Image uploaded under FFP
1 IARIOthers ActivitiesothersMaturity of Wheat variety HDCSW 18 Error!
2 IARIOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstration of Musk Melon in Insect proof net house in Dadhota village Error!
3 IARIOthers ActivitiesothersPreparation of Fish Pond under IFS Model Error!
4 IARIOthers ActivitiesothersDrudgery reduction through small farm implements Error!
5 IARIOthers ActivitiesothersMeasurement of Length & Chest girth of Animal Error!
6 IARIOthers ActivitiesothersMobile based agro advisory Error!
7 IARIOthers ActivitiesothersExtension Literature Error!
8 IARIOthers ActivitiesothersParticipation in National Workshop at ICAR-NAARM Error!
9 IARIOthers ActivitiesothersParticipation in National Workshop at ICAR-NAARM Error!
10 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceEstablished of Azolla tank Error!
11 IARIEventsFarm WomenFarm Women Equipment Training Programme Error!
12 IARIOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer feed back on Doubling farmer income during Hyderabad Visit Error!
13 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceField Preparation for Wheat Crop Error!
14 IARIOthers ActivitiesothersField Visit of farmer during Hyderabad Visit Error!
15 IARIEventsFarmerField Visit of farmer to IARI Error!
16 IARIOthers ActivitiesothersGroup Discussion with Farmers Error!
17 IARIOthers ActivitiesothersGroup Photo during Hyderabad Workshop Error!
18 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedEstablished of mini dal unit Error!
19 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedNursery Raising in Insect-proof net House Error!
20 IARIEventsFarmerTraining Programme of Successful cultivation of Papaya Error!
21 IARIEventsFarmerTraining Programme of Soil Testing Machine (Pusa STFR meter) Error!
22 IARIEventsFarmerTraining programme on Bio-fertilizers Application for Improved Soil and Crop Health Error!
23 IARIEventsFarmerTraining Programme on Mobilization of small Farmer's for group action Error!
24 IARIEventsFarmerTraining programmme on winter Fruit Plants Error!
25 IARIEventsFarmerVermicompost unit Error!
26 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Vegetable mustard variety (Pusa Sag-1) Error!
27 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Wheat variety (HDCSW 18) Error!
28 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Paddy variety (PB 1609). Error!
29 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Wheat variety (WB 2) farmer field at Dadhota. Error!
30 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceSeed production of Paddy variety (PB 1121) in Dadhota village Error!
31 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceField visit of Wheat crop by Joint Director Extension, ICAR-IARI Error!
32 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Mungbean variety (IPM 02-03) Error!
33 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Bottle Gourd variety (Pusa Santushti) in farmers’ field Error!
34 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Carrot variety Pusa Rudhira Error!
35 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of vegetable mustard variety (Pusa Sag 1) in village Dadhota. Error!
36 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceHarvesting of Bottle Gourd variety (Pusa Santushti). Error!
37 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedScientist team monitoring the Cucumber crop in Insect proof net house Error!
38 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedTransplanting of Tomato variety GS 600 Error!
39 IARIEventsFarmerFarmer-Scientist group discussion in Katesra village Error!
40 IARIEventsFarmerInspection of Paddy seed quality Error!
41 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Bottle Gourd variety (Pusa Santushti) in farmers’ field Error!
42 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Brinjal (Pusa Uttam) in the farmers' field Error!
43 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Paddy variety (PB 1637) in farmer field Error!
44 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Wheat variety (HD-3086) in village Dadhota Error!
45 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceUse of BGA in Amarpur village in paddy variety PB 1509 Error!
46 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Wheat variety (HD-3086) in village Amarpur Error!
47 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of wheat variety (HDCSW 18) in the farmer field Error!
48 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceScientist team monitoring the Seed Production unit at Dadhota Error!
49 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Paddy variety (PB 1509) in the farmer field Error!
50 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Bottle Gourd variety (Pusa Santushti) in farmers’ field Error!
51 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Bottle gourd variety (Pusa Santushti) in village Amarpur Error!
52 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Brinjal variety (Pusa Uttam) in the farmer field Error!
53 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Okra in farmer field Error!
54 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Onion variety (Pusa Riddhi) in village Amarpur Error!
55 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Sponge gourd variety (Pusa Sneha) in village Dadhota Error!
56 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of vegetable mustard variety (Pusa Sag 1) in village Amarpur Error!
57 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Marigold variety Pusa Narangi in the farmers' field Error!
58 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Mungbean variety Pusa Vishal in the farmer field Error!
59 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedDemonstration of Cucumber in net house in village Amarpur Error!
60 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedDemonstration of Cucumber in net house in village Dadhota Error!
61 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedDemonstration of Tomato variety (GS 600) in net house in village Dadhota Error!
62 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedEstablished of Mushroom unit in katesra village Error!
63 IARIInterventionAnimal ScienceFarmer measuring chest of cow Error!
64 IARIInterventionAnimal ScienceFarmers measuring chest of buffalo Error!
65 IARIEventsFarm WomenTraining programme on Value addition in the village Dadhota Error!
66 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Paddy variety (PB 1509) in the farmers’ field Error!
67 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Paddy variety (PB 1718) in farmer field Error!
68 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Mungbean variety (Pusa 1431) in the farmer field Error!
69 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of wheat variety (HD 3226) in farmers’ field Error!
70 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Brinjal variety (Pusa Shyamla) in the farmer field Error!
71 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Carrot variety (Pusa Rudhira) in the farmer field Error!
72 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Okra variety (Pusa A 4) in village Amarpur Error!
73 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Palak variety (Pusa All Green) in the farmer field Error!
74 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Palak variety (Pusa All Green) in village Dadhota Error!
75 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of vegetable mustard variety (Pusa Sag 1) in village Dadhota Error!
76 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Marigold variety (Pusa Arpita in the farmer field Error!
77 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Marigold variety (Pusa Narangi) in the farmer field Error!
78 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceOrchard of Guava in village of Amarpur Error!
79 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedDemonstration of Cucumber in net house Error!
80 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedDemonstration of Cucumber variety (F1 hybrid 22-32) in net house in village Dadhota Error!
81 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedDemonstration of Tomato variety (GS 600) in net house in village Dadhota Error!
82 IARIInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of mineral mixture in village of katesra Error!
83 IARIInterventionAnimal ScienceScientist Visit for Cattle health Care Inspection Error!
84 IARIEventsFarmerHonourable Director on field visit on the occasion of Paddy Field Day Error!
85 IARIEventsOthersVisit of IFS model By IARI Director in Katesra village Error!
86 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Mungbean variety (Pusa 1431) in the farmer's field Error!
87 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Paddy variety (PB 1718) in farmer’s field Error!
88 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of wheat variety (HD 3226) in farmer's field Error!
89 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceHarvesting of traditional method by farmer's field Error!
90 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of wheat variety (HD 3271) in farmers’ field Error!
91 IARIInterventionAnimal ScienceFarmer adding mineral mixture for improving reproductive health of milch Buffalo in Dadhota village Error!
92 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedDemonstration of Tomato variety (GS 600) in net house in village Dadhota Error!
93 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Okra variety (Pusa A 5) in farmer’s field Error!
94 IARIEventsFarmerExposure visit of Farmers during unnat krishi mela-2021 Error!
95 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Wheat variety (HD 3086) in the farmer’s field Error!
96 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Wheat variety (HD 3226) in farmer’s field Error!
97 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Wheat variety (HD 3271) in farmer’s field Error!
98 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Wheat variety (HDCSW 18) in farmer’s field Error!
99 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Wheat variety (HD 3086) in village Dadhota Error!
100 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Wheat variety (HD 3271) in village Kulena Error!
101 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceSeed treatment of wheat by farmer Error!
102 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Paddy variety (PB 1509) in farmer's field Error!
103 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Paddy variety (PB 1509) in farmer's field Error!
104 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Paddy variety (PB 1692) in farmer's field Error!
105 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Paddy variety (PB 1847) in farmer's field Error!
106 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Paddy variety (PB 1718) in farmer's field Error!
107 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Paddy variety (PB 1885) in farmer's field Error!
108 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceSeed production of paddy variety (PB 1718) in farmer's field Error!
109 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Mungbean variety (Pusa 1431) in farmer's field Error!
110 IARIInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Mungbean variety (Pusa 1431) in village Katesra Error!
111 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Bottle gourd variety (Pusa Santushti) in farmer’s field Error!
112 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Sponge gourd variety (Pusa Sneha) in farmer's field Error!
113 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Brinjal variety (Pusa Shyamla) in farmer's field Error!
114 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Carrot variety (Pusa Rudhira) in farmer's field Error!
115 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Palak variety (Pusa All Green) in farmer's field Error!
116 IARIInterventionHorticulture ScienceScientist team monitoring the Okra crop in farmer's field Error!
117 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedDemonstration of Tomato variety (Pusa protected-1) in net house in village Dadhota Error!
118 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedDemonstration of Palak variety (Pusa All Green) in the unit of Organic farming at Dadhota village Error!
119 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedDemonstration of vegetable crops in the unit of Organic farming at Dadhota village Error!
120 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedHarvested, graded and cleaned vegetables ready to be transported Error!
121 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedHarvesting of Mushroom by farmer Error!
122 IARIInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom picking by farmer's Error!
123 IARIInterventionAnimal ScienceA farmer milking his cow in Amarpur village Error!
124 IARIInterventionAnimal ScienceFarmer adding mineral mixture for improving reproductive health of milch Buffalo in Katesra village Error!
125 IARIInterventionAnimal ScienceFarmer adding mineral mixture for improving reproductive health of milch Cow in Dadhota village Error!
126 IARIEventsFarmerDemonstration of Brinjal variety (Pusa Shyamla) in the farmer's field Error!
127 IARIEventsFarmerExposure visit of Farmers under FFP village in Amarpur Error!
128 IARIEventsFarmerExposure visit of Farmers under FFP villages Error!
129 IARIEventsFarmerGroup Discussion with Farmers Error!
130 IARIEventsFarmerTraining programme on Cultivation of Vegetable Crops under Low cost protected structures in the village Kulena Error!
131 IARIEventsFarmerTraining programme on Vermicomposting for Prosperity in the village Kulena Error!
132 IARIEventsFarmerVisit of Organic farming By Chairman of AgriTreat Company in Dadhota village Error!
133 IARIInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemDemonstration of Mungbean variety (Pusa 1431) in farmer's field Error!
134 IARIInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemDemonstration of Paddy variety (PB 1718) in village Katesra Error!
135 IARIInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemExposure visit of IFS module by farmers in Katesra village Error!
136 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceBL-42 field Error!
137 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionHorticulture Sciencekitchen gardening Error!
138 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health & Fertility Camp Error!
139 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health & Fertility Camp Error!
140 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health & Fertility Camp Error!
141 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer Scientist interaction Error!
142 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersCrop Health Camp Error!
143 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers Activitiesothersendo ecto parasite control program Error!
144 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers Activitiesothersmastitis Control programme Error!
145 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersLSD Vaccination Error!
146 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersWheat DBW- 303 crop field Error!
147 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersCation-based mineral supplementation Error!
148 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersDBW-222 wheat crop Error!
149 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersSilage demonstration Error!
150 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersTherilosis vaccination Error!
151 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersWheat training programme Error!
152 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceAnionic mineral mixture demonstration Error!
153 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceFodder kit demonstration Error!
154 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture Sciencesummer moong demonstration Error!
155 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionHorticulture Sciencevegetable kit demonstration Error!
156 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionHorticulture Sciencevegetable kit demonstration Error!
157 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceMustard PM-32, Pusa Tarak variety demonstration Error!
158 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteEventsFarmerFarmer Visit Error!
159 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteEventsFarmerFarmer Visit Error!
160 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceWheat DBW 332 & DBW 327 demonstration Error!
161 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture Scienceoats demonstration Error!
162 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal Health & Fertility Camp Error!
163 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal Health & Fertility Camp Error!
164 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceLumpy Skin Disease vaccination Error!
165 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceEcto Parasite control programme Error!
166 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceMastitis Control Programme Error!
167 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal Health & Fertility Camp Error!
168 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal Health & Fertility Camp Error!
169 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceCrop Health Camp Error!
170 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceSummer Moong field Error!
171 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionICTPrint Media Coverage Error!
172 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionICTPrint Media Coverage Error!
173 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionICTPrint Media Coverage Error!
174 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionICTPrint Media Coverage Error!
175 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionICTPublication of Book Error!
176 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceWheat Training Programme Error!
177 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceMastitis control programme Error!
178 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceWheat DBW 222 field Error!
179 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceWheat DBW 303 field Error!
180 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceVaccination Camp Error!
181 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceVaccination Camp Error!
182 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceCation based intervention Error!
183 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture SciencePB- 1692 field Error!
184 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceDBW 332 field Error!
185 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionICTPM Programme Error!
186 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteEventsFarmerFemale farmers Tarining Error!
187 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersEndo Ecto parasite control Error!
188 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersDBW-222 field Error!
189 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersWheat HD-3237 fields Error!
190 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionHorticulture ScienceHorticulture Intervention under FFP Error!
191 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer Scientist Interaction Error!
192 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Intervention under FFP Error!
193 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceTraining Programme BL-42 & BL-44 Error!
194 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionEnterprise BasedProcessing Of Milk Error!
195 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersWheat Seed Production Training Error!
196 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteEventsFarmerField day at Chand Samand village Error!
197 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersTraining Programme on wheat seed Error!
198 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersSeed Distribution Error!
199 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer Field Wheat HI-1620 Error!
200 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp Error!
201 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteEventsFarmerMineral Mixture Distribution Error!
202 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteEventsFarmercrop health camp Error!
203 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteEventsFarmercrop health camp Error!
204 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceEctoparasite control sprays Error!
205 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture SciencePea production, Variety Pusa pragati. Error!
206 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceVarietal trial of Paddy (PB 1509) Error!
207 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionHorticulture ScienceCucumber Production Error!
208 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteEventsFarmer Graphicl abstract Error!
209 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteEventsFarmerCelebrating Constitution day Error!
210 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteEventsFarmerKhet Diwas Error!
211 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceCrop Residue Management Error!
212 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceCrop Residue Management Error!
213 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceCrop Residue Management Error!
214 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceDhaincha as Green Mnaure Error!
215 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal Scienceveterinary Health Camp Error!
216 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionHorticulture ScienceLemon plantation under horticultural module Error!
217 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionHorticulture ScienceMango Plantation Error!
218 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersFruit Plant Error!
219 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable based Intervention Error!
220 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionHorticulture ScienceHorticulture Based Intervention Error!
221 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceVarietal trial of Wheat Karan Vandna (DBW-187) Error!
222 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceVarietal trial of Wheat (HD-3226) Error!
223 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersTraining of seed production Error!
224 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersTraining of Green Fodder Syllage Error!
225 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersControl of Ecto & Endo-parasitic infestation among dairy animals Error!
226 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of Mineral Mixture Error!
227 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersFruit Plantation Error!
228 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersCelebration of Constitution Error!
229 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceTraining of seed production Error!
230 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersTraining on Milk processing Error!
231 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceVaccination Error!
232 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal Science Murrah Buffalo Error!
233 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteEventsFarmerNational Dairy Mela, 15-17 February 2020, NDRI, Karnal. Error!
234 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteEventsFarmerNational Dairy Mela, 15-17 February 2020, NDRI, Karnal. Error!
235 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteEventsFarmerNational Dairy Mela, 15-17 February 2020, NDRI, Karnal. Error!
236 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceUse of advance technology for enhancement of reproductive performance in cows, buffaloes and heifers suffering from sub-estrus, silent heat and anestrous Error!
237 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntroduction of cultivated perennial grasses along with seasonal fodder crop Error!
238 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceImprove weed control efficiency of different weedicides Error!
239 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionHorticulture ScienceDistribution of various varieties of Horticulture crops for the integration of fruit cultivation for health benefits of farm families. Error!
240 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionHorticulture ScienceSaplings of fruit plants in project area Error!
241 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionHorticulture ScienceIntroduction of short duration vegetable crops in rice-wheat system may ameliorate soil fertility and improve farm income Error!
242 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionEnterprise BasedTraining for milk processing at village level to convert the milk into paneer, Dahi, Khoa and utilisation of whey instead of selling milk to milk Vendors Error!
243 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceControl of Ecto & Endo-parasitic infestation among dairy animals Error!
244 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteEventsFarmerTraining on bypass fat amino acids, mineral mixture and balance feeding from August (17-21), 2017 Error!
245 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceMastitis control programme using CMT & AST as effective diagnostic procedures. Error!
246 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceFarmer FIRST Programme NDRI Error!
247 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmer60th Foundation Day of Orissa Krushak Samaj & World Food Day Celebration at Bhubaneswar (2018-19) Error!
248 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerExposure Visit to Kishan Gosthi Cum Agricultural Exhibition (2018-19) Error!
249 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerExposure Visit to ICAR-IIHR,CHES (2018-19) Error!
250 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerExposure Visit to ICAR-CTCRI (2018-19) Error!
251 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Finger Weeder (2017-18) Error!
252 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceCultivation of Pooja Dhan by a farmer of adopted village of FFP (2017-18) Error!
253 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceBackyard Poultry Production by the Women Farmers (2017-18) Error!
254 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceBackyard Poultry Production by the Women Farmers (2017-18) Error!
255 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceDuck Farming by the Women Farmers (2017-18) Error!
256 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleTraining Programme on Mushroom Cultivation (2017-18) Error!
257 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleDemonstration Programme on Mushroom Cultivation (2017-18) Error!
258 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceOkra Field of adopted Farmer in Biswanathpur (2017-18) Error!
259 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersAdopted farmer Mr Bhima Charana Das of Laxminarayanpur was felicitated with “Padma Bhusan Dr Radhanath Rath Memorial Award 2018” by Dr. Triolochan Mahapatra, Secretary (DARE) and DG (ICAR) in a national function at Bhubaneswar on 25th Oct, 2018 Error!
260 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersInstitute Advisory Committee (IAC) meeting of the NRRI-Farmer FIRST Programme under the chairmanship of the Director, ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack on 16.01.2019 in which over 45 members including Scientists, line department officials, Farmers & Project staffs attended. Error!
261 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersInstitute Advisory Committee (IAC) meeting of the NRRI-Farmer FIRST Programme,Director addressing the guests. Error!
262 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMeeting cum Workshop on Impact Assessment of Farmer FIRST Programmes under ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata & ICAR-ATARI, Hyderabad during March 1-2, 2019 with the participation of 27 scientists from eight FFPs, ATARI, Kolkata, ATARI, Hyderabad & ICAR-NIAP, New Delhi. Error!
263 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleTraining cum demonstration on vermicomposting 15.01.2018 Error!
264 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleInteraction with farmers and demonstration on vermicomposting Error!
265 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleDemonstration on vermicomposting 15.01.18 Error!
266 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleTraining Programme on Profitable Farming of Oyster Mushroom 11.12.18 Error!
267 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleTraining Programme on Profitable Farming On Oyster Mushroom 11.12.18,a Group Photo along with the Farmers involved in the training Error!
268 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleTraining Programme on Profitable Farming of Oyster Mushroom 11.12.18,a Group Photo along with the Farmers involved in the training Error!
269 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleInteraction with farmers on Profitable Farming of Oyster Mushroom 11.12.18, Error!
270 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceTraining Programme On Fresh Water Aquaculture For Enhancing Farmers' Income 27.12.2018 Error!
271 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceTraining Programme on Fresh Water Aquaculture.. Interaction with farmers 27.12.2018 Error!
272 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceFarmers involved in the Demonstration on Fresh Water Aquaculture 27.12.2018 Error!
273 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceFarmers involved in the Training on Fresh Water Aquaculture 27.12.2018 Error!
274 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceFarmers' Training Programme on Scientific Crop Management Practices For Commercial Vegetable Production 13.03.2019 Error!
275 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceA farmer interacting with scientists at Farmers' Training Programme on Scientific Crop Management Practices For Commercial Vegetable Production 13.03.2019 Error!
276 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceFarmers and Farm women involved in the Farmers' Training Programme on Scientific Crop Management Practices For Commercial Vegetable Production 13.03.2019 Error!
277 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceFarmers Combined Efforts In Enacting A Poetry that is Dedicated to NRRI Scientists and the institute which helped in development of their village in the Farmers' Training Programme on Scientific Crop Management Practices For Commercial Vegetable Production 13.03.2019 Error!
278 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarm WomenRashtriya Mahila Kisan Diwas 15.10.2018 Error!
279 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarm WomenDr A.K Nayak,Director(IC) addressing the members at the function on Rashtriya Mahila Kisan Diwas 15.10.2018 Error!
280 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarm WomenDirector(IC) felicitating the best women farmers and winners 15.10.2018 Error!
281 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarm WomenParticipants in Rangoli Competition during Rashtriya Mahila Kisan Divas 15.10.2018 Error!
282 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarm WomenParticipants at Rashtriya Mahila Kisan Divas 15.10.2018 Error!
283 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCabbage field of adopted farmer at Laxminarayanpur March 2019 Error!
284 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceOkra field of adopted farmer at Satyabhamapur March 2019 Error!
285 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceBackyard Poultry And Duck Farming For Rural Livelihood And National Security 27.07.2018 Error!
286 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceInteraction session on Backyard Poultry And Duck Farming For Rural Livelihood And National Security 27.07.2018 Error!
287 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceImmunization of chicks strain ‘Vanaraja’ for Backyard poultry demonstration 3.08.18 Error!
288 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of chicks strain ‘Vanaraja’ for Backyard poultry demonstration at Biswanathpur 31.07.18 Error!
289 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of chicks strain ‘Vanaraja’ for Backyard poultry demonstration at Ganeswarpur 31.07.18 Error!
290 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of chicks strain ‘Vanaraja’ for Backyard poultry demonstration at Satyabhamapur 31.07.18 Error!
291 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Power operated 8-row Transplanter 20.08.18 Error!
292 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of chicks strain ‘Vanaraja’ for Backyard poultry demonstration at laxminarayanpur 31.07.18 Error!
293 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of the Transplanter on the field of CR DHAN 303 20.08.18 Error!
294 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceView of the CR DHAN 303 field 20.08.18 Error!
295 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerField Visit And Interaction Meet 13.12.2018 Error!
296 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerFarmers interacting during the meet 13.12.2018 Error!
297 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerNodal officer addressing the beneficiaries during the meet 13.12.2018 Error!
298 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerPaddy Field Visit during the meet 13.12.2018 Error!
299 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerView of Nutritional Garden during the meet 13.12.2018 Error!
300 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerBackyard Poultry 13.12.2018 Error!
301 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerA View of Backyard Duck Farming 13.12.2018 Error!
302 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerDemonstration of Rice Husk Combustor 13.12.2018 Error!
303 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerDemonstration on Vermicomposting 13.12.2018 Error!
304 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerField Visit and Interaction Vegetable Field 13.12.2018 Error!
305 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerRice Farm Mechanisation, Threshing and Winnowing 13.12.2018 Error!
306 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedOyster mushroom Cultivation Error!
307 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedOyster mushroom Cultivation Error!
308 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedOyster mushroom Cultivation Error!
309 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedOyster mushroom Cultivation Error!
310 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedOyster mushroom Cultivation Error!
311 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceBanana cultivation(Bantal ) Error!
312 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Mat type Rice Nursery Error!
313 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Mat type Rice Nursery Error!
314 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Mat type Rice Nursery Error!
315 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Mat type Rice Nursery Error!
316 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of Fresh water Aquaculture Error!
317 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of Fresh water Aquaculture Error!
318 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of Fresh water Aquaculture Error!
319 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Mat type Rice Nursery Error!
320 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionMechanization and MarketingDemonstration of the Transplanter(20.08.18) Error!
321 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionMechanization and MarketingDemonstration of the Transplanter(20.08.18) Error!
322 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionMechanization and MarketingDemonstration of the Transplanter(20.08.18) Error!
323 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionMechanization and MarketingDemonstration of the Transplanter(20.08.18) Error!
324 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionMechanization and MarketingDemonstration of Drum seeder Error!
325 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionMechanization and MarketingDemonstration of Power Tiller Error!
326 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionMechanization and MarketingDemonstration of Paddle thresher Error!
327 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceBlack Gram Cultivation Error!
328 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceBlack Gram Cultivation Error!
329 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCabbage Cultivation Error!
330 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceBitter Gourd Cultivation Error!
331 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceHarvesting of Pumpkin Error!
332 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceHarvesting of Tomato Error!
333 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceEggs produced in Farm Error!
334 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal SciencePoultry Farming Error!
335 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom Bed Error!
336 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedPaddy straw Mushroom Cultivation in the Farm Error!
337 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedPaddy straw Mushroom Cultivation in the Farm Error!
338 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedPaddy straw Mushroom Cultivation in the Farm Error!
339 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedPaddy straw Mushroom Cultivation in the Farm Error!
340 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionMechanization and MarketingPower Operated Reaper Error!
341 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture SciencePapaya Cultivation Error!
342 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture SciencePumpkin Cultivation Error!
343 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerSkill Development Programme on Protected Cultivation in Horticulture Error!
344 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerSkill Development Programme on Protected Cultivation in Horticulture Error!
345 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerSkill Development Programme on Protected Cultivation in Horticulture Error!
346 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerSkill Development Programme on Protected Cultivation in Horticulture Error!
347 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerProtected Cultivation(Poly House) Error!
348 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerProtected Cultivation(Poly House) Error!
349 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerProtected Cultivation(Poly House) Error!
350 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Green Manuring Dhaincha to improve Soil fertility F.Y. 2020-21 Error!
351 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Bio Compost preparation though Green Manuring Dhaincha (F.Y. 2020-21) Error!
352 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceSeed Treated with Trichoderma Viridi (F.Y. 2020-21) Error!
353 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceTrichoderma Viridi treated Nursery (F.Y. 2020-21) Error!
354 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceKharif Demonstration of CR Dhan 307 (Maudamani) (F.Y. 2020-21) Error!
355 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersAdopted Farmer Mr. Shiba Narayan Samal of Satyabhamapur felicitated as "Best Farmer Award" during 45th Foundation Day of ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad on 1st Sept 2020 Awarded by the Chief Guest Padma Bhusan Dr. R. S. Paroda,Former Secretary, DARE & DG, ICAR Error!
356 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others Activitiesothers"Best Farmer Award" during 45th Foundation Day of ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad on 1st Sept 2020 Awarded by the Chief Guest Padma Bhusan Dr. R. S. Paroda,Former Secretary, DARE & DG, ICAR to 11 Awardee Farmers from 11 ATARI Zones Error!
357 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceBackyard Poultry Production by Mrs. Pravati Pani grower of "Kadaknath" dual purpose poultry breed (2020-21) Error!
358 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture SciencePulling of Rice Seedlings (CR Dhan 409) to transport to the field where these can be transplanted (F.Y. 2020-21) Error!
359 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedCommercial Mushroom Production unit of Mr. Ranjan Kumar Behera, Biswanathpur (F.Y. 2020-21) Error!
360 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercial Vegetable Production through Trellis system (F.Y. 2019-20) Error!
361 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerField Visit-Cum- Interaction meet by Dr. Mitali Ghosh Roy & Dr. A.T.Kumar from ICAR-DKMA (F.Y. 2019-20) Error!
362 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerInteraction meet by Dr. Mitali Ghosh Roy & Dr. A.T.Kumar from ICAR-DKMA to the adopted farmer Mr. Bhima Charan Das of Laxminarayanpur (F.Y. 2019-20) Error!
363 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceCrop Cutting of CR Dhan 701 in F.Y. 2019-20 Error!
364 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceFront Line Demonstration of CR Dhan 701 In F.Y. 2019-2020 Error!
365 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceFront Line Demonstration of Swarna Sub-1 In F.Y. 2020-21 Error!
366 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceFLD of Swarna Sub-1 In F.Y. 2020-21 Error!
367 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceCrop Cutting of Hybrid Rice Variety of Rajlaxmi in F.Y. 2020-21 Error!
368 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceCrop Cutting of CR Dhan 307 (Maudamani) in F.Y. 2019-20 Error!
369 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceSpraying of Pesticides in Farmer's Okra Field Error!
370 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceWeighing of 30days old Vanaraj Chicks in F.Y. 2020-21 Error!
371 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceEgg Produced in Poultry Farm of Kadaknath Breed Error!
372 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of Kadaknath Breed in F.Y. 2020-21 Error!
373 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of Vanaraj Breed in F.Y. 2020-21 Error!
374 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercial Vegetable Production of Okra(Radhika) in F.Y. 2019-2020 Error!
375 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceField Visit by ICAR-NRRI Director to adopted village of Satyabhamapur,Cuttack Error!
376 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Trichocard & Braconcard in Adopted Farmer's Field in F.Y. 2020-21 Error!
377 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceFLD of Green Gram (IPM-02-03) in F.Y. 2018-19 Error!
378 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceField Visit by Dr.K.S.Das, ICAR-ATARI,Kolkata in F.Y. 2018-19 Error!
379 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceFLD of Line Transplanting of Swarna Sub-1 in F.Y. 2020-21 Error!
380 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceTraining cum Demonstration of Tricho cards & Bracon Cards for Management of Insect pest in Rice F.Y. 2020-21 Error!
381 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceCrop Cutting of Hybrid Rice Variety of Rajlaxmi in F.Y. 2020-21 Error!
382 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedCommercial Mushroom Production Unit of Adopted Farmer Mr.Ranjan Kumar Behera, Biswanathpur,Salipur,Cuttack Error!
383 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedCommercial Mushroom Production Unit of Adopted Farmer Mr.Chitrasen Parida, Satyabhamapur,Salipur,Cuttack Error!
384 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedCommercial Oyster Mushroom Production Unit of Adopted Farmer Mr. Ranjan Kumar Behera, BIswanathpur,Salipur,Cuttack in F.Y. 2020-21 Error!
385 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedCommercial Oyster Mushroom Production Unit of Adopted Farmer Mr. Ranjan Kumar Behera, BIswanathpur,Salipur,Cuttack in F.Y. 2020-21 Error!
386 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceCommercial Poultry Production of RIR Breed by Adopted Farmwoman Mrs.Dipti Rekha Behera, BIswanathpur, Salipur,Cuttack in F.Y. 2020-21 Error!
387 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceCommercial Poultry Production of Kadaknath Breed by Adopted Farmwoman Mrs.Mita Samal, Satyabhamapur, Salipur,Cuttack in F.Y. 2020-21 Error!
388 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercial vegetable production of Okra(Var.Samrat) Error!
389 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercial vegetable production of Cowpea( Var. Sangita B.S) Error!
390 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercial vegetable production of Pumpkin(Var.VNR14) Error!
391 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercial vegetable production of Bitter Gourd(Var. US1315) Error!
392 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionMechanization and MarketingInstallation of Light trap in paddy field Error!
393 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedHarvesting of Paddy Straw Mushroom from Mushroom beds Error!
394 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceFreshly harvested Bitter Gourd( Var. Nakhara Special) Error!
395 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Field of Mrs. Mamata Biswal Error!
396 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionMechanization and MarketingInstallation of Light Trap in Paddy Field Error!
397 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercially produced vegetable i.e. Cowpea( Var. Sangita B.S) Error!
398 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercially produced vegetable i.e Pointed (Var. Swarna Alaulik) Error!
399 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceFreshly harvested Brinjal( Var. VNR BJ) Error!
400 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceNursery bed of cauliflower Error!
401 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Trichoderma Viride in Paddy (F.Y.2021-22) Error!
402 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceFFP Field Visit By Director,NRRI-Dr. H. Pathak Error!
403 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceInstallation of Pheromone Trap in Paddy Field Error!
404 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersCampaign on Nutri-Garden & Tree Plantation (On the Occasion of"International Year of Millets 2023") Error!
405 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersTraining cum Demonstration on NRRI-Light Trap for Rice Pest Management Error!
406 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersDistribution of NRRI-Light Trap for Rice Pest Management Error!
407 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersDemonstration of NRRI-Light Trap for Rice Pest Management by Dr.S.D.Mohapatra,Pr.Scientist(Entomology) Error!
408 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersSkill Training on Integrated Crop Management Techniques In Kharif Rice by Dr.B.S.Satapathy, Scientist(Agronomy),Dr.S.K.Mishra, Pr.Scientist(Agril.Extension) Error!
409 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersSkill Training on Integrated Pest Management In Rice by Dr.S.Lenka, Pr.Scientist(Plant Pathology),Dr.S.D.Mohapatra,Pr.Scientist (Agricultural Entomology),Dr.S.K.Mishra, Pr.Scientist(Agril.Extension) Error!
410 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersBest project award received by Dr. S.K Mishra and Team on 75th Platinum Jubilee Foundation day Organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack. Error!
411 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMrs. Arati Behera awarded as a best Women Farmer on the occasion of Rashtriya Mahila Kisan Diwas organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack Error!
412 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMrs. Annapurna Biswal, Ganeswarpur,Cuttack awarded as a best Women Farmer on the occasion of Rashtriya Mahila Kisan Diwas organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack Error!
413 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMrs. Azima Bibi, Biswanathpur,Cuttack awarded as a best Women Farmer on the occasion of Rashtriya Mahila Kisan Diwas organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack Error!
414 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMrs. Binodini Biswal, Ganeswarpur,Cuttack awarded as a best Women Farmer on the occasion of Rashtriya Mahila Kisan Diwas organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack Error!
415 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMrs. Kuni Samal, Satyabhamapur,Cuttack awarded as a best Women Farmer on the occasion of Rashtriya Mahila Kisan Diwas organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack Error!
416 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMrs. Rebati Sethi, Laxminaryanpur,Cuttack awarded as a best Women Farmer on the occasion of Rashtriya Mahila Kisan Diwas organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack Error!
417 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMrs. Sanjukta Barik, Satyabhamapur,Cuttack awarded as a best Women Farmer on the occasion of Rashtriya Mahila Kisan Diwas organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack Error!
418 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMrs. Santilata Samal,Laxminarayanpur,Cuttack awarded as a best Women Farmer on the occasion of Rashtriya Mahila Kisan Diwas organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack Error!
419 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMr.Bhima Charana Das ,Laxminarayanpur,Cuttack awarded for his involvement in rice-pulse vegetable farming, Rice Mechanization and Kisan Sathi organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack on the occasion of 72nd Foundation Day and Kisan Mela Error!
420 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMr.Sangram Keshari Pani ,Ganeswarpur,Cuttack awarded for his involvement in rice-based Integrated farming,Mechanization in Rice Farming and a potential farmer leader organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack on the occasion of 72nd Foundation Day and Kisan Mela Error!
421 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMr.Udhab Charan Padhi ,Biswanathpur,Cuttack awarded for his Excellence in HYV.Rice and commercial vegetable farming organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack on the occasion of 71st Foundation Day. Error!
422 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMr.Purna Chandra Behera,Biswanathpur,Cuttack awarded as the "BEST FARMER" organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack on the occasion of Inaugruration of Kisan Mela and Public Amenities on 26th Feb,2019. Error!
423 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMr.Ranjan Kumar Behera, Biswanathpur,Cuttack awarded as the "BEST FARMER" organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack on the occasion of Inaugruration of Kisan Mela and Public Amenities on 26th Feb,2019. Error!
424 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMrs. Pravati Pani, Ganeswarpur,Cuttack awarded for her Leadership Role in Agriculture and Allied areas on the occasion of International Women's Day on 8th March,2021 celebration at ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack . Error!
425 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMrs. Nirmala Pradhan, Satyabhamapur,Cuttack awarded for her Leadership Role in Agriculture and Allied areas on the occasion of International Women's Day on 8th March,2021 celebration at ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack . Error!
426 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMr. Shiba Narayan Samal from Satyabhamapur,Cuttack a adopted farmer of Farmer FIRST Programme awarded at Pusa Krushi vigyan Mela,2021. Error!
427 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMr.Ranjan Kumar Behera from Biswanathpur,Cuttack a adopted farmer of Farmer FIRST Programme awarded at Pusa Krushi vigyan Mela,2021. Error!
428 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMr.Shiba Narayan Samal from Satyabhamapur,Cuttack a adopted farmer of Farmer FIRST Programme awarded as Innovative Farmer Award, 2020 on the occasion of 45th Foundation Day of ICAR-NAARM,on 1st Sep.2020. Error!
429 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersInternational Year of Millet 2023 Campaign on Nutri Graden and Tree Plantation on 17th Sep, 2021,FFP-ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack Error!
430 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersInternational Year of Millet 2023 Campaign on Nutri Graden and Tree Plantation on 17th Sep, 2021,FFP-ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack was conducted at NRRI-Cuttack and seeds were distributed to farm women. Error!
431 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of Trichoderma viride and paddy seeds to the adopted farmers(F.Y.2021-22) Error!
432 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceRaising of Mat type Nursery for Transplanting Error!
433 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceFront-line Demonstration of Machine Transplanter Error!
434 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceFarmer-Scientist interaction on Commercial vegetable Production (F.Y.2020-21) Error!
435 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceInauguration of poly house Error!
436 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionMechanization and MarketingMachine Transplanter used for Line Transplanting (F.Y.2020-21) Error!
437 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceField view of Variety Rajalaxmi (F.Y.2020-21) Error!
438 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceThreshing of paddy with the help of paddle thresher Error!
439 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionMechanization and MarketingMini Rice Mill Error!
440 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedDemonstration of honey bee box handling by a trainer Error!
441 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture Scienceokra field cultivation under commercial vegetable production Error!
442 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Trichoderma viride mixed with paddy seeds Error!
443 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercially produced pointed gourd with the help of trellis system Error!
444 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercially produced Bitter gourd(US 1315) with the help of trellis system Error!
445 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceEggs of Vanaraja breed Error!
446 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal Science Commercial poultry farming of Vanaraja breed Error!
447 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture Science Commercial Vegetable Production of Brinjal Error!
448 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceTissue culture Banana Cultivation( var. Bantala & G-9) Error!
449 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercial vegetable production of Bitter Gourd Error!
450 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersBest Poster(2nd) at Association of Rice Research Workers during the Occasion of 1st Indian Rice Congress-2020. The titled entitled"Enhancing of NRRI Farmer FIRST Programme" presented by S.K Mishra, Lipi Das, SS Dash, RK Behera, SK Pradhan, B.Mondal, and BS Satapathy Error!
451 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersKRUSHI RATNA SAMMAN-2018 received by Dr. S.K. Mishra at Orissa Krushak Samaj on 60th Foundation Day Error!
452 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersMr.Shiba Narayan Samal, Satyabhamapur, Cuttack awarded for his excellence in HYV rice and commercial vegetable farming organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack on the occasion of 71st Foundation Day. Error!
453 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersAdopted farmer Mr Bhima Charana Das of Laxminarayanpur was felicitated with “Padma Bhusan Dr Radhanath Rath Memorial Award 2018” by Dr. Triolochan Mahapatra, Secretary (DARE) and DG (ICAR) in a national function at Bhubaneswar on 25th Oct, 2018 Error!
454 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersMr.Ranjan Kumar Behera, Biswanathpur,Cuttack awarded as the "BEST FARMER" organised by ICAR-NRRI,Cuttack on the occasion of Inaugruration of Kisan Mela and Public Amenities on 26th Feb,2019. Error!
455 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersInstitute Advisory Committee Meeting of the Farmer FIRST Programme (EAP-228) on 16.01.2019 Error!
456 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersSkill Training Progamme on "Improved Vegetable Production Technologies" on 07.01.2021 Error!
457 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersSkill Training Progamme on Paddystraw mushroom Cultivation for Ensuring Family Nutrition & Income" on 09.09.2019 Error!
458 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersTraining Programme on Profitable Farming of Oyster (Dhingi) Mushroom on 11.12.2018 Error!
459 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersFarmers Training Programme on Scientific Crop Management Practices for Commercial Vegetable Production on 13.03.2019 Error!
460 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionMechanization and MarketingTraining-cum-Demonstration of Paddy Drum Seeder on 20.08.2019 Error!
461 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersTraining Progamme on Protected Cultivation in Horticulture on 27.11.2019 Error!
462 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersTraining Progamme on "Paddy Straw Mushroom Cultivation as an Enterprise" on 22.09.2018 Error!
463 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersTraining Progamme on Freshwater Aquaculture for Enhancing Farmers' Income on 27.12.2018 Error!
464 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersTraining Progamme on "Integrated Diseases & Pest Management in Kharif Rice" on 28.09.2019 Error!
465 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of Fish Fries (Rohu,Catla, Mrigal) F.Y.2020-21 Error!
466 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsOthersKRUSHI RATNA SAMMAN-2018 received by Dr. S.K. Mishra at Orissa Krushak Samaj on 60th Foundation Day Error!
467 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercially Cultivated Cauliflower by adopted farmer Mr.Naba Kishore Padhi of Biswanathpur, Cuttack Error!
468 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceImmunization of 7days old Chicks Error!
469 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceStocking of Fish Fingerlings Error!
470 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedCommercial Mushroom Production Unit of Adopted Farmer Mr.Shiba Narayan Bhoi, Laxminarayanpur,Salipur,Cuttack Error!
471 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceLine Trasplanting F.Y. 2019-20 Error!
472 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceLine Trasplanting of CR Dhan 409 (Pradhan Dhan)F.Y. 2021-22 Error!
473 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceLine Trasplanting of Pooja F.Y. 2021-22 Error!
474 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of 1day old Vanaraja, RIR & Kadaknath Chicks to the adopted farm women in F.Y.2020-21 Error!
475 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercial vegetable production of Pointed Gourd Error!
476 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceRearing of chicks of breed Kadaknath Error!
477 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAnimal ScienceRearing of chicks of breed Vanaraja Error!
478 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceLine Transplanting of Paddy variety CR DHAN 409 Error!
479 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercial vegetable production of Bitter Gourd (US1315) Error!
480 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercial vegetable production of Brinjal(VNR BJ) Error!
481 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercial vegetable production of Pointed Gourd(Swarna Alaukik) Error!
482 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute InterventionHorticulture ScienceCommercial vegetable production of Okra(Var.Radhika) Error!
483 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarmerField Visit & Monitoring of NRRI Director Dr.(Mrs) Padmini Swain to the adopted FFP Farmer of Mr. Harihara Padhi Error!
484 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute EventsFarm WomenDirector and Chief Guest addressing the Participants on the occasion of Millate Day on 17th Sept. 2021 Error!
485 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceHarvesting of Direct Seeded Rice during 2019 Error!
486 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceDrip irrigation in vegetable 2019-20 Error!
487 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceDrip irrigation in vegetable 2019-20 Error!
488 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceFarmers taking Area Specific Mineral Mixture for their animals 2019-20 Error!
489 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceBlack gram crop under rainfed upland conditions of Jharkhand Error!
490 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceThreshing of harvested black gram by the farmers Error!
491 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceBlackgram crop in rainfed uplands of Jharkhand Error!
492 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionNatural Resource ManagementTechnology demonstration on Gravity fed Drum kit drip irrigation Error!
493 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionNatural Resource ManagementTechnology demonstration on Gravity fed Drum kit drip irrigation Error!
494 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionEventsFarmerFarmers training programme Error!
495 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionOthers ActivitiesothersNews paper coverage on Animal Health Camp held under the FFP Error!
496 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionNatural Resource ManagementTechnology demonstration on cultivation of vegetables in Rice fallow under eastern plateau and hills Error!
497 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionOthers ActivitiesothersContent mobilization through Facebook Error!
498 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionEventsFarm WomenSmt Alvina Ekka, adopted farmer under the FPP Awarded with Utkrist Krishi Karya by Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India Error!
499 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionNatural Resource ManagementTechnology demonstration on vegetable cultivation with drip irrigation and mulching Error!
500 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionEventsFarm WomenAwareness programme on DSR at Pindarkom and Tetri villages 2019-20 Error!
501 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionNatural Resource ManagementCultivation of Mustard in Rice Fallow Error!
502 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedShri Mahavir Lakra and his wife, Mushroom Grower, Village Malti Error!
503 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceHigh density orcharding of papaya Error!
504 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceBlack Bengal Buck Error!
505 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionNatural Resource ManagementCultivation of vegtables in Rice fallow Error!
506 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceKid of Black Bengal Buck Error!
507 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionAgriculture SciencePerformance of wheat in Rice Fallow Error!
508 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionEventsFarmerKharif awareness programme was held at Tetri Error!
509 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionEventsFarmerHands on training on value addition Error!
510 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedOyster mushroom cultivation Error!
511 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionEventsFarmerAnimal Health Camp, Pindarkom Error!
512 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionEventsFarmerAnimal Health Camp, Malti Error!
513 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceTechnology demonstration on Location specific mineral mixture Error!
514 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceTechnology demonstration on Endo parasite control in animals Error!
515 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionInterventionNatural Resource ManagementTechnology demonstration on vegetable cultivation with drip irrigation and mulching Error!
516 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionEventsFarm WomenTraining programme on oyster mushroom cultivation Error!
517 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDemonstration of Agricultural Equipments Error!
518 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDemonstration of Agricultural Equipments Error!
519 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDemonstration of Agricultural Equipments Error!
520 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDemonstration of Agricultural Equipments Error!
521 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDemonstration of Agricultural Equipments Error!
522 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration on cultivation of cole crops Error!
523 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstration on 'Cultivation of Cole Crops' Error!
524 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersHorticulture Demonstration on 'Cultivation of Cole Crops' Error!
525 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration on Line sowing and transplanting of cole crops with recommended nursery management practices Error!
526 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration on ‘Cultivation of Cole Crops’ Error!
527 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration on ‘Cultivation of Cole Crops’ Error!
528 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDemonstration cum Input distribution on ‘Cultivation of Cole Crops’ Error!
529 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerAnimal Health Camp and Door-to-door vaccination and deworming of pigs Error!
530 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerAnimal Health Camp and Door-to-door vaccination and deworming of pigs Error!
531 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerAnimal Health Camp and Door-to-door vaccination and deworming of pigs Error!
532 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerAnimal Health Camp and Door-to-door vaccination and deworming of pigs Error!
533 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerAnimal Health Camp and Door-to-door vaccination and deworming of pigs Error!
534 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerAnimal Health Camp and Door-to-door vaccination and deworming of pigs Error!
535 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerAnimal Health Camp and Door-to-door vaccination and deworming of pigs Error!
536 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerAnimal Health Camp and Door-to-door vaccination and deworming of pigs Error!
537 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerAnimal Health Camp and Door-to-door vaccination and deworming of pigs Error!
538 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionMechanization and MarketingFFP Custom Hiring Centre, Lalumpam, Marngar, Ri-bhoi District, Meghalaya Error!
539 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionMechanization and MarketingFFP Custom Hiring Centre, Lalumpam, Marngar, Ri-bhoi District, Meghalaya Error!
540 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionMechanization and MarketingFFP Custom Hiring Centre, Lalumpam, Marngar, Ri-bhoi District, Meghalaya Error!
541 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionMechanization and MarketingFFP Custom Hiring Centre, Lalumpam, Marngar, Ri-bhoi District, Meghalaya Error!
542 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionMechanization and MarketingFFP Custom Hiring Centre, Lalumpam, Marngar, Ri-bhoi District, Meghalaya Error!
543 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionMechanization and MarketingFFP Custom Hiring Centre, Lalumpam, Marngar, Ri-bhoi District, Meghalaya Error!
544 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionMechanization and MarketingFFP Custom Hiring Centre, Lalumpam, Marngar, Ri-bhoi District, Meghalaya Error!
545 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionMechanization and MarketingFFP Custom Hiring Centre, Lalumpam, Marngar, Ri-bhoi District, Meghalaya Error!
546 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerTraining on "Operation and maintenance of improved farm machinery, 12th-14th March, 2018 Error!
547 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedOn-farm demonstration of low cost mushroom house and oyster mushroom cultivation. Village: Borkhatsari Name of farmer: Mrinal Sohkhwai Error!
548 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedOn-farm demonstration of low cost mushroom house and oyster mushroom cultivation. Village: Borkhatsari Name of farmer: Mrinal Sohkhwai Error!
549 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedOn-farm demonstration of low cost mushroom house and oyster mushroom cultivation. Village: Borkhatsari Name of farmer: Mrinal Sohkhwai Error!
550 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedInnovation to grow mushroom in plastic buckets Village: Borkhatsari Name of farmer: Mrinal Sohkhwai Error!
551 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedOn-farm demonstration of low cost mushroom house and oyster mushroom cultivation. Village: Borkhatsari Name of farmer: Mrinal Sohkhwai Error!
552 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of Vanaraja/Kuroiler/Srinidhi breed of poultry birds to beneficiaries (Umtham and Mawphrew villages) under FFP Error!
553 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of Vanaraja/Kuroiler/Srinidhi breed of poultry birds to beneficiaries under FFP. (Village-Mawtnum) Error!
554 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of Vanaraja/Kuroiler/Srinidhi breed of poultry birds to beneficiaries under FFP. (Village-Purangang) Error!
555 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of Vanaraja/Kuroiler/Srinidhi breed of poultry birds to beneficiaries under FFP. (Village-Lalumpam) Error!
556 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of poultry feed to beneficiaries under FFP. Error!
557 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of Backyard poultry rearing with improved breeds Error!
558 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of Backyard poultry rearing with improved breeds Error!
559 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of Backyard poultry rearing with improved breeds Error!
560 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of Backyard poultry rearing with improved breeds Error!
561 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of Backyard poultry rearing with improved breeds Error!
562 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of Backyard poultry rearing with improved breeds Error!
563 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of Backyard poultry rearing with improved breeds Error!
564 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of Backyard poultry rearing with improved breeds Error!
565 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of low cost poultry house made of locally available materials Error!
566 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of low cost poultry house made of locally available materials Error!
567 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceEgg production Error!
568 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceEgg production Error!
569 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceEgg production Error!
570 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceMonitoring and Weighing of distributed poultry birds Error!
571 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceMonitoring and Weighing of distributed poultry birds Error!
572 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceMonitoring and Weighing of distributed poultry birds Error!
573 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceRaised and sunken bed method of Rabi vegetable cultivation Error!
574 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceRaised and sunken bed method of Rabi vegetable cultivation Error!
575 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceRaised and sunken bed method of Rabi vegetable cultivation Error!
576 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceRaised and sunken bed method of Rabi vegetable cultivation Error!
577 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceRaised and sunken bed method of Rabi vegetable cultivation Error!
578 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceRaised and sunken bed method of Rabi vegetable cultivation Error!
579 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceRaised and sunken bed method of Rabi vegetable cultivation Error!
580 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceRaised and sunken bed method of Rabi vegetable cultivation Error!
581 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine transplanting of local rice variety with recommended spacing Error!
582 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine transplanting of local rice variety with recommended spacing Error!
583 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine transplanting of local rice variety with recommended spacing Error!
584 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine transplanting of local rice variety with recommended spacing Error!
585 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine transplanting of local rice variety with recommended spacing Error!
586 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine transplanting of local rice variety with recommended spacing Error!
587 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine transplanting of local rice variety with recommended spacing Error!
588 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine transplanting of local rice variety with recommended spacing Error!
589 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine transplanting of local rice variety with recommended spacing Error!
590 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersRelease of technical bulletin - "Organic Ginger Cultivation in North Eastern Region" under FFP Error!
591 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersRelease of technical bulletin of Organic Ginger Cultivation in Khasi language- "Ka Jingrep Sying Ha Ryngkat Ki Bor Mariang Haki Thain Shatei Lam Mihngi" Error!
592 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerInnovative farmer award received by Mr. Midot M. Binong, Purangang village, Ri-Bhoi,Meghalaya, during Krishi Unnati Mela held at IARI New Delhi, 2017 Error!
593 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerInnovative farmer award received by Mr. Midot M. Binong, Purangang village, Ri-Bhoi,Meghalaya, during Krishi Unnati Mela held at IARI New Delhi, 2017 Error!
594 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerInnovative farmer award received by Mr. Jiten Sohkhwwai, Nalapara village, Ri-Bhoi,Meghalaya, during Krishi Unnati Mela held at IARI New Delhi, 2018 Error!
595 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerInnovative farmer award received by Mr. Jiten Sohkhwwai, Nalapara village, Ri-Bhoi,Meghalaya, during Krishi Unnati Mela held at IARI New Delhi, 2018 Error!
596 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerPoultry chicks (Vanaraja) distributed to farmers of Nalapara and Borkhatsari villages under FFP during Covid-19 pandemic Error!
597 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerPoultry chicks (Vanaraja) distributed to farmers of Nalapara and Borkhatsai villages under FFP during Covid-19 pandemic Error!
598 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerPoultry chicks (Vanaraja) distributed to farmers of Nalapara and Borkhatsai villages under FFP during Covid-19 pandemic Error!
599 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerPromotion of second crop cultivation in rice fallow in Sarikuchi village Error!
600 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersInnovative Farmer Award-2020 Error!
601 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceInnovative Farmer Award-2020Artificial Insemination in pig Error!
602 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersPig Breeding unit of Mrinal Sohkhwai, Borkhatsari village, Ri Bhoi, Meghalaya Error!
603 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersTreatment in pig done by Mrinal Sohkhwai, Borkhatsari village, Ri Bhoi, Meghalaya Error!
604 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersIFS, Umtham village, Ri Bhoi, Meghalaya Error!
605 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersIFS of Raja Majhong, Joigang village, Ri Bhoi, Meghalaya Error!
606 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerJulang Sylliang poultry house Error!
607 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerJulang Sylliang garlic nursery bed Error!
608 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerJulang Sylliang garlic nursery bed Error!
609 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerVisit to M. Raja IFS Error!
610 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerVisit to M. Raja IFS (Piggery unit) Error!
611 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerJulang Sylliang covered his seedlings with banana leaves to protect them from scorching sunlight Error!
612 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerMr. Mrinal Sohkhwai awarded Innovative Farmer Award 2020 by NAARM Error!
613 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmer Poultry shed of bah Robert, FFP beneficiary from Mawtnum Error!
614 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmer Poultry shed of bah Robert, FFP beneficiary from Mawtnum Error!
615 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDistribution of vegetable seeds at Sarikhusi village for promotion of second crop cultivation on rice fallow Error!
616 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDistribution of vegetable seeds at Umtham village for promotion of second crop cultivation on rice fallow Error!
617 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDistribution of vegetable seeds at Mawtnum village for promotion of second crop cultivation on rice fallow Error!
618 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDistribution of poultry birds at Mawtnum village Error!
619 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerShambor Nongkling poultry shed, Mawtnum village Error!
620 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerNursery raising of capsicum , Mawtnum village Error!
621 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerOnline training on Sandalwood farming and management of its health Error!
622 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerOnline training on Sandalwood farming and management of its health Error!
623 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerGroundnut cultivation at Dominick Syiem's farm Error!
624 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerGroundnut cultivation at Vikash Lyngdoh's farm Error!
625 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedDistribution of mushroom spawn at Mawtnum village, Ri-Bhoi District Error!
626 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedJohn Majhong newly constructed mushroom house. He was provided with mushroom spawn to help his start-up. Error!
627 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom cultivation by Ferdinand Barka, Purangang village, Ri-Bhoi District Error!
628 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedFirst harvest of oyster mushroom at Ferdinand Barka's, Purangang village, Ri-Bhoi District Error!
629 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedWeighing first harvest of oyster mushroom at Ferdinand Barka's, Purangang village, Ri-Bhoi District Error!
630 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedCultivation of oyster mushroom 1402 & Florida Error!
631 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerMonitoring of dairy farming Error!
632 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDistribution of vegetable seeds for promotion of second cropping on rice and maize fallow at Lalumpam Error!
633 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceGuava Cultivation under Orchard Development, Farmer name: Michael Binong Error!
634 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceKhasi mandarin Cultivation under Orchard Development, Farmer name: Elvis Syiem Error!
635 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceArecanut Cultivation on hill slopes, Farmer name: Augustine Makri Error!
636 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceBlack pepper cultivation, Farmer name: Jiten Sohkhwai Error!
637 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDistribution of spice seeds at Sarikhusi village Error!
638 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDistribution of spice seeds at Mawtnum village Error!
639 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDistribution of fish fingerlings for promotion of Scientific fish culture in Marngar Error!
640 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerIFS Pond under fish harvesting operation Error!
641 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerFishes ready for sale from farmer's pond Error!
642 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDemonstration of farm implement use Error!
643 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDistribution of farm implements to beneficiaries Error!
644 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerLocally available ingredients used in pig feed Error!
645 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerMushroom spawn beneficiary, Borkhatsari village Error!
646 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmeruse of rice brewery waste in pig feed Error!
647 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerVanaraja chicks distributed in Umtham village Error!
648 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDistribution of bee box, Purangang village Error!
649 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDistribution of bee box, Purangang village Error!
650 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerFarmer use banana in pig feed Error!
651 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerMonitoring, Nalapara village Error!
652 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerMushroom spawn beneficiary, Purangang village Error!
653 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerPig feed Error!
654 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerPlastic bucket used to prevent bee box from termites Error!
655 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerPoultry beneficiary in Mawtnum village Error!
656 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerPoultry chicks distributed in Mawtnum village Error!
657 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerVanaraja chicks distributed in Mawtnum village Error!
658 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerVanaraja chicks distributed in Umtham village Error!
659 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerMonitoring in Borkhatsari village Error!
660 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmer1. Innovative Farmer Award-2020, Mrinal Sohkhwai, Borkhatsari village ICAR- NAARM, Hyderabad Error!
661 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerInnovative Farmer Award-2020, Mrinal Sohkhwai, Borkhatsari village ICAR- NAARM, Hyderabad Error!
662 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerInput distribution programme 07.12.2021 Error!
663 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerFarm tools distribution programme 23rd Oct 2021 Error!
664 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerFarm tools distribution programme 23rd Oct 2021 Error!
665 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerFarm tools distribution programme 23rd Oct 2021 Error!
666 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerFarm tools distribution programme 23rd Oct 2021 Error!
667 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerEr. Naseeb Singh demonstrated on handling paddy thresher Error!
668 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDemonsatration of paddy thresher at Lalumpam village, Marngar on 20.11.2021 Error!
669 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerFarmers taking part during demonstration programme at Lalumpam village, Marngar on 20.11.2021 Error!
670 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerInput distribution programme 07.12.2021 Error!
671 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of poultry birds at Purangang village, Marngar on 20.04.2022 Error!
672 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of poultry birds at Mawtnum village, Marngar on 20.04.2022 Error!
673 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsUnemployed YouthFarmer field School on Agri-preneurship development (25th May to 1st July 2022) Error!
674 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsUnemployed YouthField visits under the Farmer field School May to 1st July 2022) Error!
675 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsUnemployed YouthTehcnical sessions under Farmer field School May to 1st July 2022) Error!
676 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerFarmers interaction 2. 11.2021 at Lalumpam village Error!
677 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerMr. K. Biam interacting with the farmers at Lalumpam village on 2.11.2021 Error!
678 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerFarmers' Day Celebration, 23rd Dec, 2021 Error!
679 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerFarmers' Day Celebration, 23rd Dec, 2021 Error!
680 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersTraining on Mushroom spawn production and entrepreneurship development Error!
681 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersTraining on mushroom spawn production and entrepreneurship development Error!
682 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerInput distribution programme for establishment of spawn production unit at Purangang village 23.02.2022 Error!
683 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerTraining programme on repair and maintenance of farm machineries at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam, 17th-19th Feb, 2022 Error!
684 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerTraining programme on repair and maintenance of farm machineries at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam, 17th-19th Feb, 2022 Error!
685 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceDistribution of vegetable seeds at Nongagang village 24.04.2021 Error!
686 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersField visit at Sarikhusi. Beneficiary Mr. Dominic alongside Dr. Pampi Paul and Dr. C. Gowda Error!
687 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersField visit at Nalapara on 02.09.2021. In frame Mrs Savialin selling duck eggs Error!
688 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersField visit at Nalapara on 02.09.2021. Mr. M. Raja alongside Dr Pampi Paul and Dr. C. Gowda Error!
689 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the working condition of jalkund at Sarikhusi village on 23.09.2021. Error!
690 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the working condition of jalkund at Borkhatsari village on 23.09.2021. Error!
691 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerFarmers from Marngar attended programme on Mushroom day (23.12.2020) held at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam Error!
692 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerFarmers from Marngar attended programme on Mushroom day (23.12.2020) held at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam Error!
693 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerFarmers from Marngar attended programme on Mushroom day (23.12.2020) held at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam Error!
694 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerFarmers from Marngar attended programme on Mushroom day (23.12.2020) held at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam Error!
695 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceCultivation of cole crops at Nalapara village Error!
696 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceCultivation of cole crops at Nalapara village Error!
697 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceCultivation of cole crops at Nalapara village Error!
698 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceNursery raising of cole crops at Mawphrew village Error!
699 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerAnimal Health Camp, Sarikhusi village, Marngar cluster on 9th March 2021 Error!
700 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerAnimal Health Camp, Sarikhusi village, Marngar cluster on 9th March 2021 Error!
701 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerAnimal Health Camp, Sarikhusi village, Marngar cluster on 9th March 2021 Error!
702 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerAnimal Health Camp, Sarikhusi village, Marngar cluster on 9th March 2021 Error!
703 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersFish fingerlings distributed to the farmers on 9th March 2021 Error!
704 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerInauguration of custom hiring centre at Purangang village, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi District Error!
705 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerInauguration of custom hiring centre at Purangang village, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi District Error!
706 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDr. V.K. Mishra, Director, ICAR RC NEH, Umiam visit to Purangang village, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi District Error!
707 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDr. V.K. Mishra, Director, ICAR RC NEH, Umiam visit to Purangang village, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi District Error!
708 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDr. V.K. Mishra, Director, ICAR RC NEH, Umiam visit to Purangang village, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi District Error!
709 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDr. V.K. Mishra, Director, ICAR RC NEH, Umiam field visited IFS model at Nalapara village, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi District Error!
710 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerDr. V.K. Mishra, Director, ICAR RC NEH, Umiam field visited IFS model at Nalapara village, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi District Error!
711 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceBroccoli field at Nalapara village Error!
712 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable field at Borkhatsari village Error!
713 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceLettuce field at Borkhatsari village Error!
714 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceGrowing of spices at Sarikhusi village Error!
715 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable field at Lalumpam village Error!
716 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable field at Mawphrew village Error!
717 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable field at Mawphrew village Error!
718 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable field at Borgang village Error!
719 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable field at Borgang village Error!
720 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable field at Lalumpam village Error!
721 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom cultivation at Nalapara village Error!
722 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceEgg production at Lalumpam village Error!
723 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceEgg production at Nalapara village Error!
724 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom cultivation at Mawphrew village Error!
725 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom cultivation at Mawtnum village Error!
726 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom cultivation at Mawtnum village Error!
727 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerTraining cum fish seed distribution programme on 'Scientific fish farming' Error!
728 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerTraining cum fish seed distribution programme on 'Scientific fish farming' Error!
729 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemDistribution of ducklings(Indian Runner) at Joigang, Marngar Error!
730 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemDistribution of ducklings(Indian Runner) at Joigang, Marngar Error!
731 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of poultry at Mawtnum, Ri-Bhoi District Error!
732 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of poultry at Lalumpam,Marngar Ri-Bhoi District Error!
733 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerThree days training programme on Group Approaches: A means for enabling income of small land holders at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam Error!
734 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerThree days training programme on Group Approaches: A means for enabling income of small land holders at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam Error!
735 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerTraining on Mushroom spawn production for women empowerment 22-24th March, 2021 at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam Error!
736 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerTraining on Mushroom spawn production for women empowerment at ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam Error!
737 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceInputs (Poultry chicks) distribution programme at Purangang village, 29th September 2022 Error!
738 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerAwareness programme on Jalkund at Mawphrew village, Marngar, Ri Bhoi district, Meghalaya (18th November 2022) Error!
739 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerWorkshop on livelihood improvement for farmers through advanced agricultural technology (31st March, 2023) Error!
740 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionOthers ActivitiesothersInputs distribution at Nongagang village, Marngar, Ri Bhoi District, Meghalaya (31st March, 2023) Error!
741 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceInputs ditribution (fingerlings) at Purangang village, Marngar, Ri Bhoi, Meghalaya. (6th September, 2022) Error!
742 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry chick distribution Programme at Purangang Village under the Farmer FIRST Project, 29th September, 2022 Error!
743 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration cum Input Distribution on ‘Scientific Cultivation of Lemon (Citrus limon) Burm and pineaaple (Ananas comosus) at Mawtnum village, Ri Bhoi district, Meghalaya, 11th October 2022 Error!
744 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceHands-on demonstration on the Promotion of Double Cropping through Scientific Cultivation of Rabi Crops at at Borgang village, Ri-Bhoi District, Meghalaya, 11th November 2022. Error!
745 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerResearch-Extension-Farmer Interface Meeting at Borgang village held on 1st June 2023 Error!
746 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration and Popularization of Scientific Fish Farming at Marngar Village Error!
747 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration cum input distribution program a scientific package of practices for broccoli to promote sustainable intensification of rice-fallow 20-12-2023 Error!
748 ICAR Research Complex for NEH RegionEventsFarmerLaunching of Farmers First Programme and inauguration of custom hiring center at Mawsiatkhnam Village, East on Khasi Hill on 3/9/2024 Error!
749 ICAR Indian Institute of Vegetable ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRupkala and her three sisters of Dhanapur village cultivated Kashi Rajhans in 0.0625 acre area and got yield of 1.5 q with earning of ? 66,000 Error!
750 ICAR Indian Institute of Vegetable ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersVijay Bahadur of Paniyara village used to follow rice -wheat cropping system. The productivity of his land was going down. It was recommended by the Farmer FIRST team of ICAR-IIVR to incorporate pea in between rice and wheat. In the year 2019, he cultivated pea var. Kashi Nandini in 0.3125 acre area which produced 4.2 Q yield and earned Rs. 12960/- from 65 days pea crop. Error!
751 ICAR Indian Institute of Vegetable ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersJagdish Singh of Dhanapur village is a small farmer. He has a small piece of land in upland area. He cultivated Spinach var. All Green in summer 2019 in an area of 0.156 acre and produced yield of 23 Q earned Rs. 16000/- as cash crop. Error!
752 ICAR Indian Institute of Vegetable ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersAnand Patel of Rajapur village used to grow cabbage in large scale. But quality of his product was going down. Scientists of ICAR-IIVR identified the problem of micronutrient deficiency in his land and suggested applying Borax@ 15 kg/ ha and Ammonium molybdate @ 2.0 kg/ha to mitigate boron and molybdenum deficiency accordingly. As a result, he obtained bumper yield of 39 Q from 0.218 acre of land and earned Rs. 32000/- in April 2019. Error!
753 ICAR Indian Institute of Vegetable ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPrem Kumar of Dhanapur village was very much worried about leaf curl disease of tomato. He was spending lot for spraying chemicals to control leaf curl disease. He was suggested to grow leaf curl resistant tomato var. Kashi Aman. In the year 2019 he cultivated Kashi Aman in 0.0625 acre area of his kitchen garden and got yield of 6.0 Q, earning Rs. 7500/- and was very happy with the performance of the variety. Error!
754 ICAR Indian Institute of Vegetable ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersKanta Patel of Nakkupur village (Not adopted under Farmer FIRST project) came to know about Kashi Aman variety of tomato as a result of whisper campaigning about leaf curl resistance. He approached ICAR-IIVR and purchased the seed of Kashi Aman. He planted the variety in 0.1290 acre area and obtained yield of 18 Q with earning Rs. 12600/- Error!
755 ICAR Indian Institute of Vegetable ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersAsha Devi of Dhanapur village was interested to grow early cucumber for better market price. Under Farmer FIRST project cucumber hyb. Malini was procured and made available to her. She cultivated the hybrid in 0.375 acre land and got yield of 60 Q, earning Rs. 62000/- in the year 2018. Error!
756 ICAR Indian Institute of Vegetable ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersKeeping in mind the nutritional security of small and marginal farmers, community basis moringa plantation and awareness campaign was organised at Paniyara village in July 2019 under Farmer FIRST project. Around 5000 saplings of moringa var. PKM-1 was distributed among the farmers and an awareness camp was organised to sensitize the farmers about the miracle plant moringa. Error!
757 ICAR Indian Institute of Vegetable ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstration of TLCV resistant advance line VRT 1112 and VRT 0118 was conducted in the adopted village of Farmer FIRST project with direct supervision of tomato breeder. Error!
758 ICAR Indian Institute of Vegetable ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersAnil Singh of Paniyara village cultivated pea var. Kashi Nandini in one-acre area which produced 12 q yield and earned ? 23,700 from 65 days pea crop Error!
759 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculEventsFarmerexposure viist to CRIDA farm Error!
760 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculInterventionNatural Resource ManagementConservation furrows in pigeonpea crop Error!
761 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculEventsFarmer Farmer- Scientist interaction Error!
762 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculInterventionMechanization and MarketingNine row planter Error!
763 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculInterventionNatural Resource ManagementConstruction of gabion structures Error!
764 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculInterventionMechanization and MarketingSowing with Nine row planter Error!
765 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculEventsFarmerFarmer Scientist Interaction Error!
766 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculEventsFarmerFarmers visit Seed Mela Error!
767 ICAR CAZRIEventsFarmerExposure Visit cum Farmers Scientist Interaction at ICAR-CAZRI on 9.2.2017 Error!
768 ICAR CAZRIEventsFarmerExposure Visit cum Farmers Scientist Interaction at ICAR-CAZRI on 9.2.2017 Error!
769 ICAR CAZRIInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemIFS- Vermicomposting unit at farmer field Error!
770 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal health camp at Popawas on 25.02.2019. 1 Error!
771 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal health camp at Popawas on 25.02.2019. 2 Error!
772 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved cluster bean cultivation 2019 Error!
773 ICAR CAZRIInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable intervention of kachra in 2019. 1 Error!
774 ICAR CAZRIInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable intervention of kachra in 2019. 2 Error!
775 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved moth bean cultivation 2019 Error!
776 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved mung bean cultivation 2019 Error!
777 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved pearl millet cultivation 2019. MPMH-17. Error!
778 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved pearl millet cultivation 2019. MPMH-17. Error!
779 ICAR CAZRIEventsFarmerFarmers Scientist Interaction at Project Site Popawas village on 2019 Error!
780 ICAR CAZRIOthers ActivitiesothersProject team visit at IFS Unit under FFF site Error!
781 ICAR CAZRIInterventionHorticulture ScienceKheera nursery under-protected condition at farmer fields during-2019 Error!
782 ICAR CAZRIInterventionHorticulture ScienceKheera nursery under-protected condition at farmer fields during-2019 Error!
783 ICAR CAZRIInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleKumath gum production injunction Error!
784 ICAR CAZRIInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleKumath gum production injunction Error!
785 ICAR CAZRIInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleKumath gum production injunction Error!
786 ICAR CAZRIInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleKumath gum production injunction Error!
787 ICAR CAZRIEventsFarmerScientific Mushroom Production Training 15-16.10.2019 Error!
788 ICAR CAZRIInterventionEnterprise BasedScientific Mushroom Production 2019 Error!
789 ICAR CAZRIInterventionEnterprise BasedScientific Mushroom Production 2019 Error!
790 ICAR CAZRIInterventionNatural Resource Management Farmers Participatory Mode Rain Water harvesting Structure (Tanka) Construction for arid fruit Error!
791 ICAR CAZRIInterventionNatural Resource Management Farmers Participatory Mode Rain Water harvesting Structure (Tanka) Construction for arid fruit Error!
792 ICAR CAZRIInterventionNatural Resource ManagementAnimal feed Solar Cooker. for cooking animal feed Error!
793 ICAR CAZRIInterventionNatural Resource ManagementAnimal feed Solar Cooker. for cooking animal feed Error!
794 ICAR CAZRIInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable intervention of tinda in 2019 Error!
795 ICAR CAZRIInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable intervention of tinda in 2019 Error!
796 ICAR CAZRIInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable intervention of tinda in 2019 Error!
797 ICAR CAZRIEventsFarmerTraining on scientific cultivation of Kharif crops 2019 Error!
798 ICAR CAZRIOthers ActivitiesothersADG V.P. Chahal Visit at Farmer FIRST Project Site 12.02.2020 Error!
799 ICAR CAZRIInterventionHorticulture ScienceBer variety Gola planted in 2017 Error!
800 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved cluster bean cultivation 2020 Error!
801 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved moth bean cultivation 2020 Error!
802 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved mung bean cultivation 2020 Error!
803 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved pearl millet cultivation 2020 Error!
804 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved cultivation of cumin GC-4 2020 Error!
805 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved cultivation of cumin GC-4 2020 Error!
806 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved cultivation of cumin GC-4 2020 Error!
807 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved cultivation of Gram 2020 Error!
808 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved cultivation of Gram 2020-21 Error!
809 ICAR CAZRIInterventionHorticulture ScienceBer variety Gola planted in 2017 Error!
810 ICAR CAZRIInterventionHorticulture ScienceBer variety Gola planted in 2017 Error!
811 ICAR CAZRIInterventionHorticulture ScienceBer variety Gola planted in 2017 Error!
812 ICAR CAZRIInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable intervention of chili in 2017 Error!
813 ICAR CAZRIInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable intervention of chili in 2017 Error!
814 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved moth bean cultivation 2017 Error!
815 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved mung bean cultivation 2017 Error!
816 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved pearlmillet cultivation 2017 Error!
817 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved cumin production 2017-18 Error!
818 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved gram cultivation 2017-18 Error!
819 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved wheat cultivation 2017-18 Error!
820 ICAR CAZRIEventsFarmerExposure Visit cum Farmers Scientist Interaction at ICAR-CAZRI on 23.09.2017 Error!
821 ICAR CAZRIInterventionHorticulture ScienceGrafted Gunda planted in 2017 Error!
822 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAgriculture ScienceImproved wheat cultivation 2018-19 Error!
823 ICAR CAZRIEventsFarmerConference on FFSCWR-2018 at Anand Agriculture University Gujrat Error!
824 ICAR CAZRIEventsFarmerExposure Visit cum Farmers Scientist Interaction at ICAR-CAZRI on 2018 Error!
825 ICAR CAZRIOthers ActivitiesothersMitting of Farmer Club Ghantiyala Village Error!
826 ICAR CAZRIEventsFarmerInauguration cum Awareness Workshop at Popawash Punchayat of FFP 1 Error!
827 ICAR CAZRIEventsFarmerInauguration cum Awareness Workshop at Popawash Punchayat of FFP 2 Error!
828 ICAR CAZRIEventsFarmerInauguration cum Awareness Workshop at Popawash Punchayat of FFP 3 Error!
829 ICAR CAZRIEventsFarmerInauguration cum Awareness Workshop at Popawash Punchayat of FFP 4 Error!
830 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAnimal ScienceSupplementation to bovine with Multi-Nutrient Feed Blocks for enhancing milk production Error!
831 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAnimal ScienceSheep Breed Improvement Orientation Programme (Marwari Breed) 1 Error!
832 ICAR CAZRIInterventionAnimal ScienceSheep Breed Improvement Orientation Programme (Marwari Breed Progeny) 2 Error!
833 ICAR CAZRIInterventionNatural Resource ManagementSoil Sampling of popawas Punchayat 1 Error!
834 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerWorkshop cum farmers-scientists interface Error!
835 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerWorkshop cum farmers-scientists interface Error!
836 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerInnovative Farmer of Farmer FIRST(ICAR-CIFA) awarded by ICAR-NAARM Hyderabad on 01.09.2022. Error!
837 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionAnimal ScienceStocking of Fish fingerlings in Community pond of beneficiaries of Siddha kutila village on 06.09.2022 Error!
838 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionAnimal ScienceStocking of Fish fingerlings in individual pond of beneficiary of Purohitpur village on 14.09.2022. Error!
839 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of latest tech named IFFCO Nano Urea in Paddy fields on 27.09.2022 Error!
840 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerScientists-Farmers Interface held at Purohitpur village on 19.10.2022 Error!
841 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of ICAR-NAARM Officials to farmer's field under FFP on 08.03.2022 Error!
842 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerVisit of Dr. K.S. Das, Principal Scientist, ICAR-ATARI Kolkata to FFP Adopted Villages on 12.01.2023 Error!
843 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureOthers ActivitiesothersHarvesting of Marketable size fish on 17.02.2023 Error!
844 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerAwareness cum training programme on Scientific fish farming at Siddha Kutila village on 24.02.2023 Error!
845 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerReview Workshop-cum-Monitoring Field Visit of Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP) under ICAR-ATARI Kolkata conducted at ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar from 21-22 March 2023 Error!
846 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerFarmers Scientists Interface at Barijangha village on 05.04.2023 Error!
847 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionAnimal ScienceFish sampling at Anthuari Village on 03.01.2023 Error!
848 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerFarmer- Scientist Interface held at Subarnapur, Gop on 17.03.2023 Error!
849 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionAnimal ScienceBackyard Poultry rearing by SC women Error!
850 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionHorticulture ScienceHarvesting of IIHR Variety French Bean., Arka Komal Error!
851 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionAnimal ScienceSampling of Fish at Alloi village on 12.07.2023 Error!
852 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionAnimal SciencePartial Harvesting of Fish species by Women SHGs at Alloi village on 12.07.2023 Error!
853 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerInauguration of Aqua Chaupal and Farmer-scientist Interface at Sarakana village on 28.07.2023 Error!
854 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerInauguration of Aqua Chaupal at Sarakana Village on 28.07.2023 Error!
855 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionAnimal ScienceHarvesting of IMC at Barijangha village on 15.08.2023 Error!
856 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerScientists-Farmers Interface held at Sarakana village on 18.11.2022 Error!
857 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerScientists-Farmers Interface held at Anthuari village on 25.11.2022 Error!
858 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsOthersInstitute Advisory Committee meeting held on 30th November 2022 Error!
859 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionAnimal ScienceLiming of pond Error!
860 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureOthers ActivitiesothersCollection of data from the beneficiaries Error!
861 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionAnimal ScienceStocking of Fingerlings of Minor carps in backyard ponds of beneficiaries Error!
862 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionAnimal ScienceStocking of minor carp in backyard pond Error!
863 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionHorticulture ScienceLate Variety of Cauliflower (Var. Fujiyama) Error!
864 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionHorticulture ScienceLate variety of cauliflower (Var. Fujiyama) Error!
865 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsOthersLaunching of Farmer FIRST Project Error!
866 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionHorticulture ScienceCapsicum Var. Indra inter-cropped with maize Error!
867 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionHorticulture ScienceCapsicum Var. Indra Error!
868 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Dr. V. P. Chahal, ADG Error!
869 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionHorticulture ScienceLate variety of Cauliflower Var. Fujiyama Error!
870 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionAgriculture ScienceHarvesting of Paddy Error!
871 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsOthersInstitute Advisory Committee Meeting held on 28th Oct 2017 Error!
872 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsOthersSite Planning and Monitoring Group Meeting held on 28th Oct 2017 Error!
873 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsOthersRelease of booklet developed by ICAR-CIFA at National PMC meeting held in Dehradun Error!
874 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerVisit of Dr. K. S. Das, Principal Scientist, ICAR-ATARI, kolkata Error!
875 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerJai Kisan Jai Vigyan Week Celebration Error!
876 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry rearing by women beneficiaries Error!
877 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry rearing as an component of Integrated Farming System Error!
878 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerFarmer-Scientist Interface Error!
879 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerFarmer-Scientist Interface Error!
880 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerFarmer-Scientist Interface Error!
882 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerFarmer-Scientist Interaction Error!
883 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerField visit and water quality assessment Error!
884 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerVisit of Dr. V. P. Chahal, ADG (Ag. Extension), New Delhi to Jagannathpur village Error!
885 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemFish Based Integrated Farming System Error!
886 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerAn episode of Chaupal Charcha, DD Kisan prepared on FFP, ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar Error!
887 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerTRAINING ON APICULTURE Error!
888 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerTRAINING ON APICULTURE Error!
889 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsOthersHARVESTING OF FISH FROM THE POND IN JAGANNATHPUR VILLAGE Error!
890 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsOthersAN EPISODE OF "CHAUPAL CHARCHA" BY DD KISAN ON FARMER FIRST PROJECT, ICAR-CIFA Error!
891 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureEventsFarmerFarmer-Scientist Interface meet Error!
892 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureOthers ActivitiesothersFish harvesting Error!
893 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureOthers ActivitiesothersMarketable size fish harvested Error!
894 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMeeting with Hosadurga Panchayath Chairman for selection of villages for FFP Error!
895 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMeeting with villagers of Kebbedoddi for selection of farmers for FFP Error!
896 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCollection of basic data by NDRI and NIANP team from farmers of Cheekalegowdanadoddi village Error!
897 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCollection of basic data from individual farmer by FFP project staff at Yerumgere village Error!
898 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCollection of basic information about FFP villages by MDT of scientists of ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru Error!
899 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFFP team of IIHR during PRA with Banana farmer in FFP village Error!
900 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPole beans grown with flood irrigation system Error!
901 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersUniform distribution of fully grown adults in Chandrike for cocoon formation Error!
902 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers Activitiesothers Transact walk of FFP team during PRA in one of the FFP village.JPG Error!
903 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSelection of fully grown adults to spread them in Chandrike for cocoon formation.JPG Error!
904 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSelection of fully grown adults to spread them in Chandrike for cocoon formation 1.JPG Error!
905 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers Activitiesothersawarding farm women for successful entrepreneur in dairy farming.JPG Error!
906 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersConclave of ICAR institute during an HRD programme at Yerumgere village Error!
907 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers Activitiesothersdiscussing with farm womens to conduct training programme on mushroom cultivation Error!
908 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers Activitiesothersorganised the training programme on drip irrigation in FFP cluster village Error!
909 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers Activitiesothersparticipation of farmers in training programme of drip irrigation Error!
910 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstration plot of Arka Harshita Brinjal hybrid with precision farming in farmers field. Error!
911 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersArka Bangara Marigold flowers in demo plot in FFP village ready for harvesting Error!
912 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGood quality Arka Bangara-2 variety Marigold protray produced seedlings ready for planting Error!
913 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersHarvesting of Arka Bangara Marigold flowers in FFP village Error!
914 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFarm women practicing bag filling during training on Oyster Mushroom cultivation Error!
915 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersLearning about mushroom cultivation using solar powered outdoor unit Error!
916 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersProcessed products of mushroom displayed for the benefit of trainees Error!
917 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSkill training of farm womens on cultivation of Oyster Mushroom using paddy straw Error!
918 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersBriefing the farmers on crop suitability maps to different soil types by Dr. Rajendra Hegde Error!
919 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCollection of soil sample at a profile site in FFP village Error!
920 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDigging of soil for sampling to study soil profile Error!
921 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMeasuring soil profile by the scientist of NBSS and LUP to study the soil profile Error!
922 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMeasuring soil profile by the scientist of NBSS and LUP to study the soil profile Error!
923 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersNBSS and LUP scientist collecting soil samples at different depth of soil profile Error!
924 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersNBSS and LUP scientist fine tuning the digging before recording the attributes of soil profile Error!
925 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers Activitiesothers NBSS and LUP scientist fine tuning the digging before recording the attributes of soil profile Error!
926 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersNBSS and LUP team collecting the soil sample to prepare the land suitability for different crops Error!
927 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersNBSS team and farmers at the site of digging to record the attributes of soil profile Error!
928 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersNBSS team at the site of digging to record the attributes of soil profile. Error!
929 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersNBSS team at the site of digging with necessary tools to record the attributes of soil profile Error!
930 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSelection of site to study the soil inventory in one of the FFP villages Error!
931 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersAwareness camp on balanced feeding in milch animals at Hosadurga village Error!
932 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersAwareness camp on balanced feeding in milch animals at Hosadurga village Error!
933 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersBalanced feed mixture being introduced for milch animals in FFP village 1.JPG Error!
934 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersBalanced Feed packs used for introduction in FFP villages Error!
935 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCollection of data on animal nutrition practices from farmers of Yerumgere village Error!
936 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCreating awareness about use of milking machine in clean milk production Error!
937 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstration of milking machine at Vasappanadoddi FFp village production Error!
938 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDiscussion on role of green fodder in animal nutrition Error!
939 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDistributing mineral mixture to benificiary farmers in vasappanadoddi village Error!
940 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDocumentation before introduction of critical inputs for improved animal nutrition Error!
941 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDocumentation of the critical inputs given to the farmers for improved dairy farming Error!
942 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFarm women being teaght on the skill of using milking machine at Balepura village Error!
943 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFarm women learning on use of milking machine at Vasappanadoddi village Error!
944 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFarm women learning the skill of using milking machine at Balepura village Error!
945 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers Activitiesothers Farm women learning use of milking machine at Vasappanadoddi village Error!
946 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFarm women participated in skill learning on use of milking machine at Balepura village Error!
947 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFarm women very happy to operate milking machine for CMP at Balepura village Error!
948 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers Activitiesothers Farm women very happy to operate milking machine for CMP Error!
949 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers Activitiesothers Farmers attending the training programme organized at ICAR - NDRI, Bengaluru Error!
950 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFreshly planted improved fodder variety in farmers field Error!
951 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGreen fodder demo plot in coconut orchard as inter crop Error!
952 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersHand milking on roads was a common practice before implementing FFP Error!
953 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersHands on Training on Mushroom Cultivation Error!
954 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersInspection of well grown new fodder variety Error!
955 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersInteraction with farm women of FFP villages on fodder crop at SRS, NDRI campus Error!
956 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersIntroduction of improved varieties of fodder crops.JPG Error!
957 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMilk collected and transported to MPCS using stainless steel cans only Error!
958 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersNDRI veterinarian explaining the use of bricks in supplementing minerals in milch animals Error!
959 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersOn campus training on improved fodder production techniques at ICAR -NDRI, Bengaluru Error!
960 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersOn-campus training on green fodder production at NDRI, Bengaluru Error!
961 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSkill training of farm women on milk products at SRS, NDRI Error!
962 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersTesting of fertility and health status of cow during animal health camp in FFP village Error!
963 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersTotal package of balanced feed being given to a farmer by FFP team member of ICAR-NDRI Error!
964 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersTraining of farm women on improved dairy farming practices Error!
965 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersTraining on improved varieties and production techy for fodder crops Error!
966 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersUse of milking machine for clean milk production Error!
967 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers Activitiesothers Director of ICAR-IIHR visited the Arka Rakshak plot and monitoring the demonstration field Error!
968 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers Activitiesothers Arka Rakshak demonstration plot in flowering Error!
969 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFruiting of Arka Rakshak Error!
970 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFarm women harvesting Arka Rakshak fruits during summer Error!
971 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersTraining and tieing of crop with twine thread for supporting A Rakshak crop Error!
972 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersArka Haritha chilli hybrid 20 days old crop with mulching Error!
973 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDirector & team of scientists of , ICAR-IIHR interacting with chilli farmer Error!
974 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers Activitiesothers farmer using mulch to grow vegetable crops Error!
975 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersField diagnosis of problems in chilli and guiding farmer on precision farming practices Error!
976 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGood quality, high yield is the result of disease free and healthy crop of Arka Haritha chilli Error!
977 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFruits of freshly harvested Arka Haritha chilli Error!
978 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersHappy farmer with good quality seedlings of Arka Haritha chilli hybrid before planting Error!
979 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersICAR- NBSS and LUP, Bengaluru team inspecting the INM chilli plot Error!
980 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSeedlings of tomato, marigold and Rose hybrids kept for hardening before planting Error!
981 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersTreating chilli seedlings in nursery Error!
982 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersInteraction on precision farming in chilli in demo plot Error!
983 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDisease free 1 month old Arka Sukomal (French bean) crop in farmers field Error!
984 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGood quality, high yield is the result of disease free and healthy crop of Arka Sukomal french bean. Error!
985 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPods are freshly harvested of Arka Arjun hybrid of french bean Error!
986 ICAR Indian Institute of Horticultural ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersHarvested pods of Arka Sukomal from demonstration plot Error!
987 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerPond fisheries as a major income source in continued adoption in FFP ifs gardens The successful intervention initiated in 2019 in 72 coconut homestead gardens of Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP) was continued with all conviction and confidence by more farmers as a major income source. All the participating farmers prepared the ponds for fish farming after desilting, cleaning and put up nets and borders. During the Covid period fish farmers could market fresh fish at premium price, which was in high demand and awareness on the scope of pond revival and fresh fish availability built up in the society. The willingness in continued adoption of the scientific fish farming was ably supported by providing fish fingerlings of Nile Thilapia and Anabus, with 40 % contribution from participating farmers and 60 % from FFP, to a total 52000 fish fingerlings. The initiation of the pond fisheries during 2020-21 was done on 25.6.2020 at FFP Pathiyoor observing covid 19 break the chain protocol. The first set of fingerlings was handed over by Mr. Sukumaran, President, Pathiyoor panchayath and in his inaugural speech he lauded the efforts of ICAR CPCRI FFP in evolving a socially responsible model of agriculture self sufficiency through participatory linkages and convergence. Mr. Jithin Shaju, SRF welcomed the farmers and Dr. Anithakumari. P, Principal Scientist & PI (FFP) proposed vote of thanks. The farmers are motivated with the market demand for fresh fish and the income of Rs. 34000.00 realized per unit on an average besides improvement in consumption of protein rich fish in the panchayath. FFP paved the steps for adoption of viable commercial rural units being adopted in neighboring panchayaths also. The major need expressed by the farming community is the setting up of a fingerling production unit for supporting with quality fingerlings. Error!
988 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsOthersTraining programme on business plan preparation for Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) was conducted for Directors and Promoters of Odanadu Farmer Producer Company Limited (OFPC)Reg No:UC1110KL2019PTC060976 of Farmer First Programme in which ICAR-CPCRI as the Producer Organisation Promoting Institution(POPI).The programme was conducted on 17/10/2020,Saturday from 3:00pm to 6:00 pm .The meeting was inaugurated by Mr.Premkumar,(D.G.M),NABARD,Trivandrum along with his key note address and welcome by Mr.Steffin Srampickal ,C.E.O,OFPC.The training session was handled by Ms.Reshma Ann Mathew,Research Scholar ,SYMBIOSIS,PUNE.The session drawn principles of business plan and preparation details,case study on business plan in related to coconut.After the presentation there was active discussion with D.G.M which concluded with the following points. • To improve operational and production efficiency with better processes and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). • Development of Master Farmers. • Evolving a supply chain system for marginal land holders. • Value addition for doubling income of farmers. The meeting facilitated Mr.Gopalakrishnan Pillai on his Innovative Farmer National Award,who is also a founder director of OFPC.The training programme was concluded with vote of thanks by Dr.Anithakumari.P Principal scientist,CPCRI ,Kayamkulam(RS) and facilitator (POPI). Error!
989 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersOnline entrepreneurship development series for rural youths Started on December 7th 2020.The first online training programme in the series was on “Grow bag vegetable cultivation by individuals and farmers group” with credit support from Pathiyoor Service Cooperative Bank Limited within the operational area . Pre group discussions and project details were presented to the participants and the Board of Directors agreed with the programme. As it is being the linkage programme for farmers with sub marginal land holding of less than 20 cents (0.08 ha ) for utilizing the land effectively, Farmers are also clustered for grow bag cultivation with the minimum of 500 grow bags and more. The online training programme was streamed in CPCRI Farmer FIRST facebook account in which more than 200 participants attended .The same has been uploaded in Farmer FIRST you tube channel also. Mrs Swarnavi .S – Rtd. Joint Director of Agriculture handled the session explained the various dimensions of the topic and the feedback collected from the programme was analysed well and responded Error!
990 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerBringing market to farm gate through FFP- FPO The Farmer FIRST programme of ICAR -CPCRI is in progress in participatory mode since November 2016 in Pathiyoor panchayath among 1000 farm families. Various varieties of Sesamum, Finger millet, Ginger, Turmeric, Tubers, Poultry breeds and other technologies were evaluated and prioritized based on the results of farmer participatory experimentation. The output and the outcome resulted in increased production, conversion of 370 ha of fallow land and increase in income of participating farmers and farm women. The increase in production of crops, egg, coconut products warranted procurement, marketing facilities and demand for basic inputs like planting materials, bio inputs are also on the high. Hence under the Farmer FIRST Programme, group discussions were organized and it was decided to initiate a market outlet for the famers in linkage with Odanadu Farmer Producing Company LTD was formed and being facilitated by ICAR- CPCRI. The market outlet was inaugurated on 18/12/2020 by Honorable Kayamkulam MLA Adv. U. Pratibha, Dr. Anitha Karun, Director, ICAR CPCRI offered the key note address and Dr. Kalavathi, Acting Head, ICAR CPCRI RS, Kayamkulam launched the sale of nutrient mixture Kalpa Vardhini. Mr. Premkumar T.K, DDM, NABARD, Alappuzha felicitated the function and distributed the share certificates. Dr P. Anithakumari, PS & PI (FFP) offered the welcome address and coordinated the function .The facilities presently available are knowledge corner ,demonstration units ,grow bags ,Coir pith blocks, products by FFP farmers like planting materials of tubers and spices, vermicompost, shade dried cowdung and OFPC products like Kera Probio (ICAR CPCRI bio fertilizer) , Kalpa Vardhini (ICAR CPCRI nutrient mixture for adult coconut palms) and vegetable seedlings .The meeting started by 3:30 and came to a close by 5 pm with National anthem. Error!
991 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersNational Digital Discourse Series on ‘Gender and Pandemic : Challenges and Opportunities’ in FFP Gender in agriculture and development is recognized as crucial for attaining sustainability and ensuring way forward for equitable social system. Gender challenges during pandemic needs focus and looked into for sector wise discourses, discussions and analysis to sensitize policy makers, development agencies, public, media and academics. ICAR ATARI, Benguluru, Farmer FIRST centers of ICAR CPCRI, ICAR NIANP, ICAR IIHR and ICAR CIFT, organized Digital discourse series on ‘Gender and Pandemic: Challenges and opportunities’ during August 10 – 12, 2020. Dr. A.K.Singh, Deputy Director General (Agrl. Extension) in his key note address highlighted the productive performances of agriculture during this pandemic period indicating the resilience of farming community and technologies. Mainstreaming the entire farming communities, including women farmers realizes the goal of ‘atmanirbhar krishi’ in the country. A total of 538 participants including academicians, researchers, social workers, development officials, NGOs, students registered for the discourse series from across the country. The panelists included experienced experts from ICAR, General Universities, IGNOU, and National and international NGOs and gender researchers representing various sectors. The panelists were Dr. Lipi Das, Dr. J C Jeeva, Dr. Sudha Mysuru, Dr. Sandhya Shenoy and Dr Chandre Gowda from ICAR, Ms Nalini Nayak, SEWA, Dr. Heena K Bijli, IGNOU, Dr Sahithi Divi, Impact Scientist, Dr. Indira Devi, KAU,Dr Dipa Sinha, Ambedkar University and Dr. Anita Ratnam, Samvada. The discourses were mainly on gender sensitization of technology development and transfer, vulnerability of farm women during pandemic period, consequences of reverse migration on income and nutrition, livelihood skill up-gradation, emotional and psychological stress and its effect on women, ICTs for empowering farm women, gender perspectives in Natural Resource Management, policy framework for strengthening farm women during and beyond pandemic and institutional mechanisms for supporting women in crisis management. The policy points evolved from the discourses warranted resilience and empowerment for socially inclusive, sustainable, gender neutral technologies, knowledge facilitation, emotional wellbeing, networking, access to health and leverage in equity of resources for gendered progress and contributions in science, ecology and growth. Dr. Anithakumari.P, Principal Scientist (Agrl. Extension), ICAR CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam was one of the coordinators. Error!
992 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsOthersInauguration of release of “Kalpakam- Keraprobio” under FFP –FPO MoA signed for the production of keraprobio ,the talc based nutrient mixture developed by ICAR-CPCRI and the first release of Kalpakam Keraprobio produced from the Odanadu Farmer Producer Company (OFPC) was done by Shri.Premkumar .T.K ,DDM,NABARD in the presence of Board of Director members ,ICAR CPCRI - POPI and Steffin Srampickal,CEO-FPO Error!
993 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsOthersFarmer FIRST panchayath declared as the first “ fallow free panchayath” of Alleppey district The Farmer FIRST programme is being implemented in Pathiyoor panchayath involving 1000 farm families in 1600 hectares of area during the implementation period , one of the major social intervention was consent based land consolidation , with particular emphazise on fallow land of coconut field and paddy fallows , this process envisaged participatory evaluation of high yielding varieties of tubers , spices, fodder , sesamum along with climate resilent crops like maize , finger millet ,fodder sorghum, horse gram and sunflower . An area of around 357. 5 hectares of fallow land were being cultivated since 2017 setting up of a social convergence model with MGREGS , coconut farmers , women self help groups , coconut producing societies , progressive farmers and peoples’ representatives . The entire panchayath was declared as the first fallow free panchayath of Alleppey district by Dr.T N seema, (vice - chairperson , Harithakeralam mission) on a virtual function on 25th September 2020 at 10 am .This was a unique achievement of the farmer FIRST programme setting up a model for other panchayaths also recognized at state level . Error!
994 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerFFP farmer Shri Gopalakrishna Pillai recognized as innovative farmer on 45th foundation day, NAARM The 45th foundation day of NAARM, Hyderabad was celebrated on 1/09/2020 virtually. The chief guest of the program was Dr. R S Paroda, former secretary DARE and DG, ICAR and chairman (TAAS). During the occasion 11 innovative farmers were felicitated from each ATARI zone, Shri Gopalakrishna Pillai, Kottinaattu Bangalow, Pathiyoor was selected from zone 11. He is a practitioner of livestock based IFS system in an area of 1 ha. The farmer tripled his income compared to pre-FFP through various innovations, technology adoption, value addition and marketing strategies. He introduced cow mat in cattle shed which reduced laming, foot and mouth disease, drudgery reduction in cleaning and protection of animals from summer heat. The value addition of milk into curd and butter milk earned 10 to 12 percentage of additional income. The direct marketing of milk without any adulteration and under good agricultural practices fetched 36.84 percentage of additional price for every litre of milk. The other innovations are adoption of ICAR CPCRI vermicomposting technology through which he is selling 5 tonnes of vermicompost @ Rs 25. Maintaining hygiene and disposal of cow dung and cow urine in the farm with 47 milch animals was a challenge. The FFP exercise of the farm planning enabled him to intensify green fodder cultivation, hydroponics, 2 units of vermicomposting and shade drying of cow dung 1 tonne per year @ Rs 15 per Kg, which is of high demand. The IFS system is purely organic model comprising of organic vegetable cultivation, pond fisheries, biogas plant and supporting organic farmers through production supply of vermicompost, bio agent enriched compost and liquid fertilizers. The organic residues and the farm waste are effectively recycled for additional income. The farmer runs the unit with the active support and involvement of the family and provides regular employment to 4 labourers and he is also the founder director board member of the Odanadu Farmer Producer Company with NABARD support and ICAR CPCRI as the Producer Organization Promoting Institution (POPI) Error!
995 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerAn online training program on “Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) preparation methodologies” for farmers of FFP Pathiyoor Panchayath. The online training was also attended by farmers of other districts such as Trivandrum, Kollam (Farmers and entrepreneurs of Monroe thuruth panchayath ), Malappuram and other panchayaths of Alappuzha district. Mr. Binu Karunakaran, President, Monroe thuruth Panchayath, inaugurated the training program which was the second of the series and the key note address on the entrepreneurship potential of coconut products was done by Dr. P B Hebbar, Head PB & PHT, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod. Dr. Shameena Beegum P P handled the section on properties and methodologies of VCO preparation as well as value added products from the byproducts of VCO. The program was attended by 119 participants and the same was streamed in CPCRI Farmerfirst Facebook account. The interactive discussions tagged on availability of machineries, supporting government schemes and procedures for technology transfer to the entrepreneurs. Agriculture officers of the respective panchayaths also attended the program and contributed to the discussions. Error!
996 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerDuring the lockdown period the nutrition management weeding and critical irrigation and harvesting operations were done actively for the sesamum crop of the FFP panchayath. The area spread of the sesamum under the two high yielding varieties Kayamkula-1 and Tilak improved from 4.05 acres from 2016 to 140 acres in 2019. These two varieties were selected by the participatory evaluation process in 38 locations of the FFP Panchayath in terms of comparative beneficial attributes such as yield (38%) more , productivity (25%) more and oil recovery content of 38% (Tilak) to 49% (Kayamkulam-1). It is expected to obtain 12 to 14 tonnes of sesamum fetching an estimated income of Rs 20 to 25 lakh among 32 women farmer groups and 40 individual farmers. All the operations were being done in a participatory mode with technology facilitation and support from the ICAR CPCRI and FFP team observing the social distancing mode wearing masks and break the chain activities of washing hands and using sanitisers. Error!
997 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerThe high yielding varieties of finger millet was introduced in the farmer FIRST Panchayath during 2017-18 as a climate resilient and hardy crop thriving drought condition also. The crop is also highly nutritive small millet catering to the nutritional needs of the farm families. The KMR varieties and payur varieties were found to be suitable for the local conditions. The finger millet is cultivated in all the 19 wards of the FFP Panchayaths by the women farmer groups in convergence with the MGNREGS. During the lockdown period the essential management practices were adopted for this crop cultivated mainly as intercrop in coconut garden and harvesting and post harvest operations. More than 2 tonnes of Ragi is expected to be harvested which is in good demand locally itself since it is produced under organic cultivation package. The harvested produce could cater to the nutritional needs of children and old people in terms of calcium and other micro nutrients. Error!
998 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerOnline training programme / webinar on Entrepreneurship development on coconut diversification for doubling farmers income An online training program/webinar was organized with the theme of ‘Entrepreneurship development on coconut diversification’ on May 14, 2020. Thirty seven participants of Munrothuruthu Panchayath of Kollam district and Pathiyoor Panchayath of Alappuzha district participated. Mr. Binu Karunakaran, President, Munrothuruthu Panchayath, inaugurated the training program and Dr. P Anithakumari, Principal scientist, ICAR CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam welcomed the participants to the program highlighting importance of observing the precaution of COVID19 and using the Arogyasetu App. Dr. Anithakarun, Director, ICAR CPCRI, Kasaragod offered the keynote address highlighting the importance of processing technologies developed by ICAR CPCRI which could double the coconut farmers income along with providing nutrition and edible fat in balanced diet. She stressed on organizing more online webinars/training programs for continued outreach programs for the farming communities. Dr. K. Muralidharan, HOD (Social science) handled session on ‘Business models and choices of processing technologies of coconut by the customers’. He highlighted business/EDP models of single product, multiple products and integrated models of various parts of coconut like food products, coir, shell, bio inputs etc. Dr. Shameena Beegum , scientist handled detailed session on coconut food products, virgin coconut oil (VCO) units, with practical session on handling of various machineries and the economies and investment required. Coconut products entrepreneurs, Mr. Jagesh Kumar and Mr. Radhakrishnan shared their experiences and economics of the coconut products units, which was well received by the participant farmers. The sessions were followed with very active and purposeful discussions on practical points and on coconut products. The program came to a close by 12:30 PM. Error!
999 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining programs and focus group discussions (FGD) on the topic "Our farming clean farming" in unison with the national level swachh bharath mission. Six programs were conducted for knowledge up-gradation and skills of farmers for converting the organic waste obtained in farming as well as in MGNREGS activities to be incorporated in the soil as well as through simple technique of composting. The ICAR Farmer FIRST Programme of CPCRI implement Swachh Bharath mission as a farmer participatory campaign program involving around thousand farmers, labourers and farm women. All together 20 programs will be conducted in the FFP panchayath during this year. Error!
1000 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining on scientific management of pond fish culture Error!
1001 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerA group meeting of the farmers adopting fish farming in the homestead ponds under the rejuvenation revival of farm ponds for doubling farm income as an intervention of the Famer FIRST Programme of ICAR-CPCRI was organized at pathiyoor panchayath on 22/10/2019 at 10:00 AM. The program was inaugurated by Mr V Prabhakaran President, Pathiyoor Panchayath. A total of 39 farmers attended the program wherein a group discussion on the problems and modalities for the successful fish farming was discussed and agreed upon. During the program the second cycle of fish farming was initiated with the distribution of 20000 fingerlings of Koi Anabas and Nile Tilapia. All the fish farmers are cultivating local fishes as well in the homestead ponds of coconut based cropping system under the Integrated Farming System (IFS) module. Error!
1002 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerICAR-CPCRI FFP initiated an innovative intervention under the FFP to strengthen the Swatchh Bharath mission of Gov of India in convergence with the MGNREGS. A total of 10 group meetings of the program "Swatchh Krushi for clean farms and efficient farming" the MGNREGS participants was inaugurated on 23/10/2019. A total of 45 participants attended the program conducted at Ramapuram, Pathiyoor Panchayath. Error!
1003 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerICAR-CPCRI, Farmer FIRST program World Soil Day – December 5th, 2019 The world soil day was celebrated in Pathiyoor Grama Panchayath involving the participants of Farmers FIRST Program. The programme was inaugurated by Smt. Leela Gokul, President (Acting), Pathiyoor Grama Panchayath. Dr.P. Anithakumari welcomed the gathering with an exhortation for protecting the fertile top soil from degradation and the importance of community based balanced nutrient management for sustainable farm production and improving income. Sri. Prakash Kumar, Chairman, Health and Education standing committee distributed 106 soil health cards to farmers in the occasion. The soil samples were collected from the different wards of Pathiyoor panchayath after the conduct of campaigns and training programmes on soil health management in collaboration with Coconut Producers Societies (CPS)during September-October,2019. Dr.Jeena Mathew, Scientist (Soil Science) explained the various soil health parameters and also the general soil fertility status of Pathiyoor panchayath. Dr. A. Abdul Haris, made presentation on scientific coconut farming in a sustainable manner. The importance of top soil management in coconut cultivation during the post flood situation, conserving the natural resources including soil and water were well explained. He concluded the talk by explaining the different scientific ways to reduce the cost of coconut cultivation. A ‘customized soil test based nutrition guide’ evolved for the farming community of Pathiyoor panchayath for all the crops cultivated in FFP which was distributed to the farmers for facilitatingscientific nutrient management, enhancement of nutrient use efficiency, reduction in cost of cultivation and overall improvement in farm income. The STBN guide will be utilized for the women farmer group cultivation process and the convergence programmes with MGNREGS creating wider outreach of the soil test based nutrition management messages across the society. The programme was well attended by farmer leaders of Coconut farmers’ federation (CPF), coconut producers societies and progressive farmers including women farmers besides peoples representatives of the panchayath. A total of 108 participants attended the function. Error!
1004 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining program was organized on December 4 2019 at ex service hall of FFP Pathiyoor Panchayath on scientific nematode management of coconut and intercrops. A total of 28 farmer representatives of women farmer groups and coconut producing societies (CPS) attented the program. Dr Anes K M scientist Nematology of ICAR - CPCRI handled the section on bio management of nematodes on various crops. during the section and the discussions the topics such as importance of nematodes in yield loss, symptoms of nematode infestation in various crops and its integrated management were presented. it was also decided to organize 10 demonstration plots of Amorphophallus, Coconut and vegetables. The training program was organized based on the field problems of nematode infestation reported from the field situation in FFP intervention areas. Error!
1005 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerHarvest festival of Gajendra variety of Amorphophallus oragnized in the Panchayath on 9/12/2019. The spread of the variety from ICAR-CTCRI made 5 fold increase from the first year of FFP intervention. The area under the variety spread was achieved through an Innovative Extension Approach viz., "Responsible Extension Approach" (REA) which embodies the contribution and responsibilty in sharing quality planting materials of HYV under the facilitation of CPCRI scientist in FFP. The harvest festival was inaugurated by Mrs Prasanna ward member 18 and other Panchayath members of the respective wards. Error!
1006 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerThe variety Gajendra Of ICAR CTCRI was introduced at FFP Pathiyoor during 2017. The area under this variety improved by 20 hold in the entire panchayath through the responsible extension approach for rapid spread of high yielding varieties through production and sharing of quality planting materials. Harvest festivals of harvesting of the Gajendra variety of Amorphophallus and other tubers were organized in ward 16,17 & 10 on 31/12/2019. the women self help group members and FFP team and farmers participated in the harvesting festival. An average of 0.5 to 1 tonne were harvested per ward to a total of 1 to 20 tonnes in total. The cultivation were facilitated by the CPCRI FFP team and supported with regular field visits diagnosis of field problem and providing critical inputs. Error!
1007 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerThe ICAR CPCRI Farmer FIRST Programme introduced scientific fish culture of koi Anabas and Nile Tilapia in 78 homestead ponds of FFP Pathiyoor Panchayath during july 2019. A harvest festival of the fishes was conducted in ward 12 of the Panchayath was inaugurated by the ward member and standing committee chair person Smt Jayakumari on 15/1/2020. The distribution of the fresh fish started by 8 Am and there was a tremendous demand and the first day itself fishes were sold for an amount of Rs 82000. The participant farmers shared their experiences and opined pond fish culture as the most ensured IFS component for doubling farm income of coconut based small and marginal farmers. Dr P Anithakumari stressed the importance of combination of multiple components in IFS for attaining doubling farm income. The FFP senior Research Fellow Mr Jithin Shaju and project staffs Mr Muhammed Ijaz N and Mrs Nisha B attended the function and interacted with the farmers. A total of 30 farmers attended the function. Error!
1008 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedICAR CPCRI Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP) Value chain of Turmeric in Pathiyoor- Production to processing The culmination of the participatory value chain process of activities on turmeric in Farmer FIRST Programme was achieved with the inauguration of turmeric processing unit and turmeric powder” Thripthi” brand at Pathiyoor on 6.2.2020. Five educated women youths are managing this unit which converges the interventions of condiments powder unit from Kudumbasree and block panchayath and turmeric processing unit from FFP. The value chain interventions on turmeric was initiated with the introduction of IISR – Prathibha and IISR-Pragathi during 2016 and cultivation in all the 19 wards by women farmer groups and individual farmers by 2018. IISR Pragathi was assessed as suitable for the location and area spread of the HYV enabled through Responsible Extension Approach (REA) facilitated by ICAR CPCRI FFP, wherein the farmers shared the cost and provided seed material at 50 percent cost for rapid and responsible area spread as a social responsibility. The turmeric produced in the FFP panchayath to be procured from the farmers or women groups and processed by ‘Thripthi unit’ scientifically supported by ICAR CPCRI. The inaugural programme was presided by Mr. Sukumaran, President, Pathiyoor Grama panchayath and the product launching by Mr. R. Anandan, President, Muthukulam Block Panchayth. Mrs. Jayakumari, member ward 12 , Mrs Ramani, member Ward 5, Mr. Prakash, Member Ward 10, Mr.Prabhakaran, member ward 8, Mrs. Manju Hariharan, Manager , Canara bank also attended the function. A total of 43 participants attended the function. Dr. Anithakumari. P summarized the interventions and convergence with Kudumbasree and FFP FPO for marketing the quality product for improving income from coconut gardens Error!
1009 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerThe sowing of Sesamum, KAyamkulam 1 and Tilak varieties released by Kerala Agricultural University was initiated on 12/2/2020 in ward 12 of FFP Pathiyoor Panchayath. The sesamum is planned to be cultivated in more than 150 acres by farmer groups and individual farmers, which forms the sesamum cluster of the FFP. Critical inputs such as seeds, soil test based chemical fertilizers required and training programs and method demonstrations organized in the Panchayath. The revival and rejuvenation of the sesamum cultivation which is a traditional crop of this Onaattukara region is a success story of the FFP which was build upon through participatory assessment and evaluation of varieties, formation of sesamum growers clusters and imparting knowledge and skill on scientific cultivation integrated with processing. Error!
1010 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerA participatory impact analysis of the FFP interventions among 238 coconut farmers on demonstration of integrated rootwilt disease management, demonstration of nutrient mixtures( Kalpa vardhini and kalpa poshak) and area wide plant protection was organized on 14/02/2020 at Public Health Centre Hall, pathiyoor at 10:00 AM. The farmers were sensitized on the participatory impact analysis methodology and they were asked to record their responses to 42 open ended questions on the impact on knowledge, skills, adoption, yield, palm health and income. This was followed by an open session for sharing their perceptions, experiential learning and suggestions for doubling the production and income from coconut. This was followed by an open interaction with the Farmer Producer Company directors regarding the activities and value added products for benefiting the coconut farmers community. The farmers responded very positively on the impact of the interventions in knowledge and income and improvement in knowledge and skill through series of training program and expressed their concerns and constraints regarding the plant protection and harvesting of coconut in time at affordable cost. It was decided to evolve a model mechanism for the support and services in plant protection and harvesting of coconut through Farmer Producer Company (FPO). Error!
1011 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerHarvest festival of maize crop in 45 acres of 19 wards was organized in ward 13 of FFP Panchayath Pathiyoor. The harvest operation was innaugurated by sree K Sukumaran President Pathiyoor Panchayath. In his innaugural speach he lauded the FFP interventions in the entire Panchayath which converted the Panchayath as a major farming model in the state and was selected for the best Agricultural Panchayath of the Haritha mission of the kerala state. Mrs Leela Gokul Vice President pathiyoor Panchayath informned that the convergence of MGNREGS and ICAR CPCRI FFP was appreciated and specially mentioned by the central team who visited the areas. 50 members of the women self help groups/ MGNREGS attended the program. Mr Pathiyoor Nazar Member Ward 13 welcome the gathering and standing committee chair person Mrs Jayakumari, ward member Smt Ramani V and Dr P Anithakumari Principal scientist and PI of FFP spoked in the function. Error!
1012 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerThe harvest of the Turmeric (IISR- Pragathi) cultivated by women farmer groups of ward 16 of FFP Panchayath, Pathiyoor was done on January 9th 2020. The group could harvest about 1 tonne of fresh turmeric. The women farmers opined that the continuous rainfall for the last 8 months reduced the yield by 40 to 50 % which denied them the expected bumper harvest, however the group decided to double the area under turmeic cultivatoin during the next cropping season with the facilitation and support of Farmer FIRST programme. Dr P Anithakumari, Pricipal scientist and PI of FFP appraised on the entire activity and scientific tips for improving the yield performance was discussed. A total of 40 women farmers attended the program which was coordinated by Mrs Swarnamma, CDS of the ward. Error!
1013 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerThe Farmer FIRST Programme, in the introduction of fodder maize in 40 acres in convergence with MGNREGS programme was a great success in terms of growth of the crop and acceptance by the livestock farmers during 2017 and 2018. Based on the participatory appraisal of the farmers maize crop was rated as very much suitable to the farming situations of the FFP Pathiyoor panchayath from the observations from 19 wards. As an intercrop introduction in the coconut garden. In 2019 Maizewas introduced as an intercrop in 40 acres of coconut garden. The harvest festival of this successful intervention was organized on 9/1/2020 in ward 13 of FFP Pathiyoor Panchayath. The program details were published in 7 news papers. Error!
1014 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsOthersThe fourth IAC meeting of the ICAR CPCRI Farmer FIRST Programme was conducted on 18/02/2020 in the conference hall of ICAR CPCRI Rs Kayamkulam. A total of 30 participants attended including special invitees.Dr.S.Kalavathi , Acting Head ICAR-CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam welcomed the committee members and in her introductory remarks stressed that FFP will pay the way for active scientists, stakeholder interaction, participation and involvement besides a step towards doubling farmers’ income. Dr.(Mrs) Anitha Karun, Acting Director, ICAR-CPCRI,Kasargod in her address emphasized that the technology integration approach along with innovative extension strategies is expected to achieve doubling farmers’ income. Dr.M.J.Chandre Gowda, Acting Director,ICAR-ATARI,Bengaluru gave their respective opening address for the programme and emphasized their ideas to evaluate the farmers’ income in per household basis and the importance of a farmer hold the scientific temper through all the activities and practical project implementation. The technology integration approach along with innovative extension strategies is expected to achieve doubling of farmer’s income. Dr. P. Anithakumari, Pr. Scientist, ICAR-CPCRI and PI welcomed the committee members and the special invitees. The PI presented the activities completed and in progress and the future activities to be implemented discussion and approved. The interventions of the FFP undertaken were well appreciated and the future programmes were supported and agreed upon by the IAC. There were active discussion regarding the programmes and several suggestions for improving the impact and effective implementation. The points discussed and put forward for implementation depending upon the man power and other resources are follows. 1. To strengthen the seed production of sesame 2. Decision to introduce UAS dwarf variety of Ragi 3. To introduce private hybrids of maize 4. To implement scientific schedule for fish farming 5. Decided to provide training for bio flock in connection with fish farming 6. Decided to form clusters of fish farmers inorder to receive scheme benefits from Department of Fisheries 7. To supply cow mats for more farmers after scrutiny. 8. Decided to give scientific training on mushroom cultivation. 9. To introduce leguminous fodder crops like Stylosanthus , Desmanthus and cowpea along with fodder grass , fodder maize and fodder sorghum 10. To plan more activities with convergence of Jeevani Programme of State Agricultural department. 11. To select ten coconut demonstration plots for implementing moisture conservatiuon and water management practices 12. Train coconut farmers to keep their palm records and provide them more plant protection trainings and agro clinics through registered Farmer Producer Company 13. To discuss more scientific methods to ensure more egg production among poultry farmers with the help of ICAR research stations 14. To promote the role of perennial plant species in the IFS models 15. To promote and implement participatory research models to overcome the challenges in farming due to climate change scenario 16. To analyse the impact of the successful interventions, additional cost of interventions,family labour cost analysis , land capital assessment, household consumption improvement, incremental returns of the interventions . 17. To decide the grouping of farm families based on farming systems like Coconut+ Poultry+ livestock+ pond fisheries, Coconut + poultry, Coconut + Fisheries, Coconut + Fisheries + Poultry, Coconut + Livestock and Coconut+ Poultry+ livestock+ pond fisheries + inter/mixed crops 18. To sort out total additional interventions, intervention wise income and per household income improvement. 19. To quantify and study on social variables like empowerment, environmental benefits, social capital based on the parameters decided by the participants. The Project team members facilitated the discussion, cleared the apprehensions and clarified the technological interventions points raised by the members. Dr. A. Joseph Rajkumar, Pr. Scientist and Co-PI proposed vote of thanks and the meeting came to a close by 5 pm. Error!
1015 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining on scientific cultivation of Mushroom for FFP farmers of Pathiyoor, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1016 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining on scientific cultivation of Mushroom for FFP farmers of Pathiyoor, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1017 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining on scientific cultivation of Mushroom for FFP farmers of Pathiyoor, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1018 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerHarvesting of banana in FFP Area Pathiyoor Error!
1019 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerHarvesting of banana in FFP Area Pathiyoor Error!
1020 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerHarvesting of amorphophallus in FFP Area Pathiyoor Error!
1021 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerHarvesting of amorphophallus in FFP Area Pathiyoor Error!
1022 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining on Poultry farming at FFP area Pathiyoor Error!
1023 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining on Poultry farming at FFP area Pathiyoor Error!
1024 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining on Poultry farming at FFP area Pathiyoor Error!
1025 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerInauguration of Kera Probio Unit in Pathiyoor FFP area, Alappuzha, Kerala Error!
1026 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerInauguration of Kera Probio Unit in Pathiyoor FFP area, Alappuzha, Kerala Error!
1027 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerInauguration of Kera Probio Unit in Pathiyoor FFP area, Alappuzha, Kerala Error!
1028 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerInauguration of Kera Probio Unit in Pathiyoor FFP area, Alappuzha, Kerala Error!
1029 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerCoconut, sesamum value addition unit-'Grow me Green’ unit Error!
1030 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerOfficial handing over of the Kera probio culture to the Rural youth group 'Kalpakam' Error!
1031 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerInauguration of vegetable cultivation in Ward 16, FFP area Pathiyoor Error!
1032 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerInauguration of vegetable cultivation in Ward 16, FFP area Pathiyoor Error!
1033 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerPathiyoor FFP Desicow growers' visit to Ambadi Goshala - a desicow farm at Pattazhi, Kollam dist., Kerala. Error!
1034 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerPathiyoor FFP Desicow growers' visit to Ambadi Goshala - a desicow farm at Pattazhi, Kollam dist., Kerala. Error!
1035 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerPathiyoor FFP Desicow growers' visit to Ambadi Goshala - a desicow farm at Pattazhi, Kollam dist., Kerala. Error!
1036 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerFarmers' meet and interface on collaborative programme of ICAR-CPCRI FFP and AIR Trivandrum. Inauguration by Station Director, AIR Trivandrum. Error!
1037 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerFarmers' meet and interface on collaborative programme of ICAR-CPCRI FFP and AIR Trivandrum. Distribution of seedlings by District Panchayath Member. Error!
1038 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerFarmers' meet and interface on collaborative programme of ICAR-CPCRI FFP and AIR Trivandrum. First prize winners of livestock quiz-FFP Error!
1039 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerFarmers' meet and interface on collaborative programme of ICAR-CPCRI FFP and AIR Trivandrum. Error!
1040 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining on scientific cultivation of Finger millets Error!
1041 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining on scientific cultivation of Finger millets Error!
1042 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmer3rd Site Plan Implementation Group (SPIG) meeting of FFP Pathiyoor Panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala held on 10-08-2018 Error!
1043 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining on coconut climbing for youths in Pathiyoor FFP area Error!
1044 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining on use of agricultural mechinery for farmers in Pathiyoor FFP area Error!
1045 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining on use of agricultural mechinery for farmers in Pathiyoor FFP area Error!
1046 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining on use of agricultural mechinery for farmers in Pathiyoor FFP area Error!
1047 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining programme on Bush jasmine cultivation Error!
1048 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceFFodder cultivation as income generation unit by women SHGs-visit by Director of ATARI, Bengaluru Error!
1049 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceFodder as inter crop in coconut gardens in CPCRI FFP area-a green venture for income generation Error!
1050 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedATARI Director visiting Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Unit at Pathiyoor, ICAR-CPCRI, FFP area Error!
1051 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerPlanting of Amorphophallus (Gajendra variety) by women self help group in FFP area Pathiyoor Panchayath Error!
1052 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerPlanting of Amorphophallus (Gajendra variety) by women self help group in FFP area Pathiyoor Panchayath Error!
1053 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerSesamum cultivation by women self help group in FFP area, Pathiyoor Panchayath Error!
1054 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerSesamum cultivation by women self help group in FFP area, Pathiyoor Panchayath Error!
1055 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerSesamum cultivation by women self help group in FFP area, Pathiyoor Panchayath Error!
1056 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerHarvesting of vegetables cultivated in FFP area Pathiyoor, Kerala Error!
1057 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerHarvesting of vegetables cultivated in FFP area Pathiyoor, Kerala Error!
1058 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerHarvesting of vegetables cultivated in FFP area Pathiyoor, Kerala Error!
1059 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerHarvesting of vegetables cultivated in FFP area Pathiyoor, Kerala Error!
1060 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1061 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1062 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1063 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1064 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1065 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1066 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1067 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1068 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1069 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1070 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1071 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1072 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1073 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1074 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1075 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1076 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory evaluation of FFP interventions (ward wise) at Pathiyoor panchayath, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1077 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerHon'ble MLA Adv. U. Prathibha inaugurating FFP Kizan Mela at Pathiyoor, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1078 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerInaugural speech by Hon'ble MLA Adv. U. Prathibha at FFP Kizan Mela, Pathiyoor, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1079 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerDr. Anitha Karun, Acting Director, ICAR-CPCRI inaugurating the FFP Kizan Mela at Pathiyoor, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1080 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerHon'ble MLA felicitating the Pathiyoor Panchyath Samithi at Kizan Mela Error!
1081 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerDr. Anitha Karun, Acting Director, ICAR-CPCRI releasing 'Kera Probio'- (CPCRI product) to the farming community. Error!
1082 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerKeynote address by Dr. Anitha Karun, Acting Director, ICAR-CPCRI at FFP Kizan Mela, Pathiyoor, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala Error!
1083 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerLaunching of ' Egg Self sufficiency and income through technology integration and branding" program by Sri. R.Anandan, President, Block Panchayath, Muthukulam Error!
1084 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerInauguration of vegetable harvesting by Director, ICAR CPCRI and FFP team. Intervention by Women SHG in FFP Error!
1085 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerDr. Anithakarun, Acting Director interacting with the women farmers regarding the impact of FFP interventions Error!
1086 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerActing Director ICAR-CPCRI, visiting Kalpakam Kera probio- Science based rural enterprise Error!
1087 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerThe Acting Director and The Acting Head, ICAR-CPCRI with Kalpakam Kera Probio Unit members Error!
1088 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerHon'ble MLA Adv. U. Prathibha at exhibition stall Pathiyoor Farmers' meet, Alappuzha Dt., Kerala Error!
1089 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerDistribution of Pathiyoor Karshaka Sesamum oil to farming community Error!
1090 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerFFP Farmers' Meet held at Pathiyoor, Alappuzha Dt., Kerala on 14th February 2019 Error!
1091 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerWelcome speech by Dr. Anithakuamri P.,Principal Scientist & Principal Investigator of Pathiyoor FFP at PAthiyoor FFP Kisan Mela Error!
1092 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerICAR-CPCRI convened a technological conclave on Farmer FIRST programme in Ward No. XIX, Pathiyoor on 14-02-2019. The conclave was presided by Sri V. Prabhakaran, President, Pathiyoor Grama Panchayat and inaugurated by Adv. U. Prathibha, Hon’ble Member of Legislative Assembly, Kayamkulam. In her illuminating talk, Adv. U. Prathibha had emphasised the relevance of Pathiyoor model of technological integration for inclusive development aptly relevant for the holistic development of a Panchayat. She had complimented ICAR-CPCRI, for having chosen Pathiyoor as the model village for participatory farming by the farmers for the socio-economic development of the farmers. She felt this model as highly sustainable and ensured livelihood security of the villagers. In his presidential address, Sri Prabhakaran opined that ICAR-CPCRI has become a name board for all farmers in the panchayat and this method of farming has made the entire panchayat vibrant in farming with a unique geotag at Pan India level. Adv. U. Prathibha felicitated the Panchayat Samithi with a memento of classical remembrance. Dr. Anitha Karun, Director, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod delivered the key note address and highlighted that this FFP is rated as the best in the country in terms scientific accomplishment and lauded the efforts of the team realizing farm inclusiveness. Dr. V. Krishnakumar, Head outlined the success stories of FFP that could translate a real farming turnover in Pathiyoor Panchayat. Dr. Muraligopal, Pr. Scientist was impressed with quality standards of the Kera probio production unit and launched the release of the product. Smt. Mani Vishwanath, President Alappuzha district panchayat launched a new VCO production unit in the Panchayat. Sri. R. Anandan, President, Muthukulam Block Panchayath distributed the chicks and ducklings to the selected farmers. The bio-product, Kera Probio was distributed to farmers by the dignitaries. Dr. P. Anithakumari, Principal Scientist welcomed the gathering and Dr K.M. Anes, Scientist vote of thanks. The programme was a grand success as reflected from the body language of the farming community as this FFP could infuse real farming instinct in the panchayat more focussed towards Clean and Green Panchayat with participation and attendance of more than 350 farmers. The conclave came to an end by 1.00 pm. Earlier Dr. Anitha Karun, Director, ICAR-CPCRI inaugurated the snake gourd harvesting along with Dr. V. Krishnakumar, Head and other team members in the demonstration field. Error!
1093 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerICAR-CPCRI convened a technological conclave on Farmer FIRST programme in Ward No. XIX, Pathiyoor on 14-02-2019. The conclave was presided by Sri V. Prabhakaran, President, Pathiyoor Grama Panchayat and inaugurated by Adv. U. Prathibha, Hon’ble Member of Legislative Assembly, Kayamkulam. Error!
1094 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerThe third Institute Advisory Council was held at the Conference hall of ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam. Dr. S. Rema, Senior Veterinary Surgeon, Krishnapuram and two teaching assistants from Kerala Agricultural University participated in the meeting along with some experienced farmers in the panchayat. Error!
1095 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerActing Director ICAR-CPCRI releasing e-database of FFP Pathiyoor Error!
1096 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerDirector ICAR-CPCRI distributing cowdung based value added products at the third Institute Advisory Council was held at the Conference hall of ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam. Error!
1097 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerThe Acting Head, ICAR-CPCRI distributing value added products at The third Institute Advisory Council meeting held at the Conference hall of ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam. Error!
1098 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerDistribution of Ducklings by Disrtrict Panchayath President Error!
1099 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerActing Director ICAR-CPCRI visiting Kalpakam Kera Probio laboratory-a science based rural enterprise Error!
1100 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerThe Acting Director and The Acting Head, ICAR-CPCRI with Kalpakam Kera Probio Unit members Error!
1101 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerExhibition stall at Pathiyoor Farmers' meet Error!
1102 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerInteractive session on fish farming Error!
1103 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerInitiating fish culture in all the 62 homestead ponds as a component of the integrated farming system. Error!
1104 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining program on maize and sunflower cultivation Error!
1105 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedSuccess story of the coconut based value addition unit of Mr. Jagesh Kumar, an Agricultural Engineering graduate of FFP Pathiyoor panchayath. He is a model of rural educated youths successfully innovated to coconut based entrepreneur marketting cold pressed coconut oil, Virgin coconut oil, Sesamum oil, coconut based food products besides, 3 desi cows, goat, poultry and ducks. He is earning an income of Rs. 50000 per month from these integrated units. The image is the news feature published in Malayalam daily in connection with the World Coconut Day on September 2, 2019. Error!
1106 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersFarmer FIRST Programme of ICAR CPCRI at Pathiyoor Panchayath evolved a social convergence for area expansion of high yielding varieties as well as for the farm labour component. in connection with the 150th birthday of Mahathma Gandhi and in continuation of the swachh bharath activities among the FFP farming community organized activities such as vermicomposting awareness on avoiding use of plastics in agriculture, good agriculture practices and promotion of organic components. on october 2nd Swachh bharath activities such as community level cleaning of agricultural land, taking Swachh Bharath pledge under the leadership of respective Panchayath ward members and rally of rural women to build up awareness on Swachh Bharath Abhyan. Error!
1107 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerEntrepreneurship training on honey bee cultivation A training programme was conducted on 15th September 2022 for farmers of Devikulangara panchayath of Alappuzha District as a part of entrepreneurship training series. Dr.T.Sivakumar,Subject Matter Specialist- Agricultural Entomology,KVK,Alappuzha led the training session and the feedback evaluation has recorded after the programme. 30 farmers from various wards of Devikulangara panchayath has attended the training programme of two hours. Error!
1108 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersFFP-AIR : Radio recording series, A radio recording series has started by FFP with All India Radio for the agriculture oriented broadcast programme “Vayalum Veedum” and the recording of the episodes which emphasizes the impact of FFP interventions,experience of farmers, women groups and other success stories of Farmer FIRST Programme. Error!
1109 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerGroundnut harvest at Devikulangara Grama Panchayath, Alappuzha Groundnut harvest inauguration was conducted at ward 7 of Devikulangara panchayath,Alappuzha District. The programme was inaugurated by Sri.Pavananathan,President,Devikulangara Panchayath and Dr.P.Anithakumari.P,Acting Head & Principal investigator,FFP,ICAR CPCRI RS Kayamkulam felicitated Devikulangara women group farmers for the great initiative and cooperation with the Farmer FIRST Programme.10 acres of land was under groundnut (Variety G2-52, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad) cultivation under Farmer FIRST Programme during the year 2022-23. Error!
1110 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Others ActivitiesothersField visit for finalization of Demoplots Error!
1111 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersMillet fest inauguration by Hon'ble Agriculture minister of Kerala Error!
1112 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceFarmer First Programme (FFP) of the ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute began millet cultivation in Oachira Panchayath in connection with International Year of Millets. Error!
1113 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersThe Mega Finale of "Kalpa Quiz" Competition was held on March 16, 2023 at the Auditorium of Puthuppally Service Cooperative Bank No. 1900 Ltd. as part of the Kalpa Vajra Celebrations by ICAR-CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam. Dr. Sreevalsan J. Menon, Professor & Officer on Special Duty, Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC), KAU, Mannuthy, was the program's chief guest. The first, second and third place winners of the Mega Finale of "Kalpa Quiz" received cash awards sponsored by CDB. Competitions at the preliminary panchayath level were previously conducted in the various panchayaths of the Muthukulam Block and Kayamkulam municipality, of Alappuzha district, from February 20 to February 24, 2023. The first and second prize winners at the Panchayath level were awarded bio-primed polybag coconut seedlings, sponsored by the Puthupally Service Co-operative Bank No. 1900 Ltd. Also one-year membership to the Indian Nalikera Journal was given to each participant. The quiz contests drew in a total of 163 participants, including 65 students, farmers, people's representatives, SHG members, FPO members, etc. Error!
1114 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceFERTILIZER DISTRIBUTION FOR MILLETS AND SESAME AT PATHIYOOR Error!
1115 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute InterventionEnterprise BasedDemonstration of working of egg incubator by Mr. Sivaprasad, ward 16, Pathiyoor to Mr. Prasad, ward -11, Devikulangara Error!
1116 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerInauguration of Kera Gramam Project at Pathiyoor Error!
1117 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerInauguration of seednut collection at Devikulangara Error!
1118 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerInauguration of millet sowing at Devikulangara Error!
1119 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute InterventionAgriculture Sciencenauguration of Millet (Little millet - DHLM 36-3, from University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad) sowing at Pathiyoor ward 13 by Smt. L. Usha, President, Pathiyoor panchayat on 17.02.2023. Smt. Sindhu Madhukumar Member, ward 13, Pathiyoor and Women group members of ward 13 of Pathiyoor grama panchayath were attended the function. Error!
1120 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmernauguration of Millet (Little millet - DHLM 36-3, from University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad) sowing at Pathiyoor ward 13 by Smt. L. Usha, President, Pathiyoor panchayat on 17.02.2023. Smt. Sindhu Madhukumar Member, ward 13, Pathiyoor and Women group members of ward 13 of Pathiyoor grama panchayath were attended the function. Error!
1121 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemMushroom spawn distribution programme As extending Farmer FIRST Programme towards Devikulanagara Panchayath of Alappuzha District, formation of mushroom clusters has developed under scientific supervision. Mushroom spawn has distributed among identified farmers as two phases. The first phase of the distribution has inaugurated by Hon.Panchayath President Sri.Pavananathan (Devikulangara Panchayath). ward members, farmers and CPCRI scientists were participated. Error!
1122 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining program on Scientific Millet Cultivation. Error!
1123 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerInauguration of various FFP interventions at Devikulangara . Error!
1124 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceSESAME HARVESTING Error!
1125 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute InterventionAgriculture ScienceMILLET DISTRIBUTION AT PATHIYOOR Error!
1126 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerFarmer First Programme (FFP) of the ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute began millet cultivation in Devikulangara Panchayat in connection with International Year of Millets. Error!
1127 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersSeminar on millets and field visit of Demo plots in Devikulangara, Alappuzha district Error!
1128 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmer Technology enabled participatory coconut hybrid seedling approach A preliminary training cum awareness program on ‘Technology enabled participatory coconut hybrid seedling approach’ was conducted at ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam on 12.10.2022. The program was conducted as a part of Farmer FIRST Project (FFP) of ICAR and 75th Anniversary celebrations (Kalpa Vajra) of ICAR-CPCRI, Kayamkulam. The objective of the training cum awareness program was to upscale the quality coconut planting material production especially hybrid seedlings using the innovative modified ground pollination technique. The program will be implemented in three panchayats viz., Pathiyoor, Devikulangara (Alappuzha District) and Oachira (Kollam District) in farmer participatory approach. The project aims at production of elite West Coast Tall seedlings and Kalpa Vajra seedlings through the innovative modified ground pollination technique developed by ICAR-CPCRI. Kalpa Vajra coconut variety recommended for release: Kalpa Vajra was recommended by AICRP (Palms) Annual Group Meeting held during 16-18th September 2022. Kalpa Vajra variety of coconut was produced by crossing high yielding and root (wilt) disease-free West Coast Tall (WCT) palms. The parental palms for crossing were selected from farmer’s plots located in ‘hotspots’ of root (wilt) disease after serological testing. The four years average yield of Kalpa Vajra was 80 nuts/palm/year. The healthy palms gave on an average 158 nuts/pam/year and the diseased palms gave an average yield of 65 nuts/palm/year Modified ground pollination: was recommended for technology commercialization during the 50th Institute Research Council meeting of ICAR-CPCRI. The modified ground pollination technique developed by ICAR-CPCRI was tested and validated at three locations of ICAR-CPCRI (Kasaragod, Kayamkulam and Kidu) and two AICRP on Palms Centres (Aliyarnagar-Tamilnadu and Ratnagiri-Maharashtra). The advantages of the technique includes gender neutrality and reduction in cost of hybrid seed nut production to the tune of 50% as dependence on skilled climber is limited just for emasculation, bagging and bag removal since the pollen application (for modified ground pollination) is managed from the ground itself. Modified ground pollination resulted in an average fruit setting percentage recorded (25%) and was comparable to the setting observed upon normal assisted pollination in coconut. The cost of one ground pollination kit works out to rupees four hundred (excluding cost of hand sprayer). Error!
1129 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmer Technology enabled participatory coconut hybrid seedling approach A preliminary training cum awareness program on ‘Technology enabled participatory coconut hybrid seedling approach’ was conducted at ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam on 12.10.2022. The program was conducted as a part of Farmer FIRST Project (FFP) of ICAR and 75th Anniversary celebrations (Kalpa Vajra) of ICAR-CPCRI, Kayamkulam. The objective of the training cum awareness program was to upscale the quality coconut planting material production especially hybrid seedlings using the innovative modified ground pollination technique. The program will be implemented in three panchayats viz., Pathiyoor, Devikulangara (Alappuzha District) and Oachira (Kollam District) in farmer participatory approach. Subsequently, a training programme for people’s representatives and farmer representatives from each ward of the panchayat was conducted on 2nd November 2022 (for Oachira Panchayat).The training conducted at Oachira Panchayat Hall was inaugurated by Shri. Suresh Thanuvelil, Vice President, Oachira Grama Panchayat Error!
1130 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmer Technology enabled participatory coconut hybrid seedling approach A preliminary training cum awareness program on ‘Technology enabled participatory coconut hybrid seedling approach’ was conducted at ICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam on 12.10.2022. The program was conducted as a part of Farmer FIRST Project (FFP) of ICAR and 75th Anniversary celebrations (Kalpa Vajra) of ICAR-CPCRI, Kayamkulam. The objective of the training cum awareness program was to upscale the quality coconut planting material production especially hybrid seedlings using the innovative modified ground pollination technique. The program will be implemented in three panchayats viz., Pathiyoor, Devikulangara (Alappuzha District) and Oachira (Kollam District) in farmer participatory approach.Subsequently, a training programme for people’s representatives and farmer representatives from each ward of the panchayat was conducted on 3rd November 2022 (for Devikulangara Panchayat).and the training conducted at Devikulangara Panchayat Hall was inaugurated by Shri. Pavanandan, President, Devikulangara Grama Panchayat. Error!
1131 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerPractical session on mushroom cultivation held on 28.10.2022 at Devikulangara grama panchayath.Selected mushroom farmers were attended and the formation of mushroom clusters was initiated. Error!
1132 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersFarmer FIRST Programme (FFP) felicitated three model IFS farmers under Integrated Farming System module of FFP and organized a farmer interaction session on 7th January 2022. The programs were at ‘the residence of Sri.Gopalakrishnapilla, an FFP farmer in ward 15, Pathiyoor FFP Panchayath under strict covid protocol. The programme started at 10.30 AM with ICAR theme song. Dr. P. Anithakumari, PS & PI (FFP), ICAR-CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam, delivered the welcome speech and she pointed out the activities and achievements of FFP at Pathiyoor panchayath for the past five years. She also expressed immense gratitude towards the stakeholders for their support and cooperation in growing the program as a participatory integrated agricultural development through technology integration.Sri.Jayaprakash , Member, Ward 15, Pathiyoor panchayath gave the presidential address. Dr.Purushotham Sharma,Principal Scientist, ICAR IGFRI has delivered key note address and inaugurated the felicitation programme . Three model FFP IFS farmers, Sri.Gopalakrishnapilla (Ward 15), Sri.Rajeev.R (Ward 16) and Sri.Dharaneendhran (ward 17) were honored. The programme was attented by 42 farmers from various wards of FFP panchayath. Mr. Jithin Shaju, Senior Research Fellow, FFP, CPCRI RS, Kayamkulam proposed vote of thanks and the programme was came to an end with national anthem at 1 PM Error!
1133 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerFarmer FIRST Programme (FFP) – Agricultural Entrepreneurship Development training series Livestock is a major livelihood option of FFP farmers in Pathiyoor panchayth. Feed cost and scarcity in availability of green fodder are the major problems recorded by participating farmers in livestock sector. Scientific production of technologies for attaining potential yield of fodder was decided as a major intervention among individual farmers and Women Self Help Groups (WSHGs). Accordingly a training program on scientific and economic feed management of livestock with fodder crops and additional income was organized on 11 November 2021 at 10:30 AM at Public Health Centre Hall (PHC), Pathiyoor, as part of the Azadi ki Amrit Mahotsav initiative. Ms. Anju Krishnan, Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP), ICAR - CPCRI handled the sessions on the cultivation practices of fodder crops, high yielding fodder varieties suitable for agro climatic conditions of Pathiyoor panchayath and their management. It was also emphasized the need for the production of quality fodder including fodder grass, pulses, tree fodder, maize, sorghum to meet the feeding requirements and their role in reducing feed cost of milch animals thereby providing nutrients for milk production and health of livestock animals. The cultivation and maintenance cost of fodder crops is comparatively low it can be a good source of income, also for Women Self Help Groups (WSHGs). An interactive session of experienced farmers followed with Mr. Gopalakrishna Pillai, FFP model farmer shared experiences on organic methods of fodder cultivation for cattle which provided reduction in cattle feeds and improved livestock health & milk yield. He told that rather than one source of fodder crop, farmers also should adopt cultivation of fodder maize (African tall) and hydroponics which is a low cost option converting 1 kg of maize / pulse seeds converted to 7 kg of sprouts rich in minerals and vitamins as fodder supplement. Dr. P. Anithakumari, Principal scientist, FFP, ICAR – CPCRI discussed the importance of fodder cultivation and its integrated management as a microenterprise and social support venture. It was also decided to provide high yielding varieties (HYV) fodder grass slips to individual farmers and women groups for demonstration plots of fodder and quality production of fodder planting material. A total of 24 farmers attended the program and this training programme was the seventh programme of Farm Entrepreneurship Development series under Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP). Error!
1134 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerICAR – CPCRI Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP) – Agricultural Entrepreneurship Training Series Waste management in households and IFS units utilizing scientific options is a major objective in Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP). Food and organic waste management in households could be achieved through bio process as demonstrated by Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) in Pathiyoor. Hence to popularize it and reducing cost of feed among poultry farmers a training program was organized on 12 November 2021 at FFP farmer Mr. Radhakrishnan’s, house, Pathiyoor at 10:00 AM on conversion of organic waste to manure and fish and poultry feed using the novel Black Soldier Fly (BSF) biopod technology. The training programme was the eighth programme of Farm Entrepreneurship Development series under Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP), as a part of the Azadi ki Amrit Mahotsav. Dr. P. AnithaKumari, Principal Scientist, FFP, ICAR – CPCRI welcomed the gathering and introduced the waste management technology using biopod and importance of organic waste conversion to manure. Theory session and method demonstration of low cost biopod units for converting household kitchen waste to protein rich poultry / fish feed were done by Dr. P. Anithakumari, PS & PI (FFP). Further Mr. Radhakrishnan – ATREE demonstrator farmer shared his experience of good growth achieved in poultry units and reduction of 15 to 25 percent of feed cost. The system consists of 100 litre bucket with lid for collection of kitchen wastes and another small bucket with lid for collection of larvae/pupae of Black Soldier Fly (BSF), which converts waste to high quality protein. The black soldier fly will lay eggs and these larvae grow in the organic waste. The larvae can also be dried and stored as feed or can be directly fed to fish and poultry as supplementary feed after disinfecting. A total of 18 farmers attended the training and method demonstration which concluded by 12.00 PM and biopods were distributed to participant farmers for demonstration and feedback. Error!
1135 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerTraining programme on Groundnut Cultivation for FFP farmers, Devikulangara The training program on ground nut cultivation as suitable inter crop in coconut gardens as pioneering venture in three wards of Devikulangaragrama panchayat on April 6, 2022 as part of the Farmer FIRST program (FFP). The program was organized in the training hall of Krishibhavan, Devikulangara. The ICAR CPCRI FFP and MGNREGS convergence model of Pathiyoor FFP will be scaled up to improve the income and nutritional status of farm families. The programme was inaugurated by Sri. Pavananathan, President, Devikulangara Grama Panchayat. He whole heartedly welcomed the endeavour and granted support and assistance in all activities. In his illuminated talk he pointed out the achievements of FFP activities at Pathiyoor panchayat as the model village. He encouraged the women groups presented in the meeting to come forward to farming in convergence with MGNREGS activities through scientific technological integration for inclusive growth of farming community. Ward members talked on the program implementation in 15 acres of coconut gardens as intercrop and management of coconuts as per ICAR CPCRI recommendations. Dr. P. Anithakumari, Principal Scientist led the discussion on implementation of FFP and up scaling the success models at Devikulangara panchayath, with emphasis on millet crops in coconut gardens, also in convergence with Department of Agricultural Development & Farmers Welfare and local self-governments. Session on scientific cultivation practices of Groundnut were handled by Mr. Jithin Shaju, SRF, FFP, ICAR-CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam. In the session high yielding varieties of Ground nut, cultivation practices, nutritive value, INM and IPDM practices were covered. Since the cultivation of Ground nut is new to the women groups, there were active interactions and they confidently come forward to take this as a challenge. Groundnut (G 2-52) of UAS, Dharwad was distributed to the farmer groups. Mrs. Abi Babu, Agricultural Officer, Devikulangara Panchayath delivered the vote of thanks and extended all her support and guidance for all the upcoming activities under FFP. A total of 40 farmers attended the program and the programme concluded by 4.30 PM. Error!
1136 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerParticipatory Evaluation of IFS components in ICAR CPCRI FFP ICAR -CPCRI FFP conducted a meeting of IFS farmers on 07/04/2022 to evaluate the impact of diverse activities implemented under various modules of Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP) in training hall, ward 16. Dr. Anithakumari P., PI(FFP) welcomed the gathering and enumerated the various scientific and technological advances introduced and implemented in Pathiyoor panchayat during 2016-22 implemented in FFP modules. She also mentioned about the procurement of turmeric, ginger and other crops at reasonable price from farmers of FFP through Odanad Farmer Producer Company Ltd (OFPC Ltd) and discussed the opening of FPO mart for the sale of OFPC products like Kera Probio (ICAR CPCRI bio fertilizer), Kalpa Vardhini (ICAR CPCRI nutrient mixture for adult coconut palms), vegetable seedlings, grow bags, Coir pith blocks, vermicompost, shade dried cowdung and agricultural tools and machineries on a rent basis at pathiyoor. Farmers of FFP can also sell their products like planting materials of tubers and spices, value added products, egg, farm fresh vegetables via FPO mart. A total of 17 farmers participated the meeting and participatory impact analysis were done.The impact analysis dealt with the farming technologies adoption, knowledge, overall impacts, innovations emerged and income improvement. Problems and constraints and suggestions were recorded. After the meeting, a farm visit was conducted to the poultry units, Aquaponics and Biofloc fisheries, nutrition garden and the various IFS components (indigeneous cow, biogas, home waste unit using biopod & BSF) of Mr. Siva Prasad, Yound entrepreneur, Puthoormadam, Ward 16, Pathiyoor. The lotus and water liliies cultivation of Mrs Sudhamani, an active farmer of ward 16, Pathiyoor Panchayath, who started it on aesthetic interest and passion and presently earning income, was also visited during the on farm visit. Error!
1137 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerDistribution of poultry birds (Gramalakshmi,Gramapriya breeds) has conducted among selected FFP farmers on May 5th,2022 at ward IV of Pathiyoor panchayath. The good quality poultry birds were produced through the incubators given by FFP in the initial years of project implementation. Error!
1138 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerExtending Farmer FIRST activities towards Devikulangara Panchayath, Alappuzha District: The inauguration of groundnut cultivation in Devikulangara panchayath under ICAR CPCRI Farmer FIRST Programme in convergence with local self government and MGNREGS scheme has conducted on May 13,2022 (Friday) at ward VII which turned as the new phase of Farmer FIRST Programme. The programme has initiated as a part of extending the Farmer FIRST Programme to this new panchayath was started with greater farmer participation. The programme has inaugurated by Smt.U.Prathibha,Hon.M.L.A, Kayamkulam by dibbling groundnut seeds in the field and amidst her speech,she felicitated CPCRI Farmer FIRST programme for all its successful farming interventions in Pathiyoor panchayath and expressed her immense expectations for the newly selected panchayath of Devikulangara. Dr.Anithakumari, Acting Head, ICAR CPCRI & Principal Investigator of Farmer FIRST Programme shared her innovative thoughts and future plans about the new phase of Farmer FIRST Programme in her key note address, conveyed much gratitude for the united participation from all sectors of the society for the programme and requested the same for further activities throughout the Panchayath.. Smt.Ambujakshi,Hon.Block panchayath president, Muthukulam and Smt.Rejeena,ADA,Department of Agriculture & farmers’ welfare also attended the programme and promised their support towards the success of the programme.Smt.Abey,Agricultural Officer,Devikulangara grama panchayath has welcomed all dignitaries as well as farmers towards the function and panchayath secretary expressed gratitude behalf of all organizers of the Programme. Error!
1139 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersAn innovative entrepreneurial unit of snowball tender nut has launched under Farmer FIRST Programme during the inauguration of platinum jubilee celebrations of ICAR CPCRI RS Kayamkulam on 24th April,2022 Error!
1140 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersInauguration of Coconut Care & Cover Programme -an initiative of Farmer FIRST Programme in convergence with Odanadu Farmer Producer Company (FPO under ICAR CPCRI FFP) amidst the inauguration of platinum jubilee celebrations of ICAR CPCRI RS Kayamkulam on 24th April,2022 Error!
1141 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersDirector, ATARI, bengaluru visited ICAR CPCRI Farmers FIRST Program (FFP) ATARI Director Zone XI, Dr.V.Venkatasubramanian visited Pathiyoor Panchayath ( FFP panchayath ) made the day much inspiring and fruitful with active interactions and field visits on 18.11.2021. He interacted with FFP farmers consisted of coconut farmers, women group members and young agripreneurs and the peoples representatives of all the 19 wards of the panchayath. The interactive session was organized in the meeting hall of PHC, Pathiyoor junction. The director elucidated the scope of linkages and convergences with various agencies for multiplying the impact to benefit the social system through integrated farming and strengthening value chain. Based on one to one interaction regarding the challenges and constraints/complaints in connection with FFP interventions, he summed up it as the marketing problems and stressed on proper market facilities, branding, procurement and sharing benefits through self help and organizing themselves through Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO). It was mutually agreed upon for conducting a study tour to successful marketing models and adopting grading and processing for income improvement. A community egg incubator was handed over to model duck farmer Sri.Radhakrishnan during the occasion and launched the panchayath level duckling production under FFP. ATARI Director visited the OFPC office and rural mart, shared his views to Board members of the Odanadu Farmer Producer Company (OFPC) towards the diversified marketing scenario and other farmer linkage activities. The community coconut nursery of root (wilt) disease tolerant West Coast Tall poly bag seedlings, maintained by FFP in linkage with OFPC was appreciated as a scientific intervention. The bio nutri priming experiment in coconut seedlings is an initiative during 2021-22 and Dr Venkatasubramanian inaugurated second batch of sowing of seed nuts in the community nursery. He also conducted field visits and interacted with women farmers encouraged the farmers as well as MGNREGS members for their future farming activities and livelihood security. The visit was really encouraging for the participant farmers and the panchayath samithi decided to strengthen value chain in major crops through FPO. The visit came to a close by 1.30 PM Error!
1142 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersWORLD FISHERIES DAY CELEBRATION AND FELICITATION OF MODEL FISH FARMERS ICAR - CPCRI - Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP) felicitated three model fish farmers under Natural Resource Management module of FFP and organized scientific training on pond fish farming in connection with the World Fisheries day, November, 2021 and as part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. The programs were at ‘Murni fish farm’ in ward 16, Pathiyoor FFP Panchayath under strict covid protocol on 22 November. The programme started at 10.00 AM with ICAR theme song. Dr. P. Anithakumari, PS & PI (FFP), ICAR-CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam, delivered the welcome speech and she pointed out the activities and achievements of FFP at Pathiyoor panchayath for the past five years. She also expressed immense gratitude towards the stakeholders for their support and cooperation in growing the program as a participatory integrated agricultural devepment through technology integration. Smt. Anitha Rajendran, Member Ward 16, Pathiyoor panchayath gave the presidential address and Smt. L. Usha, President, Pathiyoor panchayath inaugurated the function and the farmers were felicitated with certificate and mementos. Members from various wards of Pathiyoor panchayath also attended the function. Three model FFP fish farmers, Mr. Sivaprasad (Ward 16) Integrated fish units such as biofloc, natural pond fisheries and artificial pond is being maintained along with azolla unit for feed, Mr. Ashokan, Thandasseril (Ward 16) who is a retired bank employee reaped a rich harvest and income of more Rs. 1.64 lakhs from his pond fisheries and continuing for the last 4 years and Mrs. Reshmi Sreekumar (Ward 2) had an IFS unit with 4 fish ponds cultivates anabas abd tilapia providing fresh fishes to the community besides poultry, vegetables, coconut and spices were honored. Mrs. Fathima S. Hameed, Fisheries Extension Officer Kayamkulam, Mrs. Saleena, Mrs. Surumi, Fisheries Aquaculture Promoters from Department of Fisheries, Kerala handled sessions on various schemes and programs of fisheries department, Kerala and scientific fish farming techniques to achieve better yield and income through fish cultivation. The programme was attented by 42 fish farmers from various wards of FFP panchayath. Shri. Jithin Shaju, Senior Research Fellow, FFP, CPCRI RS, Kayamkulam proposed vote of thanks and the programme was came to an end with national anthem at 2 PM. Error!
1143 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerICAR CPCRI FFP MGNREGS evaluation meeting MGNREGS evaluation meeting has conducted at Pathiyoor Panchayath on 27th October 2021 under the auspices of FFP on 27th October 2021. Smt.L.Usha, (President, Pathiyoor Panchayath ) inaugurated the meeting. Sri.Manu Chellappan (Vice President,Pathitoor Panchayath), Panchayath members from all wards, MGNREGS technical team members and about 40 farmers participated in the meeting. Farmer FIRST programme principal investigator Dr.Anithakumari conducted evaluative discussion with farmers, OFPC C.E.O. Sri.Steffin Srampikal explained about FPO activities and Farmer FIRST project staff Sri.Jithin Shaju expressed vote of thanks for the function. Error!
1144 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsFarmerPlanting material supply of HYVs of fodder grass Planting materials of high yielding varieties of fodder grass has supplied among FFP IFS farmers . Susthira, Super Napier ( Kerala Agricultural University ) and C0-5 (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University) were the HYVs supplied. Its a step towards the aim of reducing input cost among dairy farmers and ensure the planting material supply throughout the Panchayath near future. Error!
1145 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersTraining programme on mushroom cultivation as a microenterprise for income generation A training programme on Mushroom Cultivation was organized on 20 October 2021 from 10.00 AM to 2.30 PM at Odanadu Farmers Producer Company Ltd. (OFPC) office, Pathiyoor as part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. This training was the sixth programme of Farm Entrepreneurship Development series under Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP).The training was inaugurated by Smt. L. Usha, president, Pathiyoor Grama panchayath. Mrs. Molly Binu, member, ward 7, Pathiyoor Grama panchayath was also presented and a total of 17 farmers from various wards of Pathiyoor panchayath attended the training. Mrs. Leena Rani G., Managing Director, The Keya’s Organic Mushy Town handled the sessions on different types of mushrooms, their nutritional values, cultivation practices and methods for better production, details of project preparation followed by hands on practical session by the participants. Pre and post knowledge test were conducted and the entire programme was strictly under Covid protocol. Dr. P. Anithakumari, PS & PI (FFP), ICAR-CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam, welcomed the function and Shri. Jithin Shaju, Senior Research Fellow, FFP, CPCRI RS, Kayamkulam proposed the vote of thanks. Error!
1146 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersOnline entrepreneurship development series for rural youths Started on December 7th 2020.The fifth online training programme in the series was on “Coconut oil based soap preparation methods”. The zoom training was held on 23.01.2021 at 10.30 am .The online training programme uploaded in CPCRI Farmer FIRST facebook account in which more than 50 participants attended .The same has been uploaded in Farmer FIRST you tube channel also. Smt.Beena Boneface,Asst.Director,(Agriculture) handled the session explained the various dimensions of the topic and the feedback collected from the programme was analysed well and responded. Error!
1147 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersOnline entrepreneurship development series for rural youths Started on December 7th 2020.The sixth online training programme in the series was on “Sesamum cultivation ”. The zoom training was held on 30.01.2021 at 10.30 am .The online training programme uploaded in CPCRI Farmer FIRST facebook account .The same has been uploaded in Farmer FIRST you tube channel also.Dr.Lovely.B,Asst.Prof.Plant breeding & Genetics,ORARS,Kayamkulam. handled the session explained the various dimensions of the topic and the feedback collected from the programme was analysed well and responded. Error!
1148 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersCoconut rejuvenation and doubling production and income from coconut ICAR CPCRI Farmer FIRST Programme launched “Coconut rejuvenation and doubling production and income from coconut” under the crop module of FFP. The Panchayath level inauguration of the activity was done by Mrs.L.Usha ,Pathiyoor Panchayath president on 23rd Jan,2021.Major component of the Programme is the selection and documentation of root (wilt) disease free and high yielding palms from all the 19 wards of Panchayath following scientific criteria recommended by ICAR CPCRI. During the first quarter of this year,the seednut collection will be completed and a common nursery of polybag coconut seedlings to be established by the ICAR CPCRI (as POPI) FFP Odanadu Farmer Producer Company Ltd. It is plan to produce 2000 quality seedlings for replacing the existing low quality seedlings. Error!
1149 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersICAR - CPCRI - Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP) launched coconut procurement programme ICAR-CPCRI-Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP), on behalf of World Coconut Day 2021 and Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav conducted a programme on 03 September 2021 at conference hall, Pathiyoor panchayath, integrating online and offline mode under strict covid protocol. As a part of this, the launching of procurement of dehusked coconut from FFP coconut farmers linking with Odanadu Farmers Producer Company Ltd. (OFPC) funded by NABARD formed under ICAR-CPCRI - FFP were inaugurated and also five model FFP coconut farmers were honoured. The programme started at 11.30 AM with ICAR theme song. Dr. P. Anithakumari, PS & PI (FFP), ICAR-CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam, delivered the welcome speech and she pointed out the activities and achievements of FFP at Pathiyoor panchayath for the past five years. She also expressed immense gratitude towards the stakeholders for their support and cooperation. Smt. L. Usha, President, Pathiyoor panchayath gave the presidential address. Adv. U. Prathibha, MLA, Kayamkulam inaugurated World Coconut Day programme formally and launched coconut procurement programme under FFP by accepting fresh dehusked coconuts from three farmers and handing over the cheque during the function. During her speech she mentioned the activities implemented and efforts of FFP in declaring Pathiyoor as fallow free land, extending the sesamum cultivation to 150 acres from 4 acres by women farmers of FFP in convergence with MGNREGS, introduction of various HYV crops of ragi, amorphophallus, turmeric, fodder, vegetables etc, enhanced the cultivation of more crops in the panchayath and through the rejuvenation of around 88 natural ponds, conservation of water resources and ensuring sustainable food security through fish cultivation, improving the livelihood standards of women farmers and branding of “Pathiyoor egg” through poultry farming were appreciated and are notable achievements. She emphasised the relevance of Pathiyoor model of FFP in doubling the income of farmers. Farmers Mr. Rajesh, Varikkolil (Coconut Based Integrated Farming), Mr. Soman (Tender Nut Procurement And Marketing), Mr. Ashokan (Coconut Based Intercropping Model), Mr. Jayakumar, Punnoormadom (Scientific Management Of Coconut), Mr. Bhasuran (Intercropping In Coconut Garden) were felicitated and presented with mementos and certificates by Adv. U. Prathibha, MLA, Kayamkulam, Smt. Mani Viswanath, Muthukulam block panchayath member, Shri. K.G. Santhosh, Member, District Panchayath, Alappuzha, Shri. Manu Chellappan, Vice President, Panchayath, Pathiyoor and respective ward members of Pathiyoor Panchayath. Shri. K.G. Santhosh, Member, District Panchayath, Alappuzha, handed over various machineries of FFP and MoU of machineries like copra drier, coconut pulveriser, keraprobio lab equipments, garden tiller and motorized weeder machine to FFP farmers and OFPC and also he launched the Common Facility Centre for farmers. Dr. S. Kalavathi, Acting Head, ICAR-CPCRI RS, Kayamkulam delivered the keynote address and she acknowledged the various activities of FFP to ensure sustainable farm income through area wide responsible extension approaches and dissemination of scientific technologies. Besides, she launched the FFP plant protection programme of coconut by distributing coconut climbing machine and plant protection kit to Smt. Archana, an young educated and skilled woman labour, who is leading the labour group of coconut climbers, through virtual mode. Shri. Jithin Shaju, Senior Research Fellow, FFP, CPCRI RS, Kayamkulam proposed the vote of thanks and the programme was came to an end with national anthem. The programme was attended by FFP farmers and representatives in online mode also. Error!
1150 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral Users ICAR-CPCRI-Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP) and FFP-NABARD-Odanadu Farmers Producer Company Ltd. (OFPC) jointly organized a farmer felicitation ceremony along with exhibition and sale of value added products, “Onaniravil Karshika Pathiyoor” on 23rd August 2021 at Pathiyoor panchayath conference hall as part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. The programme started with ICAR theme song. Shri. P. V. Alex, Director, OFPC welcomed the gathering and the presidential address was given by Smt. L. Usha, president, Pathiyoor Grama panchayath. Adv. Bipin C. Babu Vice president, District panchayath, Alappuzha inaugurated the function. He emphasized the need for better agricultural production systems and alternative ways to improve and ensure agricultural sustainability amidst covid pandemic and verge of climate emergency. He also points out the various activities done as part of FFP and appreciated the spread of technologies and benefits accrued to farm families. Dr. Kalavathi, Acting Head, ICAR-CPCRI RS, Kayamkulam delivered the keynote address and she acknowledged the various activities of FFP during the past two year amidst the covid pandemic and mentioned that the pandemic made us to think about some serious challenges in farming and opportunities to accelerate changes in farming community and agricultural sector. On the occasion selected farmers from the share holders of OFPC, viz; Mr. Radhakrishnan (Model Coconut Entrepreneur), Mr. Rajeesh Ramanujan (Coconut based mixed cropping), Mr. Simon George (Fruit based coconut system), Mrs. Indhira B. (Model woman IFS farmer) and Mrs. Beena Sarang (Innovative urban IFS model) were honored on their immense efforts and success on various contributions in the fields of farming. The farmers were felicitated with mementos by the members of panchayath. Smt. Mani Viswanath, Muthukulam block panchayath member, felicitated the function and congratulated the farmers on their achievements. She also mentioned the activities and efforts of FFP in making Pathiyoor panchayath as a fallow free land, with active women farmers SHGs. Shri. Premkumar T. K., DDM, NABARD inaugurated the exhibition cum sale of value added products of FFP farmers like rotary pressed coconut oil, virgin coconut oil , turmeric powder, coconut food products, dried cowdung, vermi compost. Kera Probio-bio input for coconut seedlings & Kalpavardhini- micro nutrient mixture for adult palms, developed by ICARCPCRI were also exhibited. Dr. P. Anithakumari PS & PI (FFP), ICAR-CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam proposed the vote of thanks and the programme was conducted on both online and offline mode under strict covid protocol. The programme came to an end by 1.PM with national anthem. Error!
1151 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersOnline entrepreneurship development series for rural youths Started on December 7th 2020.The second online training programme in the series was on “Household waste management and feed preparation using soldier fly. The zoom training was held on 26.12.2020 at 2.30 pm .The online training programme uploaded in CPCRI Farmer FIRST facebook account in which more than 50 participants attended .The same has been uploaded in Farmer FIRST you tube channel also. Dr Anu Radhakrishnan,PhD Scholar, ATREE handled the session explained the various dimensions of the topic and the feedback collected from the programme was analysed well and responded. Error!
1152 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute EventsGeneral UsersOnline entrepreneurship development series for rural youths Started on December 7th 2020.The 3rd online training programme in the series was on “Cultivation practices of Bush pepper ”. The online zoom training was held on 02.01.2021 at 2.30 pm.The online training programme was streamed in CPCRI Farmer FIRST facebook account in which more than 100 participants attended .The same has been uploaded in Farmer FIRST you tube channel also. Mrs Sheela– Rtd. Principal Agriculture Officer handled the session explained the various dimensions of the topic and the feedback collected from the programme was analysed well and responded. Error!
1153 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersInstitute Advisory committee meeting was held on 24 November, 2020 through online mode Error!
1154 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersDoor-to-door selling method adopted by the farmer (S. Parmjit Singh Khalsa) during lockdown period of COVID-19 as per the government safety regulations Error!
1155 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersDoor-to-door selling method adopted by the farmer (S. Parmjit Singh Khalsa) during lockdown period of COVID-19 as per the government safety regulations Error!
1156 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYEventsFarmerA training programme on postharvest management, value addition and marketing of fruits and vegetables for “Apka Family Farmer” a Farmer Producer Company (FPC) from Himachal Pradesh. Error!
1157 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYEventsFarmerTraining organised on chemical free jaggery production to farmer-cum-entrepreneurs (S. Rajiwinder Singh Mann and S. Rajinder Singh) during 14.07.2020 to 16.07.2020. Error!
1158 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYEventsFarmerTraining organised on chemical free jaggery production to farmer-cum-entrepreneurs (S. Rajiwinder Singh Mann and S. Rajinder Singh) during 14.07.2020 to 16.07.2020. Error!
1159 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersFour members from Guru Sahib Charitable Society (Regd.) Moga visited Agro-processing centre of ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana. Error!
1160 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersTwo farmer-cum-entrepreneurs (S. Rajwinder Singh Mann and S. Rajinder Singh) visited chemical free jaggery plant established at Uppal Farm, Rahon, Ludhiana on 12-06.2020. Error!
1161 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersThree members from Gadri Baba Dulla Singh Giani Nihal Singh Foundation (Regd.) Vill. Jalaldiwal, Raikot, Ludhiana visited Chemical free jaggery plant established at Uppal Farm, Rahon, Ludhiana Error!
1162 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersHanding over of destoner of capacity 400-450 kg/hr to farmer (S. Paramjit Singh Khalsa) of Balachour, Nawanshahr Error!
1163 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersHanding over of wheat mill of capacity 60-70 kg/hr and multi-purpose mill of capacity 25-30 kg/hr to farmer (Mr. Harminder Singh) of Balachour, Nawanshahr Error!
1164 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYInterventionEnterprise BasedHoney Processing Unit (50-60 Kg/hr) established at Rahon, SBS Nagar Error!
1165 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYInterventionEnterprise BasedAgro-processing centres, SBS Nagar Error!
1166 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYInterventionEnterprise BasedAgro-processing cum livestock feed unit, Raikot, Ludhiana Error!
1167 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit to Jaggery production unit, Uppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr for the training of two farmer-cum-entrepreneurs (S. Rajwinder Singh Mann and S. Rajinder Singh) on 15-07-2020 Error!
1168 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of FFP team to Agro-processing centre, Pabla Brothers, Bharta Khurd, Rahon, Nawanshahr Error!
1169 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of FFP team to chemical free jaggery production plant at Uppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr Error!
1170 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of FFP team to the Agro-processing centre (Khalsa Farm) at Balachour, Nawanshahr Error!
1171 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersMeeting with farmers at KVK, Langroya, Nawanshahr for the implementation of Horticultural crop process module Error!
1172 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersMeeting with farmer (S. Sohal Singh Uppal) at Chemical free jaggery production plant, Uppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr Error!
1173 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersGraphical Abstract Error!
1174 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersInstitute Advisory Committee meeting at ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana on 11 Oct. 2019 Error!
1175 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit to KVK, Langroya for identifying potential villages/ area for implementation of farmer first project module. Identified potential villages and area for implementation of farmer first project in selected district. Error!
1176 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYEventsFarmerTraining programme on honey processing was organised for the group of farmers from Nawanshahr and conducted at Processing and Food Engineering department, PAU, Ludhiana Error!
1177 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYEventsFarmerFarmers were trained about minimal processing and different types of packaging of fruits and vegetables at PHPTC, PAU, Ludhiana Error!
1178 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersInstitute Advisory Committee meeting at ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana on 15.01.2019 Error!
1179 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of agroprocessing center at Bharta Khurd, rahon, Nawanshahr Error!
1180 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersMeeting with farmer at Uppal Farm, Rahon, Punjab Error!
1181 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersHanding over of Mini dal mill to S. Paramjit Singh Khalsa Error!
1182 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit to Horticulture Department, nawanshahr, Punjab for collecting information of fruit and vegetable growers Error!
1183 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Agro Processing center at Bharta khurd, Rahon, SBS Nagar Error!
1184 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Agro Processing center at Dharmkot, Rahon, SBS Nagar Error!
1185 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Agro Processing center at Balachour, SBS Nagar Error!
1186 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersHoney processing plant established at Mahalon, SBS Nagar Error!
1187 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersEstablishment of chemical free jaggery processing plant (3 pans) Error!
1188 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersEstablishment of chemical free jaggery processing plant (3 pan) Error!
1189 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersEstablishment of chemical free jaggery processing plant (crusher) Error!
1190 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYEventsFarmerFarmers meeting at Bharta Khurd, Rahon, SBS Nagar, Punjab Error!
1191 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Mini Dal Mill by Dr. Rajbeer Singh (Director, ATARI, Ludhiana) Error!
1192 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Honey processing unit by Dr. Rajbeer Singh (Director, ATARI, Ludhiana) Error!
1193 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit to Uppal Farm, Rahon and Discussed about different aspects related to existing activities, marketing, processing methods and scope of improvements in the area. Error!
1194 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYEventsFarmerTraining on Pulse milling of farmers from SBS nagar at ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana Error!
1195 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit to honey bee farm at Nawanshahr, Punjab Error!
1196 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYEventsFarmerTraining on Pulse milling for farmer from Balachour, SBS nagar at ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana Error!
1197 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYEventsFarmerFarmers awareness programme on dal mill Error!
1198 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYEventsFarmerTraining on Agro-processing for farmer from Bharta Khurd, Rahon, SBS nagar at ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana Error!
1199 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYEventsFarmerTraining on Spices processing for farmers from Rahon, SBS nagar at ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana Error!
1200 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYEventsFarmerFarmers-scientist interface meeting at ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana Error!
1201 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYInterventionEnterprise BasedHoney Processing Unit (50-60 kg/hr) established at Mahalon, SBS Nagar Error!
1202 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYInterventionEnterprise BasedPulse Processing Unit (capacity 115-125 kg/hr) established at Balachour, SBS Nagar Error!
1203 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYInterventionEnterprise BasedSpices Processing Unit of capacity 60-70 kg/hr established at Bharta Khurd, Rahon, Punjab Error!
1204 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYInterventionEnterprise BasedChemical free Jaggery unit established at Uppal Farm, Rahon, Punjab Error!
1205 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersHanding over of Chemical free jaggery unit to S. Sohan Singh Uppal Error!
1206 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersHanding over of Pulverizer (70-80 kg/hr) to Mr. Jaswant Singh Error!
1207 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersHanding over of Pulverizer (20-25 kg/hr) to Mr. Tarsem Lal Error!
1208 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Farmers from SBS Nagar to ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana Error!
1209 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of FPO from KVK, Langroya to ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana Error!
1210 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Uttam seva, Sirsa, Haryana for jaggery processing unit at Uppal farm, Rahon, Punjab Error!
1211 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersHoney producing farmers meeting at Rahon, Punjab Error!
1212 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Agro processing center at Khalsa Farm, Balachour, SBS Nagar Error!
1213 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersHoney processing unit established at Rahon, Nawanshahr, Punjab Error!
1214 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersMeeting with honey bee farmer (S. Lakhbir Singh) at bee farm Error!
1215 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersMeeting with farmer (S. Jaswant Singh) at Agro-processing center established at Bharta Khurd, Rahon, Nawanshahr Error!
1216 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers Activitiesothers Meeting with farmer (S. Sohal Singh Uppal) at Uppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr Error!
1217 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersMeeting with farmer (S. Parmjit Singh Khalsa) at Khalsa Farm, Balachour Error!
1218 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersMeeting with farmer (S. Sohal Singh Uppal) at Uppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr Error!
1219 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of FFP Team to Jaggery plant of IISR, Lucknow Error!
1220 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYEventsFarmerTraining on Horticultural crops handling and packaging at PAU, Ludhiana Error!
1221 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersAgro-processing center (Khalsa Farm) at Balachour, Nawanshahr, Punjab Error!
1222 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersAgro-processing center (Pabla Brothers) at Bharta Khurd, Rahon, Punjab Error!
1223 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersAgro-processing center (Padan Atta Chakki) at Dharmkot, Rahon, Punjab Error!
1224 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersSugarcane crusher (capacity 1 ton/hr) Error!
1225 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers Activitiesothers3-pan furnace design of jaggery processing plant Error!
1228 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersDrying of solid jaggery for storage Error!
1229 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersDrying of granular jaggery for storage Error!
1230 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersPackaging of granular jaggery Error!
1231 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersPackaging of solid and granular jaggery Error!
1232 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersStorage of jaggery Error!
1233 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYInterventionPost-Harvest TechnologyAgro-processing center (Khalsa Farm) at Balachour, Nawanshahr, Punjab Error!
1234 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYInterventionPost-Harvest TechnologyAgro-processing center (Khalsa Farm) at Balachour, Nawanshahr, Punjab Error!
1235 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYInterventionPost-Harvest TechnologyAgro-processing center (Pabla Brothers) at Bharta Khurd, Rahon, Punjab Error!
1236 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYInterventionPost-Harvest TechnologyAgro-processing center (Pabla Brothers) at Bharta Khurd, Rahon, Punjab Error!
1237 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYInterventionPost-Harvest TechnologyAgro-processing center (Padan Atta Chakki) at Dharmkot, Rahon, Punjab Error!
1238 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYInterventionPost-Harvest TechnologyAgro-processing center (Padan Atta Chakki) at Dharmkot, Rahon, Punjab Error!
1239 ICAR - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF POST-HARVEST ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYOthers ActivitiesothersVisit for establishment of jaggery processing unit at Uppal Farm, Rahon, Nawanshahr Error!
1240 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstration of Mango based poultry farming to the rural women for entrepreneurship development. Error!
1241 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstration of chicks hatching process to the rural women for entrepreneurship development. Error!
1242 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstration of Kadaknath birds to the rural women for entrepreneurship development. Error!
1243 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstration of mango based poultry farming to the rural women for entrepreneurship development. Error!
1244 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsFarmerWorld soil Day 2020 Error!
1245 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsFarmerFarmers scientists interaction for making the farmers aware about the importance of soil health. Error!
1246 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsFarmerWorld soil day news Error!
1247 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsSelf Help GroupTo create women SHG on value addition of mango in June 2020 To link SHG with ABI for marketing To provide livelihood to rural women Error!
1248 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsFarmerAn Awareness program for improving the farmers' income through intercropping in mango orchards on October 29, 2020 at Mohammad Nagar Talukedari village of Malihabad block. The Chief Guest of the programme, District Horticulture Officer, Smt. Meena Devi, apprised about special grants to the farmers to provide facilities. Error!
1249 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsFarmerDemonstration of perennial variety of Sorghum CoFS-29 as a intercropping in Mango orchard Error!
1250 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsFarmerOne day workshop for awareness "Swachhata Abhiyan" and "Swaraj Bharat" on the occasion of 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and the birthday of Shaheed Bhagat Singh under the Farmer First Project ICAR-CISH and Awadh Aam Utpadak avam Bagwani Samiti, Nabipanah on 28-09-2020 at primary school, Nabipanah, Malihabad Error!
1251 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsSelf Help GroupTo create women SHG on value addition of mango To link SHG with ABI for marketing To provide livelihood to rural women Error!
1252 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleAdoption of Mango based poultry farming Error!
1253 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleChicks production through low cost of hatchery machine Error!
1254 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1255 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1256 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1257 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1258 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1259 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1260 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1261 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1262 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1263 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1264 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1265 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1266 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1267 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1268 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1269 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersAnnual progress report Error!
1270 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsFarm WomenFarm women trained under FFP got Innovative Farmer Award. Error!
1271 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersTo promote mango based poultry farming in Mall-Malihabad mango belt a SHG named 'Sahbhaagita' has been formed. The main objective of SHG is to produce chicks of CARI Devendra, Nirbheek, Aseel and Kadaknath breeds of poultry through community hatchery machine for supply of chicks to other fellow farmers. Error!
1272 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleSmall sized, inferior quality mango fruits are sold in Malihabad at Rs. 8-10/kg which causes economic loss to the farmers. Technology was developed for mango pulp extraction and preservation and further value addition of mango pulp at ICAR-CISH, Lucknow under FFP for empowering rural youth. Rural youths were capacity built on pulp extraction and preservation technology. One small scale enterprise established for the production of mango ice cream in village Bhadwana, Malihabad. M/S Sweetwell Ice Cream is now selling Dashehari pulp based Ice Cream with an annual turnover of Rs.10 Lakh. The firm has generated employment for 15 rural youth. Error!
1273 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersRaw and ripe mango processing and value addition Error!
1274 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersGovernor of UP inaugurating project Error!
1275 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstration of mango orchard based poultry farming Error!
1276 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsFarm WomenICAR- Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow organized a Scientist-Farmer Dialogue on the topic 'Food and Nutrition for Farmers' under 'Amrit Bharat Mahotsav' programme Error!
1277 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleA training cum workshop on Guava pulp processing and value-added products Error!
1278 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleCAR-CISH, Lucknow organized Scientist-Farmer's interaction meet under FARMER-FIRST project to solve the problem of costly fodder for the milch animals of the farmers Error!
1279 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsFarmerunder Special National Swacchta Campaign, ICAR-Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow organised Kisan Gosthi on the topic of 'Waste to Wealth' in Dhakwa village of Malihabad block on October 12, 2021. Error!
1280 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsSelf Help GroupTraining on value addition of mango pulp on the occasion of International rural women day Error!
1281 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleDemonstration of strawberry cultivation with mulching on farmers field Error!
1282 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsFarm Women‘Nutri-Garden Campaign and Plantation Drive’ under Nutricereals Mega convention for International Year of Millets 2023. Error!
1283 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleEntrepreneurship development through button mushroom farming Error!
1284 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleEntrepreneurship development through button mushroom farming Error!
1285 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship Moduleinauguration of mango pulp ice-cream factory under Farmer FIRST project. Error!
1286 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship Moduleinauguration of mango pulp ice-cream factory under Farmer FIRST project. Error!
1287 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsFarm WomenICAR-CISH, Lucknow Celebrated International Women's Day on March 8, 2021 under Farmer FIRST Project. The women leaders of self-help groups (SHGs) and women of Institute's staff were the special invitee in the programme. During the program Dr. S. Rajan, Director ICAR-CISH, Lucknow underlined about equality and empowerment of women through innovative horticulture technologies. On this occasion, Director also felicitated three self help groups (SHGs) viz of FFP. Swavlamban, Ma Durga Mahila Svayam Sahayta Samooh, The Winner Welfare Foundation working in Malihabad along with women staff of institute. Error!
1288 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsUnemployed YouthOne day training program on the cultivation of milky mushroom for entrepreneurship development Error!
1289 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersEntrepreneurship development during the lockdown through secondary hardening of tissue culture banana plants in the mango orchard. Error!
1290 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstrated Integrated farming like mango based poultry farming, fisheries, pig farming in mango orchard ecosystem for generating the income of farmers throughout the year under farmer first project Error!
1291 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship Module ICAR-CISH Lucknow developed entrepreneurship through the production and marketing of the vermicompost in the mango orchard ecosystem in the Malihabad region under Farmer FIRST Project. Mr. Abhay Singh 46 years old from Malihabad, Lucknow start vermicompost production. he built vermicompost bed of 10x3 feet width with 2 feet height using moisture absorbing bricks in a Mango orchard. The vermicompost bed were filled with 10 quintals of dung and added 8 kg of Eisenia foetida species of earthworm, which he bought @ Rs. 200/kg. He got his first vermicompost in 90 days from his unit. He has also experimented vermiwash preparation. Error!
1292 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersIn order to generate sustainable income of mango farmers shade-loving crop turmeric var. Narendra Dev Turmeric-2 was demonstrated as an Intercrop by the furrow method in the mango orchard ecosystem under FFP during the lockdown. Error!
1293 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsFarmer online Mango Buyer-Seller Seminar on June 5, 2021 under Farmer FIRST Project and ABI. Error!
1294 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleSwavalamban women self help group started marketing of dashehari mango with the technical support ICAR-CISH Farmer FIRST Project Error!
1295 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleICAR-Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow demonstrated the ICAR-CISH-Fasal Shakti and ICAR-CISH Bio-Enhancer on Broccoli cultivation under Farmers FIRST Project. Error!
1296 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersICAR-Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow organized Field Day in adopted village Mohammadnagar Talukedari, Meethenagar, Nabipanah of Malihabad block Error!
1297 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsSelf Help GroupIUnder The Farmer FIRST Project ICAR- CISH, Lucknow organized an ‘Innovator-Farmer Meet on the the Nutri-sensitive Agriculture’ under ‘Amrut Bharat Mahotsav’ programme for improving the farmers’ income and nutrition security Error!
1298 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersICAR-Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow organized Field Day in adopted village Mohammadnagar Talukedari, of Malihabad block in which scientist visited to farmers field who adopted IFS module intercropping, fish farming, poultry farming and milch animal integrated in mango orchard ecosystem Error!
1299 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleEntrepreneurship development in mango based poultry farming Error!
1300 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleICAR-CISH Tech Empowerment Transgender : A 35 years old transgender Mohini from Malihabad got inspired by kadaknath farming effort in mango orchards. She was capacity built-in poultry raising by SHG-Sahbhagita where she learnt about low cost shelter, poultry feed, disease management etc. Supported by CISH in technology she started her poultry farm with 500 Kadaknath chicks in Malihabad village.A 35 years old transgender Mohini from Malihabad got inspired by kadaknath farming effort in mango orchards. She was capacity built in poultry raising by SHG-Sahbhagita where she learnt about low cost shelter, poultry feed, disease management etc. Supported by CISH in technology she started her poultry farm with 500 Kadaknath chicks in Malihabad village. Error!
1301 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleDemonstration of Bagging technology in mango Error!
1302 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleDemonstration of Tuberose flower cultivation at farmers field under FFP Error!
1303 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleDemonstration of marigold flower cultivation at farmers field under FFP Error!
1304 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleDemonstration of Bio-fungicide ICAR-Fusicont for mango wilt disease management Error!
1305 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsOthersICAR-CISH, Lucknow was awarded best performing center in zone -III of Farmer First Programme. the award was given to Dr. Maneesh Mishra, PI of FFP at CSKHPKV, Palampur on 30th November 2023 during National Review Meeting. Error!
1306 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstration of bagging technology in Mango for export quality mango Error!
1307 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleMarketing linkage of Mango farmers Error!
1308 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship Module Mango GAP Error!
1309 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship Module50 lakh bags procured by farmers to help save mangoes and boost export Error!
1310 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleOn August 27, 2024, ICAR-CISH's Farmer FIRST Project held a demonstration on "center opening" and light pruning techniques in Dhakwa village, Mal-Malihabad block, Lucknow. Principal Investigator Dr. Manish Mishra and Principal Scientist Dr. Sushil Kumar Shukla and Rohit Jaiswal demonstrated pruning methods in mid-aged mango orchards to prevent over-density, enhance productivity, and improve fruit quality. The ideal pruning period is from post-monsoon to December, involving selective branch removal to allow sunlight and reduce tree height by 15-20%, facilitating easier pesticide application and harvest. About 50 farmers participated, with coordination by Mr. Rohit Jaiswal. Error!
1311 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleUnder Farmer First project one day workshop organized on Bagging technology in mango on 25-04-2024 in the adopted village of Navipanah, Malihabad. Dr. T. Damodaran highlighted that bagging mangoes can ensure longer shelf life and enhance export potential by securing fruit quality. Dr. Maneesh Mishra PI-FFP explained that bagging reduces pest and disease incidence, thereby minimizing pesticide use. The technique also ensures uniform ripening and spotless, fetching better prices for farmers. Dr. P.K. Shukla and Dr. Ravi S.C. provided insights into bagging techniques. Umang Gupta, director of Shri Rajdhani Mango Point, Nabipanah, informed farmers about the availability of bags and emphasized fair pricing for mangoes of superior quality. A total of 100 farmers participated in this program. Error!
1312 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleDemonstration of bagging technology in Mango Error!
1313 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleDemonstration of green fodder Panicum grass as a intercrop in mango orchard ecosystem Error!
1314 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleDevelop integrated system module Pig farming + Fish + Poultry farming Error!
1315 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleDemonstration of mango orchard based poultry farming Error!
1316 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsFarmerField day on bell pepper cultivation with drip and mulching technology Error!
1317 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsUnemployed YouthDemonstration of turmeric as a intercrop in mango orchard system 2022-23 Error!
1318 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleMaking self-reliant to farmers and young people by developing entrepreneurship through the cultivation of button mushroom under the Farmer-FIRST project 2022-23 Error!
1319 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleMaking self-reliant to farmers and young people by developing entrepreneurship through the cultivation of oyster mushroom under the Farmer-FIRST project 2022-23 Error!
1320 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsFarmerorganized a Scientist-Farmer-Stakeholder interaction meeting on 14th April, 2023 under the Chairmanship of Secretary DARE and Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research Dr. Himanshu Pathak. Error!
1321 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleOne day training cum workshop on “Ready to Fruit Bag Dhingri (Oyster) Mushroom” Error!
1322 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationEventsFarmerFarmers day 2022 Error!
1323 ICAR Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture, Lucknow regional stationInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleDemonstration of high value vegetable cultivation with mulching and drip irrigation Error!
1324 ICAR - Central Institute for Research on BuffaloesOthers ActivitiesothersZonal Group Meeting on Farmer FIRST project AT ICAR-CIRB, Hisar Error!
1325 ICAR - Central Institute for Research on BuffaloesInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleADG (AE) interacting with women farmers under Farmer FIRST Error!
1326 ICAR - Central Institute for Research on BuffaloesOthers ActivitiesothersHonourable Union Cabinet Minister, Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries Sh Shri Giriraj Singh & Union Minister of State Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Balyan greatly appreciated farmers associated with Farmer FIRST programme Error!
1327 ICAR - Central Institute for Research on BuffaloesOthers ActivitiesothersHonourable Union Cabinet Minister, Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries Sh Shri Giriraj Singh & Union Minister of State Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Balyan greatly appreciated farmers associated with Farmer FIRST programme Error!
1328 ICAR - Central Institute for Research on BuffaloesOthers ActivitiesothersICAR CAZRI TRAINING VISIT under Farmer FIRST programme Error!
1329 ICAR - Central Institute for Research on BuffaloesOthers ActivitiesothersTraining Error!
1330 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteEventsFarmerSeed distribution Error!
1331 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteEventsFarmerTraining programme on “Importance of Spray Technique in Crop Production” at CSSRI Error!
1332 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteEventsFarmerSkill Development Programme on “Marketing of Agricultural Produce”at CSSRI Error!
1333 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteEventsFarmerField Day on Rice Residue Management at CSSRI Error!
1334 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteEventsOthersGroup Meeting on " “Impact Assessment of Technological Modules under Farmer FIRST Projects” at CSSRI Karnal on Feb 12-14, 2018 Error!
1335 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteEventsFarmerFarmers-Scientists Interface Meeting under Farmer FIRST Project Error!
1336 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteEventsFarmerICAR-CSSRI organized Skill Development Programme on “Scientific Dairy farming” under Farmer FIRST project at ICAR-NDRI, Karnal Error!
1337 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteEventsFarmerCSSRI Karnal organized Kharif Kisan Goshti and distributed farm inputs under Farmer FIRST Project Error!
1338 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteEventsFarmerICAR-CSSRI organized kisan Goshti and farm distribution Programme under Farmer FIRST Project Error!
1339 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteEventsFarmerICAR-CSSRI Karnal distributed 800 bags of gypsum and 150 tons of pressmud under Farmer FIRST Project Error!
1340 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteEventsFarmerFarmers-Scientist Interface Meeting on ‘Climate Resilient Agricultural Interventions to Enhance Farmers’ Income’ at CSSRI, Karnal Error!
1341 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteEventsFarmerCapacity building of Schedule Caste Women Farmers under CSSRI Farmer FIRST Project Error!
1342 ICAR - Central Soil Salinity Research InstituteEventsFarmerICAR-CSSRI organized Farmers-Scientists-Policy makers Interface Meeting under Farmer FIRST Project Error!
1343 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceGermination rate of mustard seeds being checked by project team in village Chosla Error!
1344 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceMustard parameters being recorded in farmer's field Error!
1345 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceMustard parameters being recorded in farmer's field Error!
1346 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceWheat parameters being recorded in farmer's field Error!
1347 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceProject team evaluating growth of kasuri methi plants in the field Error!
1348 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal health camp held in village Bassi on 22 July 2017 Error!
1349 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal health camp in the field Error!
1350 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionNatural Resource ManagementA unit of vermi-compost in the field Error!
1351 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceDr. V.P. Chahal, ADG (Agricultural Extension), ICAR visiting project area on 19 August 2017 Error!
1352 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionNatural Resource ManagementDr. V.P. Chahal, ADG (Agricultural Extension), ICAR evaluating a vermi-compost unit installed at farmer's field Error!
1353 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceDr. V.P. Chahal, ADG (Agricultural Extension), ICAR checking performance of moong crop in farmer's field Error!
1354 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersExposure visit of 45 farmers to ICAR institutes from 29-31 January 2018 Error!
1355 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersAssistant Director, Department of Agriculture, Malpura visiting the field of a farmer of project area Error!
1356 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteEventsFarmerMeeting with sarpanch and gram panchayat members for planning rabi season activities in project area (in the centre, sarpanch (woman) is there) Error!
1357 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersClosing function of a training programme held from 2-3 March 2017 Error!
1358 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersClosing function of a farmers' training programme held from 2-3 March 2017 Error!
1359 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersCertificate distribution to farmers in training programme held from 2-3 March 2017 Error!
1360 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceDr. V.P. Chahal, ADG (Agricultural Extension), ICAR interacting with a sheep farmer in Chosla village Error!
1361 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersEvening Chaupal organized in village Arnia with Director of Institute and team Farmer FIRST project Error!
1362 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersEvening Chaupal organized in village Chosla with Director of Institute and team Farmer FIRST project Error!
1363 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersA routine visit made by Farmer FIRST project team members in village Arnia of FFP Error!
1364 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersA group meeting with farmers in Bassi village of FFP Error!
1365 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersExposure visit of farmers of FFP to Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, Bikaner and other ICAR institutes Error!
1366 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteEventsFarmerParticipation of farmers of FFP in Farmer-Scientist Sangosthi at ARC Bikaner campus of ICAR-CSWRI Avikanagar. Sh. Kailash Choudhary, Hon'ble Union Minister of State, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare, Government of India inaugurated the function. Error!
1367 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteEventsFarmerParticipation of farmers of FFP in Farmer-Scientist Sangosthi at ARC Bikaner campus of ICAR-CSWRI Avikanagar. Dr. S.K. Singh, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Jodhpur with farmers of project area. Error!
1368 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceA buffalo calf born from semen of elite bull M-29 of ICAR-CIRB Hisar using artificial insemination technique in Arnia village of Farmer FIRST project area Error!
1369 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionHorticulture ScienceBer and lemon plants distribution to farmers of Bassi village in Farmer FIRST project Error!
1370 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteEventsFarmerKid distribution programme in Farmer FIRST Project, programme chaired by the Director of the Institute Error!
1371 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceData recording and interaction by PI of the project with a goat farmer during a visit to Farmer FIRST project village Error!
1372 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersNews of project activities published in The Rashtradoot newspaper Error!
1373 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersNews of project activities published in The Rajasthan Patrika newspaper Error!
1374 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersNews of project activities published in The Dainik Bhaskar newspaper Error!
1375 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersNews of project activities published in The Navjoty newspaper Error!
1376 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteEventsFarmerKisan Gosthi and Kid distribution programme in Farmer FIRST Project, programme chaired by the Director of the Institute Error!
1377 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteEventsFarmerDirector of the Institute interacting with farmers in an evening Chaupal in Chosla village of Farmer FIRST project Error!
1378 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersTraining programme for farmers being organized in the institute Error!
1379 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable production by a farmer for domestic use by using IARI Pusa vegetable kit Error!
1380 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceProject team interacting with a young farmer in his field Error!
1381 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceProject team interacting with a progressive farmer in his home Error!
1382 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionNatural Resource ManagementProject team instructing a farmer about vermi-compost unit Error!
1383 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceProject team evaluating a field of Kasuri methi in the project area Error!
1384 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteEventsFarmerVisit of Sh. Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Hon'ble Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfar, Govt. of India to Chosla village of Farmer FIRST project area Error!
1385 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteEventsFarmerProgress of Farmer FIRST project being explained to Hon'ble Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat by PI of the project Chosla village of Farmer FIRST project Error!
1386 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteEventsFarmerInteraction made by Hon'ble Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat with Farmers of Farmer FIRST project area in Chosla village Error!
1387 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteEventsGeneral UsersFarmer FIRST project team organizing a Kisan Gosthi in Chosla village of Farmer FIRST project Error!
1388 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteEventsFarmerDr. V.P. Chahal, ADG interacting with progressive farmers of project area in KAB, IARI campus, Pusa, New Delhi Error!
1389 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceData recording in the field Error!
1390 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersExposure visit of farmers to ICAR-NRCSS Ajmer Error!
1391 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersInside bus photograph of farmers ready for going to an exposure visit to ICAR institutes Error!
1392 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAnimal ScienceVaccination in a sheep flock in Bassi village of Farmer FIRST project Error!
1393 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteEventsFarmerDirector of ICAR-CSWRI Avikanagar interacting with farmers on Kisan Diwas celebration programme in Bassi village of Farmer FIRST project Error!
1394 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteEventsFarmerChief Guest, the MLA of Malpura constituency and farmers of project area visiting exhibition stalls in a Kisan Gosthi programme organised by the Institute Error!
1395 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersSh. C.R. Chaudhary, Hon'ble Minister of State of the Department of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and Minister of State for the Ministry of Commence and Industry, Govt. of India interacting with farmers of FFP in his residence on 31 January 2019 Error!
1396 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteEventsGeneral UsersScientists Probationers organizing National Science Day on 28 February 2020 in project village Chosla Error!
1397 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersNews of exposure visit of woman farmers of project area published in Dainik Bhaskar, Tonk edition dated 29 February 2020 Error!
1398 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteOthers ActivitiesothersNews of exposure visit of woman farmers of project area published in Dainik Navjyoti, Tonk edition dated 29 February 2020 Error!
1399 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteEventsFarmerFarmers' participation in Kisan gosthi and exhbition on Institute Foundation day on 04 January 2020 Error!
1400 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceVisit made by PI and Co-PI of project in farmers' fields Error!
1401 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceVisit made by PI and Co-PI of project in farmers' fields Error!
1402 ICAR - Central Sheep and Wool Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceA field of Kasuri methi in village Arnia of project area Error!
1403 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerFarmer-scientist Meet on 23.03.2017 at village Barouda, Jabalpur Error!
1404 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerIntroduction of the improved varietis of green gram, distribution of seeds and DAP and sowing by happy seeder at village Barouda, Jabalpur on 01.04.2017 Error!
1405 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerTraining on mushroom cultivation at Baroda Error!
1406 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAnimal ScienceCattle mineral mixture was distribted in Umariya Choubey and Barouda village on 10.08.2018 and 07.09.2018 Error!
1407 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceFruit saplings of gauva, amla, papaya, lemon and pomegranate (total 5 saplings) were distributed to the farmers Error!
1408 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionNatural Resource ManagementBamboo saplings distribution to the farmers for cultivation Error!
1409 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of greengram, blackgram, fertilizer, herbicides and zero til sowing by happy seeder at Umariya Choubey and Barouda village Error!
1410 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionNatural Resource ManagementSowing of wheat by happy seeder Error!
1411 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionNatural Resource ManagementRelesase of fish finger lings (rohu variety) at Umariya Choubey village Error!
1412 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of Rice, DAP, Urea, Zinksulphate and Herbicide at Umariya Choubey and Barouda village Error!
1413 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerTraining on spraying techniques Error!
1414 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerFarmers - Scientist meeting cum discussion on animal husbandary Error!
1415 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerParthenium awairness weak Error!
1416 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerGazar Ghash Jagrukta Saptah and distribution of Maxican beetle Error!
1417 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerFarmers - scientists interaction Meeting Error!
1418 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of Greengram variety Virat and Blackgram variety PU-31 seed 0n dated 7-4-2022 to 8-4-2022 barauda and Umariya Choubey Error!
1419 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of Post emargance Herbicide Imazathapyr 0n dated 27-4-2022 to 28-4-2022 barauda and Umariya Choubey Error!
1420 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerTraning on spraying Technic 7-5-2022 to 09-5-2022 barauda and Umariya Choubey Error!
1421 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAnimal ScienceIntraction with farmers and distribution of "Kadaknath" breed dtd 14-03-2022 Error!
1422 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionNatural Resource ManagementTraining on mushroom cultivation umariya choubey Error!
1423 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of JamunaPari Goat breed one unit (10+1) 25-02-2022 Error!
1424 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of hybrid variety of paddy Ganga on dated 17-06-2022 and 18-06-2022 Error!
1425 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of Rice Herbicide at Umariya Choubey and Barouda village on dated 10/08/2022 Error!
1426 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerParthenium awairness weak on dated 22-08-2022 Error!
1427 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of Wheat Herbicide at Umariya Choubey and Barouda village on dated 27/12/2020 to 28/12/2020 Error!
1428 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of Wheat Herbicide at Umariya Choubey and Barouda village on dated 27/12/2021 to 28/12/2021 Error!
1429 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarm WomenWorld Soil Health Day 05-12-2021 Error!
1430 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerTraining on repair,maintenance of agricultural sprayers on dated 01-09-2022 to 03-09-2022 Error!
1431 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersP.M Kisan Samman Sammalan October 17,2022 Error!
1432 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersVishesh swachata abhiyan at Umariya choubey and Barauda on dated 19-20 October 2022 Error!
1433 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerField Day Error!
1434 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersVigilance Awareness Week in FFP adopted village Barauda and Umariya Choubey on dated 03-11-2022 Error!
1435 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of Rice Herbicide at Umariya Choubey and Barouda village on dated 18/08/2020 to 19/08/2020 Error!
1436 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of Wheat Herbicide at Umariya Choubey and Barouda village on dated 22/12/2020 to 23/12/2020 Error!
1437 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAnimal ScienceCattle mineral mixture was distribted in Umariya Choubey and Barouda village on 05.09.2020 and 07.09.2020 Error!
1438 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceDistribution of Moringa seedling (PKM-1) at Umariya Choubey and Barouda village on dated 21/08/2020 and 26/08/2020 Error!
1439 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionEnterprise BasedIntroduction of mushroom cultivation among landless farmers at Baroda 27/12/2020 Error!
1440 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAnimal ScienceCattle mineral mixture was distributed in Umariya Choubey village on 02.09.2021 Error!
1441 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntroduced new short duration variety Virat b.Nutrient management through DAP Error!
1442 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarm Women Women Field Visit 08-03-2021 Error!
1443 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of Rice Herbicide at Umariya Choubey and Barouda village on dated 19/08/2021 to 21/08/2021 Error!
1444 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAnimal ScienceCattle mineral mixture was distributed in village Barauda on dated 06-09-2021 Error!
1445 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerTraining Programme on “Common diseases of milch animals and their management” under FFP on 07-12-2022 to 09-12-2022 Error!
1446 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAnimal ScienceTraining Programme on “Common diseases of milch animals and their management” under FFP on 07-12-2022 to 09-12-2022 Error!
1447 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture Science Popularization of short duration greengram (Variety Virat) in fallow land after wheat harvest April 05-06-2023 Error!
1448 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture Science Distribution of Imazathapyr herbicide on dated 05 to 06 May 2023 Error!
1449 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmer Farmers scientist interface on herbicide spraying on dated 05 May 2023 at ICAR-DWR Error!
1450 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerApplication of nano urea spray through drone under Farmer FIRST Programme on dated January 27 2023 to February 03 2023 Error!
1451 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerApplication of nano urea spray through drone under Farmer FIRST Programme on dated January 27 2023 to February 03 2023 Error!
1452 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution and farmer scientist Interface of new generation herbicide Clodinafop Propargyl 15% + Metsulfuron Methyl 1 % WP @ 160 g/ha for broad spectrum weed control to 100 farmers benefited on dated 4 January 2023 Error!
1453 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceFarmers scientist Interface on Effective vegetable cultivation and distribution of IIHR vegetable-Kit to 30 farmers benefited dated January,12 2023 Error!
1454 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionNatural Resource ManagementDistribution and Farmers scientist Interface on Portable Vermi-compost to 9 farmers benefited dated January, 24 2023 Error!
1455 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersInstitute Advisory Committee Meetings on dated 24-03-2023 Error!
1456 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerTraining -cum-workshop on the subject of protection of plant varieties and farmers’ rights and Shree Anna on dated March 18 2023 Error!
1457 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerParthenium Awareness Campaign in selected village Under Farmer First Program on dated 21-08-2023 Error!
1458 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSite Committee Meetings on dated 5-09-2023 Error!
1459 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceThe distribution of 24 advanced dual purpose sprayers to the adopted farmers under Farmer First Programme on 01.01.2025 Error!
1460 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerFarmer-Scientist interaction and Field visit for selection of adopted farmers from Khukkham and Ranipur villages of Kundam block, Jabalpur on 26.04.2024 Error!
1461 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerField visit and interaction with the farmers for primary data collection on 30.05.2024 Error!
1462 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerFarmers-Scientist Interface-cum-training on Weed Control in millets and rice on 29.07.2024, at Khukkham village Error!
1463 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of herbicides to the adopted farmers under Farmer First Programme on 29.07.2024 Error!
1464 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersParthenium awareness programme on 22.08.2024 at Khukkham village Error!
1465 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSwachhata Hi Seva Campaign was organized on 30.09.2024 at Khukkham and Ranipur villages, Kundam, Jabalpur Error!
1466 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerSite Committee Meeting was organised on 18.12.2024 at Khukkham village Error!
1467 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSwachhata Awareness Campaign was organized on 18.12.2024 to promote cleanliness, hygiene, and environmental sustainability among farmers and villagers. Altogether 40 students and 10 farmers attended the programme. Error!
1468 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerSite Committee Meeting was organised on 30.12.2024 to plan a training programme on weed management in millets and other field crops, including herbicide application techniques. Altogether 15 farmers, including 3 Mahila Kisan, attended the meeting. Error!
1469 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerA three-day training programme on “Weed Management in Millets and Other Crops and Spray Techniques for Herbicides” was organized at ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur and Khukkham village of Jabalpur, during January 1-3, 2025. A total of 24 adopted farmers, including 4 Mahila Kishan, were participated in this programme. Error!
1470 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerA three-day training programme on “Weed Management in Millets and Other Crops and Spray Techniques for Herbicides” was organized at ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur and Khukkham village of Jabalpur, during January 1-3, 2025. A total of 24 adopted farmers, including 4 Mahila Kishan, were participated in this programme. Error!
1471 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of 24 advanced dual-purpose sprayers to the adopted farmers as critical inputs during the training programme held from January 1-3, 2025 under the Farmer First Project Error!
1472 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersInstitute Advisory Committee Meeting of the Farmer FIRST Programme was organised on January 31, 2025 at ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur under the Chairmanship of Director, ICAR-DWR. PI, Co-PIs, invited members and 6 adopted farmers, including 3 Mahila Kisan, from Khukkham and Ranipur villages of Kundam block of Jabalpur attended the meeting. Future work plan was worked out during the meeting. Error!
1473 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerFarmer-Scientist meeting of the Farmer First Programme was held on 12 February 2025 at Khukhham Village of Kundam Block of Jabalpur. A total of 14 farmers, including 8 Mahila Kisan, from FFP-adopted villages participated in the meeting. The discussions focused on planning of upcoming training programmes for farmers, with an emphasis on improved agricultural practices and advanced weed management techniques. As a key takeaway, farmers were encouraged to participate in the upcoming Kisan Mela on 18 February 2025. Error!
1474 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerA Kisan Mela was organized on February 18, 2025, at the ICAR-Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur. The event witnessed the enthusiastic participation of 81 farmers, including 20 Mahila Kisan, from the FFP-adopted villages Khukhham and Ranipur of Kundam block, Jabalpur. Error!
1475 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of new generation herbicide(Council active) Triafamone 20 % + Ethoxysulfuron 10 % WG @ 90 g/acre for broad spectrum weed control on dated 28 July 2023 Error!
1476 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceInteraction with farmers of new generation herbicide (Council active) Triafamone 20 % + Ethoxysulfuron 10 % WG @ 90 g/acre. on dated 28 July 2023 Error!
1477 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmer3 Days Traning Programme on weed management in field crops to the farmers adopted under Farmers FIRST Programme 7-9 August 2023 Error!
1478 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceDistribution of Herbicide (Vesta) on Wheat 12/01/2024 Error!
1479 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionNatural Resource ManagementDistribution of Earthworms for vermi compost production 19/02/2024 Error!
1480 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchEventsFarmerTraining-cum-workshop on protection of plant varieties and farmers’ rights 21/02/2024 Error!
1481 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSpecial Swachhta Campaign-3.0 under FFP adopted villages on dated October 26,2023 Error!
1482 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceDistribution of Apple Ber and Custard Apple Plants under Farmer FIRST Program on dated October 10,2023 Error!
1483 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersA Review-cum-Institute Advisory Committee Meeting was convened on 27th March, 2024 at ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur Error!
1484 ICAR - Indian Grassland and Fodder Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of improved variety of wheat (Raj 4120) at Palinda village Error!
1485 ICAR - Indian Grassland and Fodder Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of improved variety of rice (Pusa 1121) Error!
1486 ICAR - Indian Grassland and Fodder Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of improved variety of wheat (Raj 4120) at Dhimarpura village Error!
1487 ICAR - Indian Grassland and Fodder Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of improved variety of berseem (BB 2) at Pali village Error!
1488 ICAR - Indian Grassland and Fodder Research InstituteInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of improved variety of sesame (Pragati) Error!
1489 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceIIFSR_Exotic vegetable based system for higher profictability Error!
1490 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionHorticulture SciencePromotion of fruit plants for nutritional and income security Error!
1491 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionHorticulture Sciencepromotion of fruit plants for Kitchen gardening Error!
1492 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionHorticulture Sciencepromotion of multi tier cultivation of fruits and vegetables Error!
1493 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionHorticulture Science3 Tier system of horticultural crops for higher income and space utilisation Error!
1494 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionHorticulture Sciencepromotion of low cost drip irrigation system for higher water use efficiency in horticultural crops Error!
1495 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionHorticulture Sciencepromotion of low cost drip irrigation system for higher water use efficiency in horticultural crops Error!
1496 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionHorticulture Sciencepromotion of multi tier system in horticultural crops Error!
1497 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionHorticulture Sciencepromotion of multi tier system in horticultural crops Error!
1498 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionHorticulture SciencePromotion of drip irrigation in horticultural crops Error!
1499 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionHorticulture SciencePromotion of intercropping in juvenile orchards for higher income Error!
1500 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionHorticulture SciencePromotion of pulses as intercrops in juvenile orchards for additional income Error!
1501 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerField day organised in sathedi Village Error!
1502 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerExposure visits of Adopted Farmers to Kisan Mela at IARI, New Delhi Error!
1503 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerExposure visits of Adopted Farmers to Kisan Mela at IARI, New Delhi Error!
1504 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceDevelopment of Agri- Horti System at Farmer's field Error!
1505 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerDr J S Sandhu ANd Dr A K Singh, Dignitaries from ICAR at Farmer's field Error!
1506 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarm WomenMahila Krishak Goshthi cum Nutritional Health Camp Error!
1507 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsSelf Help GroupTraining on packaging and labelling Error!
1508 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsSelf Help GroupTraining on packaging and labelling Error!
1509 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsSelf Help GroupTraining on processing, value addition of farm produce to SHG Error!
1510 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsSelf Help GroupTraining on processing, value addition of farm produce to SHG Error!
1511 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsSelf Help GroupTraining on processing, value addition of farm produce to SHG Error!
1512 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersBackyard poultry production of landless farmer Error!
1513 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersVaccination of pig (landless farmer) Error!
1514 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersVaccination of Goat (landless farmer) Error!
1515 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDrudgery reduction through improved tools Error!
1516 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemPromotion of Mushroom production at farmer field for increase the income of small farmers Error!
1517 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerKissan Gosthi and animal health camp for vaccination and awareness of animal disease at sathedi village Error!
1518 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerDiscussion of introducing new wheat varieties with the farmers in late sown situation Error!
1519 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of animal health components Error!
1520 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of animal health components Error!
1521 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal feed management- Goat (landless farmer) Error!
1522 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPig distribution (landless farmer) Error!
1523 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersChick distribution (landless farmer) Error!
1524 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerinteraction of senior officers and Director with progressive farmers in satheri village Error!
1525 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmer Dr J K Jena DDG Fisheries and Animal Science visting farmers field Error!
1526 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmer Dr J K Jena DDG Fisheries and Animal Science visting farmers field Error!
1527 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleMobilization of Women’s Group and their capacity building through secondary agriculture for alternate income generation Error!
1528 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleMobilization of Women’s Group and their capacity building through secondary agriculture for alternate income generation Error!
1529 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleMobilization of Women’s Group and their capacity building through secondary agriculture for alternate income generation Error!
1530 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleExhibition cum sale of value added and processed food products in Farmer's Fair Error!
1531 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleMobilization of Women’s Group and their capacity building through secondary agriculture for alternate income generation Error!
1532 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerSmt. G. Jayalakshmi I.A.S Director General, NIPHM visiting Farmer's Field on 20 September 2019 Error!
1533 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerSwachata hi Sewa Programme done in the school of adopted Village,Sathedi 28 sept, 2019 Error!
1534 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerSwachata hi Sewa Programme done in the school of adopted Village,Bhangela 28 sept, 2019 Error!
1535 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleMobilization of Women’s Group and their capacity building through secondary agriculture for alternate income generation Error!
1536 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarm WomenDemonstration of drudgery reduction tools to farm women Error!
1537 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarm WomenDemonstration of drudgery reduction tools to farm women Error!
1538 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersTraining on processing and value addition of sugarcane into jaggary Error!
1539 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsSelf Help GroupTraining on processing and value addition of sugarcane into jaggary Error!
1540 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionMechanization and MarketingDemonstration and evaluation of improved sickle Error!
1541 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionMechanization and MarketingEvaluation of traditional sickle Error!
1542 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemICAR-IIFSR, Director visited of the sugarcane field Error!
1543 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionIntegrated Farming System visited of the sugarcane field and discuss on the Pokka Boeng disease Error!
1544 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemIntroduced of HYV mustard and field visit. Error!
1545 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerExposure visit (16.03.2017)of adopted villages farmers Error!
1546 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerPRA of adopted villages Error!
1547 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemIntroduction of HYV of wheat Error!
1548 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerexposure visit of farmers for Krishi unnati Mela (16.03.2017) at IARI, New Delhi Error!
1549 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemIntroduction of the portable vermi compost unit Error!
1550 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerFarmers-scientists interaction in adopted village Error!
1551 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerKissan Gosthi Error!
1552 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerKissan sewa yatra 29 june to 7 july 2017 Error!
1553 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemIntroduction of paired trench method of planting in sugarcane Error!
1554 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerKissan Gosthi (04.01.2017) Error!
1555 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerWorld Soil Health Day ( 5 December 2018) Error!
1556 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerDistribution of HYV RH-749 (mustard) to the farmers for sowing in autumn sugarcane as an inter crop Error!
1557 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchEventsFarmerVisit of foreign delegates in Bhangi- Bhangela village at farmer field. Error!
1558 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemPromotion of secondary entrepreneurship at village level (vermicompost unit) Error!
1559 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemDemonstration of mustard as an intercrop in autumn sown sugarcane Error!
1560 ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems ResearchInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemRecording of observations on quantitative character of the newly introduce sugarcane variety CoPk 05191 Error!
1561 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionICTMillets First android app Error!
1562 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleEstablishment of primary processing unit on Millets at Gangapur village of Farmers First project Error!
1563 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchEventsFarmerFarmers orientation and inputs allocation programme of Farmers First project Error!
1564 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchEventsOthersTechnical advisory-cum-site implementation committee (TASIC) meeting of Farmers First Project on Millets held on 8th July 2019 at ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad Error!
1565 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchEventsOthersAwareness of millets importance among scientific community of other research organizations on 9th July, 2019 at ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad Error!
1566 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchEventsOthersMid-season Farmers-Scientists Interaction at all villages of Farmers First project on 20th July, 2019 Error!
1567 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceSkill development on improved package of practices (thinning in sorghum) at Tekur village of Farmers First project on 20th July, 2019 Error!
1568 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceSkill development on improved plant protection practices (use of pheromone trap) at Tekur village of Farmers First project on 20th July, 2019 Error!
1569 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceMonitoring of Brown-top millet interventions at farmer’s field by scientists Error!
1570 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceMonitoring of Post-harvest processing activities for millets in primary processing unit at Gangapur village of Farmers First project on 20th July, 2019 Error!
1571 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleLinkages with FPOs, NGO, traders, enterprenuers and local players for millet marketing at Chalki village of Farmers First project Error!
1572 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchEventsFarmerExposer visit of farmers to live demos on millets production technologies on 17th August, 2019 at ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad Error!
1573 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchEventsFarmerField Day on Millets at Tekur village in Nyalkal mandal of Sangareddy district of Telangana State on 22nd November, 2019 Error!
1574 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleIntroduction and training on Roti making machine to women self-helf group in Gangapur village of Farmers First project on 20th July, 2019 Error!
1575 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchEventsOthersData Collection in Tekur village of Sangareddy District of Farmers First project on 20th July, 2019 Error!
1576 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchEventsOthersBest Research Paper Award received in conference held at MANAGE, Hyderabad during 18-19th November, 2019 Error!
1577 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFinger Millet Crop under Stress Error!
1578 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPaddy Crop under Stress Error!
1579 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersIrrigated Barnyard Millet Error!
1580 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersIrrigated BrownTop Millet Error!
1581 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRainfall departure from normal in SangaReddy District of Telangana Error!
1582 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRainfall departure across Telangana STATE Error!
1583 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDistrict Level Science Fair School award in Health & Hygiene theme Error!
1584 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersVigilance Awareness Week & National Unity Day Error!
1585 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMillets Project at District Level Science Fair Error!
1586 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchEventsFarmerCollecting soil sample from farmer’s field on World Soil day Error!
1587 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceKitchen garden (vegetable) seed distribution to beneficiary farmers under Horticulture module. Error!
1588 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleTrainings on preparation of millet value-added products to women participants of Self-help Group for popularization and income generation. Error!
1589 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceField view of line sowing in Sorghum(CSV-29R) crop in farmers field. Error!
1590 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchEventsOthersEducating school students regarding the purpose of cleaning, maintaining their surroundings clean and explaining the benefits by doing it on Swatch Bharat programme in Zilla Parishad High School, Chalki, Sangareddy. Error!
1591 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMid-season Farmers-field technical staff interaction (05.08.2020) Error!
1592 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring roti making machine-oriented activities under business module. Field staff visited SHG groups to monitor roti making machine. Error!
1593 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersProject staff of Farmers FIRST project Dr (Mrs.). B.S. Kanthi Sri (Senior Research Fellow)Mr. M. Bhagathreddy, Mr. Vinodh, Mrs. Saiteja, visited the project villages at Nyalkal and Raikode mandals in Sangareddy district. The research staff observed the field trials in fields of redgram and sorghum crop minutely and found symptoms of shoot fly attack in sorghum & suggested some preventive methods to the farmers. Error!
1594 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchEventsOthersTraining on preparation of food items and roti making to the women farmers Error!
1595 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersIntercropping with sorghum and redgram Error!
1596 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersTraining on value addition to SHG of women Error!
1597 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer showing kharif sorghum(CSH-31) at chalki village Error!
1598 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceField view of mixed cropping in Foxtail millet (SiA-3085) & Local variety of green gram Error!
1599 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceField view of Line sowing in Sorghum (CSV-31) Error!
1600 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSkill development programme on value addition of millets Error!
1601 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientists-farmer interaction to identify farmers problems and provide suitable suggestions Error!
1602 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceField view of improved Sorghum variety CSV 27 Error!
1603 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceField view of hybrid sorghum variety CSH 25 Error!
1604 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceField view of improved foxtail variety SiA 3085 Error!
1605 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceFoxtail millet grain winnowing by farmers' family Error!
1606 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceField view of Kodo millet Error!
1607 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceField view of Pearl millet crop Error!
1608 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture Science Intercropping of chickpea Pearl millet crop field view Error!
1609 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAgriculture Science Field view of Little millet crop Error!
1610 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers Activitiesothers Installation of pheromone traps in Sorghum crop Error!
1611 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersProtection to finger millet crop from wild bore attcks and birds by using sparkling ribbons Error!
1612 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionAnimal ScienceSHG women graging of Nellore breed sheep Error!
1613 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInterventionICTMillet first app Error!
1614 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersWhatsapp group activities of Millet farmers group Error!
1615 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchEventsOthersInauguration of Millet bank by Dr. Vilas A. Tonapi, director ICAR-IIMR (05.06.2020) Error!
1616 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPre-season meeting with farmers and seeds allocation under Farmer First Project (2020) Error!
1617 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer-orientation programme in Rabi season (2020) Error!
1618 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionAnimal ScienceTraining Programme on fish farming and field Day Error!
1619 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchEventsFarmerExposure visit of Farmers of FFP Villages Error!
1620 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceTraining Programme on Pole Harvesting in Oil Palm Gardens Error!
1621 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchEventsFarmerIssued Soil Health Cards to FFP Village Farmers Error!
1622 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstrating application of bio control agent to manage Rugose Spiralling White fly in oil palm Error!
1623 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceDistribution of Aluminium poles along with sickles for harvesting of oil palm FFB Error!
1624 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceDistribution of Aluminium poles along with sickles for harvesting of oil palm FFB. Error!
1625 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionAnimal ScienceFodder grass (Super Napier) in Oil Palm Gardens Error!
1626 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceInter crops (Bush Pepper, Heliconia) in Oil Palm gardens Error!
1627 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionAnimal ScienceCatching of Fishes from Farm ponds Error!
1628 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of chaff cutter to farmers of ffp village Error!
1629 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMeeting of Site Plan Implementation Group (SPIG) of Farmers FIRST Programme of ICAR-IIOPR Error!
1630 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchEventsFarmerSkill development programme on soil and leaf sample collection Error!
1631 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersAwareness programme on Swatch Bharat Abhiyan for safety disposal of pesticides/ fungicides bottles. Error!
1632 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration and Distribution of Fertigation units to Farmers of FFP village Error!
1633 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration and distribution of poles along with sickles to farmers and harvesters Error!
1634 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture SciencePreparation of vermicompost by using vermicompost bed. Error!
1635 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceDr. Chahal (ADG) Sir was Visited to Farmers fields for observation of FFP interventions Error!
1636 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDr. Chahal (ADG) Sir was Visited to Farmers fields for observation of FFP interventions Error!
1637 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceApplication of biocontrol Agents With turbo sprayer Error!
1638 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceFarmers field day on fish farming At KVK Undi Error!
1639 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture Scienceawarness campaingn on pest management in oil palm gardens Error!
1640 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture Sciencedemonstration on application of biocontrol agent Isaria fumosorosea against rugose spiralling whitefly Error!
1641 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionNatural Resource Managementdemonstration on preparation of vermicompost by reuse of shredded oil palm frond material cut by chaffcutter Error!
1642 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionAnimal Sciencesuper napier grown as fodder grass by the farmer Error!
1643 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionNatural Resource ManagementDemonstration on preparation of vermicompost through vermibed in coconut and oil palm plantations Error!
1644 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture Sciencedemonstration and distribution of aluminium poles for harvesting of FFB of oil palm Error!
1645 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionAnimal ScienceRelease of fish fingerlings into empty farm ponds of oil palm plantation Error!
1646 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture Sciencedemonstartion on bush cutter for weed management in oil palm basins Error!
1647 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceSkill demonstration and distribution of backpack power sprayers for the pest management in oil palm Error!
1648 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceSkill demonstration and distribution of fertigation ventures for nutrient management in oil palm Error!
1649 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceSkill demonstration and distribution of high speed jet sprayers for pest management in oil palm Error!
1650 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceTurmeric grown as an intercrop in oil palm plantation Error!
1651 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture Scienceawareness programme and Distribution of biocontrol agent isaria fumosorosea culture bottles to the farmers for the management of rugose spiralling whitefly in oil palm Error!
1652 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstration on soil and leaf sample collection at challachintalapudi on 5/6/2018 Error!
1653 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstration on soil and leaf sample collection at makkinavarigudem on 6/6/2018 Error!
1654 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceAwareness programme on weather based irrigation scheduling in oil palm Error!
1655 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstration on recycling of biomass in coconut and oil palm plantations Error!
1656 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration on preparation of vermicompost through vermibed in coconut and oil palm plantations Error!
1657 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceReleasing of fish fingerlings to farm ponds Error!
1658 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceSkill demonstration on pole harvesting in oil palm gardens Error!
1659 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceDelivering lectures about soil health management in oil palm Error!
1660 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersTraining programme on fish farming Error!
1661 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture Science Demonstration on preparation of vermicompost through vermibed in oil palm plantations Error!
1662 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture Science Demonstration on collection of vermicompost from vermibed Error!
1663 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceGrowing of fodder grass in inter crop in oil palm gardens Error!
1664 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchEventsFarmerDistribution of soil health cards to farmers Error!
1665 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceMulching with chopped oil palm fronds for maintaining of moisture level in the palm basin Error!
1666 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration and delivering lectures about fodder growing in oil palm gardens Error!
1667 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration on soil and leaf sample collection at challachintalapudi on 08/11/2019 Error!
1668 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration on Fertigation in oil palm gardens Error!
1669 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceAwareness campaign on Fertigation in oil palm gardens Error!
1670 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceTraining on nutrient management in oil palm Error!
1671 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceAwareness programme on recycling of Biomass waste in Oil palm and Coconut Plantations, Director, ATARI, Hyderabad visited FFP interventions Error!
1672 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceInter crop (Red Ginger) in Oil Palm gardens Error!
1673 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceInter crop (heliconia) in Oil Palm gardens Error!
1674 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceCelebrated world soil day at IIOPR, Pedavegi Error!
1675 ICAR - Indian Institution of Oil Palm ResearchInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstrating application of bio control agent to manage leaf eating caterpillar in oil palm Error!
1676 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersOn world soil day Scientists' visited castor field of farmers'-2019 Error!
1677 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientists' in Farmer Field on the Occasion of World Soil Day Error!
1678 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientists' in Gurudhotla on the occassion of world soil day(2019) Error!
1679 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersWorld Soil day 2019 Error!
1680 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersADA of Vikarabad explaining about soil health Error!
1681 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDepartment Officials and Scientists' interacting with farmers on world soil day Error!
1682 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientist explaining importance of world soil day Error!
1683 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDistributing Soil Health Cards to Farmers in Gurudhotla Error!
1684 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersKNM 118-Farmers' Field Error!
1685 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersArticle in Newspaper about World soil day Error!
1686 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersAbout world Soil day celebration in newspaper Error!
1687 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCastor field view Error!
1688 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesotherscastor green gram inter cropping for risk mitigation Error!
1689 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesotherscastor hybrid DCH 519 Error!
1690 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesotherscastor red gram in tribal hamlet Error!
1691 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesotherscastor red gram, inter cropiing technology assemblage Error!
1692 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCASTOR REDGRAM INTER CROPPING Error!
1693 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCastor seed CDH 519 and ICH 66 Error!
1694 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesothersfarmers meeting on INM Error!
1695 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesothersfiled view of red gram Error!
1696 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPaddy variety KNM 118 four weeks after transplantion Error!
1697 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPress coverage on interventions by IIOR for increasing the proftitability of farmers Error!
1698 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSquare planting in castor for opt plant population Error!
1699 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSwachh Bharat activity Error!
1700 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFramers training programme on sheep and goat production mamangement technology Error!
1701 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersInteraction meting on value addition toward doubling farmers income Error!
1702 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersKNM 118 Paddy Field view Error!
1703 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMeeting on value addition to youth Error!
1704 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMeting on use of soil test fertiliser Error!
1705 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring and wiegheighing of ram lamb Error!
1706 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring of fields Error!
1707 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring of rajsri poultry by innovative farmer Error!
1708 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring of ram lamb Error!
1709 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPaddy KNM 118 Field View Error!
1710 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersField visit on soil day Error!
1711 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerMonitoring of castor crop under cropping system module Error!
1712 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerField monitoring of redgram crop Error!
1713 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersAphids in green gram Error!
1714 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersAreobic RNR1508 Error!
1715 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersArka khyathi Chilli Error!
1716 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersArka rakshak tomato Error!
1717 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersBlack gram : Red gram-2:1 Error!
1718 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersBlack gram:Red gram,3:1 at gattepalli Error!
1719 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersBLB in rice Error!
1720 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersBotrytis Error!
1721 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCastor capsule borer Error!
1722 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCastor cotton inter cropping Error!
1723 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesotherscercospora Error!
1724 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesotherscercospora in field Error!
1725 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersChicks Error!
1726 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCotton Error!
1727 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDCH 519 Error!
1728 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDried Green Gram Error!
1729 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDried Green gram capsule Error!
1730 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFurrow making Error!
1731 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGroundnut & Red gram field Error!
1732 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGreen gram capsule Error!
1733 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGreen gram cercospera disease Error!
1734 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGreen gram field view Rampur Error!
1735 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGreen gram harvesting stage Error!
1736 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGreen gram Harvesting Error!
1737 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGreen gram produce Error!
1738 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGroundnut crop Error!
1739 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGroundnut bud necrosis Error!
1740 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGroundnut field view Error!
1741 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGroundnut:red gram 3:1 Error!
1742 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGroundnut red gram intercropping Error!
1743 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGuntaka after castor sowing Error!
1744 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersGuntaka Error!
1745 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersHanuma red gram & flowering Error!
1746 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersHarvested Tomato Error!
1747 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersICH 66 early stage Error!
1748 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersICH 66 field view Error!
1749 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersICH 66 Spike Error!
1750 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersICH 66 spike in farmer field Error!
1751 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersICH 66 Error!
1752 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersInter cultivation in red gram Error!
1753 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersInter culture Error!
1754 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersKNM 118 in rampur Error!
1755 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersKNM 118 Rampur with farmer Error!
1756 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersKNM118 paddy nursery Error!
1757 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersMaleness in ICH 66 Error!
1758 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersOnly red gram after harvest Error!
1759 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPaddy nursery in Rampur Error!
1760 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesotherspaddy seed germination Error!
1761 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPaddy transplanting Error!
1762 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesotherspapaya tree Error!
1763 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPapaya Planting Error!
1764 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPapaya red lady transplanting Error!
1765 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPapaya seedling Error!
1766 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPapaya with drip Error!
1767 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPappaya transplanting Error!
1768 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientist with farmer in Paddy Field Error!
1769 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPaddy Field visit Error!
1770 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPaddy harvesting Error!
1771 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPaddy field view Error!
1772 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesotherspegion pea Error!
1773 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPest in Green gram Error!
1774 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRajasree bird Error!
1775 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRed gram:Green gram early stage Error!
1776 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRed gram black gram early stage Error!
1777 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRed gram black gram at gattepalli Error!
1778 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRed gram green gram early stage Error!
1779 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRed gram groundnut Error!
1780 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRed gram with green gram harvested Error!
1781 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRed green gram cropping Error!
1782 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRed Gram- Green Gram Error!
1783 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRed Gram- Green Gram-early-stage Error!
1784 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRice at mature stage Error!
1785 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRiceTransplanting Error!
1786 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRNR15048 aerobic cultivation Error!
1787 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDCH-519 Error!
1788 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSesame Error!
1789 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSole Red Gram Error!
1790 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesotherssowing Error!
1791 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSpraying for aphids green gram Error!
1792 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSpraying Error!
1793 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersTransplanted rice Error!
1794 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersWeed removal in farmers field Error!
1795 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersWeed removal Error!
1796 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersWhite sesame Error!
1797 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersICH-66 Error!
1798 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDCH 519 spike Error!
1799 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDCH-519-farmers-field Error!
1800 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDCH-519-field-view Error!
1801 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersDCH-519-spike Error!
1802 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesothersfarmer with DCH-519 Spike Error!
1803 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesothersrajashree-birds Error!
1804 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersA Good Crop of Castor (DCH-519) in Farmers First village Error!
1805 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCastor Crop (DCH-519) in Farmers First village Error!
1806 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCastor Crop at maturity in Farmers First Program village Error!
1807 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCastor Crop in Farmers First Program village Error!
1808 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFarmers Harvesting Castor Error!
1809 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersHarvested Castor Spikes Error!
1810 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersHarvesting of Castor in Farmers First Program Village Error!
1811 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersHarvesting of Castor Error!
1812 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPapaya as Border Crop under drip irrigation Error!
1813 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPapaya as Border Crop Error!
1814 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPrimary Spike of Castor Error!
1815 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCapsule and Seeds of Castor Hybrids DCH-519 and ICH-66 Error!
1816 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerBest Farmer Award Error!
1817 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCastor Crop (in Farmers First village) Error!
1818 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersEggs obtained backyard poultry-Farmers First Program village Error!
1819 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFarmers interacting with Scientist (FFP village) Error!
1820 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerFelicitation of farmers during Pradhanmantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Error!
1821 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerFelicitation of Sri. Sitharam Naik, Pradhanmantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Error!
1822 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersHarvested Castor Crop Error!
1823 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersHarvesting of Castor Spikes Error!
1824 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSorghum Crop Error!
1825 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerParticipation of farmers in Pradhanmantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, IIRR, Hyderabad Error!
1826 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerParticipation of farmers' in Pradhanmantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, IIRR, Hyderabad Error!
1827 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerPradhanmantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad Error!
1828 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerScientists discussing with the farmers Error!
1829 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerScientists interacting with Farmers Error!
1830 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersA good crop of sorghum in Farmers First Program Village Error!
1831 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersA good sorghum crop - Farmers First Program Village Error!
1832 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersBackyard poultry in FFP Village Error!
1833 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersBackyard poultry Error!
1834 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer observing Paddy field in FFP village Error!
1835 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFarmers First Program Village - Sorghum crop Error!
1836 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPaddy fields in Farmers First Program village Error!
1837 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPaddy fields Error!
1838 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPapaya crop in FFP village under drip irrigation Error!
1839 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPapaya crop under drip irrigation Error!
1840 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientisis observing the Sorghum crop in Farmers First Program Village Error!
1841 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientists observing paddy crop in Farmers First Program Village Error!
1842 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSorghum crop - Farmers First Program Village Error!
1843 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSorghum crop (FFP Village) Error!
1844 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSorghum crop in (Farmers First Program Village) Error!
1845 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSorghum crop in Farmers First Program Village Error!
1846 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceIndigenous Methods to prevent birds damage in sorghum Error!
1847 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceITK to prevent birds damage in sorghum Error!
1848 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceMethods to prevent birds damage in sorghum crop Error!
1849 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchInterventionAgriculture ScienceMethods to prevent birds damage in sorghum Error!
1850 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPaddy Fields (Farmers First Programme Village) Error!
1851 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPopuar article Error!
1852 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSorghum Field (Farmers First Programme village) Error!
1853 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSorghum Panicle (FFP village) Error!
1854 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersA good crop of paddy in Farmers First Program Village Error!
1855 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersA good crop of paddy in FFP Village Error!
1856 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer observing paddy field in Farmers First Program Village Error!
1857 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerFarmers Participation in Seed Mela at PJTSAU, Hyderabad Error!
1858 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerSeed Mela at PJTSAU, Hyderabad Error!
1859 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersInteracting meeting in Farmers First Program Village Error!
1860 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPaddy crop in Farmers First Program Village Error!
1861 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPaddy fields (Farmers First Program Village) Error!
1862 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesotherspaddy fields in Farmers First Program Village Error!
1863 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientists discussing with Farmers in Farmers First Program Village Error!
1864 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientists interacting with Farmers in Farmers First Program Village Error!
1865 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesothersseed-production Error!
1866 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersBooklet on Sheep Reaing distributed to the farmers Error!
1867 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCasor Field (Primary Spike development stage) Error!
1868 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCastor crop (Farmers First Village Programme) Error!
1869 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCastor Crop in Farmers First Programe village Error!
1870 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCastor field Error!
1871 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCastor Fields (Farmers First Programe village) Error!
1872 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCastor Primary Spike in Farmers Fields Error!
1873 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerFarmers Participation in Sheep Rearing Training organized at Gurudhota Error!
1874 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerFarmers' Training on Sheep Rearing (at Gurudhota) Error!
1875 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerFarmers Training on Sheep Rearing organized at Gurudhota Error!
1876 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerFarmers' Training on Sheep Rearing organized at Gurudhota Error!
1877 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerFarmers Training Program on Sheep Rearing organized at Gurudhota Error!
1878 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersHarvested Greengram Crop Error!
1879 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersHarvesting of Greengram crop Error!
1880 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPaddy fields (Farmers First Program Village) Error!
1881 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerParticipation of Farmers in Training on Sheep Rearing organized at Gurudhota Error!
1882 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerScientists interacting with Farmers during Training on Sheep Rearing organized at Gurudhota Error!
1883 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchEventsFarmerTraining Program on Sheep Rearing organized at Gurudhota Error!
1884 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersPopular article1 Error!
1885 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRedgram fields Error!
1886 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersReleasing of publication during Farmers Training on Sheep Rearing organized at Gurudhota Error!
1887 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientist discussing with castor farmers Error!
1888 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientist inspecting farmer's paddy field Error!
1889 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientist interacting with sesame farmers Error!
1890 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientist observing farmer's castor fields Error!
1891 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientist observing sesame farmer's field Error!
1892 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientist observing paddy field of farmers Error!
1893 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientist observing castor field (FFP village) Error!
1894 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientists interacting with Farmers during Training on Sheep Rearing organized at Gurudhota Error!
1895 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersA good castor crop in FFP village Error!
1896 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCastor crop Error!
1897 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersCotton crop in farmers first program village Error!
1898 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersLand praparation for Sowing Error!
1899 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersLand preparation for castor FFP Village Error!
1900 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersLand preparation for castor sowing in FFP Village Error!
1901 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersLand preparation for castor sowing using minitractor (FFP Village) Error!
1902 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersLand preparation for sowing Error!
1903 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersLarva damaging sorghum Error!
1904 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersRedgram+Castor intercropping Error!
1905 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientists interacting Redgram+castor intercropping farmer Error!
1906 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientists interacting with castor farmers Error!
1907 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientists interacting with paddy farmer Error!
1908 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersScientists visiting Redgram+castor fields Error!
1909 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesotherssesame-Popular article Error!
1910 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSowing of Castor seeds Error!
1911 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSowing Error!
1912 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersSowing in farmer field Error!
1913 ICAR - Indian Institute of Oilseeds ResearchOthers Activitiesotherscastor-field-view Error!
1914 ICAR - Indian Institute of Pulses ResearchOthers ActivitiesothersHappy to share that I alongwith Farmer FIRST Project team members received Institute Best Team Award(R&D) on the occasion of Foundation Day (5,September 2019) at IIPR, Kanpur. Team worked under the dynamic leadership of Director Dr. N.P. Singh. Error!
1915 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceInterventionNatural Resource ManagementDemonstration of Baling Wheat Straw in farm fields Harvested with Combined Harvester Error!
1916 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceInterventionNatural Resource ManagementDemonstration of Baling Wheat Straw in farm fields Harvested with Combined Harvester Error!
1917 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceOthers ActivitiesothersConducting PRA in the FFP villages Error!
1918 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceOthers ActivitiesothersConducting PRA in the FFP villages Error!
1919 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceInterventionNatural Resource ManagementDemonstration of Rapid Composting Technology Error!
1920 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceInterventionNatural Resource ManagementRapid Composting Technology - Mature Compost Error!
1921 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceEventsFarmerTraining cum Workshop on Rural women Skill Development Error!
1922 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceEventsFarmerTraining on Vegetable Pickle Making Error!
1923 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceEventsFarmerMahila Kisan Diwas at Khamkheda Village Error!
1924 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceEventsFarmerTraining on Soy Paneer Making Error!
1925 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceInterventionNatural Resource ManagementSpraying of Microbial Liquid Culture for in-situ Residue Decomposition Error!
1926 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceOthers ActivitiesothersAgro-ecology Map of FFP villages Error!
1927 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceInterventionHorticulture SciencePapaya Orchard - Demonstration field Error!
1928 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceInterventionHorticulture ScienceGuava Orchard - Demonstration Plot Error!
1929 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceEventsFarm WomenTraining cum exposure visit organize at ICAR-IISS, Bhopal Error!
1930 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceInterventionAgriculture ScienceSoybean crop under zero tillage Error!
1931 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceInterventionAgriculture ScienceSoybean crop under zero tillage 60 DAS Error!
1932 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersInternational Women Day celebration on 06 March 2021 Error!
1933 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersInternational Women Day celebration on 06 March 2021 Error!
1934 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersInternational Women Day celebration on 06 March 2021 Error!
1935 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersInternational Women Day celebration on 06 March 2021 Error!
1936 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersInternational Women Day celebration on 06 March 2021 Error!
1937 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersInternational Women Day celebration on 06 March 2021 Error!
1938 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersInternational Women Day celebration on 06 March 2021 Error!
1939 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersInternational Women Day celebration on 06 March 2021 Error!
1940 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersInternational Women Day celebration on 06 March 2021 Error!
1941 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersInternational Women Day celebration on 06 March 2021 Error!
1942 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersInternational Women Day celebration on 06 March 2021 Error!
1943 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersInternational Women Day celebration on 06 March 2021 Error!
1944 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersWorld Water Day celebration on 22 March 2021 Error!
1945 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersWorld Water Day celebration on 22 March 2021 Error!
1946 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersWorld Water Day celebration on 22 March 2021 Error!
1947 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersWorld Water Day celebration on 22 March 2021 Error!
1948 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersWorld Water Day celebration on 22 March 2021 Error!
1949 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersWorld Water Day celebration on 22 March 2021 Error!
1950 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersWorld Water Day celebration on 22 March 2021 Error!
1951 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersWorld Water Day celebration on 22 March 2021 Error!
1952 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsOthersWorld Water Day celebration on 22 March 2021 Error!
1953 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarm Womenfarm woman Participatory in Kisan goshthi Error!
1954 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarm Womenfarm woman Participatory in Kisan goshthi Error!
1955 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarm Womenfarm woman Participatory in Kisan goshthi Error!
1956 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarm Womenfarm woman Participatory in Kisan goshthi Error!
1957 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarm Womenfarm woman Participatory in Kisan goshthi Error!
1958 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarm Womenfarm woman Participatory in Kisan goshthi Error!
1959 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarm Womenfarm woman Participatory in Kisan goshthi Error!
1960 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarm Womenfarm woman Participatory in Kisan goshthi Error!
1961 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersSwachhta hi sewa programme Error!
1962 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry breed (kroilor & Vanraja) Error!
1963 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry breed (kroilor & Vanraja) Error!
1964 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry breed (kroilor & Vanraja) Error!
1965 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry breed (kroilor & Vanraja) Error!
1966 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry breed (kroilor & Vanraja) Error!
1967 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry breed (kroilor & Vanraja) Error!
1968 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry breed (kroilor & Vanraja) Error!
1969 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry breed (kroilor & Vanraja) Error!
1970 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry breed (kroilor & Vanraja) Error!
1971 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry breed (kroilor & Vanraja) Error!
1972 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersSwachh Bharat Abhiyan Error!
1973 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersSwachh Bharat Abhiyan Error!
1974 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersFarmers and Scientist group meeting Error!
1975 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersFarmers and Scientist group meeting Error!
1976 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceNutritional Kitchen Garden Error!
1977 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceNutritional Kitchen Garden Error!
1978 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceNutritional Kitchen Garden Error!
1979 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceNutritional Kitchen Garden Error!
1980 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceNutritional Kitchen Garden Error!
1981 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture Scienceplanning of layout Error!
1982 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture Scienceplanning of layout Error!
1983 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceNutritional kitchen garden Error!
1984 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture Scienceimproved wheat variety Error!
1985 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture Scienceimproved wheat variety Error!
1986 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture Scienceimproved wheat variety Error!
1987 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture Scienceimproved wheat variety Error!
1988 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceWheat variety with and without hydrogel Error!
1989 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionNatural Resource ManagementCompost pit Error!
1990 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture Sciencewheat crop cutting Error!
1991 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceNapier (variety-co3) grass plantation Error!
1992 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceNapier (variety-co3) grass plantation Error!
1993 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture Scienceimproved variety of paddy Error!
1994 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture Scienceimproved variety of paddy Error!
1995 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture Scienceimproved variety of paddy Error!
1996 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceImprove variety of paddy (PR-121) Error!
1997 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceImprove variety of paddy (PR-121) Error!
1998 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceImprove variety of Maize (kanchan) Error!
1999 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceImprove variety of Maize (kanchan) Error!
2000 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceImprove variety of Pigeon Pea (Pusa-992) Error!
2001 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy variety (Sharbati) Error!
2002 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy variety-Sharbati & Kasturi Error!
2003 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy variety-Pusa Sugandha-2 & Pusa Sugandha-5 Error!
2004 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy variety-Pusa Sugandha-5 Error!
2005 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy variety-Pusa Sugandha-2 Error!
2006 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy variety-HKR-47 Error!
2007 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize variety-Kanchan Error!
2008 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture SciencePigeon pea-Pusa-992 Error!
2009 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceChili -Anamika Error!
2010 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize- variety (Tai-Tai) Error!
2011 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy variety-PR-121 Error!
2012 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceUrd (variety-Type-9) Error!
2013 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceUrd (variety-Type-9) Error!
2014 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceUrd (variety-Type-9) Error!
2015 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceUrd (variety-Type-9) Error!
2016 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy variety-HKR-47 Error!
2017 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy variety-N-359 Error!
2018 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy variety-N-359 Error!
2019 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize variety-Kanchan Error!
2020 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize variety-Kanchan & Tai-Tai Error!
2021 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceSeed distribution for rabi season crop Error!
2022 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceSeed distribution for rabi season crop Error!
2023 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceSeed distribution for rabi season crop Error!
2024 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceSeed distribution for rabi season crop Error!
2025 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceSeed distribution for rabi season crop Error!
2026 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceSeed distribution for rabi season crop Error!
2027 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceCultural practice Error!
2028 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceCultural practice Error!
2029 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAgriculture ScienceCultural practice Error!
2030 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture SciencePlantation of Jack-fruit (Variety-Gum-less) Error!
2031 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture SciencePlantation of Jack-fruit (Variety-Gum-less) Error!
2032 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture SciencePlantation of Jack-fruit (Variety-Gum-less) Error!
2033 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceKitchen gardern Error!
2034 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceImproved variety of jack-fruit (Gum-less) Error!
2035 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceImproved variety of jack-fruit (Gum-less) Error!
2036 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceImproved variety of jack-fruit (Gum-less) Error!
2037 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceImproved variety of jack-fruit (Gum-less) Error!
2038 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceImproved variety of jack-fruit (Gum-less) Error!
2039 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceImproved variety of jack-fruit (Gum-less) Error!
2040 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceImproved variety of jack-fruit (Gum-less) Error!
2041 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceKitchen Garden Error!
2042 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceKitchen Garden Error!
2043 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceKitchen Garden Error!
2044 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceKitchen Garden Error!
2045 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceKitchen Garden Error!
2046 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceKitchen Garden Error!
2047 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionHorticulture ScienceSeeds distribution of vegetables in rabi season Error!
2048 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationInterventionAnimal ScienceFarmer cross breed cattle Error!
2049 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerSeeds distributions for rabi season Error!
2050 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerSeeds distributions for rabi season Error!
2051 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerSeeds distributions for rabi season Error!
2052 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerSeeds distributions for rabi season Error!
2053 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerKisan Diwas celebration in Badasi village, Block-raipur, district-Dehradun, under FFP Error!
2054 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerKisan Diwas celebration in Badasi village, Block-raipur, district-Dehradun, under FFP Error!
2055 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerKisan Diwas celebration in Badasi village, Block-raipur, district-Dehradun, under FFP Error!
2056 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerKisan Diwas celebration in Badasi village, Block-raipur, district-Dehradun, under FFP Error!
2057 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerKisan Diwas celebration in Badasi village, Block-raipur, district-Dehradun, under FFP Error!
2058 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerKisan Diwas celebration in Badasi village, Block-raipur, district-Dehradun, under FFP Error!
2059 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerKisan Diwas celebration in Badasi village, Block-raipur, district-Dehradun, under FFP Error!
2060 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerKisan Diwas celebration in Badasi village, Block-raipur, district-Dehradun, under FFP Error!
2061 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerKisan Diwas celebration in Badasi village, Block-raipur, district-Dehradun, under FFP Error!
2062 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerKisan Diwas celebration in Badasi village, Block-raipur, district-Dehradun, under FFP Error!
2063 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerKisan Diwas celebration in Badasi village, Block-raipur, district-Dehradun, under FFP Error!
2064 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerKisan Diwas celebration in Badasi village, Block-raipur, district-Dehradun, under FFP Error!
2065 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationEventsFarmerKisan Diwas celebration in Badasi village, Block-raipur, district-Dehradun, under FFP Error!
2066 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers Activitiesothers‘Institute Advisory Committee Meeting - cum - Exposure Visit’ Error!
2067 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers Activitiesothers‘Institute Advisory Committee Meeting - cum - Exposure Visit’ Error!
2068 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers Activitiesothers‘Institute Advisory Committee Meeting - cum - Exposure Visit’ Error!
2069 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers Activitiesothers‘Institute Advisory Committee Meeting - cum - Exposure Visit’ Error!
2070 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers Activitiesothers‘Institute Advisory Committee Meeting - cum - Exposure Visit’ Error!
2071 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers Activitiesothers‘Institute Advisory Committee Meeting - cum - Exposure Visit’ Error!
2072 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers Activitiesothers‘Institute Advisory Committee Meeting - cum - Exposure Visit’ Error!
2073 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers Activitiesothers‘Institute Advisory Committee Meeting - cum - Exposure Visit’ Error!
2074 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2075 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2076 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2077 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2078 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2079 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2080 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2081 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2082 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2083 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2084 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2085 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2086 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2087 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2088 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2089 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2090 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2091 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2092 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2093 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2094 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2095 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2096 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2097 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2098 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2099 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet 2020 Error!
2100 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersMedia meet Error!
2101 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersDDG visit at Farmer FIRST Programme site Error!
2102 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersDDG visit at Farmer FIRST Programme site Error!
2103 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersDDG visit at Farmer FIRST Programme site Error!
2104 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersDDG visit at Farmer FIRST Programme site Error!
2105 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersDDG VISIT Error!
2106 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersDDG VISIT Error!
2107 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersDDG VISIT Error!
2108 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersDDG VISIT Error!
2109 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersDDG VISIT Error!
2110 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersDDG visit Error!
2111 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersDDG visit Error!
2112 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersCrop intervention Error!
2113 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersCrop intervention Error!
2114 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersCrop intervention Error!
2115 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersCrop intervention Error!
2116 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersCrop intervention Error!
2117 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersCrop intervention Error!
2118 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersCrop intervention Error!
2119 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersCrop intervention Error!
2120 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersCrop intervention Error!
2121 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersCrop intervention Error!
2122 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersCrop intervention Error!
2123 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers Activitiesotherscrop invention Error!
2124 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers Activitiesotherscrop invention Error!
2125 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersFFP Error!
2126 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersFFP Error!
2127 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersFFP Error!
2128 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2129 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2130 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2131 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2132 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2133 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2134 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2135 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2136 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2137 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2138 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2139 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2140 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2141 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2142 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2143 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2144 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2145 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2146 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2147 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2148 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2149 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2150 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2151 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2152 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2153 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2154 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2155 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp vill. Bhagwanpur and Kotimaychak block of Raipur Error!
2156 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2157 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2158 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2159 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2160 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2161 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2162 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2163 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2164 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2165 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2166 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2167 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2168 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2169 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2170 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2171 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2172 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2173 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2174 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2175 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2176 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2177 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2178 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2179 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2180 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2181 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2182 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2183 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2184 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2185 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2186 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2187 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2188 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2189 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2190 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2191 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2192 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2193 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2194 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2195 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2196 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2197 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2198 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersKisaan Ghoshthi and chetra diwas vill. Ghaisain block of Raipur Error!
2199 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2200 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2201 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2202 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2203 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2204 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2205 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2206 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2207 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2208 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2209 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2210 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2211 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2212 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2213 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2214 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2215 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2216 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2217 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2218 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2219 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2220 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2221 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2222 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2223 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2224 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2225 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2226 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2227 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2228 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2229 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2230 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2231 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2232 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil and Water ConservationOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp. dated 21.12.2018 vill. Badaasi block of Raipur Error!
2233 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management Others Activitiesothersbrinjal cultivation Error!
2234 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionMechanization and MarketingCentrifugal pump Error!
2235 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionNatural Resource ManagementRainwater utilisation mulching and water conservation Error!
2236 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionNatural Resource ManagementRainwater utilisation mulching and water conservation Error!
2237 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionNatural Resource ManagementPreparation of field for transplanting Error!
2238 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionAnimal ScienceScientific fish production by farmer group in community pond Error!
2239 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management EventsFarmerField Training on SRI at Mallarpada Error!
2240 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionNatural Resource ManagementPolythene mulching in vegetable cultivation Error!
2241 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionAgriculture ScienceLine sowing in Hybrid rice Error!
2242 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionHorticulture ScienceTissue culture Banana sapling distribution Error!
2243 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionHorticulture ScienceDistribution of pineapple suckers and banana saplings Error!
2244 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionAgriculture ScienceTuber crop tapioca in farmers' backyard Error!
2245 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionICTUse of WhatsApp group for agricultural problem solving Error!
2246 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management EventsFarmerField training on SRI Error!
2247 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom cultivation demonstration Error!
2248 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable cultivation demonstration Error!
2249 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionHorticulture ScienceMushroom cultivation demonstration Error!
2250 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionNatural Resource ManagementDemonstration of drip irrigation Error!
2251 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management EventsFarmerFarmer Training Error!
2252 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management EventsFarmerTraining photos Error!
2253 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management EventsFarmerTraining photos Error!
2254 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management EventsFarmerTraining photos Error!
2255 ICAR - Indian Institute of Water Management InterventionHorticulture ScienceBanana Plantation with drip Error!
2256 ICAR - National Institute of Animal Nutrition and PhysiologyEventsFarmerAwareness camp on mastitis management Error!
2257 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntroduction and Demonstration of SRI technology among the rice grower of FFP villages Error!
2258 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAnimal ScienceScientific goat farming with improved Sirohi, Jamanapari and Barbari breed Error!
2259 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAnimal ScienceScientific goat farming with improved Sirohi, Jamanapari and Barbari breed Error!
2260 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAnimal ScienceEstablishment of Kadaknath Hatchery unit for sustainable Kadaknath farming Error!
2261 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAnimal ScienceEstablishment of Kadaknath Hatchery unit for sustainable Kadaknath farming Error!
2262 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAnimal ScienceScientific Kadaknath farming Error!
2263 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAnimal ScienceScientific Kadaknath farming Error!
2264 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionMechanization and MarketingMechanical weed management in the transplanted rice Error!
2265 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionMechanization and MarketingIntroduction and demonstration of paddy drum seeder Error!
2266 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceIntroduction and installation of the pheromone trap for the biological pest control in vegetable crops Error!
2267 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntroduction and demonstration of the pheromone trap for the control of yellow stem borer in rice Error!
2268 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceBumper yield received from the rice-fallow-pulses at FFP villages Error!
2269 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementEventsFarmerMr. Chhabbu Lal Paikara, an innovative farmer from Farmer FIRST project's adopted village Bamhani, Kasdol block, Balado Bazar received the Innovative Farmer Award - 2019 from The Secretary, DARE and DG ICAR on 01.09.2019 at ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad. Error!
2270 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementEventsFarmerMr. Chhabbu Lal Paikara, an innovative farmer from Farmer FIRST project's adopted village Bamhani, Kasdol block, Balado Bazar received the Innovative Farmer Award - 2019 from The Secretary, DARE and DG ICAR on 01.09.2019 at ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad. Error!
2271 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntroduction and demonstration of paddle operated paddy thrasher Error!
2272 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntroduction and demonstration of paddle operated paddy thrasher Error!
2273 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntroduction and establishment of the soil-less farming model at the terrace Error!
2274 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntroduction and establishment of the soil-less farming model at the terrace Error!
2275 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceSoil less nutritional gardening in the terrace Error!
2276 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceSoil less nutritional gardening in the terrace Error!
2277 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceIntroduction and plantation of annual moringa PKM 1 and 2 Error!
2278 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceIntroduction and plantation of annual moringa PKM 1 and 2 Error!
2279 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceIntroduction and plantation of annual moringa PKM 1 and 2 Error!
2280 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable production under the Poly house and Shade net house Error!
2281 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceSeed treatment with fungicide Error!
2282 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionEnterprise BasedOyster Mushroom Production Error!
2283 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionEnterprise BasedOyster Mushroom Production Error!
2284 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionEnterprise BasedPaddy Straw Mushroom Production Error!
2285 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionEnterprise BasedPaddy Straw Mushroom Production Error!
2286 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionEnterprise BasedLow-cost polyhouse with low-cost drip system Error!
2287 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionEnterprise BasedPoly-mulching/Protected cultivation Error!
2288 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionEnterprise BasedLow-cost polyhouse/protected cultivation of vegetables Error!
2289 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionNatural Resource ManagementPreparation and application of waste decomposer culture Error!
2290 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionNatural Resource ManagementPreparation and application of waste decomposer culture Error!
2291 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceScientific Nursery Raising technology Error!
2292 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceScientific Nursery Raising technology Error!
2293 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceScientific Nursery Raising technology Error!
2294 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceScientific Nursery Raising technology Error!
2295 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceNutritional Home Gardening through IIHR Arka Mega Seed Kit Error!
2296 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceNutritional Home Gardening through IIHR Arka Mega Seed Kit Error!
2297 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceNutritional Home Gardening through IIHR Arka Mega Seed Kit Error!
2298 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAnimal ScienceIntegration of Azolla production unit with poultry shade Error!
2299 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine transplanting of rice Error!
2300 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine transplanting of rice Error!
2301 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntroduction and Demonstration of SRI technology among the rice grower of FFP villages Error!
2302 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntroduction and Demonstration of SRI technology among the rice grower of FFP villages Error!
2303 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementOthers ActivitiesothersPopularization and application of the "Lathyrus Info" mobile app Error!
2304 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementOthers ActivitiesothersPopularization and application of the "Lathyrus Info" mobile app Error!
2305 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionNatural Resource ManagementLow - cost drip system for the vegetable production Error!
2306 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionNatural Resource ManagementLow - cost drip system for the vegetable production Error!
2307 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionNatural Resource ManagementPoly mulching for conservation agriculture Error!
2308 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceIntroduction of improved hybrid varieties from IIHR and TNAU Error!
2309 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceIntroduction of improved hybrid varieties from IIHR and TNAU Error!
2310 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementEventsFarmerOrganization of Agricultural Film Shows on latest agricultural technologies Error!
2311 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionMechanization and MarketingIntroduction and demonstration of Bhoramdev Seed Drill Error!
2312 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionMechanization and MarketingIntroduction and demonstration of Bhoramdev Seed Drill Error!
2313 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionMechanization and MarketingIntroduction and demonstration of Aqua Ferti Seed Drill Error!
2314 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionMechanization and MarketingLine Sowing of Pulses crop using the Happy Seeder Error!
2315 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionNatural Resource ManagementUtera cropping of pulses in Rice Fallow Error!
2316 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionNatural Resource ManagementUtera cropping of pulses in Rice Fallow Error!
2317 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceSeed treatment of pulses with Biofertilizers Error!
2318 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceSeed treatment of pulses with Biofertilizers Error!
2319 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAnimal ScienceVaccination of Kadaknath Poultry Error!
2320 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAnimal ScienceVaccination of Kadaknath Poultry Error!
2321 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionEnterprise BasedAgro - processing centers (APCs) Error!
2322 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionEnterprise BasedAgro - processing centers (APCs) Error!
2323 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionEnterprise BasedAgro - processing centers (APCs) Error!
2324 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionEnterprise BasedAgro - processing centers (APCs) Error!
2325 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionEnterprise BasedAgro - processing centers (APCs) Error!
2326 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture SciencePreparation and application of Bordo mixture Error!
2327 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture SciencePreparation and application of Bordo mixture Error!
2328 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceScientific vegetable production through improved IIHR and TNAU Varieties Error!
2329 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceScientific vegetable production through improved IIHR and TNAU Varieties Error!
2330 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceScientific vegetable production through improved IIHR and TNAU Varieties Error!
2331 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable production under the Poly house and Shade net house Error!
2332 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable production under the Poly house and Shade net house Error!
2333 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable production under the Poly house and Shade net house Error!
2334 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionNatural Resource ManagementLow cost Azolla Production for feed availability Error!
2335 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionNatural Resource ManagementHands-on Training on Low-cost Azolla Production Technology at FFP Village Error!
2336 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine sowing of Improved variety of pulses and oilseed crops(Lathrus – Mahateoda, Chick Pea – Vaibhav, Linseed – RLC-92, and Mustard – Pusa Jay Kisan) in rice fallow, using Happy Seeder Error!
2337 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceMustard production in rice fallow using the improved variety Error!
2338 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceProduction of improved Lathyrus in rice fallow using the Happy Seeder Error!
2339 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionMechanization and MarketingDrudgery reduction through Custom Hiring Centers (CHCs) Error!
2340 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Seed Treatment Error!
2341 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionICTFarmer Communication Center(FCC) established at remote tribal village Bakla, of Balodabazar District Error!
2342 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementInterventionICTFarmer Communication Center(FCC) established at remote Tribal village Kharaha, of Balodabazar District Error!
2343 ICAR - National Institute of Biotic Stress ManagementOthers ActivitiesothersNews paper coverage of FFP achievements from ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur, Chhattisgarh Error!
2344 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleDemonstration of newer varieties of fruit crops for establishment of Diversity Orchard Error!
2345 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleCombating dieback in mango trees and demonstration of hybrid seed of Maize Error!
2346 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleGosthi on Agricultural Practices for Rabi Season 2019 at Kisan Jagrukta Sammelan 2019 at KVK Pipra Kothi, East Champaran, Bihar Error!
2347 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleCombating irregular bearing tendency in litchi cv. China through Girdling Error!
2348 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleField Day for regular bearing in Litchi Orchard Error!
2349 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiInterventionAnimal ScienceOrganization of Animal Health Camp Error!
2350 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleTraining on Improving productivity of mango and litchi orchard at Mehsi block, Purbi Champaran Error!
2351 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiEventsFarmerTraining on IPM for Ravi Vegetables Error!
2352 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiEventsFarmerTraining on safe vegetable production in Chintamanpur, Pipra, East Champaran Error!
2353 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiEventsFarmerManagement of wilt and dieback diseases in mango and litchi Error!
2354 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiEventsFarmerDemonstration of newer varieties of mango Error!
2355 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiEventsFarmerDemonstration of public sector varieties of rabi vegetables Error!
2356 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstration of improved varieties of winter vegetables, October 2019, Chintamanpur, Pipra, East Champaran Error!
2357 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleAssessment of soil health status and Soil Health Card Distribution, Damodarpur, Mehsi, East Champaran Error!
2358 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiEventsFarmerManagment of Stink Bug of Litchi, Mehsi, East Champaran Error!
2359 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleVisit to FFP Villages for combating Dieback in Mango and Demonstration of Hybrid Seed of Maize Error!
2360 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleValue Addition in rabi vegetables and seedling mango Error!
2361 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleIncreasing income through papaya cultivation Error!
2362 ICAR - National Research Centre on LitchiInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleVisit of litchi orchard affected by Stink Bug, Mehsi, East Champaran Error!
2363 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementEventsOthersWorkshop on “Methodological Framework for Implementation of Farmer FIRST Programme" during 18-21 September, 2017 at ICAR-IISS, Bhopal Error!
2364 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementEventsOthersWorkshop on “Methodological Framework for Implementation of Farmer FIRST Programme" during 3-6 October, 2017 at ICAR-CISH, Lucknow Error!
2365 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementEventsOthersWorkshop on “Methodological Framework for Implementation of Farmer FIRST Programme" during 10-13 October, 2017 at TANUVAS, Chennai Error!
2366 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementEventsOthersWorkshop on “Methodological Framework for Implementation of Farmer FIRST Programme" during 23-26 October, 2017 at ICAR-IARI, New Delhi Error!
2367 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementEventsOthersWorkshop on “Methodological Framework for Implementation of Farmer FIRST Programme" during 6-9 November, 2017 at ICAR-IISWC, Dehradun Error!
2368 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementEventsOthersNational Level Review cum Sensitization Workshop for Farmer FIRST Programme during 18-19 March, 2017 at ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad Error!
2369 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementEventsOthersLet's listen to farmers: A workshop on farmers' feedback on doubling farm income by 2022 from 22-23 December 2017 at ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad Error!
2370 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementEventsOthersTen farmer delegates from FFP centres, were felicitated with “Farmers Award” during ICAR-NAARM Foundation day (Sep. 1, 2019) Error!
2371 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementEventsOthersBook released on "Inspire Innovate and Change: Field Innovations of Farmer FIRST Project" Error!
2372 ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research ManagementEventsOthersBook released in hindi "prerana, navaachaar evan badalaav: Farmer FIRST pariyojana ke khet navonmesh" Error!
2373 PAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceMushroom Error!
2374 PAUInterventionNatural Resource ManagementSowing wheat with happy seeder Error!
2375 PAUEventsFarmerField visit Error!
2376 PAUInterventionHorticulture Sciencevegetable nursery Error!
2377 PAUOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer innovation: Fumigation by guggal Error!
2378 PAUOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer innovation: Waste decomposer Error!
2379 PAUOthers ActivitiesothersDung cake solution to stop fruit drop Error!
2380 PAUOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer innovation: spray of aged buttermilk for reducing pest incidence Error!
2381 PAUOthers ActivitiesothersUse of paddy straw mulch in garlic Error!
2382 PAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceMushroom Cultivation Error!
2383 PAUInterventionHorticulture ScienceProtected Vegetable cultivation Error!
2384 PAUInterventionHorticulture ScienceInter-cropping in vegetables Error!
2385 PAUInterventionAnimal ScienceMineral Mixture Distribution Error!
2386 PAUInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable Nursery Error!
2387 PAUInterventionNatural Resource ManagementSoil Sampling Error!
2388 PAUInterventionHorticulture ScienceField day Error!
2389 PAUInterventionHorticulture ScienceField day Error!
2390 PAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceBee keeping Error!
2391 PAUInterventionHorticulture ScienceMulching Error!
2392 PAUOthers ActivitiesothersSoil sampling Error!
2393 PAUOthers ActivitiesothersDemonstrations Error!
2394 PAUEventsFarmerPrevent stubble burning Error!
2395 PAUInterventionHorticulture ScienceField Visit Error!
2396 PAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceTraining on Bee Keeping Error!
2397 PAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceTraining on Mushroom cultivation Error!
2398 PAUOthers ActivitiesothersNAARM Award Error!
2399 PAUInterventionHorticulture ScienceFarmer exposure visit at center of excellence for vegetables Error!
2400 PAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceFarmer exposure visit at Bajwa Mushroom farm Error!
2401 PAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceProcessing of oilseeds Error!
2402 PAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceShort duration varieties of Rice demonstration Error!
2403 PAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceFarmer-Scientist meeting Error!
2404 PAUInterventionHorticulture ScienceFarmer training on protected cultivation of vegetables Error!
2405 PAUInterventionHorticulture ScienceField visit Error!
2406 PAUOthers ActivitiesothersData collection Error!
2407 PAUEventsFarmerExposure visit to Kisan Mela Error!
2408 PAUEventsFarmerField visit Error!
2409 PAUEventsFarmerFarmer Meeting Error!
2410 PAUInterventionAgriculture SciencePreparation of compost bags for mushroom cultivation Error!
2411 PAUEventsFarmerInnovative farmer award Error!
2412 PAUEventsFarmerFarmer-Scientist interface Error!
2413 PAUEventsFarmerFarmer-Scientist interface Error!
2414 PAUEventsFarmerFarmer-Scientist interface Error!
2415 PAUEventsFarmerFarmer-Scientist interface Error!
2416 PAUOthers ActivitiesothersMeeting Error!
2417 PAUEventsFarmerCampaign Error!
2418 PAUOthers ActivitiesothersData Collection Error!
2419 PAUOthers ActivitiesothersMethod Demonstration Error!
2420 PAUInterventionHorticulture ScienceField visit Error!
2421 PAUInterventionHorticulture ScienceExposure Visit Error!
2422 PAUEventsFarmerAwareness campaign to prevent stubble burning Error!
2423 PAUEventsFarmerScientist-Farmer interface Error!
2424 PAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceWheat sowing with Happy seeder Error!
2425 PAUEventsFarmerCampaign Error!
2426 PAUOthers ActivitiesothersFarm Visit Error!
2427 PAUOthers ActivitiesothersFarm Visit Error!
2428 PAUInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat rearing Error!
2429 PAUInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry Error!
2430 PAUInterventionAnimal ScienceTraining Error!
2431 GADVASUInterventionAgriculture ScienceCultivation of high yielding variety of maize fodder Error!
2432 GADVASUInterventionAgriculture SciencePit Silage Error!
2433 GADVASUInterventionAgriculture ScienceBag Silage Error!
2434 GADVASUInterventionAgriculture ScienceFamily nutrition gardening Error!
2435 GADVASUInterventionAgriculture ScienceLow Poly Tunnel vegetable technology Error!
2436 GADVASUInterventionAnimal ScienceEctoparasite (Tick) control Error!
2437 GADVASUInterventionAnimal ScienceClean milk production (Mastitis control protocol) Error!
2438 GADVASUInterventionAnimal ScienceOral magnet feeding Error!
2439 GADVASUInterventionAnimal ScienceEndoparasite control Error!
2440 GADVASUInterventionAnimal ScienceOral magnet feeding of dairy animal Error!
2441 GADVASUInterventionAnimal ScienceFoot bath Error!
2442 GADVASUInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of CMT kits and dewormers Error!
2443 GADVASUInterventionAnimal ScienceCalf care day Error!
2444 GADVASUInterventionAnimal ScienceYeast supplementation of feed Error!
2445 GADVASUInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of mineral mixture and bypass fat Error!
2446 GADVASUInterventionAnimal ScienceBalanced ration formulation Error!
2447 GADVASUInterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal treatment and Infertility camp Error!
2448 GADVASUEventsFarmerAwareness camp on Stubble burning and crop residue management Error!
2449 GADVASUEventsFarmerAwareness camp on Stubble burning and crop residue management Error!
2450 GADVASUEventsFarmerFarmer Scientist Interface Error!
2451 GADVASUEventsFarmerDistribution of First Aid/ Emergency management kit Error!
2452 GADVASUEventsFarmerDistribution of mastitis kit and BTB papers Error!
2453 GADVASUEventsFarmerExposure visit Error!
2454 GADVASUEventsFarmerExhibition Error!
2455 GADVASUEventsFarm WomenValue addition of milk and SHGs Error!
2456 GADVASUEventsFarm WomenValue addition of milk and SHGs Error!
2457 GADVASUEventsFarm WomenValue addition of milk and SHGs Error!
2458 GADVASUInterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal health camp Error!
2459 GADVASUInterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal health camp Error!
2460 CCSHAUOthers ActivitiesothersVillage Site Board Error!
2461 CCSHAUOthers ActivitiesothersVillage Site Board Error!
2462 CCSHAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceBed planting technique of wheat sowing Error!
2463 CCSHAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceBed planting technique of wheat sowing Error!
2464 CCSHAUInterventionHorticulture ScienceGuava orchard plantation Error!
2465 CCSHAUInterventionAgriculture SciencePopularization of summer/kharif Moong Error!
2466 CCSHAUInterventionAgriculture SciencePopularization of summer/kharif Moong Error!
2467 CCSHAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient Management in wheat Error!
2468 CCSHAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceOrobanchae Management in Mustard Error!
2469 CCSHAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntegrated pest Management in Mustard Error!
2470 CCSHAUInterventionAnimal ScienceSupplementation of Ration with Mineral mixture Error!
2471 CCSHAUInterventionAnimal ScienceFodder production of Oat Error!
2472 CCSHAUInterventionAnimal ScienceFodder production of Oat Error!
2473 CCSHAUEventsFarmerTraining on importance of mineral mixture in livestock Error!
2474 CCSHAUEventsFarmerTraining on importance of mineral mixture in livestock Error!
2475 CCSHAUEventsFarmerExposure visit of Farmers on the occasion of Kisan Diwas(23-12-2018) Error!
2476 CCSHAUEventsFarmerFarmers training on Bed planting of Wheat Error!
2477 CCSHAUEventsFarmerFarmers training on Integrated Nutrient Management of Wheat Error!
2478 CCSHAUEventsFarmerFarmers training on Varietal Performance of Wheat Error!
2479 CCSHAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient Management in wheat (2022-23) Error!
2480 CCSHAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceVarietal performance of wheat (2022-23) Error!
2481 CCSHAUInterventionAgriculture SciencePerformance of wheat var. WH 1142 under limited irrigations (2022-23) Error!
2482 CCSHAUInterventionAgriculture ScienceChemical control of stem rot in mustard (2022-23) Error!
2483 CCSHAUInterventionAnimal ScienceFodder production of oat var.HJ-8 (2022-23) Error!
2484 CCSHAUInterventionNatural Resource ManagementBed planting technique of wheat sowing (2022-23) Error!
2485 CCSHAUEventsFarmerA farmer training was organized on importance of mineral mixture in animal health at village Chirod (2022-23) Error!
2486 CCSHAUEventsFarmer A farmer training on IPM in mustard with a main focus on chemical control of stem rot in mustard was organized at Saina Nehwal Institute of Agricultural Technology, Training and Education (SNIATTE), CCS HAU, Hisar on 13.10.2022. Error!
2487 CCSHAUEventsFarmer Farmer training on scientific cultivation of multi-cut oat variety (HJ-8) was organized. The lecture on complete Package of Practice of fodder oat was given. Error!
2488 CCSHAUEventsFarmer A farmer training was organized on chemical control of stem rot in mustard at Saina Nehwal Institute of Agricultural Technology, Training and Education (SNIATTE), CCS HAU, Hisar on 07.11.2022. Error!
2489 CCSHAUEventsFarmer A farmer training was organized on wheat production technology at SNIATTE), CCS HAU, Hisar on 09.11. 2022 Error!
2490 CCSHAUEventsFarmer A farmer training was organized on importance of mineral mixture in animal health at Deptt. of Animal Nutrition, LUVAS on 7.12.2022 Error!
2491 CCSHAUOthers Activitiesothers An exposure visit was organized for the FFP adopted villages to Krishi Mela(Kharif)-2022. Error!
2492 CCSHAUOthers Activitiesothers An exposure visit was organized for Lohari Ragho farmers to mineral mixture production unit, LUVAS. Error!
2493 CCSHAUOthers Activitiesothers Farmer-scientist interaction was organized with an objective to exchange views and experiences directly with the farmers on different problems in agriculture and allied sectors with special emphasis on crops grown during rabi season at village Chirod. Error!
2494 CCSHAUOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of PI at farmer's field. Error!
2495 CCSHAUOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer-Scientist interaction organized at village Chirod Error!
2496 CCSHAUOthers ActivitiesothersInputs Supplied to FFP Farmers for conducting demonstration. Error!
2497 CCSHAUOthers ActivitiesothersInputs Supplied to FFP Farmers for conducting demonstration. Error!
2498 CCSHAUOthers ActivitiesothersSelection of farmers for different modules. Error!
2499 CCSHAUEventsFarmerA farmer training was organized on pulse production technology in mustard at Saina Nehwal Institute of Agricultural Technology, Training and Education (SNIATTE), CCS HAU, Hisar on 29-5-2023. Error!
2500 CCSHAUOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer-scientist interaction was organized with an objective to exchange views and experiences directly with the farmers on different problems in agriculture and allied sectors at SNIATTE, hisar. Error!
2501 CCSHAUOthers ActivitiesothersA farmer training was organized on IPM in Cotton in mustard at Saina Nehwal Institute of Agricultural Technology, Training and Education (SNIATTE), CCS HAU, Hisar on 29-5-2023. Error!
2502 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise Basednews coverage Error!
2503 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise Basednews coverage Error!
2504 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise Basednews coverage Error!
2505 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise Basednews coverage Error!
2506 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise Basednews coverage Error!
2507 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise Basednews coverage Error!
2508 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise Basednews coverage Error!
2509 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise Basednews coverage Error!
2510 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise Basednews coverage Error!
2511 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise Basednews coverage Error!
2512 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise Basednews coverage Error!
2513 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise Basednews coverage Error!
2514 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMedia Coverage Error!
2515 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMedia Coverage Error!
2516 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMedia Coverage Error!
2517 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2518 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2519 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2520 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2521 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2522 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2523 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2524 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2525 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2526 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2527 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2528 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2529 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2530 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2531 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2532 CSKHPKVEventsFarmervisit photo Error!
2533 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceSuccess stories Error!
2534 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencesuccess stories Error!
2535 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceWheat Error!
2536 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceWheat Error!
2537 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceWheat Error!
2538 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceWheat Error!
2539 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencecauliflower Error!
2540 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencecauliflower Error!
2541 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceCauliflower Error!
2542 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish Error!
2543 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish Error!
2544 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish Error!
2545 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish Paddy Error!
2546 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2547 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2548 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2549 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMushroom Error!
2550 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedLecture on importance of mushroom in our diet Error!
2551 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedLecture on importance of mushroom in our diet Error!
2552 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedLecture on importance of mushroom in our diet Error!
2553 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedLecture on importance of mushroom in our diet Error!
2554 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedLecture on importance of mushroom in our diet Error!
2555 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish F122 Error!
2556 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish F122 Error!
2557 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish F122 Error!
2558 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish F122 Error!
2559 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish F122 Error!
2560 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish F122 Error!
2561 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceVegetables Error!
2562 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish F1 Error!
2563 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish F1 Error!
2564 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2565 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2566 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2567 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2568 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2569 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2570 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2571 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2572 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2573 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceGinger Error!
2574 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceGinger Error!
2575 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish F1 Error!
2576 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish F1 Error!
2577 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceKitchen Garden Error!
2578 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceKitchen Garden Error!
2579 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2580 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceTraining Photo Error!
2581 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedTraining Photo Error!
2582 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedTraining Photo Error!
2583 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedTraining Photo Error!
2584 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedTraining Photo Error!
2585 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedTraining Photo Error!
2586 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedTraining Photo Error!
2587 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedTraining Photo Error!
2588 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedTraining Photo Error!
2589 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedTraining Photo Error!
2590 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedTraining Photo Error!
2591 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedTraining Photo Error!
2592 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2593 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2594 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2595 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2596 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2597 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2598 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2599 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2600 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2601 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2602 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2603 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2604 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2605 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2606 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2607 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2608 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2609 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVeterinary clinical camps Error!
2610 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersIAC Meeting Error!
2611 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersIAC Meeting Error!
2612 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy F1 Error!
2613 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceOkra Error!
2614 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish F1 Error!
2615 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize F1 Error!
2616 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize F1 Error!
2617 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy F1 Error!
2618 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish Error!
2619 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish Error!
2620 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish Error!
2621 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMushroom Error!
2622 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMushroom Error!
2623 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencecauliflower Error!
2624 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencepeas Error!
2625 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Scienceradish Error!
2626 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencepic Error!
2627 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencepic Error!
2628 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize Error!
2629 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceOkra Error!
2630 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceChilli Error!
2631 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish Error!
2632 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceVc visit at Dharer. Error!
2633 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceVc visit at Dharer. Error!
2634 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceVc visit at Dharer. Error!
2635 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceVc visit at Dharer. Error!
2636 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceVc visit at Dharer Error!
2637 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencevc visit Error!
2638 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish Error!
2639 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish Error!
2640 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2641 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2642 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2643 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2644 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish Error!
2645 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish Error!
2646 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencewheat Error!
2647 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencewheat Error!
2648 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencewheat Error!
2649 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencewheat Error!
2650 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencewheat Error!
2651 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencecorriander Error!
2652 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePeas Error!
2653 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencevc visit Error!
2654 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencevc visit Error!
2655 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePeas Error!
2656 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize Error!
2657 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencecauliflower Error!
2658 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize Error!
2659 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBrinjal Error!
2660 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBrinjal Error!
2661 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencechilli Error!
2662 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceGinger Error!
2663 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal Error!
2664 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal Error!
2665 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePHVA Error!
2666 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish F1 Error!
2667 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Scienceanimal Error!
2668 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePeas Error!
2669 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePeas Error!
2670 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencecamp Error!
2671 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntegrated agriculture camp Error!
2672 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntegrated agriculture camp Error!
2673 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntegrated agriculture camp Error!
2674 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMushroom Error!
2675 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntegrated agriculture camp Error!
2676 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceIntegrated agriculture camp Error!
2677 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal Scienceveterinary clinical camp Error!
2678 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceGinger Error!
2679 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencemaize Error!
2680 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencechilli Error!
2681 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencechilli Error!
2682 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceSteria Grass Error!
2683 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceSteria Grass Error!
2684 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencecauliflower Error!
2685 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Scienceseed distribution Error!
2686 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal Sciencepoultry Error!
2687 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture Sciencepaddy Error!
2688 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish Error!
2689 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceGinger Error!
2690 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2691 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish Error!
2692 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceRadish Error!
2693 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBitter Guard Error!
2694 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBitter Guard Error!
2695 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBitter Guard Error!
2696 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBitter Guard Error!
2697 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDr. Rajbir (Director of ATARI) Error!
2698 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDr. Rajbir (Director of ATARI) Error!
2699 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDr. Rajbir (Director of ATARI) Error!
2700 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDr. Rajbir (Director of ATARI) Error!
2701 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDr. Rajbir (Director of ATARI) Error!
2702 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDr. Rajbir (Director of ATARI) Error!
2703 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDr. Rajbir (Director of ATARI) Error!
2704 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDr. Rajbir (Director of ATARI) Error!
2705 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDr. Rajbir (Director of ATARI) Error!
2706 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDr. Rajbir (Director of ATARI) Error!
2707 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDr. Rajbir (Director of ATARI) Error!
2708 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2709 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePeas Error!
2710 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePeas Error!
2711 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePeas Error!
2712 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceChilli Error!
2713 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2714 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2715 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2716 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2717 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2718 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceOff - season radish F1 Error!
2719 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceOff - season radish F1 Error!
2720 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceOff - season radish F1 Error!
2721 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceOff - season radish F1 Error!
2722 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2723 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceOff-season Radish F1 Error!
2724 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceOff-season Radish F1 Error!
2725 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2726 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2727 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2728 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2729 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2730 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2731 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2732 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2733 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2734 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2735 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2736 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2737 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2738 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2739 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Transplanting Error!
2740 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMushroom Error!
2741 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Error!
2742 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMushroom Error!
2743 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMushroom Error!
2744 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceMushroom Error!
2745 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersIAC meeting of FFP held on 5.1.2019 Error!
2746 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersIAC meeting of FFP held on 5.1.2019 Error!
2747 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersIAC meeting of FFP held on 5.1.2019 Error!
2748 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersIAC meeting of FFP held on 5.1.2019 Error!
2749 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersIAC meeting of FFP held on 5.1.2019 Error!
2750 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersIAC meeting of FFP held on 5.1.2019 Error!
2751 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersIAC meeting of FFP held on 5.1.2019 Error!
2752 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersIAC meeting of FFP held on 5.1.2019 Error!
2753 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersIAC meeting of FFP held on 5.1.2019 Error!
2754 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersIAC meeting of FFP held on 5.1.2019 Error!
2755 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceFrenchbean demonstrations and weed control Error!
2756 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceFrenchbean demonstrations and weed control Error!
2757 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceFrenchbean demonstrations and weed control Error!
2758 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerFFP farmers are being educated about inspection and examination of bee colonies Error!
2759 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerFFP farmers are being educated about inspection and examination of bee colonies Error!
2760 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerFFP farmers are being educated about inspection and examination of bee colonies Error!
2761 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBumper mushroom crop in FFP area Error!
2762 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBumper mushroom crop in FFP area Error!
2763 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBumper mushroom crop in FFP area Error!
2764 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBumper mushroom crop in FFP area Error!
2765 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBumper mushroom crop in FFP area Error!
2766 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBumper mushroom crop in FFP area Error!
2767 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBumper mushroom crop in FFP area Error!
2768 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBumper mushroom crop in FFP area Error!
2769 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBumper mushroom crop in FFP area Error!
2770 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBumper mushroom crop in FFP area Error!
2771 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBumper mushroom crop in FFP area Error!
2772 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBumper mushroom crop in FFP area Error!
2773 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBumper mushroom crop in FFP area Error!
2774 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBumper mushroom crop in FFP area Error!
2775 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBumper mushroom crop in FFP area Error!
2776 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedEstablishment of small mushroom unit under FFP Error!
2777 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedEstablishment of small mushroom unit under FFP Error!
2778 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedEstablishment of small mushroom unit under FFP Error!
2779 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedEstablishment of small mushroom unit under FFP Error!
2780 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedEstablishment of small mushroom unit under FFP Error!
2781 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersVeterinary clinical camps organised under FFP Error!
2782 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersVeterinary clinical camps organised under FFP Error!
2783 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersVeterinary clinical camps organised under FFP Error!
2784 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersVeterinary clinical camps organised under FFP Error!
2785 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersVeterinary clinical camps organised under FFP Error!
2786 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersVeterinary clinical camps organised under FFP Error!
2787 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersVeterinary clinical camps organised under FFP Error!
2788 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersVeterinary clinical camps organised under FFP Error!
2789 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceComparison of local and improved paddy variety HPR 2143 under FFP demonstrations Error!
2790 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBumper crop of paddy variety Raja under FFP demonstrations Error!
2791 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBumper crop of paddy variety Raja under FFP demonstrations Error!
2792 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBumper crop of paddy variety Raja under FFP demonstrations Error!
2793 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBumper crop of paddy variety HPR 2143 under FFP demonstrations Error!
2794 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBumper crop of paddy variety HPR 2143 under FFP demonstrations Error!
2795 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBumper crop of paddy variety HPR 2143 under FFP demonstrations Error!
2796 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBumper crop of paddy variety HPR 2143 under FFP demonstrations Error!
2797 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedThree days (4-6.11.2018) hands on training at CSKHPKV, Palampur on rearing of honey bees for FFP farmers Error!
2798 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedThree days (4-6.11.2018) hands on training at CSKHPKV, Palampur on rearing of honey bees for FFP farmers Error!
2799 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedThree days (4-6.11.2018) hands on training at CSKHPKV, Palampur on rearing of honey bees for FFP farmers Error!
2800 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedThree days (4-6.11.2018) hands on training at CSKHPKV, Palampur on rearing of honey bees for FFP farmers Error!
2801 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedThree days (4-6.11.2018) hands on training at CSKHPKV, Palampur on rearing of honey bees for FFP farmers Error!
2802 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedThree days (4-6.11.2018) hands on training at CSKHPKV, Palampur on rearing of honey bees for FFP farmers Error!
2803 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedThree days (4-6.11.2018) hands on training at CSKHPKV, Palampur on rearing of honey bees for FFP farmers Error!
2804 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedThree days (4-6.11.2018) hands on training at CSKHPKV, Palampur on rearing of honey bees for FFP farmers Error!
2805 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedThree days (4-6.11.2018) hands on training at CSKHPKV, Palampur on rearing of honey bees for FFP farmers Error!
2806 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedThree days (4-6.11.2018) hands on training at CSKHPKV, Palampur on rearing of honey bees for FFP farmers Error!
2807 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedThree days (4-6.11.2018) hands on training at CSKHPKV, Palampur on rearing of honey bees for FFP farmers Error!
2808 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on fruit fly traps (Palam Traps) for the management of fruit fly in cucurbits at FFP area Error!
2809 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on fruit fly traps (Palam Traps) for the management of fruit fly in cucurbits at FFP area Error!
2810 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on fruit fly traps (Palam Traps) for the management of fruit fly in cucurbits at FFP area Error!
2811 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on fruit fly traps (Palam Traps) for the management of fruit fly in cucurbits at FFP area Error!
2812 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on fruit fly traps (Palam Traps) for the management of fruit fly in cucurbits at FFP area Error!
2813 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on fruit fly traps (Palam Traps) for the management of fruit fly in cucurbits at FFP area Error!
2814 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerCelebration of Congress grass eradication awareness compaign at FFP area Error!
2815 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerCelebration of Congress grass eradication awareness compaign at FFP area Error!
2816 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerCelebration of Congress grass eradication awareness compaign at FFP area Error!
2817 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceHealthy crop of maize in demonstrations (F1 KH 25 Gold) at FFP area Error!
2818 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceHealthy crop of maize in demonstrations (F1 KH 25 Gold) at FFP area Error!
2819 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceHealthy crop of maize in demonstrations (F1 KH 25 Gold) at FFP area Error!
2820 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceHealthy crop of maize in demonstrations (F1 KH 25 Gold) at FFP area Error!
2821 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceHealthy crop of maize in demonstrations (F1 KH 25 Gold) at FFP area Error!
2822 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceHealthy crop of maize in demonstrations (F1 KH 25 Gold) at FFP area Error!
2823 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBumper harvest of maize in demonstrations (F1 KH 25 Gold) at FFP area Error!
2824 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBumper harvest of maize in demonstrations (F1 KH 25 Gold) at FFP area Error!
2825 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBumper harvest of maize in demonstrations (F1 KH 25 Gold) at FFP area Error!
2826 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceBumper harvest of maize in demonstrations (F1 KH 25 Gold) at FFP area Error!
2827 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerFarm activity Error!
2828 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2829 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2830 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2831 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2832 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2833 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2834 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2835 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2836 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2837 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2838 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2839 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2840 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2841 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2842 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2843 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2844 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2845 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2846 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2847 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2848 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2849 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2850 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2851 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2852 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2853 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2854 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2855 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2856 CSKHPKVEventsFarmerExposure visit of FFP farmers Error!
2857 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on high yielding wheat variety HPW 349 Error!
2858 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on high yielding Paddy variety Raja Error!
2859 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on high yielding wheat variety HPW 349 Error!
2860 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on high yielding wheat variety HPW 349 Error!
2861 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on high yielding wheat variety HPW 349 Error!
2862 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on high yielding wheat variety HPW 349 Error!
2863 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on high yielding wheat variety HPW 349 Error!
2864 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on high yielding wheat variety HPW 349 Error!
2865 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on high yielding wheat variety HPW 349 Error!
2866 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on high yielding wheat variety HPW 349 Error!
2867 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on high yielding wheat variety HPW 349 Error!
2868 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on high yielding wheat variety HPW 349 Error!
2869 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on high yielding wheat variety HPW 349 Error!
2870 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on high yielding wheat variety HPW 349 Error!
2871 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on high yielding wheat variety HPW 349 Error!
2872 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration on HYV of paddy and their transplanting Error!
2873 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration on HYV of paddy and their transplanting Error!
2874 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration on HYV of paddy and their transplanting Error!
2875 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration on HYV of paddy and their transplanting Error!
2876 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePerformance of HYV of paddy in FFP area Error!
2877 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePerformance of HYV of paddy in FFP area Error!
2878 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePerformance of HYV of paddy in FFP area Error!
2879 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePerformance of HYV of paddy in FFP area Error!
2880 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePerformance of HYV of paddy in FFP area Error!
2881 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePerformance of HYV of paddy in FFP area Error!
2882 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceProfuse tillering in paddy in FFP area Error!
2883 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceProfuse tillering in paddy in FFP area Error!
2884 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on HYV of maize in FFP area Error!
2885 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on HYV of maize in FFP area Error!
2886 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on HYV of maize in FFP area Error!
2887 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on HYV of maize in FFP area Error!
2888 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on HYV of maize in FFP area Error!
2889 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on HYV of maize in FFP area Error!
2890 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on HYV of maize in FFP area Error!
2891 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on HYV of maize in FFP area Error!
2892 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstrations on HYV of maize in FFP area Error!
2893 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVet clinical camp Error!
2894 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVet clinical camp Error!
2895 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVet clinical camp Error!
2896 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal ScienceVet clinical camp Error!
2897 CSKHPKVInterventionPost-Harvest TechnologyPHVA Error!
2898 CSKHPKVInterventionPost-Harvest TechnologyPHVA Error!
2899 CSKHPKVInterventionPost-Harvest TechnologyPHVA Error!
2900 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom crop in FFP area 2019-2020 Error!
2901 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom crop in FFP area 2019-2020 Error!
2902 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom crop in FFP area 2019-2020 Error!
2903 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedPoultry in FFP area 2019-2020 Error!
2904 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedPoultry in FFP area 2019-2020 Error!
2905 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy transplanting Error!
2906 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceHealthyPaddy crop Error!
2907 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceHealthyPaddy crop Error!
2908 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceHealthyPaddy crop Error!
2909 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceHealthy wheat crop 2018-19 Error!
2910 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceHealthy wheat crop 2018-19 Error!
2911 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceHealthy maize crop Error!
2912 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceHealthy maize crop Error!
2913 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceHealthy maize crop Error!
2914 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBee keeping in FFP area Error!
2915 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBee keeping in FFP area Error!
2916 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedBee keeping in FFP area Error!
2917 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedPalam Traps for fruit fly control Error!
2918 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedPalam Traps for fruit fly control Error!
2919 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom crop in FFP area 2019-2020 Error!
2920 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom crop in FFP area 2019-2020 Error!
2921 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom crop in FFP area 2019-2020 Error!
2922 CSKHPKVInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom crop in FFP area 2019-2020 Error!
2923 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceGinger crop Error!
2924 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceGinger crop Error!
2925 CSKHPKVInterventionAgriculture ScienceGinger crop Error!
2926 CSKHPKVInterventionAnimal Sciencejersey breed Error!
2927 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersSPIC meeting at Tara on 30.4.2019 Error!
2928 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersSPIC meeting at Tara on 30.4.2019 Error!
2929 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersSPIC meeting at Tara on 30.4.2019 Error!
2930 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersSPIC meeting at Tara on 30.4.2019 Error!
2931 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Hon'ble Vice Chancellor to FFP area Error!
2932 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Hon'ble Vice Chancellor to FFP area Error!
2933 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Hon'ble Vice Chancellor to FFP area Error!
2934 CSKHPKVOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Hon'ble Vice Chancellor to FFP area Error!
2935 CSKHPKVOthers Activitiesothersfarmers visit to Wheat crop in FFP area Error!
2936 SKUASTOthers ActivitiesothersInnovative Vegetable Grower Award in State level Kisan Mela 2018 to Sh. Krishan Singh, S/o Durga Singh for outstanding achievement in the field of vegetable production during the summer season of 2017 Error!
2937 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture ScienceScientific Maize production Error!
2938 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture ScienceBackyard Poultry Error!
2939 SKUASTEventsFarmerExhibition during Field Day Error!
2940 SKUASTEventsFarmerField Day on Maize Error!
2941 SKUASTEventsFarmerField Day on Maize Error!
2942 SKUASTEventsFarmerField Day on Maize Error!
2943 SKUASTOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring of Maize FLDs Error!
2944 SKUASTOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring of Maize FLDs Error!
2945 SKUASTOthers ActivitiesothersMaize FLDs Error!
2946 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize FLDs Error!
2947 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize FLDs Error!
2948 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize FLDs Error!
2949 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize FLDs Error!
2950 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize FLDs Error!
2951 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize FLDs Error!
2952 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize FLDs Error!
2953 SKUASTOthers ActivitiesothersMarket Linkage Programme for maize Error!
2954 SKUASTOthers ActivitiesothersMarket Linkage Programme for maize Error!
2955 SKUASTOthers ActivitiesothersSite Implementation Committee Error!
2956 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture ScienceFLDs on Wheat Error!
2957 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture ScienceFLDs on Wheat Error!
2958 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture ScienceFLDs on Wheat Error!
2959 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture ScienceFLDs on Wheat Error!
2960 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture ScienceFLDs on Wheat Error!
2961 SKUASTEventsFarmerDemonstration on Maize Planter Error!
2962 SKUASTEventsFarmerDemonstration on Maize Planter Error!
2963 SKUASTEventsFarmerDemonstration on Hydrogel Error!
2964 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture SciencePopularization of Napier Grass Error!
2965 SKUASTInterventionAgriculture SciencePopularization of Napier Grass Error!
2966 SKUASTEventsFarmerSh. Karnail Singh and Sh. Anchal Singh of VIllage Daruie and Village Tund respectively from District Samba awarded with Progressive Farmer Award in Kissan Mela 2021 Error!
2967 SKUASTInterventionEnterprise BasedTraining on Beekeeping Error!
2968 SKUASTEventsFarmerField Day on Maize Error!
2969 SKUASTEventsFarmerMaize FLDs Error!
2970 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerRice field visit 2020 at shitalpur village under FFP, BAU, Sabour Error!
2971 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerSowing of Direct seeded rice by drum seeder Error!
2972 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerCommunity nursery Error!
2973 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerCommunity nursery Error!
2974 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerZero till wheat variety HD-2967 Error!
2975 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerZero till wheat variety Sabour samradhi Error!
2976 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerLine sowing of lentil variety-HUL-57 Error!
2977 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerLine sowing of Chickpea variety-GCP-105 Error!
2978 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerLine sowing of Chickpea variety-GCP-105 Error!
2979 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerDistribution of Bihar Kisan diary 2021 Error!
2980 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerField visit of zero till wheat Error!
2981 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerKishan gosthi 2021 under FFP, BAU, Sabour Error!
2982 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerkishan mela Error!
2983 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerMoong cultivation Error!
2984 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerMoong kee faki todti hui mahila Error!
2985 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerBrinjal variety Rajendra baingan-2 Error!
2986 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerDemonstration of Cauliflower varity Sabour Agrim Error!
2987 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerNenua variety- Rajendra nenua-1 Error!
2988 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerBhindi variety -Kashi kranti Error!
2989 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerCollection of soil sample under FFP, BAU, Sabour at Shitalpur Village Error!
2990 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerDistribution bulletins related to soil health management Error!
2991 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerVermicompost unit at Birnodh village Error!
2992 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerCultivation of Button mushroom at Birnodh village Error!
2993 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerAnimal health camp under FFP, BAU, Sabour at Shitalpur Error!
2994 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerVaccination of Buffalo under FFP, BAU, Sabour at Shitalpur Error!
2995 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerVaccination of goat under FFP, BAU, Sabour at Shitalpur Error!
2996 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerAnalysis of N, P, K by soil testing kits Error!
2997 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceRice Seed distributions for adapted village by FFP BAU SABOUR Error!
2998 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceZero tillage wheat crop in farmer fields at Barhari village under FFP, BAU, Sabour 2023-24 Error!
2999 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInterventionEnterprise BasedButton Mushroom Production at Birnoudh Village under FFP, BAU, Sabour 2023-24 Error!
3000 Bihar Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersVisite to Farmer FIRST Programme village, Feedback 7years,BAU Sabour Error!
3001 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceVisit to Farmer FIRST Programme Adpated Village ,Feedback to farmer ,zero tillage, DSR Method, Error!
3002 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceVisit to Farmer FIRST Programme Adpated Village ,Feedback to farmer , Feed block feeding Error!
3003 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInterventionHorticulture ScienceVisit to Farmer FIRST Programme Adpated Village ,Feedback to farmer , Vegetable crops Error!
3004 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInterventionEnterprise Basedcommunity nursery of paddy 2022 Error!
3005 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInterventionEnterprise Basedfield visit of zero till wheat 2022-23 under FFP Team BAU, Sabour Error!
3006 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInterventionHorticulture ScienceProduction of early cauliflower (Sabour Agrim) Error!
3007 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInterventionEnterprise BasedButton mushroom production 2022-23 Error!
3008 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceFeeding of feed block under FFP Error!
3009 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInterventionEnterprise BasedTraining programme of button mushroom production 2022-23 Error!
3010 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerFarmer scientist interface Error!
3011 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenCasing of compost for button Error!
3012 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerSabour agrim cauliflower Error!
3013 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenButton mushroom at Birnaudh village Error!
3014 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerSuccessfully demonstration of wheat crop by zero tillage technology at farmer field under FIRST project, BAU, Sabour Error!
3015 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenSuccessfully mushroom production under farmer FIRST project, BAU, Sabour Error!
3016 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerSuccessfully demonstration of line sowing lentil under FFP, BAU, Sabour Error!
3017 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerPotato production Error!
3018 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerSowing of wheat by zero tillage technology Error!
3019 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerkisan mela-2018 Error!
3020 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerDistribution of Bihar kisan diary-2018 Error!
3021 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerDistribution of chicks at Birnaudh under FFP, BAU Sabour Error!
3022 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenBagging of mushroom Error!
3023 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerFeed block Error!
3024 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerPlantation of Mango Error!
3025 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerPlantation of Litchi (Bedana) Error!
3026 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerPlantation of Guava (Allahabad Safeda) Error!
3027 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerSickle Distribution Error!
3028 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenFood processing machine Error!
3029 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerSowing of wheat with zero tillage machine Error!
3030 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerDistribution of feed block Error!
3031 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerDistribution of SD card under FFP Error!
3032 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerOrganized field day at birnaudh village Error!
3033 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerVisit of honey bee box under FFP, BAU, Sabour Error!
3034 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerHoney extract by woman Error!
3035 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenValue addition of mango under FFP, BAU, Sabour Error!
3036 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerHigh yielding variety of potato Error!
3037 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerSwachhata jagruka programme Error!
3038 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerLine sowing of Lentil at Birnaudh village under FFP, BAU, Sabour Error!
3039 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerSeed treatment before sowing of chickpea and Sowing of chickpea with rewadi machine at project site under Farmer FIRST Programme Error!
3041 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerHigh yielding variety of elephant foot yam and turmeric Error!
3042 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerSowing of wheat with zero tillage machine at project site under Farmer FIRST Programme Error!
3043 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining of fruits and vegetables preservation on KVK, Sabour under FFP, BAU, Sabour Error!
3044 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerField visit of moong-bean crop by FFP, BAU, Sabour team Error!
3045 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerPlantation of hybrid Napier Grass Error!
3046 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerField visit of DSR by FFP, BAU, savour, team Error!
3047 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerCommunity nursery of paddy at birnaudh village under FFP, BAU, Sabour Error!
3048 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerHerbicide spray in DSR field at birnaudh village Error!
3049 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerCultivation of Elephantfootyam Error!
3050 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerPerformance of zero tillage of wheat at farmer field during the field visit by FFP, team Error!
3051 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerPerformance of line sowing of lentil at farmer field during the monitoring by FFP, team Error!
3052 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenPost harvesting managment of mushroom and marketing Error!
3053 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerField visit of zero tillage by FFP, Team BAU, Sabour, Error!
3054 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerPlantation of Napier Grass at Shitalpur village under FFP, BAU, Sabour Error!
3055 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerPlantation of Napier Grass at Shitalpur village under FFP, BAU, Sabour Error!
3056 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerManagement of community nursery at Birnaudh Village under FFP, BAU, Sabour Error!
3057 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerfeed block distribution at Shitalpur, under FFP, BAU Sabour Error!
3058 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerchick distribution for backyard poultry at Shitalpur, under FFP, BAU Sabour Error!
3059 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmertraining of Para-vets to provide primary health care services to farmers, under FFP, BAU Sabour Error!
3060 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerfeed block feeding at Barhari, under FFP, BAU Sabour Error!
3061 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerAnimal health camp Error!
3062 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerPerformance of zero tillage of wheat at farmer field during the field visit by FFP, team 2020 Error!
3063 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerPerformance of chick-pea at Birnaudh village under FFP, BAU, Sabour 2020 Error!
3064 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerAnimal health Camp and Vaccination Error!
3065 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenCapacity building through button mushroom cultivation Error!
3066 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenCapacity building through button mushroom cultivation Error!
3067 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenCapacity building through button mushroom cultivation Error!
3068 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenTraining of Food Processing under FFP, BAU, Sabour, Bhagalpur Error!
3069 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceFeed block feeding Error!
3070 Bihar Agricultural UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceCrop residue utilization Error!
3071 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerButton mushrooms production at shitalpur village in 2019-20 under FFP, BAU, Sabour, Bhagalpur Error!
3072 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerZero tillage cultivation of wheat crop in Rabi 2019-20 at Birnaudh village under FFP, BAU, Sabour, Bhagalpur Error!
3073 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerCashing of button mushroom at shitalpur village in 2019-20 under FFP, BAU, Sabour, Bhagalpur, (Bihar) Error!
3074 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmer Sowing of zero tillage wheat with zero till machine at birnaudh village in 2019-20 under FFP, BAU, Sabour, Bhagalpur, (Bihar) Error!
3075 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining of farmers for mushroom production technology at shitalpur village under FFP, BAU, Sabour Bhagalpur Error!
3076 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerVisit of DSR field by FFP team and distribution of leaf color chart to the concern farmer at FFP Village Error!
3077 Bihar Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerUse of LCC in paddy field for saving of nitrogen Error!
3078 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionHorticulture ScienceKing chilli cultivation Error!
3079 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionHorticulture SciencePumpkin cultivation Error!
3080 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerField day Error!
3081 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceRelay cropping of lathyrus (Vaer: Ratan)with rice – a step for growing a rabi crops in rice fallow(2017-2018) Error!
3082 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionHorticulture ScienceKing chilli cultivation(2017-2018) Error!
3083 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionHorticulture ScienceKing chilli cultivation(2017-2018) Error!
3084 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceParticipatory seed production of sali rice varieties(2017-2018) Error!
3085 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceParticipatory seed production of sali rice varieties(2017-2018) Error!
3086 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceParticipatory seed production of sali rice varieties Error!
3087 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceParticipatory seed production of sali rice varieties Error!
3088 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceParticipatory seed production of sali rice varieties Error!
3089 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceParticipatory seed production of sali rice varieties Error!
3090 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceParticipatory seed production of sali rice varieties Error!
3091 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceParticipatory seed production of sali rice varieties Error!
3092 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceParticipatory seed production of sali rice varieties Error!
3093 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceParticipatory seed production of sali rice varieties Error!
3094 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceRelay cropping of lathyrus (variety - Ratan) and and Field Pea (variety: Aman) as second crop with sali rice Error!
3095 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceRelay cropping of lathyrus (variety - Ratan) and and Field Pea (variety: Aman) as second crop with sali rice Error!
3096 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceRelay cropping of lathyrus (variety - Ratan) and and Field Pea (variety: Aman) as second crop with sali rice Error!
3097 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceRelay cropping of lathyrus (variety - Ratan) and and Field Pea (variety: Aman) as second crop with sali rice Error!
3098 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceRelay cropping of lathyrus (variety - Ratan) and and Field Pea (variety: Aman) as second crop with sali rice Error!
3099 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceRelay cropping of lathyrus (variety - Ratan) and and Field Pea (variety: Aman) as second crop with sali rice Error!
3100 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceRelay cropping of lathyrus (variety - Ratan) and and Field Pea (variety: Aman) as second crop with sali rice Error!
3101 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionMechanization and MarketingIntroducing farmers to mechanized farming Error!
3102 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionMechanization and MarketingIntroducing farmers to mechanized farming Error!
3103 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionMechanization and MarketingIntroducing farmers to mechanized farming Error!
3104 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionMechanization and MarketingIntroducing farmers to mechanized farming Error!
3105 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionMechanization and MarketingIntroducing farmers to mechanized farming Error!
3106 Assam Agricultural UniversityInterventionMechanization and MarketingIntroducing farmers to mechanized farming Error!
3107 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining & demonstration on mechanical transplantation Error!
3108 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining & demonstration on mechanical transplantation Error!
3109 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining & demonstration on mechanical transplantation Error!
3110 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining on fishery management Error!
3111 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining on fishery management Error!
3112 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining on fishery management Error!
3113 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining on fishery management Error!
3114 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenTraining on Oyster mushroom production Error!
3115 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenTraining on Oyster mushroom production Error!
3116 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenTraining on Oyster mushroom production Error!
3117 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenTraining on Oyster mushroom production Error!
3118 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenTraining on Oyster mushroom production Error!
3119 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenTraining on Oyster mushroom production Error!
3120 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenPoultry Vaccination Camp & Training Error!
3121 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenPoultry Vaccination Camp & Training Error!
3122 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenPoultry Vaccination Camp & Training Error!
3123 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining on management of mites and other pest Error!
3124 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining on management of mites and other pest Error!
3125 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining on management of mites and other pest Error!
3126 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining and demonstration of mechanical harvesting of paddy Error!
3127 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining and demonstration of mechanical harvesting of paddy Error!
3128 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining and demonstration of mechanical harvesting of paddy Error!
3129 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsGeneral UsersTraining on scientific bee keeping for livelihood improvement Error!
3130 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsGeneral UsersTraining on scientific bee keeping for livelihood improvement Error!
3131 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsGeneral UsersTraining on scientific bee keeping for livelihood improvement Error!
3132 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsGeneral UsersTraining on scientific bee keeping for livelihood improvement Error!
3133 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsGeneral UsersTraining on scientific bee keeping for livelihood improvement Error!
3134 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsGeneral UsersTraining on scientific bee keeping for livelihood improvement Error!
3135 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsGeneral UsersTraining on scientific bee keeping for livelihood improvement Error!
3136 Assam Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersAwareness Meeting on misuse of Oxytocin hormone Error!
3137 Assam Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersAwareness Meeting on misuse of Oxytocin hormone Error!
3138 Assam Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersAwareness Meeting on misuse of Oxytocin hormone Error!
3139 Assam Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersAwareness Meeting on misuse of Oxytocin hormone Error!
3140 Assam Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersAwareness Meeting on misuse of Oxytocin hormone Error!
3141 Assam Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersAwareness Meeting on misuse of Oxytocin hormone Error!
3142 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenWorkshop cum Awareness Program on entrepreneurship development among women farmer on the occasion of National Women Farmers Day Error!
3143 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenWorkshop cum Awareness Program on entrepreneurship development among women farmer on the occasion of National Women Farmers Day Error!
3144 Assam Agricultural UniversityEventsFarm WomenWorkshop cum Awareness Program on entrepreneurship development among women farmer on the occasion of National Women Farmers Day Error!
3145 Central Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersPublicity of Animal Health Camp cum Vaccination Programme, 2nd Aug.,2019 Error!
3146 Central Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp cum Vaccination Programme, 3rd Aug.,2019 Error!
3147 Central Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp cum Vaccination Programme, 3rd Aug.,2019 Error!
3148 Central Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health Camp cum Vaccination Programme, 3rd Aug.,2019 Error!
3149 Central Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersNews coverage of Animal Health Camp cum Vaccination Programme, 3rd Aug.,2019 Error!
3150 Central Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDoor to door Animal Health Camp cum Vaccination Programme, 3rd Aug.,2019 Error!
3151 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersAudio CD developed on Capsicum production in Polyhouse Error!
3152 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersAudio CD on honey production Error!
3153 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersAudio CD on Poultry management during winter season Error!
3154 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersAudio CD on Poultry production Error!
3155 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersAudio CD on Vegetable farming Error!
3156 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersVideo CD on Mushroom production Error!
3157 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersVideo CD on Vegetable Nursery management Error!
3158 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersVideo developed on Poultry production Error!
3159 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersPamphlet developed on Poultry farming Error!
3160 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersPamphlet developed on Goat farming Error!
3161 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersPamphlet developed on fodder cycle Error!
3162 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersPamphlet developed on Mulch Error!
3163 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersPamphlet developed on Button Mushroom Error!
3164 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersPamphlet developed on Oyster Mushroom Error!
3165 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarm WomenInteractive session of Project team with women in Syalikhet Error!
3166 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceMonitoring and Follow up measure in Poultry Farming intervention taken by project team Error!
3167 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration on preparation of mulch in village Dogra, Bhimtal block, Nainital district, Uttarakhand under the guidance of experts from G.B.P.U.A.&T, Pantnagar Error!
3168 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceDistribution of improved varieties of seed developed by Pantnagar in village Dogra, Bhimtal block, Nainital district, Uttarakhand Error!
3169 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersNews article published in Dainik Jagran Error!
3170 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersNews article on Mushroom Production Training published in Aman Kesari Error!
3171 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceDistribution of improved varieties of seeds developed by G.B.P.U.A.&T, Pantnagar in village Dogra under Farmer FIRST Project, Pantnagar Error!
3172 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceFarmer-Scientists Interface Error!
3173 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of chicks, feed and medicine to women in village Syalikhet , Bhimtal block, Nainital district, Uttarakhand under Farmer FIRST Project, Pantnagar Error!
3174 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarm WomenPoultry production training Error!
3175 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarmerAnimal health checkup camp Error!
3176 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture SciencePoly tunnel demonstration for protected cultivation Error!
3177 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry production at siyalikhet village Error!
3178 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionPost-Harvest TechnologyHoney processing plant at Jeoli village Error!
3179 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceImproved vegetable variety Error!
3180 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry health camp Error!
3181 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceDrudgery reduction kit distribution Error!
3182 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarmerMushroom production training Error!
3183 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer scientist interface Error!
3184 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersData collection Error!
3185 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarmerTRANING PROGRAMME IN VILLAGE Error!
3186 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarm WomenFarm women with Uttara chicks Error!
3187 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarmer Interaction with farmer and Distribution of Vegetable seed(onion,coriander and Bottleguard) Error!
3188 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarm WomenDistribution of cage net and interaction with farmer Error!
3189 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarm WomenDistribution of Drudgery reduction kit Error!
3190 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarm WomenExperts conducting training on mushroom cultivation in Dogara village, Nainital Error!
3191 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarmerInteraction with farmers and distribution of prepared mushroom bags for cultivation to the farmers of Dogara village, Nainital Error!
3192 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarm WomenDiscussion of expert with farm women regarding poultry production Error!
3193 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarm WomenInteraction of FFP team with farmers and distribution of poultry feed to the farmers Error!
3194 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarm WomenProject team collecting the data about poultry production and goat rearing the the village Syalikhet, Nainital Error!
3195 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionPost-Harvest TechnologyProject team distributing chaff cutter to the farmers of Jeoli village Error!
3196 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarmerDistribution of vegetable seeds to the farmers of Dogra village Error!
3197 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarmerObservation of production of vegetable seeds provided by FFP team in farmers field, Jeoli village Error!
3198 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of Jamunapari breed goat to the farmers of Syalikhet village Error!
3199 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarmerObservation of vegetable crop in farmers field, Jeoli village Error!
3200 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionEnterprise BasedDistribution o maize seeds to the farmers Error!
3201 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of Uttara chicks to the farmers, Syalikhet village Error!
3202 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionEnterprise BasedVegetable production in polyhouse, Jeoli village Error!
3203 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionEnterprise BasedMaize production in farmers field, Jeoli village Error!
3204 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarm WomenDistribution of poultry feed to farm women, Syalikhet village Error!
3205 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of Uttara breed chicks to farmers, Syalikhet village Error!
3206 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarm WomenInteraction with farm women Error!
3207 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarmerInteraction with farmers Error!
3208 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionEnterprise BasedDistribution of maize seeds to farmers, Jeoli village Error!
3209 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionEnterprise BasedProduction of maize crop Jeoli village Error!
3210 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionEnterprise BasedImproved production of onion Error!
3211 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat rearing, Syalkhet village Error!
3212 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry production, Syalikhet village Error!
3213 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceFarm women engaged in poultry production, Syalikhet village Error!
3214 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceFarm women engaged in poultry production, Syalikhet village Error!
3215 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceFarm women engaged in poultry production, Syalikhet village Error!
3216 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceFarm women engaged in poultry production, Syalikhet village Error!
3217 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceFarm women engaged in poultry production, Syalikhet village Error!
3218 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceDistribution of poultry feed Error!
3219 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyEventsFarm WomenDiscussion with farm women about initial care of chicks Error!
3220 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable production in Polyhouse in Jeoli village Error!
3221 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceDistribution of vegetable seeds to farmers in Jeoli village Error!
3222 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceVaccination of goats Error!
3223 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionEnterprise BasedInstallation of Honey bee boxes in farmers field of Jeoli village Error!
3224 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceIntroducing new intervention of plains goat breed to hills Error!
3225 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersWomen participant farmer Mrs. Savita Vaibhav Nalkar felicitated with INNOVATIVE FARMER AWARD 2019-20 at NAARM, Hyderabad, 1 September, 2019 Error!
3226 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersWomen participant farmer Mrs. Savita Vaibhav Nalkar felicitated with INNOVATIVE FARMER AWARD 2019-20 at NAARM, Hyderabad, 1 September, 2019 Error!
3227 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarm WomenWomen participant farmer Mrs. Savita Vaibhav Nalkar felicitated by Former Central Agriculture Minister Shri. Sharad Pawar , August 29, 2019 Error!
3228 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerVisit of Dr. Lakhan Singh Director, ATARI, Zone - VIII, Pune and KVK Scientist to FFP, MPKV, Rahuri Error!
3229 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerVisit of Dr. Lakhan Singh Director, ATARI, Zone - VIII, Pune and KVK Scientist to FFP, MPKV, Rahuri Error!
3230 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerVisit of Dr. Lakhan Singh Director, ATARI, Zone - VIII, Pune and KVK Scientist to FFP, MPKV, Rahuri Error!
3231 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerOne day online Training Programme in Covid -19 Situation Error!
3232 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerOne day online Training Programme in Covid -19 Situation Error!
3233 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerFish fingerlings distribution programme Error!
3234 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerFish fingerlings distribution programme Error!
3235 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerFish fingerlings distribution programme Error!
3236 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerFish fingerlings distribution programme Error!
3237 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsSelf Help GroupTraining programme on dal mill installation and dal preparation Error!
3238 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsSelf Help GroupTraining programme on dal mill installation and dal preparation Error!
3239 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer exposure visit to watephal, Hivre bazar and ralegansiddhi Error!
3240 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer exposure visit to watephal, Hivre bazar and ralegansiddhi Error!
3241 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer exposure visit to watephal, Hivre bazar and ralegansiddhi Error!
3242 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer exposure visit to watephal, Hivre bazar and ralegansiddhi Error!
3243 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of EEC member Dr. S. Prabhukumar and Dr. A. M. Narula Error!
3244 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of EEC member Dr. S. Prabhukumar and Dr. A. M. Narula Error!
3245 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of EEC member Dr. S. Prabhukumar and Dr. A. M. Narula Error!
3246 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Director, Research, Dr. S. R. Gadakh to the project villages Error!
3247 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Director, Research, Dr. S. R. Gadakh to the project villages Error!
3248 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Director, Research, Dr. S. R. Gadakh to the project villages Error!
3249 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Director, Research, Dr. S. R. Gadakh to the project villages Error!
3250 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Hon. DG, MCAER, Pune Error!
3251 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Hon. DG, MCAER, Pune Error!
3252 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Hon. DG, MCAER, Pune Error!
3253 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersVisit of Hon. DG, MCAER, Pune Error!
3254 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining Programme on Red gram and Bajra production technology Error!
3255 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining Programme on Red gram and Bajra production technology Error!
3256 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining Programme on Red gram and Bajra production technology Error!
3257 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining Programme on Red gram and Bajra production technology Error!
3258 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining Programme on Vermicompost and silage preparation Error!
3259 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining Programme on Vermicompost and silage preparation Error!
3260 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining Programme on Vermicompost and silage preparation Error!
3261 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining Programme on Vermicompost and silage preparation Error!
3262 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining Programme on Vermicompost and silage preparation Error!
3263 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsGeneral UsersMPKV ICAR-FFP: Orientation programme of Chinchvihire and Kangar Villages Error!
3264 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsGeneral UsersMPKV ICAR-FFP: Orientation programme of Chinchvihire and Kangar Villages Error!
3265 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersMPKV ICAR-FFP : PRA of selected villages Error!
3266 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersMPKV ICAR-FFP : PRA of selected villages Error!
3267 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersMPKV ICAR-FFP : PRA of selected villages Error!
3268 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining programme on farm pond fishery Error!
3269 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining programme on farm pond fishery Error!
3270 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining programme on Chickpea production technology Error!
3271 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining programme on Chickpea production technology Error!
3272 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer exposure visit to KVK, Baramati Error!
3273 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer exposure visit to KVK, Baramati Error!
3274 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer exposure visit to KVK, Baramati Error!
3275 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining programme on rabi sorghum production technology Error!
3276 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining programme on rabi sorghum production technology Error!
3277 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerNational Workshop on Farmers Feedback on Doubling Farm income by 2022 (ICAR, NAARM, Hyderabad) Error!
3278 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerNational Workshop on Farmers Feedback on Doubling Farm income by 2022 (ICAR, NAARM, Hyderabad) Error!
3279 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerNational Workshop on Farmers Feedback on Doubling Farm income by 2022 (ICAR, NAARM, Hyderabad) Error!
3280 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerNational Workshop on Farmers Feedback on Doubling Farm income by 2022 (ICAR, NAARM, Hyderabad) Error!
3281 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersMPKV ICAR-FFP: Participatory Rural Appraisal of project villages Chinchvihire and Kangar Error!
3282 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining programme on Integrated Farming System under FFP Error!
3283 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerTraining programme on Integrated Farming System under FFP Error!
3284 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerMPKV ICAR-FFP:Rabi planning meeting Error!
3285 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerMPKV ICAR-FFP:Rabi planning meeting Error!
3286 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerMPKV ICAR-FFP: Training Programme on collection of soil sample for soil testing Error!
3287 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsFarmerMPKV ICAR-FFP: Training Programme on collection of soil sample for soil testing Error!
3288 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersMPKV ICAR-FFP: Farmer exposure visit to Krushak - 2019, at KVK, Baramati Error!
3289 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersMPKV ICAR-FFP: Farmer exposure visit to Krushak - 2019, at KVK, Baramati Error!
3290 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsGeneral UsersMPKV ICAR-FFP: Visit of Hon’ble ADG (Agril. Extn.), ICAR, New Delhi Error!
3291 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsGeneral UsersMPKV ICAR-FFP: Visit of Hon’ble ADG (Agril. Extn.), ICAR, New Delhi Error!
3292 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsGeneral UsersMPKV ICAR-FFP: Visit of Hon’ble ADG (Agril. Extn.), ICAR, New Delhi Error!
3293 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsGeneral UsersMPKV ICAR-FFP: Visit of Hon’ble ADG (Agril. Extn.), ICAR, New Delhi Error!
3294 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsGeneral UsersMPKV ICAR-FFP : Visit of Hon’ble DDG (Agril. Extn.), ICAR, New Delhi Error!
3295 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsGeneral UsersMPKV ICAR-FFP : Visit of Hon’ble DDG (Agril. Extn.), ICAR, New Delhi Error!
3296 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsGeneral UsersMPKV ICAR-FFP : Visit of Hon’ble DDG (Agril. Extn.), ICAR, New Delhi Error!
3297 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethEventsGeneral UsersMPKV ICAR-FFP : Visit of Hon’ble DDG (Agril. Extn.), ICAR, New Delhi Error!
3298 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOthers ActivitiesothersMPKV ICAR-FFP: Farmers exposure visit to Sahyadri Agro Farmers Producer Company & Varun Agro Processing Pvt. Ltd., Nashik Error!
3299 Agriculture UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersInspection of Carrot grading and packing by Dr. V.P. Chahal and Dr. Rajbir Singh Error!
3300 Agriculture UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of napier grass as green fodder on the farmers field Error!
3301 Agriculture UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersField Visit of Chilli Var. RCh-1 by Dr. P. P. Rohilla Error!
3302 Agriculture UniversityInterventionHorticulture ScienceField Visit of Tomato Var. Arka Rakshak by Dr. V.P. Chahal and Dr. Rajbir Singh Error!
3303 Agriculture UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDiscussion with farmers by Dr. V.P. Chahal and Dr. Rajbir Singh Error!
3304 Agriculture UniversityInterventionHorticulture ScienceValue addition of crops drying in High Walk in Tunnel Error!
3305 Agriculture UniversityInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of Chilli var. RCh-1 on the farmers field Error!
3306 Agriculture UniversityInterventionNatural Resource ManagementDemonstration of Low Pressure Drip irrigation System on the farmers field Error!
3307 Agriculture UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Pearl millet hybrid MPMH-17 Error!
3308 Agriculture UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Wheat Raj 4083 on the farmers field Error!
3309 Agriculture UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Mustard var. PM-26 on the farmers field Error!
3310 Agriculture UniversityInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of mint drying in High Walk in Tunnel Error!
3311 Agriculture UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of Pratapdhan breed of poultry for backyard poultry system Error!
3312 Agriculture UniversityInterventionNatural Resource ManagementDemonstration of Dhaman grass var CAZRI-75 on the farmers field Error!
3313 Agriculture UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceDemonstration of Napier grass on the farmers field Error!
3314 Agriculture UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of green gram var. GaM 5 on the farmers field Error!
3315 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionHorticulture ScienceTraining and kit distribution under Horticulture based module Error!
3316 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionHorticulture ScienceTraining and kit distribution under Horticulture based module Error!
3317 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceTraining and kit distribution under Crop based module Error!
3318 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining and kit distribution under IFS based module Error!
3319 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining and kit distribution under IFS based module Error!
3320 Navsari Agricultural University Others ActivitiesothersField Visit Error!
3321 Navsari Agricultural University Others ActivitiesothersField Visit Error!
3322 Navsari Agricultural University Others ActivitiesothersField Visit Error!
3323 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerKishan Gosthi Error!
3324 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerKishan Gosthi Error!
3325 Navsari Agricultural University Others ActivitiesothersSurvey- Kesali Village Error!
3326 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerFarmers Scientist Interface Error!
3327 Navsari Agricultural University Others ActivitiesothersField Visit and Survey Error!
3328 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerPAHUPALAN TALIM Error!
3329 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerKhedutona Pratisad ange Charcha Error!
3330 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerTraining on scientific cultivation of Lucerne and Val Error!
3331 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerTraining on scientific cultivation of Lucerne and Val Error!
3332 Navsari Agricultural University Others ActivitiesothersField Visit Error!
3333 Navsari Agricultural University Others ActivitiesothersField Visit Error!
3334 Navsari Agricultural University Others ActivitiesothersField Visit Error!
3335 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerPashupalan Talim Error!
3336 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerTraining on Scientific cultivation of Greengram Error!
3337 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionHorticulture ScienceTraining on Scientific cultivation of Mango and Sapota Error!
3338 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceScientific Cultivation of Paddy Error!
3339 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerKishan Gosthi Error!
3340 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemScientific cultivation of Pigeon pea Error!
3341 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemScientific cultivation of Pigeon pea at Kesali village Error!
3342 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerTraining under IFS and Horticulture based module 06-03-2024 Error!
3343 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerTraining under IFS and Horticulture based module 15-03-2024 Error!
3344 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining and Kit distribution of Turmeric crop 21-03-2024 Error!
3345 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining and Kit distribution of Turmeric crop 22-03-24 Error!
3346 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAnimal ScienceFeedback of Bypass fat on animal health Error!
3347 Navsari Agricultural University Others ActivitiesothersField Day Error!
3348 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining on Scientific cultivation of Drumstick at Changa-Dhanori village Error!
3349 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining on scientific cultivation of drumstick at Kesali village Error!
3350 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining on scientific cultivation of drumstick at Hansapore village Error!
3351 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining on scientific cultivation of drumstick at chijgam village Error!
3352 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemDr. Aneri Tankiwala, SRF of FFP, Vaishali Ahir, FA of FFP and Ajay Patel FA of FFP gave information to the farmers and distributed fungicide to control the disease. Total 12 farmers had participated in the programme. Error!
3353 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceField visit of paddy farm and create awareness in farmers for use of Trichogamma cards and reduce the insect-pest damage in paddy fileld, also distributed Tricho cards at Chijgam Village Error!
3354 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAnimal ScienceWebinar on livestock management in COVID-19 pandemic situation Error!
3355 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarm WomenGroup discussion and kit distribution under Livestock based module Error!
3356 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceField visit of sugarcane Farm at Hansapor village Error!
3357 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining on inter cropping of Greengram with young orchards of Sapota, kit distribution and exposure visit at IFS Model at N.A.U. Error!
3358 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceField visit of Sugarcane farm at Hansapor village Error!
3359 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemField visit of inter cropping of lucern and Indian bean crop with young orchard of mango Error!
3360 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAnimal ScienceMethod demonstration of measurement of newly born calf body weight Error!
3361 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining and kit distribution of Indian bean in IFS based module at Chijgam village Error!
3362 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceScientific cultivation of sugarcane crop Error!
3363 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining and Kit distribution of Indian bean (Guj.val-2) at Hansapore village Error!
3364 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAnimal ScienceSite visit at Hansapore village dated on 6-11-2020 under Livestock based module Error!
3365 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceField visit of Sugarcane farm at chijgam village Error!
3366 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining and kit distribution of Lucerne seeds Error!
3367 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemExposure visit at IFS model, NAU,Navsari Error!
3368 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining and kit distribution in IFS based module at Pathari village Error!
3369 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerKishan Gosthi was held on 26-11-2020 at Hansapore village Error!
3370 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceKit distribution of sugarcane setts (Co N 13073) with biofertlizers Error!
3371 Navsari Agricultural University Others ActivitiesothersReview meeting was held on 13th July under chairmanship of Dr. K. A. Patel, Director of Extension Education and Guidance given by former DEE, Dr. G. R. Patel, NAU, Navsari. Error!
3372 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerField visit of Sugarcane farm at Hansapore and Chijgam village under crop based module Error!
3373 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionHorticulture ScienceMango orchard visit at Chigam village on 5th June, 2020. Error!
3374 Navsari Agricultural University Others ActivitiesothersKit distribution: Calf starter and First aid kit Error!
3375 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAnimal ScienceVisit for measurement of calf Error!
3376 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceField visit of sugarcane crop under crop based module at Pathari village Error!
3377 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionHorticulture ScienceSapota orchard visit at Pathari vllage under Horticulture based module Error!
3378 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture Science Training on scientific cultivation practices of paddy were given to farmers. The critical inputs like seeds of GNR-3 along with bio-fertilizer (PSB and azospirillum) were distributed to farmers. Error!
3379 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceField visit of Nursery and Transplanting of paddy under crop based module Error!
3380 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceField visit of Hansapor village under crop based module Error!
3381 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceField visit of Chijgam under crop based module Error!
3382 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceField visit of pathari village under crop based module Error!
3383 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture Sciencecompare performance of new variety with old under crop based module Error!
3384 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceTraining and kit distribution of sugarcane under crop based module Error!
3385 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionHorticulture ScienceTraining and kit distribution of sugarcane under crop based module Error!
3386 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionHorticulture ScienceField visit under horticulture based module. Error!
3387 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining and kit distribution under IFS based module Error!
3388 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemField visit under IFS Based module Error!
3389 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAnimal ScienceTraining and survey under livestock based module Error!
3390 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAnimal ScienceKit distribution under livestock based module Error!
3391 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAnimal ScienceField visit under livestock based module Error!
3392 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionNatural Resource ManagementTraining and kit distribution at chijgam under NRM based module Error!
3393 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionNatural Resource ManagementSurvey of soil under NRM based module Error!
3394 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionNatural Resource ManagementField visit under NRM based module Error!
3395 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleVillage introductory meeting and brain storming for idea generation of enterprise Error!
3396 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleKit distribution of vermibed and earthworms at Pathari, Hansapore and chijgam under entrepeneurship based module Error!
3397 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleKit distribution of vermibed and earthworms at Pathari, Hansapore and chijgam under entrepeneurship based module Error!
3398 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleTraining on Entrepreneurship Based Module at Conference hall ABM Error!
3399 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionEntrepreneurship Modulevermicompost production at farmers field and field visit under entrepreneurship based module Error!
3400 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerDr. C.J. Dangaria, Hon. Vice Chancellor of Navsari Agricultural University inaugurated the programme and emphasized on ensuring the effective involvement of farmers in research process on farmers' fields. Dr. G.R. Patel, Director of Extension Education, in his keynote address, described the main objectives of the project as well as various activities are being carried out under FFP for the benefits of the farmers. During the programme, the Co-PIs of all six modules had discussed their research findings and gave solution of the queries asked by the farmers. A total 135 farmers including 65 women farmers from two villages namely; Hanspore and Chijgam had participated in the programme. Error!
3401 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerDr. Lakhan Singh, Director ATARI zone-VIII inaugurated the Interface programme along with Dr. C.J. Dangariya, Vice-Chancellor of NAU, Navsari and Dr. G. R. Patel Director of Extension Education, NAU Navsari. During the programme, the Co-PIs of all six modules had discussed their research findings and gave solution of the queries asked by the farmers. Error!
3402 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerDr. Lakhan Singh, Director ATARI zone-VIII visited the Sugarcane (CoN 13073) Field along with Dr. C.J. Dangariya, Vice-Chancellor of NAU, Navsari and Dr. G. R. Patel Director of Extension Education, NAU Navsari Error!
3403 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerDr. Lakhan Singh, Director ATARI zone-VIII visited Sapota orchard at pathari village along with Dr. C.J. Dangariya, Vice-Chancellor of NAU, Navsari and Dr. G. R. Patel Director of Extension Education, NAU Navsari and discussed with farmers about the technology given under FFP Error!
3404 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceTraining on scientific cultivation practices of paddy were given to farmers. The critical inputs like seeds of GNR-3 along with bio-fertilizer (PSB and azospirillum) were distributed to 100 farmers of Pathari, Hansapor and Chijgam in 2019-20. Error!
3405 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceField visit of Nursery and Transplanting of paddy under crop based module at Hansapor Village, July-2019. Error!
3406 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceField visit of Sugarcane field at Pathri and Hansapor village 2018-19 Error!
3407 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionHorticulture ScienceTraining on scientific practices of mango and sapota were given to farmers. The critical inputs like NAA, CaNO3, Boron and Novel were distributed to 125 farmers of Pathari, Chijgam and Hansapor Village in 2018-19. Error!
3408 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionHorticulture ScienceField visit of mango and sapota orchard with scientist under Horticulture based module Error!
3409 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceTraining on scientific cultivation sugarcane practices were given to farmers and critical inputs like sugarcane along with PSB, Trichoderma and Acetobacter were distributed to 12 farmers in 2018-19. Error!
3410 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionNatural Resource ManagementTraining on soil management practices through soil amendment (Gypsum) was given to farmers. Error!
3411 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionNatural Resource ManagementTraining and kit distribution of Novel Organic liquid bio fertilizer to farmers under NRM based module. Error!
3412 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionNatural Resource ManagementEffect of Novel organic Liquid Bio fertilizer on fruit setting of Mango at Pea stage Error!
3413 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionNatural Resource ManagementField Visit of Mango orchard under NRM based Module Error!
3414 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarm WomenExposure visit to IFS model existing at NAU farm under IFS based module Error!
3415 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining on Inter cropping of Lucerne (Anand-2 TF) with young Sapota orchards to 50 farmers and Green Gram (Meha Variety) with young mango orchards to 42 farmers were given in 2019. Error!
3416 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemField Visit of Green gram, Lucern (as Inter cropping with mango and Sapota orchard) and Drumstick(as Border plantation) Error!
3417 Navsari Agricultural University Others ActivitiesothersGroup discussion and Farmers Feed back under IFS based Module Error!
3418 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleTraining on Production and Marketing of vermicompost. The Critical inputs like vermibed and earthworms were distributed to 25 farm women. Error!
3419 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarm WomenExposure visit of Vermicompost Unit at Livestock Research Station, NAU, Navsari under Entrepreneurship based Module Error!
3420 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleField visit under Entrepreneurship based Module Error!
3421 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAnimal ScienceTraining on Balance feeding and livestock health management including deworming & preventive measures for common diseases The critical input like Mineral Mixture, Rubber Mate, Fenbendazol and Mustideep to livestock farmers under Livestock based Module. Error!
3422 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAnimal ScienceTraining on Balance feeding and livestock health management including deworming & preventive measures for common diseases The critical input like Mineral Mixture, Teat dip cup, Fenbendazol and Mustideep to livestock farmers under Livestock based Module. Error!
3423 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAnimal ScienceField visit under livestock based module Error!
3424 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleField Visit under Entrepreneurship based Module Error!
3425 Navsari Agricultural University Others ActivitiesothersReview meeting was held on 07-09-2019 Error!
3426 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAnimal ScienceSurvey on Calf Management for providing the Nutrition to Framers for good care of female calf Error!
3427 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAnimal ScienceSite visited under Livestock Based Module Error!
3428 Navsari Agricultural University Others ActivitiesothersReview meeting was held on 03-04-2019 Error!
3429 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceField visit of Paddy farm at Chijgam and Pathri village under crop based module Error!
3430 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarmerKit distribution under IFS based module Error!
3431 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemTraining on inter cropping of Indian bean (GNIB-22) with young orchard of mango and sapota and Little gourd planting material are used as border planting Error!
3432 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemKit distribution : Indian bean (GNIB-22) seeds Error!
3433 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemKit distribution : Little gourd Planting materials (G.N.L.G.-1) Error!
3434 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceMethod demonstration - Use of Tricho card in paddy and sugarcane field and also distribution of Tricho cards for use as a naturally control the insect-pest damage Error!
3435 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAnimal SciencePrayogic Talim-" Vaigyanik dhabe nana vachardano ucher" Error!
3436 Navsari Agricultural University EventsFarm WomenMethod demonstration on Scientific calf management Error!
3437 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionIntegrated Farming SystemDrumstick Planting material distribution in Hansapor and Chijgam village Error!
3438 Navsari Agricultural University InterventionAgriculture ScienceTraining on Scientific cultivation practices of Sugarcane were given to farmers. The critical inputs like seed setts of CoN 13073 along with bio-fertilizer (PSB and acetobacter) were distributed to farmers. Error!
3439 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAnimal ScienceVaccination for foot and mout disease, black quarter, and other diseases Error!
3440 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedCondisning of fish fingerlings for the distribution to the farmers Error!
3441 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedPacking of fish fingerling with oxigen gas in polly bags for distributio Error!
3442 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedDistribution of fish fingelings to the farmers of adopted village koppe, chillod and lendejhari Error!
3443 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedRelease fish fingerlings to the pond Error!
3444 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedRelease fish fingerlings to the pond Error!
3445 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedDistribution of fish fingerling to the adopted village lendejhari Error!
3446 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionHorticulture ScienceRearing chest nut in pond for chestnut cultivation under Horticulture based module Error!
3447 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionHorticulture ScienceRearing chest nut in pond for chestnut cultivation under Horticulture based module Error!
3448 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,EventsFarm WomenA one day Skill development training programme organised on the topic of "Krishak Mahilao ki Nai Pahal Bans se Uddhmita. Error!
3449 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,EventsFarm WomenA one day Skill development training programme organised on the topic of "Krishak Mahilao ki Nai Pahal Bans se Uddhmita. Error!
3450 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,EventsFarm WomenBamboo based products made by women in training programme Error!
3451 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal health camp organised in adopted village Lendejhari, Chillod, Kope, inject medicine for dewarming to goat Error!
3452 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceInitial stage of crop rice in the field pigeon pea in bunds and colocacia is side of the bunds under Crop based module 1 Error!
3453 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceInitial stage of crop rice in the field pigeon pea in bunds and colocacia is side of the bunds under Crop based module 1 Error!
3454 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceInitial stage of crop rice in the field pigeon pea in bunds and colocacia is side of the bunds under Crop based module 1 Error!
3455 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceRice (JRB1) in the Feld pigeon pea (TJT501) in bunds and colocacia (Indra Arbi) is side of the bunds under Crop based module 1 Error!
3456 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceThis activity carried out under crop based module - I Rice variety JRB 1 in field Pigeon pea on bunds and colocasia in side of the bunds Error!
3457 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceCrop based module - I Rice variety JRB 1 Error!
3458 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceCrop based module - I Rice variety JRB 1 Transplanting Error!
3459 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture Scienceapplication of bio fertilizers in rice variety chinnour field Error!
3460 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture Sciencebroadcasting of bio fertilizers in rice variety chinnour field Error!
3461 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceTransplanting of Rice variety Chinnour Error!
3462 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceSowing of Wheat through zero till seed drill machine Error!
3463 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceSowing of Wheat through zero till seed drill machine Error!
3464 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal Heath camp Carried out under adopted villages Koppey, Chillod and Lendejhari Error!
3465 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal health camp carried out under adopted villages Koppey, Chillod, and Lendejhari Error!
3466 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal health camp carried out under adopted villages Koppey, Chillod, and Lendejhari Error!
3467 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAnimal ScienceAnimal health camp carried out under adopted villages Koppey, Chillod, and Lendejhari Error!
3468 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAnimal ScienceChecking pregnancy of cow during animal health camp Error!
3469 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable production Error!
3470 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionHorticulture Sciencecabbage production under horticulture module Error!
3471 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionHorticulture ScienceChili production under horticulture module Error!
3472 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionNatural Resource ManagementDistribution of Barseem seed Variety JB - 1 Error!
3473 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionNatural Resource ManagementDemonstration of Barseem seed Variety JB - 1 Error!
3474 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionNatural Resource ManagementDistribution of fodder plants to the farmers Error!
3475 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionHorticulture ScienceTomato Demonstration Under Horticulture Module Error!
3476 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Mustard Under Crop based Module Error!
3477 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of single line power weeder in Chinnour Field Error!
3478 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of double line power weeder in Chinnour Field Error!
3479 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionNatural Resource ManagementDemonstration of Barseem production as green fodder Error!
3480 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of Raised bed farrow system of pigeon pea sowing Error!
3481 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceDemonstration of pigeon pea on raised bed farrow system Error!
3482 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceOnline Krishak Sangosthi Error!
3483 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceOnline Krishak Sangosthi Error!
3484 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceOnline Krishak Sangosthi Error!
3485 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceNursery preparation of JRB1 Error!
3486 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceNursery preparation of Chinnor Error!
3487 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceTransplanting of Chinnor Error!
3488 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceTransplanting of Chinnor Error!
3489 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceTransplanting of JRB1 Error!
3490 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceTransplanting of JRB1 Error!
3491 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceCrop based module 1, JRB 1 in the field, pegionpea in the bunds and colocacia in side of the bunds Error!
3492 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,EventsFarm WomenKrashak Mahilao ki Nai Pahal Bans se Uddhamita Error!
3493 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,EventsFarm WomenKrashak Mahilao ki Nai Pahal Bans se Uddhamita Error!
3494 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,EventsFarm WomenKrashak Mahilao ki Nai Pahal Bans se Uddhamita Error!
3495 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedRearing Kadaknath in Scavenger systerm under back yard poultry module of FFP Error!
3496 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedKadaknath in Scavenger systerm under back yard poultry module of FFP Error!
3497 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedGive Instruction about pond cleaning under Fish Farming module under FFP Error!
3498 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedSpreding lime for clean water of pond for fish farming under FFP Error!
3499 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedConditioning of Fish fingerlings Rohu, Katala and Mirgal mix for distribution to fish farming grops under FFP Error!
3500 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedPond cleaning under Fish Farming module under FFP Error!
3501 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedProviding fishing net to fish farming grops under FFP Error!
3502 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise Basedfishing the fish to check the grouth of fingerlings by fish farming grops under FFP Error!
3503 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise Basedfishing the fish to check the grouth of fingerlings by fish farming grops under FFP Error!
3504 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedSpreding Fish fingerlings Rohu, Katala and Mirgal mix in pond by fish farming grops under FFP Error!
3505 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedSpreding Fish fingerlings Rohu, Katala and Mirgal mix in pond by fish farming grops under FFP Error!
3506 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedDistribution of Fish fingerlings Rohu, Katala and Mirgal mix to fish farming grops under FFP Error!
3507 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedDistribution of Fish fingerlings Rohu, Katala and Mirgal mix to fish farming grops under FFP Error!
3508 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Others ActivitiesothersVisti to farmers field for farmer scientist interfase Error!
3509 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Others ActivitiesothersVisti to farmers field and take information of yield Error!
3510 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Others ActivitiesothersOrganise a visit of farmers to CoA Balaghat and give information about different farm empliments Error!
3511 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Others ActivitiesothersOrganise vigilance awarness cempain at CoA Balaghat Error!
3512 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,Others ActivitiesothersOrganise vigilance awarness programme and take pledge aginest curruption at CoA Balaghat Error!
3513 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,EventsFarmerPlantation week Error!
3514 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,EventsFarmerAnimal Helth Camp Error!
3515 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,EventsFarmerAnimal Helth Camp Lendejhari Error!
3516 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,EventsFarmerAnimal Helth Camp Lendejhari Error!
3517 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,EventsFarmerAnimal Helth Camp Koppe Pragnancy diagnosis Error!
3518 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,EventsFarmerVaccination in Animal Helth Camp at village Chillod Error!
3519 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedRearing of dual porpose poultry brid Narmada nidi and kadaknath in Scavenger systerm under back yard poultry module of FFP Error!
3520 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedRearing dual porpose poultry brid Narmada nidi in Scavenger systerm under back yard poultry module of FFP Error!
3521 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedRearing dual porpose poultry brid Narmada nidi in Scavenger systerm under back yard poultry module of FFP Error!
3522 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedTake second generation of Narmada nidi in Scavenger systerm under back yard poultry module of FFP Error!
3523 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedTake second generation of Narmada nidi in Scavenger systerm under back yard poultry module of FFP Error!
3524 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedTake second generation of Narmada nidi in Scavenger systerm under back yard poultry module of FFP Error!
3525 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedRearing second generation of Narmada nidi in Scavenger systerm under back yard poultry module of FFP Error!
3526 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedDistribution of dual porpose poultry brid under back yard poultry module of FFP Error!
3527 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedDistribution of dual porpose poultry brid under back yard poultry module of FFP Error!
3528 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceHonourable CM Dr. Mohan Yadav gifted Balaghat Chinnor to Honorable PM Shri Naresndra Modi Error!
3529 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceChinnor Cultivation in Farmers Field Error!
3530 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceMarka for the sale Chinnor Rice Error!
3531 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceField After Harvesting Rice and colocasia from the field Pigeon pea (Rajeshwari) in the field Error!
3532 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedFish Farming Error!
3533 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionEnterprise BasedFish Farming Error!
3534 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,EventsFarmerAnimal health Camp Error!
3535 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,EventsFarmerAnimal health Camp Castration Error!
3536 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceCultivation of Chinnor Error!
3537 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceCultivation of Chinnor Error!
3538 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceCultivation of JR 81 Error!
3539 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceCultivation of JR 81 Error!
3540 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceWeeding on field of JR 81 Error!
3541 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceTraining on Improved Chinnor cultivation Error!
3542 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceVisit to monitor the progress of green gram cultivation Error!
3543 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceVisit to monitor the progress of raising nursery of Chinnor rice Error!
3544 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceDhencha Green fodder crop on farmers field Error!
3545 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceDhencha Green fodder crop on farmers field Error!
3546 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,InterventionAgriculture ScienceNursery of Chinnor Rice Error!
3547 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayEventsFarmerKrishak Sangoshthi was organized on "Usefulness of weather forecasting in agriculture" 06/03/2024 in Mata ka pura village of Morena district under Farmer First Project. Error!
3548 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayEventsFarmerKrishak Sangoshthi was organized on "Usefulness of weather forecasting in agriculture" 07/03/2024 in Gobra village of Morena district under Farmer First Project. Error!
3549 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayEventsFarmerKrishak Sangoshthi was organized on "Usefulness of weather forecasting in agriculture" 07/03/2024 in Gobra village of Morena district under Farmer First Project. Error!
3550 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayOthers ActivitiesothersFarm First Project-Zonal Agriculture Research Station, Morena organized a ‘Vichar Sangosthi’ at Santa village, Morena district on 07/03/2020. Honourable Mr. Narendra Singh Tomar, Central Minister Govt. of India was the chief Guest. About 521 farmers were present on this occasion.The Chief Guest highlighted the role of Farm First Project in the double income of farmers for Agriculture, development Error!
3551 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayOthers ActivitiesothersField Experience Training was organized at at Santa village, Morena district on 03/03/2020.About 110 farmers were present on this occasion. Error!
3552 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayOthers ActivitiesothersSangoshthi was organized on "Resource Consearvation Technology" 24/01/2019 in satha village of morena district under Farmer First Project. Dr.Raj Gupta was chief guest in the programme. Error!
3553 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayOthers ActivitiesothersThree days training programme on "Mushroom Production Technology for woman self employ" was organized by ICAR,Farmer First Project during 4/12/2018 to 6/12/2018 at mrigapura village of Morena District. Error!
3554 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayInterventionAgriculture ScienceWheat seed was sowing by zero tillage in farmer field. Error!
3555 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayInterventionEnterprise BasedBeginning of Mushroom cultivation by two woman groups at mrigapura village of Morena Districts. Error!
3556 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayInterventionEnterprise BasedBackyard poultry production in barouli village of Morena Error!
3557 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayOthers ActivitiesothersEnsuring Food and Nutritional Security through Integrated Farming Systems Error!
3558 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayOthers ActivitiesothersFarm First Project-Zonal Agriculture Research Station, Morena organized a ‘Kisan Mela’ at Zonal Agriculture Research Station Morena district on 24.02.2019 to celebrate the “Farmer honor treasure scheme”. Honourable Mr. Narendra Singh Tomar, Central Minister Govt. of India was the chief Guest, while honourable Mr. Anoop Mishra, Minister of Parliament Morena-Sheopur, presided over the function. About 750 farmers were present on this occasion. The Chief Guest highlighted the role of Farm First Project in the double income of farmers for Agriculture, development. Error!
3559 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayOthers ActivitiesothersFarm First Project-Zonal Agriculture Research Station, Morena organized a ‘Kisan Mela’ at Zonal Agriculture Research Station Morena district on 24.02.2019 to celebrate the “Farmer honor treasure scheme”. Error!
3560 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayOthers ActivitiesothersTraining programme was organized by ICAR, Farmer First Project on “wheat field day” 23.02.19 at Palpura Village of Morena District. Error!
3561 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayOthers ActivitiesothersTraining programme on “Scientific technology of honeybee production” organized by ICAR, Farmer First Project on 25.02.19 at Hadvansi Village of Morena District. Error!
3562 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayOthers ActivitiesothersTraining programme was organized by ICAR, Farmer First Project on “Integrated Agriculture system” on 26.02.19 at Baroli Village of Morena District Error!
3563 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayOthers ActivitiesothersTraining programme was organized by ICAR, Farmer First Project on “Mustard field day” on 27.02.19 at Basai Village of Morena District. Error!
3564 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayOthers ActivitiesothersTraining programme on “Plant protection technology” organized by ICAR, Farmer First Project on 28.02.19 at Lalvans Village of Morena District. Error!
3565 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayOthers ActivitiesothersTraining programme on “Plant protection technology” organized by ICAR, Farmer First Project on 01.03.19 at Mirgpura Village of Morena District. Error!
3566 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine sowing of paddy through seed cum fertilizer drill machine Error!
3567 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine sowing of paddy Error!
3568 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine sowing of paddy Error!
3569 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine sowing of paddy Error!
3570 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine sowing of paddy Error!
3571 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceYield compare between rice variety RRF 105 and Hybrid rice Error!
3572 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceCultivation of rice variety RRF105 Error!
3573 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceCultivation of rice variety DRR44 Error!
3574 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceHarvesting of rice variety DRR44 Error!
3575 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceHarvesting of rice variety DRR44 Error!
3576 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture Sciencerice bund utilization Error!
3577 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencehi-tech vegetable cultivation Error!
3578 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencehi-tech vegetable cultivation using drip and mulching Error!
3579 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencehi-tech vegetable cultivation using drip and mulching Error!
3580 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise Basedlac production in farmer field Error!
3581 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaOthers Activitiesothershorticulture plant distribution for filed bund utilization Error!
3582 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaOthers Activitiesothersvegetable seed distribution Error!
3583 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencelow gravity operated drip system for vegetable cultivation Error!
3584 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencemultilayering vegetable cultivation Error!
3585 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmersite committee meeting Error!
3586 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerKrishak Sangosthi Error!
3587 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine sowing of wheat crop using seed cum fertilizer drill machine Error!
3588 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat farming breed sirohi Error!
3589 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture ScienceSugarbeet cultivation, variety priya Error!
3590 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture ScienceHi-tech vegetable farming Error!
3591 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerFarmers training for Trichocard preparatio Error!
3592 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerdemonstration of insect control using biological method Error!
3593 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerKrishak sangosthi Error!
3594 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture Scienceinsect control using light trap Error!
3595 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerinsect control using biological method Error!
3596 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencebottle gourd growing on pond bund Error!
3597 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal Sciencepoultry rearing in farmers field Error!
3598 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencechili cultivation variety bullet Error!
3599 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerorganize one day animal health camp Error!
3600 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerpictures of animal health camp Error!
3601 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerAnimal health camp Error!
3602 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerOne day training organize for trichocard preparation Error!
3603 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture Sciencewheat seed sowing through seed cum fertilizer drill machine Error!
3604 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal Sciencefish farming (var. mangur) Error!
3605 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal Scienceestablishment of egg hatching unit Error!
3606 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat farming at village muretitola (var. Sihori) Error!
3607 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal ScienceQuail farming Error!
3608 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal Sciencedistribution of kadaknath chicks Error!
3609 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry farming (var. kadaknath) Error!
3610 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencesugar beet cultivation Error!
3611 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemIFS (Paddy+pules+Fruits crop+Fishery) Error!
3612 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture Sciencelathyrus seed distribution Variety (Pratik) Error!
3613 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy variety RRF 105 Error!
3614 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat farming breed Sihori at village muretitola Error!
3615 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture Sciencepaddy variety 10101 Error!
3616 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture Scienceharvesting of green gram Error!
3617 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencecovering of plastic mulch for hi- tech vegetable cultivation Error!
3618 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Scienceokra cultivation Error!
3619 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture Sciencepigeon pea cultivation in field bund (var. Rajiv lochan) Error!
3620 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture Sciencepigeon pea cultivation in upland field (var. Rajiv lochan) Error!
3621 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Scienceinter copping (Fruit crop + cow pea) Error!
3622 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise Basedlac cultivation in palas plant Error!
3623 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencegrowth of mango and apple ber plant in rice field bund Error!
3624 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencefruiting of banana plant Error!
3625 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionNatural Resource Managementlining of pond for water conservation Error!
3626 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionNatural Resource Managementhi - tech brinjal cultivation in farmers field Error!
3627 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionNatural Resource Managementbitter gourd cultivation using mulching and drip system Error!
3628 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal Scienceconstruction of low cost house for got farming in farmers field Error!
3629 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencecultivation of ash gourd Error!
3630 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsOtherstraining for nutritional food grown in kitchen garden Error!
3631 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerParticipation of famers in KRISHAK SANGOSTI (06/03/24) at KVK Surgi, Rajnandgaon Error!
3632 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaOthers ActivitiesothersConduct Pashu chikitsa Shivir at Arajkund (12/03/24) and Netamtola (16/03/24) Error!
3633 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom cultivation Error!
3634 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionIntegrated Farming SystemPoultry farming at village Koudikasa Error!
3635 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine sowing of Green gram through seed cum fertilizer drill machine Error!
3636 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom cultivation Error!
3637 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerorganize one day seminar for crop residual management and increase recourse utility ability for conservative farrming Error!
3638 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaOthers ActivitiesothersSeed distribution under crop module Error!
3639 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaOthers Activitiesotherspoultry chicks distribution at village Muretitola Error!
3640 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerFarmers visited KISAN MELA (25/02/2024) at Raipur Error!
3641 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerOrganized one day traning programme for Organic Farming system at KVK, Rajanandgaon (Surgi) Error!
3642 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerDistribution of fish net to beneficiary farmers Error!
3643 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmercelebrate "Akti" Tihar Error!
3644 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarm WomenMeeting for wadi cultivation & seed distribution Error!
3645 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmercelebrate world environment day Error!
3646 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Cultivation through seed cum fertilizer drill machine method Error!
3647 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsOthersParthenium Awareness Week (22/08/24) at Vill.- Chikhali and Khursipar Error!
3648 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture ScienceDistribution of plant at Village Chikhali Error!
3649 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerTraining on fertiliser management at Vill.-Khursipar Error!
3650 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture SciencePigeon pea (Chhattisgarh arhar-1) cultivation at Vill- Maldongri Error!
3651 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture ScienceMango (Amrapalli, Langra, Alphanso, Dhashari) plantation at Vill.-Khursipar Error!
3652 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencehi-tech vegetable cultivation Error!
3653 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencehi-tech vegetable cultivation using drip and mulching Error!
3654 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaOthers ActivitiesothersTraining programme on cultivation technology on rabi crops at village-Khursipar Error!
3655 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture Sciencedistribution of wheat, chickpea, lentil and mustard Error!
3656 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise BasedCultivation of oyester mushroom at village- Bharritola Error!
3657 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise BasedCultivation of oyester mushroom at village- Bharritola Error!
3658 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerCelebrate KISAN DIWAS at Barritola dated on 23/12/24 Error!
3659 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaOthers ActivitiesothersField visit dated on 17/12/24 Error!
3660 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleMushroom Cultivation at Village -Bharritola Error!
3661 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerTraining organizes for cultivation technology of Vegetable crops on dated 17.12.24 Error!
3662 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal ScienceRearing of Backyard Poultry at Vill-Maldongri Error!
3663 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerKrishak Sanghosthi on Organic farming for Soil Safety and Soil Quality in Chhattisgarh : Scope and Opportunity at Surgi, Rajanandgaon dated on 17/01/25 Error!
3664 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceGreen Gram cultivation (MH 421) Error!
3665 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceBlack Gram Cultivation (Indira Urad 01) Error!
3666 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize Harvested (TMMH 826) Error!
3667 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceMaize Cultivation (TMMH 826) Error!
3668 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine sowing of paddy through seed cum fertilizer drill machine Error!
3669 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy cultivation (Zinc -2) Error!
3670 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy cultivation (Zinc -2) Error!
3671 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture SciencePigeonpea cultivation in upland field (Rajiv lochan) Error!
3672 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture SciencePigeonpea cultivation on field bund (Rajiv lochan) Error!
3673 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceChickpea cultivation (RVG 202) Error!
3674 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceLentil Cultivation (IPL 316) Error!
3675 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine sowing of maize (TMMH 326) Error!
3676 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine sowing of Maize (TMMH 326) Error!
3677 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine sowing wheat through seed cum fertilizer drill machine Error!
3678 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceLine sowing of wheat through seed cum fertilizer drill machine Error!
3679 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceLathyrus cultivation (Ratan) Error!
3680 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal ScienceFish Farming (Telpiya) Error!
3681 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal ScienceFish Farming (Telpiya) Error!
3682 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat Farming (Sihori) Error!
3683 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat Farming (Sihori) Error!
3684 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry rearing (Sonali) Error!
3685 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal SciencePoultry rearing (Sonali) Error!
3686 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal ScienceQuail rearing (japani quail) Error!
3687 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture Sciencecommunity farming (Sharing of irrigation water) Error!
3688 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture Sciencecommunity farming (Sharing of irrigation water) Error!
3689 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise BasedAzola cultivation Error!
3690 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise Basedinstallation of Bio -flock tank for fish farming Error!
3691 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise Basedinstallation of hatchery unit Error!
3692 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise Basedharvesting of palas lac Error!
3693 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom cultivation Error!
3694 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom cultivation Error!
3695 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom cultivation Error!
3696 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise BasedMushroom cultivation Error!
3697 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise BasedFood processing unit Error!
3698 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise BasedFood processing unit Error!
3699 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise BasedVermicompost unit Error!
3700 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture ScienceBrinjal + Coriander cultivation (MAHY green + Kargil) Error!
3701 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture ScienceCowpea cultivation (Yard long bean) Error!
3702 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture ScienceSponge Gourd cultivation (Nutan) Error!
3703 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise BasedHarvested Palas Lac Error!
3704 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture ScienceGuava (Allahabadi safeda) Error!
3705 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Scienceharvested Haldi (CG Haldi 01) Error!
3706 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture ScienceIntercropping (Bhindi + Sponge gourd) Error!
3707 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture ScienceMultilayring vegetable farming Error!
3708 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture ScienceMultilayring vegetable farming Error!
3709 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture ScienceMultilayring vegetable farming Error!
3710 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture SciencePapaya cultivation on field bund Error!
3711 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture ScienceAsh Gourd cultivation Error!
3712 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionNatural Resource ManagementInlet - Outlet pipe fitted for field water drainage Error!
3713 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsOthersworld environment day Error!
3714 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaOthers ActivitiesothersField visit at village Kaudikasa Error!
3715 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal Scienceestablishment of bio - floc at village kaudikasa Error!
3716 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaOthers ActivitiesothersProject team visited at project area site village Muretitola and Kaudikasa on dated 14.06.22 Error!
3717 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise BasedFood Processing unit at village Kaudikasa Error!
3718 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of Fish seed to farmers for fish production Error!
3719 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmertraining organize for use of herbicide in paddy field Error!
3720 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerorganize Krishak Sanghothi Error!
3721 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture ScienceAzola cultivation in farmers field Error!
3722 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencelow gravity operated drip system for wadi cultivation Error!
3723 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat farming breed Sihori Error!
3724 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Science cultivation of Foot Yam variety Gajendra Error!
3725 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Science cultivation of Singhada variety Lal Singhada Error!
3726 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Science cultivation of Turmeric variety CG Haldi No.01 Error!
3727 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Science cultivation of Bitter Gourd Error!
3728 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Science cultivation of Brinjal in farmers field Error!
3729 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionEnterprise BasedConstruction of varmi - Bed in farmers field Error!
3730 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAnimal Sciencerearing of poultry chicks breed Golden Error!
3731 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmerorganize One day training programme for Biological Insect - Pest Control Error!
3732 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionHorticulture Sciencevegetable cultivation through Hydroponics Error!
3733 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaEventsFarmercelebrate world environment day Error!
3734 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of paddy seed variety Rajeshwari and MTU 1010 Error!
3735 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceCultivation of green gram variety MH 241 Error!
3736 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture ScienceCultivation of black gram variety pratap Error!
3737 Indira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaInterventionAgriculture Scienceharvested maize variety TMMH 806 Error!
3738 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceHarvesting of pumpkin cv.Vimal Error!
3739 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionSoil Resource ManagementGPS based soil sample collection Error!
3740 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceLand preparation for pumpkin planting Error!
3741 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceDemonstration of hybrid papaya lady Error!
3742 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable nursery bed preparation inside greenhouse Error!
3743 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionEnterprise BasedRaising paddy straw mushroom under jackfruit tree Error!
3744 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceTraining on vegetable seedling raising in protray Error!
3745 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAgriculture ScienceDhanicha greenmanuring Error!
3746 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionEnterprise BasedApiculture Error!
3747 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable forcing through greenhouse technology Error!
3748 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAgriculture ScienceRice cv.mrunalini Error!
3749 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceTools for poultry bird rearing Error!
3750 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal SciencePallishree breed Error!
3751 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceEnhancing growth rate through Ganjam buck Error!
3752 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceWeighing of poultry breed-Pallishree for sale Error!
3753 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAnimal ScienceTraining on Estrus synchronization of dairy cows Error!
3754 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersBooklet on Greenhouse Management Error!
3755 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersBooklet on Dalmill and Dal Processing Error!
3756 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersBooklet on Cultivation of papaya Error!
3757 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersBooklet on Management strategy for higher yield and income from rice fallows Error!
3758 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAgriculture SciencePowerweeder testing Error!
3759 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy seedling transplanting Error!
3760 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy nurserybed Error!
3761 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAgriculture ScienceRice seedling transplanting Error!
3762 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAgriculture SciencePowertiller testing Error!
3763 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersPublication of farmers diary 2019 Error!
3764 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceHybrid pumpkin cv.Tokita ready for marketing Error!
3765 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionPost-Harvest TechnologyTraining programme on dal processing Error!
3766 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceGreenhouse at Gobindapur Error!
3767 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceTraining programme on greenhouse management Error!
3768 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceTraining programme on greenhouse management Error!
3769 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceGreenhouse site visit by FFP scientists Error!
3770 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionSoil Resource ManagementTraining programme on soil health card & its use Error!
3771 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionSoil Resource ManagementTraining programme on soil health card & its use Error!
3772 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionSoil Resource ManagementDistribution of soil health card to the farmers Error!
3773 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionSoil Resource ManagementDistribution of soil health card to the farmers Error!
3774 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceHybrid cucumber cv.Rajmata field visit by FFP scientists Error!
3775 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceHybrid cucumber cv.Rajmata field visit by FFP scientists Error!
3776 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersDr. V.P. Chahal,ADG(Extn.), ICAR interacting with farmers of FFP,OUAT, Bhubaneswar Error!
3777 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceHarvesting of cucumber hybrid Rajamata Error!
3778 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceFarmer-scientists interaction Error!
3779 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersExtension activity by FFP at Gobindapur village Error!
3780 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAgriculture ScienceField demonstration on linesowing of greengram by tractor operated seed cum fertiliser drill Error!
3781 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionSoil Resource ManagementFarmers' training on soil testing Error!
3782 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionEnterprise BasedFarmers' training on oyster mushroom cultivation Error!
3783 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersFarmers fair at Parichhal Error!
3784 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersFarmers fair at Parichhal dt. 30.03.2018 Error!
3785 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersFFP,OUAT stall in agricultural exhibition at Parichhal dt. 30.03.2018 Error!
3786 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersHon'ble VC,OUAT Professor S. Pasupalak address to the farmers at Parichhal dt. 30.03.2018 Error!
3787 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersICAR-CHES,Bhubaneswar stall in agricultural exhibition at Parichhal dt. 30.03.2018 Error!
3788 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersICAR-CTCRI,Regional center,Bhubaneswar stall in agricultural exhibition at Parichhal dt. 30.03.2018 Error!
3789 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionSoil Resource ManagementSoil health card by FFP, OUAT, Bhubaneswar Error!
3790 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionSoil Resource ManagementDemonstration on producing Vermicompost in vermibed Error!
3791 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceTissue culture banana ready for harvest Error!
3792 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture SciencePlanting of tissue culture banana Error!
3793 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersReview meeting of Farmer FIRST Project under ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata on 09.01.2020 Error!
3794 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersFFP, OUAT center published 3 booklets in review meeting of Farmer FIRST Project under ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata on 09.01.2020 Error!
3795 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersPIs of FFP under ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata attended review meeting on 09.01.2020 at OUAT, Bhubaneswar Error!
3796 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer-scientists interaction Error!
3797 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceCucumber field visited by Dr.P.K. Roul, Dean, EE, OUAT Error!
3798 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionSoil Resource ManagementDistribution of soil health card Error!
3799 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionAgriculture ScienceRice cv. 'Pratikshya' in vegetative stage in village Gobindpur Error!
3800 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceHARVESTING OF CUCUMBER Error!
3801 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceFIELD DEMONSTRATION OF PUMPKIN Error!
3802 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionHorticulture ScienceTransportation and marketing of cucumber Error!
3803 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionEnterprise BasedIIPR Model Mini Dal Mill installed in village Gobindpur Error!
3804 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyInterventionEnterprise BasedPaddy straw mushroom in fruiting stage in village Gobindpur Error!
3805 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersPublication of a bulletin "Cultivation of Tissue Culture Banana" Error!
3806 Odisha University of Agriculture & TechnologyOthers ActivitiesothersMedia coverage of Kisan Mela on daily "The Samaj" newspaper. Error!
3807 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable seed distribution Error!
3808 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionHorticulture ScienceVegetable seed distribution Error!
3809 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleFish fries distribution Error!
3810 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleFish fries distribution Error!
3811 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceNARMADA NIDHI BIRD DISTRIBUTION Error!
3812 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityEventsFarmerTRAINING AND EXPOSURE VISIT Error!
3813 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceWheat breeder seed distribution Error!
3814 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy breeder seed distribution Error!
3815 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceINPUT DISTRIBUTION PADDY CULTIVATION BREEDER SEED JR-206 Error!
3816 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceTransplanting of JR-206 Error!
3817 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAgriculture Sciencepaddy nursery JR-206 Error!
3818 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersAnimal Health camp Error!
3819 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleFisheries Error!
3820 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy nursery JR-206 Error!
3821 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy nursery JR-206 Transplanting Error!
3822 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy JR-206 Error!
3823 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy JR-206 Error!
3824 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAgriculture SciencePaddy Field preparation Error!
3825 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleFish Cultivation Error!
3826 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleFish Farm Visit Error!
3827 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat Farming Error!
3828 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceWheat Cultivation Error!
3829 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceBack yard poultry Error!
3830 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceBack yard poultry Error!
3831 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceBack yard poultry Error!
3832 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceBack yard poultry Error!
3833 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat Farming Error!
3834 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat Farming Error!
3835 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat Farming Error!
3836 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat Farming Error!
3837 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat Farming Error!
3838 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat Farming Error!
3839 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat Farming Error!
3840 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat Farming Error!
3841 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionAnimal ScienceGoat Farming Error!
3842 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleFish Farming Error!
3843 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleFish Farming Error!
3844 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleFish Farming Error!
3845 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleFish Farming Error!
3846 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleFish Farming Error!
3847 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleFish Farming Error!
3848 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleFish Farming Error!
3849 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleFish Farming Error!
3850 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleFish Farming Error!
3851 Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science UniversityInterventionEntrepreneurship ModuleFish Farming Error!
3852 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersOff Campus Training Error!
3853 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs under Crop based module(Coriander) in Rabi season -2020-21 Error!
3854 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDr. B. D. Savaliya, Asso. Research Scientist and Co-PI monitoring health and general conditions of the buffaloes and distribute the folder at Mavjinjava village. Error!
3855 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerCelebrated the field day and distributed the kit-bags with literature at different selected villages Error!
3856 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerCelebrated the kishan goshthi and distributed the kit-bags with literature at different selected villages Error!
3857 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityInterventionEnterprise BasedProf. S. R. Patel, team member monitoring bee keeping box at selected villages Error!
3858 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceDr. S. G. Savalia, PI, Prof. D. M. Panara, team member, highlighted well developed pods bearing in Groundnut crop Error!
3859 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceDr. S. G. Savalia, PI, Prof. D. M. Panara, team member, recorded technical observations for the experiments of crop diversification module (cotton + sweet corn + enriched compost) under FFP project Error!
3860 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture ScienceRecorded technical observations for the experiments of crop diversification module (cotton + sweet corn + enriched compost) under FFP project Error!
3861 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerJ. K. Chaudhary, Asst. Research Scientist, addressing farmers meeting at Mavjinjava village. Error!
3862 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerDr. B. D. Savaliya, Asso. Research Scientist and co-PI addressing farmers meeting and providing necessary information of livestock based module under FFP at Hadala village. Error!
3863 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerDr. A.M.Bharadiya, Co- PI crop based module (Groundnut), Dr.P.J.Gohil, Co- PI crop based module (cotton) discussing with farmers to take pre-approval of selected farmers to be conduct field experiments on CBM-groundnut and cotton as well as pre-training programme to guide farmers to conducted such experiments in well manner. Error!
3864 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDr. A.M.Bharadiya and Dr.P.J.Gohil, Co- PIs of crop based module (Groundnut & cotton) observing fungal infestation in groundnut crop experiment at selected village. Error!
3865 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDr. S. G. Savalia, PI, Prof. D. M. Panara, team member, highlighted well developed pods bearing in Groundnut crop and obtaining feedbacks of crop based module (Groundnut) at farmer’s field Error!
3866 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs under crop based module (cotton) by Dr.P.J.Gohil Co PI-and Mr.N.R.Kavar (S.R.F) at Deripipaliya village Error!
3867 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDr.P.J.Gohil, Co-PI, Dr. M V. Variya, team member taken field visit and monitored cotton experiment of crop based module at the site of selected village Error!
3868 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDr. S. G. Savalia, PI, team member taken field visit and monitored cotton experiment of crop based module at the site of selected village Error!
3869 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerKishan goshthi and taken farmer's feedback at different selected villages Error!
3870 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerScientists visited field experiment of wheat and monitoring of crop based module Error!
3871 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerInputs and kit bag distribution to the farmer by Dr. I. B. Kapadiya, Co-PI Crop based module (wheat)and Prof. S. R. Vasava, Co-PI, Crop based module (Gram) Error!
3872 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerDr.R.K.Mathukiya Co PI-and Prof.D.M.Panara team member discusing with farmers to take pre-approval of selected farmers to take experiments on sweetcorn and cotton as well as pre-taining programme to guide farmers to conduct such experiment in well manner. Error!
3873 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerDistribution of sweetcorn under Crop diversification based module by Dr.R.K.Mathukiya. Co PI- and Prof. D.M..Panara team member at, Mavjinjva village Error!
3874 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the farmer’s field Error!
3875 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersOff Campus Training Error!
3876 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersCelebrated the field day at the selected village Error!
3877 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs under Crop diversification module in Rabi season module Error!
3878 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs under Crop diversification module in Rabi season module-2020-21 Error!
3879 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs under Crop based module (gram) in Rabi season module-2020-21 Error!
3880 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs under Crop based module (wheat) in Rabi season module-2020-21 Error!
3881 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs under NRM based module in Rabi season -2020-21 Error!
3882 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersField view of crop based module (Gram) Error!
3883 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersProf. M. K. Chudasama, team member take technical observation in the field of gram-2020-21 Error!
3884 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers Activitiesothers Prof. S. V. Lathiya, apply technology for the control of pink bollworm in crop based module (Cotton)-2020-21 Error!
3885 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers Activitiesothers Mr. P. B. Raviya Monitoring the farmers field Error!
3886 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityInterventionAgriculture Science Understanding about technology application Village: Hadala [FFP, JAU, Junagadh] Error!
3887 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDr. S.G. Savalia, PI and Co-PIs Dr. R.K. Mathukia have motivated the farmers to work on different technologies of concerned module as well as explain the information of modules in detail in farmers meet at Deri pipaliya village. Error!
3888 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersPI of the project Dr S G Savalia and two Co-PIs viz., Dr R K Mathukia and Dr A M Bharadiya have participated in zonal review meet at ATARI, Jodhpur Error!
3889 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersIntroduce the inputs to the farmers of crop based module Error!
3890 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersScientists field visit and monitoring of crop based module Error!
3891 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmers training in crop based module (groundnut) under FFP at JAU, Junagadh Error!
3892 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersUnder FFP project farmers take exposure visit at JAU, Junagadh Error!
3893 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMeeting of Institute Advisory committee of FFP held in the chairmanship of Hon’ble Vice chancellor, Dr A. R. Pathak, JAU, Junagadh dated on 17-4-2017 Error!
3894 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersSoil sampling in farmer field under the guidance of Dr A. M. Polara, Asstt. Research Scientist and Field exposure visit of farmers to see how soil sampling to be carried out in farmer field at selected villages. Error!
3895 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersIntroduction of the inputs under NRM module by PI Dr. S. G. Savalia, Co-PI Dr. M. S. Solanki and project sub team member Dr. A. M. Polara and A. S. Jadeja to the farmers of Deri Pipaliya village. Error!
3896 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the experiment of NRM module Error!
3897 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersNRM module Farmer’s Training Error!
3898 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersExposure visit of farmers at JAU, Junagadh of NRM module Error!
3899 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersP I of project Dr. S. G. Savalia and Co-PI Dr. A. M. Bharadiya, Asso. Research Scientist introducing inputs of groundnut and cotton to selected farmers at selected village. Error!
3900 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the farmer’s field under crop based module Error!
3901 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers Activitiesothersinput distribution to the farmer under crop based module Error!
3902 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers Activitiesothersmonitoring on Farmer's field in crop based module Error!
3903 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers Activitiesothersmonitoring on Farmer's field in crop based module Error!
3904 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer’s Training in cotton and groundnut crop of Crop based module Error!
3905 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer’s Training in cotton and groundnut crop of Crop based module Error!
3906 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer’s Training in cotton and groundnut crop of Crop based module Error!
3907 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer’s Training in cotton and groundnut crop of Crop based module Error!
3908 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersExposure visit of farmer’s at JAU, Junagadh of Crop based modulemodule Error!
3909 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs under Crop based module in Rabi season modulemodule Error!
3910 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs under Crop based module in Rabi season modulemodule Error!
3911 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs under Crop based module in Rabi season modulemodule Error!
3912 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs under Crop based module in Rabi season modulemodule Error!
3913 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs under Crop based module in Rabi season modulemodule Error!
3914 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs under Crop based module in Rabi season modulemodule Error!
3915 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs in IFS module during kharif season-2017-18 Error!
3916 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs in IFS module during kharif season-2017-18 Error!
3917 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of inputs in IFS module during kharif season-2017-18 Error!
3918 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the farmer’s field of IFS module Error!
3919 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the farmer’s field of IFS module-2017-18 Error!
3920 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the farmer’s field of IFS module-2017-18 Error!
3921 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the farmer’s field of IFS module-2017-18 Error!
3922 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the farmer’s field of IFS module-2017-18 Error!
3923 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the farmer’s field of IFS module-2017-18 Error!
3924 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer’s Training of IFS module Error!
3925 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer’s Training of IFS module Error!
3926 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the animals of livestock based module Error!
3927 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the animals of livestock based module Error!
3928 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the animals of livestock based module Error!
3929 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the animals of livestock based module Error!
3930 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMonitoring the animals of livestock based module Error!
3931 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersField views at harvesting stage of different modules Error!
3932 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersField views at harvesting stage of different modules Error!
3933 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersField views at harvesting stage of different modules Error!
3934 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer’s feed back of Crop based modules Error!
3935 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer’s feed back of Crop based modules Error!
3936 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer’s feed back of livestock based modules Error!
3937 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer’s feed back of livestock based modules Error!
3938 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer’s feed back of IFS based modules Error!
3939 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer’s feed back of NRM based modules Error!
3940 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer’s feed back of enterprise based modules Error!
3941 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer’s feed back of enterprise based modules Error!
3942 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersFarmer’s feed back of livestock based modules Error!
3943 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersCelebrate field day in different module under FFP by JAU, Junagadh Error!
3944 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersCelebrate field day in different module under FFP by JAU, Junagadh Error!
3945 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersCelebrate field day in different module under FFP by JAU, Junagadh Error!
3946 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersCelebrate field day in different module under FFP by JAU, Junagadh Error!
3947 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerPI of the project Dr. S. G. Savalia and team member Dr. A. M. Bharadiya discussing about the objectives and the trials to be continued in different modules of the project at different villages. Error!
3948 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersIntroduction of inputs to the farmers under CBM (G’nut) module at different villages by PI Dr. S.G. Savalia and Co-PI Dr. A. M. Bharadiya Error!
3949 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersScientists field visit and monitoring of crop based module Error!
3950 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDr. A. M. Bharadiya, Co-PI, Dr. J. D. Dhingani, team member and Mr. N. R. Kavar, SRF taken field visit and monitored groundnut experiment of crop based module at the site of selected village Error!
3951 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerDr. S. G. Savalia, PI, Dr. A. M. Bharadiya Co-PI, celebrated the field day at different villages Error!
3952 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDr. A. M. Bharadiya, Co-PI taking feedback of crop based module at different villages Error!
3953 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDr. A. M. Bharadiya, Co-PI and Mr. N.R. Kavar, SRF, taking feedback of crop based module at different villages Error!
3954 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerKishan Goshthi at selected village Error!
3955 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerIntroduction of inputs to the farmers under CBM (Cotton) module at Hadala village by PI Dr. S.G. Savalia. Error!
3956 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDr. P. J. Gohil, Co-PI, Dr. S. V.Lathiya, team member and Mr. N. R. Kavar, SRF takes field visit and monitoring of crop based module at different villages Error!
3957 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersScientists field visit and monitoring of crop based module Error!
3958 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerKishan Goshthi at different villages Error!
3959 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerCelebrate the field day at the different villages Error!
3960 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMr. N. R. Kavar, SRF takes feedback of crop based module at different villages Error!
3961 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersScientists visited field experiment of wheat and monitoring of crop based module Error!
3962 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersInput distribution to the farmers Error!
3963 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersInput distribution to the farmers Error!
3964 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerOn Farm Training at selected village Error!
3965 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerKishan Goshthi at selected village Error!
3966 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDr. S. G. Savalia, PI, Dr. I. B. Kapadiya, Co-PI, and team members taken field visit and monitoring of wheat experiment of crop based module at selected village Error!
3967 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDr. A. M. Bharadiya, Co-PI, taken field visit of wheat experiment and monitoring of crop based module at selected village members taken field visit and monitoring of wheat experiment of crop based module at selected village Error!
3968 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersInput distribution to the farmer Error!
3969 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersScientists field visit of gram experiment and monitoring of crop based module Error!
3970 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerOn Farm Training at selected village Error!
3971 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerKishan Goshthi at selectedvillages Error!
3972 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerCelebrated the field day at the selected village Error!
3973 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersCelebrated the field day at the selected village Error!
3974 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersIntroduced the inputs to the farmers (Crop Diversification module of FFP) Error!
3975 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersIntroduced the inputs to the farmers (Crop Diversification module of FFP) Error!
3976 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersIntroduced the inputs to the farmers (Crop Diversification module of FFP) Error!
3977 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersIntroduced the inputs to the farmers (Crop Diversification module of FFP) Error!
3978 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersField view of cotton + sweet corn intercropping system (Crop Diversification module of FFP) Error!
3979 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersField view of cotton + sweet corn intercropping system (Crop Diversification module of FFP) Error!
3980 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDr. R. K. Mathukiya, Co-PI and Mr. N. R. Kavar, SRF, takes field visit at different villages(Crop Diversification-FFP) Error!
3981 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersOff campus farmers training (Crop Diversification module of FFP) Error!
3982 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerCelebrated the field day at selected village Error!
3983 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining to the Farmers in enterprise based module Error!
3984 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerTraining to the Farmers in enterprise based module Error!
3985 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersPre Visit (Before distribution of Bee boxes) Error!
3986 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersPre Visit (Before distribution of Bee boxes) Error!
3987 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersPre visit of bee boxes at suppliers place Error!
3988 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersPre visit of bee boxes at suppliers place Error!
3989 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of bee boxes, bee veils, box stand and folders in enterprise based module Error!
3990 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of bee boxes, bee veils, box stand and folders in enterprise based module Error!
3991 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of bee boxes, bee veils, box stand and folders in enterprise based module Error!
3992 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of bee boxes, bee veils, box stand and folders in enterprise based module Error!
3993 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerOn field training to farmers in enterprise based module Error!
3994 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerOn field training to farmers in enterprise based module Error!
3995 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of honey extractor machines in enterprise based module Error!
3996 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of honey extractor machines in enterprise based module Error!
3997 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of honey extractor machines in enterprise based module Error!
3998 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDistribution of honey extractor machines in enterprise based module Error!
3999 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersIntroduction of inputs to the farmers under NRM module at different villages by Co-PI Dr. M. S. Solanki and project sub-team member prof. P. S. Bunsa Error!
4000 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersMr. Vijay Mangaroliya taken field visit and monitoring of NRM based module Error!
4001 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDr. M. S. Solanki, Co-PI, Mr. N. R. Kavar, SRF taken field visit and monitoring of NRM based module at different villages Error!
4002 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityOthers ActivitiesothersDr. M. S. Solanki, Co-PI, take feedback of crop based module at different villages Error!
4003 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerKishan Goshthi at selected village Error!
4004 Junagadh Agricultural UniversityEventsFarmerCelebrate field day at selected village Error!