S.No. | Category | Technology | Major interventions | No. of Farm families participated |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of high yielding varieties of Maize | HYV and hybrids, chemical weed control and management of stem rot | 100 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of improved varieties and hybrids of rice for increased productivity and food security | HYV and hybrids, SRI and weed management | 100 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction and popularization of high yielding varieties of wheat | Timely sown wheat HPW 155 and HPW 369 and HPW 349 varieties, weed management | 100 |
| Agriculture Science | Popularization of vegetable cultivation in nutrigardens through women participation for year round production and attainment of nutritional security | Year round vegetable cultivation, improved varieties and production technologies | 100 |
| Agriculture Science | Commercial cultivation of off-season vegetable crops viz., peas, french bean, cucumber, cauliflower, chilli, okra, tomato and brinjal for higher income generation | Off season vegetable cultivation, improved varieties and production technologies | 100 |
| Agriculture Science | Eco friendly management of fruit fly in cucurbits | Palam trap and lures | 300 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction and popularization of mineral mixture supplementation of locally fed ration of cows on health and milk production | Supplementation of locally fed ration with mineral mixture on health and milk production of lactating animals | 200 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of high yielding varieties of Maize | Improved variety and plant protection measure | 250 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction and popularization of high yielding varieties of wheat | improved varieties and chemical weed control | 450 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of improved varieties and hybrids of Paddy for increased productivity and food security | Improved variety, hybrids and chemical weed control | 443 |
| Agriculture Science | Popularization of vegetable cultivation in nutrigardens through women participation for year round production and attainment of nutritional security | imroved varieties of all vegetables, sowing/transplanting times | 50 |
| Agriculture Science | . Commercial cultivation of off-season vegetable crops viz., peas, french bean, cucumber, cauliflower, chilli, okra, tomato and brinjal for higher income generation | improved varieties, sowing times and plant protection measures | 882 |
| Agriculture Science | Eco friendly management of fruit fly in cucurbits | Fruit fly control through pheromone traps | 450 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of high yielding varieties of Maize | Improved variety and plant protection measure | 122 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of improved varieties and hybrids of rice for increased productivity and food security. | Improved variety, hybrids and chemical weed control | 443 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction and popularization of high yielding varieties of wheat | Improved varieties and chemical weed control | 287 |
| Agriculture Science | Supplimentation of dewormers, external parasiticidal and vaccination to improve animal health and higher milk production | Dewormers both ecto and endoparasites | 500 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of high yielding nutritionally rich grasses and fodder trees for year round fodder production and availability | Improved grass root slips of Setaria | 24 |
| Agriculture Science | Promotion of honey bee rearing by rural women for additional income generation. | Rearing of honey bees on scientific lines after proper training will become as the source of additional income to the women farmers | 6 |
| Agriculture Science | Economic empowerment of rural women through mushroom and dhingri cultivation | mushroom bags, spawn technical knowledge | 176 |
| Agriculture Science | Rearing of backyard poultry for additional income generation | Rearing of improved Him Samridhi breed of poultry both for egg and meat production | 18 |
| Agriculture Science | Eco friendly management of fruit fly in cucurbits | Palam trap and lures | 450 |
| Agriculture Science | Popularization of vegetable cultivation in nutrigardens through women participation for year round production and attainment of nutritional security | Year round vegetable cultivation, improved varieties and production technologies | 500 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of high yielding varieties of Maize | Improved variety and plant protection measure | 290 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of improved varieties and hybrids of rice for increased productivity and food security | HYV and hybrids, SRI and weed managemen | 815 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction and popularization of high yielding varieties of wheat | Improved variety, hybrids and chemical weed control | 311 |
| Agriculture Science | Popularization of vegetable cultivation in nutrigardens through women participation for year round production and attainment of nutritional security | Year round vegetable cultivation, improved varieties and production technologies | 500 |
| Agriculture Science | Promotion of honey bee rearing by rural women for additional income generation | Rearing of honey bees on scientific lines after proper training will become as the source of additional income to the women farmers | 3 |
| Agriculture Science | Economic empowerment of rural women through mushroom and dhingri cultivation | mushroom bags, spawn technical knowledge | 45 |
| Agriculture Science | Eco friendly management of fruit fly in cucurbits | Palam trap and lures | 120 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of high yielding varieties of Maize | HYV and hybrids, chemical weed control and management of stem rot | 309 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of improved varieties and hybrids of rice for increased productivity and food security | HYV and hybrids, SRI and weed management | 309 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction and popularization of high yielding varieties of wheat | HYV , chemical weed control and management of yellow rust | 587 |
| Agriculture Science | Popularization of vegetable cultivation in nutrigardens through women participation for year round production and attainment of nutritional security | Year round vegetable cultivation, improved varieties and production technologies | 500 |
| Agriculture Science | Promotion of honey bee rearing by rural women for additional income generation | Rearing of honey bees on scientific lines after proper training will become as the source of additional income to the women farmers | 2 |
| Agriculture Science | Economic empowerment of rural women through mushroom and dhingri cultivation | mushroom bags, spawn technical knowledge | 273 |
| Agriculture Science | Eco friendly management of fruit fly in cucurbits | Palam trap and lures | 120 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of high yielding varieties of Maize | HYV and hybrids, chemical weed control and management of stem rot | 308 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of improved varieties and hybrids of Paddy for increased productivity and food security | HYV and hybrids, SRI and weed management | 437 |
| Agriculture Science | Popularization of vegetable cultivation in nutrigardens through women participation for year round production and attainment of nutritional security | Year round vegetable cultivation, improved varieties and production technologies | 500 |
| Agriculture Science | Economic empowerment of rural women through mushroom and dhingri cultivation | mushroom bags, spawn technical knowledge | 332 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of high yielding varieties of Maize | HYV and hybrids, chemical weed control and management of stem rot | 309 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of high yielding varieties of Maize | Improved variety and plant protection measure | 384 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of improved varieties and hybrids of rice for increased productivity and food security | HYV and hybrids, SRI and weed management | 750 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction and popularization of high yielding varieties of wheat | improved varieties and chemical weed control | 1050 |
| Agriculture Science | Popularization of vegetable cultivation in nutrigardens through women participation for year round production and attainment of nutritional security | Year round vegetable cultivation, improved varieties and production technologies | 150 |
| Agriculture Science | Eco friendly management of fruit fly in cucurbits | Palam trap and lures | 73 |
| Agriculture Science | Economic empowerment of rural women through mushroom and dhingri cultivation | mushroom bags, spawn technical knowledge | 96 |
| Agriculture Science | Science Promotion of honey bee rearing by rural women for additional income generation. | Rearing of honey bees on scientific lines after proper training will become as the source of additional income to the women farmers | 2 |
| Agriculture Science | Supplimentation of dewormers, external parasiticidal and vaccination to improve animal health and higher milk production | Dewormers both ecto and endoparasites | 600 |
| Agriculture Science | Commercial cultivation of off-season vegetable crops viz., peas, french bean, cauliflower, chilli, okra, and radish for higher income generation | improved varieties, sowing times and plant protection measures | 1747 |
| Agriculture Science | other off season vegetables(Cucumber, Bottle Gourd, Bitter Gourd, Brinjal ,Turnip Palak, Coriander and Broccoli) | improved varieties, sowing times and plant protection measures | 1386 |
| Animal Science | Introduction of high yielding nutritionally rich grasses and fodder trees for year round fodder production and availability | Setaria, Tall fescue and plantation of fodder plants like Grewia and Bahunia | 30 |
| Animal Science | Popularization of licking Uromin Mol Bricks (UMMB) on milk production/health of cows | Licking Uromin Mol Bricks (UMMB) to over come minerals and vitamins deficiencies in cows | 200 |
| Animal Science | Introduction of feeding balanced milk-ration on milk production of lactating animals | Feeding balanced milk-ration on health and milk production of lactating animals | 50 |
| Animal Science | Supplimentation of dewormers, external parasiticidal and vaccination to improve animal health and higher milk production | Dewormers both ecto and endoparasites | 500 |
| Animal Science | Introduction of high yielding nutritionally rich grasses and fodder trees for year round fodder production and availability | Improved grass root slips of Setaria | 24 |
| Animal Science | Popularization of licking Uromin Molasses Mineral Blocks (UMMB) on milk production/health of cows | Licking of UMMB for enhanced milk production | 200 |
| Animal Science | Introduction and popularization of mineral mixture supplementation of locally fed ration of cows on health and milk production | Feeding of mineral mixture for enhanced milk production | 225 |
| Animal Science | Introduction of feeding balanced milk-ration on milk production of lactating animals | Feeding of balanced milk ration for enhanced milk production | 200 |
| Animal Science | Supplementation of dewormers, external parasiticidal and vaccination to improve animal health and higher milk production | control of parasites in animals | 500 |
| Animal Science | Rearing of backyard poultry for additional income generation | Rearing of improved Him Samridhi breed of poultry both for egg and meat production | 18 |
| Animal Science | Rearing of backyard poultry for additional income generation | Rearing of improved Him Samridhi breed of poultry both for egg and meat production | 38 |
| Animal Science | Supplimentation of dewormers, external parasiticidal and vaccination to improve animal health and higher milk production | Dewormers both ecto and endoparasites | 242 |
| Animal Science | Rearing of backyard poultry for additional income generation | Rearing of improved Him Samridhi breed of poultry both for egg and meat production | 28 |
| Animal Science | Popularization of licking Uromin Mol Bricks (UMMB) on milk production/health of cows | Licking Uromin Mol Bricks (UMMB) to over come minerals and vitamins deficiencies in cows | 50 |
| Animal Science | Popularization of licking Uromin Mol Bricks (UMMB) on milk production/health of cows | Licking Uromin Mol Bricks (UMMB) to over come minerals and vitamins deficiencies in cows | 50 |
| Animal Science | Introduction of feeding balanced milk-ration on milk production of lactating animals | Feeding balanced milk-ration on health and milk production of lactating animals | 50 |
| Enterprise Based | Economic empowerment of rural women through mushroom and dhingri cultivation | white button and Oyster mushroom cultivation | 60 |
| Enterprise Based | Economic empowerment of rural women through mushroom and dhingri cultivation | mushroom bags, spawn technical knowledge | 176 |
| Enterprise Based | Promotion of honey bee rearing by rural women for additional income generation | Rearing of honey bees on scientific lines after proper training will become as the source of additional income to the women farmers | 6 |
| Post-Harvest Technology | Women empowerment through processing and value addition of surplus forest/garden produce | Processing of surplus fruits and vegetables | 25 |
| Post-Harvest Technology | Women empowerment through processing and value addition of surplus forest/garden produce | Processing of surplus garden and forest produce | 50 |