collectionFor the survey and data collection of the sugarcane cultivating farmers in Rahon.FarmerRahon, Nawanshahr100
407 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYFarmer survey and data collectionFor the survey and data collection of farmers running agro-processing units in Raikot.FarmerRaikot, Ludhiana80
408 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYVisit of Farmer-cum-entrepreneursVisit of farmers to the established jaggery processing plant.OthersUppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr20
409 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYTraining on chemical free jaggery production1. To provide the training on chemical free jaggery production process 2. To provide technical guidance on equipments and establishmnet of jaggery production plant 3. To provide technical information about packaging, FSSAI registration and marketing aspects of solid and granular jaggery.OthersUppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr20
410 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYVisit of farmerVisit of famer to the Agro-processing center (M/s Pabla Brothers)FarmerPabla Brothers, Bharta Khurd, Rahon, Nawanshahr10
411 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYVisit of farmerVisit of famer to the Agro-processing center (M/s Khalsa Farm)FarmerKhalsa Farm, Balachour, Nawanshahr10
412 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYVisit of farmerVisit of farmer to the established chemical free jaggery production plantFarmerUppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr10
413 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYVisit of farmerVisit of farmer to the established chemical free jaggery production plantFarmerUppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr10
414 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYVisit of farmerVisit of farmer to the established chemical free jaggery production plantFarmerUppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr10
415 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYVisit of farmersVisit of sugarcane farmers from Raikot, Ludhiana to the established jaggery processing plant.FarmerUppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr40
416 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYVisit of farmerVisit of Five members from Guru Sahib Charitable Society (Regd.) Moga to ICAR-CIPHET, LudhianaOthersAgro-processing center, ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana50
417 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationA online Scientist-Farmer Interaction Meeting under ‘Amrut Bharat Mahotsav’ For empowering the farmers and rural youth by promoting Hortipreneurship and resource sharing, creating Farmer Producer Organizations and women’s Self-help Groups, developing ‘Seed Villages’, and improving farmers’ skills for improved supply chain management in mango and other crops.FarmerICAR-CISH Lucknow 4010
418 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOne day training programme on ‘Button and Oyster mushroom productionEntrepreneurship development on the production of Oyster and Buton mushroom Unemployed YouthICAR-CISH, Lucknow 102
419 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationFarmers meeting on possibilities of export of horticulture crops in Uttar Pradesh.awareness to the farmers for integrated pest management and community based farming for produce good quality horticulture produce which farmers can export and get maximum price. FarmerICAR-CISH, REHMANKHERA, LUCKNOW 17030
420 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationa Farmers Interaction for broadcasting address of Prime Mister Shri Narendra Modi ji during "Conclave on Natural farming"Motivated to adopt Natural farming that will help in amelioration of soil and environment health. For promote and support initiatives leading to sustainability of the system, cost reduction, market assess and better value realization to farmers. FarmerICAR-CISH, REHMANKHERA, LUCKNOW 16040
421 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationNational Farmers Day programmeFor honored the progressive farmers for Utkrisht Krishak SammanFarmerICAR-CISH, REHMANKHERA, LUCKNOW 12030
422 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationPM’s Live in program cum kisan GosthiOn the occasion of tenth instalment of Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi and how farmers can start their own startup and export their products in the country and abroad and can make the dream come true of self-reliant agriculture and self-reliant India.FarmerICAR-CISH, Lucknow 11040
423 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOne day training programme on Oyster mushroom production to build livelihood for rural youth through mushroom production. Unemployed YouthICAR-CISH, Lucknow 123
424 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOne-day training program on home scale processing and value addition of fruitEntrepreneurship development through value-added products from Mango, Guava, and other subtropical fruits, as well as the preparation of nutri-feeds for children and adultsSelf Help GroupNabipanah, Malihabad, Lucknow 820
425 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationField survey in Mall block for adoption of new villages for second phase of FFP For adoption of new villages for second phase of FFP FarmerDhakwa, Bhanpur and Hasnapur 4015
426 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationWorkshop on Mango orchard based poultry farming For increasing the livelihood option of farmersFarmerDhakwa 282
427 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional station Field day on “Fruit Bagging Technology”For demonstration of “Fruit Bagging Technology”FarmerNabipanah, Malihabad, Lucknow 250
428 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationFarmer Scientist interactionTo check the performance FFP interventions.FarmerDhakwa, Mall, Lucknow 255
429 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOne day workshop on “Safe Harvesting and Post Harvest Management of Mango”to create mass awareness about harvesting, safe ripening and value addition and processing of mangoFarmerDhakwa, Mall, Lucknow 150
430 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOne day workshop on entrepreneurship development from secondary hardening nursery of tissue culture banana plantEntrepreneurship development from secondary hardening nursery of tissue culture banana plant Unemployed YouthICAR-CISH, Lucknow 3010
431 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOne day training cum workshop on “Ready to Fruit Bag Dhingri (Oyster) Mushroom”For enhancing livelihood and nutritional security through mushroom farming FarmerICAR-CISH, Lucknow 200
432 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationKisan Diwas To honor the farmers who have done excellent work in agriculture like IFS module, Mushroom production, secondary hardening of TC Banana plants, poultry and growing high value vegetables with mulching and drip irrigation etc. FarmerICAR-CISH, Lucknow 300
433 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOne day training cum workshop on “Ready to Fruit Bag Dhingri (Oyster) Mushroom”To develop entrepreneurship by imparting practical and skill knowledge of mushroom production to farmers and rural youthUnemployed YouthICAR-CISH, Lucknow 200
434 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional station Celebrated the Kisan Diwas - 2020 under the Clean India Mission.The 23rd December, 2020 is observed as the Farmers’ Day (Kisan Diwas) to celebrate the invincible contributions of farmers and agriculturists in enhancing the country’s economy. Farmer Village Nabipanah, Malihabad, Lucknow7515
435 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEntrepreneurship development through button mushroom cultivationFor increasing livelihood through button mushroom farmingUnemployed YouthICAR-CISH, LUCKNOW20
436 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional station“भा.कृ.अनु.प.- केन्द्रीय उपोषण बागवानी संस्थान में प्रधान मंत्री जी द्वारा देश के किसानों के संबोधन एवं किसान सम्मान निधि के आवंटन कार्यक्रम का लाइव प्रसारण का आयोजन”पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री भारत रत्न स्वर्गीय अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी जी के जयंती के अवसर पर माननीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी ने वीडियो कांफ्रेंसिंग के माध्यम से सभी अन्नदाता किसान भाइयों और बहनों से किसान संवाद किएOthersICAR-CISH, LUCKNOW305
437 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationSanitation Awareness Programme For Sanitation Awareness OthersVillage Mithenagar, malihabad, lucknow1510
438 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationCelebrated World Soil Day 2020Farmers aware about the importance of soil healthFarmerVillage Nabipanah, Malihabad, Lucknow 4010
439 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInauguration of Mango Outlet for better pricing and marketing of Dashehari Mango GI-125Linkage to the state line department for providing a marketplace for mango farmersFarmerKisan Bazar, Gomtinagar, Lucknow 150
440 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInauguration of Mango Outlet for better pricing and marketing of Dashehari Mango GI-125For better pricing and marketing of Dashehari Mango GI-125 in the Single-layer CFB box FarmerBhoothnath Market, Lucknow 90
441 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInauguration of Mango Outlet in the premises of Horticulture and Food Processing Department, Shapru marg, Lucknow for better pricing and marketing of Dashehari Mango GI-125For better pricing and marketing of sanitized and packed Dashehari Mango GI-125 for augmenting the farmer's income FarmerHorticulture and Food Processing Department, Shapru marg, Lucknow150
442 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationone-day training program on entrepreneurship development on Dushehari mango pulp processing and value addition For augmenting the income of mango growers and farm women through Entrepreneurship development in mango pulp processing and value additionSelf Help GroupNabipanah, Malihabad2010
443 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationone-day training program on entrepreneurship development on Dushehari mango pulp processing and value addition Entrepreneurship development in mango pulp processing and value-added productsUnemployed YouthICAR-CISH, LUCKNOW102
444 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationICAR-CISH, Lucknow organized Scientist-Farmer's interaction meet under FARMER-FIRST projectTo solve the problem of costly fodder for the milch animals of the farmersFarmerICAR-CISH, Lucknow 350
445 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional station A training cum workshop on Guava pulp processing and value-added products For entrepreneurship development through the value addition of guava pulpSelf Help GroupVillage Mohammadnagar Talukedari, Malihabad1020
446 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationICAR- Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow organized a Scientist-Farmer Dialogue on the topic 'Food and Nutrition for Farmers' under 'Amrit Bharat Mahotsav' programmeFor the awareness of the establishment of Nutri-Garden for year-round availability of chemical-free fruits and vegetables for nutrition security. Farm WomenICAR-CISH, Lucknow 2525
447 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationICAR-Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow organized Field Day in adopted village Mohammadnagar Talukedari, Meethenagar, Nabipanah of Malihabad blockFor interaction with farmers and solve their horticulture-related problems.FarmerMohammadnagar Talukedari, Meethenagar, Nabipanah of Malihabad block83
448 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationUnder The Farmer FIRST Project ICAR- CISH, Lucknow organized an ‘Innovator-Farmer Meet on the the Nutri-sensitive Agriculture’ under ‘Amrut Bharat Mahotsav’ programmeTo improving the farmers’ income and nutrition securityFarm WomenICAR-CISH, Lucknow 7030
449 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationICAR-Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow demonstrated the ICAR-CISH-Fasal Shakti and ICAR-CISH Bio-Enhancer on Broccoli cultivation under Farmers FIRST Project. For demonstration of the importance of micronutrients and soil micro-organisms in farming.FarmerNabipanah, Malihabad 100
450 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional station‘Nutri-Garden Campaign and Plantation Drive’ under Nutricereals Mega convention for International Year of Millets 2023. For aware about the importance of various types of millets and drumstick its benefits for the health.Farm WomenMeethenagar, Malihabad2030
451 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationinauguration of mango pulp ice-cream factory under Farmer FIRST project. For augmenting the income of mango growers through Entrepreneurship development in mango pulp Unemployed Youth Malihabad, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 4012
452 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationKisan Mela To showcase best agricultural technologies to farmersFarmerICAR-CISH LUCKNOW 450150
453 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationWomen leadership in Agriculture : Entrepreneurship, Equity and Empowerment of women through innovative horticulture technologies.Women leadership in Agriculture: Entrepreneurship, Equity and Empowerment of women through innovative horticulture technologies.Farm WomenICAR-CISH Lucknow 1031
454 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOnline bayer-seller meet While mango orchards, who are constantly facing the Corona disaster, are suffering from the thrips on one hand, they are worried about its sale due to the closure of the market. In order to connect farmers, fruit trading companies, and various departments of the government, the Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture organized an online Mango Buyer-Seller Seminar on June 5, 2021 under Farmer FIRST Project and ABI.FarmerICAR-CISH, LUCKNOW 3510
455 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationDemonstration and training of vertical farming structure for the establishment of Nutri-gardenDemonstration and training of vertical farming structure to the landless agricultural labor and women for providing nutritional security.OthersCISH, Rehmankhera, Lucknow46
456 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationIntercropping day An Awareness program for improving the farmers' income through intercropping in mango orchardsFarmerVillage Mohammadnagar Talukedari, Malihabad 3610
457 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationDemonstration of perennial variety of Sorghum CoFS-29 as a intercropping in Mango orchard Demonstration of perennial variety of Sorghum CoFS-29 as an intercropping in Mango orchard ecosystem for solving the problems of those farmers who also do animal husbandry along with gardening, the problem of green fodder for milch animals and domestic animals. FarmerVillage : Mohammadnagar Talukedari and Nabipanah of Malihabad block Lucknow4012
458 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOne-day Training cum workshop on "Entrepreneurship Development on Button Mushroom Production and ProcessingICAR-CISH, Rehmankhera organized one-day Training cum workshop on "Entrepreneurship Development on Button Mushroom Production and Processing" for providing livelihood to the rural youth.Unemployed YouthICAR-CISH, REHMANKHERA, LUCKNOW150
459 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOne day workshop on "Swachhata Abhiyan" and "Swaraj Bharat" on the occasion of 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and the birthday of Shaheed Bhagat Singh One day workshop for awareness "Swachhata Abhiyan" and "Swaraj Bharat" on the occasion of 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and the birthday of Shaheed Bhagat Singh under the Farmer First Project ICAR-CISH and Awadh Aam Utpadak avam Bagwani Samiti, Nabipanah on 28-09-2020 at primary school, Nabipanah, Malihabad FarmerVillage Nabipanah, Malihabad, Lucknow2510
460 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional station 'सहभागिता'- Self Help Group FormationTo promote mango based poultry farming in Mall-Malihabad mango belt a SHG named 'सहभागिता' has been formed. The main objective of SHG is to produce chicks of CARI Devendra, Nirbheek, Aseel and Kadaknath breeds of poultry through community hatchery machine for supply of chicks to other fellow farmers. Self Help GroupNabipanaha260
461 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationCreation of women SHG-SwavalambanTo create women SHG on value addition of mango To link SHG with ABI for marketing To provide livelihood to rural womenSelf Help GroupMohammad Nagar Talukedari, Malihabad, Lucknow020
462 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationmango based poultry farming100 farmers adopted mango based poultry farming in three villages. Scientists from CARI, Barelley and CISH, Lucknow trained the farmers.FarmerICAR-CISH, Lucknow241
463 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationKisan Mela cum agricultural Technologies ShowcasingTo showcase best agricultural technologies to farmersFarmerICAR-CISH, Lucknow400105
464 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationGreeshm kaleen mashroom utpadan prashikchan karyakramTo train farm men and women on production of milky mushroomFarmerICAR-CISH, Lucknow10011
465 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationMethodological framework on implementation of Farmer FIRST projectQualitative and quantitative impact assessment analysis, participatory technology development, PRA, documentation and report writingExtension WorkersICAR-CISH, Lucknow152
466 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationmango based poultry farmingTo address problems of mango farmers who integrated rural poultry in their orchardFarmerICAR-CISH, Lucknow550
467 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationTurmeric field DayFarmers have integrated turmeric as intercrop in mango orchards under FFP. In order to train them on processing of turmeric, Field day was organizedFarmerVillage Mohammad Nagar Talukedari, tehsil Malihabad, Lucknow255
468 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInauguration of farmer FIRST and Training of farmersInauguration of Farmer FIRST project FarmerICAR-CISH, Lucknow500114
469 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationKisan Gosthi on Establishment of Nutri-gardenTo demonstrate Nutri-Garden among partner farmersFarmerVillage Nabi Panah, Malihabad, Lucknow10049
470 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationTraining and Demonstration for on-farm value addition of raw mango To capacity build rural women on value addition of mango and demonstration of solar dehydratorFarm WomenVillage Mohammad Nagar Talukedari, tehsil Malihabad, Lucknow030
471 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationElectronic Media Coverage of Farmer FIRSTMedia coverage of farmer FIRST activitiesFarmerVillage Nabi Panah, Malihabad, Lucknow500
472 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationKisan Gosthi on NurseryTo demonstrate nursery management of fruit cropsFarmerMeethenagar, Malihabad, Lucknow300
473 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationWorkshop on Adoption of Mushroom Diversity for Augmenting Income of Rural Women and Landless Farmers.Livelihood support to rural women and landless farmers through mushroomUnemployed YouthICAR-CISH, Lucknow2050
474 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationस्वच्छता ही सेवा अभियान के अंतर्गत श्रमदान To make farmers aware about cleanliness.FarmerVillage Mohammad Nagar Talukedari, tehsil Malihabad, Lucknow10050
475 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationSensitization of rural youth about carrier in agriculture on Agriculture Education To sensitize rural youth for agriculture educationUnemployed YouthVillage Nabi Panah, Malihabad, Lucknow1523
476 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationScientist-Farmer-Stakeholder interaction meeting For provide technical backstopping to stakeholders and mango farmers for mango export FarmerICAR-CISH, Lucknow 505
477 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationDemonstration of “Fruit Bagging Technology” in mango Motivate and encourage farmers to adopt fruit bagging technology in their mango orchards by highlighting its positive impact on yield, quality, and market value.FarmerNabipanah and dhakhava village of Mal block 250
478 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationField day on mango GAP farmers To educate farmers about the concept, methodology, and benefits of Mango GAP & fruit bagging technology in mangoFarmerNabipanah and dhakhava village of Mal block 200
479 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationFarmers meeting on flower cultivation To empower farmers to integrate flower cultivation into their agricultural practices as a means to enhance their income and overall agricultural productivity.FarmerDhakhava village of Mal Block82
480 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationFarmers meeting for formation of Women Self Help GroupFor formation of SHG group is to promote entrepreneurship by training women in processing, mushroom production and nursery.Self Help GroupIbrahimpur, Bhanpur village of Mal block 1020
481 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOne day workshop on promotion of intercrop in mango orchard For enhance farmer income through intercropping of turmeric in mango orchards FarmerICAR-CISH, Lucknow 205
482 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationMango Bayer seller interaction For facilitate the marketing linkage of mango GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) farmers with the private companyFarmerDhakhava village of Mal Block300
483 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationDemonstration of Bio-fungicide ICAR-Fusicont for mango wilt disease managementMango wilt disease managementFarmerDhakhava village of Mal Block80
484 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationFAO counselor, Mrs. Bayer from embassy of Federal Republic of Germany, Visited FFP farmers field and mango orchard For mango export promotion OthersMalihabad 83
485 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationDemonstration on "center opening" and light pruning techniques in mid-aged mango orchards To educate farmers on the benefits of regular and timely pruning. This training focused on reducing tree height, enhancing light penetration, and improving air circulation within the canopy. These practices help facilitate easier pesticide application, improve fruit quality, stimulate new growth, and decrease pest infestations, ensuring sustainable mango production.FarmerDhakhava, Mall-Malihabad 405
486 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteMarketing of Agricultural ProduceTo acquaint farmers regarding present agriculture marketing scenario, food processing, crop and livestock insurance, government policies, E-NAM, quality seed production, processing and value addition to the agricultural produceFarmerKVK Kaithal290
487 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteResidue management in riceTo sensitize the farmers about the ill effects of residue burning on soil health and environmental qualityFarmerVillage Kathwar, Kaithal800
488 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteFarmers’ participatory CSSRI’s Technological Adaptation in sodic agroecosystems under Farmer FIRST Project To demonstrate the on-going project activities and shared the experiences regarding interventions of ground-water recharge, salt tolerant wheat variety KRL 210, soil and irrigation water based gypsum and pressmud application and rice residue management. FarmerVillage Kathwar, Kaithal2000
489 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteAwareness-cum-Training Camps on Animal Health under FFPTo acquaint the farmers regarding balanced feeding, management practices for fodder availability round the year, clean milk production, proper sanitation in the animal sheds and precautionary measures for keeping their animals healthyFarmerVillage Kathwar, Kaithal1700
490 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteAwareness-cum-Training Camps on Animal Health under FFPSensitizing about the scientific dairy farming, reproductive problems and their management, clean milk production practices and health management of dairy animals. FarmerVillage geong, Kaithal900
491 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteMushroom Production TechnologyKnowledge regarding production technologies for mushroom cultivation FarmerHAIC, Sonepat100
492 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteImportance of Spray Technique in Crop ProductionTo acquaint the farmers with management practices for insect-pests and weed management in rice-wheat cropping sequence, critical points to be kept in mind while purchasing, selection & use of pesticides, dosage, spraying technologies as well as precautionary measures,. FarmerKVK Kaithal570
493 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research Institute"Quality Seed Production’ under Farmer FIRST ProjectTimely availability of good quality seed of popular varieties (Basmati CSR 30, PB 1121 and PB 1509) FarmerVillage Mundri, Kaithal 1000
494 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteSeed Day-Basmati CSR 30To provide good quality seed of improved variety (CSR 30 Basmati) for sodic agroecosystemsFarmerVillage Kathwar, Kaithal3000
495 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research Institute"Quality Seed Production’ under Farmer FIRST ProjectTo facilitate easy and timely availability of quality seed at farmers doorstepsFarmerVillage Mundri, Kaithal 1000
496 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteFormulating “Women Self Help Groups” under Farmer FIRST ProjectTo engage farm women for enterprise based income generation and livelihood securityFarm WomenVillage Kathwar, Kaithal040
497 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteField Day on “Rice Residue Management"To demonstrate and convince the farmers regarding rice harvesting with SSMS fitted combine harvesting and direct wheat seeding with happy seeder option in anchored rice residues FarmerVillage Mundri, Kaithal 1200
498 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research Institute Group Meeting on “Impact Assessment of Technological Modules under Farmer FIRST Projects”Training on approach process, methodology and indicators for analysing qualitative and quantitative impact assessment of demonstrated technologies under FFPs.OthersCSSRI, Karnal334
499 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research Institute“Quality Seed Production and Crop Intensification” under Farmer FIRST ProjectGuidelines and management practices for producing quality seed and intensive crop cultivation under sodic agro-ecosystemsFarmerCSSRI, Karnal250
500 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteKisan DiwasReclamation and management of salt affected soils and sustainable use of poor quality watersFarmerCSSRI, Karnal420
501 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteKnowledge on scientific preparation of dairy products knowledge on scientific preparation of dairy products Farm WomenVillage Kathwar, Kaithal020
502 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteKharif Kisan Goshti and Seed distribution Programme Quality seed distribution and best management practices for kharif cropsFarmerVillage Sampli Kheri, Kaithal1000
503 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteTraining on Livelihood Security of Farmers through Integrated Scientific Sheep and Goat Management PracticesA training on "Livelihood Security of Farmers through Integrated Scientific Sheep and Goat Management Practices" was imparted to a batch of 25 farmers of project area. Farmers learnt sheep and goat management practices by interacting with experts of the fields. Farmers also visited sectors of sheep and goat of the institute and learnt how to set up a model sheep and goat farm. FarmerICAR-CSWRI Avikanagar250
504 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteIntegrated Farming System for Livelihood Improvement and Economic Empowerment of FarmersA 2-days training on "Integrated Farming System for Livelihood Improvement and Economic Empowerment of Farmers" was organized for 25 farmers of project area. The main objective of the training was to provide farmers an exposure of integrated farming system for livelihood improvement and economic empowerment of farmers. The training covered topics like introduction of Farmer FIRST project, integrated farming system, goat rearing for milk and meat, self-help group formation and functioning, importance of soil health card, scheme of Central and State Govt. for farmers and wool shearing, sorting, dying and value addition etc. Farmers were also given practical exposure of the topics that were covered in the training programme.FarmerICAR-CSWRI Avikanagar223
505 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInteraction with farmersA team of Farmer FIRST project, PI and Co-PIs, under chairmanship of Head, Animal Nutrition organized a meeting (goshti) with more than 40 farmers on 20 June 2018 in Chosla village of Farmer FIRST project area. Team interacted with farmers on many issues like kharif crops, rabi crops, breed improvement of animals etc. In between the Gosthi, farmers listened to live telecast programme of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Sh. Narendra Modi’s talk with farmers on doubling farmers’ income by 2022. The Prime Minister said the four cornerstones for raising farm income are cutting input cost, fair price for the crop, preventing the produce from rotting and creating alternate sources of income. After the talk, the goshti continued and ended with vote of thanks given by the farmers to the Farmer FIRST project team.FarmerChosla village402
506 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteExposure visit of farmers to ICAR institutesWe organized a visit of 37 farmers to ICAR-NRCSS, Ajmer and ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur from 12 September 2018 to 13 September 2018 with an objective to acquaint farmers with latest knowledge and techniques of spices crops and other arid region technologies like horticultural crops. We first visited ICAR-NRCSS Ajmer and learnt economics of spices crops there. On next day, we participated in a Kisan fair organized by ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur. Farmers interacted with the experts of numerous fields in the stalls put by many ICAR, Central Govt. departments, state department and NGOs etc. The visit was a fruitful visit for the farmers because it enhanced their knowledge base of various crop technologies.FarmerICAR-NRCSS, Ajmer and ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur370
507 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteCelebration of Kisan Diwas on 23 Kisan Diwas in the fieldA large scale Kisan Diwas programme was organized with more than 100 farmers on 23 December 2018 in village Bassi of Farmer FIRST programme. The programme was chaired by Dr. Arun Kumar, Acting Director, and attended by Heads of Divisions of the Institute and all Farmer FIRST project team members. The programme was celebrated with spirit and zeal of farmer fraternity by inviting farmers, students and women farmers of project villages. In the programme, scientists and farmers shared their knowledge on various aspect of farming. An animal health camp was also organized on that day in the village, in which 700 sheep and 100 goats were given treatment symptomatically. The Acting Director and all Heads of Divisions and PI of the project spoke on importance of keeping recognized breed of animals, feeding animals balanced diet, benefits of plantation in the fields, on animal health etc. FarmerBassi village1105
508 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteFarmers-Scientist SangosthiICAR-CSWRI Avikanagar celebrated its 58th foundation day on 4th January, 2019, At this occasion, “Farmers-Scientist Sangosthi” was organized in which about 600 farmers interacted with institute scientists. Institute developed technologies were depicted through exhibition and live animal exhibition of elite ram, buck and rabbit was also organized. Hon’ble MLA Shri Kanhaiya Lal Choudhary as chief guest, Dr. R.S. Gandhi, ADG (Animal Science, ICAR, New Delhi) as special guest and Directors from ICAR Institute Dr. Gopal Lal (NRCSS), Dr. KhemChand (IGFRI), Dr. R. K. Sawal (NRCC), Dr. P. L. Saroj (ICAH) and Col. Sh. K.S. Shekhawat, Executive Director of CWDB, Jodhpur as Guest of Honour graced the occasion and provided valuable inputs in doubling the farmer’s income. Director Dr. Arun Kumar Tomar elaborated the technologies of institute developed in last 57 years for the benefit of farmers and emphasized for scientific rearing of sheep in order to enhance the farmer’s income.FarmerICAR-CSWRI Avikanagar12020
509 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteNational Sheep and Farmer FairA national level Sheep and Farmer Fair was organised by ICAR-Central Sheep & Wool Research Institute (CSWRI), Avikanagar with an objective to give an exposure of technologies developed by ICAR and other organizations. The event was chaired by Hon'ble Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare, Shri. Radha Mohan Singh ji. The fair was an opportunity for the farmers to get acquainted with latest developments in the field of agriculture and allied subjects by visiting stalls of institutes and interacting with the experts available at the stalls. General UsersICAR-CSWRI Avikanagar20025
510 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteExposure visit of farmers to ICAR institutesAn exposure visit of 45 farmers was made to ICAR-DRMR, Bharatpur, ICAR-CIRG, Makdhoom and ICAR-IARI, Pusa, New Delhi during 29 January 2018 to 31 January 2018. The main objective of the visit was to make farmers learn by "seeing is believing" principle of teaching-learning process. Since, mustard is the main rabi crop in our project area, therefore, we choose to visit ICAR-DRMR, Bhatarpur to have a visit there. Farmers of project area interacted with scientists of the institute and got their queries addressed. After that, farmers visited ICAR-CIRG Makhdoom for getting latest knowledge about goat rearing. Farmers learnt there about different breeds of goat like Beetal, Barbari, Jakhrana etc. After that farmers visited ICAR-IARI, Pusa, New Delhi and got an exposure of latest technologies in drip irrigation, green house farming, vegetable crops etc. Overall, this visit was a fruitful visit from which farmers of all categories got benefitted.FarmerICAR-DRMR, Bharatpur, ICAR-CIRG, Makdhoom and ICAR-IARI, Pusa, New Delhi450
511 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteParticipation of farmers of project area in National Sheep and Wool Fair A national level National Sheep and Wool Fair was organized by ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar on 8th December 2017. Hon'ble Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India, Sh. Gajendra Singh Shekhawat Ji inaugurated the fair and addressed more than 2500 farmers in the event. In this fair, more than 150 farmers participated and got benefited from various activities of the fair like exhibition, kisan gosthi, display of live exhibition of elite rams and buck etc. Farmers got an opportunity to see latest technologies developed by ICAR institutes, state agricultural universities, other govt. departments, private organizations like banks and other NGOs etc. Exhibition of latest technologies was done by more than 30 organizations. Farmers interacted with more than 100 experts of various departments in the exhibition and updated their knowledge in diverse fields of agriculture and allied subjects. FarmerICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar, Teh. Malpura, District-Tonk, Rajasthan13515
512 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteMeeting with Sarpanch and members of Gram Panchayat of project areaTo discuss with Sarpanch and members about activities to be done in coming months under Farmer FIRST project. Meeting was held on 22 July 2017.FarmerChainpur gram panchayat101
513 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteTraining programme on integrated farmingObjective of the training was to acquaint the farmers of project area on integrated farming techniques. They learned in the training latest techniques of integrated farming system.FarmerICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar250
514 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteScientist-farmer interaction meet on 17 March 2018Objective of scientist-farmer interactive meet was to address the queries of farmers along with imparting knowledge of agriculture and allied subjects to farmers. This meet was held on 17 March 2018. On that day a live animal exhibition and display of technologies of the institute was done with focus on the theme “Doubling the farmer’s Income”. During the programme, a live programmme of the Hon’ble Prime Minister speech (11:30 AM to 01:30 PM) from “Krishi Unnati Mela’ New Delhi was also telecast which was attended by more than 1000 participants including farmers, Public Representative (MLAs, Pradhan, Sarpanch etc.).FarmerICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar6085
515 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchFarmers - scientists interaction MeetingInteraction with the farmes regarding crop cultivation in thier locality and their needs for next cropping seasonFarmerBaroda, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh4065
516 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchSeed treatment, residue management and introduction of improved varieties of blackgram and greengram cropsImrpove the crop the yield and livelihood upliftment of the farmersFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey 400
517 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchGazar Ghash Jagrukta Saptah and distribution of Maxican beetleTo educate the farmers and villagers about the parthenium plants and encouragingh themto remove.General UsersMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda12550
518 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on mushroom cultivationTo improve the nutritional intake of the farmers as well as increasing the family economic sources.FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda1525
519 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on spraying techniquesTrain the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operationalsafetyFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey 10021
520 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on soil health managementTrainingthe farmers to improve the soil health. So that, crop yield can be increasedFarmerICAR-DWR, Jabalpur300
521 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchFarmers - Scientist meeting cum discussion on animal husbandaryTo know about problems faced by the faremrs in animal husbandary mainly for milching animalsFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey 4020
522 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchParthenium awairness weakCreating awareness among the farmers about Parthenium weedFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Umariya Choubey10055
523 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchField dayDiscus about the crop cultivation under conservation agriculture and effective weed managementFarmerBaroda600
524 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchKrashko ka Prekshetr Bhraman”Exposure visit of the farmers to ICAR-DWR research farms.Farmer ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur155
525 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on poultry rearing, scientific rearing of cattle and nutritional supplementation to milch animalsEducating the farmers about animal husbandryFarmerBaroda20050
526 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on effective herbicide application system, advanced machineriesImparting training on effective herbicide application system, advanced machineries etc to the different stake holders to reduce operational drudgery and improve operational efficiency.FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Umariya Choubey & Baroda2000
527 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchFive days training on “Mushroom se vibhinn utpad taiyar karne ki takniki” to the women farmers under FFP programmeEncourage the farm women to adopt mushroom production technologies.Farm WomenUmariya Choubey & Baroda114
528 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchParthenium Awareness WeekControlling of the infestation of Parthenium through different modes.General UsersUmariya Choubey & baroda15050
529 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchExposure visit of farmersExposure visit of farmers to Kisan mela - Machinery mela to educate the farmers on different farm machineries used in crop cultivationFarmerCIAE, JNKVV, Jabalpur3020
530 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchIntroduced new short duration Moong variety Virat and Nutrient management through DAP Increasing farmers income through new short duration Moong variety Virat and Nutrient management through DAP FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey982
531 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchField Visit of women Farmers.Field visit of women Farmers on 8 March 2021 on the occasion of Women’s DayFarm WomenMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey327
532 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on spraying techniquesTrain the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operationalsafetyFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda241
533 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on spraying techniquesTrain the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operationalsafetyFarmerMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur, Umariya Choubey250
534 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on scientific rearing of cattle and nutritional supplementation to milch animalsImproved milk production and animal healthFarmerMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur, Umariya Choubey205
535 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on scientific rearing of cattle and nutritional supplementation to milch animalsImproved milk production and animal healthFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda241
536 ICAR - Directorate of Weed Research Application of new generation herbicide (Sandesh)Train the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operationalsafetyFarmerMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur,Baroda and Umariya Choubey1000
537 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on scientific rearing of cattle and nutritional supplementation to milch animalsImproved milk production and animal healthFarmerMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur,Baroda and Umariya Choubey500
538 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchIntroduction of Moringa cultivation (PKM-1)Increasing farmers income through Moringa CultivationFarmerMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur,Baroda and Umariya Choubey450
539 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchIntroduction of mushroom cultivation among landless farmersTo improve the nutritional intake of the farmers as well as increasing the family economic sources.Unemployed YouthMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur, Umariya Choubey11
540 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on spraying techniquesTrain the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operationalsafetyFarmerMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur,Baroda500
541 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on scientific rearing of cattle and nutritional supplementation to milch animalsTo know about problems faced by the faremrs in animal husbandary mainly for milching animalsFarmerMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur,Baroda and Umariya Choubey500
542 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchProduction technologies for effective vegetable cultivation Sensitization of adopted farmers above the nutritional value of vegetable and empowerment on vegetable cultivation through nutritional garden .side by side distribution on Arka vegetable seed of ICAR-IIHR.FarmerBarauda and Umariya Choubey ,Panagar, Jabalpur300
543 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchApplication ofnano urea spray through droneFarmers scientist Interface on nano urea spray through drone under Farmer FIRST ProgrammeFarmerBarauda and Umariya Choubey ,Panagar, Jabalpur1220
544 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchDistribution and farmer scientist Interface of new generation herbicide Clodinafop Propargyl 15% + Metsulfuron Methyl 1 % WP @ 160 g/ha for broad spectrum weed control to 100 farmers benefited on dated 4 January 2023Train the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operationalsafetyFarmerBarauda and Umariya Choubey ,Panagar, Jabalpur1000
545 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchGazar Ghash Jagrukta Saptah and distribution of Maxican beetleTo educate the farmers and villagers about the parthenium plants and encouraging them to remove.FarmerBhidarikala Barauda, Panagar, Jabalpur 1191
546 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on repair, maintenance of agricultural sprayers & mechanical weeders and weed management in different crops at field sites of the villages adopted under Farmer FIRST Programme. Train the farmers about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operationalsafetyFarmerBarauda, Umariya Choubey and DWR,Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 1492
547 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining Programme on “Common diseases of milch animals and their management” under FFPTo know about problems faced by the faremrs in animal husbandary mainly for milching animalsFarmerBarauda and Umariya Choubey ,Panagar, Jabalpur3614
548 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchVigilance awareness weekCorruption eradicationFarmerBarauda and Umariya Choubey ,Panagar, Jabalpur202
549 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchField Day Feedback and performance of Ganga Hybrid and Vivaya Harbicide on Rice crop. FarmerBarauda ,Panagar, Jabalpur450
550 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchP.M Kisan Samman Sammalan October 17,2022 Fund Release in P.M. Kisan Samman Nidi.FarmerBarauda and Umariya Choubey ,Panagar, Jabalpur248
551 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchVishesh swachata abhiyan To make farmers aware of cleanlinessFarmerBarauda and Umariya Choubey ,Panagar, Jabalpur182
552 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchField Visit of Farmers.Training the farmers to improve the soil health through vermi composting. So that, crop yield can be increasedFarm WomenMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey1911
553 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInteraction with women farmers and exposure visit to research farm during Poshan Vatika mahabhiyan and plantation program on 17-09-2021Educating the farmers about millet weed managment Farm WomenMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey015
554 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchFarmer scientist Interface meeting “Climate resilient agriculture technology held on 28-09-2021Discus about the crop cultivation under Climate resilient agriculture technologyFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey410
555 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on spraying techniquesTrain the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operational safetyFarmerBarauda ,Panagar,Jabalpur (M.P.)220
556 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on spraying techniquesTrain the farmers about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operational safetyFarmerUmariya choubey, Panagar,Jabalpur (M.P.)250
557 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchIntroduced new short duration Greengram variety Virat and Blackgram variety PU-31Increasing farmers income through new short duration Moong variety Virat and blackgram variety PU-31FarmerBarauda ,Panagar,Jabalpur (M.P.)973
558 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchIntroduced new short duration Greengram variety Virat and Blackgram variety PU-31Increasing farmers income through new short duration Moong variety Virat and blackgram variety PU-31FarmerUmariya choubey, Panagar,Jabalpur (M.P.)981
559 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchDistribution and farmer scientist Interface of new generation herbicide Clodinafop Propargyl 15% + Metsulfuron Methyl 1 % WP @ 160 g/ha for broad spectrum weed control to 100 farmers benefited on dated 12 January 2024Train the framers about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operational safety.FarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur500
560 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchProduction technologies for effective vegetable cultivationSensitization of adopted farmers above the nutritional value of vegetable and empowerment on vegetable cultivation through nutritional garden FarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur400
561 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchDistribution of EarthwormsTo demonstrate technologies for utilization of weed biomass, bio-waste and crop residues for preparation of compost/vermi-compost FarmerBarauda ,Panager90
562 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining-cum-workshop and exposure visit on protection of plant varieties and farmers’ rights Exposure visit of farmers to educate the farmers on different farmers’ rights used .FarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur2820
563 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchSpecial Swachhta Campaign-3.0 To make farmers aware of cleanlinessFarmerBarauda, Panagar, Jabalpur400
564 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchDistribution of Apple Ber and Custard Apple Plants under Farmer FIRST Program Sensitization of adopted farmers above the nutritional value of vegetable and empowerment on fruit cultivation through nutritional garden .FarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur400
565 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchIntroduced new herbicide Imazethapyr 10 slTrain the fermers about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operational safetyFarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur1500
566 ICAR - Directorate of Weed Researchntroduced new short duration Greengram variety Virat .Increasing farmers income through new short duration greengram variety Virat FarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur1500
567 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchIntroduction of Apple Ber and Custard Apple Plants under Farmer FIRST Program Sensitization of adopted farmers above the nutritional value of vegetable and empowerment on Fruit cultivation through nutritional garden FarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur400
568 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInteraction with farmers of new generation herbicide (Council active) Triafamone 20 % + Ethoxysulfuron 10 % WG @ 90 g/acre.Train the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operational safetyFarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur500
569 ICAR - Directorate of Weed Research3 Days Training Programme on weed management in field crops to the farmers adopted under Farmer FIRST Programme'Train the farmers about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operational safetyFarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur and Barauda ,Panagar, Jabalpur1250
570 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchParthenium Awareness Campaign in selected village Under Farmer First ProgramControlling of the infestation of Parthenium through different modes.FarmerBarauda, Panagar, Jabalpur600
571 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining-cum-workshop and exposure visit on protection of plant varieties and farmers’ rights and weed management in conservation agriculture (CA) held on 21.02.2024.Exposure visit of farmers to educate the farmers on different farmers’ rights used .FarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur2820
572 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchFarmers scientist interface meeting on application of new generation Broad spectrum weed control with Pyrazosulfuron ethyl 10% WP and distribution of the herbicide at Khukkham and Ranipur villageTrain the framers about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operational safety.FarmerKhukkham and Ranipur ,Kundam,Jabalpur500
573 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchParthenium Awareness Campaign in selected village Under Farmer First ProgramControlling of the infestation of Parthenium through different modes.FarmerKhukkham and Ranipur ,Kundam,Jabalpur4010
574 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchDiscuss the problems in agricultureGroup meeting with farmersFarmeruttar pradesh , muzaffarnagar , sathri200
575 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchDignitaries visiting adopted farmers' fieldsDr J K Jena , DDG Fisheries and Animal Science and Dr N V Patil, Director, CIRC Meerut visited fields of afrmers adopted under FFPFarmerBhangela Village of District Muzzafarnagar52
576 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchMahila Krishak Goshthi cum Nutritional Health Camp To provide the nutrition education to the farm families specially women and children in order to improve their nutritional status.Farm WomenBhayengi Bhangela village, District Mujaffarnagar40100
577 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchIntroduction of new sugarcane variety (CoPk 05191)1. To introduce new sugarcane variety in western plain zone. 2. To demonstrate paired row trench method of sugarcane planting 3. To display mustard showing as an inter crop with Autumn planted sugarcane. FarmerUttar Pradesh , Muzaffarnagar , sathri60
578 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchUse of improved small tools for drudgery reduction among farm womenDrudgery reduction and improvement of working efficiencyFarm WomenUttar Pradesh , Muzaffarnagar , Sathri, Bhangella0250
579 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchTraining of value added jaggery production to Self-Help Groups (SHG)To devolved the skill among women farmers / rural youth for alternate income generation.Self Help GroupICAR-IIFSR, Modipuram, Meerut U.P. 250110010
580 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchTraining on value addition of farm produce (2 nos)To developed the skill among women farmers for processing of fruits and vegetables. Self Help GroupICAR-IIFSR, Modipuram, Meerut U.P. 250110010
581 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchTraining on value addition of farm produce (2 nos)To developed the skill among women farmers for processing of fruits and spices.Self Help GroupICAR-IIFSR, Modipuram, Meerut U.P. 250110010
582 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInternational Women’s Day on MilletsAn “International Women’s Day” programme on Millets was organized by ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad in adopted village; Gangapur in Jharasangam mandal of Sangareddy District of Telangana State under Farmer FIRST Project on 8th March, 2021. The main objective of the programme was to empower women farmers creating awareness about millets nutritional and health benefits, and to develop entrepreneurship on value-added products on the eve of International Women’s Day. As, they have major role in production and processing activities as an entire value-chain of millet, emphasis was also given to develop their skill and use of machineries to reduce their drudgeries in food processing ultimately for their socio-economic up-liftment. Farm WomenTelangana State, Sangareddy District, Gangapur Villge1534
583 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchWorld Water Day A “World Water Day” programme was organized by ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad in adopted village; Pampad in Raikode mandal of Sangareddy District of Telangana State under Farmer First Project on 22nd March, 2021. The main objective of the programme was creating awareness about importance of water, its saving, conservation and making judicial use in agriculture, and role of millets to secure sustainable livelihood security. For the year 2021, theme for world water day was "Valuing Water" was the major focus of the programme. Total 100 farmers including farm women, students and teachers of Zilla Parishad School, project staff of ICAR-IIMR, Sh. Kasinath ji, husband of Sarpanch of the Pampad village, other members. All the participants gathered at Zilla Parishad School, Pampad and Sh. Narsimlu, Principal of the School welcomed all the participants and IIMR team. General UsersTelangana State, Sangareddy District, Pampad Village6832
584 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchAwareness campaigns on precaution to be taken while performing farm operations duringCOVID-19Awareness campaigns on precautions to be taken by the farmers while doing farm operations during Covid -19 pandemic situations with farmers in five project villagesFarmerChalki, Shamshuddinpur, Gangapur, Tekur, Mirjapur880
585 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchVigilance Awareness & National Unity Day To create awareness among youth / students about individual integrity, accountability in Public Life and as well about National IntegrityOthersTelangana Model School IDA Bolarum Medak District120150
586 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchHand Band Making To expose the students of 9th and 10th standard to hands-on training. The skill inculcated was making of Hand Bands.OthersTelangana Model School PULKAL SangaReddy District2030
587 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchPre-season meeting with farmers and seeds allocationTo facilitate adoption of improved production technologies to improve the incomes from cropping systems thorough village communication centre. According to this objective, under crop based module improved millet seed varieties were distributed to the selected farmersFarmerGangapur village, Raikode mandal, Sanga Reddy District, Telangana state3720
588 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchField Day on Millets organized at Tekur village under Farmers First projectTo evaluate performance of the field trials and interact with farmers for collecting their feedback on the technology interventions, and build-up confidence to adopt them for increasing profitability and socio-economic upliftment of the millet growersFarmerTekur village, Nyalkal mandal in Sangareddy district of Telangana State 5012
589 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchAwareness of millets importance among scientific community of other research organizationsTo create awareness of millets importance among scientific community of other research organizationsGeneral UsersICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad 282
590 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchExposure visit of farmers at IIMR, HyderabadExposure of improved production technologies to farmers at IIMR, HyderabadFarmerICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad 274
591 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchNational level conference-cum-workshop on Doubling farmers’ income: Strategies for Rainfed AgricultureTo present results of the FFP projectOthersMANAGE, Hyderabad 12525
592 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchMid-season Farmers-Scientists Interaction at all villagesTo develop skill and monitor the field trials through direct interaction with farmers regarding their field problems of the technology interventionsFarmerChalki, Tekur, Shamshuddin, Tatpally, Mamadgi and Gangapur villages in Nyalkal and Raikode Mandals of Sangareddy District of Telangana State20040
593 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchFarmer-orientaion and seeds allocation programme under Farmers First project To orient the farmers about planting trials as per project plan 2019-20FarmerFive villages in Nyalkal and Raikode Mandals of Sangareddy District20040
594 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchPre-season meeting with farmers and seeds allocation under Farmer First Project Pre-season farmers orientation and seeds allocation FarmerFour villages in Nyalkal and Raikode Mandals of Sangareddy District 10020
595 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchTechnical Advisory-cum-Site Implementation Committee meeting of Farmers First ProjectTo make action plan of the project for 2019-20 in order to create substantial impact of millets and allied technologies among the farmers with inputs of the multidisciplinary team of institute’s scientistsOthersICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad 123
596 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration on pole harvesting in oil palm gardens.To improve harvesting skills to farmers and harvestersFarmerChallachintalapudi150
597 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchApplication of pesticide against bagworm through stem injection in oil palmTo impart skill in pesticide applicationFarmerChallachintalapudi150
598 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration on weather based irrigation scheduling in oil palm gardens.Weather based irrigation scheduling in oil palm gardens.FarmerMakkinavarigudem, West godavari dist., A.P250
599 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration on application of AM fungus for control of Ganoderma.To impart skill in A.M. Fungus applicationFarmerMakkinavarigudem, West godavari dist., A.P955
600 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration on collection of Soil & Oil palm leaf samples for analysisHow to collect the soil and leaf samples in oil palm plantationsFarmerChallachintalapudi350
601 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchAwareness campaign on Weather based irrigation scheduling and recycling of biomass wastage in oil palm.create the awareness about the irrigation scheduling and recycling the bio mass wastage in oil palm gardensFarmerChallachintalapudi500
602 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration on use of fertigation system in oil palm gardensuse of fertigation system in oil palm gardensFarmerChallachintalapudi150
603 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration on preparation of lure traps for against the Rhinoceros beetlepreparation of lure traps for against the Rhinoceros beetleFarmerChallachintalapudi100
604 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration on application on Metarhizium anisopliae for control of Rhinoceros beetleapplication on Metarhizium anisopliae for control of Rhinoceros beetleFarmerChallachintalapudi150
605 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration on application of pesticide by using turbo sprayerapplication of pesticide by using turbo sprayerFarmerChallachintalapudi300
606 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchTraining programme on using of motorized harvesting sickle for harvesting of oil palm FFBusing motorized harvesting sickle for harvesting of oil palmFFBFarmerChallachintalapudi400
607 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchTraining programme on fish farming to farmersFish forming to farmersFarmerChallachintalapudi140
608 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterface or Stakeholders meet on doubling the farm income.Doubling the formers income by following different aspects like inter cropping with heliconia,ornamentals growing and cocova inter cropping .Following mixed forming with poultry and fish ponds establishment FarmerChallachintalapudi11020
609 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill demonstration on pole harvesting in oil palm gardensTo demonstrate the pole harvest uses in oil palm harvestingFarmerChallachintalapudi200
610 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration on preparation of lure traps for against the Rhinoceros beetle.To impart skill in pheromone traps in oil palm gardensFarmerChallachintalapudi100
611 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration on Mobile based irrigation scheduleSaving water and timeFarmerChallachintalapudi250
612 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration and providing safety devices for harvesting of FFBprovide safety device items to farmer,harvestersFarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P150
613 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchField visit for installation of mobile pump starters Mobile pump starters Easy to operate the farmerFarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P70
614 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration of planting of fodder grass (to the oil palm growers)utilization of open space in oil palm orchard FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P100
615 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDiagnostic field visit for nutrient deficiency symptoms and their managementTo aware the farmer easily identify the deficiency symptom in oil palm gardens FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P100
616 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterface meet of SPIG members and IAC members Doubling the farmers income by following different regarding on inter crops. Following mixed farming with poultry and fish ponds establishmentFarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P250
617 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchField day on recycling of biomass in oil palm and coconut gardensCrop residues used as compost for oil palm gardensFarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P350
618 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchGroup meeting with harvesters for solutions of harvesting problems.Discuss about problems in oil palm harvesting FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P150
619 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchAwareness programme on harvesting in oil palmTo improve harvesting techniques to farmers and harvestersFarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P600
620 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration on collection of Soil & Oil palm leaf samples for analysis.How to collect the soil and leaf samples in oil palm plantationsFarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P250
621 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchAwareness programme on fertigation in oil palm plantationsUses of fertigation method in oil palm gardensFarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P250
622 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration and distribution of poles along with sickles, safety items to harvestersTo improve harvesting skills to farmers and harvesters FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P200
623 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchAwareness programme on fertigation system in oil palm gardens using fertigation system will increase yield in oil palm gardens FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P100
624 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchField visit for distribution of earth wormsEarthworm usually improve soil structure, Soil porosity and reduced run off modify soil organic matterFarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P100
625 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchField visit and distribution of fish finger lingsTo reduced operating costs and maximized the farmers incomeFarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P100
626 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration on fertigation in oil palm gardensuse of fertigation system in oil palm gardensFarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P500
627 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchStakeholder meet on doubling the farm income Doubling the farm income by following different aspects like inter cropping with heliconia,ornamentals growing and cocoa inter cropping .Following mixed forming with poultry and fish ponds establishment.FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P200
628 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration of releasing of earth worms in vermibeds for preparation of vermi compostEarthworm usually improve soil structure, Soil porosity and reduced run off modify soil organic matterFarmerMakkinavarigudem, Westgodavari, A. P.180
629 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill demonstration on pole harvesting in oil palm gardensTo improve harvesting skills to farmers and harvestersFarmerMakkinavarigudem, Westgodavari, A. P.100
630 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration on application of pesticide through Drone - Spraying in Horticultural cropsApplication of pesticide by using Drone - Spraying FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P450
631 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill demonstration on Pole harvesting in Oil palm plantationsTo improve harvesting skills to farmers and harvestersFarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P100
632 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration on Pole Harvesting in Oil Palm PlantationsDemonstration and distribution of poles, fertigation units and vermicompost beds to Farmer FIRST Programme FarmerMakkinavarigudem600
633 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration on Turbo sprayer in Oil Palm Plantation for spraying against the rugose spiralling whiteflyTo Demonstrate Turbo sprayer in Oil Palm Plantation for the management of rugose spiralling whitefly (Aleurodicus rugioperculatus)FarmerChallachintalapudi300
634 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration and distribution of Poles, venturies and veremibeds in Oil Palm Plantations Demonstration and distribution of Poles, ventures and veremibeds in Oil Palm PlantationsFarmerChallachintalapudi300
635 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration and distribution of mobile pump starters in Oil Palm PlantationsTo distribute new mobile pump starters to the farmersFarmerMakkinavarigudem150
636 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration of mobile pump starters in Oil Palm PlantationsTo distribute mobile pump starters to the farmers in Oil Palm PlantationsFarmerChallachintalapudi100
637 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration on battery operated bushcutter and sprayers in Oil Palm PlantationsSkill Demonstration on battery operated bushcutter and sprayers in Oil Palm PlantationsFarmerChallachintalapudi250
638 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration and distribution of chaffcutters in Oil Palm PlantationsDemonstration of chaffcutters in Oil Palm PlantationsFarmerIIOPR150
639 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration on power sprayer, weed cutters and chaff cutters in Oil Palm Plantation Demonstration on power sprayer, weed cutters and chaff cutters to the farmers in Oil Palm Plantation FarmerMakkinavarigudem300
640 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration on pest management with Turbo sprayer Skill Demonstration on pest management with Turbo sprayer in Oil Palm Plantation for spraying against the rugose spiralling whiteflyFarmerMakkinavarigudem200
641 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration on mobile pump starters in Oil Palm PlantationsDemonstration on mobile pump starters in Oil Palm PlantationsFarmerMakkinavarigudem50
642 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration on backpack power sprayer in Oil Palm PlantationSkill Demonstration on backpack power sprayer in Oil Palm PlantationFarmerMakkinavarigudem200
643 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm Researchawareness and exposure visit to HRS, Kovvurto visit vermicompost unitsFarmerHRS, Kovvur250
644 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchAwarenes programme on vegetable seed production to FFP village famersAwarenes programme on vegetable seed production to FFP village famersFarmerChallachintalapudi500
645 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchAwarenes programme on Weather based irrigation scheduleto create Awarenes on Weather based irrigation schedule in oil palm plantationjsFarmerAchyutapuram, Telangana200
646 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchAwarenes programme on pest (rugose spiralling whitefly) management in oil palmto create Awarenes on pest (rugose spiralling whitefly) management in oil palm by the application of bio control agent Isaria fumosorosea.FarmerChallachintalapudi250
647 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm Researchfield visit for observation and data collection from vermicompost beds and fodder grassfield visit for observation and data collection from vermicompost beds and fodder grassFarmerMakkinavarigudem100
648 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchField visit for distribution of fertigation injector and IsariaDistribution of fertigation venture unit injector for to the farmer and also bio control agent isaria fimosorosea was supplied to the farmerFarmerChallachintalapudi50
649 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchField visit for distribution of bush pepper cuttings as an intercrop in oil palm plantationsfor encouraging farmers to grow bush pepper as an inter cropFarmerChallachintalapudi100
650 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchField visit for distribution of fish fingerlings distribution of fish fingerlings into empty farm ponds of coconut/oil palm plantations FarmerMakkinavarigudem50
651 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm Researchfield visit for inspecting mobile pump starters working condition in field of oil palm farmersto check mobile pump starters working condition in field of oil palm farmers, which helps in proper water management in oil palm plantationFarmerChallachintalapudi50
652 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm Researchfield visit for inspecting mobile pump starters working condition in field of oil palm farmersto check mobile pump starters working condition in field of oil palm farmers, which helps in proper water management in oil palm plantationFarmerChallachintalapudi50
653 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm Research visit for distribution of fish feed to the farmers distribution of fish feed to the farmers FarmerChallachintalapudi100
654 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSPIG& IAC meeting Farmers FIRST Programmeto discuss and review about existing interventions and their implementations, also shared new ideas FarmerIIOPR, Pedavegi223
655 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill demonstration on pole harvesting on oil palm gardens Providing pole harvesting in oil palm will reduce time and man power.FarmerChallachintalapudi250
656 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration on turbo sprayer in oil palm gardens Demonstrated application of bio-control agent isaria fumasorosia against rugose spiraling white fly on oil palm, by using turbo sprayer.FarmerChallachintalapudi, A. P.220
657 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill demonstration on pole harvesting in oil palmTo improve harvesting skills to farmers and harvesterFarmerChallachintalapudi, A. P.200
658 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration and distribution of harvesting poleProviding pole harvesting in oil palm will reduce time and man power.FarmerChallachintalapudi, A. P.200
659 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill demonstration on pest management in oil palmDemonstrated how to control pest in oil palm gardens. FarmerChallachintalapudi, A. P.560
660 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration on fertigation in oil palm gardensUse of fertigation method in oil palm gardens.FarmerChallachintalapudi, A. P.150
661 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration and distribution of poles along with sickles to farmers and harvesters.Providing poles to harvesters for harvesting of oil palm FFB in Oil palm Gardens.FarmerChallachintalapudi, A. P.100
662 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterface meeting of SPIG & IAC on FFP Programme.Discussion about the new ideas in this projectFarmerChallachintalapudi, A. P.400
663 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration on high volume jet sprayer in oil palm and coconut with intercrop cocoa gardensDemonstrated application of bio-control agent in oil palm, by using high volume jet sprayer FarmerChallachintalapudi, A. P.200
664 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchAwareness programme on Swatch Bharat Abhiyan for safety disposal of pesticides/ fungicides bottles.Awareness on safety disposal of pesticides/ fungicides bottles under Swatch Barth.FarmerChallachintalapudi, A. P.450
665 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchAwareness programme on mobilization of harvesting groups.Mobilization of groups for harvesting of oil palm bunches.FarmerChallachintalapudi, A. P.250
666 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchAwareness Programme on World Water Daygiven a good lecture about application of water to farmers.FarmerChallachintalapudi, A. P.250
667 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill demonstration on collection of soil & leaf sample for analysisHow to collect the soil and leaf samples in oil palm plantations.FarmerMakkinavarigudem, A. P.150
668 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration and distribution of poles along with sickles to farmers and harvestersProviding poles to harvesters for harvesting of oil palm FFB in Oil palm Gardens.FarmerMakkinavarigudem, A. P.400
669 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration on fertigation in oil palm gardensUse of fertigation method in oil palm gardens.FarmerMakkinavarigudem, A. P.100
670 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchField visit for observation in intercropsAn additional source of income for farmers through inter cropping in oil palm plantationsFarmerMakkinavarigudem, A. P.50
671 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchTraining cum skilled Demonstration and distribution of poles along with sickles to farmers and harvestersProviding pole harvesting in oil palm will reduce time and man power.FarmerMakkinavarigudem, A. P.200
672 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchField visit for providing of fisher finger lings to FFP FarmersRealeasing fish fingerlings in empty farm ponds for additional income.FarmerMakkinavarigudem, A. P.100
673 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration on high volume jet sprayer in oil palm and coconut with intercrop cocoa gardensDemonstrated application of bio-control agent isaria fumasorosia against rugose spiraling white fly on oil palm, by using High volume jet sprayer sprayer.FarmerMakkinavarigudem, A. P.300
674 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill Demonstration on high volume jet sprayer in oil palm and coconut with intercrop cocoa gardensDemonstrated application of bio-control agent in oil palm, by using high volume jet sprayer.FarmerMakkinavarigudem, A. P.400
675 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchField visit for collection of data from farmersCollection of module wise data from farmers for report purpose.FarmerMakkinavarigudem, A. P.100
676 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill demonstration on collection of soil and leaf sample How to collect the soil and leaf samples in oil palm plantations. FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P400
677 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchSkill demonstration on collection of soil and leaf sample for analysis to stakeholdersHow to collect the soil and leaf samples in oil palm plantations. FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P400
678 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration of Vermi compost bed preparation Earthworm usually improve soil structure,stability, Soil porosity and reduced run off modify soil organic matter. FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P150
679 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration on pesticide spraying to control leaf web wormApplication of pesticide Spraying.FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P50
680 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchAwareness campaign on recycling of biomass waste from oil palm plantations and preparation of vermi compostCrop residues used as compost for oil palm gardens.FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P480
681 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration on application of Metarhizium anaesopliae against Rhinoceros beetle in coconut and oil palmApplication on Metarhizium anisopliae for control of Rhinoceros beetle. FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P250
682 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchGroup meeting for implementing pole harvesting of oil palm FFB.Providing pole harvesting in oil palm will reduce time and man power.FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P150
683 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchTraining programme on Harvesting in oil palm.To reduce time and drudgery to the harvester. FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P600
684 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDiagnostic field visit for observation of FFP interventions in FFP villageTo launch and submit the FFP interventions to the farming community. FarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P100
685 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInter face meeting with ARS probationers and farmersInter face meeting with FFP farmersFarmerChallachintalapudi Westgodavari District A.P432
686 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchAwareness campaign on installation of mobile pump starterssaving water,time and electricity.FarmerMakkinavarigudem, Westgodavari, A. P.100
687 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchAwareness campaign on pole harvesting to farmers for harvesting of FFB To improve harvesting skills to farmers and harvestersFarmerMakkinavarigudem, Westgodavari, A. P.50
688 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchField visit for providing harvesting poles to farmers for harvesting of oil palm FFBProviding pole harvesting in oil palm will reduce time and man power. FarmerMakkinavarigudem, Westgodavari, A. P.50
689 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDiagnostic field visit for installation of mobile pump starters. Mobile pump starters Easy to operate the farmer FarmerMakkinavarigudem, Westgodavari, A. P.100
690 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDiagnostic field visit for observation of fish ponds and whitefly infestation and distribution of Isaria culture to farmers. Distribution of Isaria fumasorosia culture to farmers to control Rugose Spiraling Whitefly. FarmerMakkinavarigudem, Westgodavari, A. P.200
691 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration and distribution of poles along with sickles to farmers and harvestersTo improve harvesting techniques to farmers and harvesters. FarmerMakkinavarigudem, Westgodavari, A. P.400
692 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDemonstration on fertigation in oil palm gardens.Use of fertigation method in oil palm gardens.FarmerMakkinavarigudem, Westgodavari, A. P.330
693 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchField visit for distribution of earth wormsEarthworm usually improve soil structure,stability, Soil porosity and reduced run off modify soil organic matter. FarmerMakkinavarigudem, Westgodavari, A. P.100
694 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchField visit for releasing of fish fingerlings to unused farm pondsFish forming to farmersFarmerMakkinavarigudem, Westgodavari, A. P.100
695 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchDiagnostic field visit to fish ponds, fodder grass, and oil palm plantations.utilization of open space in oil palm orchard FarmerMakkinavarigudem, Westgodavari, A. P.100
696 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchWorld Soil dayThe objective of the event was to create awareness about the losses on account of soil erosion and to suggest ways and means of reducing the soil erosion through simple interventions in the cropping programmeFarmerTelangana, Vikarabad,Gurudhotla21436
697 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchFarmer-Scientist InteractionFor creating awareness of the honorable prime minister address to the farming community of the nation.Interaction meeting with scientist with different institute for enhancing productivity and income from agriculture crops. FarmerRajendranagar40432
698 ICAR - Indian Institute of Pulses ResearchMAHILA KISAN DIWAS ICAR-IIPR celebrated ‘Gosthi’ (Pulses for Nutrition) on the occasion of Mahila Kisan Diwas on 15.10.2020 at Khadra Village of Fatehpur District of Uttar Pradesh. Dr. Rajesh Kumar, PS& Head,Social Science Division, Dr. Vijay Laxmi, Senior Scientist, Basic Science Division and Dr. C.P. Nath, Scientist, Agronomy of ICAR-IIPR graced the occasion. Village Pradhan of Khadra Mrs. Sangeeta Gupta was the Chief Guest of programme. A total of 65 women farmers participated the ‘Mahila Kisan Diwas’. At the outset, Dr. Rajesh Kumar introduced briefed about the programme and highlighted the importance of women in agriculture and nation development. He also highlighted the role of pulses in nutrition and health for women and children. Dr. C.P. Nath emphasized the importance of pulses for cropping intensification and doubling farmer’s income. He eventually mentioned that bringing new area under pulses with summer mungbean and chickpea. These crops can eliminate malnutrition and hunger. Dr. Vijay Laxmi Self Help GroupKHADRA VILLAGE , FATEHPUR DISTRICTS , UTTAR PRADESH 065
699 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceWomen Farmer’s DayTo create awareness among farm womens about resource conservation technologies and recycling of farm waste.Farm WomenIISS Bhopal052
700 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceOne day training on Conservation agriculture, Soil health and compostingOne day training on Conservation agriculture, Soil health and composting. Farmers were exposed to various conservation agriculture experiments, composting technologies.FarmerIISS Bhopal580
701 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceFoundation day of NAARMTo felicitate of innovative farmersFarmerNAARM Hyderabad10
702 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceWebinar on Farmers Needs and Preparedness for Kharif Season 2020 under Covid – 19 situationsTo assess Farmers Needs and Preparedness for Kharif Season 2020 under Covid – 19 situationsFarmerIISS Bhopal750
703 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceWomen Farmer’s DayTo create awareness and training on farm waste management and soil health.Farm WomenIISS Bhopal025
704 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAwareness cum training programme on soil health managementTo aware farmers about soil health management through resource conservation.FarmerVillage Khamkheda, Bhopal (M.P.)1000
705 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAwareness cum training programme on soil health managementTo aware farmers about soil health management FarmerVillage Khamkheda, Bhopal (M.P.)1000
706 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceOne day training programme on ‘Natural Farming”To aware farmers about natural farmingFarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal10020
707 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil Scienceworkshop on pulses for soil health and nutritional securityTo aware farmers about benefit of pulses for human health and soil health and nutritional security. Importance of crop rotation.FarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal450
708 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceResource Conservation Technologies for Sustainable AgricultureTo aware farmers about using soil health card in application of fertilizer in field crops. Application of recommended dose of fertilizer. Discouraging residue burning through recycling/ composting / conservation agriculture technologies.FarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal750
709 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAgriculture Mechanization for crop residue managementTo create awareness among farmers about conservation agriculture machinery for management of the residue at farm.FarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal500
710 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceBio-fortification, Nutrient Grooming and Crop DiversificationTo motivate farmers for adoption of crop diversification and minimize the risk of crop failure. Importance of Nutrient Grooming and Bio-fortified crops variety.FarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal500
711 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceDemonstration of microbial decomposer for crop residue managementTo manage crop residue at farmers field without burningFarmerVillage Khamkheda, Bhopal, MP100
712 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceDemonstration of microbial decomposer for crop residue managementTo manage crop residue at farmers field without burningFarmerVillage Kalyanpur, Bhopal, MP100
713 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceFarmers-Scientist interface on Resource Conservation Technologies cum Field VisitTo aware farmers about using soil health card in application of fertilizer in field crops. Discouraging residue burning through recycling/ composting / conservation agriculture technologies.FarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal and village Bhairopur and Kalyanpur350
714 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceFarmer first workshop on the occasion of National Productivity weekTo create awareness about farmer FIRST programme and expose the farmers about different activities to be carried out by the institute under this programme in the selected cluster of village.FarmerIISS, Bhopal13020
715 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAwareness programmme about Farmer First Project (Khamkheda village)To create awareness about the programmme an meeting was organized on 4th March,2017 at village Khamkheda. Farmers were taken to conservation agriculture demonstration plots to create awareness about conservation agriculture and to discuss on the implementation of the project in a participatory mode.FarmerKhamkheda755
716 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAwareness Programmme about Farmer First Project (Bherupura village)To create awareness about the farmer first project among the farming community of the villageFarmerBherupura village605
717 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAnimal Health CampTo create awareness among farmers about animal health and milk productionFarmerFFP villages250
718 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAwareness Programmme on Conservation Agriculture (Bherupura village)To create awareness among farmers about conservation agricultureFarmerBherupura village, Bhopal550
719 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAnimal Health CampTo resolve animal health related problems of the FFP villagesFarmerFFP villages1311
720 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceRole of Rural Women for Doubling Farmers IncomeTo create awareness among farm women about the importance of their role in doubling farm incomeFarm WomenKhamkheda village, Bhopal070
721 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceTraining on Organic Farming, Soil health, Conservation Agriculture and Santuleet Poudh Poshan PrabandhanTo train farmers about how to maintain soil health through innovative farming approaches for improved crop productionFarmerICAR-IISS Bhopal550
722 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceTraining on Enhancing Farmer Income through Honeybee Keeping To train farmers about the enterprise opportunities in Bee KeepingFarmerFruit Research Station, Entkhedi, Berasia Road Bhopal 200
723 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceDemonstration of microbial decomposer Demonstration of Ekcel microbial decomposer for in situ residue management FarmerKanchvabli and Bhairopur , Bhopal (M.P.)100
724 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceDemonstration of microbial decomposer in situ crop residue management at farmers field FarmerKalyanpur and Khamkheda101
725 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceDemonstration of microbial decomposer in situ crop residue management at farmers fieldFarmerKanchvabli and Bhairopur , Bhopal (M.P.)152
726 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceField VisitTo demonstrate conservation agriculture field among famers and their benefit FarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal264
727 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil Scienceworm mother culture unit visitTo promote Organic farming among farmersFarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal300
728 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceField VisitAwareness about conservation agriculture among farmers.FarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal300
729 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKisan ghoshthiTo make interactions between farmers and scientists regarding implementation of Farmer FIRST programme in the adopted villages. Sharing of programme objectives and methodology of implementation of different interventions on farmer field were the major objectives. Introduction of the multidisciplinary team of scientists of ICAR-IISWC, Dehraudun with the farmers was also an objective of the programme. FarmerVillage- Talai, Block, Raipur, District- Dehradun, Uttarakhand3113
730 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKisan ghoshthiTo make interactions between farmers and scientists regarding implementation of Farmer FIRST programme in the adopted villages. Sharing of programme objectives and methodology of implementation of different interventions on farmer field were the major objectives. Introduction of the multidisciplinary team of scientists of ICAR-IISWC, Dehraudun with the farmers was also an objective of the programme. FarmerVillage-Kotimayachak, Block-Raipur, District-Dehradun, Uttarakhand4711
731 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationExposure visit Chandigarh To make exposure of the project farmers for development of horticultural based profitable alternate land use systems in degraded lands.FarmerICAR-IISWC, Research Centre, Chandigarh214
732 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKisan goshthi cum animal health campThe main objective of the animal health camp was to create awareness among the farmers about the health status of their animals with the benefits of vaccination against animal diseases viz FMD, HS and PPR. Also creating the awareness among the farmers about the use of mineral mixture, food supplements and concentrates and growing of green fodder on field bunds to ensure proper feeding of their animals for productivity enhancement.FarmerVillage Bhagwanpur Block Raipur Distt Dehradun Uttarakhand4534
733 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationFarmers Training on "Soil Health and Improved Crop Production Technologies" To create awareness and skill among the farmers about maintaining the fertility of their fields to achieve the optimum production of different crops on sustainable basis. Composting techniques for preparation of high quality farm yard manure was also discussed with the farmers and utility of incorporation of crop residues in the fields was also shared with the farmers.FarmerVillage-Badasi, Block-Raipur, District-Dehradun, Uttarakhand2517
734 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKisan goshthi cum animal health camp The main objective of the animal health camp was to create awareness among the farmers about the health status of their animals with the benefits of vaccination against animal diseases viz FMD, HS and PPR. Also creating the awareness among the farmers about the use of mineral mixture, food supplements and concentrates and growing of green fodder on field bunds to ensure proper feeding of their animals for productivity enhancement.FarmerVillage- kotimayachak , Block- Raipur, District- Dehradun, Uttarakhand7232
735 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKisan goshthi cum animal health camp The main objective of the animal health camp was to create awareness among the farmers about the health status of their animals with the benefits of vaccination against animal diseases viz FMD, HS and PPR. Also creating the awareness among the farmers about the use of mineral mixture, food supplements and concentrates and growing of green fodder on field bunds to ensure proper feeding of their animals for productivity enhancement.FarmerVillage-Badasi, Block-Raipur, District-Dehradun, Uttarakhand7268
736 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationFarmers training on Propagation and planting techniques for development of alternate land use system”The main objective of the training programme was the skill enhancement of the project farmers about different propagation/ rejenuvation/ top working/ grafting techniques of different horticultural plants for development of horticultural based alternate land use systems in degraded lands along with proper method of plantation of fruit plants to achieve higher survival of plantations.FarmerICAR-IISWC, Research Farm – Selaqui, Dehradun 1512
737 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationSankalp se siddhi To enhance the awareness and knowledge of the project farmers for doubling farmers income by 2022. FarmerKisan- Bhawan Dehradun, Uttarakhand4936
738 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKisan ghoshthiThe main objective of the kisan ghoshthi was sharing of the knowledge about the management of cultural operations in Rabi crops for higher productivity.FarmerVillage-Sindhwal, Block-Raipur, District-Dehradun, Uttarakhand 166
739 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKisan ghoshthiThe main objective of the kisan ghoshthi was sharing of the knowledge about the management of cultural operations in Rabi crops for higher productivity.FarmerVillage-Bhagwanpur, Block-Raipur, District-Dehradun, Uttarakhand 4018
740 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKisan goshthi cum animal health camp The main objective of the animal health camp was to create awareness among the farmers about the health status of their animals with the benefits of vaccination against animal diseases viz FMD, HS and PPR. Also creating the awareness among the farmers about the use of mineral mixture, food supplements and concentrates and growing of green fodder on field bunds to ensure proper feeding of their animals for productivity enhancement.FarmerVillage-Bhagwanpur, Block- Raipur, District- Dehradun, Uttarakhand6114
741 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKisan goshthi cum animal health camp The main objective of the animal health camp was to create awareness among the farmers about the health status of their animals with the benefits of vaccination against animal diseases viz FMD, HS and PPR. Also creating the awareness among the farmers about the use of mineral mixture, food supplements and concentrates and growing of green fodder on field bunds to ensure proper feeding of their animals for productivity enhancement.FarmerVillage- Kotimayachak, Block- Raipur, District- Dehradun, Uttarakhand8812
742 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationFarmers training on Promotion of Nutritional kitchen Gardens The main objective of the training was the enhancement of knowledge and skills of the project farmers on promotion of nutritional kitchen gardens to ensure nutritional security in the adopted villages. FarmerICAR-IISWC, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 1411
743 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationExposure visit ICAR-IISWC, Research Centre- Chandigarh To make exposure of the project farmers on harvesting and recycling of water available in small springs in lower foothills of Himalayan region. FarmerICAR-IISWC, Research Centre - Chandigarh178
744 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationTraining programme on Use of Pusa Hydrogel in Rainfed Wheat The main objective of the training was the enhancement of knowledge and skills of the project farmers about application of Pusa hydrogel for moisture conservation and productivity enhancement in rainfed wheat. FarmerVillage-Badasi, Block-Raipur, District-Dehradun, Uttarakhand3016
745 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKrishi Unnati Mela Exposure of project farmers to different technologies related agriculture exhibited at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi was the major objective of the event.FarmerICAR-IARI, New Delhi250
746 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationField DayPromotion of the diffusion of the technologies demonstrated through executed interventions under Farmers First Project. FarmerVillage-Badasi, Block- Raipur, District- Dehradun, Uttarakhand250
747 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationMahila diwas Exposure of farm women on banana based alternate land use system was the main objective of the event.Farm WomenVillage-Ghaisen, Block- Raipur, District- Dehradun, Uttarakhand060
748 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationField day Exposure of farmers on horticultural based alternate land use systems, agriculture development schemes, weed management in rabi crops and improved composting technique by aerobic pit method.FarmerVillage-Ghaisen, Block- Raipur, District- Dehradun, Uttarakhand16337
749 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationTraining programme on “Men animal conflict”Knowledge sharing on management techniques to reduce wild animal menace in agriculture was the main objective of the training programme. FarmerWild Life Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand178
750 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKisan ghoshthiTo create the awareness among the farmers about desired cultural practices in rabi crops for higher production and promotion of poultry units as an income generating activities were the main objective of the event. FarmerVillage-Kotimaychak, Block- Raipur, District- Dehradun, Uttarakhand7030
751 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKisan diwas and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan To create awareness about the celebration of kisan diwas and cleanliness among farmers of FFP programme. FarmerVillage-Badasi, Block- Raipur, District- Dehradun, Uttarakhand3631
752 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationExposure visit To create the awareness among the farmers about water harvesting through low cost silpaulin tanks among the farmers. FarmerVillage-Pasauli, Block- Vikasnagar, District- Dehradun, Uttarakhand187
753 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationWorkshop on “Food Processing and Kiasn SAMPADA Yojna”To create awareness among the farmers about food processing and value additionFarmerICAR-IISWC, Dehradun 559
754 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationTraining cum workshop on “Capacity building programme on management framework for implementation of FFP” The main objective of the training cum workshop programme was detailed the implementation aspects of FFP among the PIs and COPIs of different centers. FarmerICAR-IISWC, Dehradun 396
755 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationA workshop on Farmers Feedback on “doubling farm income by 2022” Collection of farmers feedback on doubling farm income by 2022 was the main objective of the workshop. FarmerICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad 50
756 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKisan goshthi cum animal health camp The main objective of the animal health camp was to create awareness among the farmers about the health status of their animals with the benefits of vaccination against animal diseases viz FMD, HS and PPR. Also creating the awareness among the farmers about the use of mineral mixture, food supplements and concentrates and growing of green fodder on field bunds to ensure proper feeding of their animals for productivity enhancement.FarmerVillage- Kotimaychak, Block, Raipur, District- Dehradun, Uttarakhand7225
757 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKisan goshthi cum animal health camp The main objective of the animal health camp was to create awareness among the farmers about the health status of their animals with the benefits of vaccination against animal diseases viz FMD, HS and PPR. Also creating the awareness among the farmers about the use of mineral mixture, food supplements and concentrates and growing of green fodder on field bunds to ensure proper feeding of their animals for productivity enhancement.FarmerVillage-Bhagwanpur, Block-Raipur, District-Dehradun, Uttarakhand6542
758 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKisan goshthi cum animal health camp The main objective of the animal health camp was to create awareness among the farmers about the health status of their animals with the benefits of vaccination against animal diseases viz FMD, HS and PPR. Also creating the awareness among the farmers about the use of mineral mixture, food supplements and concentrates and growing of green fodder on field bunds to ensure proper feeding of their animals for productivity enhancement.FarmerVillage-Badasi, Block-Raipur, District-Dehradun, Uttarakhand5617
759 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationMedia personnel meeting - cum - exposure visit under Farmer FIRST Project Wider publicity among other farmers through media.OthersVillage- kotimayachak , Block- Raipur, District- Dehradun, Uttarakhand50
760 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationKisan ghoshthiTo create awareness among the adopted farmers towards use of science and technology for sustainable productionFarmerICAR-IISWC, Dehradun, Uttarakhand515
761 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOn-farm training on processing of farm produce Skill enhancement of farm women on processing of farm produce for value addition. Farm WomenVillage-Badasi, block-Raipur, district-Dehradun, Uttarakhand 075
762 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationWorld Water DayTo create awareness among farmers for sustainable management of Water Springs.FarmerVillage –Kalimati, block-Raipur, district-Dehradun, Uttarakhand35115
763 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management Farmer TrainingTraining on water use efficiency, crop planning, resource utilisation were carried out in 3 villages.Three farmers’ training programmes entitled “Doubling Farmers’ Income by Enhancing Economic Water Productivity: Jal Shakti Abhiyan”, were organized at Khuntapungu, Malarpada and Jamuda villages on 06th, 07th and 08th August, 2019, respectively. A total of 249 farmers and farm women attended the training programme. Project Director, Watershed Mission, Keonjhar and SMS from KVK Keonjhar participated the trainings as resource persons. Scientists of ICAR-IIWM made people aware about the importance of Doubling Farmers Income and Jal Shakti Abhiyan. Scope of different interventions related to modern agricultural water management practices, micro-irrigation, and water harvesting structures, water conservation, rice crop management system, crop diversification, horticulture and fishery for doubling farmers’ income were discussed during the trainingFarmerKhuntapingu, Malarpada and Jamuda of Saharpada block, Keonjhar, Odisha130119
764 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management Distribution of sprinkler irrigation sets to farmersFifteen farmers from three villages (Khuntapingu, Malharpada and Jamuda) of the Farmers first project site were called and explained about the operation and advantages of the sprinkler irrigation system. These farmers have their own bore well. The sprinkler sets were distributed to them. FarmerKhuntapingu, Malarpada and Jamuda of Saharpada block, Keonjhar123
765 ICAR - National Institute of Animal Nutrition and PhysiologyField day on Ragi and pigeon pea sowingTo create and educate farmers about high yielding and early maturing ragi and pigeon pea varietiesFarmerLakshmidevipura, Bangalore rural5421
766 ICAR - National Institute of Animal Nutrition and PhysiologyFarmer-Scientist Meet50 farmers attended the PM-KISAN webcastFarmerNIANP419
767 ICAR - National Institute of Animal Nutrition and PhysiologyAzolla CultivationTo demonstrate cultivation of AzollaFarmerHadonahalli2510
768 ICAR - National Institute of Animal Nutrition and PhysiologyQuality milk ProductionTo create awareness about Quality milk Production practicesFarmerThimmajanahalli3111
769 ICAR - National Institute of Animal Nutrition and PhysiologyScientist-Farmer InterfaceTo enhance Scientist-Farmer Interaction and demonstrate potential technologiesFarmerNIANP20050
770 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementLine sowing of pigeon pea through Bhoramdev Seed DrillTo demonstrate the low-cost drudgery reduction technology and to promote Good Agriculture Practices (GAP)FarmerFFP Village Kharri and Kharaha224
771 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementDemonstration of seed treatmentTo create awareness on seed treatment among tribal farmers and to prevent seed born diseaseFarmerFFP vilaage Kharri178
772 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementVaccination programme of goat and poultryTo create awareness among the tribal farmers about vaccination of livestock and poultry, and to prevent seasonal diseasesFarmerFFP vilaage Kharri, Kharaha, Bamhani and Bakla5511
773 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementTraining on Low Cost Azolla productionTo promote low-cost Azolla production for sustainable feed availability for poultry and livestock, and nutrient management in rice crops FarmerFFP village Bakla167
774 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementDemonstration of Rice Drum Seeder1. To introduce the latest agriculture technology among rice growers 2. Drudgery reduction through Agriculture equipmentFarmerFFP vilaage Kharri and Kurraha216
775 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementFarmers Scientist Interface To interact with tribal farmers and understand their present agricultural practices and FFP activities • To discuss about their participation and impact of various FFP activities.FarmerFFP vilaage Kharri and Bakla5517
776 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementFarmer exposure visit cum educational tour• To observe, understand and learn the various agricultural technologies • To enhance the knowledge and skills of the tribal farmers in the area of high – tech horticulture and latest agricultural technologiesFarmerIGKVV, Raipur and ICAR-NIBSM Baronda, Raipur, Chhattisgarh3540
777 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementFarmers sensitization programme on selected interventions• To create awareness among farmers about the Farmers FIRST Project and discussion about FFP interventions FarmerFFP Villages, Kasdol, Balodabazar, Chhattisgarh7025
778 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementFarmer - Scientist interface• To interact with tribal farmers and learn about their present situation • To create awareness among farmers about the Farmer FIRST Programme FarmerFFP Village - Kharaha, Kasdol, Balodabazar, Chhattisgarh5563
779 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementAgricultural Film Shows• To update the tribal farmer’s scientific knowledge based on different modern agricultural technologies. FarmerFFP Villages, Kasdol, Balodabazar, Chhattisgarh155102
780 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementHands-on" training programme on Oyster Mushroom Production• To provide firsthand knowledge and develop skill on Oyster Mushroom ProductionFarmerIGKVV, Raipur, Raipur, Chhattisgarh2229
781 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementFarmer - Scientist interface• To interact with tribal farmers and understand their present agricultural practices and major biotic stress in their respective area • To create awareness among farmers about the biotic stress management in major crops. • To update the knowledge of farmers on biotic stress management and scientific agricultural practicesFarmerICAR-NIBSM Baronda, Raipur, Chhattisgarh3540
782 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementTraining on Low-cost Azolla production • To provide knowledge and skill to tribal farm families on low-cost azolla production for sustainable feed availability • To establish the low-cost azolla production unit at tribal villagesFarmerFFP Village - Kharri, Kasdol, Balodabazar, Chhattisgarh2213
783 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementDistribution of Goat at tribal villages • To introduce improved goat breeds namely Jamunapari, Sirohi and Barbari in the remote tribal villages • To improvement of the income and livelihood through goat rearing • Improving the food, employment and livelihood security of rural people through goat farming FarmerFFP Villages, Kasdol, Balodabazar, Chhattisgarh5330
784 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementDistribution of Kadaknath Chicks to Tribal farmers• To introduce the high value poultry breed breeds (Kadaknath) in the remote tribal villages • To improvement of the income and livelihood through Kadaknath farming • Improving the food, employment and livelihood security of rural people through Kadaknath farmingFarmerFFP Villages, Kasdol, Balodabazar, Chhattisgarh6812
785 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementDemonstration and installation of Pheromone Traps in Rice field • To introduce the pheromone at remote tribal villages • To create awareness on Eco – friendly and biological pest control practice • For monitoring and effective control of the rice yellow stem borer FarmerFFP Villages, Kasdol, Balodabazar, Chhattisgarh377
786 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementEstablishment of Farmer Communication Centers (FCCs)• To connect the remote tribal village with modern agricultural technologies • To create the direct link between scientist and farmers. • To provide need based agricultural information, timely to farmers • To provide instant solution and guidance on plant protection and other agricultural issues FarmerFFP Village - Kharaha and Bakla, Kasdol, Balodabazar, Chhattisgarh219
787 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementHands-on" training programme on Oyster Mushroom Production• To provide firsthand knowledge and develop skill on Oyster Mushroom Production • To create awareness among the farmers on utilization of paddy straw on Oyster Mushroom Production • To promote rural youth and farm women for Oyster Mushroom Production as secondary income source.FarmerFFP Village - Kharaha, Kasdol, Balodabazar, Chhattisgarh3817
788 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementFarmers scientist interface on occasion of “Mahila Kisan Diwas” through video conferencing To promote farm women for the partition various agriculture practices Farm WomenKasdol, Baloda Bazar410
789 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementTraining programme on Oyster Mushroom production technologytraining for unemployment youth and women farmer Unemployed YouthKasdol, Baloda Bazar514
790 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementTraining cum demonstration of turmeric processingTo promote farmers for processing and packaging of turmericFarm WomenKasdol, Balda Bazar512
791 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementIdentification and management of insect-pest and diseasesIdentification and use of agrochemicals To create awareness on Eco – friendly pest and disease control practiceFarmerKasdol, Baloda Bazar2711
792 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementKisan gosthi on goat farmingGroup discussion on the cleanliness and management of goat and poultry shed FarmerBakla, Bamhani and Kharaha186
793 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementTraining on post harvest technologyTraining programme on the post-harvest technology of Pumpkin and Ash gourd FarmerKharri104
794 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementAwareness programme and distribution of the agricultural guidelines handouts of MoA&FW during the COVID-19 pandemicTo create awareness about the COVID-19 among the farm familiesFarmerKharaha, Bamhani, Kharri, Kurraha and Bakla Village of Kasdol block, Balodabazar district4116
795 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementKisan gosthi on goat farming and breed improvementTo promote farmers for scientific goat farming and breed improvement FarmerBakla village of Kasdol block, Balodabazar district 84
796 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementField day on Linseed and Mustard productionTo promote farmers for rice fallow pulses croppingFarmerKharri, Kasdol, Balodabazar, CG149
797 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementDemonstration of low cost Azolla production unitTo the availability of very good quality and cheap green fodder for cattle feedFarmerKharri, Kasdol, Balodabazar,CG88
798 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementDemonstration of low cost drip irrigation system and polymulching in shad net and poly houseTo promote farmers for uses of new technologies in agriculture Farm WomenKharri, Kharha and Kurraha1012
799 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementTraining cum demonstration on the hatching of Kadaknath chicks at village hatchery unitHatching of Kadknath eggs through fully and semi-automated hatchery machines and complete the production cycle of scientific Kadaknath farming Unemployed YouthKurraha, Kasdol, Balodabazar, CG128
800 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementEstablishment of custom hiring centre(CHC) & demonstration of drudgery reduction equipmentsAvailability of agricultural implements required for farmers FarmerKurraha, Kasdol, CG154
801 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementFarmers Scientist Interface organized on the occasion of World Soil Day To create awareness about the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for the sustainable management of soil resourcesFarmerFFP Villages Kasdol130
802 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementDemonstration cum group discussion on the post-harvest practices of summer riceTo promote post-harvest management practices FarmerFFP Villages, Kasdol83
803 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementCelebration of Farmer's Day and Swachhata Pakhwada at Farmer Communication Center (FCC), Kurraha, KasdolTo foster awareness of cleanliness among farmersFarmerFarmer Communication Center (FCC), Kurraha, Kasdol142
804 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementTraining on the Organic farmingTraining cum demonstration on the Organic farming organized for the women SHGsSelf Help GroupKurraha Village, Kasdol020
805 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiIPM approaches for mango and litchi orchardTo manage major pests of mango and litchi through timely spray of ChemicalsFarmerGhariyari Chak, Mehsi, East Champaran, Bihar332
806 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementNational Level Review cum Sensitization workshop for Farmer FIRST ProgrammeTo sensitize the Farmer FIRST Implementing organizations towards building framework for implementation of FFPOthersICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad, Telangana9112
807 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementMethodological Framework for Implementation of FFPTo develop Methodological Framework for Implementation of FFPOthersICAR-IISS, Bhopal454
808 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementMethodological Framework for Implementation of FFPTo develop Methodological Framework for Implementation of FFPOthersICAR-CISH, Lucknow405
809 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementMethodological Framework for Implementation of FFPTo develop Methodological Framework for Implementation of FFPOthersTANUVAS, Chennai3310
810 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementMethodological Framework for Implementation of FFPTo develop Methodological Framework for Implementation of FFPOthersICAR-IARI, New Delhi339
811 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementMethodological Framework for Implementation of FFPTo develop Methodological Framework for Implementation of FFPOthersICAR-IISWC, Dehradun498
812 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementInnovative Practices in Extension Research and Evaluation• To equip participants with the latest knowledge, skills and innovative practices needed for conducting impact-oriented and quality extension research and evaluation; • To provide hands-on practice in writing convincing research proposals in extension; and • To facilitate networking among the participants for inter institutional research in extensionOthersICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad, Telangana104
813 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementSocio-Economic Impact Assessment of Research Programmes• To equip the researchers with the conceptual framework of impact assessment • To acquaint them with the basics of statistics and have hands-on exercises in statistical software & • To have interactive module of development of framework, identification of criteria and indicators and identifying the right tools of impact assessment.OthersICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad, Telangana204
814 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementInnovative Practices in Extension Research and Evaluation• To equip participants with the latest knowledge, skills and innovative practices needed for conducting impact-oriented and quality extension research and evaluation; • To provide hands-on practice in writing convincing research proposals in extension; and • To facilitate networking among the participants for inter institutional research in extensionOthersICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad, Telangana116
815 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementLet's listen to farmers: National Workshop on Farmers' Feedback on Doubling Farm Income by 2022• Understand the field realities and constraints in achieving the goal of DFI, • Document farmers' experiences, perceptions and feedback on DFI, and • Suggest a farmer-participatory and inclusive roadmap for achieving the goal of DFI.FarmerICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad, Telangana17814
816 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementInnovative Farmers Meet during the occasion of ICAR-NAARM Foundation dayTo felicitate and acknowledge the best innovative farmers recommended by FFP institutesFarmerICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad, Telangana82
817 PAUSummer Moongbean in Rice-Wheat SystemTo promote crop diversification FarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, Sangrur500
818 PAUTraining on Rapeseed (Gobhi sarson)To promote crop diversificationFarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, Sangrur600
819 PAU Training on ChickpeaTo promote crop diversificationFarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, Sangrur600
820 PAU Training on Mushroom productionTo promote subsidiary occupations among farmersFarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, Sangrur400
821 PAUField day on oilseeds and pulsesTo promote crop diversificationFarmerTaranji khera, sangrur15010
822 PAUShort duration varieties of rice for efficient water managementTo promote short duration varietiesFarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, Sangrur400
823 PAUSummer Moongbean in Rice-Wheat SystemTo promote crop diversificationFarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, Sangrur350
824 PAUUse of happy seeder in wheatTo promote resource managementFarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, Sangrur600
825 PAUTraining on bee keepingTo promote subsidiary occupation among farmersFarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, Sangrur500
826 PAUDrip irrigated sugarcane with onion as intercropsTo conserve water and introduce new technologyFarmerSangrur250
827 PAUDirect Seeded Rice by Lucky Seed DrillWater Conservation FarmerSangrur600
828 PAULow tunnel cultivation of vegetablesTo promote innovative farm technologies in vegetablesFarmerSangrur450
829 PAUShort duration varieties of rice for efficient water managementTo promote short duration varietiesFarmerSangrur1100
830 PAUDrip irrigated sugarcane with onion as intercropTo promote new farm technologies among farmersFarmerSangrur300
831 PAUDirect Seeded Rice by Lucky Seed DrillTo promote DSR technology among farmers.FarmerSangrur6010
832 PAUPAU Happy Seeder for wheat sowing for in situ paddy straw managementTo prevent stubble burningFarmerSangrur12020
833 PAUTraining on Short duration varieties of rice for efficient water managementTo promote short duration varietiesFarmerSangrur4012
834 PAUSummer Moongbean in Rice-Wheat SystemTo improve soil healthFarmerSangrur400
835 PAUShort duration varieties for efficient water managementPromotion of short duration varities FarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, sangrur250
836 PAUShort duration varieties for efficient water managementPromotion of short duration varietiesFarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, sangrur200
837 PAUShort duration varieties of rice for efficient water managementTo promote use of short duration varieties of riceFarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, Sangrur300
838 PAUTraining on bee keepingTo equip farmers with training on bee keepingFarmerPunjab,Sangrur,Chatha Nanhera400
839 PAUTraining on agro processing (cereals and oilseeds)To promote value addition in cereals and oilseedsFarmerP.A.U ludhiana500
840 PAUAgro-processing(vegetables)To provide promote processing of vegetablesFarmerP.A.U ludhiana500
841 PAUAgro-procesing (Honey and turmeric)To train farmers in processing of honey and turmericFarmerP.A.U ludhiana500
842 PAUScientist's Farmer interface on occasion of of PM,s addressLive telecast of PMs address to farmersFarmerKVK, Sangrur1500
843 PAUManagement practices in DSRImprove management practices in DSRFarmerChatha nanhera 500
844 PAUTraining on goat rearing and backyard poultryPromoting subsidiary occupationFarmerChatha nanhera 300
845 PAUAgro processing (Oilseeds)Provide training regarding processing of oilseedsFarmerKVK, Sangrur150
846 PAUUse of ICTs for Agri and Rural DevelopmentPromote use of ICT toolsFarmerChatha Nanhera, Sangrur250
847 PAUAwareness campaign against stubble burningTo prevent stubble burningFarmerPunjab,Sangrur,Chatha Nanhera and Taranji khera1200
848 PAUSoil testing campaignTo promote soil health FarmerPunjab,Sangrur,Chatha Nanhera and Taranji khera1000
849 PAUGrow Trees, Save Environment To promote healthy environmentFarmerPunjab,Sangrur,Chatha Nanhera and Taranji khera1200
850 PAUField day on Direct Seeding of RiceTo promote DSR FarmerPunjab,Sangrur,Chatha Nanhera8000
851 PAUField day on Protected Cultivation of VegetablesTo promote vegetable cultivationFarmerPunjab,Sangrur,Chatha Nanhera4000
852 PAUField day on protected cultivation of vegetablesTo promote protected cultivation of vegetablesFarmerPunjab,Sangrur,Chatha Nanhera4000
853 PAUExposure visit of 35 farmers from taranji khera To equip farmers with efficient knowledge and promote extension contactsFarmerKVK, Patiala350
854 PAUExposure visit of farmers from chatha nanhera to PAUTo introduce farmers to new technologies in PAUFarmerP.A.U ludhiana100
855 PAUExposure visit of farmers from chatha nanhera and taranji khera to PAUTo scientist farmer oordinationFarmerP.A.U ludhiana500
856 PAUExposure visit of farmers to IARI new delhiTo aware farmers regarding available technologiesFarmerIARI, New Delhi100
857 PAUExposure visit of farmers to Kisan mela at PAU ludhianaTo aware farmers and promote cooperationFarmerP.A.U ludhiana400
858 PAUField demonstration on backyard poultryTo promote poultry farmingFarmerPunjab,Sangrur,Chatha Nanhera and Taranji khera500
859 PAUField day on goat rearingTo promote animal husbandaryFarmerPunjab,Sangrur,Chatha Nanhera and Taranji khera100
860 PAUResource conservation technologiesTo acquaint the farmers regarding conservation of resourcesFarmerPunjab,Sangrur700
861 PAUKITCHEN GARDENING FOR HOUSEHOLD VEGETABLE REQUIREMENTSTrain farmers and farm women regarding kitchen gardensFarmerPunjab,Sangrur,Taranjikhera812
862 PAUCrop stubbles management of rabi cropsTo provide training to farmers regarding stubble management of rabi cropsFarmerPunjab,Sangrur,Chatha Nanhera214
863 PAUUse of mineral mixture for dairy animalsTo provide training regarding use of mineral mixtureFarmerPunjab,Sangrur,Taranjikhera173
864 PAUAwareness campaign against stubble burningTo reduce stubble burning practicesFarmerPunjab,Sangrur,Chatha Nanhera and Taranji khera1800
865 PAURodent control campaignTo prevent rodent damage in the cropFarmerPunjab,Sangrur,Chatha Nanhera,Taranji khera700
866 PAUSoil testing campaignTo aware farmers regarding soil healthFarmerPunjab,Sangrur,Chatha Nanhera and Taranji khera1000
867 PAUDrip irrigated sugarcane with onion as intercropPromote drip cultivation and intercropping FarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, sangrur250
868 PAUShort duration varieties for efficient water managementPromote short duration varieties of riceFarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, sangrur400
869 PAUDirect seeded rice by lucky seed drillTo promote direct sowing of riceFarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, sangrur500
870 PAUGreen manuringTo promote green manuring practiceFarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, sangrur500
871 PAUDirect seeded rice by lucky seed drillPromote DSR technology FarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, sangrur200
872 PAUShort duration varieties for efficient water managementPromote short duration varietiesFarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, sangrur150
873 PAUFLDs on crop residue managementTo prevent stubble burningFarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, sangrur250
874 PAUCampaign against stubble burningTo prevent stubble burningFarmerChatha nanhera and taranji khera, sangrur200
875 PAUVisit to field for processing activities and supply of seed Training on agro processing (cereals and oilseeds)FarmerTaranji Khera and Chatha Nanhera (Sangrur)2412
876 PAU To build rapport with farmers & Monitoring of project workto check the growth of various demonstrationsFarmerBhojowali & Bhadalwadh202
877 PAUFarmers-Scientist interaction session about IFS to create awareness about the importance of Integrated Farming Systems (IFS) and to provide information on various crops that can be incorporated into IFS to maximize benefitsFarmerBhojowali & Bhadalwadh200
878 PAU To build rapport with farmers & Monitoring of project workTo establish effective communication and rapport with farmers for better understanding of their challenges and needs as well as to monitor and evaluate the progress of the activities at the field level FarmerKila Raipur200
879 PAUInspection visit of Dr. Ram Chand, former ADG, karnal- Haryana To review the progress of Farmer FIRST project OthersTaranji Khera and Chatha Nanhera (Sangrur)3515
880 PAUShort duration varieties of rice for efficient water managementTo promote short duration varietiesFarmerKila Raipur300
881 PAUTraining camp on mushroom cultivation and animal husbandryPromoting subsidiary occupationFarmerChatha Nanhera (Sangrur)300
882 PAUTraining conducted to equip them for mushroom cultivationTo promote subsidiary occupations among farmers FarmerBhojowali & Bhadalwadh200
883 PAUtraining camp on crop residue management technologies and Integrated Farming SystemTo promote CRM technologies and integrated farming system and its benefits FarmerBhojowali & Bhadalwadh290
884 PAUTraining on Summer MoongTo promote summer moong cultivationFarmerTaranji Khera and Chatha Nanhera (Sangrur)600
885 PAUVisit of Director of Extension Education PAU To aware farmers and promote cooperation FarmerTaranji Khera and Chatha Nanhera (Sangrur)00
886 PAUTraining on green manuring for soil health managementTo aware farmers regarding soil healthFarmerTaranji Khera and Chatha Nanhera (Sangrur)00
887 PAUPAU Happy Seeder for wheat sowing for in situ paddy straw managementTo prevent stubble burningFarmerTaranji Khera and Chatha Nanhera (Sangrur)8015
888 PAUTraining on Rapeseed (Gobhi sarson)To promote crop diversification FarmerTaranji Khera and Chatha Nanhera (Sangrur)8920
889 PAUTraining on Mushroom production To promote subsidiary occupations among farmers FarmerTaranji Khera and Chatha Nanhera (Sangrur)7034
890 PAULow tunnel cultivation of vegetables To promote innovative farm technologies in vegetablesFarmerTaranji Khera and Chatha Nanhera (Sangrur)400
891 PAUVisit to inspect mushroom production to check mushroom production unit at farmers field FarmerTaranji Khera and Chatha Nanhera (Sangrur)3510
892 PAUvisit to inspect vegetable cultivation to check vegetable growth under low tunnel technology and problems faced by farmers FarmerTaranji Khera and Chatha Nanhera (Sangrur)150
893 PAUTraining on Integrated fertilizer management in sarsonTo promote crop diversification FarmerTaranji Khera and Chatha Nanhera (Sangrur)700
894 PAUField Day on CRM, early vegetables under Low Tunnel, Oilseeds and pulsesTo promote crop diversification FarmerChatha Nanhera (Sangrur)38070
895 PAUTraining on Successful cultivation of summer moongTo promote summer moong cultivationFarmerTaranji Khera and Chatha Nanhera (Sangrur)350
896 PAUTraining on Cultivation of short duration varieties of paddyTo promote short duration varieties FarmerTaranji Khera and Chatha Nanhera (Sangrur)600
897 PAUTraining on Livestock management at household levelTraining on Livestock management at household level about their feed, health and importance of vaccination FarmerTaranji Khera and Chatha Nanhera (Sangrur)3515
898 PAUTraining on Soil and water samplingto create awareness about importance of soil and water sampling FarmerChatha Nanhera (Sangrur)200
899 PAUTraining on Water management in transplanted paddyto create awareness about judicial use of water in transplanted paddy FarmerTaranji Khera (Sangrur)200
900 GADVASUMission Tandrust PunjabAwareness camp on human healthFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal2950
901 GADVASUFarmer Scientist InterfaceOne on one interaction of farmers with the scientistsFarmerPunjab, GADVASU, CIPHET and College of fisheries1920
902 GADVASURegional kisan melaTo acquaint farmers with different agricultural and livestock technologies FarmerPunjab, Barnala, Handyia1090
903 GADVASUNational Livestock Championship and ExpoTo acquaint farmers to top breeds of different animals and different livestock-related technologiesFarmerPunjab, Patiala300
904 GADVASUFarmer Scientist InterfaceTo Acquaint farmers with the new technologies in the agriculture and livestock sector and to have one on one interaction with the farmers FarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal1920
905 GADVASUPashu-Palan Mela (GADVASU) and (PAU)To acquaint farmers with different agricultural and livestock technologies FarmerPunjab, Ludhiana, GADVASU1630
906 GADVASUPashu-Palan Mela (GADVASU) and (PAU)To acquaint farmers with different agricultural and livestock technologies FarmerPunjab, Ludhiana, GADVASU2240
907 GADVASUPashu-Palan Mela (GADVASU) and (PAU)To acquaint farmers with different agricultural and livestock technologies FarmerPunjab, Ludhiana, GADVASU1960
908 GADVASUPashu-Palan Mela (GADVASU) and (PAU)To acquaint farmers with different agricultural and livestock technologiesFarmerPunjab, Ludhiana, GADVASU2000
909 GADVASUAwareness camp on Value addition of milk and Self help group To Acquaint women farmers with the value addition of milk and self help groupsFarm WomenPunjab, Barnala, Kalala, Dhaner029
910 GADVASUTraining and demonstration on Value addition of milk Demonstarion on value addition of milkFarm WomenPunjab, Barnala, Kalala, Dhaner041
911 GADVASUIn-situ crop residue managementTo aware the farmers on the harmful impact of stubble burning on humans, animals, and environment FarmerPunjab, Barnala, Handyia530
912 GADVASUGADVASU Livestock related technology ExhibitionTo Acquaint farmers with livesstock related technologies of the universityFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Moom320
913 GADVASUGADVASU Livestock related technology ExhibitionTo Acquaint farmers with livesstock related technologies of the universityFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal750
914 GADVASUFarmer Scientist InterfaceTo Acquaint farmers with the new technologies in the agriculture and livestock sector and to have one on one interaction with the farmersFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Moom320
915 GADVASUFarmer Scientist InterfaceTo Acquaint farmers with the new technologies in the agriculture and livestock sector and to have one on one interaction with the farmersFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal750
916 GADVASUAwareness camp on stubble burning and crop residue managementTo aware the farmers on the harmful impact of stubble burning on humans, animals and environmentFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Kalala550
917 GADVASUAwareness camp on stubble burning and crop residue managementTo aware the farmers on the harmful impact of stubble burning on humans, animals and environmentFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Dhaner320
918 GADVASUAwareness camp on stubble burning and crop residue managementTo aware the farmers on the harmful impact of stubble burning on humans, animals and environmentFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal740
919 GADVASUAwareness camp on Stubble burning and crop residue managementTo aware the farmers on the harmful impact of stubble burning on humans, animals and environmentFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Kalala780
920 GADVASUBiosecurity and hoof managementTo minimise the hoof problems in animals and to maintain biosecurity at the dairy farmFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Kalala160
921 GADVASUBiosecurity and hoof managementTo minimise the hoof problems in animals and to maintain biosecurity at the dairy farmFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal100
922 GADVASUBiosecurity and hoof managementTo minimise the hoof problems in animals and to maintain biosecurity at the dairy farmFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Dhaner, Moom180
923 GADVASUBiosecurity and hoof managementTo minimise the hoof problems in animals and to maintain biosecurity at the dairy farmFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Mahal Kalan130
924 GADVASUBiosecurity and hoof managementTo minimise the hoof problems in animals and to maintain biosecurity at the dairy farmFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal, Kalala230
925 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Kalala, 760
926 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Kalala780
927 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal830
928 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal740
929 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Moom1150
930 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Dhaner670
931 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Mahal Kalan260
932 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Dhaner520
933 GADVASUFirst Aid/ Emergency managementTo acquaint farmers with the emergency management of the animal during any injuryFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal730
934 GADVASUFirst Aid/ Emergency managementTo acquaint farmers with the emergency management of the animal during any injuryFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Kalala630
935 CCSHAUVisit of Nodal Officer, FFP, ATARI, JodhpurDr P.P. Rohilla, conducted monitoring of different demonstration's field (cotton, moong, orchards) and interacted with farmers personally regarding inputs given and performance of the trials. FarmerHaryana, Hisar Village : Dubetta and Bure305
936 CSKHPKV3 days On campus training programme on Bee keepingIn order to upgrade the technological knowledge of 8 farmers in whose fields the apiaries have been established and also the new farmers under FFP project, three days on campus training programme on bee keeping was conducted w.e.f 4-6.11.2018. The farmers were educated about the diseases, enemies and mites and quality honey production vis-a-vis improved management practices. FarmerDirectorate of Extension Education and Department of Entomology, CSKHPKV, Palampur62
937 CSKHPKVVeterinary clinical campsSevere infestation of ecto and endo parasites have been noticed in the animals which was the only cause in lowering down the milk production and poor animal health in general. The main objective was to get rid of this problem in the villages and increasing the milk production of the lactating animals, the compaign was undertaken.OthersSehal-Dharer villages cluster5000
938 CSKHPKVAfter care of standing kharif crops and nursery raising of rabi vegetable cropsNursery raising of rabi vegetable crops and after care of standing field cropsFarmerHimachal Pradesh, Kangra, Kalholi and Lulani2517
939 CSKHPKVFollow up of Veterinary clinical campAfter organizing veterinary clinical camp at Beda village on 26.9.2018, the follow up camp was organized todayon 10.10.2018 to record the observations on the treated animals and the fresh cases were also treated on the occasion.FarmerVillage Beda, Cluster Dharer, HP, Kangra1825
940 CSKHPKVOff- campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.To Create awarness among the farmers regarding various aspects of farming among the villagesFarmerHimachal Pradesh, Distt. Kangra Village Dharer812
941 CSKHPKVBackyard PoultryUnder FFP Project,38 units of back yard poultry (Him Samridhi Breed) were establised in the area. Which Changed their daily lives and increased their income as well. A lot rooted farmers are taking interest in this.FarmerH.P Distt. Kangra Vill.- Dharer308
942 CSKHPKVTraining on MushroomTo give the demonstartions of mushroom to the farmers under FFP Project.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer4050
943 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Five off - campus Farmers Training Programmes were organized in different villages of Dharer during 2021-2022. FarmerH.P Kangra , Dharer110140
944 CSKHPKVVeterinary Clinical Camp Veterniary clinical camp organized at Lulani and beda.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer5595
945 CSKHPKVVC Visit at Kandkosri under FFP.The Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, CSKHPKV, Palampur visited the FFP area to monitor the on going extension activities of the projectFarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2735
946 CSKHPKVDr. Rajbir (Agronomy) Director, ATARI visited FFP area of CSKHPKV Palampur (selected area Dharer Panchyat)Dr. Rajbir Singh (Director, ATARI) and Dr. D.R Chaudhary (PI of FFP) visited at Dharer PanchyatFarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer6080
947 CSKHPKVOff / On- campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area. Eighteen off-campus farmers training programmes including veterinary clinical camp and follow up of clinical campus were organized in different villages of Dharer Panchayat.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer250397
948 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2030
949 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme The participating farmers educated the scientific cultivation of crops, vegetables, plant protection, bee-keeping ,dairy ,animal health care and post -harvest value addition.FarmerOff campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.2228
950 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2030
951 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2030
952 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programmeOff campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer1832
953 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2030
954 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2425
955 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer2525
956 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2030
957 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P Kangra , Dharer2525
958 CSKHPKVon campus training programmes organizedFive on- campus (25 participating) training programmes were organized.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2525
959 CSKHPKVon campus training programmes organizedon- campus (25 participating) training programme was organized.FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer1015
960 CSKHPKVon campus training programmes organized on- campus (25 participating) training programme was organized.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer1213
961 CSKHPKVon campus training programmes organizedon campus training programme organizedFarmerH.P, Kangra ,Dharer1213
962 CSKHPKVveterinary clinical camp organizedVeterniary clinical camp organized at Tra, Dharer.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer1230
963 CSKHPKVFollow up Veterinary Clinical Camp Follow up Veterinary clinical camp organized at Tra , Dharer.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer1620
964 CSKHPKVVeterinary Clinical Camp Veterinary clinical camp organized at Beda.FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer 2046
965 CSKHPKVVeterinary Clinical Camp Follow up veterniary clinical camp organized at Beda.FarmerH.P Kangra , Dharer912
966 CSKHPKVOff campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area. Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer2030
967 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2525
968 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer 2525
969 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2525
970 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer 2525
971 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Training on Post Harvest value addition of mushroom.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer1035
972 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Training on Post Harvest value addition of mushroom.FarmerH.P Kangra , Dharer1530
973 CSKHPKVVeterinary Clinical Camp Veterinary clinical camp organized at Kandkosri.FarmerH.P, Kangra ,Dharer1015
974 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Training on Post Harvest value addition on Papaya.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer020
975 CSKHPKVTraining on seed productionTraining on seed production FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer 1212
976 CSKHPKVone day on camp training programme.Farmer Scientist interface.FarmerH.P, Kangra ,Dharer5060
977 CSKHPKVOne day off training programmeOne day off training programme organized at Beda and farmers were educated on integrated agriculture .FarmerBeda (Panchayat -Dharer Baijnath) Distt. Kangra 1535
978 CSKHPKVOne day off training programmeOff campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerLulani (Panchayat -Dharer Baijnath) Distt. Kangra 4010
979 CSKHPKVOne day off training programmeOne day off training programme organized at Deol and farmers were educated on integrated agricultureFarmerDeol (Panchayat -Dharer Baijnath) Distt. Kangra 3020
980 CSKHPKVOne day off training programmeOne day off training programme organized at Kandkosri and farmers were educated on integrated agricultureFarmerKandkosri (Panchayat -Dharer Baijnath) Distt. Kangra 4010
981 CSKHPKVDr. S.P Dixit (Director Research) visited at village kandkosri under FFP project.The Director Research, CSKHPKV, Palampur visited the FFP area to monitor the on going extension activities of the projectFarmerKandkosri (Panchayat -Dharer Baijnath) Distt. Kangra 2030
982 CSKHPKVDr. Arvind Kumar (Nodal officer of FFP) visited FFP center CSKHPKV Palampur.Dr. Arvind Kumar (Nodal officer of FFP) visited FFP center CSKHPKV Palampur and their field area has been adopted under FFP i.e Dharer Baijnath.FarmerCSKHPKV Palampur and Dharer Panchayat.2040
983 CSKHPKVVeterniary clinical camp organized FFP area.It is observed that the general health of the animals is improving after the treatment and the animal are free from the parasitesFarmerDharer Baijnath Distt. Kangra208
984 CSKHPKVInteraction with the farmers on agriculture activities.Farmer scientist InterfaceFarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer1020
985 CSKHPKVFarmer scientist interface.Interaction with the farmers ongoing agricultural activities.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer1020
986 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Interaction with the farmers ongoing agricultural activities.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer1525
987 CSKHPKVDr. Hirday Paul Singh Joint Director (IPR)Media visit at FFP selected area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2025
988 CSKHPKVDr. Hirday Paul Singh Joint Director (IPR)Media Visit at Dharer.FarmerH.P Kangra , Dharer2030
989 CSKHPKVvisit of Fasal Kranti Team at Dharer.visit of Fasal Kranti Team at Dharer.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer3040
990 CSKHPKVDD Kisan team visit at Sagoor DD Kisan team visit under FFPFarmer VPO Sagoor Block Baijnath3520
991 CSKHPKVCollection baseline data for survey reportcollected the baseline data for survey report in new cluster i.e Majherna and sagoor Panchayat.FarmerMajherna and sagoor (H.P, KANGRA )100200
992 CSKHPKVvisit of officers of Parsar Bharti at new cluster (Majherna and sagoor panchayat)Visited FFP selected area and takes their views on going agricultural activities .FarmerMajherna and sagoor (H.P, KANGRA )3040
993 CSKHPKVVC of CSKHPKV visit at old clusterhe Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, CSKHPKV, Palampur visited the FFP area to monitor the on going extension activities of the projectFarmerMajherna and sagoor (H.P, KANGRA )2040
994 CSKHPKVVeterniary clinical camp organizedVeterniary clinical camp organized at Kandkosri.FarmerKANDKOSRI (HP KANGRA)39
995 CSKHPKVFarmer scientist InterfaceThe farmers were educated to follow scientific method for raising healthy nursery of vegetable cropsFarmerKANDKOSRI (HP KANGRA)1020
996 CSKHPKVFarmer scientist InterfaceInteraction with the farmers on agriculture activities.OthersKANDKOSRI (HP KANGRA)1530
997 CSKHPKVField day at kandkosri.Field visit under National workshop of FFPFarmerKANDKOSRI (HP KANGRA)60110
998 CSKHPKVOFF CAMP TRANING PROGRAMMEOff campus one day training programme on integrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerKhajura Basti Baijnath ( H.P Kangra)2030
999 CSKHPKVOFF CAMP TRANING PROGRAMMEOff campus one day training programme on integrated agriculture in FFP areaFarmerPadhkar Baijnath (H.P Kangra)1040
1000 CSKHPKVOFF CAMP TRANING PROGRAMMEOff campus one day training programme on integrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerChakol Bedu ( H.P Kangra)2525
1001 CSKHPKVOFF CAMP TRANING PROGRAMMEOff campus one day training programme on integrated agriculture in FFP areaFarmerSagoor ( H.P Kangra)2030
1002 SKUASTTraining programme on quality seed productionTo train farmers to increase agricultural production and in achieving and maintaining high seed quality.FarmerBalore,samba1010
1003 SKUASTTraining programme on scientific cultivation of Maizethe objective of this programe was to advise farmers regarding the fertilizer management, to aware them about new maize varieties and to adopt mechanization in maize to reduce cost of cultivation and improve financial status of farmers.FarmerDARUIE105
1004 SKUASTTraining programme on scientific cultivation of Maizethe objective of this programme was to advise farmers regarding the fertilizer management, to aware them about new maize varities and to adopt mechanization in maize to reduce cost of cultivation and improve financial status of farmersFarmerTund153
1005 SKUASTTraining programme on insect pest management in kharif cropthe objective of this programme was to aware farmers about the new maize varities which can help them in increasing their maize production and also aware them about innovative pest management techniques.FarmerSarain223
1006 SKUASTTraining programme on insect pest management in maizeThe objective was to aware farmers about the innovative pest management techniques.FarmerBalore202
1007 SKUASTTraining programme on BeekeepingThe farmers will be able to understand the basics of bee keeping tools,equipments and managing beehivesFarmerutterbehni100
1008 SKUASTField day on WheatThe objective of wheat field day is to showcase different varieties of wheat to farmers and provide them with an opportunity to observe the performance of these varieties in their own field conditions.FarmerSarain,Daruie,Balore558
1009 SKUASTTraining programme on Dhingri MushroomTo present a small scale viable bankable model production unit through adoption of appropriate vtechnology,utilization of resources and suitable market startegyFarmerSarain170
1010 SKUASTTraining programme on button Mushroom cultivationTo present a small scale viable bankable model production unit through adoption of appropriate vtechnology,utilization of resources and suitable market startegyFarmersarain440
1011 SKUASTTraining programme on insect pest management in maizeThe objective was to aware farmers about the innovative pest management techniques.FarmerBalore205
1012 SKUASTField day on MaizeThe objective of the programee was to interact with the farmers to know about the problems they are facing in production of maize crop and also to aware them about the new varieties that can help them in increasing their crop productionFarmerBalore6011
1013 SKUASTField day on MaizeThe objective of the programee was to interact with the farmers to know about the problems they are facing in production of maize crop and also to aware them about the new varieties that can help them in increasing their crop productionFarmerUtterbehni175
1014 SKUASTTraining programe on natural farming The objective was to tell farmers about natural farming how organic matter help to enhance the vitality of the soilFarmerDaruie385
1015 SKUASTFarmer Scientist InteractionRemedies of problems faced by farmers in their field like attack of wild animals etc.FarmerBalore12811
1016 SKUASTtraining programme on quality seed productionTo train farmers to increase agricultural production and in achieving and maintaining high seed quality.Farmervillage Darui district Samba160
1017 SKUASTtraining programme on scientific cultivation of maizethe objective of this programme was to advise farmers regarding the fertilizer management, to aware them about new maize varities and to adopt mechanization in maize to reduce cost of cultivation and improve financial status of farmers.Farmervillage Darui district Samba200
1018 SKUASTtraining programme on Weed managementThe main objective was to make trainees aware of integrated approach of weed management and various weed management techniques.Farmervillage Darui district Samba170
1019 SKUASTtraining programme on scientific cultivation of maizeTo aware farmers about new maize varities so that they can adopt new mechanization in improving the yield of their maize cropFarmervillage Balore district Samba191
1020 SKUASTTraining programme on insect pest management in kharif cropThe objective was to aware farmers about the innovative pest management techniques.Farmervillage Balore district Samba145
1021 SKUASTTraining programme on insect pest management in kharif cropThe objective was to aware farmers about the new innovative pest management techniques.Farmervillage Sarain 1 district Samba143
1022 SKUASTtraining programme on scientific cultivation of maize and insect pest managementThe objective of this programme was to aware farmers about the new maize varities which can help them in increasing their maize production and also aware them about innovative pest management techniques.Farmervillage Balore district Samba133
1023 SKUASTField day on Maize The objective of the programee was to interact with the farmers to know about the problems they are facing in production of maize crop and also to aware them about the new varieties that can help them in increasing their crop production.Farmervillage Stah district Samba2110
1024 SKUASTtraining programme on scientific cultivation of maizeThe objective of the programme was to aware the farmers about the new varities of maize that can help in improving the yield of the maize crop.Farmervillage Balore district Samba131
1025 SKUASTKisan MelaThe objective was to provide farmers one platform where they shall have direct access to latest innovative ideas available in the field of agriculture.Farmervenue SKUAST- JAMMU138
1026 SKUASTTraining programme on Bee-KeepingThe objective of this programme was to train farmers on how to become beekeepers and how to make money by raising and selling starter hives for other beekeepers.Unemployed Youth utterbehni to SKUAST-JAMMU 80
1027 SKUASTTraining on Natural farmingThe objective was to tell farmers about natural farming how organic matter help to enhance the vitality of the soilFarmervillage Darui district Samba109
1028 SKUASTParticipation in State level Kisan Mela and putiing up of stall by farmers The “Vegetable Growers Group” Sarain developed under Farmer FIRST Programme participated in the State level Kisan Mela 2018 and put a stall of their produce, including vegetables and mushroom. All the visitors appreciated the efforts of farmers in group under Farmer FIRST Programme. FarmerSKUAST-Jammu, Main Campus Chatha Jammu126
1029 Bihar Agricultural UniversityFarmer Scientist intersection meeting (Mushroom cultivation)To create the evenness and knowledge among farmersFarm WomenBirnaudh317
1030 Bihar Agricultural UniversityFarmer Scientist intersection meeting (Bee keeping)To develop awareness and knowledge among the farmer about Bee keepingFarmerBirnaudh2111
1031 Bihar Agricultural UniversityFarmer Scientist intersection meeting for off season vegetable cultivation For off season vegetable cultivationFarmerBirnaudh280
1032 Bihar Agricultural UniversityFarmer Scientist intersection meeting for off season vegetable cultivation For off season vegetable cultivation FarmerBarhari291
1033 Bihar Agricultural UniversityExposure visit of farmers at BAU, kisan melaTo provide exposure the farmer FarmerBihar agricultural university Sabour, Bhagalpur282142
1034 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField day cum farmers training programme To demonstrate the field performance of zero till wheat cultivation and to develop understanding among farmers about the scientific cultivation of Moong Bean FarmerBarhari21180
1035 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTraining programme on fruit preservationTo develop skills among farm women about the fruit preservation and processing techniques Farm WomenBihar agricultural university Sabour, Bhagalpur060
1036 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTraining programme on mushroom cultivationTo develop skill among the farmers about the scientific mushroom cultivationFarm WomenBarhari056
1037 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTraining programme on mushroom cultivationTo develop skills among the farmers about the scientific cultivation of mushroomFarm WomenBirnaudh067
1038 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTraining on scientific cultivation of vegetable cropsTo develop skills among the farmers for scientific vegetable cultivationFarmerBihar agricultural university Sabour, Bhagalpur949
1039 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField visit at project areaTo solve the farmers problems and sickle distribution FarmerBirnaudha5642
1040 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField visit at project areaTo discuss the farmers problemsFarmerBirnaudha5642
1041 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField visit at project areaTo provide exposure the farmefFarmerBihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur 203120
1042 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDistribution of Kitchen gardening kitsTo promote farmer for kitchen gardening Farm WomenBirnaudha and barhari141200
1043 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDistribution of fruit crop planting material To promote fruit and plantation crop among the farmerFarmerBirnaudha, Barhari and Shitalpur6081
1044 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTraining programme on beekeeping To trained the farmer for beekeeping FarmerBihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur 246
1045 Bihar Agricultural University Field day cum farmers training programmeTo demonstrate the field performance of zero till wheat cultivation and to develop understanding among farmers about the scientific cultivation of Moong BeanFarmerBirnaudha7930
1046 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDistribution of piglets To promote piglets rearing FarmerShitalpur46
1047 Bihar Agricultural UniversityAnimal vaccination camp Awareness and knowledge to vaccination FarmerBihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur 250
1048 Bihar Agricultural UniversityAnimal health camp To awareness and knowledge of animal disease among the farmer FarmerBirnaudha and barhari13010
1049 Bihar Agricultural UniversitySoil Sample Collection Collection of soil and aware the farmer for take soil samplingFarmerBirnaudha, barhari and shitalpur1250
1050 Bihar Agricultural UniversityProcessing and analysis analysis of available N,P,K and OCFarmer Bihar Agricultural University Sabour, Bhagalpur1250
1051 Bihar Agricultural UniversityPreparation of soil health card and there distributionDetails of soil condition in farmer field FarmerBihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur 2250
1052 Bihar Agricultural UniversityPreparation of soil fertility map and its display To depict soil fertility status of the whole village FarmerBirnaudha, Barhari and Shitalpur9030
1053 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTraining of soil sciencehow to take soil sample from field. Procedure- to selected a field to soil sampling then taken a soil sample from four places in zig-zag manner in the field by using soil agarFarmerBirnaudh and barhari villages7330
1054 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDistribution of chicks To improve economic condition of farmer FarmerBirnaudh, barhari and shitalpur vilages4524
1055 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDistribution of falcon items like piking of okra machine, hand plough, Muze sheller etc.To easier cultivation practices. FarmerBirnaudh, barhari and shitalpur vilages4317
1056 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDistribution of elephant foot yam alternative option of vegetable Grower FarmerBirnaudh and barhari villages40
1057 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDistribution of elephant foot yam Alternative option of vegetable grower FarmerShitalpur village45
1058 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTo test arsenic concentration in water hand pooling water, tube well water and Pump set water setup a plan to optimize As concentration in water with respect to present concentration.FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari villages143
1059 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTo test arsenic concentration in water hand pooling water, tube well water and Pump set water setup a plan to optimize As concentration in water with respect to present concentration.FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari villages143
1060 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTraining of mango value additionWe cane store for longer lime, high market valueFarm WomenBirnaudh and barhari villages325
1061 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTraining of mango value addition We have storage long lime and higher market prices Farm WomenShitalpur village614
1062 Bihar Agricultural University To awareness of Swachhata, Crop Residue Burning and some soil sampling collection in farmers field To maintain cleanliness in surroundings and to control beneficial organism FarmerBirnaudh, barhari and shitalpur vilages6040
1063 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDistribution of vegetable seeds and feed blocksTo provide vegetable seed for using of surrounding area (Kitchen gardening)FarmerBirnaudh and barhari villages15087
1064 Bihar Agricultural UniversitySelection of farmer for DSR and Community nurseryTo reduce costFarmerBirnaudh and barhari villages240
1065 Bihar Agricultural UniversitySelection of farmers for organic farming To produce organically product and maintain log term soil fertility FarmerBirnaudh and barhari villages30
1066 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDistribution of Vermicompost To promote the farmers for cultivation of vegetables crops by using the organic farming.FarmerBirnaudh and barhari villages30
1067 Bihar Agricultural UniversityFarmer scientist interaction meeting To solve the farmers problem regarding inset, pest and disease FarmerShitalpur village1613
1068 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDistribution of feed blocks To increase Milk production of cattle. FarmerShitalpur village107
1069 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField dayFarmers discussed their problem with scientist and scientist replied them solution of their problemFarmerBirnaudh and barhari villages19752
1070 Bihar Agricultural UniversityCashing of compost for mushroom cultivation For Successfully of mushroom cultivation Farm WomenShitalpur616
1071 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDistribution of pea for inter cultivation in potato Maximum utilization of resource or more production of poteto and peaFarmerVillage -Shitalpur20
1072 Bihar Agricultural UniversityCashing of compost for mushroom cultivation Cashing of compost for successfully of mushroom cultivationsFarm WomenVillage -Birnaudh and Barhari 011
1073 Bihar Agricultural UniversityZero tillage TechnologyReduce of cost of cultivationFarmerVillage -Birnaudh and Barhari 30
1074 Bihar Agricultural UniversitySelection of farmers for vegetables sowingInter cultivation of pea in potato for maximum utilization of resourceFarmerVillage -Birnaudh and Barhari 40
1075 Bihar Agricultural UniversityCelebration of world soil Awareness of soil health FarmerBIhar Agricultural university Sabour Bhagalpur170
1076 Bihar Agricultural UniversityCashing of compost for mushroom cultivation Cashing of compost for mushrooms cultivationFarm WomenVillage -Shitalpur912
1077 Bihar Agricultural UniversityVisit of vegetables fieldsSuggest insecticide for spray in potatoFarmerVillage -Shitalpur912
1078 Bihar Agricultural UniversityMake video clipping of Zero tillage sowing of wheat and chickpeaIts video making and showings that this technology adopted to other farmersFarmerVillage -Birnaudh20
1079 Bihar Agricultural UniversityCashing of compost for mushroom cultivation Successfully mushroom cultivationFarm WomenVillage -Birnaudh17
1080 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDistribution of fruit plants promote of fruit mango plants in tribal areas FarmerVillage-Shitalpur, 167
1081 Bihar Agricultural UniversitySwachhta jagrukta karkram awareness of cleanses and impotence of cleanses FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 751
1082 Bihar Agricultural UniversityCrop residue management and kians jagrukta abhiyan how can mange Crop residue management, and importance of cleanses FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 4610
1083 Bihar Agricultural UniversitySwachhta jagrukta karkram Importance of cleanness FarmerShitalpur village 2510
1084 Bihar Agricultural UniversitySection of farmer for Zero till wheat and line sowing of lentil and chick-pea reduce cost and more production by zero till technique FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 470
1085 Bihar Agricultural UniversityFarmer scientist interaction promote of farmer for mushroom cultivation and increase of income throw mushroom Farm WomenBirnaudh and Barhari Village 92
1086 Bihar Agricultural UniversityFarmer scientist interaction meeting Importance of feed block for animal health and timely vaccination FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 92
1087 Bihar Agricultural UniversityFarmer scientist interaction meeting promote of farmer for cultivation of mushroom Farm WomenShitalpur village 524
1088 Bihar Agricultural UniversityFarmer scientist interaction meeting promote of farmer for income enhancement through mushroom cultivation Farm WomenShitalpur village 213
1089 Bihar Agricultural Universitysowing of mushroom (Mix of mushroom seed in compost)Timely mushroom production and good market price Farm WomenShitalpur village 616
1090 Bihar Agricultural Universityvegetable production technique and timely sowing or timely transplant More production of vegetable and variety replacement FarmerShitalpur village 616
1091 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDistribution of chicks To enhance the farmer income for improving the living status of community FarmerBirnaudh Barhari and Shitalpur 96
1092 Bihar Agricultural Universitysowing of mushroom (Mix of mushroom seed in compost)Promote of farmer for button mushroom production and good market price FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 015
1093 Bihar Agricultural UniversitySelection of farmer for zero till wheat sowing Reduce of tillage cost and timely sowing FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 140
1094 Bihar Agricultural UniversitySelection of farmer for vegetable sowing like Pea, potato and onion Other source of income (To promote diversify farming) FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 120
1095 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDistribution of chicks and feed blockTo inhance the income by backyard poultry FarmerShitalpur village73
1096 Bihar Agricultural UniversityHarvesting of mushroom Harvesting and post harvesting managment Farm WomenBirnaudh 118
1097 Bihar Agricultural UniversityPlantation of prernial GrassPlantation of prernial Grass and field visitFarmerBirnaudh village102
1098 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField visitField visit of DSR and transplant riceFarmerBirnaudh & Barhari120
1099 Bihar Agricultural UniversityPlantation of prernial GrassTo awareness Prernial Grass FarmerBirnaudh village105
1100 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTrainingFruit and vegetable preservationFarmerK. V. K, Savour, Bhagalpur202
1101 Bihar Agricultural UniversityAnimal health campGeneral health check up for livestock, treatment of sick animals, vaccination of healthy stock, liver tonic and appetizers for weak animals, supportive treatment for pregnant animals, deworming, vaccination against PPR in goatsFarmerBirnaudh & Barhari2128
1102 Bihar Agricultural University Technology of mushroom productionTo trained the farmers for mushroom production FarmerVillage-Shitalpur125
1103 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTanning of potato production technology For more production of potato and commercialized production FarmerVillage-Shitalpur51
1104 Bihar Agricultural UniversityFarmers Training on benefits of direct seeded rice (DSR) cultivation & selection of farmers for direct seeded rice (DSR) as well as for community nursery of rice for timely rice transplantingTo promote farmer for Direct seeded rice (DSR) and community nursery FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 120
1105 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInitiation of sowing of direct seeded rice seeds of different varieties viz. Sabour Shree and R. Sweta. and training for vermi compost production technique.Timely sowing of direct seeded rice (DSR) and enhance fertility of soil for farmers field FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 150
1106 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTraining Increasing nutritional value of the community FarmerSheetalpur510
1107 Bihar Agricultural UniversityVisit of milky mushroom To internet of milky mushroom grower Farm WomenSheetalpur27
1108 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInitiation of community nursery of rice To promote community nursery FarmerSheetalpur30
1109 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInitiation of transplanted rice cultivation Timely transplanted FarmerBarhari100
1110 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField visit Importance of kitchen garden FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 83
1111 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTraining for use of vermi compost in agriculture and its benefitsPromote organic farming and enhancing fertility of soil for long time FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 80
1112 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInteraction with button mushroom growersButton mushroom compost treatmentFarm WomenSheetalpur411
1113 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField monitoring Field monitoring and photography of crops of direct seeded rice (DSR) and transplanted rice using community nursery at selected sitesFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 80
1114 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTraining Button mushroom production technology Farm WomenSheetalpur412
1115 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInitiation of line sowing of pulse cropsline sowing of pulse crop FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 70
1116 Bihar Agricultural UniversityNutrients management in rabi cropsTimely use of nutrients management and reduce cost of cultivation FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 80
1117 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField monitoring filed visit and see the crop are good condition or not FarmerBarhari91
1118 Bihar Agricultural UniversitySelection of farmer Vegetable productionFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 100
1119 Bihar Agricultural UniversityImmunization Good animal health FarmerSheetalpur2010
1120 Bihar Agricultural UniversityMonitoring Monitoring of honeybee colonies to know the status of honey collectionFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 41
1121 Bihar Agricultural UniversityVisit of vermi compost unit Visit of vermi compost units and farmers were advised about the economics of vermicompost as a value added product to enhance the farmers’ incomesFarmerSheetalpur70
1122 Bihar Agricultural UniversitySelection of farmer summer moong cultivation for increasing cropping intensity FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 93
1123 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField monitoring Field monitoring of vegetable pea and tomato as well as interaction with farmersFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 103
1124 Bihar Agricultural UniversityAnimal health camp To maintain animal health FarmerShitalpur village 229
1125 Bihar Agricultural UniversityFarmer scientist interaction meeting Increasing milk production and backyard poultry FarmerSheetalpur124
1126 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField visitMaintain soil fertility FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 120
1127 Bihar Agricultural UniversityFarmer scientist interaction filed visit and collect the photographs related to DSR and community nursery FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 120
1128 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTraining Promote of farmer for cultivation of mushroomFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 109
1129 Bihar Agricultural UniversityTraining promote of farmer for cultivation of mushroomFarmerShitalpur village 88
1130 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDemonstration of Zero tillageInitiation of sowing of wheat by zero tillage machine as well as line sowing of whFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 70
1131 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField monitoring Field monitoring of vegetable pea, tomato and potato and interaction with farmersFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 102
1132 Bihar Agricultural UniversityMonitoring Monitoring of button mushroom and interaction with button mushroom growersFarmerShitalpur village 510
1133 Bihar Agricultural Universityinteraction with farmersField visit of zero tillage wheat, line sowing wheat and rabi pulses, interaction with farmers and photography of the cropsFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 130
1134 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField visitField visit of test crops (zero tillage wheat, line sowing wheat and rabi pulses) as well as interactions with the farmers.FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 90
1135 Bihar Agricultural UniversitySelection of farmer for DSR and community nursery Farmers Training/Benefits of direct seeded rice (DSR) Cultivation and selection of farmers fordirect seeded rice (DSR) and for community nursery of rice for timely rice transplantingFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 110
1136 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInitiation of sowing of direct seeded rice Initiation of sowing of direct seeded rice seeds of different varieties viz. Sabour Shree and R. Sweta. Training on working of various drudgery reduction farm toolsFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 60
1137 Bihar Agricultural UniversityDistribution of vegetable kitsDistribution of seeds of vegetables (Cauliflower, Brinjal, Bottle gourd, Sponge gourd) & Kitchen Garden kits for increasing nutritional value of the CommunityFarmerShitalpur village 153
1138 Bihar Agricultural UniversityFarmer scientist interaction Initiation of transplanting of rice seedling in main fields of selected formersFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 100
1139 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField visitMonitoring of kitchen garden crops and interaction with farmersFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 120
1140 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField visitField monitoring, interaction with farmers and demonstration of use of Leaf Colour Chart (LCC) in rice field for the management of nitrogen dose in different crop stages of riceFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 120
1141 Bihar Agricultural UniversitySelection of farmer for off-season vegetable productionSelection of farmers for intervention of off-season vegetable production and varietal improvement demonstrationFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 40
1142 Bihar Agricultural UniversitySelection of farmer for off-season vegetable productionSelection of farmers for intervention of off-season vegetable production and varietal improvement demonstrationFarmerShitalpur village 20
1143 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField monitoring Field monitoring and photography of crops of direct seeded rice (DSR) and transplanted rice using community nursery at selected sitesFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 100
1144 Bihar Agricultural UniversityMonitoring Button mushroom compost treatment and interaction with button mushroom growersFarmerShitalpur village 56
1145 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInitiation of Zero tillage wheat Initiation of sowing of wheat by zero tillage machine as well as line sowing of wheatFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 80
1146 Bihar Agricultural UniversityMonitoring Monitoring of button mushroom and interaction with button mushroom growersFarmerShitalpur village 46
1147 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField visitField monitoring of Zero Tillage sown wheat fields and interaction with farmers about zero tillage technologyFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 100
1148 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField visitField monitoring of vegetable pea and tomato as well as interaction with farmersFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 90
1149 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField visitField monitoring of zero tillage / line sowing of wheat and use of Leaf Colour Chart (LCC) for wheat plants in different farmers’ fields for recommendation of application of ureaFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 80
1150 Bihar Agricultural UniversityField visitField monitoring of test crops (Zero tillage wheat and rabi pulses) and planning/interaction with for conducting a field day-cum-farmers training program at farmer fieldFarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 220
1151 Bihar Agricultural UniversityFarmer scientist interaction Successfully organized a one-day Field Day-cumfarmers training program and field visit of standing crops (Zero tillage wheat line sowing of wheat and rabi pulses) and discussion with farmers about this technology.FarmerBirnaudh and Barhari Village 11535
1152 Assam Agricultural UniversityTraining & Demonstration on Mechanical Transplantation.Hands on training on operation of mechanical transplanterFarmerDangdhora, Titabor3515
1153 Assam Agricultural UniversityTraining on Fishery Management.To acquaint the farmers with scientific & modern technologies of fish rearing including pond management & nutrient management in fish rearingFarmerDangdhora, Titabor3010
1154 Assam Agricultural UniversityTraining on Mushroom ProductionThe training was organized to provide first hand experience in Oyester Mushroom production to the farm women. The farm women under the supervision of the resource persons were trained regarding every step of the production process.Farm WomenKhamjongia, Titabor0100
1155 Assam Agricultural UniversityPoultry Vaccination Camp & trainingTo provide vaccination to the poultry birds and to impart knowledge regarding the identification of symptoms of some common poutry diseases and its management. The poultry farmers were also given hands on training on providing basic medication to the poultry birds.Farm WomenDangdhora, Titabor1555
1156 Assam Agricultural UniversityTraining on managment of mites and other pestsTo impart knowledge to the farmers regarding symptoms of mites infestation in some common crop and its management practices. FarmerPaninora Gaon, Titabor4010
1157 Assam Agricultural UniversityTraining and demonstration of mechanical harvesting of paddyTo demonstrate the use of mechanical reaper in the harvesting of paddy and to provide training to the farmers on the operation and handling of mechanical reaper.FarmerDangdhora, Titabor4010
1158 Assam Agricultural UniversityTraining on scientific bee keeping for livelihood improvementTo impart knowledge on theory and practices of bee keeping To impart knowledge on different seasonal management of honey bees To impart knowledge on identification and management of diseases and parasite of honey beesGeneral UsersKhamjongia, Titabor1510
1159 Assam Agricultural UniversityWorkshop cum awareness program on entrepreneurship development among women farmer on the occasion of National Women Farmers DayThe workshop was conducted to encourage the farm women to come forward and start up various small scale entrepreneurial ventures to increase their share in the farm family income. The workshop also aimed at acquainting the farm women of various entrepreneurial ventures that could be taken up by them.Farm WomenPotia Gaon, Jorhat0200
1160 Assam Agricultural UniversityAwareness Meeting on misuse of oxytocin hormoneTo create awareness on misuse of oxytocin hormoneFarmerPaninora Gaon, Titabor455
1161 Assam Agricultural UniversityExposure Visit to Kharupatia, Darrang as a part of Farmers to Farmers extensionPeer Learning, a knowledge sharing initiative as a part of Farmer to Farmer extension. FarmerKharupetia, Darrang, Assam150
1162 Assam Agricultural UniversityExposure visit HRS, Kahikuchi for attending Famers fair and farmer-scientist interactionExposure visit to Horticultural Research Station, Kahikuchi, Guwahati to attend state level farmer's fair. To interact with farmers from various parts of the state and also have a farmer-scientist interaction.FarmerHorticultural Research Station, Kahikuchi, Guwahati360
1163 Assam Agricultural UniversityField Day and experience sharing in relation to cultivation of Bhoot Jolokia (King chilli) & Pumpkin (var. Bhima)To share the experiences of Bhoot Jolokia (King Chilli) cultivation by the farmers with their fellow farmers and the rural youth. Encourage the farmers and the rural youth to take up the cultivation of high value crops like Bhoot Jolokia (King Chilli) and pumkin which have great demand in the region. To discuss and showcase various activities taken up the Farmer FIRST project in the villages to attract local unemployed youth and farm women for developing a sense of agri-preneurship among them.Unemployed YouthKhamjongia, Titabor6337
1164 Assam Agricultural UniversityStudent-Farmers Interaction on Information & Communication TechnologyTo check the adoption and level of approach of the farmers towards ICT usage. To check the awareness among the farmers towards use of ICT.FarmerDangdhora, Titabor128
1165 Central Agricultural UniversityOne day Animal Health Camp cum Vaccination ProgrammeThe main aim/objectives of veterinary vaccination are: 1. To Improve the health and welfare of companion animals. 2. To increase production like milk, eggs and other animal bi-products in a cost effective manner. 3. To prevent many pets illnesses. 4. To avoid costly treatment for diseases that can be prevent. 5. To prevent diseases that can be passed between animals and also from animals to human. FarmerManipur, Imphal East district, Yairipok Yambem & Yairipok Top Chingtha villages00
1166 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyTraining on the Techniques of Goat Raring and the home remedy for treatment of disease in animalTo provide training to farm women in raring of indigenous plains goat breed and providing home remedies related different disease in animals.Farm WomenVillage- Syalikhet, District- Nainital, Uttarakhand238
1167 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOne day training on Poultry ProductionThe objective of training is to provide knowledge to women poultry farmers of Village Syalikhet regarding poultry production and management especially feeding management. Farm WomenInstructional Dairy Farm, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar218
1168 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyFive day training for farmers on Mushroom productionTo provide hands on training to farmers of three villages about various aspects of mushroom cultivation. FarmerMushroom research and Training Centre, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand164
1169 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethVisit of Dr. Lakhan Singh, Director, ICAR- ATARI, Zone- VIII, PUne and KVK ScientistVisit to Demonstration plot and interaction with farmersFarmerChinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar, State- Maharashtra3015
1170 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOnline training prog organized on 29 th April, 2020 under ICAR FFP-MPKV, Rahuri To provide one day online training programme - Awareness about Agricultural interventions to be Implemented in Covid- 19 situation by farmers and Kharif PlanningFarmerOnline Zoom Platform950
1171 Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth Women participant farmer Mrs. Savita Vaibhav Nalkar felicitated with Innovative Farmer ward at NAARM, HyderabadWomen participant farmer of ICAR Farmer FIRST programme, MPKV Rahuri Mrs. Savita Vaibhav Nalkar felicitated with Innovative Farmer ward at NAARM, HyderabadFarm WomenNAARM, Hyderabad11
1172 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOrientation programme o Chinchvihire and Kangar villagesTo know the village condition and discussion with village people about project planning General UsersChinchvihire and Kangar villeges of Ahmednagar Dist4017
1173 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethPRA of Chinchvihire and Kangar villagesPRA of both selected villagesGeneral UsersChinchvihire and Kangar villeges of Ahmednagar Dist9025
1174 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethFarmers RallyExtension Education Council members are evaluate the project activities. FarmerKangar village, Dist- Ahmednagar3515
1175 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethFish fingerlings distribution programme To distribute fish fingerlings among the selected farmersFarmerChinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar, State- Maharashtra3510
1176 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethFarmer exposure visit to KVK, BaramatiExposure visit of participated farmersFarmerKVK, Baramati2512
1177 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining programme on Rabi sorghum production technologyTo aware farmers about different practices and Integrated pest management in sorghum. FarmerRam mandir, Chinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar2510
1178 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethNational Workshop on Farmers Feedback on Doubling Farm income by 2022 (ICAR, NAARM, Hyderabad) Farmers Feedback on Doubling Farm income by 2022FarmerICAR, NAARM, Hyderabad40
1179 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining programme on farm pond fisheryTo provide training about farm pond fishery, fish feeding management etc.FarmerChinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar, State- Maharashtra3010
1180 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining Programme on Chickpea production technologyTo provide training farmers and farm women about chickpea production technology FarmerChinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar, State- Maharashtra3015
1181 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining programme on Dal mill installation and its working To provide training about dal preparationSelf Help GroupChinchvihire and Kangar villeges of Ahmednagar Dist1520
1182 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethFarmer exposure visit to watephal, Hivrebazar and ralegan siddhiVisit to successful farm pond fishery and other units FarmerWatephal, Hivre bazar and Ralegan siddhi, Dist- Ahemednagar2010
1183 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethVisit of EEC member Dr. S. Prabhukumar and Dr. A. M. NarulaVisit to project villagesGeneral UsersKangar village, Dist- Ahmednagar3510
1184 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethVisit of Director, Research, MPKV, Rahuri to the project villagesVisit to the project activities and DemonstrationsFarmerChinchvihire and Kangar villeges of Ahmednagar Dist3015
1185 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethVisit of Hon. DG, MCAER, PuneVisit to project villagesFarmerChinchvihire and Kangar villeges of Ahmednagar Dist3010
1186 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining Programme on Red gram and Bajra production technologyProvide training to farmers FarmerRam mandir, Chinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar428
1187 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining Programme on Vermicompost and silage preparationTo provide training about vermi compost and silage makingFarmerIntegrated Farming System Project, MPKV, Rahuri4515
1188 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining programme on Integrated Farming System under FFP To provide training to farmers and farm women about Integrated Farming SystemFarmerMahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist- Ahmednagar , State- Maharashtra2415
1189 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethRabi planning meeting To discuss about rabi demonstration planning FarmerChinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar, State- Maharashtra1910
1190 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining Programme on collection of soil sample for soil testing Provide training to the farmers about collection of soil sampleFarmerMahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist- Ahmednagar, State - Maharashtra2112
1191 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethFarmers RallyFarmers rally on the occupation of Visit of Hon’ble ADG (Agril. Extn.), ICAR, New Delhi to project village Chinchvihire General UsersChinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar, State- Maharashtra5327
1192 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethFarmers RallyVisit of Hon’ble DDG (Agril. Extn.), ICAR, New Delhi General UsersChinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar, State- Maharashtra5522
1193 Agriculture UniversityAwareness and training on soil health and soil sampling Promote the soil testing and use of fertilizers according the recommandation and salection of the crop on the basis, also aware the farmers for the sustainable approach in the farming for better soil healthFarmerVillage Manai and Bada Kotecha 2010
1194 Navsari Agricultural University Training on “Disease-Pest control in Turmeric cultivation”For increasing the production of turmeric and gave details about major disease and pest managementFarmerChanga-Dhanori village, Vadsangal village, Navsari84
1195 Navsari Agricultural University Training on Scientific cultivation of mango and sapotaTo increased the productivity of Mango through Novel applicationFarmerS.S.K. Hall, N.A.U., Navsari2622
1196 Navsari Agricultural University Training on Scientific cultivation of Lucerne and Indianbean To create awareness about the scientific cultivation practices for Lucerne and ValFarmerEducational Museum, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari1223
1197 Navsari Agricultural University Training on Scientific cultivation of Green gramTo create awareness about the scientific cultivation practices for Green gramFarmerVadsangal, Ta. Gandevi, Di. Navsari2120
1198 Navsari Agricultural University "Pashupalan Talim" under Livestock based moduleTo aware farmers about use and benefits of Bypass protein and fatFarmerVadsangal, Ta. Gandevi, Di. Navsari913
1199 Navsari Agricultural University "Pashupalan Talim" under Livestock based moduleTo aware farmers about use and benefits of Bypass protein and fatFarmerChanga-Dhanori village, Ta. Gandevi, Di. Navsari2326
1200 Navsari Agricultural University 'Khedutona Pratisad ange Charcha' ProgrammeFarmers are directly contact with Scientists and Discussed about their problemsFarmerVadsangal, Ta. Gandevi, Di. Navsari4156
1201 Navsari Agricultural University Training on Scientific cultivation of Lucerne and ValTo create awareness about the scientific cultivation practices for Lucerne and ValFarmerChanga-Dhanori village, Ta. Gandevi, Di. Navsari3321
1202 Navsari Agricultural University FARMER - SCIENTIST INTERFACE1. To enhance farmer-scientist interface 2. To enrich the knowledge and facilitate continued feedbackFarmerSARDAR SMRUTI KENDRA HALL N.A.U. NAVSARI5175
1203 Navsari Agricultural University Field visit Mango and Sapota orchard, Sugarcane And fodder sorghum ExperimentTo check and compare the performance on new sugarcane variety CoN 13072 with local variety, growth of mango and sapota FarmerVadsangal, Ta. Gandevi, Di. Navsari42
1205 Navsari Agricultural University Training on "Scientific practices of Sugarcane production" To create awareness about the scientific cultivation practices for Sugarcane crop FarmerVadsangal, Ta. Gandevi, Di. Navsari299
1206 Navsari Agricultural University Training on Scientific cultivation of mango To increased the productivity of Mango through NAA and Novel Application FarmerS.S.K. Hall, N.A.U., Navsari2733
1207 Navsari Agricultural University Training on Scientific cultivation sapotaTo aware the farmers for use of micro-nutrient in Sapota FarmerVadsangal, Ta. Gandevi, Di. Navsari6642
1208 Navsari Agricultural University Training on Scientific cultivation of Greengram and Fodder sorghum cropTo create awareness about the scientific cultivation practices for Greengram and Fodder sorghum crop FarmerS.S.K. Hall, N.A.U., Navsari2733
1209 Navsari Agricultural University Training of Scientific cultivation of Paddy 1). To create awareness between the farmers about the scientific cultivation practices of paddy (GNR-3) 2). To provide the scientific knowledge about the integrated disease and pest management of paddy crop. 3). To introduce the farmers about the newly released high yielding paddy variety GNR-3.FarmerS.S.K. Hall, N.A.U., Navsari2120
1210 Navsari Agricultural University Kishan Gosthi1).To enhance farmer-scientist interface 2). To enrich the knowledge and facilitate continued feedbackFarmerS.S.K. Hall, N.A.U., Navsari2120
1211 Navsari Agricultural University Training of scientific cultivation of Pigeon pea under IFS based module To create awareness about the scientific cultivation practices for Pigeon peaFarmerVadsangal Village, Navsari2129
1212 Navsari Agricultural University Training of scientific cultivation of Pigeon pea under IFS based module To create awareness about the scientific cultivation practices for Pigeon peaFarmerKesali Village, Navsari193
1213 Navsari Agricultural University Training under Horticulture and IFS based module1) To aware the farmers for use of micro-nutrient in Mango 2) Increased the income through inter croppingFarmerATIC, NAU, Navsari1123
1214 Navsari Agricultural University Training under IFS and Horticulture Based Module1)To generate extra income through inter cropping of sorghum crop 2)To aware the farmers for use of micro-nutrient in MangoFarmerKesali Village, Navsari711
1215 Navsari Agricultural University Training on IFS module based Scientific cultivation of TurmericTo generate extra income through inter cropping of Turmeric cropFarmerEducational Museum, NAU, Navsari95
1216 Navsari Agricultural University Training on IFS module based Scientific cultivation of TurmericTo generate extra income through inter cropping of Turmeric cropFarmerKesali Village, Navsari47
1217 Navsari Agricultural University Khedutona Pratisad ange CharchaTo check performance of Bypass fat on Animal healthFarmerVadsangal Village, Navsari1721
1218 Navsari Agricultural University Field visit of bypass fat feeded animalsTo check animal health and fat percent in animal milkFarmerVadsangal and Changa-Dhanori village, Navsari22
1219 Navsari Agricultural University Training of scientific cultivation of Drumstick under IFS based module Planting of drumstick as a border crop with main crop with a benefit to extra incomeFarmerChijgam, Navsari315
1220 Navsari Agricultural University Training of scientific cultivation of Drumstick under IFS based module Planting of drumstick as a border crop with main crop with a benefit to extra incomeFarmerHansapore, Navsari1227
1221 Navsari Agricultural University Training of scientific cultivation of Drumstick under IFS based module Planting of drumstick as a border crop with main crop with a benefit to extra incomeFarmerChanga-Dhanori village, Navsari155
1222 Navsari Agricultural University Training of scientific cultivation of Drumstick under IFS based module Planting of drumstick as a border crop with main crop with a benefit to extra incomeFarmerKesali Village, Navsari1112
1223 Navsari Agricultural University Training on increased the productivity of mango and sapotaTo increased the productivity of Mango and Sapota through Calcium nitrate (CaNo3), Boron, NAA and Novel ApplicationFarmerATIC Hall,N.A.U., Navsari3412
1224 Navsari Agricultural University Training for Assessment of newly variety of paddy and their practicesAssessment of newly variety of Paddy and compared with local VarietyFarmerMain Sugarcane Research Station, Conference Hall, NAU,Navsari4630
1225 Navsari Agricultural University meeting on newly Assessed variety of paddy GNR-3 and local variety of Paddy in pest and Diseases ProblemFor increasing the production of paddy and gave the detail about major pest and diseases management FarmerHansapor village, Navsari728
1226 Navsari Agricultural University Meeting for Assessment of newly variety of paddy and their practicesIntroduced about newly released high yielding and improved paddy variety GNR-3. FarmerChijgam1510
1227 Navsari Agricultural University Training on "Scientific technology for improving soil properties" at Chijgam villageImproving soil properties through soil amendmentFarmerChijgam village,Navsari926
1228 Navsari Agricultural University Training on "Scientific technology for improving soil properties" at Hansapore villageImproving soil properties through soil amendmentFarmerHansapore village,Navsari2527
1229 Navsari Agricultural University Interface between Farmers and Scientist " Khedut- Vaigyanik charcha karyakram" at Chijgam village1).To enhance farmer-scientist interface 2). To enrich the knowledge and facilitate continued feedbackFarmerRamji mandir ground, Chijgam,Navsari4585
1230 Navsari Agricultural University Meeting on Survey animals and visit farmer house at Chijgam villageTo solve the problems of farmers about milk productionFarm WomenChijgam village,Navsari032
1231 Navsari Agricultural University Meeting on Survey animals and visit farmer house at Hansapore villageTo solve the problems of farmers about milk productionFarm WomenHansapore village,Navsari040
1232 Navsari Agricultural University Meeting on Survey animals and visit farmer house at Pathri villageTo solve the problems of farmers about milk productionFarm WomenPathri village,Navsari036
1233 Navsari Agricultural University Training on Livestock based module at SSK Hall,N.A.U.,NavsariTo aware the farmers for animal balance feeding and their health managmnetFarm WomenSardar Smruti Kendra (SSK) Hall, N.A.U.,Navsari085
1234 Navsari Agricultural University Farmers and Scientist meeting at Chijgam villageTo check the nutrition management and effect of inputs given by FFP.Farm WomenChijgam village,Navsari335
1235 Navsari Agricultural University Training on" Integrated Farming System" at Chijgam villageTo aware the farmers for inter cropping and increase the farmers incomeFarmerChijgam village,Navsari1426
1236 Navsari Agricultural University Farmers and Scientist meeting at Hansapore villageImproved soil conditionFarmerHansapore village,Navsari1723
1237 Navsari Agricultural University Farmers and Scientist meeting at Chijgam villageImproved soil conditionFarmerChijgam village,Navsari1027
1238 Navsari Agricultural University Training on" Integrated Farming System" at Hansapore villageTo aware the farmers for inter cropping and increase the farmers incomeFarmerHansapore village,Navsari1527
1239 Navsari Agricultural University Training on" Integrated Farming System" at Pathri villageTo aware the farmers for inter cropping and increase the farmers incomeFarmerPathri village,Navsari911
1240 Navsari Agricultural University Training on "Scientific practices of Sugarcane production" at SSK Hall,N.A.U.,NavsariTo create awareness about the scientific cultivation practices for Sugarcane cropFarmerSardar Smruti Kendra (SSK) Hall, N.A.U.,Navsari160
1241 Navsari Agricultural University Training on Integrated Farming System (IFS) collaboration with Livestock based module at SSK, Hall1) Increased milk yield, Productive (growth) & Reproductive performance 2) Increase the income of farmers through inter cropping and mix farmingFarmerSardar Smruti Kendra (SSK) Hall, N.A.U.,Navsari050
1242 Navsari Agricultural University Training on Vermicompost production and marketing at LRS Farm,N.A.U.To create awareness between the farmers about vermicompostFarm WomenLivestock Research Station (LRS) Farm,N.A.U., Navsari024
1243 Navsari Agricultural University Training on Integrated Farming System (IFS) collaboration with Livestock based module at SSK, HallIncreased the farmers income through intercroppingFarmerSardar Smruti Kendra (SSK) Hall, N.A.U.,Navsari590
1244 Navsari Agricultural University Farmers and Scientist meeting at Pathri villageAssessment of micronutrient and PGR appilication to check fruit drop in mango FarmerPathri village,Navsari2418
1245 Navsari Agricultural University Meeting on Scientific practices in Mango and Sapota at Chijgam villageTo aware the farmers for use of micro-nutrient in MangoFarmerChijgam village,Navsari168
1246 Navsari Agricultural University Farmers and Scientist meeting at Pathri villageTo create awareness about used of Novel organic liquid fertilizers and their advantages for cropsFarmerPathri village,Navsari1525
1247 Navsari Agricultural University Meeting on Scientific practices in Mango and Sapota at Hansapore villageTo aware the farmers for use of micro-nutrient in MangoFarmerHansapore village,Navsari1822
1248 Navsari Agricultural University Field visit of Lucern crop at Chijgam and Hansapore villageIncreased the income through inter croppingFarmerHansapore and Chijgam village, Navsari00
1249 Navsari Agricultural University Visiting the vermicompost production experiment at Hansapore villageTo check the maintenance of vermibedFarmerHansapore village,Navsari035
1250 Navsari Agricultural University Field visit of Mango and Sapota orchardTo check the effect of soil amendment for improved soil conditionFarmerHansapore village,Navsari1822
1251 Navsari Agricultural University Farmers and Scientist meeting at Chijgam villageTo check the animal health, nutrition management and milk productionFarm WomenChijgam village,Navsari024
1252 Navsari Agricultural University Farmers and Scientist meeting at HansaporE villageTo check the animal health, nutrition management and milk productionFarm WomenHansapore village,Navsari023
1253 Navsari Agricultural University Farmers and Scientist meeting at Pathri villageTo check the animal health, nutrition management and milk productionFarmerPathri village,Navsari015
1254 Navsari Agricultural University Training on " Scientific cultivation on practices of Paddy at Pathari village1). To create awareness between the farmers about the scientific cultivation practices of paddy and use of bio fertilizers. 2). To introduce the farmers about the newly released high yielding paddy variety GNR-3.FarmerPathri village,Navsari1315
1255 Navsari Agricultural University Training on " Scientific cultivation on practices of Paddy at Chijgam village1). To create awareness between the farmers about the scientific cultivation practices of paddy and use of bio fertilizers. 2). To introduce the farmers about the newly released high yielding paddy variety GNR-3.FarmerChijgam village,Navsari720
1256 Navsari Agricultural University Training on " Scientific practices of Paddy " at Hansapore village 1). To create awareness between the farmers about the scientific cultivation practices of paddy and use of bio fertilizers. 2). To introduce the farmers about the newly released high yielding paddy variety GNR-3.FarmerHansapore village,Navsari1723
1257 Navsari Agricultural University Distribution of Earthworm in three villagesTo increased the production of vermicompost and incomeFarm WomenHansapore, Chijgam and Pathri village, Navsari022
1258 Navsari Agricultural University Field visit of Paddy Experiment at Hansapore villageTo check and compared the performance of new paddy variety GNR-3 with other variety(Jaya)FarmerHansapore village,Navsari00
1259 Navsari Agricultural University Field visit of Sugarcane Experiment at Chijgam villageTo check and compare the performance on newsugarcane variety CoN 13073 with local varietyFarmerChijgam village,Navsari50
1260 Navsari Agricultural University Meeting on Border planting of other plant with main crop and get extra benefits in IFS based moduleTo used the boarder of main crops for planting of vegetables crops and get extra benefits from theirFarmerGujarat,Navsari,Pathri213
1261 Navsari Agricultural University Training and kit distribution on Vegetables crops used as a inter-cropping and border planting with Agricultural and Horticultural Fruit cropsTo get the extra benefits of income to farmers through inter cropping of short term crops (vegetable crops) with Long term crops (Mango and Spota) FarmerATIC, Conference Hall,N.A.U.,Navsari153
1262 Navsari Agricultural University Demonstrate method for measurement of newly born calf body weight at Pathri villageTo provide the calf starterd and animal nutrition management for their health purpose. To Measure newly born calf body weightFarm WomenGujarat,Navsari,Pathri020
1263 Navsari Agricultural University Scientist visited field of Paddy crop and Use of Trichogamma cards to control the infestation of pest damage in paddy fieldTo reduce the insect- pest damage in paddy fieldFarmerGujarat,Navsari,Chijgam79
1264 Navsari Agricultural University Visit Paddy farm at Chijgam villageTo check and compared the performance of new paddy variety GNR-3FarmerChijgam village,Navsari01
1265 Navsari Agricultural University For survey of animal CalfTo provide the calf starterd and animal nutrition management for their health purpose.Farm WomenHansapor016
1266 Navsari Agricultural University Survey on Calf managment at ChijgamTo provide the calf starterd and animal nutrition management for their health purpose. Farm WomenGujarat,Navsari,Chijgam020
1267 Navsari Agricultural University Scientist Visiting the animal at farmers houseTo check the farmers animal and their practices for which type of nutrition given to their animal and superior check the animal healthFarm WomenGujarat,Navsari,Chijgam03
1268 Navsari Agricultural University Exposure visit of Gayatri Vermi Agro under entrepeneurship based moduleTo aware the farm women about vermi compost technologyFarm WomenGujarat, Navsari, Gandevi035
1269 Navsari Agricultural University Intervention between farmers and Scientists at Pathari Village1).To enhance farmer-scientist interface 2). To enrich the knowledge and facilitate continued feedbackFarmerGuajrat State, Navsari district, Pathari Village8662
1270 Navsari Agricultural University Let's listen to farmers: A workshop on farmers' feedback on doubling farm income by 20221. Understand the field realities and constraints in achieving the goal of DFI. 2. Document farmers' experiences, perceptions and feedback on DFI. 3. Suggest a farmer-participatory and inclusive roadmap for achieving the goal of DFI.FarmerTelangana, Hyderabad, Rajendranagar60
1271 Navsari Agricultural University Intervention between farmers and Scientists at Hansapor Village1).To enhance farmer-scientist interface 2). To enrich the knowledge and facilitate continued feedbackFarmerGujarat, Navsari, Hansapor7065
1272 Navsari Agricultural University Training on "Scientific practices of paddy"1). To create awareness between the farmers about the scientific cultivation practices of paddy and use of bio fertilizers. 2). To provide the scientific knowledge about the integrated disease and pest management of paddy crop. 3). To introduce the farmers about the newly released high yielding paddy variety GNR-3. FarmerSSK Hall, NAU, Navsari (Gujarat)5837
1273 Navsari Agricultural University Field visit of Paddy ExperimentTo check and compare the performance of new paddy variety GNR-3 with other variety (Jaya).FarmerGuajrat State, Navsari district, Pathari Village1816
1274 Navsari Agricultural University Khedut shibir on " Intercropping of lucern crop with young orchard of SapotaTo generat extra income through intercropping cropFarm WomenATIC Hall,NAU,Navsari050
1275 Navsari Agricultural University Field visit of Paddy ExperimentTo check and compare the performance of new paddy variety GNR-3 with other variety (Jaya)FarmerGujarat, Navsari,Chijgam23
1276 Navsari Agricultural University Visiting the animal at farmers houseTo check the farmers animal and their practices for which type of nutrition given to their animal and superior check the animal healthFarm WomenGujarat, Navsari,Chijgam010
1277 Navsari Agricultural University Scientist Visiting the vermicompost production experimentTo check the maintenance of vermibedFarm Women1) Gujarat, Navsari,Chijgam 2) Gujarat, Navsari, Hansapore014
1278 Navsari Agricultural University Diagnostic visit and Kit distribution and bio fertilizers distributionTo reduce the insect- pest damage in sugarcane To enhance the crop growthFarmerATIC Hall,NAU,Navsari141
1279 Navsari Agricultural University Method demonstration of using biofertilizers in sugarcaneTo develop skill amongs farmers about using biofertilizers for sugarcane settes treatmentFarmer Gujarat, Navsari, Hansapore101
1280 Navsari Agricultural University Diagnostic visit and Training on " Intercropping of green gram crop with orchard of SapotaTo generate extra income through inter croppingFarmerATIC Hall,NAU,Navsari2216
1281 Navsari Agricultural University Scientist visited the sugarcane farmTo check and compare the performance of new sugarcane variety 13073 with other variety (5072 and 411).FarmerGujarat, Navsari, Hansapore51
1282 Navsari Agricultural University interaction with farmers and Diagnostic Field visit of Lucerne cropIncreased the income through inter croppingFarmerGujarat, Navsari, Hansapore42
1283 Navsari Agricultural University Field visit of Lucerne cropField visit of Lucerne crop at Pathari villageFarmerGujarat, Navsari, Pathari52
1284 Navsari Agricultural University Scientist visited Mango and Sapota orchardTo check flowering of mango and sapotaFarmerGujarat, Navsari, Pathari54
1285 Navsari Agricultural University Calf managementTo check weight of calfFarm WomenGujarat, Navsari, Pathari012
1286 Navsari Agricultural University Sugarcane (Var. 13073) and tricocard distributionTo check the growth of sugarcane and distribute of tricocard for borersFarmerGujarat, Navsari, Chijgam44
1287 Navsari Agricultural University Farmrs scientist interaction on IFS cropIncreased the income through inter croppingFarmerGujarat, Navsari, Chijgam43
1288 Navsari Agricultural University Animal Husbandry in the midst of Covid-19 pandemicFarmers got awareness about scientific calf rearing, health management, animal feeds and milk production maintain in this COVID-19 pandemicFarm WomenOnline webinar by Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat.915
1289 Navsari Agricultural University Interaction with farmers on Paddy and Sugarcane crop and Use of Trichogamma cards to control the infestation of pest damage in paddy & Sugarcane fieldTo reduce the insect- pest damage in paddy and Sugarcane fieldFarmerGujarat,Navsari,Pathri79
1290 Navsari Agricultural University Paddy crop and Use of Trichogamma cards to control the infestation of pest damage in paddy and Sugarcane fieldTo reduce the insect- pest damage in paddy and Sugarcane fieldFarmerGujarat,Navsari,Hansapor108
1291 Navsari Agricultural University Training on " Prayogik Talim: Vaigyanik dhabe nana Vachardano ucher"Create awareness in farmers for new born calf health management Farm WomenSSK Hall,N.A.U.,Navsari075
1292 Navsari Agricultural University Kit distributionFor generate extra income and use of free space in boarder of main filed cropFarmerGujarat,Navsari,Hansapor196
1293 Navsari Agricultural University Farmers Scientist interaction and Kit distributionFor generate extra income and use of free space in boarder of main filed cropFarmerGujarat,Navsari,Chijgam215
1294 Navsari Agricultural University Training for Scientific cultivation of Sugarcane cropTo create awareness about the scientific cultivation practices for Sugarcane cropFarmerATIC Hall,N.A.U., Navsari181
1295 Navsari Agricultural University Khedut ShibirTo raising awareness about new technologies to increase farmers' incomeFarmerKosamba hall, Hansapore Village3924
1296 Navsari Agricultural University Horticulture based TrainingTo prevent Premature Fruit dropping problem in Mango and Sapota crop by application of NAA, Calcium nitrate and BoronFarmerSSK hall NAU, Navsari4315
1297 Navsari Agricultural University Farmers scientist interactionHansapore, Chichgam and Pathri village Farmers with PI and Co PI at Museum NAU, Navsari to get Farmers Feedback about New technologies used by them and discussion about FFP Future PlanningFarmerMuseum NAU, Navsari 1317
1298 Navsari Agricultural University Training and group meeting for kit distribution of Indian bean (Gujarat Val-2) and Lucerne at Pathari villageTo generate extra income through inter croppingFarmerPathari, Navsari, Gujarat1114
1299 Navsari Agricultural University Site visit at farmers home for checking the growth of calfFarmers were directly contact with scientistFarm Women Hansapore, Navsari, Gujarat05
1300 Navsari Agricultural University Farmers meeting and Training on health health management and animal feedsFarmers directly contact with scientist.Farm Women Hansapore, Navsari, Gujarat015
1301 Navsari Agricultural University Scientific cultivation of Sugarcane cropTo create awareness about the scientific cultivation practices for Sugarcane cropFarmerMain sugarcane research station, N.A.U., Navsari 170
1302 Navsari Agricultural University Training on intercropping of Lucerne crop with young orchard of Sapota farmTo generate extra income through intercropping cropFarm WomenSSK Hall, NAU, Navsari339
1303 Navsari Agricultural University Kishan Goshthi Farmers are directly contact with Scientists and Discussed about their problems Farmer Hansapore, Navsari, Gujarat4551
1304 Navsari Agricultural University Sugarcane(Co N 13073) setts distribution with bio fertilizerto check newly released variety of Sugarcane (Co N 13073)FarmerMain sugarcane research station, N.A.U., Navsari 30
1305 Navsari Agricultural University Scientist visited Field of sugarcane crop at Hansapore villageTo check growth of SugarcaneFarmer Hansapore Navsari, Gujarat51
1306 Navsari Agricultural University Scientist visited Field of sugarcane crop at Chijgam villageTo check the growth of sugarcane crop.FarmerChijgam, Navsari, Gujarat30
1307 Navsari Agricultural University Field visit of mango orchard To check yield and final growth of mango.Farmer,Chijgam, Navsari, Gujarat50
1308 Navsari Agricultural University To check yield of Lucerne cropLucerne crop was given for generating extra income through inter cropping.Farmer Hansapore, Navsari, Gujarat96
1309 Navsari Agricultural University Visted calf of farmers and Kit distribution of calf starter and first aid kit.To give calf stater and first aid kit to the farmers.FarmerATIC, N.A. U. Navsari24
1310 Navsari Agricultural University Field visit of sugarcane crop at Pathari villageTo check growth of SugarcaneFarmerPathari, Navsari, Gujarat01
1311 Navsari Agricultural University Diagnostic visit for calf measurementTo check weight of calf after 7th monthsFarm WomenPathari, Navsari, Gujarat012
1312 Navsari Agricultural University Diagnostic Field visit of Sapota orchardTo check growth of sapota fruitsFarmerPathari, Navsari, Gujarat50
1313 Navsari Agricultural University Diagnostic Field visit of sugarcane crop at Hansapor villageTo check performance of new variety of sugarcane Co.N 13073 in heavy rainfall conditionFarmer Hansapore Navsari, Gujarat40
1314 Navsari Agricultural University Field visit of sugarcane crop at Chijgam villageField visit of sugarcane crop at Chijgam villageFarmerChijgam, Navsari, Gujarat31
1315 Navsari Agricultural University Filed visit, Training and kit distribution of Indian bean (Gujarat Val-2) at Hansapore villageTo generate extra incomeFarm Women Hansapore ,Navsari, Gujarat015
1316 Navsari Agricultural University Field visit,Training and kit distribution of Indian bean (Gujarat Val-2) at Chijgam villageTo generate extra income from Indian bean cropFarm WomenChijgam, Navsari, Gujarat016
1317 Navsari Agricultural University Interface between Farmers and Scientist1) To raising awareness about Lumpy virus disease. 2) To provide information about scientific cultivation of Mango and Sapota. 3) To provide information about benefits of using Novel bio -fertilizers in crop.FarmerPathari, Navsari5427
1318 Navsari Agricultural University NRM module based training and kit distributionImproving soil properties through soil amendmentsFarmerChijgam, Navsari328
1319 Navsari Agricultural University Training on Livestock based module and Kit DistributionTo aware the farmers for animal balance feeding and their health managementFarmerATIC, N.A.U., Navsari1442
1320 Navsari Agricultural University Training for Scientific cultivation of Greengram and Yam cropTo create awareness about the scientific cultivation practices for Greengram and Yam cropFarmerEducational Museum, N.A.U., Navsari1530
1321 Navsari Agricultural University NRM module based training and kit distributionImproving soil properties through soil amendmentsFarmerHansapor village1315
1322 Navsari Agricultural University Kishan Goshthi / Pak Parisamvad1).To enhance farmer-scientist interface 2). To enrich the knowledge and facilitate continued feedbackFarmerChijgam Village6180
1323 Navsari Agricultural University Khedut ShibirTo raising awareness about agricultural new technologies to increase farmers' incomeFarmerPathari3840
1324 Navsari Agricultural University Farmers Scientist InteractionTo raising awareness about agricultural new technologies to increase farmers' incomeFarmerChijgam1830
1325 Navsari Agricultural University Training for Scientific cultivation of Sugarcane cropTo create awareness about the scientific cultivation practices for Sugarcane cropFarmerEducational Museum, N.A.U., Navsari190
1326 Navsari Agricultural University Training for Scientific cultivation of Lucerne, Indian bean and GramTo create awareness about the scientific cultivation practices for Lucerne, Indian bean and Gram cropFarmerS.S.K. Hall, N.A.U., Navsari2633
1327 Navsari Agricultural University Khedut Charcha and kit Distribution of Indian bean(Gujarat Val-2) and Gram (GG-5)To generate extra income through inter croppingFarmerChijgam, Hansapor, Pathari1753
1328 Navsari Agricultural University Farmers Scientist Interactiont and kit Distribution of Lucerne (Anand-2)To generate extra income through intercropping Lucerne cropFarmerChijgam, Hansapor, Pathari1816
1329 Navsari Agricultural University Farmers Scientist Interaction, Kit Distribution of Novel, Novel Plus and Novel Prime liquid organic fertilizersTo increased the productivity of Mango and Sapota through liquid organic fertilizers ApplicationFarmerHansapor, Chijgam, Pathari170101
1330 Navsari Agricultural University Under IFS based module on Sorghum crop (Tapi chari) at Pathari, Chijgam and Hansapor VillageTo generate extra income through inter cropping of sorghum cropFarmerChijgam, Hansapor, Pathari1822
1331 Navsari Agricultural University Training on 'Value addition in Sapota'To aware the farm women about value addition in SapotaFarm WomenCenter of Excellence on Post Harvest Technology, N.A.U., Navsari030
1332 Navsari Agricultural University Meeting on Scientific practices in Mango and SapotaTo aware farmers for use of micro-nutrients in Mango and Sapota orchardFarmerS.S.K Hall, N.A.U., Navsari2112
1333 Navsari Agricultural University Field Visit of Gram and Lucerne crop at Chijgam and Pathari villageTo check the performance of Gram and Lucerne cropFarmerChijgam, Pathari45
1334 Navsari Agricultural University Field Visit of Gram and Lucerne crop at Hansapore villageTo check the performance of Gram and Lucerne cropFarmerHansapor010
1335 Navsari Agricultural University Field Visit of Gram and Lucerne crop at Chijgam villageTo check the performance of Gram and Lucerne cropFarmerChijgam, Navsari34
1336 Navsari Agricultural University Visit for calf measurementTo check weight of calf FarmerChijgam, Navsari67
1337 Navsari Agricultural University Visit for calf measurementTo check weight of calf FarmerPathari34
1338 Navsari Agricultural University Exposure visit of Navsari Agricultural University To visit farmers various department and aware them about different activity going out at UniversityFarmerNavsari Agricultural University, Navsari2728
1339 Navsari Agricultural University Kisan GoshthiFarmers are directly contact with Scientists and Discussed about their problems FarmerKesali, Navsari3412
1340 Navsari Agricultural University Kisan GoshthiTo create awareness among farmers about Farmers FIRST Programme.FarmerVadsangal village, Ta. Gandevi, Di. Navsari4645
1341 Navsari Agricultural University Scientific cultivation of Lucerne and IndianbeanTo generate extra income through intercropping cropFarmerKesali Village, Ta. Gandevi, Di. Navsari615
1342 Navsari Agricultural University Scientific cultivation of Lucerne and IndianbeanTo generate extra income through IntercroppingFarmerVadsangal, Ta. Gandevi, Di. Navsari819
1343 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Krashak SangosthiTo focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for the sustainable management of soil resources.FarmerM.P. Balaghat Lalbarra Koppe5216
1344 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Animal Health CampTo ensure the batter animal health, and provide better medical facilities for farmer's animals.FarmerM.P. Balaghat Lalbarra Chillod415
1345 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Animal Health CampTo ensure the batter animal health, and provide better medical facilities for farmer's animals.FarmerM.P. Balaghat Lalbarra Lendejhari550
1346 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Animal Health Camp46 Farmers participated on this camp and 309 animals were vaccinated as well as necessary medicines were distributed for ill animalsFarmerM.P. Balaghat Lalbarra Koppe566
1347 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Pre Rabi TrainingFarmers were selected to provide the information about seed treatment of the Rabi crop seed (wheat, Gram mustered and Linseed for enhancing the crop productivity under Rainfed and irrigated situationFarmerM.P. Balaghat, Koppe, Chillod and Lendejhari3212
1348 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Nutrient management in crops during different seasons.To create awareness among farmers about nutrient management in Wheat and Gram. FarmerM.P. Balaghat Koppe, Chillod and Lendejhari2618
1349 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Value Addition Techniques of different food materialsTo develop skill in rural women for PHT To help in Income generation by value addition and processing of different foods.Farm WomenM.P. Balagaht, Koppe, Chillod and Lendejhari0120
1350 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Tree Plantation Week To create awareness about tree plantation To create healthy environment. FarmerM.P. Balaghat, Koppe, Chillod and Lendejhari2010
1351 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Interface Distribution and Training of a new breed of poultry birds (Narbda Nidhi) was done in the project area under the scavenger system. it was first time introduced in the project area.FarmerM.P. Balaghat Koppe, Chillod & Lendejhari4120
1352 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Exposure VisitTo show the technological advancement of progressive farmer and owner of Ruchi Agro Farm Chhota Raipur District Gondia M.H.FarmerMH. Gondia, Chhota Raipur4542
1353 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,TrainingTo give interface about Horticultural Nursery Management and take profitable production under Drip Irrigation System.FarmerM.P. Balaghat, Koppe, Chillod & Lendejhari3524
1354 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,TrainingUse of Information Communication Technology in AgricultureFarmerM.P. Balaghat, Coppe, Chillod & Lendejhari2614
1355 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Animal Health CampTo maintain animal health.FarmerM.P. Balaghat Mille Chilled Lendejhari20039
1356 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Animal Health CampTo Sustain livelihood, To increase family income To improve livestock management practicesFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Balaghat, Lendejhari, Koppe and Chillod18099
1357 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Tree Plantation WeekTo Protect Enviroinment To Create awairness among villagesFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Balaghat, Village Koppe, Chillod and Lendejhari4020
1358 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Animal Health CampTo Sustain livelihood, To increase family income To improve livestock management practicesFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Balaghat, Koppe, Chillod and Lendejhari20462
1359 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Krishak Mahilao ki nai pahal "Baans se Uddhamita"Skill Development for making bamboo products. Women empowerment To promote the marketing of bamboo based products, handicrafts, To Provide employment opportunities for both skilled and unskilled women, To provide the livelihood security.Farm WomenMadhya Paradehs, Balaghat, College of Agriculture Balaghat murjhad farm Waraseoni050
1360 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalaySeed treatment of chickpea,Wheat and mustard with Bio-fertilizer and chemicalSeed treatments aim to eliminate/reduce inoculum levels and/or disease development from seedborne fungi that are present on or within seeds, without affecting the viability and germination/emergence capacity of seed.The pathogenic fungi are soil-borne in nature; hence, seed treatment with Biofertilizer is beneficial in controlling the disease.FarmerMadhya Pradesh , Morena Villages-Hadwasi 1500
1361 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayDirect seeding technology under resource conservation in Mustard and chickpeaResource conserving technologies would help to achieve such goals with fatmer ultimate objective of improving productivity of crops and conservation of ecosystems.FarmerMadhya Pradesh , Morena Villages-Hadwasi , Sata, Palpura,miragpura and Harchand basai2500
1362 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayLine sowing of chickpea and Mustard crops.The basic objective of line sowing operation is to put the seed and fertilizer in rows at desired depth and seed to seed spacing, cover the seeds with soil and provide proper compaction over the seed. The recommended seed to seed spacing and depth of seed placement vary from crop to crop.FarmerMadhya Pradesh , Morena Villages-Hadwasi , Sata, Palpura,miragpura and Harchand basai550
1363 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay Sowing of mustard,chickpea and wheat through broad bed planterA raised land configuration 'Broad Bed Furrow' (BBF) system helps the soil to preserve the water level for a longer period. Holding moisture intact, the bed stimulates crop's growthFarmerMadhya Pradesh , Morena Villages-Hadwasi , Sata, Palpura,miragpura and Harchand basai520
1364 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayDiscussion on fodder crops with farmersEnhancement milk yieldFarmerMadhya Pradesh , Morena Villages-Hadwasi , Sata, and Harchand basa180
1365 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayDiscussion and Collection of soil sample The primary objective of soil sampling is to provide a representative sample of the fertility within the field. Based on the variability throughout the field, the number of acres per sample will varyFarmerMadhya Pradesh , Morena Villages-Hadwasi , Sata, Palpura,miragpura and Harchand basai1250
1366 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay"Mushroom Production Technology for woman self employ" at mrigapura village of Morena District.-Mushroom production as income generating activity for rural woman.-strategy to relieve pressure on land, increase farmers’ incomes and food security. This is because mushroom growing utilizes agricultural residues as substrate and requires little land as it is done intensively indoors. Oyster and button mushroom Production and the best value-added mushroom products (like Pickle, Papad and soup powder of mushroomFarm Womenmrigapura village of Morena District.3015
1367 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay"Resource Consearvation Technology" -Paddy and wheat straw creating problem after harvesting using harvester leading to burning. This can be managed using happy seeder and follow-up conservation agriculture technology. -3.Upper part: Treatment of Table land above the periphery of shallow ravine land, if present and if run-off from it causing problems. Water diversion bund: if run–off from upper land causing erosion forming shallow medium ravines below, alternatively construction of an anicut with plantation. Contour bunds on the area on both sides of the stabilized gully in shallow medium ravines area from ridge to water-way. Waste-weirs of appropriate type: grassed ramp, loose boulder structure or masonry/gabion structure where needed. Farmersatha village of morena district2000
1368 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay"Krishi se Do guna Aaye karane ki Unnat takanik"The Chief Guest highlighted the role of Farm First Project in the double income of farmers for Agriculture, development. -To enhance farmer-scientist interface, enrich knowledge and facilitate continued feed.-Awareness about New Agriculture Technology under Farmers FIRST Project.FarmerZonal Agriculture Research Station Morena district.7500
1369 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay“wheat field day”-To obtain good quality seed of wheat crop, Management of diseases, Insect and weed. - Use of balance doze of fertilizer.FarmerPalpura Village of Morena 700
1370 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay“Scientific technology of honeybee production”-Enhancement in yield of crops and income of rural women and youth -Value added products from honey.Unemployed YouthHadvansi Village of Morena 5010
1371 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay“Integrated Agriculture system”1. Farmers may get employment in adopting allied enterprises like vermin-composting, bee keeping, floriculture, kadaknath poultry farming, scientific dairy farming, mushroom cultivation, etc.FarmerBaroli Village of Morena District800
1372 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay“Mustard field day”To obtain good quality seed of wheat crop, Management of diseases, Insect and weed. - Use of balance doze of fertilizerFarmerBasai Village of Morena 800
1373 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay“Plant protection technology”To obtain good quality (free from insects, Diseases and nutrient deficiency) seed of crop, Management of diseases, Insect and weed. - Use of balance doze of fertilizer.FarmerLalvans Village of Morena District.800
1374 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay"Vichar Sangosthi"Role of New agriculture technology in the double income of farmers for Agriculture, development. -To enhance farmer-scientist interface, enrich knowledge and facilitate continued feed.-Awareness about New Agriculture Technology under Farmers FIRST ProjecFarmersatha village of morena district.5210
1375 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay"Kharif Phasalo me vegyanic takanik drara adhik utpadan kase le"Group meeting organized at santa village,in which 56 farmer were present and discussion about new technology of crop production, Knowledge of new crops varieties.FarmerSanta village Morena Dist. M.P 560
1376 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay"Sarso ki vegyanic kheti par prashiksharn"Farmer adopted seed treatment technology, Integrated Pest Management, Integrated Disease Management,and Water ManagementFarmermrigapura village of Morena District.760
1377 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay"wheat ki vegyanic kheti evam sansadhan sanraksharn par prashiksharn"Training organized on "wheat ki vegyanic kheti evam sansadhan sanraksharn par prashiksharn" at Palpura village of Morena District. On these occasion, 75 farmer are attend and detail information of Wheat production technology (Seed management,spacing management,Balance of N, P, and Manure Fertilizer Dosage, water & plant protection and Natural Resources Management) Provide to farmer by our team.FarmerBasai village of morena district790
1378 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayHi-tech cultivation of Vegetables-To obtain good quality,diseases and insect free of chlii crop FarmerMadhya Pradesh , Morena Villages-Ratan basai 310
1379 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalaySarso Utpadan TakanikTo awareness and provide of Improved technology of Mustard. FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Morena, santa450
1380 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayUdhimita Vikash ShivirAwareness about establishment of enterprises to among farmers viz. Post harvest technology, Honey bee production and Mushroom production etc.Unemployed YouthMadhya Pradesh, Morena, Mirgpura1000
1381 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalaySarso Utpadan TakanikTo awareness and provide of Improved technology of Mustard.FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Morena, Puran singh ka pura350
1382 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayPoshan Vatika shivarTo awareness about Natural management System of Cauliflower, Tomato, Chilli and Cabbage planting in kitchen garden under Poshan Vatika shivar Programme.Farm WomenMadhya Pradesh, Morena, Mundravaja055
1383 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayChana and Wheat Utpadan Taquanik Awareness about Improved Technology of Chickpea and Wheat.FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Morena, Hadmansi600
1384 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayKisan GoshthiRole of New agriculture technology in the double income of farmers for Agriculture, development. -To enhance farmer-scientist interface, enrich knowledge and facilitate continued feed.-Awareness about New Agriculture Technology under Farmers FIRST Project.FarmerSanta500
1385 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayKrishak SangosthiRole of New agriculture technology in the double income of farmers for Agriculture, development. -To enhance farmer-scientist interface, enrich knowledge and facilitate continued feed.-Awareness about New Agriculture Technology under Farmers FIRST Project.FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Morena, Mata ka Pura438
1386 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayKrishak SangosthiRole of New agriculture technology in the double income of farmers for Agriculture, development. -To enhance farmer-scientist interface, enrich knowledge and facilitate continued feed.-Awareness about New Agriculture Technology under Farmers FIRST Project.FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Morena, Keeratpur440
1387 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayKrishak SangosthiRole of New agriculture technology in the double income of farmers for Agriculture, development. -To enhance farmer-scientist interface, enrich knowledge and facilitate continued feed.-Awareness about New Agriculture Technology under Farmers FIRST Project.FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Morena, Gobra2624
1388 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalayafarmer scientist interaction meeting the problems faced by farmers during farming were resolved in the interaction meeting Farmervillage - Arajkund, District - Mohla - Manpur - Ambagarh Chowki (C.G.)1223
1389 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalayafarmers field visitanalysis of progress of project work in adopted villegeFarmervillage - Muretitola & Kaudikasa District - Mohla - Manpur - Ambagarh Chowki (C.G.)107
1390 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaKrishak goshthi and Parthenium awareness dayfarmers were given information about organic methods of controlling crop pest and the harm caused by parthenium grassFarmervillage - Arajkund, District - Mohla - Manpur - Ambagarh Chowki (C.G.)3823
1391 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalayafarmers field visitanalysis of progress of project work in adopted villegeFarmervillage - Kaudikasa, District - Mohla - Manpur - Ambagarh Chowki (C.G.)54
1392 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalayacelebrate Poshan Maahfarmers were told the scientific method of vegetable production and were given information about the benefits of eating vegetablesFarm WomenSKS college of Agriculture and Research Station, Surgi, Rajnandgaon, C.G.1742
1393 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaCelebrate world environment dayCelebrate world environment day with tribal farmers Farmervillage - Arajkund, District - Mohla - Manpur - Ambagarh Chowki (C.G.)1328
1394 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaFarmers field visit and fish net distributionfarmers field visit and guidance for fish farming such as selecting of fish seed for rearing and fish feed for different age of fish.Farmervillage - Muretitola, District - Mohla - Manpur - Ambagarh Chowki (C.G.)104
1395 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaFarmer - Scientist interaction Crop residual management and increase utility ability for conservetive farming FarmerSKS CARS, Surgi, Rajnandgaon (CG)4218
1396 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaTraining of famers Training of famers how to operate Daal Processing machine (24/04/24) at Village- Bagtrai, RajnandgaonFarmerBagtrai, Rajnandgaon32
1397 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaCrop cultivation and Awareness programme Discussion with farmer for cultivation of crop and awareness of enterprise FarmerViilage- Khursipar, Ambagarh chowki208
1398 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaTraining and seed distribution Training on cultivation of kharif crop & paddy seed distribution FarmerVillage-Khursipar, Ambagarh chowki108
1399 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaSeed distributionsDistribution of Pigeon pea seed FarmerVillage-Khursipar, Maldongri, Ambagarh chowki152
1400 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaPlant distributionsDistribution of Apple ber plants (Miss India) FarmerViilage- Khursipar, Maldongri, Ambagarh chowki79
1401 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaFish seed distributionDistribution of Fish seed (Rohu, Katla, Common carp and DM) FarmerViilage- Khursipar, Maldongri, Ambagarh chowki60
1402 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaPlant protection chemical weedicideDistribution of plant protection chemical weedicide for Paddy and Pigeon pea FarmerViilage- Khursipar, Maldongri, Ambagarh chowki166
1403 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaCultivation of rice Training programmeTraining on cultivation of paddy through seed cum fertilizer drill machine & transplanting methodsFarmerViilage- Khursipar, Maldongri, Ambagarh chowki80
1404 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaTraining of famers Training on spraying of herbicide application in different crops FarmerViilage- Khursipar, Maldongri, Ambagarh chowki150
1405 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaFruit plant distributionDistribution of fruit plant (Mango,Guava, Cashew nut, Jaickfruit, Lemon)FarmerViilage- Chikhali, Ambagarh chowki1610
1406 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaParthenium Awareness weekParthenium Awareness Week FarmerChikhali, Ambagarh chowki158
1407 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaFertilizer managementTraining programme on fertilizer management FarmerViilage- Khursipar, Maldongri, Ambagarh chowki164
1408 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaCelebrate World Environment Day Distribution to health beneficiary plant like drum Stick and Fruit PlantFarmerVillage Kaudikasa , Ambagarh Chowki, Rajnandgaon C.G3214
1409 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalayaanalysis of progress of project work in adopted villegeMonitoring of field preparation for paddy and vegetable cultivation, discussion with woman SHG for low gravity drip installation for kitchen gardening and site visit for bio - floc installation FarmerVillage Kaudikasa , Ambagarh Chowki, Rajnandgaon C.G3212
1410 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaSmart farm techParticipation in SMART FARM TECH for exposure of SHGs products of mushroom and other on dated 02-03-2019OthersRaipur, Chhattisgarh156
1411 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaKisan Mela and exhibitionTo disseminate the agriculture technology and provide market linkageOthersRajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh13653
1412 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalayaline sowing of paddy using seed cum fertilizer drill machinemethod demonstrationFarmervillage muletitola, block Ambagarh chowki, district - Rajnandgaon (C.G)2711
1413 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalayamethod demonstrationto demonstration of hi-tech vegetable production in farmers field Farmervillage muletitola, block Ambagarh chowki, district - Rajnandgaon (C.G)198
1414 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalayafarmer scientist meeting preparation of kharif season for crop cultivation Farmervillage muletitola, block Ambagarh chowki, district - Rajnandgaon (C.G)2413
1415 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalayagroup meeting employment generationFarm Womenvillage muletitola, block Ambagarh chowki, district - Rajnandgaon (C.G)818
1416 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaKisan mela sah krishak gosthiFor dissemination of technology , technical guidance to the farmers about technology and solve the problem face by the farmer at local levelOthersMuretitola 781462
1417 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaExposure visitTo aware and update the advance agriculture technologyOthersIGKV, Raipur4318
1418 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Method demonstration Line sowing of Paddy and Herbicide useFarmerMuretitola , Arajkund, Arajkund382
1419 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Method demonstration To demonstrated the use of mulching in Hi- tech vegetable cultivationFarmerMuretitola 482
1420 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaTraining on mushroom production For additional income generationFarm WomenArajkund417
1421 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaTraining on Integrated farming system approach for doubling the tribal’s farmers income For doubling the income of farmersFarmerMuretitola 330
1422 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaField demonstration Line sowing of wheat and chickpea using seed cum fertilizer machineFarmer Village - Muretitola, Block - Ambagarh Chowki, District - Rajanadgaon (C.G.)107
1423 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaMethod of making Trichocard for biological control of insect training organize for making trichocard and increase biological method for insect controlFarmerVillage - Devarsur, Block - Ambagarh Chowki, District - Rajanadgaon (CG)5224
1424 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaOrganize one day animal health camp in Muretitola villageOrganize one day animal healt camp under Farmer FIRST Programme Farmer Village - Muretitola, Block - Ambagarh Chowki, District - Rajanadgaon (C.G.)468
1425 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalayagrow Nutritional food in kitchen gardengrow nutritional food crop in kitchen garden for good health and avoid malnutrition in tribal areasSelf Help Group Village - Muretitola, block - Ambagarh Chowki, District - Rajanadgaon1319
1426 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaMethod demonstration importance and value of sugar beet cultivation.Farmer Village - Muretitola, Block - Ambagarh Chowki, District - Rajanadgaon (C.G.)104
1427 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalayaincrease income of tribal farmers through Integrated farming system increase area of integrated farming system in tribal farmers field for generating income in around the year.Farmer Village - Muretitola, Block - Ambagarh Chowki, District - Rajanadgaon (C.G.)4717
1428 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaBiological control of insect pestBiological control of insect pest and save environmentFarmer Village - Muretitola, Block - Ambagarh Chowki, District - Rajanadgaon (C.G.)438
1429 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaCelebrate World Environment Day Distribution of plant to farmers (Papaya and Drumstick) in world environment day Farmervillage muretitola, block ambagarh chowki, district Rajnandgaon 128
1430 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaDistribution of improved paddy variety Rajeshwari and MTU 1010 to farmersDistribution of improved paddy variety Rajeshwari and MTU 1010 to farmers for line sowing using seed cum fertilizer drill machine or transplanting methodFarmervillage Arajkund, block ambagarh chowki, district Rajnandgaon 174
1431 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaOrganize World Environment Day Distribution to health beneficiary plant like drum Stick and Fruit PlantFarmervilage Muretitola, block ambagarh chowki87
1432 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaTraining organize for weed management in paddy cropImportance and utilization of Herbicide in paddy crop Farmervilage Muretitola, block ambagarh chowki , Distt. Rajnandgaon (CG)285
1433 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaScientist - farmers interaction Organize Kisan ghosthi for Framers - Scientist interaction FarmerVillage Arajkund, Block - Ambagrh Chowki, District - Rajnandgaon, (CG)1926
1434 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaTraining organize for Biological control of Insect PestOne day training organize for Biological control of Insect PestFarmerVillage Arajkund, Block - Ambagrh Chowki, District - Rajnandgaon, (CG)4537
1435 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologySeedling raising by using protrayTo train the farmers on raising of vegetable seedlings by using protrayFarmerGobindpur, Khordha district, Odisha200
1436 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyGreen house management To train the farmers on green house management To train the farmers on raising vegetable seedlings inside green house To train the farmers on growing high value vegetables in green houseFarmerGobindpur, Khordha district, Odisha200
1437 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyUse of soil health cardThe objective was to impart knowledge and skill of using soil health card to farmers. The second objective was to distribute soil health health card to farmers. FarmerGobindpur, Khordha district, Odisha2822
1439 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityTRAINING ABOUT WHEAT CULTIVATION To teach farmer how to improve wheat production FarmerPANAGAR BLOCK,MADHYA PRADESH ,JABALPUR,GHANA 305
1440 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science Universitytraining about how to care in animals in winter season To treat diseased animal of the farmersSelf Help GroupPANAGAR BLOCK,MADHYA PRADESH, JABALPUR ,KAILWAS 2515
1443 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science Universitytraining about how to care in animals in rainy season The foot-and-mouth disease is a highly communicable disease affecting cloven-footed animals. It is characterized by fever, formation of vesicles and blisters in the mouth, udder, teats and on the skin between the toes and above the hoofs. Animals recovered from the disease present a characteristically rough coat and deformation of the hoof. In India, the disease is widespread and assumes a position of importance in livestock industry. The disease spreads by direct contact or indirectly through infected water, manure, hay and pastures. It is also conveyed by cattle attendants. It is known to spread through recovered animals, .Self Help GroupPANAGAR BLOCK,MADHYA PRADESH, JABALPUR ,PADRIYA 3713
1444 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityTRAINING ABOUT BACK YARD POULTRY Backyard poultry production system is a low input business and is characterized by indigenous night shelter system, scavenging system, natural hatching of chicks, poor productivity of birds, with little supplementary feeding, local marketing and no health care practice. Poultry development plays a crucial role in increasing egg and chicken meat production. Indian demand for poultry products will be enhanced at 4.8 per cent where as the supply of poultry products will grow at 5.2 per cent per year over the decade which is faster than for any other type of animal product. The production of agricultural crops has been rising at a rate of 1.5–2 per cent per annum, where as eggs and broilers has been shown to rise at a rate of 8-10 per cent per annum but the growth has been mainly restricted to commercial poultry. In India, growth in the livestock sector can definitely contribute to poverty reduction, because of the peoples lived in rural areas depends on livestock for their daily livelihooFarm WomenPANAGAR BLOCK,MADHYA PRADESH ,JABALPUR,SILUA 1440
1445 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityVERMI COMPOST MAKING & AZOLLA PRODUCTION As green manure, Azolla is grown alone for two to three weeks in flooded fields. Afterwards, water is drained out and Azolla fern is incorporated in the field before transplanting of paddy. Otherwise, 4-5 q of fresh Azolla is applied in standing water one week after planting of paddy. Dry Azolla flakes can be used as poultry feed and green Azolla is also a good feed for fishGeneral UsersPANAGAR BLOCK,MADHYA PRADESH ,JABALPUR,CHHATARPUR2512
1446 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityFarmers improvement through integrated farming practicesTo disseminate livestock and enterprise based technologies to the Farmer of the adopted villages of FFPFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Chattarpur1114
1447 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityLivestock improvement through improved practices of artificial inseminationTo improve farmer knowledge about the advantages of Artificial InseminationFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Ghana205
1448 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityBalanced feeding to enhanced Livestock productivityTo teach farmer how to prepare balance feed with locally available materialSelf Help GroupMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Deori1020
1449 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityImproved practices for wheat productionTo demonstrate methods of cultivation hybrid wheat variety FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, JNKVV campus Adhartal187
1450 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityPrevention and control of major livestock disease1. to impart the importance of preventive measures in control of diseaseFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, NDVSU campus South Civil Lines1510
1451 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityAnimal Health CampTo treat diseased animal of the farmersFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Ghana4025
1452 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science Universityinput DistibutionTo distribute wheat breeder to farmersFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, NDVSU campus Adhartal120
1453 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science Universityinput DistributionTo distribute Paddy breeder seeds (JR-81)FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, NDVSU campus Adhartal120
1454 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityFish farming & aqua culture Freshwater fish farming plays an important role in rural livelihoods in Madhya Pradesh, and its production contributes to the livelihoods and employment of millions In Madhya Pradesh. The culture and consumption of fish therefore has important implications for national food and nutrition security, poverty and growth.FarmerPanagar block, village-Kailwas 1812
1455 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityFruit plant plantation Planting was done in adopted village in Sewa Diwas FarmerPanagar block, village-Kailwas 1512
1456 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityAnimal health campFor the prevention of animal diseases, a veterinary camp was organized in the Adopted Village, in which about 250 animals were treated,FarmerPanagar block, village-Kailwas 21535
1457 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityMoringa plantation On the occasion of World Food Day, 250 Moringa plants were planted in the university campus, and also made aware to the farmers about its benefits.Self Help GroupNDVSU,Jabalpur 158
1458 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityAnimal health campAn animal health camp was organized on 8 jaunary , 2021 under Farmer FIRST Program of ICAR-new Delhi , Padria village of Jabalpur district. The animals were examined by Dr.Nitin Bajaj , member of Farmer FIRST Program team and Dr. Hari R. CO-PI OF FFP line of treatment suggested along with treatment of some cases. Out of 145 livestock presented, the most common problems were found to be ticks and internal parasites followed by diarrhea and low milk yield in lactating goats. The farmers were advised to do routine deworming and vaccination along with feeding of supplemental mineral-vitamin mixture to improve their body nutrient status and overall health.FarmerPanagar block,Padria, jabalpur 209
1459 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityDoubling farmer Income Through integrated Framing firstly, If we talk about an increase in agricultural productivity, there are two sources to increase agriculture output viz. area and productivity. Due to the rising demand for land for non-agriculture uses and an already high share of arable land in the total geographical area of the country, further expansion in the area under cultivation is not feasible. Therefore, agricultural output has to be increased through improvement in productivity per unit of land.FarmerNDVSU,Jabalpur 5817
1460 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityAwareness Camp The clean milk production (CMP) involves cleanliness at different phases of handling animals, processing, and transporting of milk and milk products. Stringent quality control and hygienic measures are required at a dairy farm level to maintain the milk qualityFarm Women Chhatrapur 319
1461 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityBack yard poultry kadaknath & narmada nidhi Bird distribution Backyard poultry production is an age old practice in rural India. Most of the backyard poultry production comprises rearing of indigenous birds with poor production performances. The potentiality of indigenous birds in terms of egg production is only 70 to 80 eggs/ bird/ year and meat production is also very less. However, the backyard poultry production can be easily boost up with improved varieties of chicken and can promise a better production of meat and egg. To improve the socio-economic status of the traditional farmers, backyard poultry is a handy enterprise with low-cost initial investment, but high economic return along with guarantee for improving protein deficiency among the poor.Farm WomenGhana, Kailwas, Silua, Deori, Chhatrapur and Padariya 1218
1462 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityAwareness For Mastitis in cattlesMastitis is an inflammation of breast tissue that sometimes involves an infection. The inflammation results in breast pain, swelling, warmth and redness.FarmerGhana, Kailwas, Silua, Deori, Chhatrapur and Padariya 64
1463 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityInstructional training programme on application and usage of zinc & ferrous sulphateTo impart knowledge on benefits of application and usage of zinc & ferrous sulphateFarmerBandykavanoor village226
1464 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityValue addition – milk productsTo promote entrepreneurship on value added milk productsFarmerKoyambakkam village2012
1465 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityValue addition of vegetables and milletsTo promote the entrepreneurial awareness on preparation of value added vegetables and millet productsFarmerKoyambakkam village2012
1466 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityJapanese quail rearing and managementTo promote Japanese quail rearingFarmerKoyambakkam village2812
1467 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityDesi chicken rearing and managementTo promote desi chicken rearing rearingFarmerKoyambakkam village2812
1468 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityUsage of power sprayerTo demonstrate the usage of power sprayer and its applicationsFarmerKoyambakkam village2015
1469 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityUsage of power weederTo demonstrate the usage and applications of power weeder for reducing weed problem and to reduce the labour cosFarmerMelakondaiyur village137
1470 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityPaddy pest managementTo manage the pest infestations of paddyFarmerKoyambakkam village2822
1471 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityHorticultural pest managementTo manage the pest infestations of horticultural cropsFarmerKoyambakkam village3119
1472 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityUsage of Banana specialTo promote the usage of banana special for increased productionFarmerMelakondaiyur village3218
1473 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityUsage of vegetable specialTo promote the usage of vegetable special for increased productionFarmerKoyambakkam village3218
1474 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityImportance of dairy animal feedingTo create awareness about the importance of concentrate feeding in dairy animalsFarmerKoyambakkam village3020
1475 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityInstructional training programme on cattle feed mixing and TANUVAS SMART mineral mixtureTo impart knowledge on benefits of application and usage of zinc & ferrous sulphateFarmerBandykavanoor village226
1476 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityCapacity building programmes on use of bio-fertilizers and bio control agentsTo impart knowledge on using bio-fertilizers and bio control agentsFarmerKoyambakkam village4619
1477 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityInstructional training programme on cattle feed mixing and TANUVAS SMART mineral mixtureTo impart knowledge on cattle feed mixingFarmerBandykavanoor village208
1478 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityInauguration of FFPTo inaugurate the Farmer FIRST Programme and to initiate the interventionsFarmerKoyambakkam village3045
1479 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityField DayField days on experimental site of NRM based module for Chickpea + Hydrogel + Enriched compost under FFP project.FarmerDeri pipariya, Mavjinjava, Hadala and Nava vaghaniya640
1480 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityField DayField day at experimental site of crop diversification module for coriander + enriched compost under FFP project.FarmerDeri pipariya, Mavjinjava, Hadala 550
1481 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityField DayField days at experimental sites of crop based module for cotton and groundnut crops under FFP project.FarmerDeri pipariya, Mavjinjava, Hadala and Nava vaghaniya1170
1482 Junagadh Agricultural Universitykisan goshthiDiscussion with farmers and guided for different module under FFPFarmerDeri pipariya150
1483 Junagadh Agricultural Universitykisan goshthiDiscussion with farmers and guided for different module under FFPFarmerMavjinjava130
1484 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTo create awareness among the farmers about application of Chickpea + Hydrogel+ Enriched compost under FFP project.FarmerDeri pipariya, Mavjinjava, Hadala and Nava vaghaniya373
1485 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityField dayConducted field days at experimental sites on crop based module for Cotton crop under FFP project (Off campus).FarmerMavjinjava, Deri pipaliya, hadala and Nava vaghaniya640
1486 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTo educate farmers for planning and to conduct experiments on crop based module for Groundnut crop under FFP project (Off campus).FarmerMavjinjava, Deri pipaliya12510
1487 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingMade awareness among the farmers about application of enreach compost and benifits of cotton + sweet corn intercropping + enriched compost (Off campus).FarmerHadala, Mavjinjava 950
1488 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTrain farmers to conduct experiment on crop diversification module for cotton + sweet corn intercropping + enriched compost under FFP project (Off campus).FarmerHadala, Mavjinjava and Deri pipaliya10015
1489 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTrain farmers for planning and to be conducted experiment on NRM based module for Groundnut + Pigeon pea crop under FFP project (Off campus).FarmerMavjinjava, Deri pipaliya10035
1490 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTrain farmers for planning and conduct experiment on NRM based module for Groundnut + Pigeon pea crop under FFP project (Off campus).FarmerNanavaghaniya and Hadala950
1491 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTrain farmers for planning and conduct experiment on NRM based module for Groundnut + Pigeon pea crop under FFP project (Off campus).FarmerHadala, Mavjinjava and Deri pipaliya10015
1492 Junagadh Agricultural UniversitymeetingTake the farmers’ views on feasibility of experiments as well as constrains on Groundnut crop and gave technical guidance to farmersFarmerMavjinjava, Deri pipaliya, hadala and Nava vaghaniya460
1493 Junagadh Agricultural UniversitymeetingTo know the farmers’ views on feasibility of experiments as well as constrains on Cotton crop and gave technical guidance to farmersFarmerMavjinjava, Deri pipaliya, hadala and Nava vaghaniya460
1494 Junagadh Agricultural UniversitymeetingTake the farmers’ views on feasibility of experiments as well as constrains on cotton + sweet corn intercropping system + enriched compost on crop diversification and gave technical guidance to them.FarmerHadala, Mavjinjava and Deri pipaliya380
1495 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityField dayOrganised field days at experimental sites on crop based module for Groundnut crop under FFP project (Off campus).FarmerMavjinjava, Deri pipaliya, hadala and Nava vaghaniya640
1496 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityField dayConduct field day on experiment on crop diversification module (cotton + sweet corn intercropping system +enriched compost) under FFP project (Off campus).FarmerHadala, Mavjinjava and Deri pipaliya520
1497 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityField dayConducted field days at experimental sites on NRM based module (Integrated nutrient management in groundnut-pigeon pea relay-cropping system) under FFP project (Off campus)FarmerMavjinjava, Deri pipaliya, hadala and Nava vaghaniya640
1498 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityField dayConducted field days at experimental sites on NRM based module (Integrated nutrient management in groundnut-pigeon pea relay-cropping system) under FFP project (Off campus)FarmerMavjinjava, Deri pipaliya, hadala and Nava vaghaniya500
1499 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTo make awareness among the farmers about high density planting and management of pink ball worm in Cotton crop (Off campus).Farmer Hadala and Nava vaghaniya950
1500 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTo educate farmers for planning and to conduct experiments on crop based module for Groundnut crop under FFP project (Off campus).FarmerHadala, Mavjinjava and Deri pipaliya10015
1501 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTo educate farmers for planning and to conduct experiments on crop based module for Groundnut crop under FFP project (Off campus).FarmerMavjinjava, Deri pipaliya10035
1502 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTo educate farmers for planning and to conduct experiments on crop based module for Groundnut crop under FFP project (Off campus).FarmerMavjinjava, Deri pipaliya10035
1503 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTo make awareness among the farmers about high density planting and management of pink ball worm in Cotton crop (Off campus).Farmer Hadala and Nava vaghaniya950
1504 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTo make awareness among the farmers about high density planting and management of pink ball worm in Cotton crop (Off campus).FarmerMavjinjava, Deri pipaliya10035
1505 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTo educate farmers for planning and to conduct experiments on crop based module for Groundnut crop under FFP project (Off campus).Farmer Hadala and Nava vaghaniya950
1506 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTrain the farmers for planning and experiments to be conducted on crop based module for Cotton crop under FFP project (Off campus).FarmerHadala, Mavjinjava and Deri pipaliya10015
1507 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTrain farmers to conduct experiment on crop diversification module for cotton + sweet corn intercropping + enriched compost under FFP project (Off campus).FarmerMavjinjava, Deri pipaliya10035
1508 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityField dayConduct field day on experiment on crop based module for Gram & Wheat crop under FFP project (Off campus).Farmer Hadala and Nava vaghaniya500
1509 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityField dayConduct field day on experiment on crop based module for Cotton crop under FFP project (Off campus).FarmerMavjinjava, Deri pipaliya, hadala and Nava vaghaniya420
1510 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityTrainingTo make awareness among the farmers about high density planting and management of pink ball worm in Cotton crop (Off campus).FarmerMavjinjava, Deri pipaliya, hadala and Nava vaghaniya7525