Project Details

Project Title : Socio-Economic Empowerment of Farmers through Farming System Interventions for Sustainable Agriculture Development in Ahmednagar District

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : MPKV, Rahuri (MS)

Objectives :
1.   To enhance the socio-economic empowerment of the farmers through appropriate farming system interventions viz., seed replacement in pulses, five point rabi sorghum production technology, sugarcane based intercropping etc. by increasing yield and income.

2.   To create livelihood opportunities for the marginal and the landless through subsidiary occupations viz., goatary, backyard poultry etc.

3.   To develop integrated farming system modules for sustainable agriculture.

4.   To obtain feedback with the participation of farmers and landless for enhancing production, productivity, income and equitability of the households

Interventions :

1 Agriculture ScienceRed gram production technologySeed replacement through selection of improved varieties, Seed treatment, Integrated pest Management50
2 Agriculture ScienceChickpea Production TechnologySeed replacement through selection of improved varieties, Broad Bed Furrow Planting, Seed treatment, Integrated pest Management50
3 Agriculture ScienceFive point rabi sorghum production technologyIn situ soil and water conservation, Selection of varieties as per soil type,Seed treatment, Hoeing at proper stage, Plant protection measure100
4 Agriculture ScienceBajra production technologySeed replacement through selection of improved varieties, Seed treatment, Integrated pest Management100
5 Agriculture ScienceRed gram production technologySeed replacement through selection of improved varieties, Seed treatment, Integrated pest Management50
6 Agriculture ScienceBajra production technologySeed replacement through selection of improved varieties, Seed treatment, Integrated pest Management100
7 Horticulture SciencePomegranate Production TechnologyUse of Liquid Bio- fertilizer, Use of Micro nutrients50
8 Integrated Farming SystemBack yard Poultry Use of Grampriya breed, Vaccination at proper stage, Feed management100
9 Integrated Farming SystemFishery in farm pondselection of useful breed of fish, Feeding management40
Events :

1 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining programme on Integrated Farming System under FFP To provide training to farmers and farm women about Integrated Farming SystemFarmerMahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist- Ahmednagar , State- Maharashtra2415 3/23/2017
2 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethRabi planning meeting To discuss about rabi demonstration planning FarmerChinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar, State- Maharashtra1910 8/29/2017
3 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining Programme on collection of soil sample for soil testing Provide training to the farmers about collection of soil sampleFarmerMahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist- Ahmednagar, State - Maharashtra2112 6/28/2017
4 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethFarmers RallyFarmers rally on the occupation of Visit of Hon’ble ADG (Agril. Extn.), ICAR, New Delhi to project village Chinchvihire General UsersChinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar, State- Maharashtra5327 7/2/2017
5 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethFarmers RallyVisit of Hon’ble DDG (Agril. Extn.), ICAR, New Delhi General UsersChinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar, State- Maharashtra5522 7/22/2017
6 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOrientation programme o Chinchvihire and Kangar villagesTo know the village condition and discussion with village people about project planning General UsersChinchvihire and Kangar villeges of Ahmednagar Dist4017 2/19/2017
7 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethPRA of Chinchvihire and Kangar villagesPRA of both selected villagesGeneral UsersChinchvihire and Kangar villeges of Ahmednagar Dist9025 3/19/2017
8 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethFarmers RallyExtension Education Council members are evaluate the project activities. FarmerKangar village, Dist- Ahmednagar3515 1/5/2018
9 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethFish fingerlings distribution programme To distribute fish fingerlings among the selected farmersFarmerChinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar, State- Maharashtra3510 11/27/2017
10 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethFarmer exposure visit to KVK, BaramatiExposure visit of participated farmersFarmerKVK, Baramati2512 3/9/2018
11 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining programme on Rabi sorghum production technologyTo aware farmers about different practices and Integrated pest management in sorghum. FarmerRam mandir, Chinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar2510 9/25/2018
12 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethNational Workshop on Farmers Feedback on Doubling Farm income by 2022 (ICAR, NAARM, Hyderabad) Farmers Feedback on Doubling Farm income by 2022FarmerICAR, NAARM, Hyderabad40 12/22/2017
13 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining programme on farm pond fisheryTo provide training about farm pond fishery, fish feeding management etc.FarmerChinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar, State- Maharashtra3010 11/14/2017
14 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining Programme on Chickpea production technologyTo provide training farmers and farm women about chickpea production technology FarmerChinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar, State- Maharashtra3015 11/15/2017
15 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining programme on Dal mill installation and its working To provide training about dal preparationSelf Help GroupChinchvihire and Kangar villeges of Ahmednagar Dist1520 11/1/2018
16 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethFarmer exposure visit to watephal, Hivrebazar and ralegan siddhiVisit to successful farm pond fishery and other units FarmerWatephal, Hivre bazar and Ralegan siddhi, Dist- Ahemednagar2010 1/20/2018
17 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethVisit of EEC member Dr. S. Prabhukumar and Dr. A. M. NarulaVisit to project villagesGeneral UsersKangar village, Dist- Ahmednagar3510 1/5/2018
18 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethVisit of Director, Research, MPKV, Rahuri to the project villagesVisit to the project activities and DemonstrationsFarmerChinchvihire and Kangar villeges of Ahmednagar Dist3015 7/19/2019
19 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethVisit of Hon. DG, MCAER, PuneVisit to project villagesFarmerChinchvihire and Kangar villeges of Ahmednagar Dist3010 5/14/2019
20 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining Programme on Red gram and Bajra production technologyProvide training to farmers FarmerRam mandir, Chinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar428 6/17/2019
21 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethTraining Programme on Vermicompost and silage preparationTo provide training about vermi compost and silage makingFarmerIntegrated Farming System Project, MPKV, Rahuri4515 7/9/2019
22 Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth Women participant farmer Mrs. Savita Vaibhav Nalkar felicitated with Innovative Farmer ward at NAARM, HyderabadWomen participant farmer of ICAR Farmer FIRST programme, MPKV Rahuri Mrs. Savita Vaibhav Nalkar felicitated with Innovative Farmer ward at NAARM, HyderabadFarm WomenNAARM, Hyderabad11 9/1/2019
23 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethVisit of Dr. Lakhan Singh, Director, ICAR- ATARI, Zone- VIII, PUne and KVK ScientistVisit to Demonstration plot and interaction with farmersFarmerChinchvihire, Dist- Ahmednagar, State- Maharashtra3015 3/1/2020
24 Mahatma Phule Krishi VidyapeethOnline training prog organized on 29 th April, 2020 under ICAR FFP-MPKV, Rahuri To provide one day online training programme - Awareness about Agricultural interventions to be Implemented in Covid- 19 situation by farmers and Kharif PlanningFarmerOnline Zoom Platform950 4/29/2020