Project Details

Project Title : Increasing Productivity and Sustaining the Rice-based Production System through Farmer FIRST approach

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack

Objectives :
1.   To assess the problems, needs and opportunities of the farmers in rice-based production system through farmer-scientist interface.

2.   To identify the technologies/solutions available in the institute and outside, conduct participatory trials and transfer the refined technologies and approaches to the similar agro-ecosystems through e-enabled knowledge sharing.

3.   To find out refined technologies and develop approach and methodologies for technological and economic empowerment of farm women and strengthen gender relations in the production systems for sustainable agriculture.

4.   To ascertain the operational constraints as perceived by the farmers and farmwomen in adoption of technologies during experimentation as feedback for refinement.

5.   To study the impact of these technologies on changes in knowledge, skill and adoption level of farmers and overall productivity gains.

Interventions :

1 Agriculture ScienceStress tolerant rice varieties, varieties of commercial importance, integrated nutrient management, weed management, IPM, mechanization Rice-based IFS Models (2017-18)Rice (Total Area Covered- 20 ha) Demonstration of 20 newly released NRRI high yielding varieties with complete package of practices; Leaf Colour Chart; under mechanization demonstration of 13 implements.435
2 Agriculture ScienceCrop-based Module (Pulses) (2017-18)Pulses (Total Area Covered – 6.66 ha) Green gram (Var. IPM-2-3) Black gram (Var. PU-31)50
3 Agriculture ScienceQuality seeds(2018-19)CR DHAN 307 (MAUDAMANI),POOJA,CR DHAN 409 (PRADHAN),CR DHAN 303.About 4400kg of seed has been provided430
4 Agriculture Sciencecrop based module "Input distribution of crop based module(2018-19)"GREEN GRAM (IPM-02-03),BLACK GRAM (IPU-02-43) about 1000kg of seeds has been distributed200
5 Agriculture ScienceInput distribution (Crop based module)(2019-20)CR DHAN 701,RAJLAXMI,HASANT,CR DHAN 307 (MAUDAMANI),CR DHAN 409 (PRADHAN DHAN),POOJA420
6 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient Management in PaddyApplication of Green manuring by Dhaincha is an environment friendly system that enhances nutrition uptake status & income of farmers, and protect environment through decrease use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides (30 kg/ha) (F.Y. 2020-21)130
7 Agriculture ScienceStress tolerant rice varieties, varieties of commercial importance, integrated nutrient management, weed management, IPM, mechanization Rice-based IFS Models (2020-21)High yielding paddy seed varieties CR Dhan 307 (Maudamani), CR Dhan 409 (Pradhan Dhan), Swarna Sub-1 and Hybrid variety Rajlaxmi distributed to the specifically selected farmers for FLD.130
8 Agriculture ScienceNursery treatment apply with Trichoderma Viridi Distribution of Trichoderma Viridi culture to 15nos. of specifically selected farmers for demonstration. Seed treatment with Trichoderma Viridi (10gm/1kg paddy seeds) to control diseases and to enhance plant growth & yield.15
9 Agriculture ScienceDistribution of DhanichaDistribution under demonstration of Green manuring crop i.e., Dhanicha 50
10 Agriculture ScienceDistribution of Tricho card and Bracon card(2020-2021)Distribution of Tricho Card and Bracon Card of 250 nos. to 100 no. of Farmers these card acts as a bio control agents by destroying the Insects- pest of different crops100
11 Agriculture ScienceDistribution under demonstration of Trichoderma Viride for the F.Y.2021-22Distribution under demonstration of Trichoderma Viride (100 Kg) to 195 Farmers195
12 Agriculture ScienceDistribution of Paddy Varieties for the F.Y.2021-22Distribution of Paddy Varieties i.e., Pooja ( 750 Kg) Swarna Sub-1(300 Kg) CR Dhan 800 (300 Kg) CR Dhan 409 (750 Kg) to 195 Farmers195
13 Agriculture ScienceNRRI AELT Light Trap Distribution under demonstration of 20 Nos NRRI AELT Light Traps for insect pest management in different crops to the adopted famers. This AELT is an economic and eco-friendly insect trapping device which is easy-to-use and low maintenance, helps in handling insects in large number very efficiently there by reducing the operational cost.41
14 Animal ScienceParasitic treatment, mineral and protein supplement, appropriate strain for backyard poultry farming and improved spawns. (2017-18)Backyard Poultry Production- 21 chicks (Vanaraja breed) per family with drinker, feeder, chick feed & initial vaccines have been provided30
15 Animal ScienceParasitic treatment, mineral and protein supplement, appropriate strain for backyard poultry farming and improved spawns. (2017-18)Duck Production- 20 chicks (Khaki Campbell breed) per family with drinker, feeder, chick feed & initial vaccines have been provided30
16 Animal ScienceInput distribution of backyard poultry production and input distribution under demonstration of pond based fresh water aquaculture(2018-19)POULTRY (BANARAJ),DUCKERY (KHAKICAMBEL), about 1600 no.s has been provided. ROHU/CATLA/MRIGAL(10000 no.s)98
17 Animal ScienceInput distribution under demonstration of pond based fresh water aquaculture(2019-20)Rohu,catla,mrigal(55000 no.s)25
18 Animal ScienceDistribution of Backyard Poultry breed Distribution of Backyard Poultry breed i.e., Kadaknath, RIR, Vanaraja of a no. of 1200 to 22 selected farmers for ensuring nutritional security and to maintain the Livelihood of farm families.22
19 Animal ScienceInput Distribution under demonstration of pond based aquaculture(2020-2021)Distribution of Indigenous breed of Fish i.e., Rohu and Catla fries of 50000 nos. to 21 Farmers 21
20 Enterprise BasedInput distribution of paddy straw and oyster mushroom during 2018-19oyster mushroom(1000bottles),paddy straw(500 bottles)257
21 Enterprise BasedInput distribution of paddy straw mushroom(2019-20)paddy straw mushroom(1000 bottles)140
22 Enterprise BasedTo start up new commercial mushroom production unitMushroom Demonstration- Paddy-straw mushroom- 2000 bottles to 87 selected families with 198 kg polythene sheet.87
23 Enterprise BasedDistribution under demonstration of Honey Bee Box for the F.Y. 2021-22Distribution of Honey Bee Box under Enterprise based module to 20 Farmers and entities given like Bee box (20 Nos.) Bee colony (20 Nos.) Stand (20 Nos.) Bee veil (20 Nos.) Queen gate ( 20 Nos.)20
24 Enterprise BasedDistribution under demonstration of Paddy Straw Mushroom for the F.Y. 2021-22Mushroom Demonstration- Paddy-straw mushroom- 2000 bottles to 90 selected farm families with 71.5 kg polythene sheet.90
25 Entrepreneurship ModuleMushroom Demonstration (2017-18)Mushroom Demonstration- Paddy-straw and Oyster (Dhingri) mushroom to women farmers- 5 beds/family 100
26 Entrepreneurship ModuleVermi-composting (2017-18)Vermi-compost- In group approach (10 groups of 3 members each) 30
27 Horticulture ScienceVarieties, integrated pest and disease management, seed production in bitter gourd, nursery raising and appropriate fruit sapling for homesteads. (2017-18)Vegetables (Total Area Covered- 12.53 ha) 1. Okra (Var. Arka Anamika) 2. Brinjal (Var. VNR-B-5) 3. Tomato ( Var. BSS-1004) 4. Bitter gourd (Var. Nakhara) 5. Ridge gourd ( Var. Rama) 6. Pumpkin (Var. VNR-14/BSS-750)232
29 Horticulture ScienceInput distribution of vegetable seeds 2019-20PUMPKIN VNR-11(300 packets)100
30 Horticulture ScienceInput Distribution under demonstration of Horticulture Sapling (2019-20)Tissue Culture banana (var- Bantal, G-9), Mango (var- Amrapali, Dasheri), Papaya (var- Red lady)60
31 Horticulture ScienceInput Distribution under demonstration of Vegetables during Rabi season (2019-20)Tomato (Rohit), Okra (Radhika), Ridge gourd (Rama), Bitter gourd (Akash)55
32 Horticulture ScienceDistribution of Vegetable seeds for the F.Y.2020-21Distribution of Vegetable seeds for commercial vegetable production of varieties like Tomato(Rohit), Tomato( Noble 333), Okra (Radhika), Ridge gourd(1001), Pointed gourd( Swarna alaukik) to 44 farmers44
33 Horticulture ScienceInput Distribution under demonstration of Vegetables during Rabi season (2021-22)Tomato 10gms (Rohit),Ridge Gourd 10gms(NZ-1001), Okra 100gms (Radhika),French Bean 100gms (Yuvika), Pumpkin 25 gms (Barshati)135
34 Horticulture ScienceInput Distribution under demonstration of Vegetables during Kharif season (2021-22)Cucumber 25gms (Barsha Rani), Bitter Gourd 20gms ( US 1315), Pointed gourd Saplings ( Swarna Alaukik),Ivy gourd (A.N. Kunkhi)109
35 Horticulture ScienceInput Distribution under demonstration of Fruits (2021-22)Mango Grafted (Dasheri),Guava Goola(Pant Prabhat), Papaya 1gms (Red Lady), Watermelon (Dolly) 17
36 Mechanization and MarketingDemonstration and distribution of farm implements and machineries(2018-19)Power thresher- cum-Winnower, Pedal Paddy Thresher, Cono Weeder, Parboling Unit, 4 Row Drum Seeder, Rice Husk Combuster, Rice Seedling Tray, Sprayer Knapsack, Power Tiller Operated Seed Drill (Khedut), Vst-Shakti Power Tiller, 8 Row power operated Transplanter, Vst-Shakti Power Reaper, Finger Weeder, CLCC, Autoclave, Laminar Airflow, Battery Operated Sprayer, Electric weighing Machine, Refrigerator Godrej430
Events :

1 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Village Meeting - cum- Awareness ProgrammeAwareness about Farmers FIRST Project.FarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur,Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur2515 12/16/2016
2 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training -cum-seed Distribution ProgrammeHigh yielding quality seeds were provided as an intervention, and training was conducted about the same. FarmerLaxminarayanpur4350 1/6/2017
3 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit and Monitoring ProgrammeField visit, inspection and Monitoring FarmerSatyabhamapur and Ganeshswarpur200 1/25/2017
4 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit and Monitoring Programme Field visit, inspection and MonitoringFarmerBiswanathpur and Satyabhamapur220 2/9/2017
5 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Progress Review And Future Action Plan Meetings of all Project PersonnelTo discuss the future action plan of the project, considering the prevalent problems of the targeted villages.OthersICAR NRRI93 2/18/2017
6 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit and Monitoring ProgrammeField visit, inspection and MonitoringFarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur,Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur200 3/1/2017
7 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit and Monitoring ProgrammeField visit, inspection and MonitoringFarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur,Ganeswarpur200 3/25/2017
8 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit and Monitoring ProgrammeField visit, inspection and Monitoring FarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur,Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur200 3/29/2017
9 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on backyard poultry production for women farmersPoultry can act as an additional income for the target group and it can supplement the nutritional needs of the family.Farm WomenSatyabhamapur1630 5/8/2017
10 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on Duck farmingDuckery can act as an additional income for the target group and it can supplement the nutritional needs of the family.Farm WomenSatyabhamapur1783 6/22/2017
11 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on power tillerKnowledge gain on usage of machinery "Power Tiller"FarmerBiswanathpur 135 8/9/2017
12 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on power operated Rice TransplanterKnowledge gain on usage of machinery "power operated Rice Transplanter"FarmerSatyabhamapur182 8/26/2017
13 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training -cum-Demonstration Programme on Mushroom CultivationMushroom cultivation can act as an additional income for the target group and it can supplement the nutritional needs of the family.FarmerSatyabhamapur7530 11/21/2017
14 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Crop CuttingEstimation of the crop yield of the respective farmers.FarmerSatyabhamapur200 11/28/2017
15 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Crop CuttingEstimation of the crop yield of the given variety in field conditions.FarmerBiswanathpur 100 12/13/2017
16 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on ReaperKnowledge gain on usage of machinery "Reaper"FarmerSatyabhamapur202 12/20/2017
17 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on vermicompostImproving the yield of crops by use of vermicompost.FarmerSatyabhamapur and Laxminarayanpur205 1/15/2018
18 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute VermiCompost Pit VisitInspection and whereabouts of the vermicompost pitFarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur,Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur2312 12/25/2017
19 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Visit for vermicompost,green gram,mushroom,Backyard poultry and duckeryField visit, inspection and MonitoringFarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur,Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur3014 2/14/2018
20 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Farmers meeting for discussion about the Horticultural crops(Mango and Banana)To discuss about the condition of horticultural crops in the selected cluster.FarmerSatyabhamapur 423 3/3/2018
21 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training cum Demonstration on Drumstick and PapayaTo impart knowledge about proper package and practices of drumstick and papaya.FarmerSatyabhamapur 280 3/11/2018
22 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on Raising Mat Type Rice NurseryImparting the knowledge and method demonstration of raising mat type nursery bed for rice.FarmerBiswanathpur 180 7/27/2018
23 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on backyard poultry and Duck Farming for Rural Livelihood and Nutritional SecurityTo ensure Livelihood and nutritional security of the farmers by Interventions in poultry and duckeryFarmerSatyabhamapur 1961 7/27/2018
24 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on power transplanterKnowledge gain on usage of machinery "Power transplanter" FarmerBiswanathpur 450 8/20/2018
25 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on Paddy straw mushroom cultivation as an enterpriseTo Generate an additional income and meet the nutritional needs of the farmers by imparting training on mushrooms.FarmerSatyabhamapur 3887 9/22/2018
26 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Rashtriya Mahila Kishan DiwasTo acknowledge the roles & significant contributions of Indian farm women in national development on Rashtriya Mahila Kishan Diwas (15th October, 2018).Farm WomenICAR NRRI10105 10/15/2018
27 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute "Kishan Gosthi" cum Agricultural Exhibition during "60th Foundation Day of Orissa Krushak Samaj" and celibreting "World Food Day"Kishan Gosthi Cum Agricultural Exhibition during 60th Foundation Day of Orissa Krushak Samaj & World Food Day Celebration at Bhubaneswar on 25th Oct, 2018FarmerOrissa Krushak Samaj240 10/25/2018
28 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on Quality Rice seed production technology and post harvest management practicesImparting knowledge about quality seed production , package and practices of riceFarmerSatyabhamapur8715 11/2/2018
29 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on profitable farming of oyster mushroomEnsuring additional benefits to the farmers by imparting training on oyster mushroomFarmerSatyabhamapur3094 12/11/2018
30 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit and interaction meet by the nodal officer,FFP,ICAR-ATARI,KolkataField inspection and to know about the whereabouts of the problems that are faced by the farmers and further improvements.FarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur,Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur4012 12/13/2018
31 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on Freshwater aquaculture for enhancing farmers incomeDiversification of farm enterprise through aquaculture and ensuring profit to farmers.FarmerSatyabhamapur361 12/27/2018
32 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Institute advisory Committee meeting of the farmer FIRST programme(EAP 228)Discussion of whereabouts of FFP and neccesary improvements to be doneOthersICAR NRRI387 1/16/2019
33 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Meeting on impact assessment of farmer FIRST programme under ICAR-ATARI Kolkata and ICAR-ATARI-HyderabadTo know about the social impacts of the work done under FFP in the recent past.Othersconference hall ICAR NRRI Cuttack252 3/1/2019
34 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Farmers training programme on scientific crop management practices for commercial vegetable productionImparting knowledge about package and practises and discussion of problems with the farmers.FarmerSatyabhamapur 967 3/13/2019
35 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on Raising Mat Type NurseryImparting skill of raising a mat type nurseyFarmerLaxminarayanpur330 7/30/2019
36 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration on 8 row power TransplanterKnowledge gain on usage of machinery "8 row power transplanter" FarmerLaxminarayanpur201 8/13/2019
37 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration of Paddy seederKnowledge gain on usage of machinery "paddy seeder"FarmerGaneswarpur180 8/20/2019
38 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Skill training programme on paddy straw mushroom cultivation for ensuring family nutrition and incomenutritional security and income generation of farmersFarmerSatyabhamapur 7130 9/9/2019
39 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on Integrated disease and pest management in Kharif riceIntegrated disease pest managementFarmerSatyabhamapur9215 9/28/2019
40 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Skill Development programme on Protected Cultivation in HorticultureTraining and skill development of farmers about the protected cultivation in horticulture.FarmerSatyabhamapur 8015 11/27/2019
41 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit-Cum-Farmers Interaction Meet by Dr. Suddhasuchi DasField visit, inspection and MonitoringFarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur, Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur2912 1/10/2020
42 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit-Cum-Farmers Interaction Meet by Dr. Mitalli Ghosh Roy & Dr, A. T. Kumar, ICAR-IKMA, New DelhiField visit, inspection and Monitoring & Awareness about Farmers FIRST ProjectFarmerSatyabhamapur,Biswanathpur, Laxminarayanpur,Ganeswarpur181 2/19/2020
43 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Village Seminar of FET Scientist Probationers on the finding of FFP adopted village SatyabhamapurField inspection and brief account of the farmers field and conditions were gathered and further action plan was generated. FarmerSatyabhamapur5115 3/7/2020
44 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Focussed Group DiscussionFocussed group discussion (FGD) with above 30 farmers in four villages. Systematically observed and accurately recorded the field conditions for selection of farmers/farmwomen for high yield paddy seeds i.e CR Dhan 307 (Maudamani), CR Dhan 409 (Pradhan Dhan), Swarna sub-1 and Hybrid seeds of Rajlaxmi seed for FLD (Front Line Demonstration)FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur300 5/30/2020
45 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Scientist - Farmer Interaction Meeti) Consciously observed, recorded and analyzed field conditions by Dr. B. S. Satpathy, Scientist & Co-PI. FFP (EAP-228); application of green manuring by Dhaincha was suggested by him to the farmers. ii) Approximately 10nos of soil samples collected for Soil testing from farmers fields.FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur200 6/3/2020
46 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration of Paddy Seedi) Distribution of High yielding paddy seed varieties i.e. CR Dhan 307 (Maudamani), CR Dhan 409 (Pradhan Dhan), Swarna Sub-1 & Hybrid Seed i.e. Rajlaxmi to the specifically selected farmers under FFP (EAP-228) at four adopted villages of Salipur, Cuttack for Demonstration. ii) About 10nos. of soil samples collected for soil testing from farmers' fields.FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur182 6/11/2020
47 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Village Meeting & Field VisitVisited four adopted villages of Salipur, Cuttack to select farmers/farm women who are interested in making poultry farming as enterprises.FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur105 6/16/2020
48 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up visit & Field Activity Documentationi) Distribution of Trichoderma Viridi culture to 15nos. of specifically selected farmers underFFP (EAP-228) at four adopted villages of Salipur, Cuttack for demonstration on Seed Treatment with Trichoderma Viridi. ii) Mushroom farming unit of Mr. Ranjan ku. Behera, Biswanathpur was consciously monitoring & made a mushroom farming short film. iii) Papaya garden of Mr. Paramananda Patra of Biswanathpur was visited. After systematecally observed his papaya garden, Project team suggested the farmer for immediate weeding & cleaning of the garden for better growth of crop & fruits. FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur155 7/14/2020
49 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Farmers Interaction MeetInteraction with about 15 farmers of four adopted villages to start up new commercial mushroom production unit ; and the observed five newly built mushroom farming structure unitsFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur123 8/4/2020
50 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up Field visit i) After systematic monitoring all the rice fields and nursery conditions, some differences were observed between seedlings treated with Trichoderma Viridi & non-treated Trichoderma Viridi tseedlings are easily observed because of their better root growth & shoot growth. ii) CR Dhan 409 (Pradhan Dhan) transplanting of Mr. Siba Narayan Samal of Satyabhamapur & Mr. Gobinda Sethi of Laxminarayanpur were observed & some photographs collected. FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur200 8/10/2020
51 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training cum Demonstration of Paddy straw Mushroom CultivationTraining cum demonstration were imparted to the beneficiaries farmers and farm women for growing paddy straw mushroom cultivationFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur93 8/17/2020
52 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training cum demonstration on pond base fresh aquacultureTraining cum demonstration on intensive aquaculture undertaken predominantly in ponds to raise and breed aquatic animal i.e. fish FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur183 9/11/2020
53 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up & field visitFollow up & field visit for 3rd phase of Tricho cards & Bracon cards installed in the Rice FieldFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur280 9/16/2020
54 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training cum Demonstration of Backyard Poultry FarmingTraining programme has been imparted to the adopted farmers of the villages as backyard or homestead poultry farming is mostly common among the rural and landless families as it is a lucrative source of supplementary income.FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur177 10/6/2020
55 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up Field visitInstallation of Tricho cards and bracon cards in the Rice fieldsFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur250 10/7/2020
56 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up & field visitVaccination were given to the poultry chicksFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur250 9/11/2020
57 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Vaccination of poultry chicksin order to vaccine the poultry chicksFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur220 10/11/2020
58 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration under distribution of backyard poultryBack yard poultry breed i.e kadaknath were distributed among the adopted farmersFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur140 10/27/2020
59 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up visit Follow up and visit for poultry chicks conditionsFarm WomenSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur220 11/7/2020
60 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up visit Follow up visit for the poultry chicks breed i.e., BanarajaFarm WomenSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur030 10/13/2020
61 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up visit Follow up visit for the poultry birds FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur024 12/11/2020
62 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training cum Demonstration on Paddy straw Mushroom for ensuring nutrition and incomeScientist imparted training on paddy straw mushroom for ensuring nutritional benefits and incomeFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur3750 1/17/2021
63 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on " Improved Vegetable production Technology"Scientist imparted training on Improved vegetable production technologiesFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur406 1/7/2021
64 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training programme on production management of livestock & poultryTraining programme imparted on production management of livestock & poultryFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur3628 3/22/2021
65 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training cum Demonstration on bee keeping for entrepreneurship developmentTraining imparted on bee keeping foe entrepreneurship developmentFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur222 4/12/2021
66 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Distribution of paddy seedsDistribution of Paddy seeds to the adopted farmers of 4 villages i.e. Satyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, LaxminarayanpurFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur300 6/8/2021
67 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration of Trichoderma VirideDemonstration of Trichoderma VirideFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur400 6/11/2021
68 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Demonstration of Trichoderma Viride and Field VisitDemonstration of Trichoderma Viride and Field Visit to Farmers field for obseravtionFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur300 6/18/2021
69 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up Field visit Follow Up Visit to a Farmers FieldFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur150 7/5/2021
70 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training cum Demonstration on NRRI Light Trap for Rice Insect Pest ManagementTraining cum Demonstration on NRRI Light Trap for Rice Insect Pest ManagementFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur410 8/11/2021
71 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Skill Training on Integrated Crop Management Techniques In Kharif RiceSkill Training on Integrated Crop Management Techniques In Kharif RiceFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur2063 8/23/2021
72 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Skill Training on Integrated Pest Management in RiceSkill Training was imparted to adopted farmers of clusters villages on Integrated Pest Management in RiceFarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur5130 9/4/2021
73 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Campaign on Nutri-Garden and Tree Plantation on the Occasion of International Year of Millets 2023Campaign on Nutri-Garden and Tree Plantation on the Occasion of International Year of Millets 2023 FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur1555 9/17/2021
74 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Follow up visit & Field Activity DocumentationFollow up visit & Field Activity Documentation OF Plant crop and Light trap.FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur250 8/28/2021
75 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit and Farmers Interaction by Dr. V.V Sadamate Hon'ble Member,RAC IndiaDr. V.V Sadamate visited the fields of farmers and interacted with farmers, discussed about their problems and added some suggestions for better results.FarmerSatyabhamapur, Biswanathpur, Ganeswarpur, Laxminarayanpur6550 10/18/2021
76 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Crop Cutting Experiments & Rice Field Day Estimation of the crop yield of the respective farmersFarmerSatyabhamapur101 12/20/2021
77 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Celebration of Kisan Diwas (Farmers day) during Swachhta PakhwadaFarmers Day Celebration FarmerLaxminarayanpur2930 12/23/2021
78 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training Programme on Use of Improved Technologies in Horticultural crops for Enhancing farm Productivity & ProfitabilityAwareness and knowledge gain about the Improved high yielding VegetablesFarmerBiswanathpur6114 12/30/2021
79 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Crop Cutting Experiments & Rice Field Day ; Demonstrations of High Yielding Rice Varieties during KharifEstimation of area & Production of Rice under different crop cuttingFarmerSatyabhamapur140 1/4/2022
80 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Crop Cutting Experiments & Rice Field Day ; Demonstrations of High Yielding Rice Varieties during KharifEstimation of the crop yield of the given variety in field conditions.FarmerGaneswarpur93 1/5/2022
81 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute 4th World Pulses dayPulses to Empower Youth in Achieving Sustainable Agrifood SystemFarmerICAR-NRRI, Cuttack308 2/10/2022
82 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Field Visit, Monitoring On-site documentation & farmers' interaction meet by FFP team, ICAR-NAARM, HyderabadImprove farmers access to and use of agricultural knowledge, technologies, marketing systems & infrastructure.FarmerSatyabhamapur, Cuttack, Odisha6128 3/9/2022
83 ICAR Central Rice Research Institute Training Programme On Deficiency Syndromes in Animal & Birds : Prevention & MedicationPrevention & MedicationFarmerSatyabhamapur, Cuttack, Odisha6638 4/6/2022