S.No. | Category | Technology | Major interventions | No. of Farm families participated |
| Agriculture Science | 1. Promotion of modern scientific cultivation practices through incorporation of improved package of practices.
2. Introduction of scientific certified seed production through participatory mode in collaboration with Assam Seed Certification Agency | 1. Participatory seed production of improved sali rice varieties Ranjit and TTB 404 (Shraboni – a medium duration variety).
2. Advisory support to the farmers for cultivation of Gitesh – a sali rice variety suitable for staggered planting, introduced to the farmers in 2017-18 under Farmer FIRST Project | 80 |
| Agriculture Science | Mobilization of the farming community of the project villages for encouraging them to go for a second crop in the rice fallow while managing the menace of stray cattle | 1. Introduction of short duration Sali rice variety like TTB-404 (Shraboni) to encourage cultivation of a second crop
2. Relay cropping of lathyrus (variety - Ratan) and and Field Pea (variety: Aman) with sali rice following the recommended practices (seed rate, height of sali paddy harvest etc.) | 93 |
| Agriculture Science | Promotion of scientific cultivation of forage crops to facilitate stale feeding of cattle in order to discourage the practice of stray feeding in the rice fallows | Introduction of improved varieties of forage crops – Setaria, Hybrid Napier and Congo Signal and its scientific cultivation practices | 130 |
| Agriculture Science | Growing oilseeds with conservation tillage for (Mustard) for efficient use of residual soil moisture. | Toria variety - TS 36 was demonstrated | 20 |
| Agriculture Science | Prospect of growing a short duration crop before planting sali rice | Blackgram variety - KU 301 was demonstrated in summer season aiming to convince the farmers about prospect of growing a short duration crop before planting sali rice (kharif rice). | 9 |
| Agriculture Science | Short duration crop to be plant before the sali rice | Sesame variety - Kaliabor (L) was demonstrated in summer season to encourage the farmers to grow a crop before planting sali rice (kharif rice). | 10 |
| Agriculture Science | Ahu rice varieties | Ahu rice varieties - Inglongkiri, Dehangi and Luit along with their management practices were demonstrated | 4 |
| Agriculture Science | Maize variety - PAC 751 | Maize variety - PAC 751 was demonstrated aiming to convince the farmers about prospect of growing a crop before planting sali rice (kharif rice). | 10 |
| Agriculture Science | Sali rice varieties - Ranjit and Gitesh | Sali rice varieties - Ranjit and Gitesh and their production practices were demonstrated and certified seeds of the varieties were produced in participatory mode. | 67 |
| Agriculture Science | Relay cropping of lathyrus (variety: Ratan) | Relay cropping of lathyrus (variety: Ratan) with rice is being demonstrated in large compact block with social mobilization to come forward as the community to grow rabi crop in rice fallow. | 50 |
| Agriculture Science | Mustard variety - NRCHB 101 | Mustard variety - NRCHB 101 is being demonstrated in rice fallow with additional objective of participatory seed production. | 31 |
| Agriculture Science | Fodder crop - Setaria | Fodder crop - Setaria introduced in the bari system (homestead). | 16 |
| Agriculture Science | Blackgram variety - KU 301 | Blackgram variety - KU 301 | 12 |
| Agriculture Science | Short duration rice seeds | Advisory support in horizontal expansion of improved rice varieties suitable to multiple rice-based cropping, viz., Numoli and Shraboni introduced under FFP during 2021-22 | 107 |
| Agriculture Science | Relay cropping | Promotion of Relay cropping of field pea (Aman), as succeeding crop in Sali rice- fallow for increasing cropping intensity through resource conservation towards doubling farmers’ income | 86 |
| Agriculture Science | Direct seeded ahu rice | Demonstration of Direct Seeded Ahu Rice (Var: Hatcca & Banglami ) monocropping | 3 |
| Agriculture Science | Improved rice varieties | Advisory support in horizontal expansion of improved rice varieties suitable to multiple rice-based cropping, viz., Ranjit , Gitesh and Shraboni introduced under FFP during 2018-19 | 107 |
| Agriculture Science | Relay cropping(Rice-pea, linseed, buckwheat) | Promotion of Relay cropping of field pea (Aman), linseed (T 397 ) and buckwheat (Gossaigaon Local) as succeeding crop in Sali rice- fallow for increasing cropping intensity through resource conservation towards doubling farmers’ income | 54 |
| Agriculture Science | Stuble chopper and raised bed planter | Demonstration and popularization of stubble chopper and raised bed planter for intensifying summer greengram (Var: IPM-02-3) in Sali rice monocropping | 12 |
| Animal Science | Promotion of backyard poultry rearing system among the farm women through introduction of improved breeds of poultry and imparting training on its scientific management | Promotion of Back-yard poultry with introduction of improved breeds like Vanaraja, Kamrupa and Kalinga Brown in integration with existing farming systems for household income enhancement and women empowerment | 100 |
| Animal Science | Introduction of Quail farming among the farm women of the project villages to acquaint them to the emerging quail market in the region | Scientific Quail rearing in integration with existing farming system for production of meat and eggs | 3 |
| Animal Science | Scientific fish rearing in integration with existing farming systems | Promotion of scientific rearing of fish among the farmers through pond and input management providing high yielding fish species like Rohu, Bahu, Mirica, Silver Carp, Grass Carp, Kuhi, Mali and Bhagun | 15 |
| Animal Science | Scientific piggery with Hampshire cross breed | Scientific piggery with Hampshire cross breed and rearing practices including housing and hygiene, vaccination/ medication and feed support is being demonstrated integrating this to the existing farming systems. | 104 |
| Animal Science | Back-yard poultry rearing with Vanaraja, Kamrupa and Kalinga Brown breeds | Back-yard poultry rearing with Vanaraja, Kamrupa and Kalinga Brown breeds is being demonstrated provided with drinkers, feeders, and feeds integrating this component to the existing farming systems. | 290 |
| Animal Science | Backyard poultry breed | Promotion and introduction of Improved backyard poultry breed | 160 |
| Animal Science | scientific fish farming | Scientific fish farming in integration with existing farming systems | 6 |
| Animal Science | Improved backyard poultry | Promotion and introduction of Improved backyard poultry breed | 30 |
| Animal Science | Improved variety of backyard poultry | Promotion and introduction of Improved backyard poultry breed | 30 |
| Animal Science | Scientific hatching technology | Introduction of scientific hatching technology | 1 |
| Animal Science | Pig breeding unit | Establishment of scientific pig breeding unit for access and to quality high yielding piglet | 100 |
| Animal Science | Duck breeding unit | Scientific duck breeding unit for easy access to quality and improved breed of ducklings | 200 |
| Enterprise Based | Scientific mushroom(Oyster) | Scientific mushroom (oyster mushroom) production among women groups for enhancing farm income and family nutrition | 22 |
| Enterprise Based | Scientific mushroom | Scientific mushroom (oyster mushroom) production among women groups for enhancing farm income and family nutrition | 75 |
| Enterprise Based | Scientific vermicompost | Scientific vermicompost production for resource recycling and integrated nutrient management | 20 |
| Enterprise Based | Kitchen garden | Demonstration of scientific kitchen garden for better nutritional security and conservation of traditional MAPs | 6 |
| Entrepreneurship Module | Promotion of scientific production technology of Oyester mushroom among the farm women | Promotion of scientific mushroom (Oyster) production with mobilization of women farmers for household income enhancement and women empowerment. | 100 |
| Entrepreneurship Module | Promotion of scientific bee keeping technologies (Apiary development) | Scientific bee keeping technologies (Development of apiary, colony management, honey production, scientific extraction and marketing) for household income enhancement, crop yield enhancement and women empowerment. | 20 |
| Entrepreneurship Module | Promotion of scientific production of vermicompost | Promotion of vermicompost production by using waste from mushroom units and other farm waste to increase use of organic manures in crop cultivation and also for income enhancement. | 20 |
| Horticulture Science | Promotion of high value crops like King Chilli suitable to the region, along with its modern cultivation and management practices | Promotion of a high value crop (Bhut jalakia - non-descript local germplasm) with improved cultivation & management practices and market linkage. | 26 |
| Horticulture Science | Demonstration of high yielding disease resistant hybrid varieties of vegetable crops following modern cultivation and management practices | 1. Demonstration of disease resistant, high yielding hybrids of Tomato (Variety – Nayak and Suraksha) with its production practices.
2. Cabbage variety – Green Express and its production practices were demonstrated with use of natural water resources.
3. Knolkol (variety -Winner & Priya 005) and its production practices were demonstrated with use of natural water resources.
4. Promotion of Pumpkin cultivation in rice fallow (Variety – Bhima) using improved cultivation practices including straw mulching for moisture conservation
5. Brinjal variety - VNR 60, VNR 218 and its production practices were demonstrated. | 65 |
| Horticulture Science | Production of quality planting materials in protected cultivation structures (Shade Net Houses {100 sq. m each}) following scientific nursery management practices | Introduction of protected cultivation structures (Shade Net houses) to promote quality in-situ planting materials production and precision farming of vegetables | 3 |
| Horticulture Science | Enrichment of traditional Assamese Bari system through scientific and modern horticultural practices | Enrichment of traditional Assamese Bari system (homestead garden) with introduction of improved varieties of fruit crops along with scientific cultural and nutrient management for enhancement of household income and nutrition and women empowerment (large part of income from bari system is owned by the woman) | 81 |
| Horticulture Science | Sprinkler irrigation system | Bhut jalakia (King chilli) cultivation practices were demonstrated with use of natural water resources and sprinkler irrigation system. | 19 |
| Horticulture Science | Variety - Kranti | Tomato variety - Kranti and its production practices were demonstrated. | 18 |
| Horticulture Science | Cabbage variety - Savitri | Cabbage variety - Savitri and its production practices were demonstrated. | 24 |
| Horticulture Science | Brinjal variety - Indam 902 | Brinjal variety - Indam 902 and its production practices were demonstrated. | 18 |
| Horticulture Science | bhut jolokia | Bhut jalakia (King chilli) cultivation practices is being demonstrated. | 21 |
| Horticulture Science | Pumpkin variety - Bhima | Pumpkin variety - Bhima and its production practices are being demonstrated in rice fallow. | 50 |
| Horticulture Science | Ashgourd variety - Sarathi | Ashgourd variety - Sarathi and its production practices are being demonstrated. | 7 |
| Horticulture Science | Cucumber variety - Susoma | Cucumber variety - Susoma and its production practices are being demonstrated. | 40 |
| Horticulture Science | Stubble mulch in rice-fellow | Soil moisture conservation in pumpkin cultivation with stubble mulch in rice-fallow | 2 |
| Horticulture Science | Assam Lemon | Establishment of Assam Lemon Mother block | 3 |
| Horticulture Science | High yielding and high shelf life | Introduction and demonstration of disease resistant, high yielding and high shelf life hybrids of Tomato (Variety – Rocky and Hard Rock) with its production practices | 10 |
| Horticulture Science | Stubble mulch in rice fellow | Soil moisture conservation in pumpkin cultivation with stubble mulch in rice-fallow | 3 |
| Horticulture Science | rabi vegetables in rice fellow and uplands | Promotion of good agriculture practice for cultivation of rabi vegetables (brinjal, cabbage, knolkhol, tomato) in rice fallow and uplands | 3 |
| Horticulture Science | Seedling raising in shade net house | Demonstration on precision planting for seedling raising in Shade Net house
(Technology led intensive agriculture, skilled manpower & easy access to veg. seedlings)
| 3 |
| Horticulture Science | Improved bari system | Improved bari system through planting geometry and high yielding planting materials | 81 |
| Integrated Farming System | Demonstration of Integrated Farming System model | Demonstration of Integrated Farming System models through establishment of Integrated Farming System units showcasing the synergy among the enterprises, resource recycling, employment generation (women empowerment) and household income enhancement | 5 |
| Integrated Farming System | Integrated farming system | Scientific fish farming in integration with existing farming systems | 15 |
| Mechanization and Marketing | Introduction of mechanized cultivation practices in Sali rice with an eye for drudgery reduction | Introducing farmers to mechanized farming with use of mechanical transplanter, cono weeder, reaper etc. for sali paddy cultivation
(in collaboration with Dept. of Agri. Engineering, AAU, Jorhat) | 2 |
| Natural Resource Management | Promoting the use of Low Lift Pumps (LLPs) for irrigation and maintenance animal hygiene | a) Increased and timely use of water from perennial stream for cultivation of vegetables – cole crops, potato etc. resulting in area expansion and yield enhancement.
b) Reduction of drudgery of carrying water.
c) Use of stream water for cleaning of animal sheds especially pig sties and animals – clean and hygienic livestock rearing.
d) Reduced drudgery in livestock rearing
e) Maintenance of water in fishery during dry season | 95 |
| Natural Resource Management | Resource management | Varmicompost production facility | 6 |
| Natural Resource Management | Vermicompost | Scientific vermicompost production for resource recycling and utilization | 20 |
| Natural Resource Management | kitchen garden | Demonstration of scientific kitchen garden for better nutritional security and conservation of traditional MAPs | 6 |
| Soil Resource Management | moisture conservation | Soil moisture conservation, weed and nutrient management (improved cultivation practices) | 21 |