Project Details

Project Title : Capacity Building of Resource poor Farmers in Paddy-Wheat cum Dairy Production Systems through Farmer FIRST (farm, innovation, resources, science and technology) Programme under Irrigated Agro-Eco. Region of Haryana

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : ICAR-NDRI, Karnal

Objectives :
1.   To Prioritize the identified problems faced by farmers in production, processing and marketing

2.   To develop extension strategy oriented action plan through Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) with the stakeholders to formulate suitable research modules to lessen the intensity of identified problems

3.   To evaluate, refine and disseminate resource conservation technologies for sustainable crop production and dairy farming

4.   Capacity building of farmers for value chain development and management

5.   Implementation of entrepreneurship modules in selected villages to generate income and employment

6.   Development of SMS portal for speedy dissemination of technologies and information among the farmers

7.   To assess socio-economic impact of the technological interventions for different farm production system and identify the issues for futuristic research

Interventions :

1 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Pest Management (IPM) in PaddyIntegrated pest management (IPM) in Paddy78
2 Agriculture ScienceEffective weed control measures in wheat for higher productivity in wheat production systemImprove weed control efficiency of different weedicides100
3 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient Management in WheatIntegration of recommended organic and inorganic sources of nutrients and bio fertilizer100
4 Agriculture ScienceGrowing Dhaincha crop to improve soil health and for fodder availabilityIntroduction of Dhaincha crop in summer25
5 Agriculture ScienceRound the year Green fodder productionIntroduction of cultivated seasonal fodder crop,maize-barseem and maize- oat100
6 Agriculture ScienceCrop Residue ManagementUse of crop residue as mulch, incorporating residue and sowing of crops in crop residue of rice and wheat.200
7 Agriculture ScienceVarietal Trial of Paddy (PB-1509)Seed Multi fiction of new varieties of Paddy i.e.PB-1509.46
8 Agriculture ScienceVarietal Trial of Wheat HD- 3237, HI-1620 & DBW22Seed Multi fiction of new varieties of Wheat i.e.DBW187, DBW-222, HI-1620, DBW-303160
9 Agriculture Science IPM in PaddyRice is major crop of this area. The productivity of this crops has started showing signs of stagnation mainly due to infestation of different pests. The crop is affected by leaf folder, stem borer, rice hopper and bakanae, sheath blight, bacterial blight, blast and flag smut and Khaira disease.62
10 Agriculture ScienceDhainchaDhaincha Cultivation for Improving Soil Health25
11 Agriculture ScienceWeed control in wheatThe continuous use of single group herbicides year after year results in the appearance of Phalaris minor with multiple resistances to herbicides. The weed control efficiency of traditionally used weedicide is decreasing37
12 Agriculture Science INM in WheatContinuous cultivation of paddy-wheat rotation with imbalanced use of nutrients leads to depletion macro and micronutrients status and increased cost of cultivation and stagnated crop yields. 52
13 Agriculture ScienceRound the year green fodderIntroduction of cultivated perennial grasses along with seasonal fodder crop varieties in rotation with commercial crops.75
14 Agriculture ScienceCrop Residue ManagementUse of crop residue as mulch, incorporating residue and sowing of crops in crop residue of rice and wheat. 200
15 Agriculture ScienceVarietal Trial of Paddy (PB-1509 & PB-1692)Seed Multi fiction of new varieties of Paddy i.e.PB-1509 & PB-1692191
16 Agriculture ScienceVarietal Trial Of Wheat of DBW 222 & DBW-303Seed Multi fiction of new varieties of Wheat i.e, DBW-222, DBW-303100
17 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Pest Management (IPM) in PaddyIntegrated pest management (IPM) in Paddy80
18 Agriculture ScienceEffective weed control measures in wheat for higher productivity in wheat production systemImprove weed control efficiency of different weedicides55
19 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient Management in WheatIntegration of recommended organic and inorganic sources of nutrients and bio fertilizer68
20 Agriculture ScienceRound the year Green fodder productionIntroduction of cultivated seasonal fodder Berseem BL-42 & BL-4450
21 Agriculture ScienceCrop Residue Managementuse of crop residue as mulch, incorporating residue and sowing of crops in crop residue of rice and wheat.285
22 Agriculture ScienceVarietal Trial of Paddy (PB-1692)Seed Multi fiction of new varieties of Paddy i.e.PB-1692200
23 Agriculture ScienceVarietal Trial of Paddy (PB-1692)Seed Multi fiction of new varieties of Paddy PB-1692200
24 Agriculture ScienceVarietal Trial Of Wheat of DBW 332 & DBW-327Seed Multi fiction of new varieties of Wheat i.e,DBW 332 & DBW-327100
25 Agriculture ScienceWeed control in wheat The continuous use of single group herbicides year after year results in the appearance of Phalaris minor with multiple resistances to herbicides. The weed control efficiency of traditionally used weedicide is decreasing64
26 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient Management in Wheat Integration of recommended organic and inorganic sources of nutrients and bio fertilizer58
27 Agriculture ScienceCrop Residue Management Use of crop residue as mulch, incorporating residue and sowing of crops in crop residue of rice and wheat.285
28 Agriculture ScienceRound the year Green fodder production Introduction of cultivated seasonal fodder Oats ( Kent Variety), Mustard (Chinese cabbage) & Fodder Kits89
29 Agriculture ScienceNatural Resource Management Summer Moong for Green Manure (IPM 205-07 Virat) 50
30 Agriculture ScienceCrop diversification Mustard (PM -32 & Pusa Tarak)48
31 Agriculture ScienceSilage DemonstrationSilage making Demonstration conducted 41
32 Animal ScienceAssessment of minerals supplementation on productive and reproductive performance in cows and buffaloesBringing awareness among the dairy farmers to supplement suitable vitamin and mineral mixture343
33 Animal ScienceTechnologies for reducing the impact of negative energy balance on dairy cows and buffaloes during transitional periodBypass fat supplementation34
34 Animal ScienceEstrus synchronization in dairy animalsUse of advance technology for enhancement of reproductive performance in cows, buffaloes and heifers suffering from sub-estrus, silent heat and anestrous60
35 Animal ScienceOvulation synchronization in dairy animalsUse of advance technology for enhancement of reproductive performance in cows, buffaloes and heifers suffering from sub-estrus, silent heat and anestrous56
36 Animal ScienceUse of advance technology for enhancement of reproductive performance in cows, buffaloes and heifers suffering from sub-estrus, silent heat and anestrousPreventive measures regular practice 1. Tick control programme ( intermediate host) 2. Regular vaccination against Theilaria annulata & T. parva as common protozoal agents.120
37 Animal ScienceMastitis control programme using CMT & AST as effective diagnostic procedures.Detection of Subclinical Mastitis and Identification of Suitable Antibiotics using sensitivity tests.20
38 Animal ScienceControl of Ecto & Endo-parasitic infestation among dairy animals1. Launching of ecto-parasitic control programme at mass level on regular basis to break the life cycle of various ticks, Mites etc. 2.Identification of particular parasitic species and specific deworming in all the small & affected large dairy animals455
39 Animal ScienceDevelopment of smart information system for productive and reproductive management of dairy animalsMobile App to record the data of animals.250
40 Animal ScienceBalanced feedingbalanced feeding technology for higher milk production in dairy cows/buffaloes 30
41 Animal Sciencebalanced feeding technology for higher milk production in dairy cows/buffaloes Bypass fat supplementation 24
42 Animal ScienceAnionic Mineral Mixture Bringing awareness among the dairy farmers to supplement Anionic mixture during advanced pregnancy to protect the animal from milk fever 95
43 Animal ScienceMinerals Mixture supplementationBringing awareness among the dairy farmers to supplement suitable vitamin and mineral mixture 198
44 Animal ScienceProtected Amino AcidsProtected Amino Acids21
45 Animal ScienceEcto parasite 1. Launching of ectoparasitic control programme at mass level on regular basis to break the life cycle of various ticks, Mites etc. 2. Identification of particular parasitic species and specific deworming in all the small & affected large dairy animals1192
46 Animal ScienceEndo parasite1. Launching of ecto-parasitic control programme at mass level on regular basis to break the life cycle of various ticks, Mites etc. 2.Identification of particular parasitic species and specific deworming in all the small & affected large dairy animals 205
47 Animal ScienceTheilariosis Vaccination & treatmentPreventive measures regular practice 1. Tick control programme ( intermediate host) 2. Regular vaccination against Theilariaannulata & T. parva as common protozoal agents.44
48 Animal ScienceMastitis treatmentDetection of Subclinical Mastitis and Identification of Suitable Antibiotics using sensitivity tests. 15
49 Animal ScienceEstrus synchronizationUse of advance technology for enhancement of reproductive performance in cows, buffaloes and heifers suffering from sub-estrus, silent heat and anestrous 42
50 Animal ScienceOvulation synchronizationUse of advanced technology for enhancement of reproductive performance in cows, buffaloes and heifers suffering from sub-estrus, silent heat and anestrous37
51 Animal ScienceBalanced feeding balanced feeding technology for higher milk production in dairy cows/buffaloes40
52 Animal ScienceTechnologies for reducing the impact of negative energy balance on dairy cows and buffaloes during transitional period Bypass fat supplementation29
53 Animal ScienceAnionic Mineral Mixture Bringing awareness among the dairy farmers to supplement Anionic mixture during advanced pregnancy to protect the animal from milk fever120
54 Animal ScienceMinerals Mixture supplementationBringing awareness among the dairy farmers to supplement suitable vitamin and mineral mixture245
55 Animal ScienceProtected Amino AcidsProtected Amino Acids 29
56 Animal ScienceEcto Parasite Launching of ectoparasitic control programme at mass level on regular basis to break the life cycle of various ticks, Mites etc. & Identification of particular parasitic species and specific deworming in all the small & affected large dairy animals1245
57 Animal ScienceEndo Parasite ControlLaunching of endoparasites control programme at mass level on regular basis to break the life cycle of various ticks, Mites etc. and Identification of particular parasitic species and specific deworming in all the small & affected large dairy animals275
58 Animal ScienceTheileriosis Vaccination & treatment Preventive measures regular practice 1. Tick control programme ( intermediate host) 2. Regular vaccination against Theilariaannulata & T. parva as common protozoal agents.56
59 Animal ScienceMastitis control programme using CMT & AST as effective diagnostic procedures. Detection of Subclinical Mastitis and Identification of Suitable Antibiotics using sensitivity tests.18
60 Animal ScienceEstrus synchronization in dairy animals Use of advance technology for enhancement of reproductive performance in cows, buffaloes and heifers suffering from sub-estrus, silent heat and anestrous.58
61 Animal ScienceOvulation synchronization Use of advanced technology for enhancement of reproductive performance in cows, buffaloes and heifers suffering from sub-estrus, silent heat and anestrous48
62 Animal ScienceAssessment of minerals supplementation on productive and reproductive performance in cows and buffaloes Bringing awareness among the dairy farmers to supplement suitable vitamin and mineral mixture245
63 Animal ScienceMastitis control programme using CMT & AST as effective diagnostic procedures. Detection of Subclinical Mastitis and Identification of Suitable Antibiotics using sensitivity tests.140
64 Animal ScienceEcto parasite Control Programme1. Launching of ectoparasitic control programme at mass level on regular basis to break the life cycle of various ticks, Mites etc. 2. Identification of particular parasitic species and specific deworming in all the small & affected large dairy animals1245
65 Animal ScienceEndo parasite Control programme1. Launching of ecto-parasitic control programme at mass level on regular basis to break the life cycle of various ticks, Mites etc. 2.Identification of particular parasitic species and specific deworming in all the small & affected large dairy animals321
66 Animal ScienceTheilariosis Vaccination & treatment Preventive measures regular practice 1. Tick control programme ( intermediate host) 2. Regular vaccination against Theilariaannulata & T. parva as common protozoal agents.43
67 Animal ScienceEstrus synchronization in dairy animals Use of advance technology for enhancement of reproductive performance in cows, buffaloes and heifers suffering from sub-estrus, silent heat and anestrous.223
68 Animal ScienceOvulation synchronization in dairy animalsUse of advance technology for enhancement of reproductive performance in cows, buffaloes and heifers suffering from sub-estrus, silent heat and anestrous82
69 Enterprise BasedEstablishment of composite dairy food unit for the self-employment among dairy womenCapacity building of farmers for establishing composite Dairy food unit10
70 Enterprise BasedProcessing of milkProcess the milk at village level to convert the milk into paneer, Dahi, Khoa and utilisation of whey instead of selling milk to milk Vendors15
71 Enterprise BasedDevelopment of SMS portal for the farmersPortal based messaging in Hindi language1000
72 Entrepreneurship ModuleProcessing of milkProcess the milk at village level to convert the milk into paneer, Dahi, Khoa and utilisation of whey instead of selling milk to milk Vendors15
73 Entrepreneurship ModuleProcessing of milk Process the milk at village level to convert the milk into paneer, Dahi, Khoa and utilisation of whey instead of selling milk to milk Vendors15
74 Entrepreneurship ModuleProcessing of milk Process the milk at village level to convert the milk into paneer, Dahi, Khoa and utilisation of whey instead of selling milk to milk Vendors15
75 Horticulture ScienceVegetable based cropping systemsIntroduction of short duration vegetable crops in rice-wheat system may ameliorate soil fertility and improve farm income.24
76 Horticulture ScienceIntroduction of fruit cultivation as nutritional gardensIntegration of fruit cultivation for health benefits of farm families.42
77 Horticulture ScienceVegetable Cropping (Kitchen Gardening)Introduction of short duration vegetable crops in Paddy – wheat system may ameliorate soil fertility and improve farm income. Diversification of crops will break the cycle of weed and disease complex as against continuous rice-wheat system over extended period of time174
78 Horticulture ScienceFruit PlantationIntegration of fruit cultivation for health benefits of farm families. 10
79 Horticulture ScienceVegetable based cropping systems (Kitchen Gardening)Introduction of short duration vegetable crops in rice-wheat system may ameliorate soil fertility and improve farm income. 10
80 Horticulture ScienceFruit PlantationIntegration of fruit cultivation for health benefits of farm families.10
81 Horticulture ScienceVegetable based cropping systems (Kitchen Gardening) Introduction of short duration vegetable crops in rice-wheat system may ameliorate soil fertility and improve farm income50
82 Horticulture ScienceFruit Plantation Integration of fruit cultivation for health benefits of farm families.10
83 ICTSMS PortalPortal based messaging in Hindi language 1500
84 ICTSMS Portal Portal based messaging in Hindi language150
Events :

1 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on bypass fat supplementationTraining on bypass fat supplementation so that the farmers get able to provide proper nutrition to their milching animals.FarmerExhibition Unit, NDRI, Karnal240 8/17/2017
2 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteRound the year green fodder production, Training cum input supply Programme.To introduce cultivable perennial grasses along with seasonal fodder crop.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL500 4/21/2017
3 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Value Addition in Milk for Rural womenTo increase profit through value added dairy products.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL500 3/20/2020
4 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteIPM in Paddy Training cum Input Supply ProgrammeTo decrease the cost of production by the use of IPM as per the recommendation of package and practices.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL500 3/27/2017
5 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteGrowing Dhaincha for soil health & fodder availability, Training cum input supply ProgrammeTo sensitize the farmers towards less availability of leguminous fodder in summer season and low organic carbon in soil.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL250 4/21/2017
6 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Rumen Protected amino acidTo train farmers regarding supplementation of milch animals with rumen protected amino acid to improve milk production and reproductive healthFarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL220 8/7/0209
7 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on balanced feedingTo train the farmers regarding balanced feeding so that he can enable the animal to perform optimally and remain healthy as imbalanced feeding results in: Low milk production, poor growth and reproduction.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL220 11/7/2019
8 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Commercial Dairy FarmingTo introduce new technologies on commercial dairy farming and to increase the confidence of farmers regarding dairy entrepreneurship.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL460 9/6/2017
9 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteRound the year green fodder production, Training cum input supply ProgrammeTo continue cultivable perennial grasses along with seasonal fodder crop.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL1000 4/25/2019
10 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteGrowing Dhaincha for soil health & fodder availability, Training cum input supply ProgrammeTo sensitize the farmers towards less availability of leguminous fodder in summer season and low organic carbon in soil.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL220 4/25/2019
11 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteIPM in paddy Training cum input supply ProgrammeTo decrease the cost of production by the use of IPM as per the recommendation of package and practices.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL780 4/24/2019
12 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteIWM in wheat Training cum input supply ProgrammeWeed is a serious problem in wheat in the project area. The reasons are non-judicious use of herbicides in indiscriminate doses without use of proper schedule. So, Sensitization of farmers towards problem of weeds especially phalaris minor in wheat. Demonstration of skill use of herbicides. Sowing of crop under critical guidance.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL1000 10/25/2019
13 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteIntegrated Nutrient ManagementSensitization of farmers towards problem of imbalance nutrient management in wheat Farmers were motivated to use organic manure and bio fertilizers at their own. Helped them in procurement of bio fertilizer.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL1000 4/24/2019
14 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Bypass fat SupplementationTraining on bypass fat supplementation so that the farmers get able to provide proper nutrition to their milching animals.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL180 11/7/2019
15 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Rumen Protected amino acidTo train farmers regarding supplementation of milch animals with rumen protected amino acid to improve milk production and reproductive healthFarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL220 8/7/2019
16 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on mineral mixture supplementationTo train farmers regarding the use of mineral mixture supplementation so that milk yield can be increased, reproductive health of milch animals can be improved, growth rate of calves can be enhanced and to avoid the occurance of metabolic diseasesFarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL340 10/28/2018
17 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on balanced feedingTo train the farmers regarding balanced feeding so that he can enable the animal to perform optimally and remain healthy as imbalanced feeding results in: Low milk production, poor growth and reproduction.FarmerON-CAMPUS KARNAL250 10/27/2018
18 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB- 1509, PB-1121 and PB 1718) technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB- 1509, PB-1121 and PB 1718) technology was organized to provide paddy seeds.FarmerKarnal2250 4/24/2019
19 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteIPM in paddy Training cum input supply ProgrammeTo decrease the cost of production by the use of IPM as per the recommendation of package and practices.FarmerKarnal780 4/24/2019
20 ICAR National Dairy Research Instituterowing Dhaincha for soil health & fodder availability, Training cum input supply ProgrammeTo sensitize the farmers towards less availability of leguminous fodder in summer season and low organic carbon in soil.FarmerKarnal250 4/25/2019
21 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteRound the year green fodder production, Training cum input supply ProgrammeTo continue cultivable perennial grasses along with seasonal fodder crop.FarmerKarnal1000 4/24/2019
22 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on mineral mixture supplementationo train farmers regarding the use of mineral mixture supplementation so that milk yield can be increased, reproductive health of milch animals can be improved, growth rate of calves can be enhanced and to avoid the occurance of metabolic diseasesFarmerKarnal3430 4/26/2019
23 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Technologies for reducing the impact of negative energy balance on dairy cows and buffaloes during transitionTo train farmers regarding Technologies for reducing the impact of negative energy balance on dairy cows and buffaloes during transition to improve milk production and reproductive healthFarmerKarnal260 11/7/2019
24 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Supplementing rumen protected amino acids for improved production in lactating animals.To train farmers regarding supplementation of milch animals with rumen protected amino acid to improve milk production and reproductive healthFarmerKarnal220 8/7/2019
25 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Control of ecto & endo parasitic infestation among dairy animalsTo provide solutions to these problems campaigns were organized in each selected village and Farm families from all the five villages were covered in these campaigns for spray and deworming. Simultaneously all these animals were given dewormer for Endo- Parasitic control at regular intervals.FarmerKarnal11350 7/10/2019
26 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Varietal trial of wheatTraining was organized for farmer regarding in the cultivation practices of this variety of wheat HD-3226 and DBW-187 (Karan Vandana) these varieties.FarmerKarnal700 10/25/2019
27 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Fruit Plants cropping systemTraining on cum lecture on methods of Fruit Plants Varieties Mango (Amerpali), Guava(A.S),Lemon (K.K) and Papaya Pusa Nanha) was organized to provide Fruit Plants.FarmerKarnal420 8/8/2019
28 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining on Vegetable based cropping systemTraining cum lecture on methods of Vegetable Seedlings of Cucumber (RIYA) and Bottle guard (MAHY-8) in summer season technology was organized to provide Seedlings.FarmerKarnal240 2/25/2019
29 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteCrop health camp Today FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organised crop health camp at Naglan roran FFP adopted village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-IIWBR and ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures and visit the farmer's wheat crop field. major activities: 1. Lectures on crop protection 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (anionic mineral mixture and dewormers) 3. Visit of wheat varieties DBW-222, HI-1620 and HD-3237 demonstration at farmers field FarmerNaglan Roran , Karnal Haryana 480 1/23/2021
30 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal health camp Today FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Chand Samand FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s field.FarmerChand Samand Village10050 8/28/2021
31 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Garhi Gujran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. FarmerGarhi Gujran392 9/15/2021
32 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampFFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organised Animal health camp at Samora FFP adopted village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given various lectures regarding Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animal etc.hilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment, other activities were also included in this health camp.FarmerSamora204 9/9/2021
33 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampFFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Kamalpur Roran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities were included in this camp like Lectures on Animal Health Issues, Endo and Ectoparasite control, Estrus Synchronization, Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers), Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment etc.FarmerKamalpur Roran460 9/2/2021
34 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampFFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Kamalpur Roran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Thilorissis vaccination of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment etc.FarmerKamalpur Roran90 8/2/2021
35 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampFFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Shergarh FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. Scientists from ICAR-IIWBR and ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures and visit the farmer's wheat crop field. major activities were Endo and Ectoparasite control, Distribution of input (anionic mineral mixture and dewormers etc FarmerShergarh352 6/1/2021
36 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampFFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organised Animal health camp at Chand Samand FFP adopted village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal have given various lectures regarding Animal related issues like health Management of Animal, breeding, feeding etc. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment, other activities were also included in this health camp. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers).FarmerChand Samand451 6/8/2021
37 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Dabkoli Khurd FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment.5. Estrus treatment( given medicines )FarmerDabkoli Khurd5214 7/3/2021
38 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Chand Samand FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment.5. Estrus treatment( given medicines )FarmerChand Samand7728 8/28/2021
39 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Helath CampFFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Chand Samand Village FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. Scientists from ICAR-IIWBR and ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures and visit the farmer's wheat crop field. major activities were Endo and Ectoparasite control, Distribution of input (anionic mineral mixture and dewormers etc)FarmerChand Samand430 1/8/2022
40 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Day at Chand Samand VillageToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Chand Samand FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health.FarmerChand Samand Village18020 10/24/2021
41 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteWorld Milk Day World Milk day: Problems and solutions of Gaushalas and Dairy BusinessFarmerNDRI Karnal29555 6/1/2021
42 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteWebinar on National Milk DayWebinar on National Milk Day: sustainable development in Dairy Sector:Clean Milk ProductionFarmerNDRI Karnal40050 11/26/2021
43 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Chand Samand FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s field.FarmerChand Samand202 7/14/2022
44 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health Campoday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Nagla Roran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s fieldFarmerNagla Roran325 7/15/2022
45 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Samora FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s field.FarmerSamora394 7/16/2022
46 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Garhi Gujran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s field.FarmerGarhi Gujran5512 7/18/2022
47 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Kamalpur RoranFFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s field.FarmerKamalpur Roran484 7/19/2022
48 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Dabkoli Khurd FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s field.FarmerDabkoli Khurd409 7/20/2022
49 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Churni Jagir FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s fieldFarmerChurni Jagir485 7/21/2022
50 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health & Fertility CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Nagla Roran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers)FarmerNagla Roran446 11/24/2022
51 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health & Fertility CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Dabkoli Khurd FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers)FarmerDabkoli Khurd2416 11/25/2022
52 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health & Fertility CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Garhi Gujran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers)FarmerGarhi Gujran469 11/30/2022
53 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health & Fertility CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Kamalpur Roran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers)FarmerKamalpur Roran3714 12/8/2022
54 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health & Fertility CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Chand Samand FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) FarmerChand Samand3311 12/9/2022
55 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health & Fertility CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Churni Jagir FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of AnimalsFarmerChurni Jagir303 12/13/2022
56 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB-1692) technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB- 1692) technology was organized to provide paddy seeds.FarmerIARI RS, Karnal800 4/19/2022
57 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB-1692) technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB- 1692) technology was organized to provide paddy seeds.FarmerIARI RS, Karnal750 4/25/2022
58 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB-1692) technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB- 1692) technology was organized to provide paddy seeds.FarmerIARI RS, Karnal450 5/2/2022
59 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Mustard (PM-32 & Pusa Tarak) was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Mustard (PM-32 & Pusa Tarak) technology was organized to provide Mustard seeds.FarmerIARI RS, Karnal480 11/1/2022
60 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on Green Fodder Intervention (Oats( Kent Variety) Mustard (Chinese cabbage) & Fodder Kits was organizedTraining cum lecture on Green Fodder Intervention (Oats( Kent Variety) Mustard (Chinese cabbage) & Fodder Kits was organized to introduce cultivable perennial grasses along with seasonal fodder crop.FarmerFFP Villages438 11/15/2022
61 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on Green Fodder Intervention (Oats( Kent Variety) Mustard (Chinese cabbage) & Fodder Kits was organizedTraining cum lecture on Green Fodder Intervention (Oats( Kent Variety) Mustard (Chinese cabbage) & Fodder Kits was organized to introduce cultivable perennial grasses along with seasonal fodder cropFarmerFFP Villages335 11/22/2022
62 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo evaluate the adoption and impact of advanced wheat production practices among farmers, introduced through ICAR-NDRI's research and extension programs. The visit aims to monitor the effectiveness of agronomic interventions, assess crop health and yield outcomes, and identify challenges faced by farmers in implementing these practices, to guide future improvements and enhance sustainable wheat production in the region.FarmerDabkoli Khurd, ChandSamand, Nagla Rodan and Samora280 1/12/2023
63 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Maize technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Maize (J-1006) technology was organized to provide maize seeds.FarmerICAR-NDRI, KARNAL303 2/14/2023
64 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo equip farmers in Karnal with essential skills in quality seed selection and natural farming practices. The training focuses on sustainable techniques like organic inputs and soil health management to enhance crop yield, reduce dependency on chemicals, and promote eco-friendly farming.FarmerChandsamand. Kamalpur Roran, Nagla Roran and Samora350 2/21/2023
65 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Kamalpur FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. FarmerKamalpur Roran5514 2/28/2023
66 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.FarmerSamora, Kamalpur Roran and Nagla Roran400 3/10/2023
67 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteInvitation of farmer for National Dairy MelaTo educate and empower farmers by showcasing the latest advancements in dairy farming, innovative technologies, and best practices. The mela aims to promote knowledge exchange, encourage the adoption of scientific dairy practices, and support sustainable dairy development.FarmerGarhi Gujran, ChandSamand, Nagla Rodan and Samora500 4/8/2023
68 ICAR National Dairy Research InstitutePaddy cultivation training and demonstrationTo provide farmers with practical knowledge and skills in advanced paddy cultivation techniques, including improved seed varieties, soil management, and pest control, through hands-on demonstrations and training sessions aimed at increasing crop yield and sustainability.FarmerICAR-IARI, RS, KARNAL1730 5/16/2023
69 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField data collectionTo systematically gather accurate and relevant data from the field to analyze agricultural practices, assess crop performance, and identify key factors affecting productivity and sustainability.FarmerChandsamand, Nagla Roran and Samora500 5/30/2023
70 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampTheileriosis vaccinationFarmerGarhi Gujran 200 6/2/2023
71 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampA Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal gave lectures on animal-related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: Lectures on Animal Health Issues Endo and Ectoparasite control & Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers)FarmerChandsamand and Nagla Roran 5920 6/20/2023
72 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit To assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating the adoption of recommended practices related to maize cultivation, identifying challenges faced by farmers, and gathering feedback to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability of maize farming initiatives.FarmerGarhi Gujran and Samora250 6/22/2023
73 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteKVK foundation day The KVK Foundation Day was celebrated to honor the achievements of KVKs in advancing agricultural development, promote knowledge sharing among stakeholders, recognize the contributions of staff and farmers, strengthen partnerships, and inspire future agricultural innovations and initiatives.FarmerKVK, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal220 7/11/2023
74 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.FarmerChandsamand350 7/28/2023
75 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit on 16,18 and 24 August 2023To assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.FarmerChandsamand. Kamalpur Roran, Nagla Roran and Samora920 8/16/2023
76 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampFFP team Organized Animal Health Camp at Chandsamand FFP adopted village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. FarmerChandsamand480 8/25/2023
77 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.Farmer Kamalpur Roran and Samora200 8/30/2023
78 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.FarmerChandsamand. Kamalpur Roran and Nagla Roran 370 9/4/2023
79 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit and Farmer Scientist Interaction The field monitoring visit and farmer-scientist interaction were to assess the effectiveness of implemented agricultural practices and technologies in the field. This involved evaluating the adoption of recommended practices by farmers, identifying any challenges they faced, and gathering feedback to refine and improve the program. The interaction between farmers and scientists aimed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, address practical issues, and strengthen collaboration, ultimately enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability.FarmerNagla Roran, Samora, Kamalpur Roran10035 9/5/2023
80 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit & Animal Health CampThe field monitoring visit and animal health camp in the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) was to assess the implementation and impact of livestock management practices and technologies. The field visit aimed to evaluate the adoption of recommended practices among farmers, identify challenges, and gather feedback for program improvement. Concurrently, the animal health camp focused on providing veterinary care, disseminating information on disease prevention, and promoting best practices in livestock management. Together, these activities sought to enhance livestock health, improve productivity, and support sustainable farming practices in the community. FarmerChandsamand8063 9/5/2023
81 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.FarmerChandsamand100 9/13/2023
82 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit and Demonstration of Wheat and Mustard on 20 & 23 October 2023To evaluate and promote the adoption of newly developed wheat and mustard varieties among farmers in the FFP adopted village, enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability. The initiative aims to demonstrate the performance, yield potential, and resilience of these varieties under local agro-climatic conditions, thereby encouraging farmers to adopt improved agricultural practices for better income and food security.FarmerChandsamand. Kamalpur Roran, Nagla Roran, Churni jagir, Dabkoli khurd, Garhi Gujran and Samora760 10/20/2023
83 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteFarmer Scientist InteractionThe interaction between farmers and scientists aimed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, address practical issues, and strengthen collaboration, ultimately enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability.FarmerCSSRI and KVK , Karnal500 10/25/2023
84 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal demonstration of Wheat technology was organizedThe initiative aims to demonstrate the performance, yield potential, and resilience of these varieties under local agro-climatic conditions, thereby encouraging farmers to adopt improved agricultural practices for better income and food security.FarmerATIC, NDRI Karnal500 10/31/2023
85 ICAR National Dairy Research InstitutePM Kisan Samman Nidhi ProgrammeThe objective is to utilize this financial support to strengthen farmers' capacity to invest in improved agricultural practices, inputs, and technologies demonstrated under the FFP. By aligning the direct income support from PM-Kisan with the hands-on learning and resources provided through FFP, the aim is to enhance the overall agricultural productivity, economic stability, and welfare of small and marginal farmers in the project villages.FarmerKVK, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal120 11/15/2023
86 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAwareness and training program on warehousing for farmerTo raise awareness and provide comprehensive training to farmers on warehousing and post-harvest management, conducted by KVK-NDRI. The goal is to educate farmers on the importance of proper storage techniques, warehouse receipt systems, and reducing post-harvest losses to enhance the quality, marketability, and profitability of their produce. The initiative aims to empower farmers with knowledge and skills to effectively utilize warehousing facilities, access credit against stored produce, and make informed decisions that contribute to better price realization and overall income stability.FarmerKVK, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal80 11/16/2023
87 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit & Animal Health CampThe field monitoring visit and animal health camp in the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) was to assess the implementation and impact of livestock management practices and technologies. The field visit aimed to evaluate the adoption of recommended practices among farmers, identify challenges, and gather feedback for program improvement. Concurrently, the animal health camp focused on providing veterinary care, disseminating information on disease prevention, and promoting best practices in livestock management. Together, these activities sought to enhance livestock health, improve productivity, and support sustainable farming practices in the community.FarmerChandsamand. Kamalpur Roran, Nagla Roran and Samora653 12/27/2023
88 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit & Animal Health Camp A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal gave lectures on animal-related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: Lectures on Animal Health Issues Endo and Ectoparasite control.FarmerDabkoli Khurd3916 1/4/2024
89 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health Camp ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp in the FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A team of scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal gave lectures on animal-related issues like breeding, feeding, and health management of animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Demonstration of input (mineral mixture )FarmerKamalpur Roran, Nagla Roran and Samora6720 1/24/2024
90 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health Camp ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp in the FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. FFP team of ICAR-NDRI Karnal gave lectures on animal-related issues like breeding, feeding, and health management of animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Demonstration of input (mineral mixture )FarmerGarhi Gujran 360 1/30/2024
91 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAgri Expo Mela farmer visit to the Centre of Excellence for Vegetable and Protected Cultivation (CEV) Gharunda, aimed at enhancing farmers' knowledge of advanced vegetable cultivation techniques, including polyhouse and other protected cultivation methods. The visit intends to demonstrate the benefits of controlled environment agriculture, such as improved yield, quality, and resource efficiency, by providing hands-on exposure to state-of-the-art technologies and practices. The goal is to motivate farmers to adopt these innovative approaches to boost their productivity, reduce dependency on external climatic conditions, and increase their overall profitability.FarmerCentre of Excellence Gharaunda150 2/5/2024
92 ICAR National Dairy Research InstitutePM Kisan Samman Nidhi ProgrammeTo integrate the benefits of the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi Programme within the FFP (Farmer FIRST Programme) project by ensuring that all eligible farmers in the adopted villages receive timely and direct financial assistance.FarmerKVK, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal150 2/28/2024
93 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visit To equip farmers in Karnal with essential skills in quality seed selection and natural farming practices. The training focuses on sustainable techniques like organic inputs and soil health management to enhance crop yield, reduce dependency on chemicals, and promote eco-friendly farming.FarmerDabkoli Khurd, ChandSamand, Nagla Rodan and Garhi Gujran280 3/5/2024
94 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo conduct a field monitoring visit focused on the newly introduced paddy demonstration, with the aim of assessing the implementation and effectiveness of the intervention. The visit seeks to evaluate the growth, yield potential, and overall performance of the new paddy variety under local conditions, ensuring adherence to recommended agronomic practices. Additionally, the objective is to gather feedback from farmers, identify challenges, and provide on-site guidance to optimize outcomes, thereby supporting the successful adoption of the new paddy variety and enhancing overall agricultural productivity in the region.FarmerChandsamand160 3/15/2024
95 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField visit at Dabkoli KhurdTo systematically collect and compile a comprehensive list of farmers for the purpose of effectively targeting and implementing agricultural interventions, programs, or support services. This objective aims to ensure that the right beneficiaries are identified and reached, enabling tailored assistance and resources to be provided, enhancing the impact of agricultural initiatives, and improving the overall productivity and welfare of the farming community.FarmerDabkoli Khurd250 3/20/2024
96 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of paddy technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB- 1847) technology was organized to provide paddy seeds.FarmerICAR-IARI, Regional station , Karnal340 3/21/2024
97 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.FarmerSamora, Garhi Gujran and Kamalpur Roran280 4/2/2024
98 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitTo assess the implementation and impact of the Farmer FIRST Program (FFP) in the village by evaluating farmer adoption of recommended practices, identifying challenges, and gathering feedback to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability initiatives.FarmerChandsamand and Nagla Roran 730 4/4/2024
99 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitA field monitoring visit for paddy demonstration is to assess crop performance, identify challenges, provide technical support, and ensure adherence to recommended practices. The visit involves evaluating crop health, collecting data on key parameters, and gathering feedback from farmers to improve the demonstration's effectiveness. It aims to address any issues in real-time and document successes and learnings that can be shared with other farmers to promote better paddy cultivation techniques.FarmerSamora, Churni jagir, Kamalpur Roran and Garhi Gujran1070 4/8/2024
100 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of paddy technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy technology was organized to provide paddy seeds.FarmerICAR-NDRI, KARNAL220 5/1/2024
101 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of paddy technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB-1885,1692) technology was organizedFarmerChandsamand, Kamalpur Roran, Samora and Nagla Roran490 5/7/2024
102 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of paddy technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy (PB-1885 &1692) technology was organizedFarmerNagla Roran110 5/16/2024
103 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health CampToday FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Dabkoli Khurd FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers) 4. Thilorisosis Vaccinations of Animals & Mastitis diagnosis and treatment. 5. Visit Paddy varieties PB-1509 and PB-1692 demonstration at farmer’s field.FarmerDabkoli Khurd400 5/22/2024
104 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitThe field visit regarding the paddy demonstration is to assess the effectiveness of the demonstrated paddy varieties and cultivation practices in the local farming context. This visit aims to observe the growth, yield performance, and adaptability of the new paddy varieties under real-field conditions. It also provides an opportunity to engage with farmers, gather their feedback, and address any challenges they face in implementing the recommended practices. Ultimately, the visit seeks to ensure that the demonstrated techniques align with the farmers' needs, enhancing productivity and sustainability in paddy cultivation. FarmerDabkoli Khurd, ChandSamand, Nagla Rodan and Samora790 5/28/2024
105 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of paddy technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Paddy technology was organized to provide paddy seeds.FarmerICAR-IARI, RS, KARNAL120 5/29/2024
106 ICAR National Dairy Research InstitutePM Kisan Samman Nidhi ProgrammePM Kisan Samman Nidhi Programme at the village Kisan Sangosthi is to inform and educate farmers about the scheme, ensuring they understand the benefits of receiving ₹6,000 per year in direct income support. The event aims to facilitate their enrollment, address queries, and encourage the use of funds to enhance agricultural productivity and financial stability.FarmerDabkoli Khurd, ChandSamand, Nagla Rodan and Samora430 6/18/2024
107 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteAnimal Health Camp on 10,12,16,19,23,25 and 26 July 2024FFP ICAR-NDRI Karnal Organized Animal Health Camp at Kamalpur Roran FFP adopted the village of ICAR-NDRI Karnal. A Team of Scientists from ICAR-NDRI Karnal given lectures on Animal related issues like breeding, feeding, and health Management of Animals. Major activities: 1. Lectures on Animal Health Issues 2. Endo and Ectoparasite control 3. Distribution of input (mineral mixture and dewormers)FarmerChandsamand, Dabkoli khurd, Nagla Roran, Kamalpur Roran, Garhi Gujran, Samora and Churni Jagir21620 7/10/2024
108 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteProgramme on "109 Biofortified and climate adapte varieties" developed by ICAR dedicated to nation by Honorable Prime MinisterThe "109 Biofortified and Climate-Adaptive Varieties" program by ICAR aims to enhance nutritional security, climate resilience, and agricultural productivity by developing nutrient-rich and climate-resistant crop varieties. These varieties help combat malnutrition, improve yields, and support sustainable farming with reduced inputs, ultimately boosting farmers' livelihoods and contributing to food security. The initiative was dedicated to the nation by the Honorable Prime Minister to promote a resilient and sustainable agricultural sector in India.FarmerKVK, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal90 8/11/2024
109 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField Monitoring visitThe field visit regarding the paddy demonstration is to assess the effectiveness of the demonstrated paddy varieties and cultivation practices in the local farming context. This visit aims to observe the growth, yield performance, and adaptability of the new paddy varieties under real-field conditions. It also provides an opportunity to engage with farmers, gather their feedback, and address any challenges they face in implementing the recommended practices. Ultimately, the visit seeks to ensure that the demonstrated techniques align with the farmers' needs, enhancing productivity and sustainability in paddy cultivation.FarmerSamora, Garhi gujran, Kamalpur Roran and Nagla roran300 8/20/2024
110 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteField visit by PMC Member of FFP The field visit by PMC (Programme Management Committee) members in the Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP) is to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the program at the grassroots level. This visit aims to assess the impact of the interventions, including the adoption of new technologies, distribution of agricultural inputs, and overall progress towards enhancing farmers' livelihoods. It also provides an opportunity for direct interaction with farmers to gather feedback, identify challenges, and ensure that the program's goals of increasing productivity, income, and resilience among farmers are being effectively met. Additionally, the visit helps in making informed decisions for future improvements and scaling up successful practices within the program.FarmerSamora, Kamalpur Roran and Nagla Roran440 8/21/2024
111 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Mustard (Radhika) variety was organizedA training-cum-lecture on varietal trials for the mustard variety "Radhika" was organized to equip participants with knowledge of its traits, trial methods, and best cultivation practices, fostering scientific evaluation and wider adoption.FarmerKVK, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal340 10/1/2024
112 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on methods of Varietal Trial of Wheat (DBW-371 DBW-372) technology was organized by IIWBRThe initiative aims to demonstrate the performance, yield potential, and resilience of these varieties under local agro-climatic conditions, thereby encouraging farmers to adopt improved agricultural practices for better income and food security.FarmerICAR-IIWBR, Karnal2510 10/24/2024
113 ICAR National Dairy Research InstituteTraining cum lecture on Intervention of Palak, Fenugreek and Pea technology was organizedTraining cum lecture on Vegetable Intervention of Palak , Fenugreek and Pea was organizedFarmerICAR-NDRI, KARNAL30 10/28/2024