S.No. | Category | Technology | Major interventions | No. of Farm families participated |
| Agriculture Science | Rice fallow pulses production technologies | • Improved varieties of Lathyrus (Mahateora), Chick pea (JAKI 9218), Black gram (Azad - 03), Mustard (Indira Sarson) and Lentil (KLS - 218) varieties introduced in the rice fallow land.
• Conservation agriculture through Happy Seeder and Aqua-ferti seed drill
• Improved crop production practices like line sowing, seed treatment and biotic stress management practices demonstrated
| 180 |
| Agriculture Science | Pest control through Pheromone trap | • Pheromone trap introduced and demonstrated
• Pheromone trap installed in the Rice, Vegetables and Pulses field
• Training conducted on proper handling and management of Pheromone trap and lure | 57 |
| Agriculture Science | Control of Rice Stem Borer by using Trichocards | • Trichocards introduced and demonstrated
• Trichocards installed in the Rice field
• Training conducted on proper handling and management of Trichocards | 49 |
| Agriculture Science | Yellow sticky trap for eco-friendly pest management | • Yellow sticky trap for eco-friendly pest management introduced and demonstrated
• Awareness created on the use and importance of Yellow sticky trap for eco-friendly and low cost pest management | 45 |
| Agriculture Science | Pest control through Yellow Sticky Trap | • Yellow sticky trap introduced and demonstrated • Yellow sticky trap installed in the Vegetables and Pulses field • Training conducted on proper handling and management of trap | 35 |
| Agriculture Science | System of Rice Intensification (SRI) technology in rice cultivation. | Line sowing, Mechanical weed control, Participatory mode, Eco-friendly pest management technology, low cost and User-friendly technologies | 2 |
| Agriculture Science | Sowing of Rice Fallow Lathyrus using happy seeder and aqua-ferti seed drill | Rice-pulse cropping system, Participatory mode, Eco-friendly, low cost and User-friendly technologies | 51 |
| Agriculture Science | Seed treatment of rice seed | Crop based intervention | 50 |
| Agriculture Science | Rice insect-pest and disease management | Identification and management of insect-pest and diseases of rice crop | 70 |
| Agriculture Science | Plantation of fruit trees | Plantation of fruit trees on the field bunds | 6 |
| Agriculture Science | Scientific rice production | Mechanical harvesting of short duration drought tolerant rice | 7 |
| Agriculture Science | Rice fallow pulses cropping | Sowing of lathyrus crop through Utera cropping | 1 |
| Agriculture Science | Rice fallow pulses production technologies | Sowing of rice fallow pulses using conservation technology and improved variety | 40 |
| Agriculture Science | Hybrid seed production | Demonstration of the hybrid rice seed production | 2 |
| Agriculture Science | Scientific Rice Cultivation | Demonstrated improved high yielding rice varieties such as IR – 64, Chandrahasini, IGKV R-1, IGKV R-2, Indira Aerobic, Swarna, HMT, and Mahamaya and drought-tolerant short duration variety Indira Barani in this total 54 hectare covered and 76 tribal farm families benefited, farmers adopted line transplanting and the scientific package of practices. | 76 |
| Agriculture Science | Rice fallow pulses | In Rabi, 42 hectares of rice fallow land were covered with rabi pulses and oilseeds like Lathyrus (Prateek and Mahateoda), Chickpea (Vaibhav and RVG- 201), and Mustard (CG Sarson and Pusa Mustard - 25). Seed treatment with fungicide and biofertilizers was demonstrated, happy seeder and aqua-ferti seed drill were used for the sowing of seeds as conservation technology, total 167 farmers benefited under this initiative. | 167 |
| Agriculture Science | Rice Cultivation | Demonstration of hybrid rice seed production and SRI technology | 6 |
| Agriculture Science | Rice Cultivation | Demonstration of scientific rice cultivation using improved and bio-fortified varieties | 140 |
| Agriculture Science | Rice Cultivation | Demonstrated seed treatment with fungicide | 56 |
| Agriculture Science | Maize Cultivation | Demonstration of scientific maize production technology | 6 |
| Agriculture Science | Rice Cultivation | Demonstration of mechanical weed management using Ambika Paddy Weeder | 32 |
| Agriculture Science | Rice Wheat Cultivation | Demonstration of trichocard for the eco-friendly pest management in rice, pulses and wheat crops. | 70 |
| Agriculture Science | Rice Cultivation | Training cum group discussion organized on the insect pest management of rice | 42 |
| Agriculture Science | Rice Cultivation | Training cum demonstration organized on the harvesting and post-harvest management of rice | 26 |
| Agriculture Science | Rice fallow pulses production technologies | Demonstrated scientific cultivation of rice fallow pulses and oilseed crops using improved variety | 46 |
| Agriculture Science | Rice fallow pulses production technologies | Line sowing of Chickpea and Lathyrus using Happy Seeder | 6 |
| Agriculture Science | Rice fallow pulses production technologies | Demonstration of Utera cultivation of Lathyrus and Mustard | 3 |
| Agriculture Science | Wheat Cultivation | Demonstration of scientific wheat cultivation | 5 |
| Agriculture Science | Rice fallow pulses production technologies | Harvesting and post-harvest management of rabi pulses | 18 |
| Agriculture Science | Wheat Cultivation | Demonstration of harvesting and post-harvest management technology of wheat | 8 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction and demonstration of Ragi millet cultivation. | . Improved variety - CG-Ragi-2
. Scientific package of practices for the cultivation of Ragi millet | 4 |
| Agriculture Science | Demonstration of the scientific sesame cultivation | . Scientific Package of Practices
. Input Support | 2 |
| Agriculture Science | Demonstration of the plant protection measures in the summer rice farming | Plant protection measures in the summer rice | 60 |
| Agriculture Science | Demonstration and Scientific sesame farming | Scientific sesame farming | 4 |
| Animal Science | Scientific Goat Farming | • Sirohi, Jamnapari and Barbari breeds introduced.
• Improved management practices demonstrated
• Vaccination programme conducted
• Breed improvement programme with desi goat breeds conducted
• Low-cost Azolla production introduced for sustainable feed availability
| 83 |
| Animal Science | Backyard Poultry Farming with Kadaknath breed | • Kadaknath breed introduced
• Scientific farming practices demonstrated
• Vaccination awareness programme conducted
• Low-cost feed management practices demonstrated
• Marketing linkages established | 100 |
| Animal Science | Establishment of Kadaknath Egg Hatchery Unit | • 04 Kadaknath Egg Hatchery unit established at tribal villages
• More than 200 Kadaknath egg hatched in Hatchery Unit at Village level | 125 |
| Animal Science | Kadaknath poultry farming and hatching of Kadaknath eggs | •Integration of livestock components maximizing income •Participatory resource sharing •Participatory experiment and technology development •Evolving location specific models of technology options •Sustainable production and farming model
| 22 |
| Animal Science | Goat farming with the improved breed (Sirohi, Jamanapari and Barbari) | •Integration of livestock components maximizing income •Participatory resource sharing •Participatory experiment and technology development •Evolving location-specific models of technology options
| 73 |
| Animal Science | Fodder crop production in backyard | Fodder crop production for the goat and livestock | 1 |
| Animal Science | Kadaknath egg hatching | Hatching of Kadaknath eggs | 2 |
| Animal Science | Hatching of Kadaknath and Quail eggs at Village Hatchery Units | Established three Village Hatchery Units (VHUs) and provided training about the Hatching of Kadaknath and Quail eggs at the Hatchery and their management. | 14 |
| Animal Science | Kadaknath Farming | Hatching of Kadaknath, Quail and duck eggs at village hatchery units | 8 |
| Animal Science | Kadaknath Farming | Hatching of Kadaknath, Quail and duck eggs at village hatchery units | 6 |
| Animal Science | Scientific goat farming | Provided a low-cost goat shed to women SHG and demonstrated scientific goat farming practices | 14 |
| Animal Science | Kadaknath Farming | Inaugurated Kadaknath faming cum hatchery unit and provided Kadaknath and Quail chicks to women SHGs | 34 |
| Animal Science | Kadaknath Farming | Demonstration of backyard poultry farming with Kadaknath and Sonali breeds | 2 |
| Enterprise Based | Oyster Mushroom Production Technology | • Model Oyster Mushroom Production Units (MOMPUs) established
• Hands on training programmes on Oyster Mushroom Production conducted
• Scientific production and management practices demonstrated at farmers' door step
• Marketing linkage established
| 40 |
| Enterprise Based | Paddy straw mushroom production technology | •Recycling of farm waste •Participatory resource sharing •Participatory experiment and technology development •Evolving location-specific models of technology options •Involvement of rural youth and farm women
| 6 |
| Enterprise Based | Agro processing | Processing of the turmeric in village Agro-processing Centre | 1 |
| Enterprise Based | Oyster mushroom production technology | Oyster Mushroom Production | 2 |
| Enterprise Based | Mushroom production | Demonstration of paddy straw mushroom production - 02 Unit | 6 |
| Enterprise Based | Mushroom production | Demonstration of Oyster mushroom production - 01 Unit | 4 |
| Enterprise Based | Processing and Value addition | Processing of paddy, turmeric and mustard at village Agro-processing Centre (APC) - 01 Unit | 38 |
| Entrepreneurship Module | Mushroom production | Oyster Mushroom production | 2 |
| Horticulture Science | Scientific Vegetable Production | Vegetable production established with promising IIHR hybrid varieties such as Tomato (Arka Rakshak) F1, Chilli (Arka Meghna) F1, Brinjal (Arka Anand) F1, Okra (Arka Anamika) TFL seeds and Arka Mega Seed Kit (Vegetable). | 110 |
| Horticulture Science | Nursery raising technology | • Pro - tray and rooting media like coco peat, perlite and compost introduced
• Scientific nursery raising technology with improved vegetable seeds demonstrated
• Mulching technique demonstrated
• Hands on training on scientific nursery raising technology conducted
| 110 |
| Horticulture Science | Low cost shade net house for healthy vegetable nursery raising. | • Low cost shade net house established and demonstrated
• Good quality vegetable seed introduced
• Pro tray and rooting media introduced | 16 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of disease resistant vegetable varieties | • Disease resistant vegetable varieties such as Tomato (Arka Rakshak) F1, Chilli (Arka Meghna) F1, Brinjal (Arka Anand) F1 and Okra (Arka Anamika) introduced
• Training and demonstration on scientific production technology conducted | 83 |
| Horticulture Science | Nursery raising technique through different types of nursery bed | • Demonstration conducted on nursery bed preparation such as Raised, Flat and Sunken bed
• Awareness created on season wise nursery bed preparation | 59 |
| Horticulture Science | Improving nutrition through home gardening | • Nutrition home garden established
• Introduced improved vegetables seed kit from IIHR
• Training conducted and awareness created | 120 |
| Horticulture Science | Scientific Pumpkin Production | Training conducted on the scientific pumpkin production during Kharif, the package of practices (PoP) explained, Training and demonstration provided on plant protection measures. | 23 |
| Horticulture Science | Trichoderma Viridi | Seed, root and soil treatments through Trichoderma were demonstrated for various vegetable crops and got positive response from vegetable growers | 6 |
| Horticulture Science | Scientific cauliflower production under the Poly house | •Hi-tech orientation •Effective utilization of available resource •Systematic involvement of farming inventory •Availability of quality planting materials | 1 |
| Horticulture Science | Scientific Chilli production under the Poly house | •Hi-tech orientation •Effective utilization of available resource •Systematic involvement of farming inventory •Availability of quality planting materials
| 1 |
| Horticulture Science | Scientific Yard Long Bean production under the Shad net house | •Hi-tech orientation •Effective utilization of available resource •Availability of quality planting materials
| 1 |
| Horticulture Science | Plantation of fruit trees | Plantation of fruit orchard with the variety of seasonal fruit crops | 6 |
| Horticulture Science | Scientific flower production | Scientific flower production under the polyhouse and open condition | 4 |
| Horticulture Science | Scientific vegetable production technologies | Distribution and demonstration of improved vegetable seeds/varieties | 100 |
| Horticulture Science | Small scale fruit production | Scientific papaya cultivation with improved variety and drip system | 1 |
| Horticulture Science | Small scale fruit production | Scientific papaya cultivation with improved variety and drip system | 1 |
| Horticulture Science | Flower cultivation | Scientific flower cultivation under the poly house and open condition | 3 |
| Horticulture Science | Nutritional kitchen garden production technologies | Demonstration of nutritional kitchen gardening through improved vegetable varieties | 42 |
| Horticulture Science | Hydroponics technology | Demonstration of Vegetable production under low-cost hydroponic unit | 2 |
| Horticulture Science | Vegetable Cultivation | Demonstrated scientific nursery raising technology | 49 |
| Horticulture Science | Vegetable Cultivation | Demonstration of home nutritional gardening using Arka mega seed kit | 120 |
| Horticulture Science | Vegetable Cultivation | Provided Tissue Culture banana plant to the farmers for backyard nutritional garden | 38 |
| Horticulture Science | Vegetable Cultivation | Promoted scientific turmeric cultivation using improved variety | 52 |
| Horticulture Science | Vegetable Cultivation | Provided improved fruit plant saplings to the farmer for the planting in field bunds and nutritional garden | 34 |
| Horticulture Science | Vegetable Cultivation | Demonstration of the scientific tomato production under the low-cost polyhouse and shed net house | 2 |
| Horticulture Science | Vegetable Cultivation | Demonstration of scientific pumpkin and Ash gourd production | 49 |
| Horticulture Science | Vegetable Cultivation | Demonstration of the scientific vegetable cultivation with improved varieties. | 68 |
| Horticulture Science | Vegetable Cultivation | Introduction and demonstration of scientific onion cultivation with improved variety | 14 |
| Horticulture Science | Vegetable Cultivation | Provided trichocard for the eco-friendly pest management in the vegetable crops | 67 |
| Horticulture Science | Vegetable Cultivation | Demonstration of Scientific bottle gourd cultivation in terrace garden | 6 |
| Horticulture Science | Vegetable Cultivation | Demonstration of scientific production of cucurbits crops | 22 |
| Horticulture Science | Vegetable Cultivation | Scientific cabbage cultivation under the shed net and open condition | 6 |
| ICT | Farmer Communication Centers (FCCs) | • FCCs established with Desktop Computer, Printer and Internet connectivity at tribal villages.
• Showcased the crop production related literature
• Established the Digital Library of recent agricultural technologies.
• Video conferencing conducted | 160 |
| ICT | Agricultural Film Shows (AFSs) | • Established the film display unit of recent agricultural technologies at tribal villages.
• Agricultural Film Shows organised during night times on recent agricultural technologies. | 350 |
| Mechanization and Marketing | Custom Hiring Center (CHCs) | • Custom Hiring Center (CHCs) established in the tribal villages
• Variety of drudgery reduction farm implements introduced and demonstrated | 60 |
| Mechanization and Marketing | Line sowing of Rice fallow pulses by using Happy Seeder | • Happy Seeder introduced and demonstrated
• Field demonstration conducted with various pulses crops such as Lathyrus, Chick pea, Lentil, Black gram and Mustard | 180 |
| Mechanization and Marketing | Sowing of Rabi pulses through Aqua-ferti seed drill | • Aqua-ferti seed drill introduced and demonstrated
• Field demonstration conducted with various pulses crops such as Lathyrus, Chick pea, Lentil, Black gram and Mustard in low moisture area | 40 |
| Mechanization and Marketing | Seed treatment | • Seed treating drum introduced
• Method demonstration on seed treatment conducted
• Awareness created on seed treatment | 151 |
| Mechanization and Marketing | Line sowing of rice using Paddy Drum Seeder | • paddy Drum Seeder introduced and demonstrated
• Package of practice on line sowing and scientific production technology explained | 60 |
| Mechanization and Marketing | Drudgery reduction through pedal operated paddy thresher | • Pedal operated paddy thresher introduced and demonstrated
• Training conducted for tribal women farmers | 40 |
| Mechanization and Marketing | Pedal operated water pumping system | • Pedal operated low lift pump established and demonstrated | 60 |
| Mechanization and Marketing | Biyasi in rice crop using improved Biyasi Plough | • Improved Biyasi Plough introduced and demonstrated in direct seeded rice field at tribal villages
• Awareness created among tribal farmers | 60 |
| Mechanization and Marketing | Mechanical weed control and drudgery reduction through paddy weeder | • Paddy weeder introduced and demonstrated in rice field at tribal villages
• Encouraged tribal farmer for line sowing of rice crop
• Drudgery reduction of women farmer through paddy weeder | 70 |
| Natural Resource Management | Low cost Azolla production | • Low cost Azolla production units established
• Scientific production and management practices demonstrated | 45 |
| Natural Resource Management | Low-cost Azolla production | •Water and soil conservation measures •Common resource generation for conservation •Community approach
| 35 |
| Natural Resource Management | Waste decomposer | Multiplication and application of waste decomposer culture | 2 |
| Natural Resource Management | Natural feed management | Azolla Production | 5 |
| Natural Resource Management | Waste Decomposer | Multiplication and application of waste decomposer to improve soil health | 12 |
| Natural Resource Management | azolla production for poultry feed | Demonstration of low-cost azolla production for poultry feed | 6 |