Project Details

Project Title : Participatory location specific research and technology application through optimizing resources for livelihood security of small holders of Madhya Pradesh

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : RVSKVV, Gwalior

Objectives :
1.   To take up technology development based on feedback with the participation of farmers for enhancing double production, productivity, profitability and socio economic status of the project area.

2.   To build a network of linkages with different entities like research institution, input support system, market, etc. for benefits of the farmers.

3.   To prepare a database on performance of developed technologies in the Gird region of Madhya Pradesh.

4.   To enhance farmer-scientist interface, enrich knowledge & facilitate continued feedback.

5.   To identify and integrate economically viable and socially compatible technological options as adoptable models for different agro-ecological situations.

6.   To develop module for farm women to address income enhancement & livelihood security.

7.   To find out the technical, socio-economic and environmental impact of the project and institutionalize Farmer FIRST process.

8.   To study performance of technologies and perception of the farmers about agriculture as a profession in the rural settings.

Interventions :

1 Agriculture ScienceReplacement of pearl millet with hybrid maizeCultivation of hybrid maize on Broad bed.4
2 Agriculture ScienceReplacement of pear millet with hybrid maize.Inter-cropping of black gram in maize crop throw broad bed planter.2
3 Agriculture ScienceReplacement of pearl millet with hybrid maize.Inter-cropping of green gram in maize crop through broad bed planter.2
4 Agriculture ScienceIncreasing cropping intensitySowing of cluster bean through broad bed planter.38
5 Agriculture ScienceIncreasing cropping intensityLine sowing of pearl millet125
6 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient ManagementIntegrated nutrient management of paddy20
7 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Insect and Disease ManagementIntegrated insects and diseases management of kharif crops35
8 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Weed Management Weed management of kharif crops55
9 Agriculture ScienceSoil health improvement through green manuringNutrient management of kharif crops70
10 Agriculture ScienceIntensive cropping system Short duration Varieties of green gram, soybean, blackgram and pearl millet in kharif season 275
11 Agriculture ScienceClimate resilient variety Short duration variety of pigeon pea 75
12 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of new crops in pearl millet – wheat mono cropping system.Replacement of pearl millet crop with maize, cluster bean, sesame.42
13 Agriculture ScienceWilt management technology in pigeon pea Seed treatment with thiram + carbendizim + Tricoderma viride + Rhizobium +PSB and crop establishment on BBF.14
14 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient Management in Paddy.Nutrient management through organic, inorganic and bio fertilizers.70
15 Agriculture ScienceRelay cropping of barseem in mustard crop.Broad casting of berseem seed before first irrigation in mustard.52
16 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated pest management in chickpea.Chemical and bio-pesticides.127
17 Agriculture ScienceControl of stem rot in Mustard.Summer deep ploughing, crop rotation, seed treatment and foliar spray of chemical fungicide.50
18 Agriculture ScienceManagement of foliar diseases of mustard Seed treatment with metalaxyl @ 6gkg seed, Foliar spray with ridomil @ 400g/acre and mencozeb @ 500g/acre40
19 Agriculture ScienceIntensive cropping system Short duration Varieties of green gram, soybean, blackgram and pearl millet in kharif season363
20 Agriculture ScienceClimate resilient variety Short duration variety of pigeon pea204
21 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of new crops in pearl millet – wheat mono cropping systemReplacement of pearl millet crop with maize, cluster bean, sesame.123
22 Agriculture ScienceRelay cropping of barsem in mustard cropBroad casting of berseem seed before first irrigation in mustard.10
23 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated pest management in chickpeaChemical and bio-pesticides.6
24 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated management of stem rot in mustard Summer deep ploughing, crop rotation, seed treatment and foliar spray of chemical fungicide.66
25 Agriculture ScienceManagement of foliar diseases of mustardSeed treatment with metalaxyl @ 6gkg seed, Foliar spray with ridomil @ 400g/acre and mencozeb @ 500g/acre102
26 Agriculture ScienceIntensive cropping system Short duration Varieties of green gram, soybean, blackgram and pearl millet in kharif season580
27 Agriculture ScienceClimate resilient variety Short duration variety of pigeon pea96
28 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of new crops in pearl millet – wheat mono cropping system. Replacement of pearl millet crop with maize, cluster bean, sesame.290
29 Agriculture ScienceControl of stem rot in Mustard. Summer deep ploughing, crop rotation, seed treatment and foliar spray of chemical fungicide.300
30 Agriculture ScienceHappy seeder sowing under RCT Direct seeding of wheat with happy seeder32
31 Agriculture ScienceControl of stem rot in Mustard. Summer deep ploughing, crop rotation, seed treatment and foliar spray of chemical fungicide.30
32 Agriculture ScienceClimate resilient varietyLong duration cultivar of Pigeon pea replaced by short duration cultivar.50
33 Agriculture ScienceIncreasing cropping intensity.Sowing of soy-bean crop.6
34 Agriculture ScienceIncreasing cropping intensitySowing of short duration varieties of black gram.35
35 Agriculture ScienceIncreasing cropping intensitySowing of short duration variety of Green Gram41
36 Agriculture ScienceWilt management technologyWilt management technology. Wilt management technology in pigeon pea26
37 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient Management Integrated nutrient management of soybean5
38 Agriculture ScienceLine sowing of pearl-milletLine sowing of pearl-millet150
39 Agriculture ScienceIntroduction of new crops in pearl millet – wheat mono cropping systemCultivation of cluster bean in pearl millet-wheat mono cropping system42
40 Agriculture Sciencentegrated Nutrient Management Integrated nutrient management of paddy22
41 Agriculture ScienceManagement of yellow mosaic virusManagement of yellow mosaic virus in soybean30
42 Agriculture ScienceWeed Management In kharif cropWeed Management of green gram29
43 Agriculture ScienceWeed Management In kharif crop Weed Management of cluster-bean24
44 Agriculture ScienceWeed Management In kharif crop Weed Management of maize16
45 Agriculture ScienceInsect pest management in maize cropInsect pest management in maize crop20
46 Agriculture ScienceMaintained and planted of old and new orchardMaintained and planted of old and new orchard23
47 Agriculture ScienceMaintained and planted of old and new orchardMaintained and planted of old and new orchard23
48 Agriculture ScienceIncreasing cropping intensityLong duration replaced by short duration cultivar.cultivar of Pigeon pea60
49 Agriculture ScienceIntensive cropping systemSowing of Soybean crop5
50 Agriculture ScienceIntensive cropping systemSowing of green gram.30
51 Agriculture ScienceWilt management of pigeon pea.Wilt management of pigeon pea.26
52 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient Management Integrated Nutrient Management in Soybean4
53 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient ManagementIntegrated Nutrient Management in Green Gram62
54 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient ManagementIntegrated Nutrient Management Paddy28
55 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient ManagementIntegrated Nutrient Management in Pearl millet25
56 Agriculture ScienceLine sowing of pearl milletLine sowing of pearl millet165
57 Agriculture ScienceCultivation of cluster-bean in pearl millet - wheat mono- cropping system.Cultivation of cluster-bean in pearl millet - wheat mono- cropping system.42
58 Agriculture ScienceClimate resilient variety Long duration cultivar of Pigeon pea replaced by short duration cultivar62
59 Agriculture ScienceIncreasing cropping intensity.Sowing of green gram 60
60 Agriculture ScienceIncreasing cropping intensity.Sowing of black gram20
61 Agriculture ScienceWilt management technologyWilt management technology in pigeon pea.40
62 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient ManagementIntegrated nutrient management of Green gram.62
63 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient ManagementIntegrated Nutrient Management in paddy.55
64 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient ManagementIntegrated Nutrient Management in pearl millet.35
65 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient ManagementIntegrated Nutrient Management in black gram.25
66 Agriculture ScienceLine sowing of pearl-milletLine sowing of pearl-millet in pearl millet150
67 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient ManagementIntegrated Nutrient Management in mustard100
68 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient ManagementIntegrated Nutrient Management in Wheat.75
69 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated Nutrient ManagementIntegrated Nutrient Management in chickpea50
70 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated pest managementIntegrated pest management in chickpea25
71 Agriculture ScienceWeed managementWeed management in wheat50
72 Agriculture ScienceRelay cropping of Berseem in MustardRelay cropping of Berseem in Mustard25
73 Agriculture ScienceRelay cropping of Wheat in PeaRelay cropping of Wheat in Pea20
74 Agriculture ScienceCrop Intensity Increasing (Pear Millet- Cauliflower - Wheat ) Crop Intensity Increasing (Pear Millet- Cauliflower - Wheat ) 35
75 Agriculture ScienceIntegrated nutrient management (Sun hemp – Potato -Green gram ) Integrated nutrient management (Sun hemp – Potato -Green gram ) 40
76 Agriculture ScienceAgro -Horti ModelAgro -Horti Model of Wheat crop 10
77 Agriculture ScienceBroad bed Increasing cropping intensityBroad bed sowing method of soybean (Var.- RVSM-1135).12
78 Agriculture ScienceBroad bed and furrow planting of kharif crops under RCTBroad bed and furrow planting method of pigeon pea (Var.- ICPL-88031).38
79 Agriculture ScienceBroad bed and furrow planting of kharif crops under RCT.Broad bed and furrow planting method of Green gram (Var.- Sikha).42
80 Animal ScienceRound the year fodder production enhancement in milk yieldRound the year (Hybrid Jowar - Barseem - Hybrid jowar )28
81 Animal ScienceRound the year fodder production enhancement in milk yieldRound the year (Napier Grass + Cowpea - Napier Grass + Barseem - Napier Grass + Cluster bean).22
82 Enterprise BasedBeekeeping for increasing pollination and income of rural womenBee-keeping for increasing pollination and production of honey15
83 Enterprise BasedOyster and button mushroom Beekeeping for increasing pollination and income of rural womenMushroom production as income generating activity20
84 Enterprise BasedBeekeeping for increasing pollination and income of rural womenBee-keeping for increasing pollination and production of honey10
85 Enterprise BasedOyster and button mushroom Beekeeping for increasing pollination and income of rural womenMushroom production as income generating activity20
86 Enterprise BasedBeekeeping for increasing pollination and income of rural womenBeekeeping for increasing pollination and income of rural womenBee-keeping for increasing pollination and production of honey30
87 Enterprise BasedIntegrated farming for marginal farm family (< 1.0 ha)Intensive farming + Bee keeping + Back yard poultry5
88 Enterprise BasedIntegrated farming for small farm family (1.0 to 2.0 ha) 02Intensive farming + Vegetable farming + Dairy farming + Back yard poultry5
89 Enterprise BasedIntegrated farming for semi medium farm family (2.0 to 4.0 ha)Intensive farming + Vegetable farming + Dairy farming + Back yard poultry5
90 Enterprise BasedIntegrated farming for medium farm family (4.0 to 6.0 ha)Intensive farming + Vegetable farming + Dairy farming + Poultry farming + Mushroom production5
91 Enterprise BasedIntegrated farming for large farm family (> 6.0 ha)Intensive farming + Dairy farming + Bee keeping + Mushroom production5
92 Enterprise BasedBeekeeping for increasing pollination and income of rural womenBeekeeping for increasing pollination and income of rural women.Bee-keeping for increasing pollination and production of honey.30
93 Horticulture ScienceInsect Management in vegetables Insect management in vegetables36
94 Horticulture ScienceInsect Management in Vegetables (Cucurbits)-Application of Bio-pesticide (Neem oil) - Timely application of suitable insecticide 40
95 Horticulture ScienceVarietal replacement in OnionRecommended of new variety Bhima super.34
96 Horticulture ScienceLate blight of PotatoFirst spray of mancozeb @ 2.5 g/liter of water and second spray of ridomil M-Z-72 @ 2 g/liter pf water.82
97 Horticulture ScienceVariety replacement in Kharif (Onion)Recommended of new variety Nasik red.14
98 Horticulture ScienceBroad bed planting of chilliLow yield of chilli due to heavy weed infestation and more water consumption due to flood irrigation50
99 Horticulture ScienceImproved variety and stacking of plant of tomato - Nursery raising in raised beds -Use of low tunnel ply house -Nursery raising in plastic trays (Pro Trays) -Stacking 25
100 Horticulture ScienceInsect Management in vegetables (Cucurbits)Application of Bio-pesticide and Timely application of suitable insecticide40
101 Horticulture ScienceMaintenance and development of New orchardsMaintenance and development of New orchards24
102 Horticulture ScienceVarietal replacement in Onion Recommended of new variety Bhima super10
103 Horticulture SciencePlantation of new orchard Guava (L-49) and Citrus (lalit) are planted5
104 Horticulture ScienceNursery Management of TomatoNursery Management of Tomato20
105 Horticulture ScienceInsect Management in vegetables-Application of organic -pesticide45
106 Horticulture ScienceIntegrated Management of leaf curl in chilly-Treatment of seed with Imidacloprid @3g/kg seed, spray of Imidacloprid 0.6ml/l and Thiametoxam @ 0.7g/l -Treatment of seed with Imidacloprid @3g/kg seed + Neem oil @ 5 ml/l (3 WAT)+need based spray of dimethoate @ 2ml/l and dicofol @2.5 ml/l -Treatment of seed with Imidacloprid @3g/kg seed, dip seedling in Thiamethoxam 0.3g /l, spray of Neem oil @ 5 ml/l (3 WAT)+ need based spray of Imidacloprid 0.3ml/l, Thiamethoxam @ 0.3g/l 25
107 Horticulture ScienceMulti-tier Cropping System in Vegetable ProductionMulti-tier Cropping System in Vegetable Production2
108 Horticulture ScienceIntegrated management okra enation leaf curlIntegrated management okra enation leaf curl10
109 Horticulture ScienceManagement of fruit borer in chilli. Timely application of suitable insecticide8
110 Horticulture SciencePlantation of new orchardGuava (L-49) and Citrus (lalit) are planted42
111 Horticulture ScienceVarietal replacement in onion crop.Recommended of new variety Pusa Ridhi and NHRDF Red-4 40
112 Horticulture ScienceHi- tech cultivation of Tomato.Hi- tech cultivation of Tomato.60
113 Horticulture ScienceHi -tech cultivation.Hi -tech cultivation of chilly.80
114 Horticulture ScienceHi- tech cultivation.Hi- tech cultivation of cucumber (Kheera)5
115 Horticulture ScienceImproved Cultivation of PeaImproved cultivation of Pea30
116 Horticulture ScienceHi- tech cultivation of Watermelon & Musk molenHi- tech cultivation of Watermelon & Musk molen2
117 ICTICT based moduleICT based module1000
118 ICTICT based module ICT based module1000
119 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for land less labourPig Farming + back yard poultry + Goat Farming + Labour work5
120 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for marginal farm family (< 1.0 ha)Dairy farming + back yard poultry + bee keeping + vegetable farming + Floriculture5
121 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for small farm family (1.0 to 2.0 ha)Dairy farming + bee keeping + vegetable farming + intensive farming5
122 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for semi medium farm family (2.0 to 4.0 ha)Dairy farming + Intensive farming + broiler chicken farming5
123 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for medium farm family (4.0 to 6.0 ha)Dairy farming + intensive farming + Agri-horiculture farming5
124 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for large farm family (> 6.0 ha)Dairy farming + Intensive farming5
125 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for land less labour Pig Farming + back yard poultry + Goat Farming + Labour work5
126 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for marginal farm family (< 1.0 ha)Dairy farming + back yard poultry + bee keeping + vegetable farming + Floriculture5
127 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for small farm family (1.0 to 2.0 ha) Dairy farming + bee keeping + vegetable farming + intensive farming5
128 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for semi medium farm family (2.0 to 4.0 ha) Dairy farming + Intensive farming + broiler chicken farming5
129 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for medium farm family (4.0 to 6.0 ha) Dairy farming + intensive farming + Agri-horiculture farming5
130 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for large farm family (> 6.0 ha) Dairy farming + Intensive farming5
131 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for land less Labour. Bee Keeping + Mushroom + Labour work5
132 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for land less Labour.Bee Keeping + Mushroom + Labour work8
133 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for marginal farm family (< 1.0 ha)Intensive farming + Bee keeping + Back yard poultry.8
134 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for small farm family (1.0 to 2.0 ha) .Intensive farming + Vegetable farming + Dairy farming + Back yard poultry6
135 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for semi medium farm family (2.0 to 4.0 ha)Intensive farming + Vegetable farming + Dairy farming + Back yard poultry5
136 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for medium farm family (4.0 to 6.0 ha)Intensive farming + Vegetable farming + Dairy farming + Poultry farming + Mushroom production.5
137 Integrated Farming SystemIntegrated farming for large farm family (> 6.0 ha)Intensive farming + Dairy farming + Bee keeping + Mushroom production5
138 Natural Resource ManagementPrecise land levelling Precise land levelling through laser land leveller 211
139 Natural Resource ManagementBroad bed and furrow planting of kharif crops under RCT Establishment of crops on broad bed and furrow irrigation 90
140 Natural Resource ManagementDirect seeding technology under resource conservation Direct seeding of rabi crops after paddy, cluster bean and pigeonpea 571
141 Natural Resource ManagementHappy seeder sowing under RCT Sowing of Rabi crop without burning of crop residues of paddy 76
142 Natural Resource ManagementBoarder strip irrigation 4m width of bund in acre plot and 90% cut off 55
143 Natural Resource ManagementBroad bed and furrow planting technologyBroad bed and furrow planting technology95
144 Natural Resource ManagementPrecise land levellingPrecise land levelling through laser land leveller138
145 Natural Resource ManagementBroad bed and furrow planting of kharif crops under RCTEstablishment of crops on broad bed and furrow irrigation63
146 Natural Resource ManagementDirect seeding technology under resource conservationDirect seeding of rabi crops after paddy, cluster bean and pigeonpea571
147 Natural Resource ManagementHappy seeder sowing under RCT Direct seeding of wheat with happy seeder 34
148 Natural Resource ManagementBoarder strip irrigation Boarder strip irrigation 35
149 Natural Resource ManagementBroad bed and furrow planting technologyBroad bed and furrow planting technology77
150 Natural Resource ManagementPrecise land levelling Precise land levelling through laser land leveller175
151 Natural Resource ManagementBroad bed and furrow planting of kharif crops under RCT Establishment of crops on broad bed and furrow irrigation140
152 Natural Resource ManagementDirect seeding technology under resource conservation Direct seeding of rabi crops after paddy, cluster bean and pigeonpea635
153 Natural Resource ManagementBoarder strip irrigation Boarder strip irrigation40
154 Natural Resource ManagementBroad bed and furrow planting technology Broad bed and furrow planting technology150
155 Natural Resource ManagementPrecise land levelling Precise land levelling through laser land leveller20
156 Natural Resource ManagementDirect seeding technology under resource conservation Direct seeding of rabi crops after paddy, cluster bean and pigeonpea75
157 Natural Resource ManagementHappy seeder sowing under RCT Sowing of Rabi crop without burning of crop residues of paddy12
158 Natural Resource ManagementBoarder strip irrigation Boarder strip irrigation35
159 Natural Resource ManagementBroad bed and furrow planting technology Broad bed and furrow planting technology45
160 Natural Resource ManagementBroad bed and furrow planting of kharif crops under RCT.Broad bed and furrow planting of Pigeon pea.42
161 Natural Resource ManagementBroad bed and furrow planting of kharif crops under RCTBroad bed and furrow planting of Green gram.37
162 Natural Resource ManagementBroad bed and furrow planting of kharif crops under RCT.Broad bed and furrow planting of Urd.39
163 Natural Resource ManagementBroad bed and furrow planting technologyBroad bed and furrow planting of chickpea.35
164 Natural Resource ManagementBroad bed and furrow planting technologyBroad bed and furrow planting of wheat.75
165 Natural Resource ManagementBroad bed and furrow planting technologyBroad bed and furrow planting of mustard50
Events :

1 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay"Mushroom Production Technology for woman self employ" at mrigapura village of Morena District.-Mushroom production as income generating activity for rural woman.-strategy to relieve pressure on land, increase farmers’ incomes and food security. This is because mushroom growing utilizes agricultural residues as substrate and requires little land as it is done intensively indoors. Oyster and button mushroom Production and the best value-added mushroom products (like Pickle, Papad and soup powder of mushroomFarm Womenmrigapura village of Morena District.3015 12/4/2018
2 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay"Resource Consearvation Technology" -Paddy and wheat straw creating problem after harvesting using harvester leading to burning. This can be managed using happy seeder and follow-up conservation agriculture technology. -3.Upper part: Treatment of Table land above the periphery of shallow ravine land, if present and if run-off from it causing problems. Water diversion bund: if run–off from upper land causing erosion forming shallow medium ravines below, alternatively construction of an anicut with plantation. Contour bunds on the area on both sides of the stabilized gully in shallow medium ravines area from ridge to water-way. Waste-weirs of appropriate type: grassed ramp, loose boulder structure or masonry/gabion structure where needed. Farmersatha village of morena district2000 12/24/2019
3 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay"Krishi se Do guna Aaye karane ki Unnat takanik"The Chief Guest highlighted the role of Farm First Project in the double income of farmers for Agriculture, development. -To enhance farmer-scientist interface, enrich knowledge and facilitate continued feed.-Awareness about New Agriculture Technology under Farmers FIRST Project.FarmerZonal Agriculture Research Station Morena district.7500 2/24/2019
4 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay“wheat field day”-To obtain good quality seed of wheat crop, Management of diseases, Insect and weed. - Use of balance doze of fertilizer.FarmerPalpura Village of Morena 700 2/23/2019
5 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay“Scientific technology of honeybee production”-Enhancement in yield of crops and income of rural women and youth -Value added products from honey.Unemployed YouthHadvansi Village of Morena 5010 2/25/2019
6 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay“Integrated Agriculture system”1. Farmers may get employment in adopting allied enterprises like vermin-composting, bee keeping, floriculture, kadaknath poultry farming, scientific dairy farming, mushroom cultivation, etc.FarmerBaroli Village of Morena District800 2/26/2019
7 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay“Mustard field day”To obtain good quality seed of wheat crop, Management of diseases, Insect and weed. - Use of balance doze of fertilizerFarmerBasai Village of Morena 800 2/27/2019
8 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay“Plant protection technology”To obtain good quality (free from insects, Diseases and nutrient deficiency) seed of crop, Management of diseases, Insect and weed. - Use of balance doze of fertilizer.FarmerLalvans Village of Morena District.800 2/28/2019
9 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay"Vichar Sangosthi"Role of New agriculture technology in the double income of farmers for Agriculture, development. -To enhance farmer-scientist interface, enrich knowledge and facilitate continued feed.-Awareness about New Agriculture Technology under Farmers FIRST ProjecFarmersatha village of morena district.5210 3/7/2020
10 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay"Kharif Phasalo me vegyanic takanik drara adhik utpadan kase le"Group meeting organized at santa village,in which 56 farmer were present and discussion about new technology of crop production, Knowledge of new crops varieties.FarmerSanta village Morena Dist. M.P 560 6/7/2017
11 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay"Sarso ki vegyanic kheti par prashiksharn"Farmer adopted seed treatment technology, Integrated Pest Management, Integrated Disease Management,and Water ManagementFarmermrigapura village of Morena District.760 9/28/2017
12 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay"wheat ki vegyanic kheti evam sansadhan sanraksharn par prashiksharn"Training organized on "wheat ki vegyanic kheti evam sansadhan sanraksharn par prashiksharn" at Palpura village of Morena District. On these occasion, 75 farmer are attend and detail information of Wheat production technology (Seed management,spacing management,Balance of N, P, and Manure Fertilizer Dosage, water & plant protection and Natural Resources Management) Provide to farmer by our team.FarmerBasai village of morena district790 11/13/2017
13 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalaySeed treatment of chickpea,Wheat and mustard with Bio-fertilizer and chemicalSeed treatments aim to eliminate/reduce inoculum levels and/or disease development from seedborne fungi that are present on or within seeds, without affecting the viability and germination/emergence capacity of seed.The pathogenic fungi are soil-borne in nature; hence, seed treatment with Biofertilizer is beneficial in controlling the disease.FarmerMadhya Pradesh , Morena Villages-Hadwasi 1500 10/3/2020
14 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayDirect seeding technology under resource conservation in Mustard and chickpeaResource conserving technologies would help to achieve such goals with fatmer ultimate objective of improving productivity of crops and conservation of ecosystems.FarmerMadhya Pradesh , Morena Villages-Hadwasi , Sata, Palpura,miragpura and Harchand basai2500 10/3/2020
15 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayLine sowing of chickpea and Mustard crops.The basic objective of line sowing operation is to put the seed and fertilizer in rows at desired depth and seed to seed spacing, cover the seeds with soil and provide proper compaction over the seed. The recommended seed to seed spacing and depth of seed placement vary from crop to crop.FarmerMadhya Pradesh , Morena Villages-Hadwasi , Sata, Palpura,miragpura and Harchand basai550 10/6/2020
16 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalay Sowing of mustard,chickpea and wheat through broad bed planterA raised land configuration 'Broad Bed Furrow' (BBF) system helps the soil to preserve the water level for a longer period. Holding moisture intact, the bed stimulates crop's growthFarmerMadhya Pradesh , Morena Villages-Hadwasi , Sata, Palpura,miragpura and Harchand basai520 10/1/2020
17 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayDiscussion on fodder crops with farmersEnhancement milk yieldFarmerMadhya Pradesh , Morena Villages-Hadwasi , Sata, and Harchand basa180 7/10/2020
18 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayDiscussion and Collection of soil sample The primary objective of soil sampling is to provide a representative sample of the fertility within the field. Based on the variability throughout the field, the number of acres per sample will varyFarmerMadhya Pradesh , Morena Villages-Hadwasi , Sata, Palpura,miragpura and Harchand basai1250 10/16/2020
19 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayHi-tech cultivation of Vegetables-To obtain good quality,diseases and insect free of chlii crop FarmerMadhya Pradesh , Morena Villages-Ratan basai 310 10/14/2021
20 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalaySarso Utpadan TakanikTo awareness and provide of Improved technology of Mustard. FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Morena, santa450 9/9/2022
21 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayUdhimita Vikash ShivirAwareness about establishment of enterprises to among farmers viz. Post harvest technology, Honey bee production and Mushroom production etc.Unemployed YouthMadhya Pradesh, Morena, Mirgpura1000 10/1/2022
22 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalaySarso Utpadan TakanikTo awareness and provide of Improved technology of Mustard.FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Morena, Puran singh ka pura350 10/12/2022
23 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayPoshan Vatika shivarTo awareness about Natural management System of Cauliflower, Tomato, Chilli and Cabbage planting in kitchen garden under Poshan Vatika shivar Programme.Farm WomenMadhya Pradesh, Morena, Mundravaja055 1/21/2023
24 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayChana and Wheat Utpadan Taquanik Awareness about Improved Technology of Chickpea and Wheat.FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Morena, Hadmansi600 10/20/2022
25 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayKisan GoshthiRole of New agriculture technology in the double income of farmers for Agriculture, development. -To enhance farmer-scientist interface, enrich knowledge and facilitate continued feed.-Awareness about New Agriculture Technology under Farmers FIRST Project.FarmerSanta500 3/1/2024
26 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayKrishak SangosthiRole of New agriculture technology in the double income of farmers for Agriculture, development. -To enhance farmer-scientist interface, enrich knowledge and facilitate continued feed.-Awareness about New Agriculture Technology under Farmers FIRST Project.FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Morena, Mata ka Pura438 3/6/2024
27 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayKrishak SangosthiRole of New agriculture technology in the double income of farmers for Agriculture, development. -To enhance farmer-scientist interface, enrich knowledge and facilitate continued feed.-Awareness about New Agriculture Technology under Farmers FIRST Project.FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Morena, Keeratpur440 3/13/2024
28 Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa VidyalayKrishak SangosthiRole of New agriculture technology in the double income of farmers for Agriculture, development. -To enhance farmer-scientist interface, enrich knowledge and facilitate continued feed.-Awareness about New Agriculture Technology under Farmers FIRST Project.FarmerMadhya Pradesh, Morena, Gobra2624 3/7/2024