Project Details

Project Title : Integrated Approaches for Livestock Development: Farmer’s Context

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : GADVASU, Ludhiana

Objectives :
1.   To assess the knowledge and adoption of farm families regarding scientific livestock farming practices

2.   To identify the training needs and constraints as experienced by the farm families in adoption of recommended scientific livestock farming practices

3.   To provide appropriate technological interventions for integrated livestock development

4.   To measure the impact of technological interventions amongst the farm families

Interventions :

1 Agriculture ScienceHigh yielding variety of maize fodder seeds/germplasm (2019-20)Maize fodder seeds (J1006 of PAU) were provided to the farmers for sowing which has a high yield28
2 Agriculture ScienceFodder Conservation(Pit silage) (2019-20)Farmers were introduced to the high yielding variety of fodder crops (J1006) and to cope up with fodder scarcity during the offseason were trained in silage making (Pit silage and Bag silage)15
3 Agriculture ScienceHigh yielding variety of fodder (Napier Bajra PBN-233) (2019-20)Farmers were provided with the seeds of the high yielding variety of Napier bajra PBN-233 as it has a low cost of production27
4 Agriculture ScienceFamily nutrition gardening (2019-20)Farmers were provided with the seasonal vegetable seed kits to support family nutritional requirements and generating extra income from the sale of vegetables287
5 Agriculture ScienceLow Poly Tunnel vegetable technology (2019-20)Farmers were provided with training and critical inputs such as sweet pepper (Hybrid Indra seeds), Cucumber seeds (Nazia variety) and mulch sheet, pipes/rods, polythene sheets, etc. for the cultivation of vegetables during the lean period to get high income from the early market through the sale of vegetables8
6 Agriculture ScienceHigh yielding variety of fodder (Napier Bajra PBN-233) (2018-19)Farmers were provided with the seeds of the high yielding variety of Napier bajra PBN-233 as it has a low cost of production176
7 Agriculture ScienceHigh yielding variety of maize fodder seeds/germplasm (2018-19)Maize fodder seeds (J1006 of PAU) were provided to the farmers for sowing which has a high yield180
8 Agriculture ScienceFodder Conservation(Pit silage) (2018-19)Farmers were introduced to the high yielding variety of fodder crops (J1006) and to cope up with fodder scarcity during the offseason were trained in silage making (Bag silage)281
9 Agriculture ScienceFamily nutrition gardening (2018-19) Farmers were provided with the seasonal vegetable seed kits to support family nutritional requirements and generating extra income from the sale of vegetables226
10 Agriculture ScienceLow Poly Tunnel vegetable technology (2018-19) Farmers were provided with training and critical inputs such as sweet pepper (Hybrid Indra seeds), Cucumber seeds (Nazia variety) and mulch sheet, pipes/rods, polythene sheets, etc. for the cultivation of vegetables during the lean period to get high income from the early market through the sale of vegetables22
11 Agriculture ScienceHigh yielding variety of maize fodder seeds/germplasm (2016-17) Maize fodder seeds (J1006 of PAU) were provided to the farmers for sowing which has a high yield82
12 Agriculture ScienceFamily nutrition gardening (2016-17) Farmers were provided with the seasonal vegetable seed kits to support family nutritional requirements and generating extra income from the sale of vegetables323
13 Agriculture ScienceHigh yielding variety of maize fodder seeds/germplasm (2017-18) Maize fodder seeds (J1006 of PAU) were provided to the farmers for sowing which has a high yield236
14 Agriculture ScienceHigh yielding variety of fodder (Napier Bajra PBN-233) (2017-18) Farmers were provided with the seeds of the high yielding variety of Napier bajra PBN-233 as it has a low cost of production126
15 Agriculture ScienceFodder Conservation(Bag silage) (2017-18) Farmers were introduced to the high yielding variety of fodder crops (J1006) and to cope up with fodder scarcity during the offseason were trained in silage making (Bag silage)107
16 Agriculture ScienceFamily nutrition gardening (2017-18) Farmers were provided with the seasonal vegetable seed kits to support family nutritional requirements and generating extra income from the sale of vegetables218
17 Agriculture ScienceMaize Fodder Seed (J 1006) (2020-21)This variety of maize fodder crop of PAU of more height and growth. 40
18 Agriculture ScienceNapier Bajra Hybrid (PBN 233) (2020-21)This fodder have advantage of multiple cuttings.42
19 Agriculture ScienceSilage bag (Fodder Conservation) (2020-21)Silage bag is made up of a strong polythene sheet and this bag is being used to make the silage for the animals. The silage can also replace the fodder requirement and can also be given in the days of fodder scarcity. In the operational area the silage bag of 5 quantal capacity is being used.101
20 Agriculture ScienceFamily nutrition Gardening (Vegetable Kit) (2020-21)The vegetable kit contains seeds for summer vegetables and separately for winter vegetables so a farmer can grow vegetables for their utilization in summer and in winter. 430
21 Agriculture ScienceLow Poly tunnel Vegetable technology (2020-21)It is a technology used for off-season cultivation of vegetable crops. This technology enhance vegetative growth and increased water and nutrients use efficiency. Cultivation of vegetables in viz cuccumber (nazia) and sweet paper (hybrid India )in early winter. 5
22 Agriculture ScienceMedicinal plant cultivation (2020-21) Herbs like giloye, vasa and lemon grass with great medicinal properties like pain relieving for rheumatic pains, immunity building , prevention of cough, asthma.80
23 Agriculture ScienceFarmers Interest group (2020-21)Women Farmers Group not active in the operational area on value addition of milk.73
24 Agriculture ScienceMaize Fodder Seed (J 1006) (2021-22)This variety of maize fodder crop of PAU of more height and growth. 40
25 Agriculture ScienceNapier Bajra Hybrid (PBN 233) (2021-22)This fodder have advantage of multiple cuttings.55
26 Agriculture ScienceSilage bags (Fodder conservation) (2021-22)Silage bag is made up of a strong polythene sheet and this bag is being used to make the silage for the animals. The silage can also replace the fodder requirement and can also be given in the days of fodder scarcity. 98
27 Agriculture ScienceFamily nutrition Gardening (Vegetable Kit) (2021-22) The vegetable kit contains seeds for summer vegetables and separately for winter vegetables so a farmer can grow vegetables for their utilization in summer and in winter. 0
28 Agriculture ScienceMedicinal plant cultivation (2021-22)Herbs like giloy, vasa and lemon grass with great medicinal properties like pain relieving for rheumatic pains, immunity building , prevention of cough, asthma.0
29 Agriculture ScienceSilage bags(Fodder conservation) (2022-23)Silage bag is made up of a strong polythene sheet and this bag is being used to make the silage for the animals. The silage can also replace the fodder requirement and can also be given in the days of fodder scarcity.30
30 Agriculture ScienceVegetable kitchen Gardening (Vegetable Kit) (2022-23)The vegetable kit contains seeds for summer vegetables and separately for winter vegetables so a farmer can grow vegetables for their utilization in summer and in winter.70
31 Agriculture ScienceFruit nutritional gardening (2022-23)Fruit plants of Amla, Ber, Kinnow and Lemon were distributed (10 fruit plants per farmer) so that the farmer can grow its own fruits and ensure nutritional security of their families.20
32 Agriculture ScienceCrop residue management (paddy) (2022-23)Excess crop residue create nuisance when farmers burnt the 13 residue posing serious threats to the soil as well as environment25
33 Agriculture ScienceMushroom cultivation (2022-23)Mushroom cultivation can enhance the income status of farmers as it requires very less efforts in its cultivation and has great deal of nutritional aspects in it.50
34 Animal ScienceEctoparasite (Tick) control (2019-20)Acaricide was applied to the animal body to get rid of ectoparasites.234
35 Animal ScienceEndoparasite control (Deworming) (2019-20)Blanket deworming of the animals was done as it is essential to make the animals to fully utilize the provided nutrients.306
36 Animal ScienceMastitis control protocol (2019-20)After giving demonstration and training, BTB papers, SLS pedal, and teat dipping solution were be distributed among beneficiary farmers for the timely diagnosis of sub-clinical mastitis in milch animals571
37 Animal ScienceOral magnet feeding (2019-20)Ruminal magnet installation is done in dairy animals orally for prevention of traumatic pericarditis and diaphragmatic hernia18
38 Animal ScienceBio security and Hoof management (2019-20)Foot baths were constructed at the farmer's dairy farm to support the purpose of hoof management and biosecurity80
39 Animal ScienceTargeted infertility treatment (2019-20)Hormones, antibiotics, multivitamins and multimineral were administered to the dairy animals through parenteral and oral route for the treatment of repeat breeding, anoestrous, cystic ovaries, and other reproductive tract infections60
40 Animal ScienceFirst Aid/Emergency management kit (2019-20)Awareness and training was provided to the farmers for provision of first aid and wound management in the animals136
41 Animal ScienceFeed supplementation with mineral mixture (2019-20)Farmers were made aware of the importance of mineral mixture in the animal diet in overcoming the nutrient deficiencies and were advised to use it regularly in animal feed353
42 Animal ScienceBypass fat feeding (2019-20)Feeding of bypass fat in the dairy animals in first quarter of lactation was done to cope up with negative energy balance394
43 Animal ScienceYeast supplementation of feed (2019-20)Yeast culture powder was distributed amongst the farmers to be fed to animals @10gm/animal/day to enhance fiber digestibility especially in summer with a focus to reduce summer stress, low feed intake, and low milk yield in milch animals250
44 Animal ScienceBalanced feed formulation (2019-20)Farmers were provided training to prepare balanced feed at their own farm with farm resource and inputs296
45 Animal ScienceAnimal health camps (2019-20)Treatment of Medicine, Surgery and Gynaecological disorders at the operational site350
46 Animal ScienceCalf care (2019-20)Calf care day was organized in which farmers were given training in care and management of newborn calves89
47 Animal ScienceGoat welfare (2019-20)Farmers were introduced with the scientific goat farming practices18
48 Animal ScienceFodder Conservation(Bag silage) (2019-20)Farmers were introduced to the high yielding variety of fodder crops (J1006) and to cope up with fodder scarcity during the offseason were trained in silage making (Bag silage)162
49 Animal ScienceFly end tape (2018-19)Fly end tape was distributed among farmers. The tape is environment friendly and helps in trapping disease-causing mosquitoes157
50 Animal ScienceEctoparasite (Tick) control (2018-19)Acaricide was applied to the animal body to get rid of ectoparasites.164
51 Animal ScienceMastitis control protocol (2018-19)After giving demonstration and training, BTB papers, SLS pedal, and teat dipping solution were be distributed among beneficiary farmers for the timely diagnosis of sub-clinical mastitis in milch animals94
52 Animal ScienceEndoparasite control (Deworming) (2018-19)Blanket deworming of the animals was done as it is essential to make the animals to fully utilize the provided nutrients.157
53 Animal ScienceOral magnet feeding (2018-19)Ruminal magnet installation is done in dairy animals orally for prevention of traumatic pericarditis and diaphragmatic hernia117
54 Animal ScienceTargeted infertility treatment (2018-19)Hormones, antibiotics, multivitamins and multimineral were administered to the dairy animals through parenteral and oral route for the treatment of repeat breeding, anoestrous, cystic ovaries, and other reproductive tract infections73
55 Animal ScienceAnimal health camps (2018-19)Treatment of Medicine, Surgery and Gynaecological disorders at the operational site182
56 Animal ScienceCalf care (2018-19)Calf care day was organized in which farmers were given training in care and management of newborn calves236
57 Animal ScienceGoat welfare(2018-19)Farmers were introduced with the scientific goat farming practices15
58 Animal ScienceFirst Aid/Emergency management kit (2018-19)Awareness and training was provided to the farmers for the provision of first aid and wound management in the animals369
59 Animal ScienceEmergency support to livestock (2018-19)A team of doctors was prepared to respond quickly to any disease outbreak or mishappening such as fire outbreak incidents.2
60 Animal ScienceYeast supplementation of feed (2018-19)Yeast culture powder was distributed amongst the farmers to be fed to animals @10gm/animal/day to enhance fiber digestibility especially in summer with a focus to reduce summer stress, low feed intake, and low milk yield in milch animals150
61 Animal ScienceFeed supplementation with the mineral mixture and Uromin lick (2018-19)Farmers were made aware of the importance of mineral mixture in the animal diet in overcoming the nutrient deficiencies and were advised to use it regularly in animal feed427
62 Animal ScienceBypass fat feeding (2018-19)Feeding of bypass fat in the dairy animals in the first quarter of lactation was done to cope up with negative energy balance504
63 Animal ScienceBalanced feed formulation (2018-19)Farmers were provided training to prepare balanced feed at their own farm with farm resource and inputs209
64 Animal ScienceFeed supplementation with the mineral mixture (2016-17) Farmers were made aware of the importance of mineral mixture in the animal diet in overcoming the nutrient deficiencies and were advised to use it regularly in animal feed150
65 Animal ScienceUromin lick (2016-17)Uromin bricks were distributed among the farmers. These bricks meet the energy protein requirement and to some extent minerals to maintain the production level150
66 Animal ScienceAnimal health camps (2016-17) Treatment of Medicine, Surgery and Gynaecological disorders at the operational site195
67 Animal ScienceWomen farmers sanitization programme on dairy farming (2016-17)Women farmers were given training on the sanitization of the dairy farms to maintain proper hygiene40
68 Animal ScienceValue addition of milk (2018-19)Farmer interest group were formed in which women were trained and introduced to value addition of milk as well as milk byproducts105
69 Animal ScienceFeed supplementation with the mineral mixture (2017-18) Farmers were made aware of the importance of mineral mixture in the animal diet in overcoming the nutrient deficiencies and were advised to use it regularly in animal feed383
70 Animal ScienceUromin lick (2017-18) Uromin bricks were distributed among the farmers. These bricks meet the energy protein requirement and to some extent minerals to maintain the production level383
71 Animal ScienceBypass fat feeding (2017-18) Feeding of bypass fat in the dairy animals in the first quarter of lactation was done to cope up with negative energy balance383
72 Animal ScienceEndoparasite control (Deworming) (2017-18) Blanket deworming of the animals was done as it is essential to make the animals to fully utilize the provided nutrients.363
73 Animal ScienceFly end tape (2017-18) Fly end tape was distributed among farmers. The tape is environment friendly and helps in trapping disease-causing mosquitoes286
74 Animal ScienceMastitis control protocol (2017-18) After giving demonstration and training, BTB papers, SLS pedal, and teat dipping solution were be distributed among beneficiary farmers for the timely diagnosis of sub-clinical mastitis in milch animals94
75 Animal ScienceOral magnet feeding (2017-18) Ruminal magnet installation is done in dairy animals orally for prevention of traumatic pericarditis and diaphragmatic hernia26
76 Animal ScienceAnimal health camps (2017-18) Treatment of Medicine, Surgery and Gynaecological disorders at the operational site302
77 Animal ScienceValue addition of milk (2017-18) Farmer interest group were formed in which women were trained and introduced to value addition of milk as well as milk byproducts62
78 Animal ScienceMineral mixture feeding (2020-21)Mineral Mixture is pulverized mixture of macro and micro minerals. The deficiency of these minerals leads to reduction in milk yields as these minerals are essential to maintain the milk production and reproduction in animals. It has to be supplemental externally at the rate of 50-60 gm per animal.380
79 Animal ScienceBypass fat (2020-21)It is a blend of mixture of calcium salts and rice bran oil. It is passes the rumen and directly absorbed in the intestine. It is a ready source of energy and especially very essential during negative energy balance in the first quarter of lactation. It is provided at the rate of 80-100 gm per animal.210
80 Animal ScienceBalanced feed formulation (2020-21)The provision of providing balanced feed to the animals is very essential to maintain the production, reproduction and health status of the animals. The farmers were given training to prepare the balanced feed at their own.328
81 Animal ScienceEndoparasite Control (2020-21)The endo-parasites are present in the digestive system of the animal and consume the nutrients from within the animals and thus results in depletion of nutrients to be used to maintain its health and resulting in weakness and thus low production. A blanket deworming of the animals is essential to make the animals to fully utilize the nutrients provided. The fenbandazole tablets of 3gm each per animal was given for this purpose to be repeated after 2-3 weeks.280
82 Animal ScienceEctoparasite control (2020-21)They are ectoparasite of cattle, buffaloes, goat, sheep, pig etc. They not only create nuisance for animal by sucking blood but also transmit many diseases to a healthy animals. As a result health & production performance of the animal is compromised. Amitraz (FREE TICK) liquid is broad spectrum insecticide and acaricide used for control of animal ectoparasites such as lice, mite and ticks. The diluted amitraz solution is applied topically on the animal body with the help of clean cloth. The amitraz is toxic to the animal also so its licking by the animal must be prevented. The farmers were also advised to keep amitraz solution out of reach of children and should use personal protective measures (gloves).280
83 Animal ScienceMastitis Control (2020-21)Mastitis is one of the major diseases that affect the udder of animal and results in loss of milk production by the animals. However the early detection of this condition can prevent this disease and the loss in the milk yield can be reduced to a great extent. With the help of SLS pedal kit this condition can be diagnosed at the earlier stages for its effective treatment to normalize the animal for milk production.320
84 Animal ScienceAflatoxin detection in milk (2020-21)Aflatoxins detection in the milk is conducted in order to create awareness among farmers for its detection in milk.20
85 Animal ScienceFirst aid Management (2020-21)It is an immediate assistance & handy tool available to farmer for animals in emergency conditions to minimize the loss to the life of animals. The first aid kit comprises of bandage, cotton, antiseptic solution, disposable gloves, antibiotic cream etc.210
86 Animal ScienceBiosecurity and hoof management (2020-21)Preparation of Ten Foot bath of size 8’x8’x0.5 Foot bath is filled with Potassium permagnate and Copper Sulphate solution. 80
87 Animal ScienceTrainings (2020-21)The trainings were done to make the farmers aware about the various interventions and new livestock management and feeding technologies.598
88 Animal ScienceExposure Visit (2020-21)Farmers in the operation area were not aware about these technologies.12
89 Animal ScienceMineral Mixture (2021-22)Mineral Mixture is mixture of macro and micro minerals. The deficiency of these minerals leads to reduction in milk yields as these minerals are essential to maintain the milk production and reproduction in animals. 340
90 Animal ScienceBio pro fat (2021-22)It is a blend of mixture of fat and protein. It is passes the rumen and directly absorbed in the intestine. It is a ready source of energy and protein to animals. It is provided at the rate of 50-80 gm per animal per day.140
91 Animal ScienceUromin lick (2021-22)Uromin Lick: It is a brick meant for licking by the animals. It is a combination of molasses, urea, mustard cake and minerals. It meets the energy protein requirements and to some extent of minerals to maintain the production level. One brick is about 3kg and is placed in the manger to be licked by the animal.300
92 Animal ScienceBalanced feed formulation (2021-22)The provision of providing balanced feed to the animals is very essential to maintain the production, reproduction and health status of the animals. The farmers were given training to prepare the balanced feed at their own. 460
93 Animal ScienceEndoparasite Control (2021-22)The endo-parasites are present in the digestive system of the animal and consume the nutrients from within the animal which results in depletion of nutrients from animals and make animals weak. 256
94 Animal ScienceEctoparasite control (2021-22)Ectoparasites create nuisance for animal by sucking blood and transmiting many diseases to a healthy animals.238
95 Animal ScienceMastitis Control (2021-22)Mastitis is one of the major diseases that affect the udder of animal and results in loss of milk production by the animals. However the early detection of this condition can prevent this disease and the loss in the milk yield can be reduced to a great extent. With the help of SLS pedal kit this condition can be diagnosed at the earlier stages for its effective treatment to normalize the animal for milk production.330
96 Animal ScienceFirst aid Management (2021-22)It is an immediate assistance available to farmer for animals in emergency conditions to minimize the loss to the life of animals. The first aid kit comprises of bandage, cotton, antiseptic solution, disposable gloves, antibiotic cream etc.210
97 Animal ScienceBiosecurity and hoof management (2021-22)Footbath-Foot bath is filled with Potassium permanganate and Copper Sulphate solution at the entry points of dairy farms. 84
98 Animal ScienceGoat welfare camp (2021-22) The farmers were provided with oral medication effective against major ectoparasite and endoparasites of goats. The liver tonics and multivitamins were also given which helped in attaining early body weight and puberty . The animals were critically examined clinically in goat welfare camp for unnatural behavior, body temperature, feed intake and any abnormal discharge for natural openings.103
99 Animal ScienceInfertility camp (2021-22)Infertility in animal mean inability of animal to reproduce, conceive & calving. This lead to production loss in one hand & over expenses on animals feeding & management on the other hand. Targeted infertility treatment helped in improving reproductive status of the dairy animal.92
100 Animal ScienceTrainings (2021-22)The trainings were done to make the farmers aware about the various interventions and new livestock management and feeding technologies.201
101 Animal ScienceExposure Visit (2021-22) Farmers in the operational area were not much aware about these technologies.125
102 Animal ScienceFarmers Interest group (2021-22)Women Farmers Group were not active in the operational area on value addition of milk.62
103 Animal ScienceSilage bags (Fodder conservation) (2021-22)Silage bag is made up of a strong polythene sheet and this bag is being used to make the silage for the animals. The silage can also replace the fodder requirement and can also be given in the days of fodder scarcity. In the operational area the silage bag of 5 quintal capacity is being used.98
104 Animal ScienceMineral Mixture (2022-23)Mineral Mixture is mixture of macro and micro minerals. The deficiency of these minerals leads to reduction in milk yields as these minerals are essential to maintain the milk production and reproduction in animals.100
105 Animal ScienceBypaas fat (2022-23)It is a blend of mixture of fat and protein. It is passes the rumen and directly absorbed in the intestine. It is a readysource of energy and protein to animals. It is provided at the rate of 50-80 gm per animal per day.74
106 Animal ScienceEndoparasite Control (2022-23)The endo-parasites are present in the digestive system of the animal and consume the nutrients from within the animal which results in depletion of nutrients from animals and make animals weak.82
107 Animal ScienceEctoparasite control (2022-23)Ectoparasites create nuisance for animal by sucking blood and transmitting many diseases to a healthy animals.125
108 Animal ScienceDetection of milk adulterants (2022-23)Farmers were not aware about the milk testing of various types of adulterants present in milk.72
109 Animal ScienceGoat welfare camps (2022-23)The farmers were provided with oral medication effective against major ectoparasite and endoparasites of goats. The liver tonics and multivitamins were also given which helped in attaining early body weight and puberty. The animals were critically examined clinically in goat welfare camp for 11 unnatural behavior, body temperature, feed intake and any abnormal discharge for natural openings.28
110 Animal ScienceCalf care day (2022-23)Newborn calf has very low resistance and hence need to get off to a good start in terms of health and management to ensure that they become high performing animals. Targeted intervention must ensure awareness about the proper management of new born calves along with routine deworming to reduce the incidence of mortality and ensure proper weight gain among the calves.113
111 Animal ScienceLumpy Skin disease awareness camp (2022-23)Lumpy Skin Disease is a highly contagious viral skin disease of the cattle and buffalo. A recent outbreak of the disease affected many states of India, including Punjab. The technical intervention aimed at creating awareness among the farmers about the prevention and control of the disease along with advisory and treatment of the infected animals by the experts.66
112 Animal ScienceTrainings (2022-23)The trainings were done to make the farmers aware about the various interventions and new livestock management and feeding technologies.454
113 Animal ScienceExposure Visit (2022-23)Farmers in the operation area were not aware about these technologies.230
114 Animal ScienceValue addition of milk (2022-23)Raw milk is sold in the local market at low price, without any quality assurance. Also, lack of technical know-how regardingvalue addition further results in poor quality products with meagre profits at producer level.113
115 Animal ScienceBackyard poultry farming (2022-23)Backyard poultry farming was less popular among the farmers of operational area. A very few people were engaged this type of farming.30
116 Animal ScienceVermicomposting (2022-23)Vermicomposting is an organic and biological process in which earthworms are primarily used to convert organic matter or biodegradable wastes into fertilizer.74
117 Animal ScienceVermicomposting (2023-24) Vermicomposting is an organic and biological process in which earthworms are primarily used to convert organic matter or biodegradable wastes into fertilizer.75
118 Animal ScienceValue addition of milk (2023-24)Raw milk is sold in the local market at low price, without any quality assurance. Also, lack of technical know-how regardingvalue addition further results in poor quality products with meagre profits at producer level.21
119 Animal ScienceInfertility camp (2023-24)Infertility in animal mean inability of animal to reproduce, conceive & calving. This lead to production loss in one hand & over expenses on animals feeding & management on the other hand. Targeted infertility treatment helped in improving reproductive status of the dairy animal.16
120 Animal ScienceClean milk production camp (2023-24)Raw milk is sold in the local market at low price, without any quality assurance. Also, lack of technical know-how regardingvalue addition further results in poor quality products with meagre profits at producer level.24
121 Animal ScienceGoat Welfare Camp (2023-24)The farmers were provided with oral medication effective against major ectoparasite and endoparasites of goats. The liver tonics and multivitamins were also given which helped in attaining early body weight and puberty . The animals were critically examined clinically in goat welfare camp for unnatural behavior, body temperature, feed intake and any abnormal discharge for natural openings.10
122 Animal ScienceTraining camp on Value addition of milk to women beneficiary farmers (2023-24)Raw milk is sold in the local market at low price, without any quality assurance. Also, lack of technical know-how regardingvalue addition further results in poor quality products with meagre profits at producer level.21
123 Animal ScienceClean milk production camp (2023-24)Raw milk is sold in the local market at low price, without any quality assurance. Also, lack of technical know-how regardingvalue addition further results in poor quality products with meagre profits at producer level.21
Events :

1 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Kalala, 760 9/11/2019
2 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Kalala780 11/1/2019
3 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal830 9/3/2019
4 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal740 10/30/2019
5 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Moom1150 8/28/2019
6 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Dhaner670 8/29/2019
7 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Mahal Kalan260 9/12/2019
8 GADVASUMastitis detection with SLS pedal and reagent and BTB papers (kit)To prevent mastitis by diagnosing at early sub-clinical stageFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Dhaner520 11/1/2019
9 GADVASUFirst Aid/ Emergency managementTo acquaint farmers with the emergency management of the animal during any injuryFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal730 6/4/2019
10 GADVASUFirst Aid/ Emergency managementTo acquaint farmers with the emergency management of the animal during any injuryFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Kalala630 7/10/2019
11 GADVASUBiosecurity and hoof managementTo minimise the hoof problems in animals and to maintain biosecurity at the dairy farmFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal, Kalala230 4/8/2019
12 GADVASUBiosecurity and hoof managementTo minimise the hoof problems in animals and to maintain biosecurity at the dairy farmFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Dhaner, Moom180 4/10/2019
13 GADVASUBiosecurity and hoof managementTo minimise the hoof problems in animals and to maintain biosecurity at the dairy farmFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Mahal Kalan130 4/11/2019
14 GADVASUBiosecurity and hoof managementTo minimise the hoof problems in animals and to maintain biosecurity at the dairy farmFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Kalala160 4/12/2019
15 GADVASUBiosecurity and hoof managementTo minimise the hoof problems in animals and to maintain biosecurity at the dairy farmFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal100 4/17/2019
16 GADVASUAwareness camp on stubble burning and crop residue managementTo aware the farmers on the harmful impact of stubble burning on humans, animals and environmentFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Kalala550 10/24/2019
17 GADVASUAwareness camp on stubble burning and crop residue managementTo aware the farmers on the harmful impact of stubble burning on humans, animals and environmentFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Dhaner320 10/25/2019
18 GADVASUAwareness camp on stubble burning and crop residue managementTo aware the farmers on the harmful impact of stubble burning on humans, animals and environmentFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal740 10/30/2019
19 GADVASUAwareness camp on Stubble burning and crop residue managementTo aware the farmers on the harmful impact of stubble burning on humans, animals and environmentFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Kalala780 11/1/2019
20 GADVASUFarmer Scientist InterfaceTo Acquaint farmers with the new technologies in the agriculture and livestock sector and to have one on one interaction with the farmersFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Moom320 10/10/2019
21 GADVASUFarmer Scientist InterfaceTo Acquaint farmers with the new technologies in the agriculture and livestock sector and to have one on one interaction with the farmersFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal750 10/11/2019
22 GADVASUGADVASU Livestock related technology ExhibitionTo Acquaint farmers with livesstock related technologies of the universityFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Moom320 10/10/2019
23 GADVASUGADVASU Livestock related technology ExhibitionTo Acquaint farmers with livesstock related technologies of the universityFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal750 10/11/2019
24 GADVASUAwareness camp on Value addition of milk and Self help group To Acquaint women farmers with the value addition of milk and self help groupsFarm WomenPunjab, Barnala, Kalala, Dhaner029 1/30/2020
25 GADVASUTraining and demonstration on Value addition of milk Demonstarion on value addition of milkFarm WomenPunjab, Barnala, Kalala, Dhaner041 2/11/2020
26 GADVASUIn-situ crop residue managementTo aware the farmers on the harmful impact of stubble burning on humans, animals, and environment FarmerPunjab, Barnala, Handyia530 10/11/2018
27 GADVASUPashu-Palan Mela (GADVASU) and (PAU)To acquaint farmers with different agricultural and livestock technologiesFarmerPunjab, Ludhiana, GADVASU2000 3/16/2019
28 GADVASUFarmer Scientist InterfaceOne on one interaction of farmers with the scientistsFarmerPunjab, GADVASU, CIPHET and College of fisheries1920 3/29/2019
29 GADVASUMission Tandrust PunjabAwareness camp on human healthFarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal2950 10/18/2018
30 GADVASURegional kisan melaTo acquaint farmers with different agricultural and livestock technologies FarmerPunjab, Barnala, Handyia1090 3/3/2017
31 GADVASUPashu-Palan Mela (GADVASU) and (PAU)To acquaint farmers with different agricultural and livestock technologies FarmerPunjab, Ludhiana, GADVASU2240 3/24/2017
32 GADVASUPashu-Palan Mela (GADVASU) and (PAU)To acquaint farmers with different agricultural and livestock technologies FarmerPunjab, Ludhiana, GADVASU1630 9/22/2017
33 GADVASUNational Livestock Championship and ExpoTo acquaint farmers to top breeds of different animals and different livestock-related technologiesFarmerPunjab, Patiala300 12/1/2017
34 GADVASUFarmer Scientist InterfaceTo Acquaint farmers with the new technologies in the agriculture and livestock sector and to have one on one interaction with the farmers FarmerPunjab, Barnala, Channanwal1920 3/17/2018
35 GADVASUPashu-Palan Mela (GADVASU) and (PAU)To acquaint farmers with different agricultural and livestock technologies FarmerPunjab, Ludhiana, GADVASU1960 3/23/2018