Project Details

Project Title : Enhancing crop productivity and livelihood security through improved technological interventions in Jabalpur district of Madhya Pradesh

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur

Objectives :
1.   To conduct on-farm research trials and demonstrate improved technologies (herbicides and women friendly tools) in weed management in farmer participatory mode

2.   To demonstrate conservation agriculture practices of crop production

3.   To demonstrate technologies for utilization of weed biomass, bio-waste and crop residues for preparation of compost/vermi-compost

4.   To utilize bio-agents for management of invasive weeds like parthenium and water hyacinth

5.   To include horticultural crops in the farming system

6.   To bring about improvement in livestock population

7.   To conduct scientist-farmer interface meetings for creating awareness on modern weed management and other technologies demonstrated

8.   To conduct impact assessment of the disseminated technologies

Interventions :

1 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of improved varieties of greengram and blackgram and soing by happy seederDistribution of greengram, blackgram, fertilizer, herbicides and zero til sowing by happy seeder at Umariya Choubey and Barouda village100
2 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of hybrid varieties of riceDistribution of Rice, DAP, Urea, Zinksulphate and Herbicide at Umariya Choubey and Barouda village100
3 Agriculture ScienceImproved weed managementPost-emergence application of imazethapyr 100 g/ha in blackgram and greengram50
4 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of high yielding crop varietiesHigh yielding and YMV resistant blackgram ‘PU-31’ and greengram ‘Samrat’ were provided to farmers for cultivation during summer season in rice fallows. 50
5 Agriculture ScienceImproved weed management in riceIntroduction of new herbicides Bispyribac sodium and Bensulfuron + Pretilachlor in DSR120
6 Agriculture ScienceWheat cultivation under Conservation AgicultureZero till wheat sowing, weed management and residue management25
7 Agriculture ScienceNutrient and weed management Nutrient and weed management in Rice35
8 Agriculture ScienceImproved weed management in wheatNew herbicide molecules were introduced to the villages60
9 Agriculture ScienceImproved weed management in riceDistribution of bispyribac Na and metsulfuron- methyl + chlorimuron ethyl for rice growers100
10 Agriculture ScienceImproved weed management and zero-till cultivation of wheatWheat was cultivated under Conservation Agriculture by using happy seeder and new herbicide molecules were introduced to the villages50
11 Agriculture ScienceSummer greengram cultivation under Conservation AgricultureImproved zero-till cultivation techniques of summer short duration greengram in fallows20
12 Agriculture ScienceImproved weed managementIntroduction of new generation herbicides of Penoxsulam 1.02 % w/w + Cyhalofop butyl 5.1 % w/w OD (Vivaya) for rice.50
13 Agriculture Science Application of new generation herbicide (Sandesh)Application of new generation herbicide Clodinafop Propargyl 15% + Metsulfuron Methyl 1 % WP @ 160 g/ha for broad spectrum weed control 22/12/2020 to 23/12/2020100
14 Agriculture ScienceImproved weed management through new herbicideIntroduction of new generation herbicides of Penoxsulam 1.02 % w/w + Cyhalofop butyl 5.1 % w/w OD (Vivaya) for rice on dated 19-08-2021 and 21-08-202150
15 Agriculture ScienceApplication of new generation herbicide (Sandesh)Application of new generation herbicide Clodinafop Propargyl 15% + Metsulfuron Methyl 1 % WP @ 160 g/ha for broad spectrum weed control 22/12/2020 to 23/12/2020100
16 Agriculture ScienceApplication of new generation herbicide (Sandesh)Application of new generation herbicide Clodinafop Propargyl 15% + Metsulfuron Methyl 1 % WP @ 160 g/ha for broad spectrum weed control 27/12/2021 to 28/12/2021100
17 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of improved varieties of greengram (Virat)and blackgram(PU-31).Distribution of greengram, blackgram, herbicides at Barauda and Umariya Choubey village on dated 07-04-2022 and 08-04-2022.200
18 Agriculture ScienceImproved weed managementPost-emergence application of imazethapyr (Lagaam) in blackgram and greengram village Barauda 27-04-2022 and umariya choubey28-04-2022 200
19 Agriculture ScienceImprove weed managementIntroduction of new generation herbicides of Penoxsulam 1.02 % w/w + Cyhalofop butyl 5.1 % w/w OD (Vivaya) for rice at Barauda and umariya choubey on dated 10-08-2022100
20 Agriculture ScienceApplication of new generation herbicide (Sandesh)Application of new generation herbicide Clodinafop Propargyl 15% + Metsulfuron Methyl 1 % WP @ 160 g/ha for broad spectrum weed control 4/03/2023 100
21 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of improved varieties of greengram April 05-06, 2023Popularization of short duration greengram (Variety Virat) in fallow land after wheat harvest200
22 Agriculture ScienceImproved weed managementDistribution of Imazathapyr herbicide on dated 05 to 06 May 2023200
23 Agriculture ScienceImproved weed management in riceDistribution of new generation herbicide(Council active) Triafamone 20 % + Ethoxysulfuron 10 % WG @ 90 g/acre for broad spectrum weed control50
24 Agriculture ScienceApplication of Post-emergent, Broad specturm Selective Herbicide(Vesta).Application of new generation herbicide Clodinafop Propargyl 15% + Metsulfuron Methyl 1 % WP @ 160 g/ha for broad spectrum weed control on dated 12/02/202450
25 Agriculture ScienceImproved weed managementNew generation Broad spectrum weed control with Pyrazosulfuron ethyl 10% WP and distribution of the herbicide 20
26 Animal ScienceSuppliment of cattle mineral mixture Cattle mineral mixture was distribted in Umariya Choubey and Barouda village on 10.08.2018 and 07.09.201850
27 Animal ScienceIntroduction of cattle mineral mixtureDistribution of animal mineral mixture to improve animal health and milk production50
28 Animal ScienceSuppliment of cattle mineral mixtureCattle mineral mixture was distribted in Umariya Choubey and Barouda village50
29 Animal ScienceIntroduction of “Narmada Nidhi” pullets for egg productionNarmada Nidhi pullets were introduced and distributed to farmers20
30 Animal ScienceIntroduction of cattle mineral mixtureDistribution of animal mineral mixture to improve animal health and milk production50
31 Animal ScienceSuppliment of cattle mineral mixture improving animal health and milk productionCattle mineral mixture was distribted in Umariya Choubey and Barouda village on 02.09.2021 and 06.09.202150
32 Animal ScienceIntroduction of “Jamuna Pari” breed of goat Jamuna Pari goat breed were introduced and one unit (10+1) distributed to farmers on dated 25-02-202210
33 Animal ScienceIntroduction of “Kadaknath” pullets for egg production"Kadaknath" pullets were introduced and distributed to farmers10
34 Animal ScienceIntroduction of cattle mineral mixtureDistribution of animal mineral mixture to improve animal health and milk production50
35 Enterprise BasedMushroom production technologyIntroduction of mushroom cultivation among landless families including women20
36 Enterprise BasedMushroom production technologyTraining on preparation of mushroom products15
37 Enterprise BasedIntroduction of mushroom cultivationIntroduction of mushroom cultivation among landless families including women 27/12/20202
38 Horticulture ScienceFruit saplings for the farmersFruit saplings of gauva, amla, papaya, lemon and pomegranate (total 5 saplings) were distributed to the farmers25
39 Horticulture ScienceBackyard fruit cultivationIntroduction of improved fruit var. of backyard fruit saplings viz., mango, guava, papaya & amla100
40 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of Sweet corn cropDemonstration of sweet corn cultivation during kharif season1
41 Horticulture ScienceKitchen gardeningDistribution of ICAR-IIHR vegetable kits for kitchen garden40
42 Horticulture ScienceUtilization of weeds as alternative economic resourceIntroduction of Rasbhari (Physalis peruviana) cultivation on field bunds30
43 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of Moringa cultivationIntroduction of Moringa High yielding Varieties PKM-146
44 Horticulture Science Distribution of IIHR vegetable-Kit to 30 farmers benefited dated January,12 2023 Farmers scientist Interface on Effective vegetable cultivation 30
45 Horticulture ScienceKitchen gardeningDistribution of ICAR-IIVR(Varanasi) vegetable kits for kitchen garden40
46 Natural Resource ManagementMushroom production technologyTraining on mushroom production technology at household level was given to the farmers in Umariya Choubey village on 13 and 14 of November, 201820
47 Natural Resource ManagementBamboo cultivationBamboo saplings distribution to the farmers for cultivation14
48 Natural Resource Managementresidue managementSowing of wheat by happy seeder20
49 Natural Resource ManagementFish farmingRelesase of fish finger lings (rohu variety) at Umariya Choubey village5
50 Natural Resource ManagementResidue managementZT sowing of greengram & wheat67
51 Natural Resource ManagementVermi compost productionInstallation of Vermi pits28
52 Natural Resource ManagementEnhancing farmers operational efficiency and reduced operational drudgeryIntroduction of storage bins, solar powered sprayers, wheel hoes. 100
53 Natural Resource ManagementManagement of PartheniumParthenium management through release of bioagent Zygogramma bicolorata, biological control using Cassia tora and spray of 2,4-D and glyphosate on the road side and community land after rains.0
54 Natural Resource ManagementCrop residue managementIntroduction of Happy seeder for sowing of crops and residue management. Estimation of greenhouse gas emission, carbon footprint and energy auditing of wheat, greengram and blackgram cultivation under zero tillage150
55 Natural Resource ManagementImproved spraying techniquesIntroduction of engine operated power sprayers170
56 Natural Resource ManagementManagement of PartheniumParthenium management through Cassia tora plants and Mexican beetle0
57 Natural Resource ManagementMushroom production technologyTraining on mushroom production technology at household level was given to the farmers in Umariya Choubey village on 22 January, 202220
58 Natural Resource ManagementManagement of PartheniumParthenium management through release of bioagent Zygogramma bicolorata, biological control using Cassia tora and spray of 2,4-D and glyphosate on the road side and community land after rains.0
59 Natural Resource ManagementVermi compost productionInstallation of Vermi pits10
60 Natural Resource ManagementDistribution of Earthworms for Vermi compost production.To demonstrate technologies for utilization of weed biomass, bio-waste and crop residues for preparation of compost/vermi-compost 9
Events :

1 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchFarmers - scientists interaction MeetingInteraction with the farmes regarding crop cultivation in thier locality and their needs for next cropping seasonFarmerBaroda, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh4065 3/23/2017
2 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchSeed treatment, residue management and introduction of improved varieties of blackgram and greengram cropsImrpove the crop the yield and livelihood upliftment of the farmersFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey 400 4/1/2017
3 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchGazar Ghash Jagrukta Saptah and distribution of Maxican beetleTo educate the farmers and villagers about the parthenium plants and encouragingh themto remove.General UsersMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda12550 8/16/2017
4 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on mushroom cultivationTo improve the nutritional intake of the farmers as well as increasing the family economic sources.FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda1525 2/9/2018
5 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on spraying techniquesTrain the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operationalsafetyFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey 10021 8/4/2017
6 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on soil health managementTrainingthe farmers to improve the soil health. So that, crop yield can be increasedFarmerICAR-DWR, Jabalpur300 12/5/2017
7 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchFarmers - Scientist meeting cum discussion on animal husbandaryTo know about problems faced by the faremrs in animal husbandary mainly for milching animalsFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey 4020 10/4/2018
8 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchParthenium awairness weakCreating awareness among the farmers about Parthenium weedFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Umariya Choubey10055 12/8/2018
9 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on effective herbicide application system, advanced machineriesImparting training on effective herbicide application system, advanced machineries etc to the different stake holders to reduce operational drudgery and improve operational efficiency.FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Umariya Choubey & Baroda2000 9/4/2019
10 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchFive days training on “Mushroom se vibhinn utpad taiyar karne ki takniki” to the women farmers under FFP programmeEncourage the farm women to adopt mushroom production technologies.Farm WomenUmariya Choubey & Baroda114 3/17/2020
11 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchParthenium Awareness WeekControlling of the infestation of Parthenium through different modes.General UsersUmariya Choubey & baroda15050 8/16/2019
12 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchExposure visit of farmersExposure visit of farmers to Kisan mela - Machinery mela to educate the farmers on different farm machineries used in crop cultivationFarmerCIAE, JNKVV, Jabalpur3020 2/14/2020
13 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on poultry rearing, scientific rearing of cattle and nutritional supplementation to milch animalsEducating the farmers about animal husbandryFarmerBaroda20050 1/31/2020
14 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchField dayDiscus about the crop cultivation under conservation agriculture and effective weed managementFarmerBaroda600 3/20/2019
15 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchKrashko ka Prekshetr Bhraman”Exposure visit of the farmers to ICAR-DWR research farms.Farmer ICAR-DWR, Jabalpur155 3/27/2019
16 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on spraying techniquesTrain the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operationalsafetyFarmerMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur,Baroda500 8/18/2020
17 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on scientific rearing of cattle and nutritional supplementation to milch animalsTo know about problems faced by the faremrs in animal husbandary mainly for milching animalsFarmerMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur,Baroda and Umariya Choubey500 9/5/2020
18 ICAR - Directorate of Weed Research Application of new generation herbicide (Sandesh)Train the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operationalsafetyFarmerMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur,Baroda and Umariya Choubey1000 12/22/2020
19 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on scientific rearing of cattle and nutritional supplementation to milch animalsImproved milk production and animal healthFarmerMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur,Baroda and Umariya Choubey500 9/5/2020
20 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchIntroduction of Moringa cultivation (PKM-1)Increasing farmers income through Moringa CultivationFarmerMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur,Baroda and Umariya Choubey450 8/21/2020
21 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchIntroduction of mushroom cultivation among landless farmersTo improve the nutritional intake of the farmers as well as increasing the family economic sources.Unemployed YouthMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur, Umariya Choubey11 11/27/2020
22 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchIntroduced new short duration Moong variety Virat and Nutrient management through DAP Increasing farmers income through new short duration Moong variety Virat and Nutrient management through DAP FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey982 4/6/2021
23 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchField Visit of women Farmers.Field visit of women Farmers on 8 March 2021 on the occasion of Women’s DayFarm WomenMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey327 3/8/2021
24 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on spraying techniquesTrain the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operationalsafetyFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda241 8/19/2021
25 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on spraying techniquesTrain the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operationalsafetyFarmerMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur, Umariya Choubey250 8/21/2021
26 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on scientific rearing of cattle and nutritional supplementation to milch animalsImproved milk production and animal healthFarmerMadhya Pradesh,Jabalpur, Umariya Choubey205 9/2/2021
27 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on scientific rearing of cattle and nutritional supplementation to milch animalsImproved milk production and animal healthFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda241 9/6/2021
28 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInteraction with women farmers and exposure visit to research farm during Poshan Vatika mahabhiyan and plantation program on 17-09-2021Educating the farmers about millet weed managment Farm WomenMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey015 9/17/2021
29 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchFarmer scientist Interface meeting “Climate resilient agriculture technology held on 28-09-2021Discus about the crop cultivation under Climate resilient agriculture technologyFarmerMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey410 9/28/2021
30 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchField Visit of Farmers.Training the farmers to improve the soil health through vermi composting. So that, crop yield can be increasedFarm WomenMadhya Pradesh, Jabalpur, Baroda and Umariya Choubey1911 12/5/2021
31 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on spraying techniquesTrain the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operational safetyFarmerBarauda ,Panagar,Jabalpur (M.P.)220 5/7/2022
32 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on spraying techniquesTrain the farmers about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operational safetyFarmerUmariya choubey, Panagar,Jabalpur (M.P.)250 5/9/2022
33 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchIntroduced new short duration Greengram variety Virat and Blackgram variety PU-31Increasing farmers income through new short duration Moong variety Virat and blackgram variety PU-31FarmerBarauda ,Panagar,Jabalpur (M.P.)973 4/7/2022
34 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchIntroduced new short duration Greengram variety Virat and Blackgram variety PU-31Increasing farmers income through new short duration Moong variety Virat and blackgram variety PU-31FarmerUmariya choubey, Panagar,Jabalpur (M.P.)981 4/8/2022
35 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchGazar Ghash Jagrukta Saptah and distribution of Maxican beetleTo educate the farmers and villagers about the parthenium plants and encouraging them to remove.FarmerBhidarikala Barauda, Panagar, Jabalpur 1191 8/22/2022
36 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining on repair, maintenance of agricultural sprayers & mechanical weeders and weed management in different crops at field sites of the villages adopted under Farmer FIRST Programme. Train the farmers about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operationalsafetyFarmerBarauda, Umariya Choubey and DWR,Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 1492 9/1/2022
37 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchP.M Kisan Samman Sammalan October 17,2022 Fund Release in P.M. Kisan Samman Nidi.FarmerBarauda and Umariya Choubey ,Panagar, Jabalpur248 10/17/2022
38 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchVishesh swachata abhiyan To make farmers aware of cleanlinessFarmerBarauda and Umariya Choubey ,Panagar, Jabalpur182 10/19/2022
39 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchVigilance awareness weekCorruption eradicationFarmerBarauda and Umariya Choubey ,Panagar, Jabalpur202 11/3/2022
40 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchField Day Feedback and performance of Ganga Hybrid and Vivaya Harbicide on Rice crop. FarmerBarauda ,Panagar, Jabalpur450 11/10/2022
41 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining Programme on “Common diseases of milch animals and their management” under FFPTo know about problems faced by the faremrs in animal husbandary mainly for milching animalsFarmerBarauda and Umariya Choubey ,Panagar, Jabalpur3614 12/7/2022
42 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchProduction technologies for effective vegetable cultivation Sensitization of adopted farmers above the nutritional value of vegetable and empowerment on vegetable cultivation through nutritional garden .side by side distribution on Arka vegetable seed of ICAR-IIHR.FarmerBarauda and Umariya Choubey ,Panagar, Jabalpur300 1/12/2023
43 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchApplication ofnano urea spray through droneFarmers scientist Interface on nano urea spray through drone under Farmer FIRST ProgrammeFarmerBarauda and Umariya Choubey ,Panagar, Jabalpur1220 1/27/2023
44 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchDistribution and farmer scientist Interface of new generation herbicide Clodinafop Propargyl 15% + Metsulfuron Methyl 1 % WP @ 160 g/ha for broad spectrum weed control to 100 farmers benefited on dated 4 January 2023Train the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operationalsafetyFarmerBarauda and Umariya Choubey ,Panagar, Jabalpur1000 1/4/2023
45 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchInteraction with farmers of new generation herbicide (Council active) Triafamone 20 % + Ethoxysulfuron 10 % WG @ 90 g/acre.Train the farmes about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operational safetyFarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur500 7/28/2023
46 ICAR - Directorate of Weed Research3 Days Training Programme on weed management in field crops to the farmers adopted under Farmer FIRST Programme'Train the farmers about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operational safetyFarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur and Barauda ,Panagar, Jabalpur1250 8/7/2023
47 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchParthenium Awareness Campaign in selected village Under Farmer First ProgramControlling of the infestation of Parthenium through different modes.FarmerBarauda, Panagar, Jabalpur600 8/21/2023
48 ICAR - Directorate of Weed Researchntroduced new short duration Greengram variety Virat .Increasing farmers income through new short duration greengram variety Virat FarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur1500 4/5/2023
49 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchIntroduced new herbicide Imazethapyr 10 slTrain the fermers about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operational safetyFarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur1500 5/5/2023
50 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchIntroduction of Apple Ber and Custard Apple Plants under Farmer FIRST Program Sensitization of adopted farmers above the nutritional value of vegetable and empowerment on Fruit cultivation through nutritional garden FarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur400 10/10/2023
51 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchSpecial Swachhta Campaign-3.0 To make farmers aware of cleanlinessFarmerBarauda, Panagar, Jabalpur400 10/26/2023
52 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchDistribution of Apple Ber and Custard Apple Plants under Farmer FIRST Program Sensitization of adopted farmers above the nutritional value of vegetable and empowerment on fruit cultivation through nutritional garden .FarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur400 10/10/2023
53 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchDistribution and farmer scientist Interface of new generation herbicide Clodinafop Propargyl 15% + Metsulfuron Methyl 1 % WP @ 160 g/ha for broad spectrum weed control to 100 farmers benefited on dated 12 January 2024Train the framers about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operational safety.FarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur500 1/12/2024
54 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchProduction technologies for effective vegetable cultivationSensitization of adopted farmers above the nutritional value of vegetable and empowerment on vegetable cultivation through nutritional garden FarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur400 2/7/2024
55 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchDistribution of EarthwormsTo demonstrate technologies for utilization of weed biomass, bio-waste and crop residues for preparation of compost/vermi-compost FarmerBarauda ,Panager90 2/19/2024
56 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining-cum-workshop and exposure visit on protection of plant varieties and farmers’ rights Exposure visit of farmers to educate the farmers on different farmers’ rights used .FarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur2820 2/21/2024
57 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchTraining-cum-workshop and exposure visit on protection of plant varieties and farmers’ rights and weed management in conservation agriculture (CA) held on 21.02.2024.Exposure visit of farmers to educate the farmers on different farmers’ rights used .FarmerICAR-DWR,Jabalpur2820 2/21/2024
58 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchFarmers scientist interface meeting on application of new generation Broad spectrum weed control with Pyrazosulfuron ethyl 10% WP and distribution of the herbicide at Khukkham and Ranipur villageTrain the framers about proper spraying techniques and educate them about the operational safety.FarmerKhukkham and Ranipur ,Kundam,Jabalpur500 7/29/2024
59 ICAR - Directorate of Weed ResearchParthenium Awareness Campaign in selected village Under Farmer First ProgramControlling of the infestation of Parthenium through different modes.FarmerKhukkham and Ranipur ,Kundam,Jabalpur4010 8/22/2024