S.No. | Organisation | Event | Objective | Target Group | Venue | Male Participated | Female Participated | Dated |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | ‘Animal Health Camp’ organized under Farmer’s FIRST project | To aware farmers regarding importance of deworming and vaccination in livestock and poultry to prevent them from various parasitic, bacterial and viral diseases.
To made aware of vaccination in pigs and poultry against various viral diseases viz. Swine Fever, Ranikhet disease, Fowl pox, Marek’s disease etc. among farmers.
To treat livestock and poultry with suitable veterinary medicines such as anthelmintics, vitamins and mineral supplements, antidiarrhoeal, antibiotics, acaricides, topical cream etc | Farmer | Nongagang village, RiBhoi, Meghalaya | 14 | 19 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Beekeepers exposed to scientific beekeeping techniques | Traditionally farmers are adopting local techniques of rearing bees, which are less economical and non-scientific. Considering the problems faced by the farmers in the region, day long training cum demonstration programme was aimed to deliver and demonstrate scientific techniques of beekeeping. | Farmer | Lalumpam village, Ri-Bhoi District, Meghalaya | 16 | 2 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Demonstration cum Input distribution on ‘Cultivation of Cole Crops’ | To disseminate technical know-how and Hand on experience among farmers on various aspects of nursery raising and package of practices of Cole Crops cultivation. | Farmer | Meghalaya, Ri-Bhoi, Umtham | 22 | 8 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Two - day poultry vaccination programme organized under Farmers’ FIRST Project | The objective of the programme was to vaccinate poultry birds distributed under the Farmers FIRST Project. | Farmer | Meghalaya, Ri-Bhoi District, Marngar | 5 | 5 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Review Meeting of Farmers FIRST Programme, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya | Reviewing the progress of activities done during 2018-19 | General Users | ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya | 12 | 5 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Field visit programme under Farmers FIRST Project on 18.10.2019 | Field visit programme under Farmers FIRST Project on 18.10.2019 in the presence of Dr. B.S. Hansra, member of PIM, Farmers FIRST Programme (FFP), ICAR, New Delhi along with Dr. A.K. Singha, Member Secretary ofZPMC of FFP under Zone-VII | Farmer | Meghalaya, Ri-Bhoi District, Marngar villages | 10 | 2 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Distribution of mushroom spawn | To promote mushroom production | Farmer | Marngar, Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya | 2 | 1 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Distribution of poultry birds | To promote backyard poultry farming | Farmer | Marngar, Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya | 1 | 1 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Promotion of scientific beekeeping | To promote scientific beekeeping | Farmer | Marngar, Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya | 4 | 0 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Promotion of backyard poultry farming | Promote backyard poultry farming to uplift livelihood of farmers | Farmer | Marngar, Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya | 4 | 2 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Distribution of mushroom spawn | To promote mushroom cultivation | Farmer | Marngar, Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya | 3 | 1 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Promotion of second crop cultivation in rice fallow | Promotion of second crop cultivation in rice fallow | Farmer | Sarikuchi village | 14 | 8 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Sandalwood Farming and Management of its Health | Indian sandalwood (Santalum album L.) which is acknowledged as "Royal Tree" in Indian subcontinent is associated with Indian culture and heritage. india was contributing 85% of world's trade of sandalwood but it has been reduced to a negligible level in recent years and it is in the IUCN's 'vulnerable list of tree species. consequently due to the changes in the policy of sandalwood in states and central governments the cultivaion of sandalwood is gaining momentum. | Farmer | Online Training | 3 | 1 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Mushroom Day | Mushroom as Immunity Booster | Farmer | ICAR RC NEH, Umiam | 6 | 13 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Dr. V.K. Mishra, Director, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya visited Purangang village, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya | To interacted with the farmers of the ten adopted villages viz. Borgang, Purangang, Lalumpam, Borkhatsari, Nalapara, Umtham, Nongagang, Sarikhusi, Mawtnum and Mawphrew under the Farmer’s First Programme (FFP). Dr. V.K. Mishra, Director, ICAR RC NEH, Umiam inaugurated a new Custom Hiring Centre at Purangang village for the benefit of farmers. He also visited Integrated Farming System (IFS) model established in the Nalapara village under FFP. Dr. A. K. Singha, Principal Scientist and Coordinator FFP, ICAR-ATARI (Zone-VII) also participated in the programme. Detail discussions and interaction with farmers on how to use rice fallow after Kharif season, increase production and productivity of crops, double crops in a year, doubling farmer’s income etc was also held. Inputs such as oyster mushroom spawn, fish fingerlings, Megha Maize variety etc were also distributed among the farmers. | Farmer | Purangang village, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi District, Meghalaya | 27 | 17 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Training cum fish seed distribution programme on ‘Scientific Fish Farming’ | Ms. N. Peetambari Devi, Scientist (Fisheries Resource Management) gave them a brief lecture on Scientific Fish Farming as well as made them understand the importance of composite fish farming where the fish with different food habitats are cultured together. The importance of integrated farming system was also explained to the farmers. They were also made aware of the economical benefits of fish farming considering the high demand of table sized fish in the local market. | Farmer | Sarikhusi village, Marngar Cluster, Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya | 13 | 2 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Women Leadership in Agriculture: Entreprenuership, Equity and Empowerment (3 E's) | . The theme is in line with that proposed by the United Nations: " Women Leadership in Agriculture, Achieving an Equal Future in Covid-19 World".The theme emphasizes on economic empowerment of women as one of the important factors to provide gender equity in the society. | Farm Women | ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya | 0 | 30 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Training on Mushroom spawn production for women empowerment | To promote mushroom entrepreneurs through enhancing their technical skills | Farm Women | ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya | 0 | 10 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Distribution of poultry | To promote backyard poultry farming | Farmer | Lalumpam & Mawtnum, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi District | 17 | 14 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Distribution of ducklings | To promote Integrated farming system | Farmer | Joigang, Marngar, Ri-Bhoi District | 5 | 0 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Farm tools distribution programme | The main objective of this visit was distributing some farm tools, identifying the beneficiaries for rabi maize cultivation and Jalkund construction. | Farmer | Mawtnum and Mawphrew, Ri-Bhoi District | 8 | 12 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Farmers interaction programme | The objective of the programme was to sensitize the farmers about rabi maize cultivation and jalkund. | Farmer | Lalumpam village, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi District | 6 | 12 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Demonstratio and distribution of paddy thresher | The main objective of the programme was to familiarize the farmers with handling and operation of paddy thresher | Farmer | Lalumpam village, Marngar cluster, Ri-Bhoi District | 12 | 3 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Mushroom spawn production for entrepreneurship development | To impart theoretical and practical knowledge on standard as well as low cost methods of mushroom spawn production | Farmer | ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam | 2 | 0 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Farmers' Day Celebration | To refresh farmers on the nature of Farmers' FIRST Project and to have a face to face interaction between farmers and scientists. | Farmer | Purangang village, Marngar Ri-Bhoi District | 13 | 16 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Input distribution programme for establishment of mushroom spawn production unit | to enable trainees to establish their own spawn production unit at village level to overcome the problem of spawn unavailability for mushroom growers | Farmer | Purangang village, Marngar Ri-Bhoi District | 2 | 0 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Training programme on repair and maintenance of farm machineries | to provide hands-on training to participants on repair and maintenance of different important parts of mini tractor, power tiller, power weeder, brush cutter, etc. | Farmer | Agricultural Research Workshop, ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam | 9 | 0 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Training Programme on “Sustainable Fish Farming” in collaboration with Department of Fisheries, DAFS, under Farmers’ FIRST Project | The prime objective of this capacity building programme was to enhance the knowledge on scientific fish farming and educate the participants for the betterment of their livelihoods.Mr. Chikkathimme Gowda H.R., Scientist (Agril. Economics), Division of Technology Assessment and Capacity Building (DTAC) and Co-PI of the project welcomed all participants and gave a brief introduction about the training. The Inaugural Session was graced by the Chief Guest Dr. S.K. Das, Head, Division of Animal & Fisheries Sciences. Dr. N. Uttam Singh, Senior Scientist (DTAC) & PI of FFP, Dr. Kamni P. Biam, Scientist (DTAC) & Co-PI, and Dr. Pampi Paul,
Scientist (DTAC) & Co-PI were present. | Farmer | ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya | 10 | 5 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Training Programme on “Avenues and strategies for entrepreneurship development through modern agricultural enterprises” under Farmers’ FIRST Project | The objective of the programme was to sensitize the participants about various agricultural enterprises which can be taken up as an entrepreneurial activity in improving their livelihoods.During the inaugural programme, Mr. Kamni P. Biam., Scientist (Agril. Extension), Division of Technology Assessment and Capacity Building (DTAC) and Coordinator cum Co-PI of the project welcomed all participants and gave a brief introduction about the training. Dr. N. Uttam Singh, Senior Scientist (DTAC) & PI of FFP, Dr. Chikkathimme Gowda H.R., Scientist (DTAC) & Co-PI, Dr. Pampi Paul, Scientist (DTAC) & Co-PI and Dr. Tasvina R. Borah, Scientist (DSC) & Co-PI were present during the programme. | Farmer | ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam | 13 | 2 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Input distribution programme | Mushroom cultivation is very popular amongst the farmers especially after paddy harvest. Most of the seasonal mushroom growers actively engage in oyster mushroom cultivation with the available fresh paddy straw. This pave the way for subsidiary earning for the farmers. However, with the onset of the season for oyster mushroom cultivation the gap for demand and supply of spawn increases. Some growers don’t get the mushroom spawn in time while others are unable to get quality spawn.The programme was led by Scientists and Co-PIs of the project Dr. Tasvina R. Borah, Dr. Pampi Paul and assisted by project staff Astha Barman and Lapynbiang Khongrymmai | Farmer | Marngar, Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya | 4 | 1 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Farmer Field School | To develop entrepreneurs among the farmers particulalry unemployed youths and farm women based on the locally available resources | Unemployed Youth | Meghalaya, Ri Bhoi District, Marngar cluster | 8 | 12 |
| ICAR Research Complex for
NEH Region | Farmers’ FIRST Programme (FFP) Takes Off in Mawsiatkhnam Village | Launching of Farmers First Programme and inauguration of custom hiring center | Farmer | Mawsiatkhnam Village, East Khasi Hill District, Meghalaya | 38 | 40 |