Project Details

Project Title : Participatory Technology Integration to empower and ensure livelihood Security of farmers in Alappuzha district

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod

Objectives :
1.   To elicit specific location wise problems faced by the farming communities

2.   To assess the potentials – social and natural – for implementing resource based community / individual interventions

3.   To evolve consensus and awareness among the participant stakeholders about the FFP

Interventions :

1 Agriculture ScienceIntroduced four high yielding varieties of Sesamum released from Kerala Agricultural University (KAU)- Kayamkulam-1, Thilak, Thilarani and ThilatharaIntroduced 4 varieties of sesamum in 100 acres in 19 wards of the FFP panchayath. 19 women self help groups are involved in this intervention. Seeds, fertilizers were provided for the interventions.150
2 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Root (wilt) disease management including recent technologies of ICAR CPCRI(Micro nutrient mix (Kalpa Poshak and Kalpa Vardhini)& Kera Probio – PGPR for coconutArea wide pest and disease management of coconut218
3 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Root (wilt) disease management Integrated Root (wilt) disease management 215
4 Agriculture Science“Coconut rejuvenation and doubling production and income from coconut” Major component of the Programme is the selection and documentation of root (wilt) disease free and high yielding palms from all the 19 wards of Panchayath following scientific criteria recommended by ICAR CPCRI. During the first quarter of this year,the seednut collection will be completed and a common nursery of polybag coconut seedlings to be established by the ICAR CPCRI (as POPI) FFP Odanadu Farmer Producer Company Ltd. It is plan to produce 2000 quality seedlings for replacing the existing low quality seedlings.400
5 Agriculture Science Introduced high yielding variety of groundnut G 2 - 52 of University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad Introduced high yielding variety of groundnut G 2 - 52 in 30 acres in 19 wards of the FFP panchayath Pathiyoor & 3 wards of Devikulangara Panchayath, Alappuzha District as part of area expansion of Farmer FIRST activities. 22 women self help groups are involved in this intervention. Seeds, fertilizers were provided for the interventions.210
6 Agriculture ScienceParticipatory coconut seedling / hybrid productionTo upscale the quality coconut planting material production especially hybrid seedlings using the innovative modified ground pollination technique.370
7 Animal ScienceHydroponics – 12 more units completed as per farmers’ demandHydroponics – 12 more units completed as per farmers’ demand7
8 Animal ScienceHydroponics Hydroponics – 12 more units completed as per farmers’ demand7
9 Animal SciencePond reclamation and refinement for water conservationPond reclamation and refinement for water conservation72
10 Enterprise BasedVirgin Coconut Oil (VCO) unit in FFP areahands on practical Training program on VCO preparation using VCO cooker (CPCRI technology), Coconut based food products (squash, chutney powder, mature coconut water jelly, cookies, muffins,etc)given to the youths being engaged and who are interested. Dr. Shameena, Scientist (Processing), ICAR CPCRI, Kasaragod handled the sessions(theory and practicals.)12
11 Enterprise BasedCopra dryer – Shell fired copra dryer– ICAR CPCRI technologyCoconut oil production – Cold process method + two Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) unit – ICAR CPCRI technology + coconut based food products- 2 units Turmeric processing unit (procurement of machines completed) 21
12 Enterprise BasedCoconut oil production – Cold process method + two Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) unit – ICAR CPCRI technology + coconut based food products- 2 units Copra dryer – Shell fired copra dryer– ICAR CPCRI technology Coconut oil processing unit (coconut oil and virgin coconut oil) In this Biomass Dryer we can dry 500 nuts at a time. Coconut shells are burnt as fuel. Within 48-78 Hrs the coconut are converted to copra. For 100 nuts at an average we get 16- 18 Kg of Copra the percentage of oil extracted is more comparable to rotary press but from this unit we get cold pressed oil. Other than Coconut Oil, we can also extract Sesame Oil. 53
13 Enterprise BasedVermicompost production unitVermicompost production unit3
14 Enterprise BasedTender nut marketing Tender nut marketing unit6
15 Enterprise BasedKalpakam Keraprobio production Kalpakam Keraprobio production unit1
16 Enterprise BasedLaunching of snowball tender nut unitAn innovative entrepreneurial unit of snowball tender nut has launched under Farmer FIRST Programme during the inauguration of platinum jubilee celebrations of ICAR CPCRI RS Kayamkulam on 24th April,20221
17 Horticulture ScienceCommunity based planting material production and area expansion of Gajendra variety of AmorphophallusCommunity based planting material production and area expansion of Gajendra variety of Amorphophallus552
18 Integrated Farming SystemSelected 200 households suited for IFS interventions and pond planning – cropping/ fish culture system done by 54 farmersSelected 200 households suited for IFS interventions and pond planning – cropping/ fish culture system done by 54 farmers200
19 Integrated Farming SystemSelected households suited for IFS interventions and pond planning – cropping/ fish culture system done by 54 farmersSelected households suited for IFS interventions and pond planning – cropping/ fish culture system done by 54 farmers25
20 Integrated Farming SystemSelected households suited for IFS interventions and pond planning Selected households suited for IFS interventions and pond planning – cropping/ fish culture system done by 54 farmers25
21 Integrated Farming SystemWaste management using BSF (Black Solidier Fly) biopod technology as demonstrated by Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE).Waste management in households and IFS units utilizing scientific options is a major objective in Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP). Food and organic waste management in households could be achieved through bio process as demonstrated by Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) in Pathiyoor. Hence to popularize it and reducing cost of feed among poultry farmers and fish farmers the novel Black Soldier Fly (BSF) biopod technology was introduced.The system consists of 100 litre bucket with lid for collection of kitchen wastes and another small bucket with lid for collection of larvae/pupae of Black Soldier Fly (BSF), which converts waste to high quality protein. The black soldier fly will lay eggs and these larvae grow in the organic waste. The larvae can also be dried and stored as feed or can be directly fed to fish and poultry as supplementary feed after disinfecting.20
22 Natural Resource ManagementSoil based nutrient management in six wards (grid based soil sampling- 5 ha grid-17 soil samples) Pond reclamation and refinement for water conservation Soil based nutrient management in six wards (grid based soil sampling- 5 ha grid-17 soil samples) Pond reclamation and refinement for water conservation 120
23 Natural Resource ManagementSoil based nutrient management in six wards (grid based soil sampling- 5 ha grid-17 soil samples) Pond reclamation and refinement for water conservation Soil based nutrient management in six wards (grid based soil sampling- 5 ha grid-17 soil samples) Pond reclamation and refinement for water conservation 120
24 Natural Resource ManagementSoil based nutrient management Soil based nutrient management in six wards (grid based soil sampling- 5 ha grid-17 soil samples) and Soil health card distribution168
Events :

1 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Good agriculture practices among livestock farmers 1.To elicit interest and awareness in GAP of livestock management 2.To obtain farmers needs and feed back on use of cowmatsFarmerGovernment veterinary hospital, Pathiyoor,Alappuzha District,Kerala285 3/16/2018
2 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Scientific management of coconut for improving coconut palm health and income 1. To facilitate recent technologies in coconut production and protection to participant farmers of five wards 2. Enable experience sharing among and between farmers 3. To prepare farm plans for resource assessment and problem elicitation 4. To plan various activities to be implemented in model/demonstration plotsFarmerKerala, Alappuzha, Pathiyoor3812 4/4/2018
3 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Inauguration of 'Kalpakam Kera Probio Unit' in Pathiyoor FFP area, Alappuzha, Kerala 1. To organize 'farmers Meet' of the FFP participants 2. To conduct direct appraisal and feedback of FFP interventions from the participant farmers and other stakeholders 3. To inaugurate the science based enterprise of rural youth ' Kera probio" unit in FFP for decentralized productionGeneral UsersPublic Health Centre Hall, Pathiyoor, Alappuzha district, Kerala49156 9/14/2018
4 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Kisan Mela and launching of new interventions of Farmer FIRST Program of ICAR CPCRITo organise Kisan Mela for showcasing the success of FFP To launch the innovative components of Pathiyoor local Egg brand for egg self sufficiency , Second unit of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) production, Floriculture units, Launching ' Kalpakam Kera Probio' a bio input for coconut and intercrops produced in FFP by rural youth, Vermicompost and cowdung produces launching and sesamum program of fallow free and value additionFarmerPathiyoor Panchayath, Alappuzha District, Kerala128384 2/14/2019
5 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Third Institute Advisory Committee (IAC) meetingTo present the action taken report of last IAC To inform the activities/ interventions done during 2018-19 To propose the next year action plan and invite suggestions of the IAC membersOthersICAR CPCRI, RS, Kayamkulam, Alappuzha, Kerala1014 2/14/2019
6 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Kissan Mela of Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP), Inauguration of Poultry Clusters, Chick production Units, Kera probio, Sesamum Cultivation1. To motivate farmers and peoples representatives for up scaling the success stories 2.To launch and submit the FFP interventions to the farming community of Pathiyoor and to involve the peoples representatives regarding the participatory interventions and the impact of the integrated activities 3. To coordinate and improve collaboration of linkage and converging agencies 4. To organize an exhibition of the activities and the farm produces out of the interventions in six modules 5. to facilitate the exchange of information and sharing experiences General UsersWard 19, Ramapuram, Pathiyoor, Alapuzha district114237 2/14/2019
7 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Interactive session on fish farming1. To impart knowledge and skills on pond preparation and fish culture 2. To evolve a location specific water conservation model with community participation 3. To increase fresh water fish production and improve the diet diversity and income FarmerFFP Pathiyoor Panchayath,Ward 6 Primary Health Centre (PHC), Alappuzha, Kerala3814 6/18/2019
8 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Launching Panchayath wide fish culture in homestead ponds1. To evolve a participatory Panchayath level model of fish culture in all suitable homestead ponds 2. To improve knowledge and skill on scientific fish culture in integrated farming system 3. To improve income from small and marginal holdingsFarmerWard 12 Pathiyoor Panchayath (Mr Reji's plot)4613 7/22/2019
9 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Training program on inter cropping of maize and sunflower in coconut garden1. To impart skill and knowledge on maize and sunflower as an inter crop in coconut gardens 2. To sensitize them on participatory experimentation of the new crops in the coconut gardenFarmerPrimary Health Center Hall, Pathiyoor, Alappuzha District526 8/20/2019
10 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Training on scientific management of pond fish culture as an IFS component1. To impart knowledge and skill on pond fish culture 2. To sharpen the farmer innovation based fish culture for improving the income FarmerAratukulangara Govt. LP school, Pathiyoor, Alappuzha District259 8/28/2019
11 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute WORLD COCONUT DAYTo honour best coconut farmers and celebrate world coconut day with agriculture exhibition launched in association with value chain support from Odanadu Farmer Producer Company FarmerPATHIYOOR PANCHAYATH, ALAPPUZHA DISTRICT1917 9/3/2021
12 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Farmer FIRST program World Soil Day CelebrationAn exhortation for protecting the fertile top soil from degradation and the importance of community based balanced nutrient management for sustainable farm production and improving income. To distribute a ‘customized soil test based nutrition guide’ to farmers and the STBN guide will be utilized for the women farmer group cultivation process and the convergence programmes with MGNREGS creating wider outreach of the soil test based nutrition management messages across the society.Farmer Kerala, Alappuzha, Pathiyoor Grama Panchayath,5012 12/5/2019
13 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Entrepreneurship development on coconut diversificationEntrepreneurship development on coconut diversification for doubling farmers incomeFarmerICAR- CPCRI, ONLINE PLATFORM2611 5/14/2020
14 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute FFP farmer Shri Gopalakrishna Pillai recognized as innovative farmer on 45th foundation day, NAARMThe 45th foundation day of NAARM, Hyderabad was celebrated on 1/09/2020 virtually. The chief guest of the program was Dr. R S Paroda, former secretary DARE and DG, ICAR and chairman (TAAS). During the occasion 11 innovative farmers were felicitated from each ATARI zoneGeneral Users ONLINE PLATFORM3832 9/1/2020
15 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Training programme on business plan preparation for Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) To know principles of business plan and preparation details,case study on business plan in related to coconut.Others ONLINE PLATFORM104 10/17/2020
16 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute “Grow bag vegetable cultivation by individuals and farmers group”Online entrepreneurship development series for rural youthsUnemployed YouthICAR- CPCRI, ONLINE PLATFORM14066 12/7/2020
17 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Market outlet for the famers in linkage with Odanadu Farmer Producing Company LTD & Launching of kalpavardhini facilitated by ICAR- CPCRIBringing market to farm gate through FFP- FPO The Farmer FIRST programme of ICAR -CPCRI is in progress in participatory mode since November 2016 in Pathiyoor panchayath among 1000 farm families. Various varieties of Sesamum, Finger millet, Ginger, Turmeric, Tubers, Poultry breeds and other technologies were evaluated and prioritized based on the results of farmer participatory experimentation. The output and the outcome resulted in increased production, conversion of 370 ha of fallow land and increase in income of participating farmers and farm women. The increase in production of crops, egg, coconut products warranted procurement, marketing facilities and demand for basic inputs like planting materials, bio inputs are also on the high. Hence under the Farmer FIRST Programme, group discussions were organized and it was decided to initiate a market outlet for the famers in linkage with Odanadu Farmer Producing Company LTD was formed and being facilitated by ICAR- CPCRI.FarmerKerala, Alappuzha, Pathiyoor107 12/18/2020
18 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Fourth Institute Advisory Committee (IAC) meetingTo present the action taken report of last IAC. To inform the activities/ interventions done during 2020-21. To propose the next year action plan and invite suggestions of the IAC membersOthersConference hall of ICAR CPCRI RS Kayamkulam1812 2/18/2020
19 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Online training on Household waste management using Black soldier fly (BSF) biopod technology.Waste management in households and IFS units utilizing scientific optionsFarmerICAR- CPCRI, ONLINE PLATFORM2921 12/26/2020
20 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Online training on Bush pepper cultivationEntrepreneurship development series for rural youthsUnemployed YouthICAR- CPCRI, ONLINE PLATFORM4456 1/2/2021
21 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Online entrepreneurship training program- Coconut oil based soap makingEntrepreneurship development series for rural youthsUnemployed YouthICAR- CPCRI, ONLINE PLATFORM2327 1/23/2021
22 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Inauguration of coconut care & cover programmeRejuvenation, Refinement and ensuring timely and scientific plant protection in coconut palmsFarmerICAR- CPCRI, R S, Kayamkulam6689 4/24/2022
23 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute WORLD FISHERIES DAY CELEBRATION AND FELICITATION OF MODEL FISH FARMERSOrganized to felicitate model fish farmers under Natural Resource Management module of FFP and give scientific training on pond fish farmingFarmer ‘Murni fish farm’, ward 16, Pathiyoor, Kerala, Alappuzha3012 11/22/2021
24 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Felicitation of model IFS farmers under Integrated Farming System module of FFP and farmer interactive sessionFelicitate model IFS farmerGeneral UsersWARD 15, PATHIYOOR1923 1/7/2022
25 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Practical training on mushroom cultivationTo improve the socio economic status and solve the employment problems of rural economy by generating the income and job opportunities thus to promote self employment.FarmerKerala, Alappuzha, Devikulangara76 10/28/2022
26 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization and need analysisFarmerRamapuram North,Pathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala3456 1/4/2017
27 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmer Evoor south,Alappuzha,Kerala712 1/2/2017
28 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerNSS Karayoga Mandhiram,Pathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala1835 1/10/2017
29 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoorkala,Alappuzha,Kerala1421 1/27/2017
30 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerMattom school,Pathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala2253 1/7/2017
31 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoorkala,Alappuzha,Kerala1049 1/17/2017
32 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerCheriya Pathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala4360 1/6/2017
33 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala4249 1/10/2017
34 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerAmbalathveedu junction,pathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala2844 1/18/2017
35 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerkuttikulangara,Alappuzha,Kerala6833 12/26/2016
36 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala1416 12/31/2016
37 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala2331 2/6/2017
38 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala2042 1/4/2017
39 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala3343 1/25/2017
40 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala1840 1/27/2017
41 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala2723 1/16/2017
42 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala1119 1/31/2017
43 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala2617 1/31/2017
44 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Focus Group Discussion meetings of grass root level stakeholders of FFP areaParticipatory problem prioritization, Need analysis, elucidation of potential, eliciting and ensuring participationFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala3833 1/24/2017
45 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Integrated root (wilt) disease management technologiesSoil testing campaign for soil test based nutrition (SBTN) management ,Integrated management of root (wilt) disease affected coconut – SBTN + organics 25-30 Kg /palm/year + MgSo4 (500g/palm/year) + Dolomite (1 Kg/palm/year)+ basin management with 100 g cowpea sown and incorporated with initiation of flowering , pilot level adoption/demonstration of customized nutrient mixtures (including micro nutrients) Kalpavardhini for 9650 bearing coconut palms-500 g/palm/year in 2 split dose, Kalpaposhak for coconut seedlings-100 g/seedling/year in 2 split dose,area wide approach of plat protection of coconut in a contiguous area and completed 9300 palms with farmers shareFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala25648 1/4/2017
46 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Institute Advisory Committee (IAC) meeting of Farmers FIRST ProgrammeIntegrating various Departments and agencies for doubling farmer’s income and developing viable and diversified models. Ward-based problem prioritization workshops, sensitization campaign on tuber and spices cultivation, value addition programme in coconut, strengthening sesame and njavara rice cultivation etc. All stakeholders provided valuable inputs towards fine-tuning the programmes in making farming holistic and sustainable in the backdrop of limiting resources and climate change.OthersICAR CPCRI,RS,Kayamkulam89 3/2/2017
47 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Pest and disease management of coconutEnable farmers to solve field problems , identification of pests and diseases, observations for crop changesFarmerPathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala1610 5/22/2017
48 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Inauguaration of 'Participatory coconut seedling/ hybrid production'To raise better quality seed production FarmerDevikulangara Panchayat , Alappuzha25118 1/20/2023
49 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Inauguration of Millet CultivationTo popularize the use of small millets in diet thus providing food/livelihood security to households and distribute quality seeds of small millets for future cultivationFarm WomenWard 13,Pathiyoor,Alappuzha,Kerala134 2/17/2023
50 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute National Workshop on ‘Science History of India'learning about science mixed with history.General UsersICAR-CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayamkulam, Alappuzha, Kerala8359 2/28/2023
52 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Millet sowing inauguration at ward 9, Oachira Panchayathto attain food security and nutritional security through the cultivation of millets- 'Super foods'Self Help GroupOachira panchayth722 3/13/2023
53 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Mega Finale of "Kalpa Quiz"Coconut Technology Dissemination Awareness CompetitionGeneral UsersPuthuppally Service Cooperative Bank No. 1900 Ltd, Auditorium, Devikulangara11362 3/16/2023
54 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Seminar on millets and field visit of Demo plots in Devikulangara, Alappuzha district1. Visit of demoplots by KMML Managing Director for understanding 2. To facilitate exchange of information in millet cultivation and experience sharing by farmers. 3. Harvesting little milletGeneral UsersKerala, Alappuzha, Devikulangara2158 5/24/2023
55 ICAR Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Millet harvest fest organised by CPCRI, Kayamkulam held1. Inauguration of millet harvest by Hon'ble Agriculture Minister of Kerala Shri P. Prasad 2. Creating awareness about millets among public 3. Exhibition of value added products from little millet, proso millet, finger millet and sorghumGeneral UsersKerala, Alappuzha, Devikulangara143179 6/16/2023