S.No. | Category | Technology | Major interventions | No. of Farm families participated |
| Agriculture Science | Varietal performance of wheat | 1. Technology Demonstration:
T1- Check (Farmer Practice, locally available varieties)
T2- Newly recommended high yielding and disease resistant varieties
2. Training/Field day/ Exposure visit etc
| 10 |
| Agriculture Science | Integrated nutrient management in wheat | 1. Technology Demonstration with treatments:
T1- Farmers practice
T2-Use of recommended dose of fertilizers with proper time of application
2. Training/Field day/ Exposure visit to demonstrated units will be undertaken.
| 20 |
| Agriculture Science | Popularization and adoption of Summer/kharif Moong | 1. Foundation/certified seed supplied to few selected farmers trained for pulses production as a catch crop after mustard/wheat. This activity to be repeated among the farmers in the succeeding year. (Recommended practice)
2. Training/Field day/ Exposure visits
| 160 |
| Agriculture Science | Orobanche Management in Mustard | 1. Technology Demonstration with treatments:
(i) Farmers practice
(ii) Spray of glyphosate @ 62.5g/ha at 25-30 DAS and 125g/ha at 50DAS.
2. Training/Field day/ Exposure visit to demonstrated units will be undertaken.
| 30 |
| Agriculture Science | Fodder production of Oat | 1. Technology Demonstration with treatments:
Use of latest multicut oat varieties using balanced fertilization
2. Training/Field day/ Exposure visit to demonstrated units will be undertaken.
| 100 |
| Agriculture Science | Varietal performance of wheat | Technology Demonstration: Newly recommended high yielding and disease resistant varieties viz., WH 1270, DBW 303, DBW-187 and WH 1105 were supplied to the farmers. | 16 |
| Agriculture Science | Integrated nutrient management and fertilizer scheduling in wheat | Technology Demonstration with use of recommended dose of fertilizers with proper time of application (150 Kg N+ 60 kg P2O5 + 30 Kg K2O + 10 Kg ZnSO4/ha + Azotobacter + PSB. 1/3rd N application at sowing, 1/3 rd N after 1st irrigation and remaining 1/3 rd N after 2nd irrigation.)
| 20 |
| Agriculture Science | Performance of wheat var. WH 1142 under limited irrigations | Technology Demonstration: Newly recommended high yielding and disease resistant variety i.e. WH 1142 with 2-3 irrigations. | 15 |
| Agriculture Science | Seed production of newly released wheat variety DBW 303. | Technology demonstration: Newly recommended high yielding and disease resistant variety i.e. DBW 303. | 40 |
| Agriculture Science | Chemical control of stem rot in mustard | Technology Demonstration: a. Seed treatment with Bavistin @ 2g/kg seed.
b. Two foliar sprays of Bavistin @ 0.1 % at 45 and 65 DAS.
| 30 |
| Agriculture Science | Varietal performance of wheat | Technology Demonstration: Newly recommended high yielding and disease resistant varieties viz., WH 1105, HD 2967, HD 3086 and WH 711. | 20 |
| Agriculture Science | Integrated nutrient management and fertilizer scheduling in wheat. | Technology Demonstration with use of recommended dose of fertilizers with proper time of application (150 Kg N+ 60 kg P2O5 + 30 Kg K2O + 10 Kg ZnSO4/ha + Azotobacter + PSB. 1/3 N application at sowing, 1/3 N after 1st irrigation and 1/3 N after 2nd irrigation.) | 40 |
| Agriculture Science | Chemical control of orobanchae in mustard | Technology Demonstration: Spray of glyphosate@62.5g/ha at 25-30 DAS and 125g/ha at 50 DAS. | 30 |
| Agriculture Science | Adoption and popularization of summer/kharif moong
| Foundation/certified seed shall be supplied to few selected farmers trained for pulses production as a catch crop after mustard/wheat. This activity to be repeated among the farmers in the succeeding years. | 200 |
| Agriculture Science | Varietal performance of wheat
| Newly recommended high yielding and disease resistant varieties viz., WH 1105, DBW 187, DBW 303 and WH 1270.
| 12 |
| Agriculture Science | Integrated Nutrient Management in wheat
| Technology Demonstration: Use of recommended dose of fertilizers with proper time of application (150 Kg N+ 60 kg P2O5 + 30 Kg K2O + 10 Kg ZnSO4/ha + Azotobacter + PSB. 1/3 N application at sowing, 1/3 N after 1st irrigation and 1/3 N after 2nd irrigation.) | 30 |
| Agriculture Science | Performance of wheat var. WH 1142 under limited irrigations
| Technology Demonstration: Newly recommended high yielding and disease resistant variety i.e. WH 1142 with 2-3 irrigations | 18 |
| Agriculture Science | Chemical control of stem rot in mustard | Technology demonstration: Seed treatment with Bavistin @ 2g/kg seed and two foliar sprays of Bavistin @ 0.1 % at 45 and 65 DAS.
| 30 |
| Animal Science | Fodder production of latest varieties of oat | Technology Demonstration: Use of latest multi-cut oat variety (HJ-8). | 200 |
| Animal Science | Supplementation of Ration with Mineral Mixture | Demonstrations involving Mineral mixture @ 60 g/animal per day (Recommended practice) | 225 |
| Animal Science | Fodder production of oat | Technology Demonstration: Use of latest multi-cut oat variety (HJ-8). | 200 |
| Animal Science | Fodder production of oat | Technology Demonstration: Use of latest multi-cut oat variety (HJ-8). | 92 |
| Horticulture Science | Adoption and popularisation of guava cultivation | Hisar Safeda var. of guava planted on farmer's field. | 14 |
| Horticulture Science | Adoption and Popularization of horticultural crop (guava) | 1. Adoption of horticulture crops which are more remunerative and hence will increase the income and prosperity of farm family
2. Mobilizing the farmers for diversification to horticultural crops by awareness, trainings, field visits and marketing strategies
| 10 |
| Horticulture Science | Adoption and Popularization of horticultural crop (guava) | 1.Adoption of horticulture crops which are more remunerative and hence will increase the income and prosperity of farmer family
2. Mobilizing the farmers for diversification to horticultural crops by awareness, trainings, field visits and marketing strategies
3. Demonstration on fruit production technology to the farmers at their own field
4. Possibility of straw berry and vegetable cultivation will be explored | 14 |
| Integrated Farming System | Performance of different Eucalyptus clones on bund | Three available clones will be grown as boundary plantation on farmer field | 10 |
| Natural Resource Management | Bed Planting Technique in Wheat | 1. Technology Demonstration with treatments:
T1- Conventional method of irrigation (flood)
T2- Bed planting method of sowing. Irrigation through furrows (Recommended)
2. Training/Field day/ Exposure visit to demonstrated units will be undertaken.
| 10 |
| Natural Resource Management | Bed Planting Technique in Wheat | Technology Demonstration involving Bed planting method of sowing. Irrigation through furrows (Recommended) | 10 |
| Natural Resource Management | Bed planting technique in wheat | Technology Demonstration involving Bed planting method of sowing. Irrigation through furrows (Recommended) | 10 |
| Natural Resource Management | Bed planting technique in wheat | Bed planting method of sowing. Irrigation through furrows (Recommended practice).
| 9 |