S.No. | Category | Technology | Major interventions | No. of Farm families participated |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of new green gram variety GAM-5 | Seed of improved varietyGAM-5 will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 50 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of new wheat (Raj-4083) and mustard (NRCHB-101) variety | Seeds of improved variety i.e. NRCHB-101 of mustard, Raj-4083 of wheat will be demonstrated to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 80 |
| Agriculture Science | Weed Management in wheat | Metsulfuron methyl @ 4.0 g/ha as post emergence application, will be demonstrated at farmers’ fields | 50 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of new varieties of Wheat | Seed of improved varieties will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area.
Wheat: Raj 4037, Raj 4083 and Raj 4120
| 50 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of new varieties of Mustard | Seed of improved variety i.e. Pusa Mustard 26 will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 50 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of Pearl millet hybrid | Seed of improved varieties will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area.
| 150 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of new Pearl millet hybrid MPMH17 | Seed of improved variety‘MPMH 17’ will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 ha area. | 50 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of new green gram variety GAM-5 | Seed of improved varietyGAM-5 will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 50 |
| Agriculture Science | Integrated pest management in green gram | Recommended insecticides and pesticides of IPM schedule for green gram will be demonstrated to the farmers. | 35 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of new mustard (NRCHB-101/Girnar) variety | Seeds of improved variety i.e. NRCHB-101 of mustard, will be demonstrated to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 30 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of new wheat (Raj-4083) variety | Seeds of improved variety i.e. Raj-4083 of wheat will be demonstrated to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 50 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of new green gram variety MH 421 | Seed of improved variety MH 421 will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 50 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of Pearl millet hybrid MPMH 17 | Seed of improved variety MPMH 17 will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 100 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of new Moth bean variety RMO-435 | Seed of improved variety RMO-435 will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 25 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of Cluster bean variety RGC-1033 | Seed of improved variety RGC-1033 will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 25 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of new varieties of Wheat GW-11 | Seed of improved variety GW-11 will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 50 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of blight and wilt tolerant cumin variety GC-4 | Seed of improved variety GC-4 will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 25 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of new green gram varieties MH 421 and GM 7 | Seed of improved varieties, MH 421 and GM 7 will be introduced at farmers fields for raising yield and profitability | 50 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of Pearl millet hybrid MPMH 17 and MPMH 21 | Seed of improved varieties MPMH17 and 21 will be introduced at the farmers site for raising crop in 0.4 ha area. | 75 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of new moth bean variety RMO-2251 and RMO 435 | Seed of improved varieties RMO 2251and RMO 435 will be grown at the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 25 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of new sesame varieties RT 351 and RT 372 | Seed of improved varieties RT 351 and RT 372 will be introduced to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 25 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of Cluster bean variety RGC-1033 and RGC 1038 | Seed of improved variety RGC1033 and 1038 will be introduced to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 25 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of new varieties of Wheat GW 11 and Raj 4120 | Seed of improved variety GW 11 and Raj 4120 will be introduced to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 50 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of high yielding blight and wilt tolerant cumin variety GC 4 and GC 5 | Seed of varieties GC 4 and GC 5 will be introduced to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 50 |
| Agriculture Science | Introduction of high yielding mustard varieties PM 28 and PM 32 | Seed of improved varieties PM 32, PM 28 will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 50 |
| Animal Science | Introduction of napier grass as green fodder | Napier Grass will be raised through suckers at farmers field in 0.1 ha area. | 10 |
| Animal Science | Introduction to scientific rearing of dairy cattle, feeding management and vaccination | Balanced nutrition and timely vaccination | 100 |
| Animal Science | Introduction of backyard poultry for landless agricultural laborer and marginal farmers | A unit of 20chicks of Pratapdhan breed will be provided to the landless agricultural laborer and marginal farmers. | 25 |
| Animal Science | Raising of protein rich animal feed Azolla and Jivanti (Laptidinia reticulata) for increasing milk production. | Azolla will be produced at farmers field as it can be raised in bed filled with water whereas Jivanti will be provided to the farmers by purchasing it from the growers. | 40 |
| Animal Science | Scientific goat rearing, healthcare and management technology local breed of goat | Balance nutrition and timely vaccination | 25 |
| Animal Science | Introduction of Napier grass as green fodder | Napier Grass will be raised through suckers at farmers field in 0.1 ha area. | 10 |
| Animal Science | Scientific rearing of dairy cattle through improved feeding management | Balanced nutrition and timely vaccination | 100 |
| Animal Science | Introduction of backyard poultry for landless agricultural laborer and marginal farmers | A unit of 20chicks of Pratapdhan breed will be provided to the landless agricultural laborer and marginal farmers. | 25 |
| Animal Science | Breeding of local herd of sheep with improve Avishaan breed of CSWRI Avikanagar | Male of Avishaan breed will be introduced in herd of local sheep | 3 |
| Animal Science | Breeding of local herd of sheep with improve Avishaan breed of CSWRI Avikanagar | Male of Avishaan breed will be introduced in herd of local sheep for breed improvement | 3 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of new varieties of onion | Seed of improved varieties will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. The seedling nursery will be raised at farmer’s field site under the technical guidance of the experts and there after seedlings will be transplanted in the field for raising crop with full package of practice by the farmers. | 112 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of new chilli variety RCh-1 | Seed of improved variety of chilli RCh-1 will be provided to the farmers for raising crop in 0.1 hectare area. | 150 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of new garlic variety G-50 | Seeds of improved varieties will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. Seeds of garlic will be sown at farmer’s field site under the technical guidance of the experts with full package of practice by the farmers. | 25 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of new carrot variety Pusa Rudhira | Seed of improved varietyPusaRudhira will be distributed to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 25 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of new tomato variety Arka Raksha and Arka Samarat | Seeds of improved variety of tomato ArkaRaksha&ArkaSamrat will be demonstratedatfarmers field in 0.1 hectare area. | 130 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of new coriander variety ACr-1 | Seeds of improved variety ACr-1 of coriander will be demonstarted to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 ha area. | 50 |
| Horticulture Science | Effect of application of potash in increasing yield and quality of onion | Effect of Murate of potash will be demonstrated to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 ha area. | 125 |
| Horticulture Science | Effect of application of phosphorus in increasing yield and quality of carrot | Effect of SSP will be demonstrated to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 ha area. | 125 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of new carrot variety Pusa Rudhira | Seed of improved variety Pusa Rudhira was distributed to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 25 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of new varieties of carrot | Seed of improved varieties carrot like Pusa Rudhira and Pusa vrishthee will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. | 12 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of new varieties of Chilli and Tomato | Seed of improved varieties of tomato like Arka Raksha and chilli RCh-1 will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.1 hectare area. | 225 |
| Horticulture Science | Utilization of temporary insect proof net structure for raising viruses free healthy seedling of chilli crop | Insect proof net of 40 mash will be distributed to the farmers for erecting a low cost net home for raising crop seedlings in 50 m2 nursery area. | 75 |
| Horticulture Science | Value addition in vegetable crops | On/Off campus training programmes will be organized for farmers to encourage them to set up small scale domestic set up of pickle industries where raw materials will be procured at farm site from the nearby farmers. | 320 |
| Horticulture Science | Value addition in Mint, Nagauri Methi and rose flower petals by drying the product in covered shade net | The product will be dried under covered dome made of high tunnel with iron pipe framing and shade net. The floor area will be covered with black polythene sheet which can absorb heat. The final product to be dried will be spread over the black polythene sheet which will remain covered with shade net. The dome will be made in such a way that tractor movement will be possible in the dome. | 50 |
| Horticulture Science | Moringa (Drum stick)Var., Bhagya, Lasoda and Kumut (Acacia senegal) plantation at boarders of the farmer field | Moringa (Drum stick), Lasoda and Kumut (Acacia senegal) plantation at boarders of the farmer field will be encouraged as it will leads to extra income from the farm without affecting crop area. | 200 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of new garlic variety G-282 | Seeds of improved varieties will be given to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 hectare area. Seeds of garlic will be sown at farmer’s field site under the technical guidance of the experts with full package of practice by the farmers. | 50 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of new coriander variety ACr-1 | Seeds of improved variety ACr-1 of coriander will be demonstrated to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 ha area. | 24 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of kharif onion variety L-883 | Seed of improved variety L-883 will be demonstrated at farmer’s field in 0.1 hectare area. The seedling nursery will be raised at farmer’s field site under the technical guidance of the experts and there after seedlings will be transplanted in the field for raising crop with full package of practice by the farmers. | 15 |
| Horticulture Science | Establishment of organic nutritional garden | Nutri-garden kit will be demonstrated at farmer field to ensure nutritional security of farm family | 100 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of new marigold variety Pusa Narangi | Seeds of improved varieties will be demonstrated at farmers’ fields for raising crop in 0.1 hectare area. Seeds of flower of marigold will be sown at farmer’s field site under the technical guidance of the experts with full package of practice by the farmers. | 10 |
| Horticulture Science | Management of root knot nematode in cucumber under poly-house. | Fumigants (Formalin/Metham sodium @ 30 ml/m2 before sowing) and Bio-agent (Paecilomyces lilacinus @ 2 kg/ha with FYM enrichment at the time of sowing) application for nematodes management will be demonstrated at farmer’s field. | 4 |
| Horticulture Science | Management of termite in rose garden | fipronil 0.3 GR @ 20 kg/ha | 10 |
| Horticulture Science | Management of Cynodon dactylon in rose garden | Application of paraquat @ 0.1 per cent solution as directed spray in standing crop of rose | 10 |
| Horticulture Science | Management of sucking pest in chilli crop | Recommended insecticides and pesticides schedule will be demonstrated to the farmers. | 10 |
| Horticulture Science | Establishment of ber orchard of Aliganj variety | This variety is very sweet in taste and rarely available in market. CAZRI Jodhpur has pure germplasm of this variety and sapling are available in the ATIC of CAZRI Jodhpur. | 3 |
| Horticulture Science | Establishment of papaya orchard of Red leady 786 variety | This F- 1 hybrid is very sweet in taste and suitable for western Rajasthan | 3 |
| Horticulture Science | Establishment of papaya orchard of Red leady 786 variety | This F- 1 hybrid is very sweet in taste and suitable for western Rajasthan | 3 |
| Horticulture Science | Establishment of organic nutri-garden | Improved varieties of vegetables from important Institutes like IARI, New Delhi and others will be introduced in the nutri-garden of farmers which will ensure nutritional security of farm
family | 150 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of kharif onion variety L-883 | Seeds of improved variety L-883 will be demonstrated at farmer’s field in 0.1 hectare area. The seedling nursery will be raised at farmer’s field under the technical guidance of the experts and thereafter seedlings will be transplanted in the field for raising crop with full package of practice by the farmers. | 15 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of new marigold variety Pusa Narangi | Seeds of improved variety will be demonstrated at farmers’ fields for raising crop in 0.1 hectare area. Seeds of flower of marigold will be sown at farmer’s field site under the technical guidance of the experts with full package of practice by the farmers. | 15 |
| Horticulture Science | Management of Cynodon dactylon in rose garden | Application of paraquat @ 0.1 per cent solution as directed spray in standing crop of rose | 15 |
| Horticulture Science | Introduction of chilli variety RCh1 and management of sucking pest in chilli crop | Recommended pesticides schedule will be demonstrated to the farmers in chilli. | 30 |
| Horticulture Science | Establishment of ber orchard of Aliganj variety | This variety is very sweet in taste and rarely available in market. CAZRI Jodhpur has pure germ plasm of this variety and saplings are available in the ATIC of CAZRI Jodhpur. | 3 |
| Horticulture Science | Establishment of papaya orchard of Red lady 786 and Arka Surya varieties | Fruits of both these varieties are very sweet in taste and found adaptable in the agro-climate of the Jodhpur. Seedling will be procured from ARS, Mandor/KVK, Sirohi. | 10 |
| Integrated Farming System | IFSM | Component of IFSM will be introduced at selected 3 farms one in each village | 3 |
| Natural Resource Management | Introduction to samples of drudgery reduction tools to the farmers | Below mentioned innovative drudgery reduction tools will be provided to the farmers.
Revolving stool for Sitting while milking-25
Improved Badi maker-50
Improved hand hoe- 50
Serrated sickle-50
Improved garden rack-50 | 150 |
| Natural Resource Management | Introduction of Grafted khejri(Prosopis cineraria) plantation at border of farmers’ field for getting additional income | Grafted khejri, var. TharShobha will be planted at boarders of the farmer field. It will leads to extra income from the farm without affecting crop area. | 26 |
| Natural Resource Management | Effect of application of potash in increasing yield and quality of onion | Sulphate of potash/Murate of potash will be distributed to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 ha area. | 125 |
| Natural Resource Management | Effect of application of phosphorus in increasing yield and quality of carrot | SSP/DAP will be distributed to the farmers for raising crop in 0.4 ha area. | 300 |
| Natural Resource Management | Introduction of low pressure drip irrigation system | 1000 litre capacity plastic water tank will be installed at 1.5 metre head height near the vegetable growing area and inline drippers of 16 mm size having water output of 2 LPH will be installed/distributed to the farmers for raising vegetable crops in 0.1 ha area. | 15 |
| Natural Resource Management | Integrated disease and pest management in vegetable and fruit crop | Recommended insecticides and pesticides of IPM and IDM schedule will be distributed to the farmers. | 150 |
| Natural Resource Management | Use of hydrogel and aqua-sorb for moisture conservation in field crop during kharif season | Hydrogel and aqua-sorb as per recommendation will be distributed to the farmers for Kharif season crop. | 150 |
| Natural Resource Management | Introduction to samples of drudgery reduction tools to the farmers | Below mentioned innovative drudgery reduction tools will be provided to the farmers.
Revolving stool for Sitting while milking-25
Improved Badi maker-50
Improved hand hoe- 50
Serrated sickle-50
Improved garden rack-50
| 100 |
| Natural Resource Management | Demonstration of Dhaman (Senchrus ciliaris) grass | Sowing seeds of Dhaman (Senchrus ciliaris grass in the area of 0.1 ha. | 5 |
| Natural Resource Management | Moringa (Drum stick) var., PKM-1 plantation at boarders of the farmer field | Moringa (Drum stick) var., PKM-1 will be planted at boarders of the farmer field. It will leads to extra income from the farm without affecting crop area. | 15 |
| Natural Resource Management | Improvement of grazing land by introduction of Dhaman (Senchrus ciliaris) grass | Sowing seeds of Dhaman (Senchrus ciliaris) grass in the area. | 5 |
| Natural Resource Management | Moringa (Drum stick) var., PKM-1 plantation at boarders of the farmer field | Moringa (Drum stick) var. PKM-1 will be planted at boarders of the farmer fields. It will leads to extra income without affecting crop area. | 15 |