Project Details

Project Title : Enriching Knowledge and Integrating Technology and Institutions for holistic village development in horticulture based farming system

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru

Objectives :
1.   To undertake Integrated Technology Dissemination through enrichment of knowledge, participation of farmers and landless farmers to enhance production, productivity, income and equitability of the households in all the selected villages

2.   To build and strengthen knowledge, networks of farmers and other stakeholders in all the farm related activities viz., technology, institutions, input support system, market management, etc and to facilitate the access to information, technology and markets for produce of farmers for higher returns

3.   To create the larger technical, socio – economic and environmental impact of the project through holistic development approach and to develop the data base on performance of technologies of NARS and other stakeholders

4.   To identify and integrate economically viable and socially acceptable entrepreneurial activities through dissemination of market driven agricultural technologies in different agro – ecological situations

5.   To initiate special modules for farm women to enhance their participation in agricultural activities to increase income base and to ensure livelihood security and

6.   To develop, refine, disseminate and sustain the commodity specific technologies as well as contents for knowledge sharing among various stakeholders of different agricultural enterprises, keeping farmers first in the link