S.No. | Organisation | Event | Objective | Target Group | Venue | Male Participated | Female Participated | Dated |
| ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research | Discuss the problems in agriculture | Group meeting with farmers | Farmer | uttar pradesh , muzaffarnagar , sathri | 20 | 0 |
| ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research | Dignitaries visiting adopted farmers' fields | Dr J K Jena , DDG Fisheries and Animal Science and Dr N V Patil, Director, CIRC Meerut visited fields of afrmers adopted under FFP | Farmer | Bhangela Village of District Muzzafarnagar | 5 | 2 |
| ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research | Introduction of new sugarcane variety (CoPk 05191) | 1. To introduce new sugarcane variety in western plain zone.
2. To demonstrate paired row trench method of sugarcane planting
3. To display mustard showing as an inter crop with Autumn planted sugarcane. | Farmer | Uttar Pradesh , Muzaffarnagar , sathri | 6 | 0 |
| ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research | Use of improved small tools for drudgery reduction among farm women | Drudgery reduction and improvement of working efficiency | Farm Women | Uttar Pradesh , Muzaffarnagar , Sathri, Bhangella | 0 | 250 |
| ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research | Training of value added jaggery production to Self-Help Groups (SHG) | To devolved the skill among women farmers / rural youth for alternate income generation. | Self Help Group | ICAR-IIFSR, Modipuram, Meerut U.P. 250110 | 0 | 10 |
| ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research | Training on value addition of farm produce (2 nos) | To developed the skill among women farmers for processing of fruits and vegetables. | Self Help Group | ICAR-IIFSR, Modipuram, Meerut U.P. 250110 | 0 | 10 |
| ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research | Training on value addition of farm produce (2 nos) | To developed the skill among women farmers for processing of fruits and spices. | Self Help Group | ICAR-IIFSR, Modipuram, Meerut U.P. 250110 | 0 | 10 |
| ICAR - Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research | Mahila Krishak Goshthi cum Nutritional Health Camp | To provide the nutrition education to the farm families specially women and children in order to improve their nutritional status. | Farm Women | Bhayengi Bhangela village, District Mujaffarnagar | 40 | 100 |