Project Details

Project Title : Enhancing Food, Nutritional and Livelihood Security of Marginal and Small Farmers in Jharkhand through Need Based Agricultural Technologies

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : ICAR-RCER, Patna

Objectives :
1.   To assess the suitability of selected technologies for technology assemblage and application in farming systems for food, nutritional and livelihood security

2.   To generate employment opportunities and enhance income of marginal and small farmers

3.   To reduce drudgery and empower farm women

4.   To assess the impact of programmes in project area

Interventions :

1 Agriculture ScienceCultivation of Direct Seeded RiceIncrease in the frequency of aberrations monsoon during the recent years contributes significantly towards failure of paddy crop particularly on medium uplands and uplands. The technology on Direct seeded rice provides opportunity for utilization of medium uplands by sowing of seeds in the main field even with delayed monsoon situations. The technology was demonstrated in 86 farmers fields with variety Sahabhagi on medium uplands and uplands. Due to prolonged dry period during August and September, there was severe crop loss growing on the uplands. However, in medium uplands yield levels ranging between 0.8 t/ha to 2.1 t/ha could be recorded with an average yield of 1.3 t/ha. The crop failure in 27 farmers’ fields was mainly attributed to 1. heavy weed infestation due to unwillingness of the farmers towards use of herbicide and difficulty in manual weeding in uplands, 2. Prolong dry period during initial plant growth and grain filling stage, 3. Grazing by animals. The benefit : cost ratio was estimated to range between 1.14 to 2.3686
2 Agriculture ScienceCultivation of Direct Seeded RiceThe technology was demonstrated in 102 farmers fields with variety Sahabhagi on medium uplands and uplands. Due to prolonged dry period during August and September (Fig…), there was severe crop loss growing on the uplands. However, in medium uplands yield levels ranging between 1.1 t/ha to 2.6 t/ha could be recorded with an average yield of 1.44 t/ha.102
3 Agriculture ScienceCultivation of Black Gram in rainfed uplandsBlack gram is a popular and remunerative crop to be grown in the rainfed uplands of Jharkhand. For introduction of improved varieties of Black gram, technology demonstration on Black gram variety PU 31 was undertaken in 56 farmers fields (500 sq m each). An average productivity of 9.4 q/ha was achieved. The income @ Rs 55 /kg from an unit of 500m2 was Rs 1970 which works out to an income of Rs 39400 per ha. The cost benefit ratio was 3.35.56
4 Animal ScienceEcto- and Endo-parasite control in animalsMost of the animals in villages are infested with ecto- and endo-parasites which adversely affect production performances. To control parasitic infestation, farmers were given first hand training to protect their livestock from parasitic diseases. Four numbers of animal health camps were organized in all the four villages. In total, 343 numbers of farmers attended the health camps and more than 700 animals including cattle, buffaloes, goats, pigs and poultry were treated. For deworming of animals, Albendazole and Febendazole were given with suitable dose requirements. To kill the ecto parasites, Bootox and Amitraz solution was prescribed for the animals. After application of anthelmintics to boost up the liver function of the animals, Liv 52, Tefroli and Feroliv were also distributed to the farmers. Faecal sample analysis indicated reduction of infection of endoparasite from 88% to 22% in cattle, 72% to 12% in goats and 94% to 8% in pigs. Skin examination of animals indicated 82% reduction in the infection of ecto-parasites.343
5 Animal ScienceArea-specific (chelated) mineral mixtureMineral deficiency is common among the animals in eastern plateau and hill region. It was observed in targeted villages also. To overcome the mineral deficiency, all the farmers of the four villages were distributed area specific chelated mineral mixture procured from Jharkhand Milk Producers Federation Limited (Medha). The mineral mixture was given as per the standard recommended doses. Data collected from the farmers revealed that there was significant increase in milk production ranging between 20% to 50% with average increase of 37.28% (43 animals). The B:C ratio in cattle was estimated to be 7.1. In case of goats, mean daily body wt. gain of 88.12 g (28 no. of animals) was recorded as compared to 56.31 g in untreated animals (22 no.). The B:C ratio in goats was estimated to be 9.17. In case of pigs, mean daily body wt gain of 321 g (18 no.) was recorded as compared to 246 g in untreated pigs (18 no.). The B:C ratio in pigs was estimated to be 6.6.750
6 Animal ScienceTxD breeding Boar of PigMost of the farmers are rearing non-descript pigs. To improve the productivity from pig farming, crossbred TxD boars (6 numbers) were introduced in to the targeted villages. Initial body weight at the time of distribution was 21.4±4.6 kg and after six months the body weight was recorded to be 53.4±10.1 kg. Before handing over to the farmers, all the pigs were vaccinated against swine fever disease and deworming was done with Febendazole. It is expected that the boar will be utilized for breeding purpose after attaining 12 months age.6
7 Animal ScienceBlack Bengal breeding buck of goatTo increase the goat production under the project, initially 14 numbers of Black Bengal breeding bucks were distributed among the selected famers in all four villages. However, a total of four number of bucks died mainly due to indigestion and non-specific diarrhoea The average initial body weight of the bucks was 8.73±2.4 kg. After attaining maturity, the surviving bucks were introduced for breeding. Till date, in total 80 kids have been born in four villages. About 80% kidding was twin or triplets.14
8 Animal ScienceUpgraded Mixed Carp CultureUpgraded fish farming was introduced under the project and four farmers, one each from the four villages were selected for distribution of fingerlings of Catla catla (Catla), Labio rohita (Rohu) and Cirrhinus mrigala (mrigal). The average weight of the fingerling was 14.4 ± 4.46 g during stocking (August, 2018) and stocking was made at the rate of 10000 fingerling per ha. The fish were harvested during the last week of March, 2019 and the weight ranged between 215 g to 560 g. In total 168 kg of fish was harvested from all the four ponds covering total area of 0.09 ha and the gross income from the sale of fish was approximately Rs 33,200/-.4
9 Animal ScienceBlack Bengal breeding buck To increase the goat production under the project, initially 4 numbers of Black Bengal breeding bucks were distributed among the selected famers in all four villages. All of them are surviving and healthy. The average initial body weight of the bucks was 6.24 kg. After attaining maturity, the surviving bucks were introduced for breeding. Till date, in total 18 kids have been born in four villages. About 75% kidding was twin or triplets. 4
10 Enterprise BasedMushroom cultivationTraining on oyster mushroom cultivation was imparted to rural women as a part of entrepreneurship development programme. More than 250 women were given hands on training in programmes carried out ‘On-campus’ and ‘off-campus’. At present, 68 families actively involved in mushroom cultivation. Out of them 35 are marginal farmers, 19 were small farmers and 14 are medium farmers. The biological efficiency recorded in different units ranged between 68% to 93% with a production of 0.7 kg to 1.3 kg per bag. The average net income generated from mushroom cultivation was Rs 2699/-, Rs 4824/- and Rs 7538/- by marginal, small and medium farmers, respectively. The benefit : cost ratio ranged between 2.8 to 3.5. At present all the growers are able to sale their produce in retail either at their door step or at village market. The lower production in case of marginal farmers was mainly attributed to low availability of paddy straw and dependence on employment opportunities as daily wage labourers in Ranchi city. Almost all the units are being run by women members of the family except a few cases where male members are assisting the female entrepreneurs. 68
11 Enterprise BasedPreservation of fruits and vegetables for development of value added productsFor entrepreneurship development among farm women of Pindarkom village, one hands-on training programme on preservation and value addition of tomato and mushroom. A total of 40 villagers participated in the training programme. Subsequently, one of the trainees, Mrs Albina Ekka mastered the expertise and developed herself into a Master trainer and motivator in this field. 2
12 Entrepreneurship ModuleMushroom cultivationTraining on oyster mushroom cultivation was imparted to rural women as a part of entrepreneurship development programme. More than 250 women were given hands on training in programmes carried out ‘On-campus’ and ‘off-campus’. At present, 92 families actively involved in mushroom cultivation. Out of them 47 are marginal farmers, 16 were small farmers and 29 are medium farmers. The biological efficiency recorded in different units ranged between 70% to 94% with a production of 0.72 kg to 1.4 kg per bag. The average net income generated from mushroom cultivation was Rs 2800/-, Rs 4750/- and Rs 7156/- by marginal, small and medium farmers, respectively. At present all the growers are able to sale their produce in retail either at their door step or at village market. The lower production in case of marginal farmers was mainly attributed to low availability of paddy straw and dependence on employment opportunities as daily wage labourers in Ranchi city. Almost all the units are being run by women members of the family except a few cases where male members are assisting the female entrepreneurs. 92
13 Horticulture ScienceRainy season cultivation of brinjal and tomatoRainy season cultivation of brinjal and tomato is a profitable option for utilization of uplands particularly under rainfed conditions. However, severe incidence of bacterial wilt is the major cause of crop failure of rainy season crop. Growing of bacterial wilt resistant varieties can help in minimizing the incidence of the disease. Keeping this in view, the technology on rainy season cultivation of brinjal variety Swarna Pratibha and tomato F1¬ hybrid Swarna Sampada was demonstrated in 20 numbers of farmers fields each (200m2 area per family). The yield of brinjal variety Swarna Pratibha ranged between 85 kg/40 m2 (21.25t/ha) to 140 kg/40 m2 (35 t/ha) which provided an average net income of Rs 5500/- per family. The yield of tomato F1¬ hybrid Swarna Sampada ranged between 184 kg/40 m2 (46 t/ha) to 260 kg/40 m2 (65 t/ha) which provided an average net income of Rs 16500/- per family.40
14 Horticulture ScienceScientific cultivation of papaya• Papaya variety: Red Lady • Spacing: 2 m x 2 m • Area: 100 sq m per family32
15 Horticulture ScienceRainy season cultivation of brinjal and tomatoThe technology on rainy season cultivation of brinjal variety Swarna Pratibha and tomato F1¬ hybrid Swarna Sampada was demonstrated in 32 numbers of farmers fields each (200m2 area per family). The yield of brinjal variety Swarna Pratibha ranged between 92 kg/40 m2 (t/ha) to 150 kg/40 m2 (t/ha) which provided an average net income of Rs 2000 /- per family. The yield of tomato F1¬ hybrid Swarna Sampada ranged between 202 kg/40 m2 (t/ha) to 290 kg/40 m2 (t/ha) which provided an average net income of Rs 5000/- per family.32
16 Horticulture ScienceVegetable cultivation with drip irrigation and mulchingWater availability is a limiting factor for vegetable cultivation in rabi and summer season. In order to cover more area under vegetable with available quantity of irrigation water, the technology on drip irrigation along with plastic mulch was demonstrated in 10 numbers of farmers fields (500 m2 area per family). Crops like brinjal variety Swarna Shyamli, tomato varieties Swarna Lalima and Swarna Sampada, sponge gourd variety Swarna Prabha, bottle gourd variety Swarna Sneha, cucumber variety Swarna Sheetal and bitter gourd variety Swarna Yamini was demonstrated in farmers’ fields. The cost of laying out and maintenance of drip and mulch in an area of 500 m2 was estimated to be Rs 7500/- per year. It was observed that the tribal farmers of the region tend to grow vegetable crops in a mixture even under drip irrigation for the purpose of assured income even under climatic uncertainties. The yield of tomato and brinjal under mixed cropping with cucurbits could be recorded whereas the cucurbits are still in the fields. An average of 880 kg of brinjal and 1720 kg of tomato were harvested by the farmers from an approximate area of 500 m2 and a total amount of Rs 42000/- was earned by the farmers by selling the produce in the local market. 10
17 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated Farming SystemIn order to demonstrate the significance of integrated farming system among the tribal farmers, the project includes a programme to develop a model integrated farm. After observing a number of farms over the four villages, one farm in Tetri village was selected for this purpose. The owner Sri Sanjay Oraon owns a farm of nearly 1.5 acre. During kharif, in addition to 1.25 acres of transplanted rice in low land, he had also grown direct seeded rice, transplanted rice and cowpea in uplands. In rabi, he grew, wheat, mustard, garden pea, potato, cauliflower, French bean, cowpea, onion, garlic, brinjal and wild brinjal. He also rears buffaloes (male- 3, female - 5), poultry (20), goats (Male – 1, female - 4). He has a pond in which composite culture of India carp was done. Apart from this, he has a fruit orchard of 1500 m2area in which mango, litchi, custard apple and drumstick have been planted and plants are in pre-bearing stage.1
18 Natural Resource ManagementRice fallow managementPrevalence of rice fallow particularly in medium uplands and uplands even with the availability of irrigation water is mainly attributed to grazing by stray animals. Introduction of fencing net in the villages under the project encouraged the farmers to grow rabi and summer crops like wheat, chick pea, garden pea, mustard, cucurbits in the uplands and medium lands where irrigation facilities were available. A total of more than 7 ha area under rice fallow was brought under the cultivation of rabi and summer crops by provision of fencing. The wheat variety HD3086 was demonstrated in 20 numbers of farmers fields (1000 m2 per family) and the yield ranged between 1.4 t/ha to 1.9 t/ha with an average yield of 1.6 t/ha. The average net income from wheat was Rs 1600/- per family. The mustard variety Pusa 29 was demonstrated in 30 farmers’ fields (400 m2 area per family) and the yield ranged between 0.57 t/ha to 0.70 t/ha with an average yield of 0.63 t/ha. The average income from mustard was Rs 500/- per family. The Garden pea variety Swarna Mukti was demonstrated in 30 numbers of farmers’ fields (800 m2 area per family). The yield ranged between 9.8 t/ha to 12.4 t/ha with an average yield of 11.1 t/ha. The average income from garden pea was Rs 8500/- per family. Summer vegetables like sponge gourd variety Swarna Prabha, bottle gourd variety Swarna Sneha, bitter gourd variety Swarna Yamini and cucumber variety Swarna Sheetal was demonstrated in 130 numbers of farmers fields (100 m2 per vegetable per family). The crops are still in the field. 210
19 Natural Resource ManagementVegetable cultivation with drip irrigation and mulchingWater availability is a limiting factor for vegetable cultivation in rabi and summer season. In order to cover more area under vegetable with available quantity of irrigation water, the technology on drip irrigation along with plastic mulch was demonstrated in 10 numbers of farmers fields (500 m2 area per family). Crops like brinjal variety Swarna Shyamli, tomato varieties Swarna Lalima and Swarna Sampada, sponge gourd variety Swarna Prabha, bottle gourd variety Swarna Sneha, cucumber variety Swarna Sheetal and bitter gourd variety Swarna Yamini was demonstrated in farmers’ fields. The cost of laying out and maintenance of drip and mulch in an area of 500 m2 was estimated to be Rs 7500/- per year. It was observed that the tribal farmers of the region tend to grow vegetable crops in a mixture even under drip irrigation for the purpose of assured income even under climatic uncertainties. The yield of tomato and brinjal under mixed cropping with cucurbits could be recorded whereas the cucurbits are still in the fields. An average of 950 kg of brinjal and 1600 kg of tomato were harvested by the farmers from an approximate area of 500 m2 and a total amount of Rs 23900/- was earned by the farmers by selling the produce in the local market.10
20 Natural Resource ManagementDevelopment of homestead gardenFor introduction of improved varieties of fruits and timber species in the homestead of the farmers, quality planting material of mango cultivar Amrapali (1 no), lemon cultivar Kagjhi Kalan (2 no.), Custard apple cultivar Arka Sahan (2 no.), Bael cultivar Pant Aparna (1 no.), Litchi cultivar Shahi (1 no) and timber plants like Mahogany (2 no) and Teak (2 no) were provided to 200 farmers from all the villages. The plants are in the establishment stage and minimum plant survival was recorded in case of custard apple (23.5%) whereas the survival percentage of the timber species were recorded to be higher than the fruit species. The average survival rate of plants was 83% and grazing and termite infestation were the major contributing factors of plant mortality. 200
Events :

1 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionKharif awareness programme, TetriParticipatory planning for different activities to be undertaken in the Tetri village during kharif season of 2018-19 under the FFP project FarmerState- Jharkhand, District- Ranchi, Village -Tetri1828 6/20/2018
2 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionKharif awareness programme, Pindarkom Participatory planning for different activities to be undertaken in the Pindarkom village during kharif season of 2018-19 under the FFP projectFarmerState- Jharkhand, District- Ranchi, Village- Pindarkom720 6/30/2018
3 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionRabi awareness campaign, TetriParticipatory planning for different activities to be undertaken in the Tetri village during Rabiseason of 2018-19 under the FFP projectFarmerState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Tetri2133 10/29/2018
4 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionRabi awareness campaign, MaltiParticipatory planning for different activities to be undertaken in the Malti village during Rabiseason of 2018-19 under the FFP projectFarmerState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Malti625 10/30/2018
5 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionTraining programme on oyster mushroom cultivationTo train the farmers on technique of oyster mushroom cultivationFarm WomenState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Plandu222 11/22/2018
6 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionTraining on oyster mushroom cultivationTo train the farmers on technique of oyster mushroom cultivationFarmerState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Plandu527 12/4/2018
7 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionTraining on oyster mushroom cultivation and spawn productionTo train the farmers on technique of oyster mushroom cultivationFarmerState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Plandu525 12/11/2018
8 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionKisan Diwas cum Mushroom DayTo train the farmers on technique of oyster mushroom cultivationFarmerState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Kutiyatu62166 12/23/2018
9 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionTraining programme on Improved cultivation practices for doubling farmers incomeTo provide training of improved agricultural practices for doubling incomeFarmerState Jharkhand, Distrct Ranchi, Village Plandu 2139 3/5/2019
10 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionAnimal health camp,PidarkomTo demonstrate the technologies on control of ecto and endo parasite in animals and use location specific mineral mixture FarmerState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Pindarkom3173 3/14/2019
11 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionAnimal health camp, MaltiTo demonstrate the technologies on control of ecto and endo parasite in animals and use location specific mineral mixtureFarmerState Jharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Malti68101 3/15/2019
12 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionAwareness programme on Direct Seeded Rice 2019-20Awareness programme on Direct Seeded Rice was organized at Pindarkom village in which 18 women farmers participated.Farm WomenJharkhand, Ranchi, Pindarkom018 4/29/2019
13 ICAR Research Complex for Eastern RegionAwareness programme on DSR 2019-20Awareness programme on DSR was helt at Tetri village in which 22 farmers participatedFarmerJharkhand, District Ranchi, Village Tetri814 4/27/2019