Project Details

Project Title : Scaling up and integration of fodder technologies in existing farming system for sustainable livestock productivity and livelihood security in Bundelkhand region

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi

Objectives :
1.   Socio-economic analysis to identify the constraints and suggest remedial measures, in existing production system.

2.   On farm Technologies Demonstrations on different aspects of agriculture with emphasis on fodder production, conservation and utilization.

3.   Develop entrepreneur on fodder, fodder seed and dairying.

4.   To introduce balanced feeding of livestock for sustainable improvement in existing livestock production system.

5.   Capacity building and technology dissemination through trainings on vegetables, livestock, crops, fodder etc advisories and weather based Agro advisory services.

6.   The impact assessment of interventions on livelihood of farmers

Interventions :

1 Agriculture ScienceImproved production technology of mungbeanImproved variety (PDM 139), line sowing, pest and disease management96
2 Agriculture ScienceImproved production of urdbeanImproved variety (Shekhar 2), line sowing, pest and disease management144
3 Agriculture ScienceImproved production technology of mungbeanImproved variety (Pragati), nutrient management44
4 Agriculture ScienceImproved production technology of basmati riceImproved variety (Pusa 1121), zinc fertilization, water management, 34
5 Agriculture ScienceImproved production technology of fodder cropsImproved variety of sorghum (MP Chari), lobia (BL 2), pearl millet (AVKB 19), maize (African tall), perennial sorghum, oat (Kent), berseem (wardan); line sowing, nutrient management, harvesting schedules 265
6 Agriculture ScienceImproved production technology of wheatImproved variety (Raj 4120), line sowing, weed and nutrient management 94
Events :