Project Details

Project Title : Technology Integration for Doubling Farm Income through Participatory Research and Extension Approaches in Ranchi District of Jharkhand

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : BAU, Ranchi

Objectives :
1.   To provide technological interventions for enhancing income by addressing prioritized production problems for different micro farming situations and to assess their rate of adoption and impact.

2.   To introduce economically viable and socially acceptable agro-based entrepreneurial activities like bamboo-based handicrafts, post-harvest management of finger millet, custom hiring of implements and lac processing, for enhancing income through strengthening backward and forward linkages.

3.   To build a network of linkages with different entities around the farm households viz., technology institutions, input support systems, market and other agencies for facilitating access of information, technology and marketability of produce for higher returns.

4.   To find out the technical, socio-economic and environmental impact in terms of organic carbon, pH, water holding capacity of soil, soil fertility status and water quality of pond in the project to develop a database.

5.   To integrate women’s participation by initiating special modules for enhancing income, livelihood security and drudgery reduction.

6.   To utilize the strength of technology institutions to develop commodity specific contents for knowledge sharing among various stakeholders specially farmers.

7.   To identify extrapolation domains for new technology modules in similar environment.

Interventions :

1 Agriculture ScienceDiversification and intensification of cropping system with inclusion of hi-value crops and improved technologies for enhancing productivity and profitability of the farmers (Sweet corn-french bean-cucurbitaceous vegetables)Diversification and intensification of cropping system15
2 Agriculture ScienceDemonstration on conservation agriculture (Zero tillage) in wheat Zero tillage 8
3 Agriculture ScienceDiversification and intensification of cropping system with inclusion of hi-value crops and improved technologies for enhancing productivity and profitability of the farmers (Rice (Naveen)-Pea/bean)Diversification of cropping system 10
4 Agriculture ScienceDiversification and intensification of cropping system with inclusion of hi-value crops and improved technologies for enhancing productivity and profitability of the farmers (Rice (Pro-6444)-Okra)Diversification and intensification of cropping system 15
5 Agriculture ScienceDiversification and intensification of cropping system with inclusion of hi-value crops and improved technologies for enhancing productivity and profitability of the farmers (Ole+Bodi-Cabbage/Cauliflower)Diversification and intensification of cropping system13
6 Agriculture ScienceSurface covered raised bed cultivation with gravity based drip irrigation system for summer okra.Mulching with drip irrigation and fertigation10
7 Agriculture ScienceUtilization of temporary shade net structure in raised bed cultivation of tomato during summer season.Protected cultivation10
8 Agriculture ScienceIncreasing income of farmers through improved cultivation of Aloe vera, Moringa oleofera, Lemongrass & Palmarosa• Cultivation of suitable varieties of selected medicinal plants through appropriate scientific practices • Value addition of raw materials, market linkages 15
9 Agriculture ScienceIncreasing productivity of Lac through improved practices like use of improved broodlac, pruning and pest managementUse of improved broodlac, pruning and pest management10
10 Agriculture ScienceImproved goat production, healthcare and management technology of appropriate Goat varieties like Black Bengal, Crossbred of Black Bengal and Beetal.Improved variety of goat along with scientific breeding and management for higher body weight and kidding25
11 Animal ScienceImproved poultry production, healthcare and management technology of appropriate poultry varieties like Jharsim, &Vanraja • Improved variety of backyard poultry among farm family women • Improving the breeding management and health care 20
12 Animal ScienceImproved Pig production, healthcare and management technology of appropriate Pig varieties like JharsukImproved pig breed i.e. Jharsuk alongwith scientific breeding and management.25
13 Post-Harvest TechnologyValue chain management of farm and forest produce.Value Addition30
Events :