Project Details

Project Title : Integrated Approaches for Food, Nutrition and Livelihood Security of Rural Households in Fatehpur District of Uttar Pradesh

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur

Objectives :
1.   To undertake baseline survey and identification of problems in existing farming system.

2.   To implement suitable interventions based on farming situations.

3.   To assess the suitability of technologies for different categories of farmers

Interventions :

1 Agriculture Sciencepulse based cereal based and oilseed Paddy wheat mustard chickpea 76
2 Horticulture Scienceagri horti model mango, summer vegetable 62
Events :

1 ICAR - Indian Institute of Pulses ResearchMAHILA KISAN DIWAS ICAR-IIPR celebrated ‘Gosthi’ (Pulses for Nutrition) on the occasion of Mahila Kisan Diwas on 15.10.2020 at Khadra Village of Fatehpur District of Uttar Pradesh. Dr. Rajesh Kumar, PS& Head,Social Science Division, Dr. Vijay Laxmi, Senior Scientist, Basic Science Division and Dr. C.P. Nath, Scientist, Agronomy of ICAR-IIPR graced the occasion. Village Pradhan of Khadra Mrs. Sangeeta Gupta was the Chief Guest of programme. A total of 65 women farmers participated the ‘Mahila Kisan Diwas’. At the outset, Dr. Rajesh Kumar introduced briefed about the programme and highlighted the importance of women in agriculture and nation development. He also highlighted the role of pulses in nutrition and health for women and children. Dr. C.P. Nath emphasized the importance of pulses for cropping intensification and doubling farmer’s income. He eventually mentioned that bringing new area under pulses with summer mungbean and chickpea. These crops can eliminate malnutrition and hunger. Dr. Vijay Laxmi Self Help GroupKHADRA VILLAGE , FATEHPUR DISTRICTS , UTTAR PRADESH 065 10/15/2020