Project Details

Project Title : Participatory Technology Validation, Diversification, Value addition for small holders Livelihood Improvement of Central Telangana Zone

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad

Objectives :
1.   To initiate participatory technology development process relevant to identification of local farmer grown millet cultivars for end product specificity

2.   To facilitate adoption of production technologies to improve the income from cropping systems

3.   To extend mechanized millets primary processing technologies at on farm level and to enable marketing of value added millets

4.   To enable resource poor farmers’ diversification from crop based enterprise to livestock and poultry based enterprises for additional income and risk aversion.

5.   To study performance of technologies and farmer’s perceptions in the intervened clusters and assess the impact of interventions on livelihoods of stakeholders for build-up of policy framework

Interventions :

1 Agriculture SciencePlant protection to control fall army worm (FAW), shootfly and stem on sorghumSorghum trials on high yielding variety, CSV 27 were found in good condition with little infestation of fall army worm (FAW), shootfly and stem borer. The entomologist suggested the farmer to use pheromone trap and demonstrated how to install the pheromone trap which helps control insect population200
2 Agriculture ScienceImproved sorghum and redgram production technologiesYellow jowar seeds (Locally Grown product specific cultivars) White jowar seeds Red gram seeds300
3 Agriculture ScienceImproved production technology of in kharif sorghumSorghum improved variety (CSV 27)12
4 Agriculture ScienceRecommended for cultivation in rainfed kharif sorghum growing areas under normal time of sowing along with improved production and highly tolerant for shootflyIntroduction of high yielding hybrid Sorghum (CSH 25) technologies in existing crop system15
5 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of high yielding foxtail millet variety with improved management practices.Introduction of improved Foxtail millet production practices24
6 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of high yielding variety of little millet and demonstration with improved management practicesDemonstration of improved Little millet production practices22
7 Agriculture ScienceHYV of browntop millet with of improved management practices.Demonstration of improved Brown-top millets production practices24
8 Agriculture ScienceHYV of barnyard millet with of improved management practices.Introduction of improved Barnyard millet varieties23
9 Agriculture ScienceKodo millet seed supply and demonstration of improved management practices in drought conditionIntroduction of improved Kodo millet varieties24
10 Agriculture ScienceHYV of Pearl millet with of improved management practicesIntroduction of improved Pearl millet varieties24
11 Agriculture ScienceHYV of finger millet with improved management practices.High yielding variety of finger millet (GPU 67)24
12 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of improved variety of redgram with improved management practicesRedgram ICPL-87119 (Asha Variety) 39
13 Animal ScienceLivestock Improved breed of goat, sheep and poultry80
14 Animal ScienceIntroduction of improved rams and lambs breedNellore breed Sheep and Goat48
15 Animal ScienceImproved poultry breed interventionIntroduction of Vanaraja poultry breed and utilization of byproducts of millets180
16 Entrepreneurship Moduleroti making machineIn order to promote value-addition, a roti making machines was handed over to a women self-help group. A few members of the group were given training on how to operate the machine at Gangapur village. They expressed that it will boost up the utilization and consumption of millets especially, of sorghum. 8
17 Entrepreneurship ModulePrimary processing of milletsEstablishment of processing of millets, machineries like Dehuller, Grader, Pulvarizer, Sifters500
18 Entrepreneurship ModuleDoubling the income of farm womenIntroduction of jowar roti making machine 20
19 ICTMillets First android appLatest production and processing of millets (Link:
Events :

1 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchHand Band Making To expose the students of 9th and 10th standard to hands-on training. The skill inculcated was making of Hand Bands.OthersTelangana Model School PULKAL SangaReddy District2030 9/1/2018
2 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchVigilance Awareness & National Unity Day To create awareness among youth / students about individual integrity, accountability in Public Life and as well about National IntegrityOthersTelangana Model School IDA Bolarum Medak District120150 10/31/2018
3 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchField Day on Millets organized at Tekur village under Farmers First projectTo evaluate performance of the field trials and interact with farmers for collecting their feedback on the technology interventions, and build-up confidence to adopt them for increasing profitability and socio-economic upliftment of the millet growersFarmerTekur village, Nyalkal mandal in Sangareddy district of Telangana State 5012 11/22/2019
4 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchFarmer-orientaion and seeds allocation programme under Farmers First project To orient the farmers about planting trials as per project plan 2019-20FarmerFive villages in Nyalkal and Raikode Mandals of Sangareddy District20040 6/10/2019
5 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchPre-season meeting with farmers and seeds allocation under Farmer First Project Pre-season farmers orientation and seeds allocation FarmerFour villages in Nyalkal and Raikode Mandals of Sangareddy District 10020 6/19/2019
6 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchTechnical Advisory-cum-Site Implementation Committee meeting of Farmers First ProjectTo make action plan of the project for 2019-20 in order to create substantial impact of millets and allied technologies among the farmers with inputs of the multidisciplinary team of institute’s scientistsOthersICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad 123 7/8/2019
7 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchAwareness of millets importance among scientific community of other research organizationsTo create awareness of millets importance among scientific community of other research organizationsGeneral UsersICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad 282 7/9/2019
8 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchMid-season Farmers-Scientists Interaction at all villagesTo develop skill and monitor the field trials through direct interaction with farmers regarding their field problems of the technology interventionsFarmerChalki, Tekur, Shamshuddin, Tatpally, Mamadgi and Gangapur villages in Nyalkal and Raikode Mandals of Sangareddy District of Telangana State20040 7/20/2019
9 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchExposure visit of farmers at IIMR, HyderabadExposure of improved production technologies to farmers at IIMR, HyderabadFarmerICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad 274 8/17/2019
10 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchNational level conference-cum-workshop on Doubling farmers’ income: Strategies for Rainfed AgricultureTo present results of the FFP projectOthersMANAGE, Hyderabad 12525 11/18/2019
11 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchPre-season meeting with farmers and seeds allocationTo facilitate adoption of improved production technologies to improve the incomes from cropping systems thorough village communication centre. According to this objective, under crop based module improved millet seed varieties were distributed to the selected farmersFarmerGangapur village, Raikode mandal, Sanga Reddy District, Telangana state3720 6/19/2019
12 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchInternational Women’s Day on MilletsAn “International Women’s Day” programme on Millets was organized by ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad in adopted village; Gangapur in Jharasangam mandal of Sangareddy District of Telangana State under Farmer FIRST Project on 8th March, 2021. The main objective of the programme was to empower women farmers creating awareness about millets nutritional and health benefits, and to develop entrepreneurship on value-added products on the eve of International Women’s Day. As, they have major role in production and processing activities as an entire value-chain of millet, emphasis was also given to develop their skill and use of machineries to reduce their drudgeries in food processing ultimately for their socio-economic up-liftment. Farm WomenTelangana State, Sangareddy District, Gangapur Villge1534 3/8/2021
13 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchWorld Water Day A “World Water Day” programme was organized by ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad in adopted village; Pampad in Raikode mandal of Sangareddy District of Telangana State under Farmer First Project on 22nd March, 2021. The main objective of the programme was creating awareness about importance of water, its saving, conservation and making judicial use in agriculture, and role of millets to secure sustainable livelihood security. For the year 2021, theme for world water day was "Valuing Water" was the major focus of the programme. Total 100 farmers including farm women, students and teachers of Zilla Parishad School, project staff of ICAR-IIMR, Sh. Kasinath ji, husband of Sarpanch of the Pampad village, other members. All the participants gathered at Zilla Parishad School, Pampad and Sh. Narsimlu, Principal of the School welcomed all the participants and IIMR team. General UsersTelangana State, Sangareddy District, Pampad Village6832 3/22/2021
14 ICAR - Indian Institute of Millets ResearchAwareness campaigns on precaution to be taken while performing farm operations duringCOVID-19Awareness campaigns on precautions to be taken by the farmers while doing farm operations during Covid -19 pandemic situations with farmers in five project villagesFarmerChalki, Shamshuddinpur, Gangapur, Tekur, Mirjapur880 7/28/2020