Project Details

Project Title : Farmers’ Centric Natural Resource Development for Socio-Economic empowerment in Rainfed areas of Southern Telangana Region

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad

Objectives :
1.   To initiate participatory technology development process module-wise (crops, cropping system, horticulture, livestock, soil and water management practices, etc) relevant to create livelihood options pertaining to small farm holders including women

2.   To develop viable social institutions through building suitable linkages, farmer-producer group and promoting grass root SHG groups for upscaling of participatory climate resilient rain fed technologies

3.   To evaluate performance of adopted technologies and farmer’s perceptions on participatory technology development process in the intervened clusters for re-evaluation and upscaling of the technologies in other rain fed regions

Interventions :

1 Agriculture ScienceCrops and Cropping System & Farm MechanisationImproving production of Intercropping systems Cotton +pigeonpea maize and pigeonpea, Chickpea and Safflower ( Rabi) Improving Efficiency of farm operations such as weeding harvesting using manual weeders and harvesters even for small and marginal farmers on custom hiring basis400
2 Agriculture Sciencecrops and cropping systemDemonstration of Improved Pigeonpea (PRG-176) variety in kharif390
3 Agriculture ScienceCrops and cropping systemsDemonstration of Chickpea crop in Rabi season- NBeg 49100
4 Agriculture ScienceCrops and Cropping SystemsImproving production of Intercropping systems Cotton +pigeonpea maize and pigeonpea, Chickpea and Safflower ( Rabi) Improving Efficiency of farm operations such as weeding harvesting using manual weeders and harvesters even for small and marginal farmers on custom hiring basis 400
5 Agriculture ScienceCrops and cropping systemsVarietal trails on Pigeonpea in kharif season and Chickpea(NBeaG) in Rabi 60
6 Animal ScienceLivestock intervention yMineral Supplementation Crop residue management by making total mixed ration and use of chaff cutter Ram lamb technology Fodder technology and use of brush cutter250
7 Animal ScienceManagement of small ruminants and fodder technologyBack yard poultry Mineral Supplementation Crop residue management by making total mixed ration and use of chaff cutter Ram lamb technology Fodder technology and use of brush cutter 250
8 Horticulture ScienceIntegrated Pest control through traps Plastic mulching for enhanced yields and quality in vegetable crops.To control cucurbit fly in mango orchards and vegetables . Plastic mulching with underlying drip system have been laid out in vegetables and stacking of cucurbit crops have also been demonstrated to farmers..250
9 Horticulture ScienceGood practices of vegetable cultivationIntegrated Pest control through traps Plastic mulching for enhanced yields and quality in vegetable crops 250
10 Horticulture ScienceGood practices in fruits and vegetable• Integrated pest control through traps • Plastic mulching for enhanced yields and quality in vegetable crops 20
11 Horticulture ScienceConservation of moisture in vegetables• Integrated pest control through traps • Plastic mulching for enhanced yields and quality in vegetable crops 100
12 ICTUse of ICT- SMS and video films. Educating farmers through Farmers Field Schools, training and exposure visits. Convergence with State dept of Agriculture for schemes Farmers field School and use of advisory services by mobile applications.400
13 ICTAgro advisoriesUse of ICT- SMS and video films. Educating farmers through Farmers Field Schools, training and exposure visits. Convergence with State Dept of Agriculture for schemes 400
14 Mechanization and MarketingImproving Efficiency of farm operations such as weeding harvesting using manual weeders and harvesters even for small and marginal farmers on custom hiring basisUse of implements for sowing( tractor drawnn nine row plante, use of dryland weeders and battery operated weeders.100
15 Natural Resource ManagementEfficient utilsation of harvested water through Drip System, construction of gabion structures.Under NRM, soil and water conservation technologies were demonstrated . In and around village there was a stream flowing which is dry for few months in summer, however for major part of the year there is continuous base flow on which CRIDA farmers first project planned for construction of gabion structures with which the open wells got discharged and drip systems connected to to the groundwater and irrigation given to crop. Micro irrigation systems and low cost gabion structures in small drainage channels were demonstrated to farmers for the need for effective utilisation of harvested water and increasing water use efficiency40
16 Natural Resource ManagementSoil and water conservationMicro irrigation systems and low cost gabion structures in small drainage channels were demonstrated to farmers for the need for effective utilisation of harvested water and increasing water use efficiency40
17 Natural Resource ManagementSoil and water conservationMicro irrigation systems and low cost gabion structures in small drainage channels were constructed and demonstrated to farmers for the need for effective utilization of harvested water and increasing water use efficiency.20
Events :

1 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculCelebration of Swachhatha PakhwadaIn Gangupally village of Pudur mandal , Vikarabad of Telangana State celebrated Swachhatha day with Co PI Dr. AGK reddy ,B Sanjeev Reddy , Dr P K Pankaj aj and Director Dr K Sammi Reddy. Around 200 farmers participated in the programme. Other dignitaries like M.R.O., V.R.O., Head master of school, sarpanch, AEO and farmer group president have also graced the occasion. Plantation and disinfection of potential insect breeding sites were also carried out in the village. Director, CRIDA and other dignitaries emphasized the importance of cleanliness and the means to maintain health in the rural environment. Disinfecting tools like brooms and chemicals like phenol and hand wash were given to the villagers with proper instructions of using it. School going children were also present in the programme. Director Spread the message of Gandhiji by taking oath and also spraying disinfectants in village open drain and planting seedlings for green for purity of air and building greenery. FarmerTelangana State, Vikarabad district,Gangupally Village15050 8/24/2018
2 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculFarmers of Adopted villages of Farmer FIRST Project visit SEED MELA 2019 organised by PJTSAU. HyderabadOn 24th May 2019 farmers of Farmers FIRST project villages - Devanoniguda, Rakamcharla and Gangupally of Pudur mandal, Vikarabad district visited ‘Seed Mela’ organised by Prof. JayaShanker State Telangana Agricultural University, Hyderabad. Research organisations affiliated to ICAR, Universities, and Ministries participated in the programme. Seeds of crops relevant to dryland areas suitable for Telangana region were displayed for sale. Seeds of Sorghum, maize, redgram, oilseeds, millets; poultry species including Kadaknath, sheeps, Kadaknath were also kept for sale. 40 farmers from FFP villages participated and purchased maize and redgram in small quantities. Dr G.Nirmala, Principal Scientist & PI and Dr Anshida Beevi, Scientist, CO - PI accompanied farmers to the Mela.Farmer PJTSAU, Hyderabad400 5/24/2019
3 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland Agriculdemonstration of Pigeonpea variety PRG-176 sowing with nine row planterPRG 176, pigeon pea variety was demonstrated sowing with nine row planter in farmers fields in adopted villages namely Gangupally, Rakamcharla and Pudugurthy in Pudur mandal, Vikarabad district villages, The soil type was red soil and farmer was small farmer . Nine row planter had ridger facility which facilitates a conservation furrow for conservation of run off water.FarmerVikarabad district, pudur mandal, Gangupally village and Rakamcharla village2010 6/11/2020
4 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculFarmer Scientist interaction Organizing farmer -scientist interaction facilitates two way exchange of information,technologies between farmer and scientist which enhances knowledge and skill component of both farmer and researcher. It educates farmers and as well gives feedback to researcher. Frontline extension like farmer first project facilitate flow of first hand information to farmer and provides scope for technology refinement and assessment at researcher level.FarmerGangupally village, Pudur mandal, Vikarabad district20050 7/29/2020
5 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculWorld soil day World soil day celebrated every year 5th December, 2019. The objective of celebrating world soil day is to mainly to bring awareness on need for soil conservation, prevention of soil erosion and management of fertile soil..FarmerPudugurthy village, Pudur mandal, Vikarabad district 20050 12/5/2020
6 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculDemonstration of conservation furrow in pigeonpea cropConservation conserves rainwater and runoff. Conservation furrow ensures adequate soil moisture for crop during dryspell . The crop wilts when dryspell period extended beyond 10 days. FarmerGangiupally village, Pudur mandal, Vikarabad district 104 7/28/2020
7 ICAR-Central Research Institute of Dryland AgriculDemonstration of control of fruit fly in mango orchard Mango orchards are predominant in one of the Farmers FIRST project adopted villages, Gangupally of Pudur mandal . In summer season fruit fly attack was severe causing damage to mangoes. FarmerGangupally, Pudur district, Vikarabad district 5050 5/8/2020