Project Details

Project Title : Diversified Farming through Livestock and Agriculture

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : ICAR-CIRB, Hisar

Objectives :
1.   Scientific livestock production system (Buffalo and indigenous cattle) to increase productivity and round the year employment opportunity

2.   To diversify agriculture farming system through Horticulture and Honey bee farming to augment the farmer income

Interventions :

1 Agriculture ScienceMustardRH0725 RH074960
2 Animal ScienceUdder health and quality milk productionIdentification and recording, screening for mastitis, preventive and therapeutic measures, Udder hygiene and clean milk production, Dry period therapy, micronutrient supplementation, clinical mastitis management94
3 Animal ScienceReproductive healthReproductive system examination for Infertility and infections, nutritional and therapeutic intervention based on identified challenge (anestrus / repeat breeding), ASMM to reduce the calving interval and age at first calving 169
4 Animal ScienceCalf for the futurePromising progeny with AI from progeny tested/ elite bulls and calf health protocol 66
5 Animal ScienceOne Health: Productivity and healthIdentification, tagging and recording of quality germplasm, udder health, dry period management, participatory ration balancing and quality milk production146
6 Animal ScienceReproductive health of buffaloExamination for Infertility and infections, nutritional and therapeutic intervention based on identified challenge, ration balancing with area specific mineral mixture23
7 Animal ScienceBuffalo: Calf for the futureInsemination to produce high genetic merit calf, dam nutrition and health management, calf health care30
8 Enterprise BasedMushroomMushroom9
9 Enterprise BasedApicultureApiculture20
10 Entrepreneurship ModuleHoney BeeHands on training, participatory honey bee units developed with distribution of 130 bee boxes with hives 65
11 Horticulture ScienceHorticulture cropsHorticulture units equipped with drip kit (procured) for judicious use of water, diversification of agriculture with pomegranate and citrus plantation is in progress 25
12 Horticulture ScienceNutritional garden : Fruits and vegetables IARI, Pusa, vegetable kit containing 8 types of vegetable seeds, CCSHAU vegetable kit, Lemon (PAU and IARI), Kinnow, daisy (PAU), Jamun (PAU), Tissue culture Pomegranate (Bhagwa)220
13 Horticulture ScienceDrip kit integrated Tissue culture Pomegranate (Bhagwa) Drip kit integrated Tissue culture Pomegranate (Bhagwa) 25
14 Horticulture ScienceCitrus (Kinnow, daisy) plants Citrus (Kinnow, daisy) plants 3
15 Soil Resource ManagementSoil analysis Soil analysis106
Events :