Project Details

Project Title : Promoting Improved Agriculture and allied Sector Technologies in Khordha district

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar

Objectives :
1.   To conduct technology assessment and refinement of selected agriculture and allied sector technologies

2.   To develop specific technology modules for small holder and marginal farmers

3.   To facilitate regular scientist-farmer interface for better learning and sharing of knowledge

Interventions :

1 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient Management in PaddyI. Green manuring with Dhaincha (25Kg seed/ha) + 50% RDF II. Application of Zinc Sulphate @ 25 kg/ha and FYM @ 12.5 t/ha. III. Seed treatment with fungicides e.g. Thiram 42% @ 3 g/kg seed IV. Demonstration of Cono weeder 38
2 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient Management in PaddyI. Green manuring with Dhaincha (25Kg seed/ha) + 50% RDF II. Application of Zinc Sulphate @ 25 kg/ha and FYM @ 12.5 t/ha. III. Seed treatment with fungicides e.g. Thiram 42% @ 3 g/kg seed IV. Demonstration of Cono weeder 60
3 Agriculture ScienceRice Fallow Pulse var. IPM-02-03I. This variety developed in IIPR, KANPUR in 2009 II. Duration- 70-72 days III. Resistant to MYMV IV. large seed V. high seed yielder as compared to local cultivar VI. Average yield in demonstration plots is 6.00 q/ha 156
4 Agriculture ScienceRice Fallow Pulse var. IPM-02-14I. This variety developed in IIPR, KANPUR in 2009 II. Duration- 70-72 days III. Resistant to MYMV IV. large seed V. high seed yielder as compared to local cultivar VI. Average yield in demonstration plots is 6.00 q/ha 170
5 Agriculture ScienceRice Fallow Pulse var. IPM-02-14I. This variety developed in IIPR, KANPUR in 2009 II. Duration- 70-72 days III. Resistant to MYMV IV. large seed V. high seed yielder as compared to local cultivar VI. Average yield in demonstration plots is 6.00 q/ha 170
6 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of Cauliflower var. FujiyamaI. Fujiyama is a day neutral and thermo-insensitive variety. II. It is a late sown variety. Sowing done in mid of November. III. Average yield obtained was 15-20 t/ha in demonstration plots. 28
7 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of Bush type French beanI. Strong and bushy II. Days for First Picking: 40 to 45 days III. No. of picking: 4-5 times IV. Shelf Life: 7-8 days V. Pod Colour: Bright dark green VI. Pod Type: Attractive Slender smooth pod VII. Pod Length: 13 to 15 cm 29
8 Agriculture ScienceComposite Carp CultureI. Composite fish farming was practiced in 6 ponds II. 6000 bigger size fingerlings stocked per hectare III. Eradication of predatory fishes through drying IV. Application of lime, soil and water testing and supplementary feeding at regular interval and demonstration of advanced technologies controlled fish mortality. V. Supplementary feeding was given for nutrient supplement VI. Periodic sampling done to check health status of fish VII. This gave an average yield of 3.0 t/ha. VIII. Higher yield helps to enhance per capita consumption of fish in the villages. 280
9 Agriculture ScienceFish based Integrated Farming SystemI. Four beneficiaries were selected for IFS module. II. They are practicing different farming practices like cereals, horticultural plants, livestock, fisheries etc. III. Technological support provided for horticultural and aquaculture interventions. Fruit plants like mango, guava, rose apple, bael etc. provided along with different seasonal vegetables like Bitter gourd, French bean as critical inputs. IV. These farms were also provided with fish fingerlings of major carp and minor carps. V. One farm was supported by ICAR-CIFA technologies for carp seed rearing along with poultry and horticultural crops. 4
10 Agriculture ScienceGreen gram in rice fallow var. IPM-410-3 I. This variety developed in IIPR, KANPUR in 2009 II. Duration- 70-72 days III. Resistant to MYMV IV. large seed V. high seed yielder as compared to local cultivar VI. Average yield in demonstration plots is 11.00 q/ha 125
11 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient Management in Paddy• Green manuring with Dhaincha (25Kg seed/ha) + 50% RDF • Application of Zinc Sulphate @ 25 kg/ha and FYM @ 12.5 t/ha. • Seed treatment with fungicides e.g. Thiram 42% @ 3 g/kg seed • Demonstration of Cono weeder 73
12 Agriculture ScienceRice Fallow Pulse var. IPM-02-14• This variety developed in IIPR, KANPUR in 2009 • Duration- 70-72 days • Resistant to MYMV • large seed • high seed yielder as compared to local cultivar • Average yield in demonstration plots is 6.00 q/ha 170
13 Agriculture ScienceRice Fallow Pulse (Black gram) var. PU-31• This variety is developed by APSSDC Ltd. • Duration-75-80 • Tolerant to YVMV • Average yield is 10 q/ha 36
14 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated nutrient management in paddyApplication of pre-emergence herbicide Petrilachlor in paddy field. The herbicide was mixed with sand and sprinkled or broadcast in the paddy field 2 days after sowing or transplanting of paddy and within 7 days of sowing or transplanting. This was applied at the rate of 500 ml/acre. This reduced the emergence of weeds in the paddy field. This was done in 50 acres area.45
15 Agriculture ScienceComposite carp cultureComposite fish farming was practiced in 6 ponds • 8000 nos. of 20-30 mm size fingerlings stocked per acre • Eradication of predatory fishes through drying • Application of lime, soil and water testing and supplementary feeding at regular interval and demonstration of advanced technologies controlled fish mortality. • Supplementary feeding was given for nutrient supplement • Periodic sampling done to check health status of fish • This gave an average yield of 3.0 t/ha. • Higher yield helps to enhance per capita consumption of fish in the villages.110
16 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient Management in PaddyIntroduction of pre-emergence herbicide Pretilachlor into the paddy fields 45
17 Animal ScienceComposite Carp Culture* Total area adopted was 6.5 ha and no. of beneficiaries was 121 i. Pre-stocking • Eradication of predatory fishes • Drying of pond bed and Liming • testing water sample ii. Post-Stocking • 5000 bigger size fingerlings stocked per hectare • Supplementary feeding • Periodic sampling done to check health status of fish280
18 Animal ScienceIntroduction of minor carp in backyard pondsMinor carp (Puntius gonionotus) provide intermittent income to the farmers, species diversification; maximize biomass production and thereby giving consumers a better choice. I. Stocking of bigger fingerlings and Supplementary feeding with floating feed (26% Protein) @ 2% of biomass was provided II. Liming and pre-stocking water management III. Stocked in Nov.201711
19 Animal ScienceBackyard Poultry strain Kaveri/VanarajaI. Introduction of improved breed (Kaveri and Vanaraja) II. Day old chicks procured from CPDO and brooding was done by Women SHG members III. Local breed reared by the people grew upto 1-1.5 kg after 6-7 months and lay 8-10 eggs per bird per month IV. Vanaraja and Kaveri breed grew upto 3-3.5 kg after 6-7 months and lay 20-25 eggs per bird per month 107
20 Animal ScienceScientific Fish Farming• Bigger size fingerlings stocked per hectare • Eradication of predatory fishes through drying • Application of lime, soil and water testing and supplementary feeding at regular interval and demonstration of advanced technologies controlled fish mortality. • Supplementary feeding was given for nutrient supplement • Periodic sampling done to check health status of fish • This gave an average yield of 3.0 t/ha. • Higher yield helps to enhance per capita consumption of fish in the villages. 120
21 Animal ScienceFish Based Integrated Farming SystemThree beneficiaries were selected for IFS module. They are practicing different farming practices like cereals, horticultural plants, livestock, fisheries etc. Technological support provided for horticultural and aquaculture interventions. Fruit plants like mango, guava, rose apple, bael etc. provided along with different seasonal vegetables like Bitter gourd, French bean as critical inputs. These farms were also provided with fish fingerlings of major carps.3
22 Animal ScienceComposite Carp Culture• Composite fish farming was practiced in 6 ponds • 6000 bigger size fingerlings stocked per hectare • Eradication of predatory fishes through drying • Application of lime, soil and water testing and supplementary feeding at regular interval and demonstration of advanced technologies controlled fish mortality. • Supplementary feeding was given for nutrient supplement • Periodic sampling done to check health status of fish • This gave an average yield of 3.0 t/ha. • Higher yield helps to enhance per capita consumption of fish in the villages. 280
23 Animal ScienceAquacultureScientific Fish farming110
24 Animal ScienceBackyard PoultryIntroduction of breed Vanaraja and RIR80
25 Enterprise BasedIntroduction of ApicultureI. A 5 days long training programme was organized for the youth of adopted villages. II. The programme is being conducted by the experts from MDTC, KVIC (Govt. of India), Bhubaneswar. III. A total of 25 young farmers were benefitted from this training. IV. This apiculture course includes hands-on training on a number of important topics related to beekeeping, including assembling hives and opening and examining colonies. V. This course covered every aspects of apiculture from disease and mite prevention and hive management to honey production 25
26 Entrepreneurship ModulePaddy straw Mushroom productionMushroom production is being carried out in 5 villages. Critical inputs like polythene sheets, gram flour, mushroom spawn were given and the beneficiaries were given training to start the mushroom bed preparation. The paddy straw were treated and soaked with lime as per the tenderness of the straw for 5-6 hrs before preparation of the bed. Then the straw were cut and laid down in layers. On each layer the gram flour along with spawn were put on each layer. successive layers were laid upto 4 layers. At the end the entire bed was covered with the polythene sheet. At an interval of 4 days the polythene sheet was removed to expose the bed into air. The mushroom starts sprouting in 10 to 13 days of bed preparation. For each bed there is 200 g spawn required. Minimum 500 g of mushroom and maximum 900 g mushroom were harvested from each bed.8
27 Horticulture ScienceImproved Variety of Bitter Gourd (var. VNR 28)Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) is an important vegetable crop and is grown for its immature tuberculate fruits which have a unique bitter taste. Fruits are considered as a rich source of vitamins and minerals and 88 mg vitamin C per 100 g. It is a luscious, climbing vine with slightly fuzzy stems clothed with dark green, deeply lobed leaves and yellow, dioecious flowers. Temperature range of 24o- 27oC is considered as optimum for the growth of the vines. Fruits are green in colour and spiny in nature. Fruits are 6.5-7.5 cm long and width is 4-5 cm. Average weight of fruit is 35 gm. The VNR-28 is very much useful for summer and rainy season crop. Seed sown in January and seed rate was 4 kg/ha. The seed was treated with Thiram (3 g/kg of seed). A distance of 120 cm was maintained between the rows and 90 cm was between the plants. Well decomposed FYM (15-20 t/ha) is mixed with the soil during ploughing. The recommended dose of fertilizer to be applied per hectare was 60 kg N, 50 kg P2O5 and 40 kg 25 K2O. Half the N and entire P & K applied before planting. The balance N was given at the time of flowering. The fertilizer was applied in a ring at 6-7 cm from the base of the stem. It was better to complete all the fertilizer applications just before the fruit set. Ridges were irrigated a day or two prior to planting of seeds and the next irrigation, preferably light, was given 4 or 5 days after planting of seeds. Subsequently the irrigation was given at weekly intervals. Moisture was maintained at the root zone, to promote rapid taproot development. 3 weeding operations were done in order to keep the crop free from weeds. The first weeding was done 30 days after planting. Subsequent weedings were done at a monthly interval. First harvesting started after 50-60 days of planting. Further pickings were done at an interval of 2-3 days as bitter gourd fruits mature very fast and turn red. Harvesting should be done in the morning hours and the fruits should be stored in shade after harvesting. The average fruit yield obtained from the demonstrated plots was 8 t/ha. Being small in size gives it a special significance for stuffing.20
28 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of Cauliflower var. FujiyamaLate variety of cauliflower var. Fujiyama was demonstrated in 10 different plots having an area of 1.2 ha. It was grown during November to March. Seed rate was 375 g/ha. Nursery was prepared according to the crop raising area. Seeds were sown at 10 cm between rows in raised beds after drenching it with Copper oxychloride (2.5 g/lit). 30 days old seedlings were transplanted in the main field at a spacing of 45 cm. Soil of the main field ploughed and brought into fine tilth and a spacing of 45 cm X 60 cm was maintained. Irrigation was given once in a week. 15 t of FYM/ha and 50 kg N, 100 kg P and 50 kg K as basal and 50 kg N after 45 days was applied as RDF per hectare of land. Gap filling was done after 20 days of planting to maintain the population and uniform growth. Hoeing and weeding was done on 30th and 45th day of planting. To prevent Diamond back moth, Cartap hydrochloride @ 1 g/lit was sprayed as insecticides. To prevent from Club root disease seedlings were dipped in Carbendazim solution 2 g/l for 20 minutes. To control leaf spot and leaf blight Mancozeb was sprayed @ 2 g/lit. Blanching was done to get a pure white perfect curd of flower. An average yield of 17 t/ha was obtained from the demonstration plots. 10
29 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of Bush type French beanThe seed were sown in the month of November in 10 demonstration plots consisting of an area of 0.4 ha. Falguni variety of Seminis Company was demonstrated due to strong and bushy nature. Seed rate was 50 kg/ha. The seeds were treated with Carbandazim @ 2 g/kg of seed 24 hours before sowing to control fungal diseases and then sown in the sides of the ridges at a spacing of 45 x 30 cm. Irrigation was done immediately after sowing and again on third day and thereafter once in a week. . 90 kg of N and P 125 kg of P/ha was applied on one side of the ridges. Weeding was done 21 days and 45 days after sowing. The crop was earthed up after each weeding. First picking was started after 40 days of sowing. An average yield of 8 t/ha of green pods in 75-85 days. Pod colour was bright dark green. Pod was smooth and slender in nature. Average pod length recorded in demonstrated plot was 14.2 cm. Shelf life of the pod was 8 days.10
30 Horticulture ScienceImproved variety of Bitter gourdI. Fruits are green in colour and spiny in nature. II. Fruits are 6.5-7.5 cm long and width is 4-5 cm. III. Average weight of fruit is 35 gm. IV. The VNR-28 is very much useful for summer and rainy season crop. V. Seed sown in January and seed rate was 4 kg/ha. VI. The average fruit yield obtained from the demonstrated plots was 8 t/ha.25
31 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of Cauliflower Var. Fujiyama • Fujiyama is a day neutral and thermo-insensitive variety. • It is a late sown variety. Sowing done in mid of November. • Average yield obtained was 15-20 t/ha in demonstration plots. 27
32 Horticulture ScienceBush type of french bean var. Falguni I. Strong and bushy II. Days for First Picking: 40 to 45 days III. No. of picking: 4-5 times IV. Shelf Life: 7-8 days V. Pod Colour: Bright dark green VI. Pod Type: Attractive Slender smooth pod VII. Pod Length: 13 to 15 cm 35
33 Horticulture ScienceSeed kit of IIHR for kitchen gardenSeed kit includes varieties /F1 hybrids of 10 vegetables, (radish, French beans, dolichos bean, tomato, brinjal, chilli, okra, palak, onion and amaranth). This will be grown ain kitchen garden for nutritional security of the farmer family.10
34 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of Cauliflower var. Fujiyama• Fujiyama is a day neutral and thermo-insensitive variety. • It is a late sown variety. Sowing done in mid of November. • Average yield obtained was 15-20 t/ha in demonstration plots. 28
35 Horticulture ScienceNutrigardenNutrigarden100
36 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of improved variety of horticultural cropsIntroduction of new variety of French bean, Arka Arjun and Arka Sharath40
37 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of improved variety of Horticultural cropsIntroduction of Late var. of Cauliflower, Fujiyama 35
38 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of improved variety of horticultural cropsIntroduction of Improved var. of Bittergourd var. Rushaan 30
39 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of improved variety of OkraIntroduction of improved variety of Okra. Under this intervention, around 3.5 kg of Okra seeds were demonstrated in 17 beneficiaries field plots covering 1.6 acre land after paddy cultivation and its harvest. This okra crop is being grown in winter season as rabi crop to give the beneficiaries off season income which will be of good amount from this crop. 17
40 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of improved variety of cauliflowerIntroduction of thermo-insensitive variety of Cauliflower 8
41 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of Improved variety of OkraIntroduction of off season variety of Okra17
42 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of improved variety of Bitter GourdIntroduction of improved variety of Bitter Gourd30
43 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of improved variety of PumpkinIntroduction of improved variety of Pumpkin13
44 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of improved variety of TomatoIntroduction of improved variety of Tomato5
45 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of improved variety of TomatoIntroduction of improved variety of Tomato5
46 Integrated Farming SystemFish based Integrated Farming SystemI. Four beneficiaries were selected for IFS module. II. They are practicing different farming practices like cereals, horticultural plants, livestock, fisheries etc. III. Technological support provided for horticultural and aquaculture interventions. Fruit plants like mango, guava, rose apple, bael etc. provided along with different seasonal vegetables like Bitter gourd, French bean as critical inputs. IV. These farms were also provided with fish fingerlings of major carp and minor carps. V. Fingerling production was demonstrated in 3 IFSs along with poultry and horticultural crops. VI. One farm was supported by ICAR-CIFA technologies for carp seed rearing. 4
47 Integrated Farming SystemFish based Integrated Farming System• Four beneficiaries were selected for IFS module. • They are practicing different farming practices like cereals, horticultural plants, livestock, fisheries etc. • Technological support provided for horticultural and aquaculture interventions. Fruit plants like mango, guava, rose apple, bael etc. provided along with different seasonal vegetables like Bitter gourd, French bean as critical inputs. • These farms were also provided with fish fingerlings of major carp and minor carps. • One farm was supported by ICAR-CIFA technologies for carp seed rearing along with poultry and horticultural crops 4
Events :

1 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInstitute Advisory Committee and Site Plan Monitoring Group Meeting A meeting of Institute Advisory Committee and Site Plan Monitoring Group of Farmer FIRST Project held at ICAR-CIFA, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar on 28 October 2017. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss about the progress of the interventions in the 4 adopted villages and to prepare the action plan for Rabi season 2017-18. The meeting was chaired by Dr. K.N. Mohanta, HoD, FNPD, CIFA. Scientists of ICAR-CIFA, Project team, Scientists of KVK, Khordha, representative of beneficiaries from 4 villages, representative from panchayat and representative from line departments participated in the meeting. Seven farmers who attended this meeting were presented with Leaf Colour Chart. It is a technology developed by NRRI, Cuttack which helps in efficient management of Nitrogen in paddy. It was suggested that after harvesting of paddy soil testing will be done and accordingly soil health cards will be issued to selected beneficiaries. New technology interventions for Rabi season were discussed.OthersICAR-CIFA, kausalyaganga,Bhubaneswar182 10/28/2017
2 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureField day on carp seed rearing held in Balipatna blockA field day on carp seed rearing was planned to organise at Giringo village in the fish based integrated farm of Sri Gadadhar Pradhan who has shifted from carp culture to carp seed rearing, following ICAR-CIFA package of practices. It was planned to give the basic ideas about fish farming and to demonstrate them the fish seed rearing.FarmerGiringo , Balipatna block, Khordha, Odisha120 10/23/2018
3 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFARMER-SCIENTIST INTERFACEDr. B. C. Sabat, Director, MGICC, New Delhi visited the demonstration plots of Farmer FIRST Project, ICAR-CIFA along with Dr. B. Behera, Prof & Head, Agronomy, OUAT. A field day was organised to provide advanced technological knowledge to the fish farmers. Sampling was done to check the health status of the fingerlings. FarmerJagannathpur, Balianta, Khordha2312 9/25/2017
4 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureDemonstration of improved variety of cauliflower var. FujiyamaTo educate the farmers about the advantages of raising off season cauliflower, a field day was organised. The farmers visited the demonstration plots and interacted with the beneficiary farmers.FarmerJagannathpur, Balianta, Khordha185 3/9/2018
5 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture launching of Bhargabi Fish Farmers Producers CompanyLaunching of Bhargabi Fish Farmers Producers Company Limited having CIN- U01100OR2019PTC030755 and Farmer-Scientist Interface to promote the registered FPOFarmerNARODA, BALIPATNA, KHORDHA, ODISHA6090 11/20/2019
6 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture Swachhata Pakhwada Celebration Exhibition on improved agricultural practices organised at NarodaFarmerNARODA, BALIPATNA, KHORDHA, ODISHA6043 12/22/2018
7 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureCelebration of Kisan Diwas Celebration of kisan Diwas and Swachhata PakhwadaFarmerNARODA, BALIPATNA, KHORDHA, ODISHA6946 12/23/2018
8 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureDr. K S Das, Principal Scientist, ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata visits ICAR-CIFA’s Farmer FIRST project sitesField visit and assessment of technological adoption of the farmersFarmerDorbanga, Balipatna, Khordha300 12/12/2018
9 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureExposure VisitExposure visit FarmerICAR-NRRI, Cuttack; IIHR-CHES and ICAR-CTCRI regional centre, Bhubaneswar 270 8/31/2018
10 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureVisit to ICAR-CIFA's Farmer FIRST project sites by Dr. V P Chahal, ADG (Agri. Extension), ICAR, New Delhi Visit of Dr. V P Chahal, ADG (Agri. Extension), ICAR, New Delhi FarmerJagannathpur, Balianta, Khordha3020 12/14/2017
11 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureVisit to ICAR-NAARM to attend the national workshop on “Let's listen to farmers: A workshop on farmers' feedback on doubling farm income by 2022” To attend the national workshop on “Let's listen to farmers: A workshop on farmers' feedback on doubling farm income by 2022” FarmerICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad 50 12/22/2017
12 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureGram Sabha meetingSelection of beneficiaries for Integrated Nutrient Management in PaddyFarmerJagannathpur, Balianta, Khordha238 6/11/2018
13 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureKisan Mela To showacase the advanced technologies to the farmersFarmerParichala, Gobindapur, Begunia, Khordha325163 3/30/2018
14 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureWorkshop cum farmers-scientists interfaceThe workshop was organised to educate the farmers regarding the advanced technologies and to solve the queries of the beneficiary farmers related to agriculture and allied sector technologies. FarmerSiddhakutila, Balipatna, Khordha6630 12/24/2021
15 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmers-scientists interfaceCelebration of world fishery dayFarmerNaroda, Balipatna, Khordha9327 3/12/2021
16 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureKisan Samman DiwasICAR-CIFA celebrated Kisan Samman Diwas on 23th December 2023 at Turintira village, Block- Balipatna, where around 100 beneficiaries participated along with the team of scientists from ICAR-CIFA and KVK, Khordha. The two progressive farm women and three SHG were: Sasmita Swain (Village: Taraboi), Sumita Sahu (Village: Bagalpur), Maa Tarini SHG (Village: Aloi), Kala Kanhu SHG (Village: Dorobanga), Surabhi SHG (Village: Aitalanga). There was interaction between the farmers and the team of scientists from ICAR-CIFA and KVK, Khordha. The scientists tried to address the problems being faced by the farmers. Self Help GroupVillage: Turintira, Block: Balipatna, District: Khordha16102 12/23/2023
17 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface In this programme the farmers were made aware and encouraged to practice organic fish farming and natural farming in agricultureFarmerVillage: Barijanga, Block: Balianta, District: Khordha11040 4/5/2023
18 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface Inauguration of Aqua ChaupalFarmerVillage: Sarakana, Block: Balianta, District: Khordha9535 7/28/2023
19 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist InterfaceTo conduct farmer- scientist interface at village AloiFarmerVillage: Aloi, Block: Balipatna, District: Khordha9060 12/13/2023
20 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureTraining programmesTo train the farmers on paddy staw mushroom bed preparation and Jivamrut and Panchagavya preparationFarmerDistrict- Khordha200300 8/10/2023
21 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface To conduct farmer-scientist interfaceFarmerVillage: Purohitpur, Block: Balipatna, District: Khordha8025 10/18/2022
22 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface To conduct farmer-scientist interface FarmerVillage: Sarakana, Block: Balianta, District: Khordha3515 11/18/2022
23 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface To conduct farmer scientist interface programmeFarmerVillage: Anthuari, Block: Balianta, District: Khordha605 11/25/2022
24 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface To conduct farmer scientist programmeFarmerVillage: Siddha Kutila, Block: Balianta, District: Khordha4060 2/24/2023
25 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface In this programme the farmers were made aware and encouraged to practice organic fish farming and natural farming in agriculture.Self Help GroupVillage: Taraboi, Block: Balipatna, District: Khordha35115 6/7/2024
26 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureMonitoring field visitMonitoring field visit by Dr. K. S. Das, FFP Nodal Officer ATARI Kolkata to ICAR-CIFA, FFP adopted villages FarmerVillage: Purohitpur, Block: Balipatna, District: Khordha, Village: Barijanga, Block: Balipatna, District: Khordha8020 1/11/2024
27 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInauguration of One Stop-Aqua Shop at Village NarodaThe One-Stop Aqua Shop in Naroda, Balipatna, provides farmers with essential resources, including fish fingerlings, feed, and medicines. Additionally, it supports local fish selling activities, helping to streamline the supply chain and enhance market access for farmers.FarmerNaroda, Balipatna, Khordha10025 3/10/2022
28 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureExposure visit to Nimpith KVKICAR-CIFA organized an exposure visit for 6 farmers under this programme to Ramkrishna Ashram KVK, Nimpth, West Bengal from 26 to 29th February, 2024. The purpose of this visit was to facilitate cross-learning among farmers. Nimpith KVK is known as one of the best and award-winning KVKs in India, showcasing various units viz., apiculture, vermi-compost, ornamental fish, Indian Major Carps (IMC), horticulture, and more. During the visit, farmers had the opportunity to learn from the expertise of RAKVK's scientists who provided valuable insights into different units.FarmerRamkrishna Ashram Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nimpith, South 24 pargana, West Bengal60 2/26/2024
29 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureNational Fish Farmers Day 2024To interact with the farmers and discuss about their problems. Team of scientists also encouraged the farmers and farm women for practicing organic and integrated farming. FarmerICAR-CIFA, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar146 7/10/2024
30 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFelicitation of Progressive Fish Farmer's award for National Fish Farmers Day 2024To felicitate the fish farmers for their success in Integrated Fish Farming.FarmerICAR-CIFA Hq. Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar15050 7/13/2024
31 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureInnovative Farmer Award 2021-22 Felicitate the progressive farmers for outstanding performance and significant innovations in farming systemsFarmerICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad15050 9/1/2022
32 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist InterfaceIn this programme the farmers were made aware and encouraged to practice organic fish farming and natural farming in agricultureFarmerVillage: Sarakana, Block: Balianta, District: Khordha8822 10/16/2024
33 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface and Kisan Saman DiwasIn this programme the farmers were made aware and encouraged to practice organic fish farming and natural farming in agricultureFarm WomenVillage: Barijanga, Block: Balianta, District: Khordha40110 12/23/2024
34 ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater AquacultureFarmer Scientist Interface In this programme the farmers were made aware and encouraged to practice organic fish farming and natural farming in agricultureSelf Help GroupVillage: Turintira, Block: Balipatna, District: Khordha30120 1/15/2025