Project Details

Project Title : Ensuring Food Security, Sustainability and Soil health through Resource Conservation based Farmer FIRST approach in Central India

Organisation :
Lead Organisation : ICAR-IISS, Bhopal

Objectives :
1.   To develop linkage among Farmer & Scientists for participatory technology development, refinement and creation of awareness for knowledge enrichment and sustainable management.

2.   To ensure livelihood security through crop, horticulture and livestock improvement.

3.   To assess and improve crop productivity and soil health through resource conservation technologies, recycling and balanced crop nutrition under different land use systems.

4.   To create awareness on climate literacy and developing a Climate Smart Village.

5.   To assess overall impact of project implementation on sustainability and socio economic changes of stakeholders in the cluster.

Interventions :

1 Agriculture ScienceResource conservation agriculture based crop production technology for kharif crops.Participatory demonstration of RCTs. Observations on crop performance. Organize capacity-building programme. Organize exposure visits and field visits of RCTs. Organize Field days.92
2 Agriculture ScienceResource conservation agriculture based crop production technology.Participatory demonstration of RCTs. Observations on crop performance. Organize capacity-building programme. Organize exposure visits and field visits of RCTs. Organize Field days.92
3 Agriculture ScienceResource conservation agriculture based crop production technology for kharif crops.Participatory demonstration of RCTs. Observations on crop performance. Organize capacity-building programme. Organize exposure visits and field visits of RCTs. Organize Field days.85
4 Agriculture ScienceResource conservation agriculture based crop production technology.Participatory demonstration of RCTs. Observations on crop performance. Organize capacity-building programme. Organize exposure visits and field visits of RCTs. Organize Field days.80
5 Agriculture ScienceResource conservation agriculture based crop production technology.Organize training programme on conservation agriculture, field visits, exposure visits and farmers-scientist interfaces. Participatory demonstration of RCTs. Observation on different parameter.50
6 Agriculture ScienceResource conservation agriculture based crop production technology.Organize training programme on conservation agriculture, field visits, exposure visits and farmers-scientist interfaces. Participatory demonstration of RCTs. Observation on different parameter.70
7 Agriculture ScienceResource conservation agriculture based crop production technology for kharif crops.Participatory demonstration of RCTs. Observations on crop performance. Organize capacity-building programme. Organize exposure visits and field visits of RCTs. 60
8 Agriculture ScienceCrop based moduleHigh Yielding Variety seeds of soybean, rice, wheat and chick pea 30
9 Agriculture ScienceHorticulture based moduleMarket oriented production of vegetable crops10
10 Animal ScienceScientific livestock/poultry managementOrganize training programme on scientific livestock management. Organization of animal health camps. Supplementation of balanced mineral nutrient mixture. Backyard Poultry for small and landless farmers.150
11 Animal ScienceScientific livestock/poultry managementOrganize training programme on scientific livestock management. Organization of animal health camps. Supplementation of balanced mineral nutrient mixture. Backyard Poultry for small and landless farmers.100
12 Animal ScienceScientific livestock/poultry managementOrganize training programme on scientific livestock management. Organization of animal health camps. Supplementation of balanced mineral nutrient mixture. Backyard Poultry for small and landless farmers.150
13 Animal ScienceScientific livestock/poultry management.Organize training programme on scientific livestock management. Organization of animal health camps. Supplementation of balanced mineral nutrient mixture. Backyard Poultry for small and landless farmers.100
14 Animal ScienceScientific livestock/poultry management and Introduction of dual purpose backyard poultry for landless households in the cluster.Organize training programme on scientific livestock management. Supplementation of balanced mineral mixture of nutrition for different categories of animals.. Backyard Poultry for small and landless farmers.125
15 Animal ScienceScientific livestock/poultry management.Organize training programme on scientific livestock management. Supplementation of balanced mineral nutrient mixture. Backyard Poultry for small and landless farmers.126
16 Animal ScienceLivestock based moduleBackyard poultry rearing for small and marginal farmers20
17 Enterprise BasedBee keeping and vermicompostingTraining programme organize on vermicomposting and honey bee keeping. Introduce bee hives. Farmers Participatory demonstration of vermicomposting.70
18 Enterprise BasedvermicompostingTraining programme organize on vermicomposting. Farmers Participatory demonstration of vermicomposting.50
19 Enterprise BasedBee keeping and vermicompostingTraining programme organize on vermicomposting and honey bee keeping. Introduce bee hives. Farmers Participatory demonstration of vermicomposting.40
20 Enterprise BasedvermicompostingTraining programme organize on vermicomposting. Farmers Participatory demonstration of vermicomposting50
21 Enterprise BasedvermicompostingOrganize training on programme vermicomposting, visit of worm mother culture unit. Farmers Participatory demonstration of vermicomposting75
22 Enterprise BasedVermicompostingTraining programme organize on vermicomposting . Farmers Participatory demonstration of vermicomposting.25
23 Enterprise BasedComposting unitsEnriched/Vermicomposting Units10
24 Horticulture Science1. Introduction of new hybrid plant varieties 2.Package of practices for improving vegetables productivity.Establishment of Plantation. Scientific vegetables cultivation. Organize training programme. IPM to avoid occurrence of pest, disease. Observations on crop performance. Organize exposure visits and field visits.125
25 Horticulture Science1. Introduction of new hybrid plant varieties. 2.Package of practices for improving vegetables productivity.Establishment of Plantation. Scientific vegetables cultivation. Organize training programme. IPM to avoid occurrence of pest, disease. Observations on crop performance. Organize exposure visits and field visits.55
26 Horticulture Science1. Introduction of new hybrid plant varieties. 2.Package of practices for improving vegetables productivity.Establishment of Plantation. Scientific vegetables cultivation. Organize training programme. IPM to avoid occurrence of pest, disease. Observations on crop performance. Organize exposure visits and field visits.49
27 Horticulture ScienceI. Introduction of new hybrid plant varieties. ii. Package of practices for improving vegetables productivity.Establishment of Plantation. Scientific vegetables cultivation. Organize training programme. IPM to avoid occurrence of pest, disease. Observations on crop performance. Organize exposure visits and field visits.60
28 Horticulture Science1. Introduction of new hybrid plant varieties 2.Package of practices for improving vegetables productivity.Establishment of Plantation. Scientific vegetables cultivation. Organize training programme. IPM to avoid occurrence of pest, disease. Observations on crop performance. Organize exposure visits and field visits.99
29 Horticulture ScienceI. Introduction of new hybrid plant varieties. ii. Package of practices for improving vegetables productivity. Establishment of Plantation like mango, Guava. Scientific vegetables cultivation. Organize training programme. IPM to avoid occurrence of pest, disease. Observations on crop performance. Nutrient management by soil health card. Organize exposure visits and field visits.149
30 Horticulture Science1. Introduction of new hybrid plant varieties. 2.Package of practices for improving vegetables productivity.Establishment of Plantation, scientific vegetables cultivation, organize training programme, proper IPM to avoid occurrence of pest and disease, observations on crop performance.66
31 Integrated Farming SystemConservation agriculture based agri - horti integrated farming system.Standardization of IFS model. Diversification through Introduction of new hybrid/ plant varieties. Scientific vegetables cultivation Observations on crop performance. Vermicomposting for recycling of farm waste Organize farmers-scientist interaction meets and exposure visits.10
32 Integrated Farming SystemConservation agriculture based agri - horti integrated farming system.Standardization of IFS model. Diversification through Introduction of new hybrid/ plant varieties. Scientific vegetables cultivation Observations on crop performance. Vermicomposting for recycling of farm waste Organize farmers-scientist interaction meets and exposure visits.10
33 Integrated Farming SystemConservation agriculture based agri - horti integrated farming system.Standardization of IFS model. Diversification through Introduction of new hybrid/ plant varieties. Scientific vegetables cultivation Observations on crop performance. Vermicomposting for recycling of farm waste Organize farmers-scientist interaction meets and exposure visits.10
34 Integrated Farming SystemConservation agriculture based agri - horti integrated farming system.Standardization of IFS model. Diversification through Introduction of new hybrid/ plant varieties. Scientific vegetables cultivation Observations on crop performance. Vermicomposting for recycling of farm waste Organize farmers-scientist interaction meets and exposure visits.10
35 Integrated Farming SystemIntroduction of conservation agriculture based Agri- Horti integrated farming systems for diversificationStandardization of IFS model. Diversification through Introduction of new hybrid/ plant varieties. Scientific vegetables cultivation. Observations on crop performance. Vermicomposting for recycling of farm waste. Organize farmers-scientist interaction meets and exposure visits.10
36 Integrated Farming SystemConservation agriculture based agri - horti integrated farming system.Standardization of IFS model. Diversification through Introduction of new hybrid/ plant varieties. Scientific vegetables cultivation. Observations on crop performance. Vermicomposting for recycling of farm waste. Organize training programme, farmers-scientist interaction meets and exposure visits.10
37 Integrated Farming SystemConservation agriculture based agri - horti integrated farming system.Diversification through Introduction of new hybrid/ plant varieties. Scientific vegetables cultivation, observations on crop performance. Vermicomposting for recycling of farm waste Organize farmers-scientist interaction meets and exposure visits.10
38 Natural Resource Management(i) Soil health assessment (ii) Composting for safe disposal of crop residues. (iii) Resource conservation technologies (iv) Balanced nutrient application.Farmers participatory demonstration of Conservation agriculture. Balanced nutrient application. Demonstration of CA machinery to manage crop residue. Vermicomposting. Observations on crop performance. Organize field days.192
39 Natural Resource Management(i) Soil health assessment (ii) Composting for safe disposal of crop residues. (iii) Resource conservation technologies (iv) Balanced nutrient application.Farmers participatory demonstration of Conservation agriculture. Balanced nutrient application. Demonstration of CA machinery to manage crop residue. Vermicomposting. Observations on crop performance. Organize field days.100
40 Natural Resource Management(i) Soil health assessment techniques (ii) In situ- composting techniques for safe disposal of crop residues. (iii) Resource conservation technologies for safe disposal and utilization of crop residues. (iv) STCR techniques for determination of balanced nutrient requirement and application. (v) Crop demonstrations to promote location specific best bet crop management techniques for improving crop productivity, soil health and disposal of crop residues.Farmers participatory demonstration of Conservation agriculture. Balanced nutrient application. Demonstration of CA machinery to manage crop residue. Vermicomposting. Observations on crop performance. Organize field days.99
41 Natural Resource Management(i) Soil health assessment (ii) Composting for safe disposal of crop residues. (iii) Resource conservation technologies (iv) Balanced nutrient application.Farmers participatory demonstration of Conservation agriculture. Balanced nutrient application. Demonstration of CA machinery to manage crop residue. Vermicomposting. Observations on crop performance. Organize field days.84
42 Natural Resource Managementi) Soil health assessment (ii) Composting for safe disposal of crop residues. (iii) Resource conservation technologies (iv) Balanced nutrient application.Farmers participatory demonstration of Conservation agriculture. Balanced nutrient application. Demonstration of CA machinery to manage crop residue. Vermicomposting. Observations on crop performance. Organize field days.80
43 Natural Resource Management(i) Soil health assessment by testing of soil samples (ii) Composting for safe disposal of crop residues. (iii) Resource conservation technologies (iv) Balanced nutrient application.Farmers participatory demonstration of Resource Conservation agriculture. Balanced nutrient application. Demonstration of CA machinery to manage crop residue. Vermicomposting. Observations on crop performance. Training programme and field days.60
44 Natural Resource Management(i) Soil health assessment (ii) Composting for safe disposal of crop residues. (iii) Resource conservation technologies (iv) Balanced nutrient application.Farmers participatory demonstration on Conservation agriculture, balanced nutrient application, demonstration of CA machinery to manage crop residue, Vermicomposting, observations on crop performance, organize field visit.60
45 Natural Resource ManagementCompostingRecycling of farm waste through composting30
Events :

1 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceFarmer first workshop on the occasion of National Productivity weekTo create awareness about farmer FIRST programme and expose the farmers about different activities to be carried out by the institute under this programme in the selected cluster of village.FarmerIISS, Bhopal13020 2/14/2017
2 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAwareness programmme about Farmer First Project (Khamkheda village)To create awareness about the programmme an meeting was organized on 4th March,2017 at village Khamkheda. Farmers were taken to conservation agriculture demonstration plots to create awareness about conservation agriculture and to discuss on the implementation of the project in a participatory mode.FarmerKhamkheda755 3/4/2017
3 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAwareness Programmme about Farmer First Project (Bherupura village)To create awareness about the farmer first project among the farming community of the villageFarmerBherupura village605 3/15/2017
4 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAnimal Health CampTo create awareness among farmers about animal health and milk productionFarmerFFP villages250 4/13/2017
5 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAwareness Programmme on Conservation Agriculture (Bherupura village)To create awareness among farmers about conservation agricultureFarmerBherupura village, Bhopal550 11/7/2017
6 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAnimal Health CampTo resolve animal health related problems of the FFP villagesFarmerFFP villages1311 3/13/2018
7 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceRole of Rural Women for Doubling Farmers IncomeTo create awareness among farm women about the importance of their role in doubling farm incomeFarm WomenKhamkheda village, Bhopal070 3/8/2018
8 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceTraining on Organic Farming, Soil health, Conservation Agriculture and Santuleet Poudh Poshan PrabandhanTo train farmers about how to maintain soil health through innovative farming approaches for improved crop productionFarmerICAR-IISS Bhopal550 2/27/2018
9 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceTraining on Enhancing Farmer Income through Honeybee Keeping To train farmers about the enterprise opportunities in Bee KeepingFarmerFruit Research Station, Entkhedi, Berasia Road Bhopal 200 3/20/2018
10 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceWomen Farmer’s DayTo create awareness among farm womens about resource conservation technologies and recycling of farm waste.Farm WomenIISS Bhopal052 10/15/2018
11 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceOne day training on Conservation agriculture, Soil health and compostingOne day training on Conservation agriculture, Soil health and composting. Farmers were exposed to various conservation agriculture experiments, composting technologies.FarmerIISS Bhopal580 2/15/2019
12 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceFoundation day of NAARMTo felicitate of innovative farmersFarmerNAARM Hyderabad10 9/1/2019
13 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceWebinar on Farmers Needs and Preparedness for Kharif Season 2020 under Covid – 19 situationsTo assess Farmers Needs and Preparedness for Kharif Season 2020 under Covid – 19 situationsFarmerIISS Bhopal750 6/1/2020
14 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceWomen Farmer’s DayTo create awareness and training on farm waste management and soil health.Farm WomenIISS Bhopal025 10/15/2020
15 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAwareness cum training programme on soil health managementTo aware farmers about soil health management through resource conservation.FarmerVillage Khamkheda, Bhopal (M.P.)1000 12/4/2021
16 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAwareness cum training programme on soil health managementTo aware farmers about soil health management FarmerVillage Khamkheda, Bhopal (M.P.)1000 12/4/2021
17 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceOne day training programme on ‘Natural Farming”To aware farmers about natural farmingFarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal10020 12/16/2021
18 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil Scienceworkshop on pulses for soil health and nutritional securityTo aware farmers about benefit of pulses for human health and soil health and nutritional security. Importance of crop rotation.FarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal450 2/10/2022
19 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceResource Conservation Technologies for Sustainable AgricultureTo aware farmers about using soil health card in application of fertilizer in field crops. Application of recommended dose of fertilizer. Discouraging residue burning through recycling/ composting / conservation agriculture technologies.FarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal750 3/24/2022
20 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceAgriculture Mechanization for crop residue managementTo create awareness among farmers about conservation agriculture machinery for management of the residue at farm.FarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal500 4/4/2022
21 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceBio-fortification, Nutrient Grooming and Crop DiversificationTo motivate farmers for adoption of crop diversification and minimize the risk of crop failure. Importance of Nutrient Grooming and Bio-fortified crops variety.FarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal500 4/28/2022
22 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceDemonstration of microbial decomposer for crop residue managementTo manage crop residue at farmers field without burningFarmerVillage Khamkheda, Bhopal, MP100 5/9/2022
23 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceDemonstration of microbial decomposer for crop residue managementTo manage crop residue at farmers field without burningFarmerVillage Kalyanpur, Bhopal, MP100 5/10/2022
24 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceFarmers-Scientist interface on Resource Conservation Technologies cum Field VisitTo aware farmers about using soil health card in application of fertilizer in field crops. Discouraging residue burning through recycling/ composting / conservation agriculture technologies.FarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal and village Bhairopur and Kalyanpur350 6/22/2022
25 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceDemonstration of microbial decomposer Demonstration of Ekcel microbial decomposer for in situ residue management FarmerKanchvabli and Bhairopur , Bhopal (M.P.)100 4/18/2023
26 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceDemonstration of microbial decomposer in situ crop residue management at farmers field FarmerKalyanpur and Khamkheda101 5/16/2023
27 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceDemonstration of microbial decomposer in situ crop residue management at farmers fieldFarmerKanchvabli and Bhairopur , Bhopal (M.P.)152 5/17/2023
28 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceField VisitTo demonstrate conservation agriculture field among famers and their benefit FarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal264 7/7/2023
29 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil Scienceworm mother culture unit visitTo promote Organic farming among farmersFarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal300 7/10/2023
30 ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil ScienceField VisitAwareness about conservation agriculture among farmers.FarmerICAR-IISS, Bhopal300 7/12/2023