Project Details

Project Title : Transfer of improved farm production technologies for enhancement of rural livelihood security amongst the farm households of Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : CSKHPKV, Palampur

Objectives :
1.   Increase in the agricultural productivity through improved technological interventions,

2.   agro-processing and post-harvest value addition for enhancing profitability and employment

3.   Empowerment through capacity building and skill development both in farm and non-farm

Interventions :

1 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of high yielding varieties of MaizeHYV and hybrids, chemical weed control and management of stem rot100
2 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of improved varieties and hybrids of rice for increased productivity and food securityHYV and hybrids, SRI and weed management100
3 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction and popularization of high yielding varieties of wheatTimely sown wheat HPW 155 and HPW 369 and HPW 349 varieties, weed management100
4 Agriculture SciencePopularization of vegetable cultivation in nutrigardens through women participation for year round production and attainment of nutritional securityYear round vegetable cultivation, improved varieties and production technologies100
5 Agriculture ScienceCommercial cultivation of off-season vegetable crops viz., peas, french bean, cucumber, cauliflower, chilli, okra, tomato and brinjal for higher income generationOff season vegetable cultivation, improved varieties and production technologies100
6 Agriculture ScienceEco friendly management of fruit fly in cucurbitsPalam trap and lures300
7 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction and popularization of mineral mixture supplementation of locally fed ration of cows on health and milk production Supplementation of locally fed ration with mineral mixture on health and milk production of lactating animals200
8 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of high yielding varieties of MaizeImproved variety and plant protection measure250
9 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction and popularization of high yielding varieties of wheatimproved varieties and chemical weed control450
10 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of improved varieties and hybrids of Paddy for increased productivity and food securityImproved variety, hybrids and chemical weed control443
11 Agriculture SciencePopularization of vegetable cultivation in nutrigardens through women participation for year round production and attainment of nutritional securityimroved varieties of all vegetables, sowing/transplanting times50
12 Agriculture Science. Commercial cultivation of off-season vegetable crops viz., peas, french bean, cucumber, cauliflower, chilli, okra, tomato and brinjal for higher income generationimproved varieties, sowing times and plant protection measures882
13 Agriculture ScienceEco friendly management of fruit fly in cucurbitsFruit fly control through pheromone traps450
14 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of high yielding varieties of MaizeImproved variety and plant protection measure122
15 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of improved varieties and hybrids of rice for increased productivity and food security.Improved variety, hybrids and chemical weed control443
16 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction and popularization of high yielding varieties of wheatImproved varieties and chemical weed control287
17 Agriculture ScienceSupplimentation of dewormers, external parasiticidal and vaccination to improve animal health and higher milk productionDewormers both ecto and endoparasites500
18 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of high yielding nutritionally rich grasses and fodder trees for year round fodder production and availabilityImproved grass root slips of Setaria24
19 Agriculture SciencePromotion of honey bee rearing by rural women for additional income generation.Rearing of honey bees on scientific lines after proper training will become as the source of additional income to the women farmers6
20 Agriculture ScienceEconomic empowerment of rural women through mushroom and dhingri cultivationmushroom bags, spawn technical knowledge176
21 Agriculture ScienceRearing of backyard poultry for additional income generationRearing of improved Him Samridhi breed of poultry both for egg and meat production18
22 Agriculture ScienceEco friendly management of fruit fly in cucurbitsPalam trap and lures450
23 Agriculture SciencePopularization of vegetable cultivation in nutrigardens through women participation for year round production and attainment of nutritional securityYear round vegetable cultivation, improved varieties and production technologies500
24 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of high yielding varieties of MaizeImproved variety and plant protection measure290
25 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of improved varieties and hybrids of rice for increased productivity and food securityHYV and hybrids, SRI and weed managemen815
26 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction and popularization of high yielding varieties of wheatImproved variety, hybrids and chemical weed control311
27 Agriculture SciencePopularization of vegetable cultivation in nutrigardens through women participation for year round production and attainment of nutritional securityYear round vegetable cultivation, improved varieties and production technologies500
28 Agriculture SciencePromotion of honey bee rearing by rural women for additional income generationRearing of honey bees on scientific lines after proper training will become as the source of additional income to the women farmers3
29 Agriculture ScienceEconomic empowerment of rural women through mushroom and dhingri cultivationmushroom bags, spawn technical knowledge45
30 Agriculture ScienceEco friendly management of fruit fly in cucurbitsPalam trap and lures120
31 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of high yielding varieties of MaizeHYV and hybrids, chemical weed control and management of stem rot309
32 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of improved varieties and hybrids of rice for increased productivity and food securityHYV and hybrids, SRI and weed management309
33 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction and popularization of high yielding varieties of wheatHYV , chemical weed control and management of yellow rust587
34 Agriculture SciencePopularization of vegetable cultivation in nutrigardens through women participation for year round production and attainment of nutritional securityYear round vegetable cultivation, improved varieties and production technologies500
35 Agriculture SciencePromotion of honey bee rearing by rural women for additional income generationRearing of honey bees on scientific lines after proper training will become as the source of additional income to the women farmers2
36 Agriculture ScienceEconomic empowerment of rural women through mushroom and dhingri cultivationmushroom bags, spawn technical knowledge273
37 Agriculture ScienceEco friendly management of fruit fly in cucurbitsPalam trap and lures120
38 Agriculture Science Introduction of high yielding varieties of MaizeHYV and hybrids, chemical weed control and management of stem rot308
39 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of improved varieties and hybrids of Paddy for increased productivity and food securityHYV and hybrids, SRI and weed management437
40 Agriculture SciencePopularization of vegetable cultivation in nutrigardens through women participation for year round production and attainment of nutritional securityYear round vegetable cultivation, improved varieties and production technologies500
41 Agriculture ScienceEconomic empowerment of rural women through mushroom and dhingri cultivationmushroom bags, spawn technical knowledge332
42 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of high yielding varieties of MaizeHYV and hybrids, chemical weed control and management of stem rot309
43 Agriculture Science Introduction of high yielding varieties of MaizeImproved variety and plant protection measure384
44 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of improved varieties and hybrids of rice for increased productivity and food securityHYV and hybrids, SRI and weed management750
45 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction and popularization of high yielding varieties of wheatimproved varieties and chemical weed control1050
46 Agriculture SciencePopularization of vegetable cultivation in nutrigardens through women participation for year round production and attainment of nutritional securityYear round vegetable cultivation, improved varieties and production technologies150
47 Agriculture ScienceEco friendly management of fruit fly in cucurbitsPalam trap and lures73
48 Agriculture ScienceEconomic empowerment of rural women through mushroom and dhingri cultivationmushroom bags, spawn technical knowledge96
49 Agriculture Science Science Promotion of honey bee rearing by rural women for additional income generation.Rearing of honey bees on scientific lines after proper training will become as the source of additional income to the women farmers2
50 Agriculture ScienceSupplimentation of dewormers, external parasiticidal and vaccination to improve animal health and higher milk productionDewormers both ecto and endoparasites600
51 Agriculture ScienceCommercial cultivation of off-season vegetable crops viz., peas, french bean, cauliflower, chilli, okra, and radish for higher income generationimproved varieties, sowing times and plant protection measures1747
52 Agriculture Scienceother off season vegetables(Cucumber, Bottle Gourd, Bitter Gourd, Brinjal ,Turnip Palak, Coriander and Broccoli)improved varieties, sowing times and plant protection measures1386
53 Animal ScienceIntroduction of high yielding nutritionally rich grasses and fodder trees for year round fodder production and availabilitySetaria, Tall fescue and plantation of fodder plants like Grewia and Bahunia30
54 Animal SciencePopularization of licking Uromin Mol Bricks (UMMB) on milk production/health of cows Licking Uromin Mol Bricks (UMMB) to over come minerals and vitamins deficiencies in cows 200
55 Animal ScienceIntroduction of feeding balanced milk-ration on milk production of lactating animalsFeeding balanced milk-ration on health and milk production of lactating animals50
56 Animal ScienceSupplimentation of dewormers, external parasiticidal and vaccination to improve animal health and higher milk productionDewormers both ecto and endoparasites500
57 Animal ScienceIntroduction of high yielding nutritionally rich grasses and fodder trees for year round fodder production and availabilityImproved grass root slips of Setaria24
58 Animal SciencePopularization of licking Uromin Molasses Mineral Blocks (UMMB) on milk production/health of cows Licking of UMMB for enhanced milk production200
59 Animal ScienceIntroduction and popularization of mineral mixture supplementation of locally fed ration of cows on health and milk productionFeeding of mineral mixture for enhanced milk production225
60 Animal ScienceIntroduction of feeding balanced milk-ration on milk production of lactating animalsFeeding of balanced milk ration for enhanced milk production200
61 Animal ScienceSupplementation of dewormers, external parasiticidal and vaccination to improve animal health and higher milk productioncontrol of parasites in animals500
62 Animal ScienceRearing of backyard poultry for additional income generationRearing of improved Him Samridhi breed of poultry both for egg and meat production18
63 Animal ScienceRearing of backyard poultry for additional income generationRearing of improved Him Samridhi breed of poultry both for egg and meat production38
64 Animal ScienceSupplimentation of dewormers, external parasiticidal and vaccination to improve animal health and higher milk productionDewormers both ecto and endoparasites242
65 Animal ScienceRearing of backyard poultry for additional income generationRearing of improved Him Samridhi breed of poultry both for egg and meat production28
66 Animal SciencePopularization of licking Uromin Mol Bricks (UMMB) on milk production/health of cowsLicking Uromin Mol Bricks (UMMB) to over come minerals and vitamins deficiencies in cows50
67 Animal SciencePopularization of licking Uromin Mol Bricks (UMMB) on milk production/health of cowsLicking Uromin Mol Bricks (UMMB) to over come minerals and vitamins deficiencies in cows50
68 Animal ScienceIntroduction of feeding balanced milk-ration on milk production of lactating animalsFeeding balanced milk-ration on health and milk production of lactating animals50
69 Enterprise BasedEconomic empowerment of rural women through mushroom and dhingri cultivationwhite button and Oyster mushroom cultivation60
70 Enterprise BasedEconomic empowerment of rural women through mushroom and dhingri cultivationmushroom bags, spawn technical knowledge176
71 Enterprise BasedPromotion of honey bee rearing by rural women for additional income generation Rearing of honey bees on scientific lines after proper training will become as the source of additional income to the women farmers6
72 Post-Harvest TechnologyWomen empowerment through processing and value addition of surplus forest/garden produceProcessing of surplus fruits and vegetables25
73 Post-Harvest TechnologyWomen empowerment through processing and value addition of surplus forest/garden produceProcessing of surplus garden and forest produce50
Events :

1 CSKHPKVVeterinary clinical campsSevere infestation of ecto and endo parasites have been noticed in the animals which was the only cause in lowering down the milk production and poor animal health in general. The main objective was to get rid of this problem in the villages and increasing the milk production of the lactating animals, the compaign was undertaken.OthersSehal-Dharer villages cluster5000 8/15/2018
2 CSKHPKVAfter care of standing kharif crops and nursery raising of rabi vegetable cropsNursery raising of rabi vegetable crops and after care of standing field cropsFarmerHimachal Pradesh, Kangra, Kalholi and Lulani2517 10/4/2018
3 CSKHPKVFollow up of Veterinary clinical campAfter organizing veterinary clinical camp at Beda village on 26.9.2018, the follow up camp was organized todayon 10.10.2018 to record the observations on the treated animals and the fresh cases were also treated on the occasion.FarmerVillage Beda, Cluster Dharer, HP, Kangra1825 10/10/2018
4 CSKHPKV3 days On campus training programme on Bee keepingIn order to upgrade the technological knowledge of 8 farmers in whose fields the apiaries have been established and also the new farmers under FFP project, three days on campus training programme on bee keeping was conducted w.e.f 4-6.11.2018. The farmers were educated about the diseases, enemies and mites and quality honey production vis-a-vis improved management practices. FarmerDirectorate of Extension Education and Department of Entomology, CSKHPKV, Palampur62 11/4/2018
5 CSKHPKVOff- campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.To Create awarness among the farmers regarding various aspects of farming among the villagesFarmerHimachal Pradesh, Distt. Kangra Village Dharer812 9/15/2020
6 CSKHPKVBackyard PoultryUnder FFP Project,38 units of back yard poultry (Him Samridhi Breed) were establised in the area. Which Changed their daily lives and increased their income as well. A lot rooted farmers are taking interest in this.FarmerH.P Distt. Kangra Vill.- Dharer308 7/23/2020
7 CSKHPKVTraining on MushroomTo give the demonstartions of mushroom to the farmers under FFP Project.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer4050 11/27/2021
8 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Five off - campus Farmers Training Programmes were organized in different villages of Dharer during 2021-2022. FarmerH.P Kangra , Dharer110140 2/22/2022
9 CSKHPKVVeterinary Clinical Camp Veterniary clinical camp organized at Lulani and beda.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer5595 12/9/2021
10 CSKHPKVVC Visit at Kandkosri under FFP.The Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, CSKHPKV, Palampur visited the FFP area to monitor the on going extension activities of the projectFarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2735 2/11/2022
11 CSKHPKVDr. Rajbir (Agronomy) Director, ATARI visited FFP area of CSKHPKV Palampur (selected area Dharer Panchyat)Dr. Rajbir Singh (Director, ATARI) and Dr. D.R Chaudhary (PI of FFP) visited at Dharer PanchyatFarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer6080 4/2/2022
12 CSKHPKVOff / On- campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area. Eighteen off-campus farmers training programmes including veterinary clinical camp and follow up of clinical campus were organized in different villages of Dharer Panchayat.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer250397 7/17/2019
13 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2030 8/29/2017
14 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme The participating farmers educated the scientific cultivation of crops, vegetables, plant protection, bee-keeping ,dairy ,animal health care and post -harvest value addition.FarmerOff campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.2228 8/31/2017
15 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2030 9/6/2017
16 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2030 10/11/2017
17 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer1832 10/13/2017
18 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2030 10/17/2017
19 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2425 10/24/2017
20 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer2525 10/27/2017
21 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2030 10/30/2017
22 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P Kangra , Dharer2525 11/1/2017
23 CSKHPKVon campus training programmes organizedFive on- campus (25 participating) training programmes were organized.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2525 2/2/2018
24 CSKHPKVon campus training programmes organizedon- campus (25 participating) training programme was organized.FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer1015 2/5/2018
25 CSKHPKVon campus training programmes organized on- campus (25 participating) training programme was organized.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer1213 2/21/2018
26 CSKHPKVon campus training programmes organizedon campus training programme organizedFarmerH.P, Kangra ,Dharer1213 2/26/2018
27 CSKHPKVveterinary clinical camp organizedVeterniary clinical camp organized at Tra, Dharer.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer1230 8/15/2018
28 CSKHPKVFollow up Veterinary Clinical Camp Follow up Veterinary clinical camp organized at Tra , Dharer.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer1620 9/1/2018
29 CSKHPKVVeterinary Clinical Camp Veterinary clinical camp organized at Beda.FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer 2046 9/26/2018
30 CSKHPKVVeterinary Clinical Camp Follow up veterniary clinical camp organized at Beda.FarmerH.P Kangra , Dharer912 10/10/2018
31 CSKHPKVOff campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area. Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer2030 12/18/2018
32 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2525 12/20/2018
33 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer 2525 12/22/2018
34 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2525 12/24/2018
35 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Off campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer 2525 12/31/2018
36 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Training on Post Harvest value addition of mushroom.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer1035 1/29/2019
37 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Training on Post Harvest value addition of mushroom.FarmerH.P Kangra , Dharer1530 1/30/2019
38 CSKHPKVVeterinary Clinical Camp Veterinary clinical camp organized at Kandkosri.FarmerH.P, Kangra ,Dharer1015 3/13/2019
39 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Training on Post Harvest value addition on Papaya.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer020 3/22/2019
40 CSKHPKVTraining on seed productionTraining on seed production FarmerH.P Kangra Dharer 1212 2/16/2019
41 CSKHPKVone day on camp training programme.Farmer Scientist interface.FarmerH.P, Kangra ,Dharer5060 2/24/2019
42 CSKHPKVOne day off training programmeOne day off training programme organized at Beda and farmers were educated on integrated agriculture .FarmerBeda (Panchayat -Dharer Baijnath) Distt. Kangra 1535 2/13/2023
43 CSKHPKVOne day off training programmeOff campus one day training programme on inteagrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerLulani (Panchayat -Dharer Baijnath) Distt. Kangra 4010 2/15/2023
44 CSKHPKVOne day off training programmeOne day off training programme organized at Deol and farmers were educated on integrated agricultureFarmerDeol (Panchayat -Dharer Baijnath) Distt. Kangra 3020 2/20/2023
45 CSKHPKVOne day off training programmeOne day off training programme organized at Kandkosri and farmers were educated on integrated agricultureFarmerKandkosri (Panchayat -Dharer Baijnath) Distt. Kangra 4010 2/22/2023
46 CSKHPKVDr. S.P Dixit (Director Research) visited at village kandkosri under FFP project.The Director Research, CSKHPKV, Palampur visited the FFP area to monitor the on going extension activities of the projectFarmerKandkosri (Panchayat -Dharer Baijnath) Distt. Kangra 2030 7/16/2022
47 CSKHPKVDr. Arvind Kumar (Nodal officer of FFP) visited FFP center CSKHPKV Palampur.Dr. Arvind Kumar (Nodal officer of FFP) visited FFP center CSKHPKV Palampur and their field area has been adopted under FFP i.e Dharer Baijnath.FarmerCSKHPKV Palampur and Dharer Panchayat.2040 11/28/2022
48 CSKHPKVVeterniary clinical camp organized FFP area.It is observed that the general health of the animals is improving after the treatment and the animal are free from the parasitesFarmerDharer Baijnath Distt. Kangra208 9/22/2022
49 CSKHPKVInteraction with the farmers on agriculture activities.Farmer scientist InterfaceFarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer1020 6/5/2022
50 CSKHPKVFarmer scientist interface.Interaction with the farmers ongoing agricultural activities.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer1020 10/6/2022
51 CSKHPKVone day off camp training programme Interaction with the farmers ongoing agricultural activities.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer1525 3/3/2023
52 CSKHPKVDr. Hirday Paul Singh Joint Director (IPR)Media visit at FFP selected area.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer2025 12/9/2022
53 CSKHPKVDr. Hirday Paul Singh Joint Director (IPR)Media Visit at Dharer.FarmerH.P Kangra , Dharer2030 12/9/2022
54 CSKHPKVvisit of Fasal Kranti Team at Dharer.visit of Fasal Kranti Team at Dharer.FarmerH.P kangra ,Dharer3040 6/16/2022
55 CSKHPKVCollection baseline data for survey reportcollected the baseline data for survey report in new cluster i.e Majherna and sagoor Panchayat.FarmerMajherna and sagoor (H.P, KANGRA )100200 4/3/2023
56 CSKHPKVvisit of officers of Parsar Bharti at new cluster (Majherna and sagoor panchayat)Visited FFP selected area and takes their views on going agricultural activities .FarmerMajherna and sagoor (H.P, KANGRA )3040 5/31/2023
57 CSKHPKVVC of CSKHPKV visit at old clusterhe Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, CSKHPKV, Palampur visited the FFP area to monitor the on going extension activities of the projectFarmerMajherna and sagoor (H.P, KANGRA )2040 6/14/2023
58 CSKHPKVVeterniary clinical camp organizedVeterniary clinical camp organized at Kandkosri.FarmerKANDKOSRI (HP KANGRA)39 6/21/2023
59 CSKHPKVFarmer scientist InterfaceThe farmers were educated to follow scientific method for raising healthy nursery of vegetable cropsFarmerKANDKOSRI (HP KANGRA)1020 7/20/2023
60 CSKHPKVFarmer scientist InterfaceInteraction with the farmers on agriculture activities.OthersKANDKOSRI (HP KANGRA)1530 8/16/2023
61 CSKHPKVField day at kandkosri.Field visit under National workshop of FFPFarmerKANDKOSRI (HP KANGRA)60110 11/30/2023
62 CSKHPKVOFF CAMP TRANING PROGRAMMEOff campus one day training programme on integrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerKhajura Basti Baijnath ( H.P Kangra)2030 2/28/2024
63 CSKHPKVOFF CAMP TRANING PROGRAMMEOff campus one day training programme on integrated agriculture in FFP areaFarmerPadhkar Baijnath (H.P Kangra)1040 2/29/2024
64 CSKHPKVOFF CAMP TRANING PROGRAMMEOff campus one day training programme on integrated agriculture in FFP area.FarmerChakol Bedu ( H.P Kangra)2525 3/4/2024
65 CSKHPKVOFF CAMP TRANING PROGRAMMEOff campus one day training programme on integrated agriculture in FFP areaFarmerSagoor ( H.P Kangra)2030 3/7/2024
66 CSKHPKVDD Kisan team visit at Sagoor DD Kisan team visit under FFPFarmer VPO Sagoor Block Baijnath3520 5/15/2024