S.No. | Category | Technology | Major interventions | No. of Farm families participated |
| Agriculture Science | Line transplanting, SRI | Line transplanting of paddy in 15 ha and crop diversification under kharif vegetables | 60 |
| Agriculture Science | SRI | Line transplanting of paddy in 20 Ha land and crop diversification through kharif vegetables | 60 |
| Agriculture Science | Paddy | Line transplanting of paddy in 20 Ha land and crop diversification through kharif vegetables | 60 |
| Animal Science | Fishery | Three IFS in three villages including pisciculture in 3 farm ponds undertaken by women SHG groups constisting 30 memebrs (Released fingerlings as per recommended stocking density). | 30 |
| Animal Science | Fishery | Scientific pisciculture in 3 community ponds were demonstrated eith help of three farmer groups constisting of 30 memebrs. Fish fingerlings released during 2018-19 were harvested in 2019-20 with production of fish worth Rs. 11 Lakh rupees. The farmer groups made corpus fund out of that and procured fingerlings for 2019-20 by themselves. Thus the intervention is now self-sustainable. | 30 |
| Animal Science | Fishery | Scientific pisciculture in 3 community ponds were demonstrated eith help of three farmer groups constisting of 30 memebrs. Fish fingerlings released during 2018-19 were harvested in 2019-20 with production of fish worth Rs. 11 Lakh rupees. The farmer groups made corpus fund out of that and procured fingerlings for 2019-20 by themselves. Thus the intervention is now self-sustainable. | 30 |
| Enterprise Based | Training | Three number of farmers trainings were conducted during 24-26th of October 2018 at Khuntapingu, Mahalarpada and Jamda under Saharpada block of Keonjhar, Odisha villages were conducted involving 405 no of farmers in total on integrated farming, livelihoods improvement and increasing farmers income through scientific farming. | 405 |
| Enterprise Based | Training | Three number of farmers trainings were conducted during 6-8th of August 2019 at Khuntapingu, Mahalarpada and Jamda under Saharpada block of Keonjhar, Odisha villages were conducted involving 370 no of farmers in total on integrated farming, livelihoods improvement and increasing farmers income through scientific farming. | 370 |
| Enterprise Based | Training | Three number of farmers trainings were conducted during 6-8th of August 2019 at Khuntapingu, Mahalarpada and Jamda under Saharpada block of Keonjhar, Odisha villages were conducted involving 370 no of farmers in total on integrated farming, livelihoods improvement and increasing farmers income through scientific farming. | 370 |
| Horticulture Science | Vegetable and horticulture | 1500 tissue culture banana planting materials and 600 pineapple suckers were distributed. Vegetable cultivation in 50 ha (300 farmers in 3 villages) | 300 |
| ICT | Social media WhatsApp | Identification of field problems based on photos through Whatsapp group and problem solving by experts | 300 |
| ICT | WhatsApp group | Solving field problems through WhatsApp groupof farmers and experts | 300 |
| Mechanization and Marketing | Thresher, Pump, Weeder | Three centrifugal pumps of 3 H.P capacity with 250ft conveyance pipe with each pump supplied in 3 villages for lifting the water from harvested rainwater ponds, 10 cono-weeders for weeding in transplanted rice fields | 300 |
| Mechanization and Marketing | Power threshing and sprinkler irrigation | Sprinkler irrigation system was given to 15 farmers having borewell in three project villages. Sprinklers sets with ten HDPE pipes and three raisers were distributed to each farmer. Efficiency of use of sprinklers in vegetable cultivation is under observation. Nine number of electric paddy threshers cum winnowers given in 2018 are being used by farmers in 3 different villages to farmer groups for reducing labour cost and reducing drudgery of farm women. Three centrifugal pumps of 3 H.P capacity with 250ft conveyance pipe with each pump supplied in 3 villages during 2017-18 are used by farmer groups for lifting water from harvested rainwater ponds, 10 cono-weeders given in 2017-18 are being used for weeding of line transplanted paddy fields | 300 |
| Natural Resource Management | Water consevation | During Kharif 2018, insitu rainwater conservation through raising of the bund heights, rainwater conservation through ponds and wells, increasing water use efficiency of harvested rainwater through piped irrigation, line transplanting of paddy, SRI demonstrations, scientific irrigation scheduling (Constructed under IWM by District Watershed Mission) for drought proofing and improving water productivity. | 300 |
| Natural Resource Management | Water conservation and water use efficiency | Three centrifugal pumps of 3 H.P capacity with 250ft conveyance pipe with each pump supplied in 3 villages for lifting the water from harvested rainwater ponds, 10 cono-weeders for weeding in transplanted rice fields | 300 |
| Natural Resource Management | Irrigation Water management | During Kharif 2019-20, activities such as increasing water use efficiency through rainwater through sprinkler irrigation, line transplanting of paddy, SRI demonstrations, Polythene mulching in vegetable cultivation for moisture conservation, popularization of short duration hybrid paddy varieties, scientific irrigation scheduling for drought proofing and improving water productivity were done. | 300 |